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Plant shoot stem cell pool is constantly maintained by a negative feedback loop through peptide-receptor mediated signaling pathway. CLAVATA3 (CLV3) encode a 96 aminoacid protein which is processed to 12-amino-acid or arabinosylated 13-amino-acid peptides, acting as a ligand signal to regulate stem cell homeostasis in the shoot apical meristem (SAM). Although arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3 peptide (CLV3p) shows more significant binding affinity to its receptors and biological activities in the SAM, the physiological function of two mature forms of CLV3p remained an unresolved puzzle in the past decade due to the technical difficulties of arabinosylation modification in the peptide synthesis. Here, we analyzed the role of two mature CLV3 peptides with newly synthesized arabinosylated peptide. Beside shoot meristem phenotypes, arabinosylated CLV3p showed the conventional trait of CLV2-dependent root growth inhibition. Moreover, both 12-amino-acid and arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3 peptides have analogous activities in shoot stem cell signaling. Notably, we demonstrated that non-arabinosylated 12-amino acid CLV3p can affect shoot stem cell signaling at the physiological level unlike previously suggested (Ohyama et al. 2009; Shinohara and Matsubayashi 2013; Shinohara and Matsubayashi 2015). Therefore, these results support the physiological role of the 12-amino-acid CLV3p in shoot stem cell signaling in the deficient condition of arabinosylated 13-amino-acid CLV3p in Arabidopsis thaliana.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis development proceeds from three stem cell populations located at the shoot, flower, and root meristems. The relationship between the highly related shoot and flower stem cells and the very divergent root stem cells has been unclear. We show that the related phosphatases POL and PLL1 are required for all three stem cell populations. pol pll1 mutant embryos lack key asymmetric divisions that give rise to the root stem cell organizer and the central vascular axis. Instead, these cells divide in a superficially symmetric fashion in pol pll1 embryos, leading to a loss of embryonic and postembryonic root stem cells and vascular specification. We present data that show that POL/PLL1 drive root stem cell specification by promoting expression of the WUS homolog WOX5. We propose that POL and PLL1 are required for the proper divisions of shoot, flower, and root stem cell organizers, WUS/WOX5 gene expression, and stem cell maintenance.  相似文献   

CLAVATA1 (CLV1) regulates stem cell accumulation at Arabidopsis shoot and flower meristems. CLV1 encodes a receptor-like kinase, but very little is known about downstream signaling components of receptor-kinase signaling in plants. poltergeist (pol) mutants suppress the accumulation of stem cells that occur in clv mutants, and POL has been hypothesized to modulate CLV1 signaling. The POL gene, which encodes a functional protein phosphatase type 2C, is a member of a six-gene family in Arabidopsis. We have isolated loss-of-function alleles for each of the five POL-like genes (PLL1-PLL5). All gene family members, with the exception of PLL3, are expressed broadly within the plant, albeit at differing levels. We show that PLL1 regulates meristem development in parallel with POL. We observe a strong dosage sensitivity at the meristem for POL and PLL1 function in both loss- and gain-of-function analyses, suggesting that these proteins are rate-limiting modulators of stem cell specification. PLL genes also function outside of the meristem: POL and PLL1 regulate pedicel length in interaction with ERECTA, while PLL4 and PLL5 regulate leaf development. We observed no developmental role for either PLL2 or PLL3 based on single and double mutant analysis.  相似文献   

Cell-to-cell communication is a fundamental mechanism for coordinating developmental and physiological events in multicellular organisms. Heterotrimeric G proteins are key molecules that transmit extracellular signals; similarly, CLAVATA signaling is a crucial regulator in plant development. Here, we show that Arabidopsis thaliana Gβ mutants exhibit an enlarged stem cell region, which is similar to that of clavata mutants. Our genetic and cell biological analyses suggest that the G protein beta-subunit1 AGB1 and RPK2, one of the major CLV3 peptide hormone receptors, work synergistically in stem cell homeostasis through their physical interactions. We propose that AGB1 and RPK2 compose a signaling module to facilitate meristem development.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis thaliana, the stem cell population of the shoot system is controlled by regulatory circuitry involving the WUSCHEL (WUS) and CLAVATA (CLV1-3) genes. WUS signals from the organizing center (OC) to promote stem cell fate at the meristem apex. Stem cells express the secreted peptide CLV3 that activates a signal transduction cascade to restrict WUS expression, thus providing a feedback mechanism. Stem cell homeostasis is proposed to be achieved by balancing these signals. We tested the dynamics of CLV3 signaling using an inducible gene expression system. We show here that increasing the CLV3 signal can very rapidly repress WUS expression during development, which in turn causes a fast reduction of CLV3 expression. We demonstrate that increased CLV3 signaling restricts meristem growth and promotes allocation of peripheral meristem cells into organ primordia. In addition, we extend the current model for stem cell control by showing that meristem homeostasis tolerates variation in CLV3 levels over a 10-fold range and that high-level CLV3 signaling can be partially compensated with time, indicating that the level of CLV3 expression communicates only limited information on stem cell number to the underlying OC cells.  相似文献   

Organ formation at shoot and flower meristems in plants requires the maintenance of a population of centrally located stem cells and the differentiation of peripherally located daughter cells. The CLAVATA (CLV) gene products in Arabidopsis, including the CLV1 receptor-kinase, regulate this process by promoting the differentiation of stem cells on the meristem flanks. Here, we have analyzed the developmental roles of the CLV1-related BAM1 (derived from barely any meristem 1), BAM2 and BAM3 receptor-like kinases. Loss-of-function alleles of these receptors lead to phenotypes consistent with the loss of stem cells at the shoot and flower meristem, suggesting that their developmental role is opposite to that of CLV1. These closely related receptors are further distinguished from CLV1, whose expression and function is highly specific, by having broad expression patterns and multiple developmental roles. These include a requirement for BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 in the development of high-ordered vascular strands within the leaf and a correlated control of leaf shape, size and symmetry. In addition, BAM1, BAM2 and BAM3 are required for male gametophyte development, as well as ovule specification and function. Significantly, the differing roles of CLV1 and BAM receptors in meristem and organ development are largely driven by differences in expression patterns.  相似文献   

S Jeong  A E Trotochaud    S E Clark 《The Plant cell》1999,11(10):1925-1934
The CLAVATA2 (CLV2) gene regulates both meristem and organ development in Arabidopsis. We isolated the CLV2 gene and found that it encodes a receptor-like protein (RLP), with a presumed extracellular domain composed of leucine-rich repeats similar to those found in plant and animal receptors, but with a very short predicted cytoplasmic tail. RLPs lacking cytoplasmic signaling domains have not been previously shown to regulate development in plants. Our prior work has demonstrated that the CLV1 receptor-like kinase (RLK) is present as a disulfide-linked multimer in vivo. We report that CLV2 is required for the normal accumulation of CLV1 protein and its assembly into protein complexes, indicating that CLV2 may form a heterodimer with CLV1 to transduce extracellular signals. Sequence analysis suggests that the charged residue in the predicted transmembrane domain of CLV2 may be a common feature of plant RLPs and RLKs. In addition, the chromosomal region in which CLV2 is located contains an extremely high rate of polymorphism, with 50 nucleotide and 15 amino acid differences between Landsberg erecta and Columbia ecotypes within the CLV2 coding sequence.  相似文献   

Separation of shoot and floral identity in Arabidopsis   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  

Stem cells in shoot and floral meristems of Arabidopsis thaliana secrete the signaling peptide CLAVATA3 (CLV3) that restricts stem cell proliferation and promotes differentiation. The CLV3 signaling pathway is proposed to comprise the receptor kinase CLV1 and the receptor-like protein CLV2. We show here that the novel receptor kinase CORYNE (CRN) and CLV2 act together, and in parallel with CLV1, to perceive the CLV3 signal. Mutations in CRN cause stem cell proliferation, similar to clv1, clv2, and clv3 mutants. CRN has additional functions during plant development, including floral organ development, that are shared with CLV2. The CRN protein lacks a distinct extracellular domain, and we propose that CRN and CLV2 interact via their transmembrane domains to establish a functional receptor.  相似文献   

Plant-parasitic cyst nematodes secrete CLAVATA3 (CLV3)/ESR (CLE)-like effector proteins. These proteins have been shown to act as ligand mimics of plant CLE peptides and are required for successful nematode infection; however, the receptors for nematode CLE-like peptides have not been identified. Here we demonstrate that CLV2 and CORYNE (CRN), members of the receptor kinase family, are required for nematode CLE signaling. Exogenous peptide assays and overexpression of nematode CLEs in Arabidopsis demonstrated that CLV2 and CRN are required for perception of nematode CLEs. In addition, promoter-reporter assays showed that both receptors are expressed in nematode-induced syncytia. Lastly, infection assays with receptor mutants revealed a decrease in both nematode infection and syncytium size. Taken together, our results indicate that perception of nematode CLEs by CLV2 and CRN is not only required for successful nematode infection but is also involved in the formation and/or maintenance of nematode-induced syncytia.  相似文献   

The identification of new signaling pathways critical for cardiac morphogenesis will contribute to our understanding of congenital heart disease (CHD), which remains a leading cause of mortality in newborn children worldwide. Signals mediated by semaphorin ligands and plexin receptors contribute to the intricate patterning of axons in the central nervous system. Here, we describe a related signaling pathway involving secreted class 3 semaphorins, neuropilins, and a plexin receptor, PlexinD1, expressed by endothelial cells. Interruption of this pathway in mice results in CHD and vascular patterning defects. The type of CHD caused by inactivation of PlexinD1 has previously been attributed to abnormalities of neural crest. Here, we show that this form of CHD can be caused by cell-autonomous endothelial defects. Thus, molecular programs that mediate axon guidance in the central nervous system also function in endothelial cells to orchestrate critical aspects of cardiac morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Cell-cell signaling is crucial for the coordination of cell division and differentiation during plant organogenesis. We have developed a novel mosaic analysis method for Arabidopsis, based on the maize Ac/Ds transposable element system, to assess the requirements of individual genes in intercellular signaling. Using this strategy, we have shown that the floral homeotic APETALA3 (AP3) gene has distinct roles in regulating intercellular signaling in different tissues. In petals, AP3 acts primarily in a cell-autonomous fashion to regulate cell type differentiation, but its function is also required in a non-cell-autonomous fashion to regulate organ shape. In contrast, AP3-regulated intercellular interactions are required for conferring both cell type identity and organ shape and size in the stamens. Using antibodies raised against AP3, we have shown that the AP3 protein does not traffic between cells. These observations imply that AP3 acts by differentially regulating the production of intercellular signals in a whorl-specific manner.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Receptor kinases are a large gene family in plants and have more than 600 members in Arabidopsis. Receptor kinases in plants regulate a broad range of developmental processes, including steroid hormone perception, organ elongation, self-incompatibility, and abscission. Intracellular signaling components for receptor kinases in plants are largely unknown. The CLAVATA 1 (CLV1) receptor kinase in Arabidopsis regulates stem cell identity and differentiation through its repression of WUSCHEL (WUS) expression. Mutations at the POLTERGEIST (POL) gene were previously described as phenotypic suppressors of mutations within the CLV1 gene. Genetic evidence placed POL as a downstream regulator of CLAVATA1 signaling.RESULTS: We provide evidence that POL functions in both the CLV1-WUS pathway and a novel WUS-independent CLV1 pathway regulating stem cell identity. We demonstrate that POL encodes a protein phosphatase 2C (PP2C) with a predicted nuclear localization sequence, indicating that it has a role in signal transduction downstream of the CLV1 receptor. The N terminus of POL has a possible regulatory function, and the C terminus has PP2C-like phosphatase catalytic activity. Although the POL catalytic domain is conserved in other PP2Cs, the POL protein represents a unique subclass of plant PP2Cs. POL is broadly expressed throughout the plant.CONCLUSIONS: POL represents a novel component of the CLV1 receptor kinase signaling pathway. The ubiquitous expression of POL and pol phenotypes outside the meristem suggest that POL may be a common regulator of many signaling pathways.  相似文献   

The ULTRAPETALA gene controls shoot and floral meristem size in Arabidopsis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The regulation of proper shoot and floral meristem size during plant development is mediated by a complex interaction of stem cell promoting and restricting factors. The phenotypic effects of mutations in the ULTRAPETALA gene, which is required to control shoot and floral meristem cell accumulation in Arabidopsis thaliana, are described. ultrapetala flowers contain more floral organs and whorls than wild-type plants, phenotypes that correlate with an increase in floral meristem size preceding organ initiation. ultrapetala plants also produce more floral meristems than wild-type plants, correlating with an increase in inflorescence meristem size without visible fasciation. Expression analysis indicates that ULTRAPETALA controls meristem cell accumulation partly by limiting the domain of CLAVATA1 expression. Genetic studies show that ULTRAPETALA acts independently of ERA1, but has overlapping functions with PERIANTHIA and the CLAVATA signal transduction pathway in controlling shoot and floral meristem size and meristem determinacy. Thus ULTRAPETALA defines a novel locus that restricts meristem cell accumulation in Arabidopsis shoot and floral meristems.  相似文献   

Up-regulation of urokinase receptors is common during tumor progression and thought to promote invasion and metastasis. Urokinase receptors bind urokinase and a set of beta1 integrins, but it remains unclear to what degree urokinase receptor/integrin binding is important to beta1 integrin signaling. Using site-directed mutagenesis, single amino acid mutants of the urokinase receptor were identified that fail to associate with either alpha3beta1 (D262A) or alpha5beta1 (H249A) but associate normally with urokinase. To study the effects of these mutations on beta1 integrin function, endogenous urokinase receptors were first stably silenced in tumor cell lines HT1080 and H1299, and then wild type or mutant receptors were expressed. Knockdown of urokinase receptors resulted in markedly reduced fibronectin and alpha5beta1-dependent ERK activation and metalloproteinase MMP-9 expression. Re-expression of wild type or D262A mutant receptors but not the alpha5beta1 binding-deficient H249A mutant reconstituted fibronectin responses. Because urokinase receptor.alpha5beta1 complexes bind in the fibronectin heparin-binding domain (Type III 12-14) whereas alpha5beta1 primarily binds in the RGD-containing domain (Type III 7-10), signaling pathways leading to ERK and MMP-9 responses were dissected. Binding to III 7-10 led to Src/focal adhesion kinase activation, whereas binding to III 7-14 caused Rac 1 activation. Tumor cells engaging fibronectin required both Type III 7-10- and 12-14-initiated signals to activate ERK and up-regulate MMP-9. Thus urokinase receptor binding to alpha5beta1 is required for maximal responses to fibronectin and tumor cell invasion, and this operates through an enhanced Src/Rac/ERK signaling pathway.  相似文献   

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