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Intraflagellar transport (IFT) relies on the IFT complex and is required for ciliogenesis. The IFT‐B complex consists of 9–10 stably associated core subunits and six “peripheral” subunits that were shown to dissociate from the core structure at moderate salt concentration. We purified the six “peripheral” IFT‐B subunits of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii as recombinant proteins and show that they form a stable complex independently of the IFT‐B core. We suggest a nomenclature of IFT‐B1 (core) and IFT‐B2 (peripheral) for the two IFT‐B subcomplexes. We demonstrate that IFT88, together with the N‐terminal domain of IFT52, is necessary to bridge the interaction between IFT‐B1 and B2. The crystal structure of IFT52N reveals highly conserved residues critical for IFT‐B1/IFT‐B2 complex formation. Furthermore, we show that of the three IFT‐B2 subunits containing a calponin homology (CH) domain (IFT38, 54, and 57), only IFT54 binds αβ‐tubulin as a potential IFT cargo, whereas the CH domains of IFT38 and IFT57 mediate the interaction with IFT80 and IFT172, respectively. Crystal structures of IFT54 CH domains reveal that tubulin binding is mediated by basic surface‐exposed residues.  相似文献   

The non-motile primary cilium is a single, microtubule-based hair-like projection that emanates from most, if not all, non-dividing mammalian cells. Enriched in a variety of signalling receptors and accessories, the cilium mediates crucial sensory and regulatory functions during development and postnatal tissue homoeostasis. Maintenance of ciliary morphology and function requires continuous IFT (intraflagellar transport), and recent findings have shed light on some molecular details of how ciliogenesis is dependent on targeted exocytic membrane trafficking from the Golgi. The ARL [Arf (ADP ribosylation factor)-related] small GTPase Arf4 functions in TGN (trans-Golgi network) sorting of cilia-targeted rhodopsin into carrier vesicles, while Arl6 (Arf-like 6) and Arl13b regulate aspects of ciliary transport and IFT. Ciliogenesis and ciliary functions are also regulated by small Rabs. Rab8a, in conjunction with Rab11a, and via its interaction with a multitude of proteins associated with the ciliary basal body and axoneme/membrane, appears to be critical for ciliogenesis. Rab8's close homologue Rab10 may also play a ciliogenic role in some cells. Rab23, the depletion or inactivation of which affects cilia formation, may regulate specific ciliary protein targeting and turnover, particularly those involved in Shh (Sonic hedgehog) signalling. Recent findings have also implicated Ran, a small GTPase better known for nuclear import, in ciliary targeting of the KIF17 motor protein. We highlight and discuss recent findings on how Rabs and other small GTPases mediate ciliogenesis and ciliary traffic.  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport involves the movement of large protein particles along ciliary microtubules and is required for the assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Intraflagellar-transport defects in the mouse cause a range of diseases including polycystic kidney disease, retinal degeneration and the laterality abnormality situs inversus, highlighting the important role that motile, sensory and primary cilia play in vertebrates.  相似文献   

The intraflagellar transport machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
First discovered in the green alga, Chlamydomonas , intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the bidirectional movement of protein particles along the length of eukaryotic cilia and flagella. Composed of ∼16 different proteins, IFT particles are moved out to the distal tip of the organelle by kinesin-II and are brought back to the cell body by cytoplasmic dynein 1b. Mutant analysis of the IFT motor and particle proteins using diverse organisms has revealed a conserved and essential role for IFT in the assembly and maintenance of cilia and flagella. IFT is thought to mediate this assembly through the delivery of axonemal precursors out to the distal tip of the growing organelle. Consistent with this model, the IFT particle proteins are rich in protein–protein binding motifs, suggesting that the particles may act as scaffolds for the binding of multiple cargoes. With most of the IFT proteins now identified at the level of the gene, this review will briefly examine both the structure and function of the IFT machinery of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii .  相似文献   

Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is the bidirectional movement of multisubunit protein particles along axonemal microtubules and is required for assembly and maintenance of eukaryotic flagella and cilia. One posited role of IFT is to transport flagellar precursors to the flagellar tip for assembly. Here, we examine radial spokes, axonemal subunits consisting of 22 polypeptides, as potential cargo for IFT. Radial spokes were found to be partially assembled in the cell body, before being transported to the flagellar tip by anterograde IFT. Fully assembled radial spokes, detached from axonemal microtubules during flagellar breakdown or turnover, are removed from flagella by retrograde IFT. Interactions between IFT particles, motors, radial spokes, and other axonemal proteins were verified by coimmunoprecipitation of these proteins from the soluble fraction of Chlamydomonas flagella. These studies indicate that one of the main roles of IFT in flagellar assembly and maintenance is to transport axonemal proteins in and out of the flagellum.  相似文献   

Ciliary transport in eukaryotic cells is an intricate and conserved process involving the coordinated assembly and functioning of a multiprotein intraflagellar transport (IFT) complex. Among the various IFT proteins, intraflagellar transport 52 (IFT52) plays a crucial role in ciliary transport and is implicated in various ciliopathies. IFT52 is a core component of the IFT-B complex that facilitates movement of cargoes along the ciliary axoneme. Stable binding of the IFT-B1 and IFT-B2 subcomplexes by IFT52 in the IFT-B complex regulates recycling of ciliary components and maintenance of ciliary functions such as signal transduction and molecular movement. Mutations in the IFT52 gene can disrupt ciliary trafficking, resulting in dysfunctional cilia and affecting cellular processes in ciliopathies. Such ciliopathies caused by IFT52 mutations exhibit a wide range of clinical features, including skeletal developmental abnormalities, retinal degeneration, respiratory failure and neurological abnormalities in affected individuals. Therefore, IFT52 serves as a promising biomarker for the diagnosis of various ciliopathies, including short-rib thoracic dysplasia 16 with or without polydactyly. Here, we provide an overview of the IFT52-mediated molecular mechanisms underlying ciliary transport and describe the IFT52 mutations that cause different disorders associated with cilia dysfunction.  相似文献   

The intraflagellar transport (IFT) machinery consists of the anterograde motor kinesin‐II, the retrograde motor IFT dynein, and the IFT‐A and ‐B complexes. However, the interaction among IFT motors and IFT complexes during IFT remains elusive. Here, we show that the IFT‐B protein IFT54 interacts with both kinesin‐II and IFT dynein and regulates anterograde IFT. Deletion of residues 342–356 of Chlamydomonas IFT54 resulted in diminished anterograde traffic of IFT and accumulation of IFT motors and complexes in the proximal region of cilia. IFT54 directly interacted with kinesin‐II and this interaction was strengthened for the IFT54Δ342–356 mutant in vitro and in vivo. The deletion of residues 261–275 of IFT54 reduced ciliary entry and anterograde traffic of IFT dynein with accumulation of IFT complexes near the ciliary tip. IFT54 directly interacted with IFT dynein subunit D1bLIC, and deletion of residues 261–275 reduced this interaction. The interactions between IFT54 and the IFT motors were also observed in mammalian cells. Our data indicate a central role for IFT54 in binding the IFT motors during anterograde IFT.  相似文献   

Anterograde intraflagellar transport (IFT) employing kinesin-2 molecular motors has been implicated in trafficking of photoreceptor outer segment proteins. We generated embryonic retina-specific (prefix “emb”) and adult tamoxifen-induced (prefix “tam”) deletions of KIF3a and IFT88 in adult mice to study photoreceptor ciliogenesis and protein trafficking. In embKif3a−/− and in embIft88−/− mice, basal bodies failed to extend transition zones (connecting cilia) with outer segments, and visual pigments mistrafficked. In contrast, tamKif3a−/− and tamIft88−/− photoreceptor axonemes disintegrated slowly post-induction, starting distally, but rhodopsin and cone pigments trafficked normally for more than 2 weeks, a time interval during which the outer segment is completely renewed. The results demonstrate that visual pigments transport to the retinal outer segment despite removal of KIF3 and IFT88, and KIF3-mediated anterograde IFT is responsible for photoreceptor transition zone and axoneme formation.  相似文献   

Certain ciliary transmembrane and membrane-associated signaling proteins export from cilia as intraflagellar transport (IFT) cargoes in a BBSome-dependent manner. Upon reaching the ciliary tip via anterograde IFT, the BBSome disassembles before being reassembled to form an intact entity for cargo phospholipase D (PLD) coupling. During this BBSome remodeling process, Chlamydomonas Rab-like 4 GTPase IFT27, by binding its partner IFT25 to form the heterodimeric IFT25/27, is indispensable for BBSome reassembly. Here, we show that IFT27 binds IFT25 in an IFT27 nucleotide-independent manner. IFT25/27 and the IFT subcomplexes IFT-A and -B are irrelevant for maintaining the stability of one another. GTP-loading onto IFT27 enhances the IFT25/27 affinity for binding to the IFT-B subcomplex core IFT-B1 entity in cytoplasm, while GDP-bound IFT27 does not prevent IFT25/27 from entering and cycling through cilia by integrating into IFT-B1. Upon at the ciliary tip, IFT25/27 cycles on and off IFT-B1 and this process is irrelevant with the nucleotide state of IFT27. During BBSome remodeling at the ciliary tip, IFT25/27 promotes BBSome reassembly independent of IFT27 nucleotide state, making postremodeled BBSomes available for PLD to interact with. Thus, IFT25/27 facilitates BBSome-dependent PLD export from cilia via controlling availability of intact BBSomes at the ciliary tip, while IFT27 nucleotide state does not participate in this regulatory event.  相似文献   

The cilium is an important organelle that is found on many eukaryotic cells, where it serves essential functions in motility, sensory reception and signalling. Intraflagellar transport (IFT) is a vital process for the formation and maintenance of cilia. We have determined the crystal structure of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii IFT25/27, an IFT sub‐complex, at 2.6 Å resolution. IFT25 and IFT27 interact via a conserved interface that we verify biochemically using structure‐guided mutagenesis. IFT27 displays the fold of Rab‐like small guanosine triphosphate hydrolases (GTPases), binds GTP and GDP with micromolar affinity and has very low intrinsic GTPase activity, suggesting that it likely requires a GTPase‐activating protein (GAP) for robust GTP turnover. A patch of conserved surface residues contributed by both IFT25 and IFT27 is found adjacent to the GTP‐binding site and could mediate the binding to other IFT proteins as well as to a potential GAP. These results provide the first step towards a high‐resolution structural understanding of the IFT complex.  相似文献   

Cilia and flagella are formed and maintained by intraflagellar transport (IFT) and play important roles in sensing and moving across species. At the distal tip of the cilia/flagella, IFT complexes turn around to switch from anterograde to retrograde transport; however, the underlying regulatory mechanism is unclear. Here, we identified ICK localization at the tip of cilia as a regulator of ciliary transport. In ICK‐deficient mice, we found ciliary defects in neuronal progenitor cells with Hedgehog signal defects. ICK‐deficient cells formed cilia with mislocalized Hedgehog signaling components. Loss of ICK caused the accumulation of IFT‐A, IFT‐B, and BBSome components at the ciliary tips. In contrast, overexpression of ICK induced the strong accumulation of IFT‐B, but not IFT‐A or BBSome components at ciliary tips. In addition, ICK directly phosphorylated Kif3a, while inhibition of this Kif3a phosphorylation affected ciliary formation. Our results suggest that ICK is a Kif3a kinase and essential for proper ciliogenesis in development by regulating ciliary transport at the tip of cilia.  相似文献   

The normal development and function of photoreceptors is essential for eye health and visual acuity in vertebrates. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in photoreceptor development and function are associated with a suite of inherited retinal dystrophies, often as part of complex multi-organ syndromic conditions. In this review, we focus on the role of the photoreceptor outer segment, a highly modified and specialized primary cilium, in retinal health and disease. We discuss the many defects in the structure and function of the photoreceptor primary cilium that can cause a class of inherited conditions known as ciliopathies, often characterized by retinal dystrophy and degeneration, and highlight the recent insights into disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

The normal development and function of photoreceptors is essential for eye health and visual acuity in vertebrates. Mutations in genes encoding proteins involved in photoreceptor development and function are associated with a suite of inherited retinal dystrophies, often as part of complex multi-organ syndromic conditions. In this review, we focus on the role of the photoreceptor outer segment, a highly modified and specialized primary cilium, in retinal health and disease. We discuss the many defects in the structure and function of the photoreceptor primary cilium that can cause a class of inherited conditions known as ciliopathies, often characterized by retinal dystrophy and degeneration, and highlight the recent insights into disease mechanisms.  相似文献   

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