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To verify the applicability of the micronucleus (MN) yield in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) as a quantitative biodosimeter for monitoring in vivo ionizing radiation damage, we applied the cytokinesis-blocked micronucleus assay in PBLs of cancer patients treated with partial-body radiotherapy. Dosimetric information on these 13 patients represented a wide range in the number of fractions, cumulative tumor dose, total integral dose, and equivalent total-body absorbed dose. We found in PBLs of these patients that (1) the MN yield increased linearly with the equivalent total-body absorbed dose (r = 0.8, P = 0.002), (2) the distributions of the MN yields deviated significantly from Poisson, and (3) there was a general decline in MN yields with increasing length of follow-up, but with considerable variation between individuals. The average rate of decline was found to be linear and was correlated with the equivalent total-body absorbed dose (r = 0.7, P = 0.007). Further, at 19-75 months of follow-up time, seven patients showed higher MN yields than their respective levels before radiotherapy, indicating the persistence of radiation-induced residual cytogenetic damage. Our findings suggest that the MN yield in human PBLs offers a reliable acute and perhaps chronic biodosimeter for in vivo radiation dose estimation. After the completion of radiotherapy, the persistence of elevated MN yield in PBLs is a reflection of the surviving population of radiation-induced genetically aberrant cells.  相似文献   

Cancer patients' responses to radiotherapy vary in severity. It has been suggested that it may be due to differences in intrinsic cellular radiosensitivity. Prediction of tissue reactions to radiotherapy would permit tailoring of dosage to each patient. Towards this goal the micronucleus and apoptosis tests have been proposed as methods for measurement of chromosomal damage in peripheral blood lymphocytes. In this study, gamma-ray sensitivity of cultured lymphocytes of 26 breast cancer patients with early or late reactions was investigated. After irradiation with 4 Gy gamma radiation in G0, the frequency of micronuclei for patients with early reactions was significantly higher (P < 0.05) than for patients with late reactions. In the contrary the frequency of apoptosis for patients with early reactions was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than in the other group. It could be suggested that such a reduced amount of micronuclei in the late effects group is due to the presence of some residual DNA damages which are not completely repaired and lesions show increasing severity when the patients' cells are irradiated again. These induced damages, probably are high enough to stimulate other endpoints like apoptosis instead of micronuclei.  相似文献   

Genomic instability in the tumor tissue has been correlated with tumor progression. In the present study, chromosomal aberrations (CAs) in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs) of breast tumor patients were studied to assess whether chromosomal instability (CIN) in PBLs correlates with aggressiveness of breast tumor (i.e., disease stage) and has any prognostic utility. Cultured blood lymphocyte metaphases were scored for aberrations in 31 breast cancer patients and 20 healthy age and sex-matched controls. A variety of CAs, including aneuploidy, polyploidy, terminal deletions, acentric fragments, double minutes, chromatid separations, ring chromosome, marker chromosome, chromatid gaps, and breaks were seen in PBLs of the patients. The CAs in patients were higher than in controls. A comparison of the frequency of metaphases with aberrations by grouping the patients according to the stage of advancement of disease did not reveal any consistent pattern of variation in lymphocytic CIN. Neither was any specific chromosomal abnormality found to be associated with the stage of cancer. This might be indicative of the fact that cancer patients have constitutional CIN, which predisposes them to the disease, and this inherent difference in the level of genomic instability might play a role in disease progression and response to treatment.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to compare the spontaneous and ex vivo radiation-induced chromosomal damage in lymphocytes of untreated prostate cancer patients and age-matched healthy donors, and to evaluate the chromosomal damage, induced by radiotherapy, and its persistence. Blood samples from 102 prostate cancer patients were obtained before radiotherapy to investigate the excess acentric fragments and dicentric chromosomes. In addition, in a subgroup of ten patients, simple exchanges in chromosomes 2 and 4 were evaluated by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), before the onset of therapy, in the middle and at the end of therapy, and 1 year later. Data were compared to blood samples from ten age-matched healthy donors. We found that spontaneous yields of acentric chromosome fragments and simple exchanges were significantly increased in lymphocytes of patients before onset of therapy, indicating chromosomal instability in these patients. Ex vivo radiation-induced aberrations were not significantly increased, indicating proficient repair of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks in lymphocytes of these patients. As expected, the yields of dicentric and acentric chromosomes, and the partial yields of simple exchanges, were increased after the onset of therapy. Surprisingly, yields after 1 year were comparable to those directly after radiotherapy, indicating persistence of chromosomal instability over this time. Our results indicate that prostate cancer patients are characterized by increased spontaneous chromosomal instability. This instability seems to result from defects other than a deficient repair of radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks. Radiotherapy-induced chromosomal damage persists 1 year after treatment.  相似文献   

The frequencies of exchange-type aberrations found in peripheral lymphocytes of alcoholics were analysed in relation to age, sex, duration of alcohol dependency, treatment with antabuse and smoking habit. The statistical analyses were performed by the non-parametric Mann-Whitney U test and the Kruskal-Wallis 1-way analysis of vairance, both at a level of significance of P = 0.05. There was no dependency on age or sex. The chromatid exchange frequencies and the total of all exchanges were positively correlated with the duration of the dependency on alcohol and with smoking habit. Treatment with antabuse did not lead to an additional elevation of the frequency of exchange-type aberrations.  相似文献   

Scoring of unstable chromosomes aberrations (dicentrics, rings and fragments) in circulating lymphocytes is the most extensively studied biologic system for estimating individual exposure to ionizing radiation. In this work, blood samples from 5 patients, with cervical uterine cancer, were analyzed by conventional cytogenetic in order to correlate the frequency of chromosome aberrations in lymphocytes with the dose absorbed by the patient, as a result of radiotherapy with 60Co gamma. The samples were collected in three phases of the treatment: before irradiation, 24 hr after receiving 0.08 Gy and 1.8 Gy, respectively. On the basis of the frequencies of unstable aberrations observed, a good agreement was obtained between doses estimated by calibration curve and the doses previously planned to radiotherapy. This report discusses the methodology employed as an important tool for dose assessment as a result of partial-body exposure to ionizing radiation.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the in vivo frequency of chromosomal aberrations (primarily dicentric chromosomes and chromatid breaks) potentially induced by 224Ra -radiation in peripheral lymphocytes. The study was designed to serve as a cytogenetic analysis along with the therapeutic procedure of ankylosing spondylitis patients who were undergoing a treatment with 224Ra-chloride. The total administered activity was 10 MBq, and the treatment followed a schedule of 10 i.v. injections per week, each with a dose of 1 MBq of 224Ra. The calculation of absorbed doses delivered to the blood used the models suggested by the ICRP and yielded a value of 4.7 mGy/MBq. The frequency of chromosomal aberrations observed during the course of therapy was related to the blood dose. The frequency of dicentric chromosomes induced in vivo was found to agree well with the corresponding value of dicentrics induced in vitro. However—given that peripheral lymphocytes are in the cell cycles G0 stage—an unexpected increase with dose in the yield of chromatid breaks was observed, with about 95% of them occurring in cells without any other chromosome-type aberrations. Reasons for the production of chromatid breaks are discussed.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic effects of 4 common anti-tubercular drugs, isoniazid (H), streptomycin (S), rifampicin (R) and pyrazinamide (Z), in 3 different combinations (2 SHRZ, 2 HRZ and 2 H2R2Z2) were evaluated in the lymphocytes of tuberculosis patients undergoing chemotherapy, in order to estimate their mutagenic potential in combination. All 3 regimens showed an increased frequency of chromosomal aberrations after treatment compared to before treatment. These findings are of significance in the treatment of tuberculosis, as the drugs in question are observed to be mutagenic/clastogenic.  相似文献   

Unstable chromosome aberrations were scored in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL) serially collected from 21 breast cancer patients before and after radiotherapy (RT), chemotherapy (CT) and combined treatments. Local radiotherapy as treatment for mammary cancer induced unstable chromosome aberrations in peripheral blood lymphocytes. Only a fraction of these lymphocytes were exposed to irradiation during treatment and the chromosomal damage observed in PBL was equivalent to that induced by irradiation in vitro with 2 Gy at high dose rate, i.e., about 4% of the total dose delivered locally. Chemotherapy alone did not induce such anomalies. Apart from the observed interindividual variations in either the level or the fate of dicentrics with time, different features of chromosome damage were found when chemotherapy was given before or after local cobaltotherapy: secondary chemotherapy did not alter the frequency and the overdispersed distribution of dicentrics observed after first-line radiotherapy; in contrast, when CT was given before radiotherapy, a lower dicentric frequency was scored, the distribution of dicentrics was not always found to be overdispersed and there was a time-dependent decrease in dicentrics after in vivo exposure.  相似文献   

Summary We have carried out cytogenetic studies, using the G-banding technique, in peripheral blood lymphocytes of 10 patients affected by breast carcinoma. The frequency of aberrant metaphases (7.36%) is significantly different from that of our laboratory controls (3.76% of aberrant metaphases) but not from that detected in patients suffering from bladder cancer (10.64%) and Hodgkin's disease (11.03%), two conditions that have previously been described as chromosomally unstable. Our results suggest that breast carcinoma patients show a degree of chromosomal instability that could be related to a predisposition to neoplastic disease.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal aberrations in untreated lymphocyte cultures, bleomycin (BLM)-induced aberrations and sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of 11 patients suffering from primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) and 14 matched control individuals were analysed. The lymphocytes of the PBC patients had on average a lower mitotic index (2.3) compared with controls (3.5) in the untreated cultures. The mean baseline rate of aberrations of the cultured lymphocytes of the patients was 5.3 aberrations per 100 metaphases (%); this was significantly different (P=0.0291) from that of the controls with a mean of 2.3%. In lymphocytes of the patients and controls, most of the aberrations observed took the form of gaps; there was an almost equal breakage rate in both groups (0.5% and 0.4%, respectively). The average number of mitoses with aberrations in the PBC patients studied was double that of the controls (4.9% and 2.3% respectively, P=0.0323). The mean number of the BLM-induced aberrations was 54.0% and 27.7% for the lymphocytes of the patients and controls, respectively. The mean number of the aberrant mitoses in the BLM cultures was 6 times higher than that of the untreated cultures for both groups, 25.7% and 14.6% respectively (P=0.018). The chromosomal distribution of baseline and induced aberrations was not random. The PBC patients had a mean number of 8.7 SCE per mitosis, which was significantly higher than the SCEs in the controls (6.3 SCE per mitosis; P=0.0156). The evidence suggests that the chromosomes of the lymphocytes of PBC patients may be less stable than those of the control individuals in this study.  相似文献   

The pioneering papers published more than one century ago by Theodor Boveri opened the way to extensive research on the mechanism linking chromosomal abnormalities to the pathogenesis of cancer. As a result of this effort, robust theoretical and empirical evidence correlating cytogenetic damage to early stages of cancer in humans was consolidated, and an increased cancer risk was postulated in healthy subjects with high levels of chromosomal aberrations (CA). The first epidemiological investigation aimed at validating CA as predictor of cancer risk was carried out in the early 1990s. In that report the Nordic Study Group described an 80% increased risk of cancer in healthy subjects with high frequencies of CA. The results of this first study were replicated a few years later in a parallel research initiative carried out in Italy, and the subsequent pooled analysis of these two cohorts published in 1998 contributed to refine the quantitative estimate of the CA/cancer association. A small case-control study nested in a cohort of subjects screened for CA in Taiwan found an increased risk in subjects with high frequency of chromosome-type CA, while in 2001 a significant increase of cancer incidence associated with high levels of CA was described in a new independent cohort of radon exposed workers from the Czech Republic. Despite some common limitations affecting study design, the studies cited above have provided results of great interest both for the understanding of mechanisms of early stages of carcinogenesis, and for their potential implication for cancer prevention. The recent evolution of molecular techniques and the refinement of high throughput techniques have the potential to improve the knowledge about the role of specific sub-types of CA and to provide further insight into the mechanisms. Finally, the most challenging perspective in the field is the passage from research to regulation, with the implementation of preventive policies based on the accumulated knowledge.  相似文献   

Chromosomal changes were analysed in the peripheral lymphocytes of 14 twelve-year-old children before and 3 months and 10 months after smallpox revaccination (group A), and in peripheral lymphocytes of 8 children of the same age before and 1.5 and 8 months after revaccination (group B). A signifincantly increased number of aberrant cells was found after 1.5 and 3 months. In the blood samples collected 8 and 10 months after revaccination there was a decrease in the number of aberrant cells which, however, did not reach the control level. Sister chromatid exchanges (SCE) were counted in 5 children 1.5 and 8 months after revaccination, and their numbers did not differ from controls.  相似文献   

Studies of Swedish railway employees have indicated that railroad engine drivers have an increased cancer morbidity and incidence of chronic lymphatic leukemia. The drivers are exposed to relatively high magnetic fields (MF), ranging from a few to over a hundred microT. Although the possible genotoxic potential of MF is unclear, some earlier studies have indicated that occupational exposure to MF may increase chromosome aberrations in blood lymphocytes. Since an increased level of chromosomal aberrations has been suggested to predict elevated cancer risk, we performed a cytogenetic analysis on cultured (48 h) peripheral lymphocytes of Swedish train engine drivers. A pilot study of 18 engine drivers indicated a significant difference in the frequency of cells with chromosomal aberrations (gaps included or excluded) in comparison with seven concurrent referents (train dispatchers) and a control group of 16 office workers. The engine drivers had about four times higher frequency of cells with chromosome-type aberrations (excluding gaps) than the office workers (P < 0.01) and the dispatchers (P < 0.05). Seventy-eight percent of the engine drivers showed at least one cell per 100 with chromosome-type aberrations compared with 29% among the dispatchers and 31% among the office workers. In a follow-up study, another 30 engine drivers showed an increase (P < 0.05) in the frequency of cells with chromosome-type aberrations (gaps excluded) as compared with 30 referent policemen. Sixty percent of the engine drivers had one or more cells (per 100 cells) with chromosome-type aberrations compared with 30% among the policemen. In conclusion, the results of the two studies support the hypothesis that exposure to MF at mean intensities of 2-15 microT can induce chromosomal damage.  相似文献   

In 7 patients undergoing antiblastic chemotherapy for the first time, the structural chromosomal aberration (CA) test in peripheral lymphocytes was compared with the micronucleus (Mn) test in lymphocytes, in oral cavity cells and in hair root cells of the scalp. The last test is being proposed for the first time. The CA and Mn frequencies induced by chemotherapy were compared with the baseline (pretreatment) frequencies of the patients and with confidence limits calculated in 4 control groups studied for CA, Mn in lymphocytes, Mn in oral cavity cells and Mn in hair root cells, respectively. The studied chemotherapies induced a clear cytogenetic effect in at least 2 of the tests studied with the exception of interferon-alpha 2b (patient 6) and interferon + low doses of cis-platinum (patient 2) which did not appear to cause evident chromosomal damage. The response to chemotherapy is generally characterized by an increase in Ca and Mn, reaching a peak value and then decreasing in the following weeks. The CA test proves to be the most sensitive despite the fact that CA were analyzed in an average of 100 cells per sample against the 500-3000 cells analyzed for Mn. The efficiency of Mn to detect CA is in the following order: Mn in lymphocytes greater than Mn in buccal cells greater than Mn in hair root cells. The last test appears to be very promising but, used following the current method, does not appear suitable to monitor acute exposure.  相似文献   

D Luca  L R?ileanu  V Luca  R Duda 《Mutation research》1985,155(3):121-125
The genotoxicity of several anthraquinone compounds metabolically related to aflatoxin B1 was examined by means of the hepatocyte primary culture (HPC)/DNA repair test and the Salmonella microsome mutagenesis test, and compared to versicolorins A and B which are potent mutagenic and genotoxic intermediates of the aflatoxin biosynthetic pathway. 6,8-O-Dimethyl-versicolorins A, B and 6-deoxyversicolorin A were found to be strongly mutagenic and genotoxic. Genotoxicity of versicolorin A and 6,8-O-dimethylversicolorin A was stronger than that of versicolorin B and 6,8-O-dimethylversicolorin B, respectively, in the HPC/DNA repair test. Nidurufin and norsolorinic acid, which do not possess a bisfuran ring, exhibited questionable activities for mutagenicity and no genotoxicity. It is suspected that 6,8-O-dimethylversicolorins A, B and 6-deoxyversicolorin A as well as versicolorins A and B are genotoxic carcinogens.  相似文献   

Chromosome aberrations, micronuclei and sister-chromatid exchanges were analysed in blood lymphocytes of 21 reinforced plastic workers, exposed to styrene from 1 to 25 years, and 21 control persons. Occupational hygienic measurements showed personal exposure to styrene to range from 34 to 263 mg/m3 air, the average was 98 mg/m3. Urinary mandelic acid levels of the workers varied from below detection limit to 7 mM/1 l urine. No increase was detected in the frequency of any of the cytogenetic endpoints studied. No correlations between the number of aberrations, micronuclei or SCEs on one hand and the extent or duration of exposure to styrene on the other could be detected.  相似文献   

To test whether coke oven workers, an occupational group known to be at increased cancer risk, manifest increased peripheral blood chromosomal aberration frequencies, we obtained samples from a group of 30 steelworker volunteers, who had worked several years at coke oven jobs. Exposure estimates were made using measurements of work place atmospheric coal tar pitch volatiles and work histories. No statistically significant positive regression of chromosomal aberrations on exposure estimates was found. The data from the coke oven workers were also compared with the obtained concurrently and employing precisely the same laboratory protocol from a group of male Brookhaven National Laboratory employees. The coke oven workers as a group were found to have statistically significantly elevated frequencies of chromatid aberrations and of sister-chromatid exchanges.  相似文献   

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