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To determine whether population differentiation in flowering time is consistent with differences in current selection, we quantified phenotypic selection acting through female reproductive success on flowering phenology and floral display in two Scandinavian populations of the outcrossing, perennial herb Arabidopsis lyrata in two years. One population was located in an alpine environment strongly affected by grazing, whereas the other was close to sea level and only moderately affected by herbivory. Multiple regression models indicated directional selection for early end of flowering in one year in the lowland population, and directional selection for early start of flowering in one year in the alpine population. As expected, there was selection for more inflorescences in the lowland population. However, in the alpine population, plants with many inflorescences were selectively grazed and the number of inflorescences produced was negatively related to female fitness in one year and not significantly related to female fitness in the second year. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that genetic differentiation in flowering phenology between the study populations is adaptive, and indicate that interactions with selective grazers may strongly influence selection on floral display in A. lyrata.  相似文献   

The effects of soil texture and grazing by cattle on the production of seeds of Bouteloua gracilis were evaluated for a semiarid grassland in northeastern Colorado. Ten locations were chosen to represent the range in soil textures and grazing intensities found at the Central Plains Experimental Range research site. Number of flowering culms, inflorescences and seeds, length of each flowering culm, total biomass of reproductive structures (culms, inflorescences, and seeds), and basal area were assessed for 96 B. gracilis plants at each location. Community-level estimates of density of flowering culms and density of viable seeds were made for each location. Both soil texture and grazing by cattle were important to spatial variability in seed production and other indicators of reproductive effort by B. gracilis. Grazing was important in mediating effects of soil texture. On locations protected from grazing, soil texture had significant effects on seed production; the largest number of seeds was produced on the coarsest-textured soil and the fewest number on the finest-textured soil. Relationships between seed production and clay content and between seed production and other indicators of reproductive effort by B. gracilis were different for grazed and ungrazed locations. Spatial variability in seed production of B. gracilis as a result of spatial variability in soil texture and grazing may be important to the continued dominance of this species in the presence of disturbances that vary in time and space.  相似文献   

We present a model for the prediction of the magnitude ofBetula flowering and pollen dispersal which may be used in the management of birch pollinosis and in the planning of clinical trials. The pollen sum during the flowering season is regressed on the temperature sum from May 1st to July 20th during the initiation year, the pollen sum of the initiation year, and the temperature sum during the main pollen season in the flowering year. We suggest that the fluctuating flowering pattern inBetula alba-species is primarily determined by the availability of assimilation products during inflorescence initiation and development during the spring one year before anthesis. When inflorescences, which are initiated during the previous year, elongate in the beginning of anthesis, they act as strong sinks to stored carbohydrates, and thus compete with developing leaves and shoots. The result is an initially reduced photosynthetic capacity in years with intense flowering, and a limited potential for the initiation of new inflorescences for the following year. The ambient temperature during catkin initiation affects assimilation efficiency and is a determinant of about equal importance to flowering intensity as is the magnitude of the flowering in the initiation year. The amount of pollen dispersed is also dependent on the weather during anthesis, which is not possible to predict until about one month in advance. The two other independent variables are available during the previous summer, making it possible to give a sufficiently valid prediction to allergologists about the magnitude of the next birch pollen season, according to its botanical determinants. We suggest that the varying reproductive output inBetula alba should not be described as true masting. A more parsimonious explanation to the flowering pattern is that an individual continually maximizes reproductive effort, according to what is possible, but that reproduction is often constrained by the environment.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic activities usually trigger changes in the population density of plants. Thus, land management practices can influence density‐dependent demographic parameters and species interactions. We investigated plant‐pollinator interactions and reproduction in Prosopis flexuosa, the largest tree species in the Central Monte desert of Argentina, an important economic and cultural resource for humans and a functionally prominent species. We hypothesized that reproductive output of P. flexuosa would be limited at low densities, and that exclusion of catle grazing would enhance population density and consequently interaction frequency with pollinators and reproductive success. The study was conducted in and around Ñacuñán Biosphere Reserve (Mendoza, Argentina), where cattle grazing has been excluded for over 35 years. Working in five pairs of protected and cattle grazed 1‐ha plots, we recorded density of adult trees, pollinator visitation frequency to inflorescences and seeds per inflorescence in focal trees. Adult tree density was higher in protected plots than in cattle grazed plots. Density of reproductive trees was positively correlated with seed production, suggesting positive density dependence for reproduction (Allee effect). Pollinator visitation to inflorescences and seed production was higher in protected plots compared with plots under cattle grazing. Suppression of anthropogenic degradation has resulted in higher adult tree density in protected plots, indirectly higher pollinator visitation to inflorescences and higher reproductive success of trees. Increased frequency of plant‐pollinator interactions and tree reproduction suggest success of management practices aimed at protecting P. flexuosa woodlands.  相似文献   

We present a model for the prediction of the magnitude ofBetula flowering and pollen dispersal which may be used in the management of birch pollinosis and in the planning of clinical trials. The pollen sum during the flowering season is regressed on the temperature sum from May 1st to July 20th during the initiation year, the pollen sum of the initiation year, and the temperature sum during the main pollen season in the flowering year. We suggest that the fluctuating flowering pattern inBetula alba-species is primarily determined by the availability of assimilation products during inflorescence initiation and development during the spring one year before anthesis. When inflorescences, which are initiated during the previous year, elongate in the beginning of anthesis, they act as strong sinks to stored carbohydrates, and thus compete with developing leaves and shoots. The result is an initially reduced photosynthetic capacity in years with intense flowering, and a limited potential for the initiation of new inflorescences for the following year. The ambient temperature during catkin initiation affects assimilation efficiency and is a determinant of about equal importance to flowering intensity as is the magnitude of the flowering in the initiation year. The amount of pollen dispersed is also dependent on the weather during anthesis, which is not possible to predict until about one month in advance. The two other independent variables are available during the previous summer, making it possible to give a sufficiently valid prediction to allergologists about the magnitude of the next birch pollen season, according to its botanical determinants. We suggest that the varying reproductive output inBetula alba should not be described as true masting. A more parsimonious explanation to the flowering pattern is that an individual continually maximizes reproductive effort, according to what is possible, but that reproduction is often constrained by the environment.  相似文献   

The pollination biology of a population of 250 Yucca elata (Liliaceae) plants was studied in southern New Mexico. Yucca elata and the prodoxid yucca moth Tegeticula yuccasella have a mutualistic association that is essential for the successful sexual reproduction of both species. However, a wide range of other invertebrate species visit flowers during the day and at night. Our aim was to quantify the role of yucca moths and other invertebrate visitors in pollination and fruit set, using manipulative field experiments. Inflorescences were bagged during the day or night (N=12 inflorescences) to restrict flower visitors to either nocturnal or diurnal groups. Yucca moths were active exclusively nocturnally during the flowering period and thus did not visit inflorescences that were unbagged during the day. None of the 4022 flowers exposed only to diurnal visitors set fruit, whereas 4.6% of the 4974 flowers exposed only to nocturnal visitors (including yucca moths) produced mature fruit. The proportion of flowers producing fruit in the latter treatment was not significantly different from unbagged control inflorescences. In a series of experimental manipulations we also determined that: (1) flowers opened at dusk and were open for two days on average, but were only receptive to pollen on the first night of opening; (2) pollen must be pushed down the stigmatic tube to affect pollination; and (3) most plants require out-cross pollination to produce fruit. The combination of these results strongly suggests that yucca moths are the only species affecting pollination in Y. elata, and that if another species was to affect pollination, it would be a rare event.  相似文献   

Aims Variations in rates and length of flowering and fruiting not only affect the reproduction of a given plant species but also the behavior and reproduction of associated taxa. Flowering and fruiting variations may be influenced by herbivory, especially by large mammals. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of cattle browsing on the reproductive phenology of understory species in a subalpine post-fire Nothofagus forest in Patagonia.Methods The effects of herbivory on plant reproductive phenology were studied in a set of experimental exclosures (fenced plots) installed since 2001 in a post-fire N. pumilio forest, located in Nahuel Huapi National Park (NHNP), Argentina. We monitored the beginning and duration of each reproductive phenological stage: floral bud, open flower, immature fruit and mature fruit. We also counted the number of flowers, fruits, seeds and viable seeds of the dominant plants to assess whether browsing modifies temporal patterns of the flowering and fruiting periods.Important findings Cattle reduced the total number of species flowering and fruiting and changed the reproductive phenology of some species. We found that palatable species seem to be negatively affected by browsing in terms of reduced fitness due to changes in flowering and fruiting periods. In contrast, cattle benefitted the reproduction of non-palatable species and could promote the invasion of shade-intolerant exotic forbs such as Cirsium vulgare. The effects of livestock reported in this study are important to understanding how browsing could alter native species establishment and possibly alter successional trajectories during recolonization after fire.  相似文献   

Sharaf KE  Price MV 《Oecologia》2004,138(3):396-404
Ungulate browsing of flowering stalks of the semelparous herb Ipomopsis aggregata leads to regrowth of lateral inflorescences, a response that has been reported to yield overcompensation in some cases (browsed plants with higher reproductive success than unbrowsed), but undercompensation in others. Little is known about the mechanisms that cause such variable tolerance to herbivory. We explored one possible mechanism—variation in effects of browsing on pollination—by clipping I. aggregata inflorescences to mimic browsing, observing subsequent visits by pollinators and nectar-robbers, and adding pollen by hand to flowers of some clipped and unclipped plants. Clipping reduced floral display size and increased inflorescence branching, but neither hummingbirds, the primary pollinators, nor nectar-robbing bumblebees showed any preference for unclipped versus clipped plants. Clipping delayed flowering; this shift in phenology caused clipped plants to miss the peak of hummingbird activity and to have lower per-flower visitation rates than unclipped controls in one year, but to have greater overlap with birds and higher visitation rates in the subsequent year. In three sites and 2 years, clipped plants exposed to natural pollination suffered extreme undercompensation, producing on average only 16% as many seeds as unclipped controls. This was not directly attributable to clipping effects on pollination, however, because clipped plants were unable to increase fecundity when provided with supplemental pollen by hand. Taken altogether, our results suggest that compensation was constrained less by indirect effects of browsing on pollination than by its direct impacts on resource availability and hence on the ability of plants to regrow lost inflorescence tissue and to fill seeds. Exploring the physiological and developmental processes involved in regrowth of inflorescences and provisioning of seeds is a promising future direction for research designed to understand variation in browsing tolerance.  相似文献   

Plant samples were collected from 13 populations of the two speciesGentianella germanica andG. campestris. In addition, two samples from populations of grazed plants lacking their main stems were collected. A number of relevant morphological characters were measured, the flowering time, and the habitats of each population were studied. Some ecotypes ofG. germanica with clear differences in flowering time were recognized. Differences in flowering time and morphology between populations ofG. campestris seem to be clinal. The generally accepted theory of seasonal dimorphism with the assumption of separate aestival and autumnal vicariads proves to be inadequate. A hypothesis based upon the effect of human influences on the origin of this ecotypes is suggested.  相似文献   

We analysed the morphology and phenology of Scabiosa columbaria in relation to grassland management by mowing and grazing. We selected 12 populations from mown and grazed calcareous grassland in six regions of central Europe. At each population site, we collected seed material to produce plants for a morphological and phenological analysis of the species in a simulation experiment, which comprised three treatments (control, simulated mowing and simulated grazing).The simulation experiment revealed a clear morphological and phenological differentiation of S. columbaria. Plants from the two treatment types differed in size, since individuals from mown sites had longer top peduncles than individuals from grazed sites. Individuals from mown populations flowered earlier than individuals from grazed populations. In the control treatment, individuals from both habitat types produced a similar number of fruiting capitulums. When subjected to simulated mowing, the reproductive success of the individuals was clearly reduced. Plants from mown habitats produced, however, a significantly larger number of fruiting capitulums than plants from grazed habitats. Simulated grazing reduced the reproductive success stronger than simulated mowing but differences between individuals from both habitat types were not significant.The results of our simulation experiment clearly indicate morphological and phenological adaptation of S. columbaria to mowing and grazing. The comparatively young selection pressure of mowing obviously selected early flowering individuals, while the original land use by grazing favoured late flowering plants.  相似文献   

Jeff Ollerton  Anita Diaz 《Oecologia》1999,119(3):340-348
The relationship between flowering time and reproductive success was investigated in the fly-pollinated, monoecious perennial herb Arum maculatum L. (Araceae). This species temporarily traps its principle pollinator, a psychodid midge. Probability of fruit set was analysed in relation to early, peak and late periods of the flowering phenology of four British populations between 1992 and 1997. In three out of five cases, plants which flowered during early and late periods were significantly less likely to set fruit. In addition, one population showed a similar relationship for percentage fruit set of individual inflorescences, and seeds from peak-flowering plants were significantly heavier. There was no variation in number of female flowers per inflorescence over the flowering season. Probability of fruit set appears to be mediated by the likelihood of trapping psychodid midges that have previously been trapped and picked up pollen, an unlikely event during early and late flowering periods when few inflorescences are open. The majority of plants in all populations produce only one inflorescence which means that timing of flowering may be crucial to reproductive success. We interpret our findings as evidence that stabilising selection may be acting on some populations and/or during some years. The ultimate cause, however, can be related to the very short (12–18 h) female phase of each inflorescence, a phylogenetically conservative trait within the Araceae. Received: 19 August 1998 / 15 February 1999  相似文献   

The mode of reproduction may influence the spread of invasive species by affecting evolutionary potential and dispersal ability. We sampled 51 introduced North American populations of the clonal aquatic plant Butomus umbellatus L. (flowering rush) and found extreme variation in sexual fertility caused by polyploidy. Populations consisted of diploids that produced thousands of viable seeds or of sexually sterile triploids. Although a trade-off between sexual and clonal reproduction predicts that the sexual sterility of triploids would be compensated for by greater clonal reproduction, a greenhouse experiment involving eight diploid and 10 triploid populations showed that diploid plants not only invest substantially in sexual structures but also make hundreds of tiny clonal bulbils on both rhizomes and inflorescences. In contrast, triploids do not make bulbils and have very limited scope for clonal multiplication and dispersal. Diploid populations were more frequent than triploid populations, especially in the Great Lakes region. This is probably because of the difference between cytotypes in clonal rather than sexual reproduction, as genetic analyses indicate a general lack of sexual recruitment in North America. Although triploids were less common, they have a wider geographical distribution. This could be due to a greater ecological tolerance resulting from polyploidy. However, genetic evidence suggests that triploids have become widespread via their use in and escape from horticulture. North America is being colonized by two distinct forms of B. umbellatus that differ strongly in reproductive strategy as well as the vectors and pathways of invasion.  相似文献   

Ecological genetics of Bromus tectorum   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary By incorporating demographic analyses of fitness components (e.g., survival and reproduction) within a reciprocal sowing design, we tested for 3 consecutive years whether local adaptation has occurred in the alien grass Bromus tectorum (cheatgrass) within 7 habitats along an environmental gradient from arid steppe to subalpine forest in the Intermontain Region of western North America. Patterns of emergence and survival were strongly influenced by the local environment. In terms of survival, expression of significant local adaptation in Tsuga heterophylla habitat varied among years. In contrast, relative differences in flowering time among seed sources were stable across sites and years. Populations from the arid steppe were the earliest to flower; flowering was latest in populations from the mesic Tsuga heterophylla habitat. In terms of net reproductive rate, evidence for local adaptation in B. tectorum was obtained in populations from habitats representing environmental extremes: an arid, saline site dominated by the shrub Sarcobatus vermiculatus and clearings within the cool, mesic Tsuga heterophylla forest habitat. Unlike the plants introduced from other sites, members of the resident population at the Sarcobatus site flowered and produced seeds before soil water became limiting. In contrast, net reproductive rates in other habitats were sometimes the lowest for populations in their home site. This lack of an advantage for local populations within more environmentally moderate sites suggests that limited dispersal may restrict the rate at which superior genotypes are introduced into a particular site.  相似文献   

I studied the relationship between seed-set patterns within inflorescences and temporal variations in light and pollinator availabilities for 2 years in the spring ephemeral species Gagea lutea in a deciduous forest. Timing of canopy closure and seasonal trend of pollinator frequency did not synchronize with the annual fluctuation in flowering phenology. In the early snowmelt year, seed-set success reflected the seasonal pollinator abundance from early to middle flowering periods. In the late snowmelt year, however, seed-set rates were independent of pollinator activity and decreased with canopy closing even after hand pollination. The restricted seed production by defoliation and the increase in seed-set rates at the forest edge suggested that seed production was supported by current photosynthetic carbon gain. Thus, annual fluctuations of reproductive success can explain the variation in flowering phenology within a population although seasonal light deterioration would serve as a selective force for flowering in the early season.  相似文献   

Disanthus cercidifolius Maxim. var. longipes H.T. Chang usually has two inflorescences growing in opposite directions in the axillae, but occasionally three inflorescences grow paratactically. The typical flowering process could be divided into 4 periods: “Pre-dehiscence”, “Initial dehiscence”, “Full dehiscence” and “Withering”. Both the natural population and the planted population had a flowering peak of 15–35 days after the first flower bloomed. There were significant differences between the time courses of flowering of the two populations. Out-crossing is the main breeding system in this species. And autogamy decreases the risk of reproductive failure of this species. The main insect pollinators of D. cercidifolius var. longipes are Episyrphus balteatus de Geer, Scaptodrosophila coracina Kikkawa and Peng, Polistes olivaceus de Geer, Apis cerana Fabricius, Nezara viridula L. and Coccinella septempunctata L., and so on. Among the insects, S. coracina and E. balteatus are the most important and efficient pollinators, but others are inefficient pollinators. Though wind pollination is not efficient, it guarantees reproduction when insect pollinators are not available. “Mass flowering” is an adaptive behavior and reproductive strategy of this species, and “few fruiting” could be caused by the lack of pollinators.  相似文献   

Prevention of the flowering of a tree,silver birch   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
Genetic modification of trees presents great advantages but it is hampered by the possible spread of introduced genes to native populations. However, the spread would be prevented if the modified trees would be sterile. We have previously shown that the induction of sterility by the prevention of flowering is possible in tobacco and Arabidopsis by introducing a gene construct composed of the ribonuclease gene BARNASE ligated to the flower-specific promoter of the birch gene BpMADS1. In the present study, we test this gene construct in silver birch (Betula pendula Roth). When this gene construct was introduced into very early-flowering birch clones, 81 kanamycin resistant lines were obtained. In 38 lines, the vegetative development was disturbed, e.g., the leaves were small and the plants were short and bushy or the growth of plants was weak. More importantly, in 7 other lines no male inflorescences formed or they aborted early. If male inflorescences were formed, they did not contain any stamens. The initial growth of these lines was similar to the non-transgenic control lines. Later, however, the growth of the non-flowering lines differed from that of the controls in showing some dichotomic branching and a reduced number of branches. Preliminary results showed that the gene construct can prevent the development of female inflorescences as well. The results show clearly that BpMADS1::BARNASE can prevent the flowering in a tree but the prevention of flowering may cause some side effects. Studies with ordinary birch clones will show whether the side effects are a property of the early flowering clones or all birches.  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in the foraging behaviour of honeyeaters and the production of fruit were examined in relation to the flowering intensity of Banksia spinulosa over two flowering seasons. The abundance of inflorescences was greater in the mid than in the early and late periods of the flowering season. In the mid period, many plants were blooming and each plant had many flowering inflorescences. Inflorescences received most visits by honeyeaters in the early flowering period; the visitation rate declining as flowering progressed. Eastern spinebills were the most common floral visitors at all times during the season. The number of foraging probes made at inflorescences by eastern spinebills did not differ throughout the season. Foraging movements between inflorescences on the same plant were more frequent in the mid period than in the early and late periods. Long distance movements between plants (more than 10 m apart) were promoted by aggressive interactions between honeyeaters. Inflorescences flowering in the late period were less likely to develop follicles because there were fewer visits by birds and/or because resources had been allocated to inflorescences pollinated earlier in the season. The number of follicles produced per infructescence did not differ between flowering periods. Overall, the number of inflorescences produced per plant, the number of visits received per inflorescence and the proportion of inflorescences that developed follicles were greater in 1987 than in 1988.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of habitat fragmentation on reproductive success in natural populations of four forest herbs with differing life-history traits and whose distribution patterns appeared to be negatively affected by decreased habitat size and/or increased isolation: Carex sylvatica, Galium odoratum, Sanicula europaea and Veronica montana. Our aims were to test (1) whether habitat size and isolation are positively correlated with population size and isolation, respectively, (2) whether plant reproductive success, a major component of plant fitness, is reduced in small and/or isolated populations when also accounting for differences in habitat quality (edaphic conditions, light intensity) and the effects of plant size, and (3) whether species with different life histories are affected differently. There were significant positive relationships between habitat and population size and between habitat and population isolation in some, but not all of the species. We mostly found no negative effects of small population size or isolation on reproduction. However, reproductive success was reduced in small populations of Sanicula, and this effect was independent of differences in plant size and environmental conditions. The reduced fecundity in small populations may be a consequence of the Allee-effect, a possible mechanism being pollen limitation. Furthermore, the proportion of flowering ramets was reduced in small and isolated populations of Galium, which may have been caused by changes in population structure. Lastly, we found some evidence for largely outcrossing, non-clonal species to be more sensitive to reductions in population size, at least in terms of their reproductive success.  相似文献   

A systematic approach to the taxonomic classification of the tall larkspur complex (Delphinium spp.) has been developed and implemented using molecular genetics, plant morphology, and alkaloid profiles, as shown in other papers in this series. This approach supports the classification of three distinct species (D. glaucum, D. barbeyi and D. occidentale), as the species differ in genetics and toxicity. Toxic alkaloid concentrations over the growing season were integrated with data on diet selection to make management recommendations on a species-specific basis to reduce the risk of poisoning cattle. Alkaloid concentrations in tall larkspurs in excess of 3 mg/g impart moderate or high risk to grazing cattle if sufficient quantities are consumed. D. glaucum is most toxic, with toxic alkaloid concentrations that exceed 3 mg/g throughout the grazing season until late maturity. Cattle should be denied access to dense patches of this species throughout the grazing season until after seed shatter. Concentration of toxic alkaloids in D. barbeyi is highest in vegetative plants, but D. barbeyi is unpalatable to cattle until flowering racemes begin to elongate. We recommend grazing D. barbeyi ranges early in the season when it is not palatable, then removing cattle from early flowering stage through mid-pod stage when cattle are most likely to be poisoned. Cattle can again safely graze D. barbeyi late in the season when the toxic alkaloid concentration typically declines below 3 mg/g. Some populations of D. occidentale and the D. barbeyi×D. occidentale hybrids do not contain toxic alkaloids, and pose little risk of poisoning throughout the year. Toxicity of northern populations of D. occidentale varies from year-to-year for unknown reasons. Cattle losses from D. occidentale are usually less severe than from D. barbeyi, but generally the same recommendations apply as for D. barbeyi. Toxicity sampling is an essential management tool. Tall larkspur populations can be tested for toxicity throughout the growing season. Whenever toxic alkaloid concentrations exceed 3 mg/g in leaves, flowers, or pods, cattle should be removed from the area and not returned until pods begin to shatter and risk of poisoning is lower. In general, tall larkspurs are safe to graze when alkaloid concentrations fall below 3 mg/g because it is difficult for cattle to eat sufficient larkspur to become fatally poisoned.  相似文献   

European honeybees (Apis mellifera) were less efficient pollinators ofGrevillea barklyana than nectar-feeding birds. Nectar-collecting honeybees did not contact reproductive parts of flowers. Pollen-collecting honeybees preferentially visited malestage flowers but rarely visited female-stage flowers. Fruit set on caged inflorescences that allowed access to honeybees but excluded birds was reduced by more than 50% compared to inflorescences that were visited by both types of visitors. Further, fruit set on caged inflorescences was less than on bagged inflorescences that excluded both birds and honeybees, indicating that pollen removal by bees decreased opportunities for delayed autonomous selfing in the absence of birds. Although fruit set was not pollen-limited at the study site, pollen removal by honeybees would decrease fruit set in small populations where birds are scarce. In addition, pollen removal by honeybees would reduce opportunities for outcrossing and reproductive success through male function. Although honeybees have been in Australia for insufficient time to have exerted selection on floral traits, evolutionary shifts in response to these animals are likely to occur in the future.  相似文献   

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