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A conjugal retrotransfer-retromobilization of a small nonconjugative plasmid pUB110 was established in Bacillus subtilis. This process involves a large conjugative plasmid p19.  相似文献   

A conjugative retrotransfer-retromobilization of a small nonconjugative plasmid pUB110 was established in Bacillus subtilis. This process involves a large conjugative plasmid p19.  相似文献   

Abstract The transformation system currently used for Bacillus subtilis protoplasts has been improved. Special emphasis was made on three parameters of practical importance:
(a) conditions for direct selection of transformants, (b) optimization of the transformation system for Rec mutants, and (c) conservation of protoplast suspensions for further use.
Selective regeneration was efficiently achieved for kanamycin or neomycin. Chloramphenicol, tetracycline and erythromycin were only expressed when low concentrations of the antibiotics were used to select transformants during regeneration.  相似文献   

Summary We have constructed a hybrid plasmid, pBC1, which consists of plasmid pC194 with an insert of B. subtilis DNA at its HindIII restriction site. This plasmid is stably maintained in B. subtilis. In contrast with pC194, monomeric ccc forms of pBC1 are active in transformation. Transformations with these monomeric molecules of pBC1 have a stringent requirement for recombination proficieny., as defined by recE in the recipient cell. The extent of dependence of the transforming activity of oligomeric pBC1 DNA on the recombination proficiency of the recipient cell decreases with increasing oligomer size. A model of DNA proccssing during plasmid transformation of B. subtilis is presented.  相似文献   

A A Prozorov  E F Glumova 《Plasmid》1980,3(2):231-232
During the growth of Bacillus subtilis strains in mixed culture, the transfer of the plasmid pUB110 from cell to cell occurs via spontaneous transformation.  相似文献   

Competent cells of Bacillus subtilis were transformed with DNA from gently lysed protoplasts. Significant linkages among markers separated by distances of approximately 2.3% of the total chromosome were found, which have not been detected for conventional transformation. In comparison to previous reports, enhanced plasmid transformation was observed [4.0×107 transformants per g DNA (one transformant per 5×104 molecules added)], when competent cells were transformed with DNA from lysed protoplasts harboring pUB110.  相似文献   

B Michel  B Niaudet    S D Ehrlich 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(12):1565-1571
We have constructed plasmids carrying direct internal repeats 260-2000 bp long. Monomers of such plasmids transformed Bacillus subtilis competent cells. The efficiency of transformation varied with the square of the length of repeats. The transformed clones harbored either the entire transforming plasmid and the plasmid arising by recombination between the repeats, or only the latter plasmid. Internally-repeated plasmids linearized by in vitro cleavage with restriction endonuclease could transform, yielding clones which exclusively harbored a plasmid resulting from recombination between the repeats. When the transforming plasmid carried repeats which differed slightly, conversion of one repeat into the other could occur. The following model of plasmid transformation accounts for these data: (1) plasmid DNA is cleaved and rendered linear in contact with competent cells; (2) a linear, at least partially double-stranded plasmid molecule is introduced or formed by repair within the cell; (3) a circular viable plasmid is produced by recombination between repeats carried on this molecule; (4) alternatively, a viable plasmid is produced by repairing the cut within one of the repeats by DNA synthesis which uses the other repeat as a template.  相似文献   

High frequency transformation of Bacillus subtilis protoplasts by plasmid DNA.   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Summary A highly efficient method for transformation of Bacillus subtilis by plasmid DNA is reported. The procedure, which involves polyethylene glycolinduced DNA uptake by protoplasts and subsequent regeneration of the bacterial cell wall, yields up to 80% transformants with an efficiency of 4x107 transformants per g of supercoiled DNA. Plasmids constructed by in vitro ligation or endonuclease-generated fragments of linear plasmid DNA can also transform PEG-treated protoplasts, but at a lower frequency.  相似文献   

N N Surikov  A A Prozorov 《Genetika》1981,17(5):801-804
Transduction of Bacillus subtilis pUB110 plasmid by AR9 phage is described. Some aspects of this process are studied. Plasmid transduction depended on multiplicity of infection similar to cases of chromosomal markers transduction, though optimal multiplicity of infection was achieved using low number of phage particles. No cotransduction of plasmid and chromosomal markers was demonstrated. The transduction frequencies of plasmid and chromosomal markers increased after UV irradiation of phage suspensions within the range of definite doses.  相似文献   

Transformation of competent Bacillus subtilis lysogenic for SP02 with any of three plasmids (pCM194, pUB110, pAM77) generates drug-resistant transformants of which 5 to 20% have lost the infectivity and immunity associated with the SP02 prophage. Such cured derivatives can be again lysogenized with SP02 and again cured by introduction of a different plasmid. Elimination of the SP02 prophage was not detected when plasmids were introduced by PBS1 transduction or by transformation of protoplasts. Similarly, transformants of B. subtilis selected for chromosome markers retained the prophage. The phi 105 prophage was not eliminated from competent B. subtilis transformed with plasmids.  相似文献   

Bacillus pumilus ATCC 12140 harbors 10 or more copies per chromosome of each two small plasmids. Variants of this strain were isolated which were sensitive to a killing activity produced by the plasmid-containing parent. Each of 24 such sensitive (S) variants tested lacked detectable levels of supercoiled deoxyribonucleic acid. Transduction of S variants to the Kill+ phenotype was performed using phage PBP1 propagated on a mutant of ATCC 12140, designated strain L10, that remained Kill+ but retained only a single plasmid species (plasmid pPL10; molecular weight, approximately 4.4 X 10(6), approximately 20 copies per chromosome; RHO = 1.698). Resulting Kill+ transductants of S variants contained a single plasmid species having a size and copy number comparable to that of pPL10. Transfer of pPL10 from strain L10 TO B. pumilus strain NRS 576 was accomplished by transduction with selection for the Kill+ phenotype. Strain NRS 576 naturally harbors about two copies per chromosome of a 28-million-dalton plasmid, pPL576. In Kill + transductants of NRS 576, plasmids pPL10 and pPL576 stably coexisted at a ratio of about 11 molecules of pPL10 to 1 molecule of pPL576. Therefore, pPL576 and pPL10 are compatible plasmids. B. subtilis 168 is naturally resistant to pPl10- determined killing activity. Plasmid pPl10 was therefore inserted into B-subtilis 168 by transformation, using an indirect selection procedure and a spoB mutant as recipient. The plasmid is stably maintained at an estimated 10 copies per chromosome in the spore- recipient and in spore+ transformants. pPL10 is sensitive to cleavage by the endonucleases Hind III and EcoR1.  相似文献   

Spontaneous transformation in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  

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