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The effects of various doses of X radiation on the kinetics of accumulation of TP53 protein (formerly known as p53) were examined in normal human embryo cells. We found that the rate of accumulation of TP53 protein was biphasic at X-ray doses between 1 and 4 Gy, while monophasic accumulation was observed after X irradiation with doses higher than 6 Gy. The first phase of accumulation was detected within 1 h after irradiation, and a second phase of accumulation was detected between 6 and 12 h after irradiation. The induction of CDKN1A (formerly known as p21(WAF1/CIP1)) and MDM2 proteins was also biphasic after doses of 4 Gy or less, while monophasic accumulation was observed after 6 Gy or higher. We found that the proteasome inhibitor ALLN increased the constitutive level of TP53 protein, and no change was observed in the TP53 level after X irradiation when cells were treated with ALLN. These results indicate that the dose-dependent accumulation of TP53 is due to an inhibition of TP53 degradation, and that the induction of MDM2 might be responsible in part for the different kinetics of accumulation of TP53.  相似文献   

The influence of radiation-induced apoptosis on radiosensitivity was studied in a set of closely related human lymphoblastoid cell lines differing in TP53 status. The clonogenic survival of irradiated TK6 cells (expressing wild-type TP53), WTK1 cells (overexpressing mutant TP53), and TK6E6 cells (negative for TP53 owing to transfection with HPV16 E6) was assessed in relation to the induction of apoptosis and its suppression by caspase inhibition or treatment with PMA as well as after treatment with caffeine. Measurements using the alkaline comet assay and pulsed-field electrophoresis of the induction and repair of DNA strand breaks showed similar kinetics of the processing of early DNA damage in these cell lines. The cytochalasin B micronucleus assay revealed identical levels of residual damage in the first postirradiation mitosis of these cells. Abrogation of TP53-dependent apoptosis in TK6E6 cells resulted in a distinct increase in radioresistance. Further suppression of apoptosis as observed in WTK1 cells overexpressing mutant TP53 apparently was not responsible for the high radioresistance of WTK1 cells, since other means of highly efficient suppression of apoptosis (caspase inhibition or PMA treatment) increased the clonogenic survival of irradiated TK6 cells only to levels similar to those of TK6E6 cells with abrogated TP53-dependent apoptosis. Considering the similar levels of residual chromosomal damage in TK6E6 cells and WTK1 cells, a hitherto unknown mechanism of tolerance needs to be inferred for these TP53 mutant cells. This residual damage tolerance, however, appears to require an intact G2/M-phase checkpoint function since the relative radioresistance of the WTK1 cells was completely lost upon caffeine treatment, which also resulted in a failure of the TK6 and TK6E6 cells to execute apoptosis. In this situation, the cellular response seems to be dominated entirely by TP53-independent mitotic failure.  相似文献   

MacPhail, S. H. and Olive, P. L. RPA Foci are Associated with Cell Death after Irradiation. Radiat. Res. 155, 672-679 (2001). Complexes containing replication protein A (RPA) were observed in human TK6 and WIL-2NS lymphoblast cells and SiHa cervical carcinoma cells exposed to 250 kV X rays. Image analysis of individual cells with fluorescence-tagged anti-RPA antibodies was used to measure numbers of discrete foci per cell. RPA foci formed in S-phase cells in response to radiation doses as low as 0.5 Gy, and the number of foci/nucleus was linearly related to dose up to 50 Gy. The maximum number of cells with foci occurred 4-8 h after exposure to 4 Gy, and subsequently declined. However, the number of RPA foci per nucleus (in those cells with foci) reached a maximum after 2-4 h. Apoptotic nuclei from irradiated TK6 and WIL-2NS cells initially contained foci, but these were lost as degradation continued. Radiation-induced micronuclei in SiHa cells were greatly enriched for RPA foci, and cells with nuclei without foci often contained micronuclei with multiple RPA foci. In SiHa cells examined up to 7 days after 4 Gy, RPA foci reappeared in one or more cells in up to 90% of the surviving colonies, and some cells contained 150 or more distinct foci. Reappearance of these complexes could be indicative of radiation-induced genomic instability. These results are consistent with the idea that RPA foci observed several hours after irradiation represent irreparable lesions and as such might be useful in identifying radiosensitive cells.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine how fractionated radiation used in the treatment of tumors affects the ability of cancer as well as normal cells to repair induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and how cells that have lost this ability die. Lymphocytic leukemia cells (MOLT4) were used as an experimental model, and the results were compared to those for normal cell types. The results show that cancer and normal cells were mostly unable to repair all DSBs before the next radiation dose induced new DNA damage. Accumulation of DSBs was observed in normal human fibroblasts and healthy lymphocytes irradiated in vitro after the second radiation dose. The lymphocytic leukemia cells irradiated with 4 × 1 Gy and a single dose of 4 Gy had very similar survival; however, there was a big difference between human fibroblasts irradiated with 4 × 1.5 Gy and a single dose of 6 Gy. These results suggest that exponentially growing lymphocytic leukemia cells, similar to rapidly proliferating tumors, are not very sensitive to fraction size, in contrast to the more slowly growing fibroblasts and most late-responding (radiation therapy dose-limiting) normal tissues, which have a low proliferation index.  相似文献   

Alterations of the p53 gene have been attributed a major role in the development and resistance to therapy of several human cancers. Accumulation of p53 in tumor cells may result from mutations associated with prolonged half-life or from stabilization of wild-type p53 by different mechanisms. To address the role of p53 accumulation in the response of malignant glioma cells to radiochemotherapy, we expressed the p53 mutant p53(V143A) in five human malignant glioma cell lines with different genetic and functional p53 status. Accumulation of p53(V143A) modulated proliferation in three and clonogenicity in four of five cell lines without a clear pattern with regard to their endogenous p53 status. p53(V143A) inhibited the camptothecin-induced accumulation of p21(WAF1/CIP1) in cell lines with p53 functional wild-type activity, but not in cell lines lacking p53 activity, consistent with a transdominant-negative effect of p53(V143A). Irradiation induced a moderate G2/M arrest in all cell lines, irrespective of the p53 status, that was unaffected by p53(V143A). Radiosensitivity as well as sensitivity to BCNU, teniposide (VM26), topotecan, vincristine, Taxol, and cisplatin both in cytotoxic cell death and in clonogenic cell death was unchanged in p53(V143A)-transfected cells with few exceptions. These data do not support the hypothesis that accumulation of mutant p53 is a major determinant of the response to adjuvant radiochemotherapy in human malignant glioma cells.  相似文献   

Summary We investigated the effect of exogenous wild-type p53 on the radiation-induced cells apoptosis and necrosis at different levels of linear energy transfer (LET) to evaluate its mechanisms. The human melanoma cell line A375, which bears wild-type p53 gene status, was used, as well as the transfectant A375 cells (A375/p53) with adenoviral vector containing the wild-type p53 gene. We exposed these cells to X-rays and to accelerated carbon-ion (C-) beams. Cellular sensitivities were determined by using clonogenic assay. Apoptotic and necrotic cell deaths were determined morphologically by dual staining (acridine orange and ethidium bromide) using fluorescence microscopy. We discovered that (1) there was no significant difference in survival fraction between A375 cells and A375/p53 cells irradiated by C-beams with greater than 32 KeV/μm LET, (2) although apoptosis in the two kinds of cells increased in an LET-dependent manner, exogenous wild-type P53 induced cell apoptosis efficiently in A375/p53 relative to A375 cells with X-rays or high-LET irradiation, and (3) by high-LET irradiation, the number of necrosis in A375 cells increased significantly (P<0.05) in comparison with A375/p53 cells. These results indicate that in high-LET irradiation apoptosis induction is p53 dependent partly and exogenous wild-type P53 plays an important role in modulating cell death type, although there was no significant difference in cellular radiosensitivities. Our observation in the study offers the potential application of high-LET radiation combined with p53 in the management of human patients with melanoma.  相似文献   

Caffeine has been widely described as a chemo/radiosensitizing agent, presumably by inhibiting DNA repair, and affecting preferentially cells with an altered p53 status. We evaluated the effects of caffeine using isogenic and isophenotypic K1 cells derived from a papillary thyroid carcinoma and displaying either a wild type or a mutated p53 status. Apoptosis and clonogenic survival were examined after exposure of the cells to cisplatin or UVc irradiation. We find that at the most currently used concentration, 2mM, caffeine hinders cisplatin or UVc induced apoptosis in K1 cells. In addition, at this already barely achievable concentration in vivo, caffeine does not decrease their clonogenic survival. Hence in our cellular model, caffeine does not behave as a chemo- or a radiosensitizer. Although surprising, these results (1) are in agreement with the delayed G2/M block caused by caffeine that we previously observed in normal human fibroblasts and K1 cells and (2) allow us to elucidate some discrepancies concerning this molecule throughout the literature such as increase or decrease of apoptosis and clonogenic survival, activation or deactivation of molecules involved in DNA damage repair and proliferation inhibition but accelerated G2/M traverse.  相似文献   

Aspergillus fumigatus culture filtrate (CF) has a potent cytotoxic effect on three human cancer cell lines (DLKP, A549 and HEp-2) and initiates cell death by apoptosis but the execution of the apoptotic process is incomplete. DLKP cells treated with A. fumigatus CF demonstrate features associated with apoptosis but cytoplasmic and nuclear fragmentation were not observed and cells ultimately underwent necrosis. The apoptotic process commenced in A549 and HEp-2 cells upon exposure to CF, cell shrinkage was observed but membrane blebbing and apoptotic body formation were not detected and detached cells died by necrosis. In contrast, extensive nuclear fragmentation and apoptotic body formation were evident in DLKP and A549 cells treated with anti-neoplastic agents. This work indicates that A. fumigatus CF is cytotoxic to cancer cells and can initiate apoptosis but that the complete apoptotic pathway is not followed. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to evaluate electrogenetherapy with p53wt alone or combined with cisplatin on two colorectal (HT-29 and LoVo) and two prostatic (PC-3 and Du145) carcinoma cell lines with different p53 status. In addition, the feasibility of electrogenetherapy with p53wt was tested also in vivo on PC-3 prostatic cancer xenografts. Electrogenetherapy with p53wt was dependent on the p53 status of the cell lines used. Electrogenetherapy was the most effective on the PC-3 (p53 null) and Du145 (p53mt) cells, and to the much lesser extent in LoVo cells (p53wt). The exception was the HT-29 cell line with overexpressed mutated p53, where electrogenetherapy with p53wt was the least effective. Sensitivity of the cell lines to cisplatin was independent of the p53 status. Furthermore, the presence of exogenous p53 due to electrogenetherapy did not enhance cisplatin cytotoxicity, since the combination of these therapies resulted in additive cytotoxic effect. The effectiveness of electrogenetherapy with p53wt was also demonstrated in vivo by successful treatment of subcutaneous PC-3 tumors in mice. In conclusion, our study shows that electrogenetherapy with p53wt is feasible, and resulted in comparable cytotoxic and antitumor effectiveness to viral-mediated p53wt gene therapy. This therapy was effective and dependent on the p53 status of the tumor cell lines. Combination of electrogenetherapy and cisplatin resulted in additional cell kill by cisplatin, and was not dependent on the p53 status.  相似文献   

To evaluate whether DNA alterations in mature spermatozoa could stem from DNA damage induced in immature germ cells, testis cells and spermatozoa were analyzed by the comet assay and by the sperm chromatin structure assay 14, 45 and 100 days after in vivo X irradiation of the testes. These times were selected, according to the mouse seminiferous epithelium cycle, to follow the DNA damage induced in different germ cell compartments. The cytotoxic action was assessed by DNA flow cytometric analysis of testicular cells. A dose-dependent increase of DNA damage in testis cells was observed 14 days after irradiation, whereas mature sperm cells were not affected. On the other hand, an increase in DNA strand breaks was seen in spermatozoa 45 days after treatment. DNA damage returned to the control levels 100 days after irradiation. The methods used to evaluate DNA damage gave comparable results, emphasizing the correlation between DNA fragmentation and susceptibility of sperm chromatin to denaturation. Both techniques showed the high radiosensitivity of differentiating spermatogonia. The overall results showed that DNA damage induced in pre-meiotic germ cells is detectable in primary spermatocytes and is still present in mature spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Summary Six different cell-survival models have been compared. All models are based on the similar assumption that irradiated cells are able to exist in one of three states.SA is the state of a totally repaired cell, in stateSC the cell contains lethal lesions and in stateSB the cell contains potentially lethal lesions i.e. those which either can be repaired or converted into lethal lesions. The differences between the six models lies in the different mathematical relationships between the three states. To test the six models, six different sets of experimental data were used which describe cell survival at different repair times after irradiation with sparsely ionizing irradiation. In order to compare the models, a goodness-of-fit function was used. The differences between the six models were tested by use of the nonparametric Mann-Whitney two sample test. Based on the 95% confidence limit, this required separation into three groups.Extended version of an oral presentation held at the 8th International Congress of Radiation Research in Edinburgh  相似文献   

The Bowman-Birk proteinase inhibitor (BBI) has previously been described as a radioprotective agent against ionising radiation. It was demonstrated that BBI is able to significantly increase the clonogenic cell survival of normal fibroblasts when applied before exposure to ultraviolet B (UVB) radiation. In transformed TP53-mutated cell lines, however, the BBI-mediated radioprotection was absent. At the molecular level, the radioprotective effect of BBI can be correlated with BBI-mediated stabilisation of TP53 protein prior to irradiation. Following UVB irradiation, the BBI-treated cells present an accelerated removal of cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers. Thus, the cell and molecular biological data presented suggest that BBI is able to protect cells with functional TP53 from UVB-induced DNA damage. This protective effect is most likely achieved via the activation of the TP53 signalling cascade resulting in the activation of nucleotide excision repair. Received: 7 August 2000 / Accepted: 11 January 2001  相似文献   

We have studied the impact of TP53 status on the extent and nature of chromosome damage seen in human skin fibroblasts after gamma irradiation beyond the G1-phase checkpoint but prior to the G2-phase checkpoint. Mitotic cells were examined in the absence and presence of treatment with nocodazole and the yield of aberrations was scored as a function of time postirradiation. The results revealed substantially greater damage in the absence of nocodazole, indicating that damage was being masked in its presence. While metaphase aberrations were seen exclusively in the presence of nocodazole, anaphase aberrations were seen principally in its absence. Furthermore, these were mostly of an unseparated, or "sticky", type that showed separation of the chromatids in the centromeric region, indicating normal degradation of cohesin, with retention of adhesion further out on the chromatid arms. Using postirradiation BrdU labeling and the absence of nocodazole, we were able to identify mitotic figures up to the third postirradiation mitosis. Analysis of the data revealed that in cells wild-type for TP53 the aberrant anaphases were lost after the first postirradiation mitosis, although they were still found in gradually decreasing amounts into the second and third postirradiation mitoses in E6-expressing cells. The data indicate that the formation of these sticky anaphases is independent of TP53 status, an observation that is consistent with the TP53 independence of transient G2-phase arrest. However, the consequences of the formation of these lesions appear to be very different. In the case of cells wild-type for TP53 this is chronic G1-phase arrest, while in E6 cells it is anaphase catastrophe.  相似文献   

Our previous studies showed that treatment of mice with total body irradiation (TBI) or total lymphoid tissue irradiation markedly changes the balance of residual T cell subsets to favor CD4(+)CD44(hi) NKT cells because of the differential resistance of the latter subset to cell death. The object of the current study was to further elucidate the changed balance and mechanisms of differential radioresistance of T cell subsets after graded doses of TBI. The experimental results showed that CD4(+) T cells were markedly more resistant than CD8(+) T cells, and CD44(hi) T cells, including NKT cells and memory T cells, were markedly more resistant than CD44(lo) (naive) T cells. The memory T cells immunized to alloantigens persisted even after myeloablative (1000 cGy) TBI and were able to prevent engraftment of bone marrow transplants. Although T cell death after 1000 cGy was prevented in p53(-/-) mice, there was progressive T cell death in p53(-/-) mice at higher doses. Although p53-dependent T cell death changed the balance of subsets, p53-independent T cell death did not. In conclusion, resistance of CD44(hi) T cells to p53-dependent cell death results in the persistence of immunological memory after TBI and can explain the immune-mediated rejection of marrow transplants in sensitized recipients.  相似文献   

Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase (TK) inhibitors are promising therapeutic agents for Bcr-Abl-positive (Bcr-Abl(+)) leukemias. Although they are known to promote caspase-mediated apoptosis, it remains unclear whether caspase-independent cell death-inducing mechanisms are also triggered. Here we demonstrated that INNO-406, a second-generation Bcr-Abl TK inhibitor, induces programmed cell death (PCD) in chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) cell lines through both caspase-mediated and caspase-independent pathways. The latter pathways include caspase-independent apoptosis (CIA) and necrosis-like cell death (CIND), and the cell lines varied regarding which mechanism was elicited upon INNO-406 treatment. We also observed that the propensity toward CIA or CIND in cells was strongly associated with cellular dependency on apoptosome-mediated caspase activity. Cells that undergo CIND have a high apoptosome activity potential whereas cells that undergo CIA tend to have a lower potential. Moreover, we found that INNO-406 promotes autophagy. When autophagy was inhibited with chloroquine or gene knockdown of beclin1 by shRNA, INNO-406-induced cell death was enhanced, which indicates that the autophagic response of the tumor cells is protective. These findings suggest new insights into the biology and therapy of Bcr-Abl(+) leukemias.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to analyze the prognostic impact of mutated TP53 in patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) whose tumors were infected with human papillomavirus (HPV). METHODS: Thirty-two HPV-positive OSCC patients were included. Most of them were clinically classified as stage III (n=29). All patients underwent postoperative radiotherapy (follow-up from 12 to 60 months, median 32). There were 21 relapses. DNA was isolated by phenol extraction from tumor tissue. HPV DNA (type 16, 18, 31, 33) was detected in genomic DNA of the tumors by the PCR-PAGE method. TP53 mutations (exons 4-8) were detected by the PCR-SSCP method. RESULTS: A statistically significant difference in the number of relapses in HPV-infected (13/21) versus HPV-infected and TP53-mutated (8/8) patients was observed. Patients with both TP53 mutation and HPV infection had a significantly shorter disease-free interval than patients with HPV infection only (median 6 versus 31 months, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: TP53 mutations are associated with a higher risk of relapse and contribute to an even worse prognosis of patients with OSCC when the tumors are HPV infected. The shorter disease-free interval in patients with TP53 mutations indicates that the response to postoperative radiotherapy may be influenced by TP53 status. The presence of both HPV infection and TP53 mutations may define a particular group of tumors with a more aggressive phenotype in advanced OSCC.  相似文献   

A common arginine to proline polymorphism is harboured at codon 72 of the human p53 gene. In this investigation, we found that fibroblasts and lymphocytes isolated from arginine allele homozygote centenarians and sexagenarians (Arg+) undergo an oxidative-stress-induced apoptosis at a higher extent than cells obtained from proline allele carriers (Pro+). At variance, the difference in apoptosis susceptibility between Arg+ and Pro+ is not significant when cells from 30-year-old people are studied. Further, we found that Arg+ and Pro+ cells from centenarians differ in the constitutive levels of p53 protein and p53/MDM2 complex, as well as in the levels of oxidative stress-induced p53/Bcl-xL complex and mitochondria-localised p53. Consistently, all these differences are less evident in cells from 30-year-old people. Finally, we investigated the in vivo functional relevance of the p53 codon 72 genotype in a group of old patients (66-99 years of age) affected by acute myocardial ischaemia, a clinical condition in which in vivo cell death occurs. We found that Arg+ patients show increased levels of Troponin I and CK-MB, two serum markers that correlate with the extent of the ischaemic damage in comparison to Pro+ patients. In conclusion, these data suggest that p53 codon 72 polymorphism contributes to a genetically determined variability in apoptotic susceptibility among old people, which has a potentially relevant role in the context of an age-related pathologic condition, such as myocardial ischaemia.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that expression of exogenous wild-type p53 is detrimental to the growth of cell lines with absent or mutant p53. In this study, wild-type p53 cDNA expression plasmids were transfected into A549 lung carcinoma cells which had previously been shown by sequencing to contain wild-type p53. When a constitutively expressed wild-type p53 plasmid containing the neomycin resistance gene was transfected into these cells, no G418-resistant colonies contained the exogenous p53 cDNA even though the neomycin resistance gene was integrated. When cells were transfected with a dexamethasone-inducible wild-type p53 cDNA expression plasmid, induction of p53 expression resulted in a decreased growth rate and a decreased proportion of S-phase cells. Continuous treatment with dexamethasone resulted in continued p53 expression for 16 days, but beyond that time expression ceased and could not be reinduced. These data indicated that although the A549 cell line could proliferate in the presence of endogenous wild-type p53 there was a strong selection pressure against continued expression of additional exogenous wild-type p53.  相似文献   

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