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The development of outbred mouse (CF1) zygotes in vitro has been studied using medium SOM in which the concentrations of NaCl (85, 105, 125 mM), glutamine (0, 1, 2 mM), and betaine (0, 1, 2 mM) were varied. The effects of the compounds were studied using a 33 factorial experimental arrangement. The inhibitory effect of relatively high concentrations of NaCl and the protective effect of glutamine were confirmed. Betaine, an organic osmolyte, can also protect against the deleterious effects of relatively high concentrations of NaCl. The intracellular contents of potassium and sodium have also been measured in single zygotes using X-ray electron probe spectrometry. When medium SOM contains 85 mM or 125 mM NaCl, the intracellular content of Na rises and the content of K decreases. These changes are partially reduced in the presence of 125 mM NaCl if betaine is also in the medium. Betaine has no effect on the intracellular content of K and Na if the concentration of NaCl is 85 mM. These results suggest that organic osmolytes may be required in embryo culture media to prevent excessive changes in the intracellular ionic concentration. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Purines inhibit the development of mouse embryos in vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The first cleavage of embryos derived from random-bred, inbred, and hybrid-inbred female mice was not arrested by purines at concentrations as high as 30 microM. Development after the first or second cleavage was arrested by hypoxanthine, adenosine or inosine, but not guanosine. In agreement with previous results, the purine-induced block was reversed when arrested embryos were transferred to purine-free media after 24 h in culture. The cleavage arrest was not due to elevations of cAMP as a result of inhibition of phosphodiesterase activity since similar concentrations of phosphodiesterase inhibitors or dibutyryl cAMP did not block development. Treatment with inhibitors of enzymes that convert IMP to AMP or to GMP did not reverse the hypoxanthine-induced block, thus demonstrating that mitotic arrest is mediated by a mechanism different from the hypoxanthine arrest of meiosis. Thymidine incorporation studies showed that the block did not prevent the onset of DNA synthesis. The results reveal a profound sensitivity to purine inhibition of a cell process that occurs during the first 30 h of mouse embryo development and is necessary for progession through the G2 or M phases of the second or third cleavage.  相似文献   

The mouse is a convenient model to analyze the impact of in vitro culture (IVC) on the long-term health and physiology of the offspring, and the possible inheritance of these altered phenotypes. The preimplantation period of mammalian development has been identified as an early ‘developmental window’ during which environmental conditions may influence the pattern of future growth and physiology. Suboptimal culture media can cause severe alterations in mRNA expression in the embryo, which are associated with embryo quality reduction. In addition, the embryonic epigenetic reprogramming may also be severely affected by IVC, modifying epigenetic marks particularly in imprinted genes and epigenetically sensitive alleles. These altered epigenetic marks can persist after birth, resulting in adult health problems such as obesity, increased anxiety and memory deficits. Furthermore, some epigenetic modifications have been found to be transmitted to the offspring (epigenetic transgenerational inheritance), thereby providing a suitable model to asses risks of cross-generational effects of perturbing early embryo development. This review will highlight how preimplantation environment changes can not only affect developmental processes taking place at that time, but can also have an impact further, affecting offspring health and physiology; and how they may be transmitted to the next generation. We will also analyze the emerging role of epigenetics as a mechanistic link between the early environment and the later phenotype of the developing organism.  相似文献   

To further investigate the role of insulin during preimplantation embryo development, we compared the effects of insulin on the development of mouse and bovine preimplantation embryos and on cell proliferation during culture in vitro in simplex media. The influence of insulin on the development of mouse zygotes was determined during cultivation in mSOF medium, alone or supplemented with glucose. Similarly, the effects of insulin on the bovine preimplantation embryo development were studied in mSOF medium. The addition of insulin into mSOF medium enhanced significantly the number of cells per mouse blastocyst. Moreover, when mSOF medium was supplemented with insulin and 0.2 mmol x l(-1) glucose, the percentage of hatched blastocysts and the mean cell number of mouse blastocysts were significantly higher. Insulin had no significant effect on the development of bovine embryos, produced by in vitro fertilization of in vitro matured oocytes. Neither the rates of developing embryos nor the mean number of cells in blastocysts were different in comparison with control embryos. Our results suggest that the in vitro development of mouse embryos could be enhanced by the addition of insulin to the culture medium and is further improved by the addition of glucose. In contrast to this our results indicate that insulin has no detectable beneficial effect on the preimplantation development of bovine embryos in mSOF medium.  相似文献   

The optimal oxygen tension for development of preimplantation mouse embryos to the blastocyst stage in vitro was found to be between 2.5% and 5%. One- and two-cell embryos had a more sharply defined range of oxygen tension capable of supporting development than 8-cell and morula stages. At all stages of development, more embryos developed to the blastocyst stage under 5% O2 compared to the numbers of developing under higher oxygen tensions (20% and 40% O2). The blastocysts developing under 20% O2 had fewer blastomeres than those which developed under 5% O2. As the time required for development to the blastocyst stage in vitro increased, there were fewer blastomeres present at the blastocyst stage. These results indicate that the cleaving mouse embryo has an optimal oxygen requirement in vitro of about 5%. At higher oxygen tensions, fewer embryos develop to the blastocyst stage and in those which do develop, there are fewer cell divisions. If a gradient of oxygen tension exists across the blastomeres from the outside of the embryo to its centre, the blastomeres might be using this gradient to obtain imformation about their location within the embryo and respond accordingly. Thus blastomeres on the outside at a higher oxygen tension would divide at a slower rate and form trophectoderm whereas those on the inside at a lower oxygen tension would divide more rapidly and contribute to the inner cell mass.  相似文献   

In this study, C57BL/6 adult male mouse ear fibroblast cells and Kunming mouse M2 oocytes were used as donors and recipients, respectively, to investigate the effect of passage number on donor cells and electrofusion times on the in vitro development of nuclear transfer (NT) embryos. The results demonstrated firstly that when the ear fibroblast cells from either 2-4, 5-7 or 8-10 passages were used as donors, respectively, to produce NT embryos, the number of passages undergone by the donor cells had no significant effect on the in vitro development of NT embryos. The developmental rates for morula/blastocyst were 15.2, 13.3 and 14.0%, respectively, which were not significantly difference (p>0.05). Secondly, when the NT embryos were electrofused, there was no significant difference between the fusion ratio for the first electrofusion and the second electrofusion (p>0.05). The developmental rates of the 2-cell and 4-cell stages that had undergone only one electrofusion, however, were significantly higher than those that had had two electrofusions (65.7% compared with 18.4% and 36.4% compared with 6.1%; p<0.01), furthermore the NT embryos with two electrofusions could not develop beyond the 4-cell stage. This study suggests that this protocol might be an alternative method for mouse somatic cloning, even though electrofusion can exert negative effects on the development of NT embryos.  相似文献   

We have developed a technique to sample the preimplantation embryo, which may, in the future, be applied to prenatal diagnosis of genetic disease. Using micromanipulation, we aspirated a single blastomere from 4-cell mouse embryos. This procedure had no effect on in vitro development; 98% of control and 94% of biopsied embryos reached the blastocyst stage after 48 h in culture. Furthermore, after transfer to pseudopregnant recipient mice, the rate of fetal development of biopsied embryos was not significantly different from control embryos, although implantation rate was significantly reduced (mean +/- SD: biopsied 53.1 +/- 4.0, control 81.8 +/- 8.4, p less than 0.001). For the first time we have produced monolayer cell cultures derived from single preimplantation blastomeres. Individual biopsied blastomeres were cultured in vitro on different extracellular matrix components. Significantly greater cell proliferation was obtained in wells coated with fibronectin (FN), laminin (LN), and a complex of laminin and nidogen (LNC) than in a less specific matrix of swine skin gelatin (SSG). Mean (+/- SE) cell nuclei number per well after 6 days in culture was 6.4 +/- 2.1, 11.9 +/- 1.5, 19.8 +/- 2.9, and 20.9 +/- 2.6 in wells coated with SSG, LN, FN, and LNC respectively.  相似文献   

E S Hunter  T W Sadler 《Teratology》1987,36(2):259-264
The effects of the "physiologically occurring" D-isomer of beta-hydroxybutyrate (D-BOHB) were evaluated in neurulating mouse embryos by using the technique of whole embryo culture. Following a 24-hour culture period D-BOHB induced malformations and growth retardation in a concentration-dependent manner. At a 48 mM concentration essentially all embryos exhibited neural tube defects, and decreased rates of glucose metabolism by the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) and Krebs cycle were observed when compared to controls. The relationship between an inhibition of the PPP and induction of malformations by DL-BOHB has been reported, and thereby suggests a similar mechanism may be operating for the D-isomer. In contrast, the effect of the D-isomer on the Krebs cycle may result from a replacement of glucose intermediates by those generated from metabolism of D-BOHB. Concentrations as high as 20 mM D-BOHB have been reported in the serum of uncontrolled diabetic patients, and since ketones rapidly equilibrate across extraembryonic membranes, embryos in vivo may be exposed to concentrations equivalent to those which induced malformations in vitro. However, the incidence of malformations induced by D-BOHB was less than that reported for the DL-racemic mixture at equivalent concentrations, thereby suggesting that the L-isomer is also teratogenic. Therefore, until the presence and concentration of L-BOHB in the serum of diabetics are documented, the assessment of the impact of maternal ketosis on the embryo remains incomplete.  相似文献   

The effect of simple and sequential embryo culture media on the preimplantation development of mouse nuclear transfer (NT) embryos reconstructed with cumulus cell nuclei using a mechanical NT technique was studied. Blastocyst formation rate was evaluated using CZB medium and the sequential media G1/G2 and KSOM/G2. Arrested two- and three-cell NT embryos were Hoechst-stained to check for nuclear abnormalities. Nonmanipulated and sham-manipulated parthenogenetic embryos served as controls for, respectively, the medium and the handling technique. Rates of blastocyst formation for medium and handling control embryos were similar in CZB (58% and 61%), in G1/G2 (94% and 85%), and in KSOM/G2 (88% and 84%). Development of NT embryos was significantly impaired from the two-cell stage onwards, reaching the blastocyst stage at a rate of 5% in CZB, 14% in G1/G2, and 28% in KSOM/G2. Arrested two- and three-cell stage NT embryos showed a high rate of binucleation. These data demonstrate not only that NT embryos are more sensitive to in vitro culture conditions than parthenogenetic control embryos but also that selection of culture media can influence the preimplantation development of NT embryos.  相似文献   

One-cell embryos from some inbred and random-bred mice, but not those derived from certain F1 hybrids, suffer from a block during in vitro development known as the two-cell block. This two-cell block can be overcome by removing glucose or inorganic phosphate from the culture system or by altering the ratio of other medium components such as sodium, potassium, or bicarbonate. This issue is made more complex by the fact that the rate of development is different for each strain of mouse and this rate of development is invariably slowed under in vitro culture conditions. This study investigated the role of glucose and inorganic phosphate, individually or in combination, in relation to the two-cell block, and rate of development in vitro of two random-bred strains (CF-1 and CD-1) and an F2 hybrid derived from a nonblocking F1 hybrid cross (C57B1/6NCr × C3H/HeNCr). Results were compared with in vivo data for each strain, and between media. There was a significant difference in the rate of preimplantation development in vivo of the three strains chosen, which was mirrored in vitro, regardless of the medium. The two random-bred strains suffered from a glucose-related two-cell block which was primarily mediated by inorganic phosphate. Inorganic phosphate was detrimental to embryo development regardless of strain or the presence of glucose. Although glucose, in the absence of inorganic phosphate, resulted in some blocking in development in the inbred strains initially, its presence in media was associated with increased rates of development at later stages in embryos that did not block. Glucose, but not inorganic phosphate, was beneficial but not essential to the development of the F2 embryos. The results of this study demonstrated that mouse embryos from different strains have differential rates of development in vivo and in vitro, and different sensitivities to glucose and inorganic phosphate. The two-cell block was primarily induced in the combined presence of glucose and inorganic phosphate. Glucose was beneficial in the absence of inorganic phosphate, and inorganic phosphate was detrimental to the rate of in vitro development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

I Zusman  P Yaffe  A Ornoy 《Teratology》1989,39(6):581-589
The effects of sera from different types of human diabetes (type I with and without ketoacidosis; type II treated with insulin or Daonil or untreated) on the in vitro development of early preimplantation mouse embryos were studied. In controls, 20% of blastocysts failed to develop successfully when grown for 72 h in RPMI medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 50% nondiabetic human serum. In experiments using 50% diabetic serum, the highest embryotoxic effect was found in type-I diabetes with and without ketoacidosis: The percents of undeveloped embryos were 66 and 58, respectively. In type-II diabetes, embryotoxic effects were found among all studied types: The percent of undeveloped blastocysts varied from 36% in insulin-treated type-II diabetes to 44% in untreated type-II diabetes. A high correlation was found between the number of undeveloped embryos and the blood concentrations of metabolic diabetic factors: glucose (r = .53-.64 in type-I diabetes), B-HOB (r = .7-.77 in type-II diabetes untreated or treated with Daonil), acetoacetate (r = .66 in insulin-treated type-II diabetes), and HbA1c (r = .89 in insulin-treated type-II diabetes or .99 in Daonil-treated type-II diabetes). A concentration of 80% serum was embryo-toxic when obtained from nondiabetic or from diabetic human. The possible role of diabetic metabolic factors in causing increased risk of spontaneous abortions and infertility among diabetic women is discussed.  相似文献   

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