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Structural variants of the mouse Chr 17-specific t complex, known as t haplotypes, express factors that alter the ability of sperm to carry out their roles in the normal fertilization process. In previous studies of males carrying heterospecific combinations of the t complex, we discovered a unique M. spretus/t haplotype phenotype of male sterility. In additional studies with mice carrying a series of M. spretus–M. m. domesticus recombinant Chr 17 homologs and a complete t haplotype (S-+/t), we monitored physiological aspects of sperm function to map a locus (Hst6) responsible for expression of the t-specific ``curlicue' sperm flagellar curvature phenotype to 1 cM within the fourth inversion of the t complex. In the present report, we quantitatively analyze the in vitro capability of sperm from mice with similar S-+/t Chr 17 genotypes to fertilize zona pellucida-free mouse eggs. The results identify a locus, Stop1, mapping distal to Pim1, with acute effects on the ability of sperm to penetrate the oolemma. The data suggest that Stop1 is a complex locus consisting of at least two genetic elements, a proximal one overlapping the Hst6 locus, and another, distal to the Hst6 locus. Further quantitative analyses of the ``curlicue' phenotype produced by sperm derived from these same animals indicate that expression of this chronic flagellar curvature phenotype also derives from at least two elements, both mapping within the Hst6 locus. Thus, these studies provide higher resolution mapping of the molecular basis of t haplotype-specific sperm dysfunction emanating from In(17)4. Received: 22 May 1998 / Accepted: 17 June 1998  相似文献   

Probes for loci situated near one end of the proximal (Tcp-1) and distal (Qa-2, 3) inversions of the mouse t complex have been hybridized to chromosomes of mice with and without t complexes and with morphologically distinguishable chromosome 17s. Both the probe for Tcp-1 and that for Qa-2, 3 hybridized to clearly different positions on t and non-t chromosomes, thus making visible the extent of the two inversions. The proximal inversion extends from roughly the junction of bands A1 and A2 to band A3, and the distal inversion from band A3 to band C. Thus, the whole t complex extends from the band Al–A2 junction to band C, and is therefore somewhat larger than previously thought, and occupies about 1.2 % of the genome. A probe for complement component 3 (C3-1), genetically known to be several cM distal to the t complex, was found by in situ hybridization to lie in band E1. The proximal part of chromosome 17 is one of the best known parts of the mouse genome, at both the genetic and molecular levels. It may soon be possible to correlate the length of the t complex in terms of chromosomal distance with its physical length in megabases.  相似文献   

Although Ca(2+) is of fundamental importance in mammalian sperm capacitation, its downstream targets have not been definitively demonstrated. The purpose of this study was to use the calmodulin (CaM) antagonists W7 and calmidazolium (CZ) to investigate the possible role of CaM, a Ca(2+)-specific binding protein, in capacitation. Sperm membrane changes associated with capacitation were assessed by the B pattern after chlortetracycline staining and by the ability to undergo the acrosome reaction (AR) in response to lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC). The percentage of B pattern sperm was significantly inhibited by W7 or CZ in a concentration-dependent manner. At 100 microM W7 or 10 microM CZ, these inhibitors also significantly reduced the sperm's ability to undergo the LPC-induced AR. Inhibition of the B pattern and the LPC-induced AR was overcome by exogenous cAMP analogues. Treatment of the sperm with 100 microM W7 also resulted in a significant decrease in their ability to fertilize eggs in vitro. At 100 microM, W5, a less potent dechlorinated W7 analogue, had no effect on the B pattern, LPC-induced AR, or fertilization competence. Sperm viability and protein tyrosine phosphorylation were not substantially affected by 100 microM W7 (relative to 100 microM W5) or 10 microM CZ; however, the percentages of motile and hyperactivated sperm were significantly reduced. The antagonist-inhibited sperm motility was restored by dilution in control medium, but not by cAMP analogues. These results suggest that CaM participates in the regulation of membrane changes important for mouse sperm capacitation, at a point upstream from cAMP, and that this pathway is at least partially separable from pathways controlling tyrosine phosphorylation and hyperactivation.  相似文献   

During capacitation of mammalian sperm intracellular [Ca(2+)] and cyclic nucleotides increase, suggesting that CNG channels play a role in the physiology of sperm. Here we study the effect of capacitation, 8Br-cAMP (8-bromoadenosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate) and 8Br-cGMP (8-bromoguanosine 3',5'-cyclic monophosphate) on the macroscopic ionic currents of mouse sperm, finding the existence of different populations of sperm, in terms of the recorded current and its response to cyclic nucleotides. Our results show that capacitation and cyclic nucleotides increase the ionic current, having a differential sensitivity to cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate) and cAMP (cyclic adenosine monophosphate). Using a specific inhibitor we determine the contribution of CNG channels to macroscopic current and capacitation.  相似文献   

Extracellular Ca2+ is required for capacitation and fertilization in the mouse, but very little is known about the ability of other divalent cations to substitute for Ca2+. In this study, Sr2+, Ba2+, and Mg2+ were evaluated for their ability to support capacitation, the acrosome reaction, hyperactivated motility, and fertilization. Ba2+ proved to be ineffective, but Mg2+-containing medium was able to support capacitation to a greater extent than unsupplemented Ca2+-deficient media; despite this, Ca2+ was required for fertilization. In contrast, Sr2+ proved capable of substituting for Ca2+ in all events. Furthermore, Sr2+-induced responses were indistinguishable from the corresponding Ca2+-induced ones: Sperm capacitated at the same rate and underwent the acrosome reaction to the same extent. However, demonstration of sperm:egg fusion in Sr2+ required the use of zona-free eggs. This was due not to the inability of the sperm to penetrate the zona but to the very rapid activation and cortical granule release by eggs in response to Sr2+. When zona-intact eggs were used, the block to polyspermy had been mounted by the time sperm had penetrated the zona. A 15 min exposure to Sr2+ was sufficient to block sperm fusion, but a longer exposure was required to ensure the resumption of meiosis in eggs; such a response was surprising in that the eggs were freshly ovulated and not susceptible to activation by many different treatments. Thus Sr2+ can profoundly affect both gametes in the mouse: It substitutes completely for Ca2+ in sperm responses and rapidly activates eggs, possibly by displacing Ca2+ from intracellular stores into the cytoplasm, where the Ca2+ can then trigger the various events of activation.  相似文献   

Intial in vivo studies were performed to observe the proportion of eggs fertillized at specific intervals after natural mating and ovulation in our research mouse colony. Proestrous females of the C57BL/10Wt, SJL/Wt inbred strains and the F1 hybrid cross (B10 × SJL or reciprocals) were paired in the after-noon with males of their respective strain and examined for vaginal plugs at the midpoint of the dark period (2400 hours). Oviducts were periodically collected from mated females, and ovulation was first observed at 4, 5.2, and 3 hours after 2400 hours in the B10, SJL, and F1 hyrid, respectively. The clutch of eggs from each ovulating female, was placed in culture, and cleavage oviduct lavage verifying female mating was placed in culture, and cleavage was used as the criterion for fertilizaition. Fifty percent of the eggs were fertilized 2.2, 5.0, and 2.5 hours after ovulation in B10, SJL, and F1 hybrid females, respectively. Because twice the legth of time was required to fertilize a similar proportion of eggs from the SJL strain as the F1 hybrid, these two strains were used for determining their rate of fertilization under more fully controlled conditions in vitro. Forty-nine percent of F1 hybrid eggs were fertilized after 4 hours incubation with SJL epididymal sperm, whereas 53% fo SJL and 56% of F1 hybrid eggs were fertilized after only 2 hours incubation with F1 hybrid epididymal sperm. Thus, using sperm from these two mouse strains, the amount of time required to fertilize approximately 50% of the eggs within a clutch both in vivo and vitro was very similar. These observations demonstrte teh validity of using this in vitro system for fertilization studies and confirm that the temporal events in sperm capacitation and egg penetration are dependent on the genotype of the sperm. Similarities in fertilization rates at specific times after ovulation or insemination in vitro imply that the initiationof sperm capacitation in vivo occurs near the time of ovulation and several hours after mating. We tentatively suggest that follicular fluid may be required for completion of mouse sperm capacitaiton in vivo.  相似文献   

The oxygen consumption of spermatozoa from the caudae epididymides of the mouse was measured in various media and in the presence or absence of substrates and inhibitory agents in order to investigate the relationship between oxidative metabolism and capacitation. When washed sperm were placed in a medium in which capacitation occurs, respiration increased abruptly, due to the availability of oxidizable substrates, and remained at a high, constant level throughout the period of measurement. There was no temporal change in rate during the time when capacitation was occurring, nor was the rate after capacitation had occurred higher than it was before. Capacitation does not occur in a medium in which polyvinyl alcohol is substituted for bovine serum albumin or to which ethyl alcohol is added. Prevention of capacitation by these means had no effect on the rate of oxygen consumption. The results support the conclusion that the increased respiration of sperm in a capacitating medium is due to the presence of oxidizable substrates and, as such, is an accompaniment of the process of capacitation rather than a factor in bringing it about.  相似文献   

Mouse sperm were incubated in medium with or without 24 mM lactate and assessed for (1) motility characteristics including hyperactivation—a computer-assisted motion analysis system was used; (2) capacitation—a chlortetracycline fluorescent dye binding assay was used; and (3) ability to penetrate oocytes. Lactate affected all aspects of motility and delayed the rates of both hyperactivation and capacitation. When a concentration of 8 × 103 sperm/ml was used for insemination in vitro, sperm preincubated 60–90 minutes in medium with lactate prior to insemination in lactate-free medium fertilized fewer oocytes than did sperm preincubated in lactate-free medium. Use of a calcium-sensitive electrode demonstrated that lactate chelated appreciable amounts of calcium in the medium. Capacitation was assayed in sperm incubated 60 minutes in medium with various concentrations of lactate or CaCl2. When medium containing lactate was compared to medium without lactate but having a similar level of free calcium, the level of capacitation of sperm incubated with lactate was less than half that of sperm incubated without lactate. These results demonstrate that including 24 mM lactate in the medium can have detrimental effects on mouse sperm hyperactivation and capacitation. The detrimental effects on capacitation are partly but not completely due to the chelation of calcium by lactate.  相似文献   

Involvement of a Na+/HCO-3 cotransporter in mouse sperm capacitation   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Mammalian sperm are incapable of fertilizing eggs immediately after ejaculation; they acquire fertilization capacity after residing in the female tract for a finite period of time. The physiological changes sperm undergo in the female reproductive tract that render sperm able to fertilize constitute the phenomenon of "sperm capacitation." We have demonstrated that capacitation is associated with an increase in the tyrosine phosphorylation of a subset of proteins and that these events are regulated by an HCO(3)(-)/cAMP-dependent pathway involving protein kinase A. Capacitation is also accompanied by hyperpolarization of the sperm plasma membrane. Here we present evidence that, in addition to its role in the regulation of adenylyl cyclase, HCO(3)(-) has a role in the regulation of plasma membrane potential in mouse sperm. Addition of HCO(3)(-) but not Cl(-) induces a hyperpolarizing current in mouse sperm plasma membranes. This HCO(3)(-)-dependent hyperpolarization was not observed when Na(+) was replaced by the non-permeant cation choline(+). Replacement of Na(+) by choline(+) also inhibited the capacitation-associated increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation as well as the zona pellucida-induced acrosome reaction. The lack of an increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation was overcome by the presence of cAMP agonists in the incubation medium. The lack of a hyperpolarizing HCO(3)(-) current and the inhibition of the capacitation-dependent increase in protein tyrosine phosphorylation in the absence of Na(+) suggest that a Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter is present in mouse sperm and is coupled to events regulating capacitation.  相似文献   

Following insemination of spermatozoa pre-ovulation, the mammalian oviduct ensures, by the formation of a functional sperm reservoir (SR), that suitable (low) numbers of viable and potentially fertile spermatozoa are available for fertilization at the ampullary isthmic junction (AIJ). As ovulation approaches, a proportion of the SR-stored spermatozoa is continuously distributed towards the AIJ and individually activated leading to step-wise capacitation and the attainment of hyperactivated motility. This paper reviews in vivo changes in the intra-luminal milieu of the oviduct of pigs and cows, in particular the SR and the AIJ which relate to the modulation of sperm capacitation around spontaneous ovulation. In vivo, most viable spermatozoa in the pre-ovulatory SR are uncapacitated. Capacitation rates significantly increase after ovulation, apparently not massively but concurrent with the individual, continuous sperm dislocation from the SR. Bicarbonate, whose levels differ between the SR and the AIJ, appears as the common primary effector of the membrane destabilizing changes that encompasses the first stages of capacitation. Sperm activation can be delayed or even reversed by co-incubation with membrane proteins of the tubal lining, isthmic fluid or specific tubal glycosaminoglycans, such as hyaluronan. Although the pattern of response to in vitro induction of sperm activation - capacitation in particular - is similar for all spermatozoa, the capacity and speed of the response is very individual. Such diversity in responsiveness among spermatozoa insures full sperm viability before ovulation and the presence of spermatozoa at different stages of capacitation at the AIJ, thus maximizing the chances of normal fertilization.  相似文献   

As a result of research in the 1980s on in vitro maturation, sperm capacitation, and in vitro fertilization, the bovine is now one of the important models for development. Further, the current production of bovine embryos in vitro rivals that of in vivo embryo production for commercial applications. Researchers of today may be unaware of why decisions were made in the procedures. This review addresses the state of the art at the time of the work by Parrish et al. (Bovine in vitro fertilization with frozen thawed semen. Theriogenology 1986;25:591–600), and how later work would explain success or failure of competing procedures. Important was the use of frozen semen and heparin capacitation, because this allowed future researchers/practitioners to change sperm numbers and capacitation conditions to adjust for variations among bulls. The large numbers of citation of the original work stand the testament of time in the repeatability and success of the procedures. The work was done within the environment of the N.L. First laboratory and the unique interactions with a large number of talented graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and technicians.  相似文献   

Capacitation is the prerequisite process for sperm to gain the ability for successful fertilization. Unregulated capacitation will cause sperm to undergo a spontaneous acrosome reaction and then fail to fertilize an egg. Seminal plasma is thought to have the ability to suppress sperm capacitation. However, the mechanisms by which seminal proteins suppress capacitation have not been well understood. Recently, we demonstrated that a major seminal vesicle secretory protein, seminal vesicle autoantigen (SVA), is able to suppress bovine serum albumin (BSA)-induced mouse sperm capacitation. To further identify the mechanism of SVA action, we determine the molecular events associated with SVA suppression of BSA's activity. In this communication, we demonstrate that SVA suppresses the BSA-induced increase of intracellular calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i), intracellular pH (pH(i)), the cAMP level, PKA activity, protein tyrosine phosphorylation, and capacitation in mouse sperm. Besides, we also found that the suppression ability of SVA against BSA-induced protein tyrosine phosphorylation and capacitation could be reversed by dbcAMP (a cAMP agonist).  相似文献   

We investigated the role of endogenous redox activity in regulating the signal transduction pathway leading to tyrosine phosphorylation in mouse spermatozoa. Endogenous redox activity was monitored using a luminol-peroxidase chemiluminescent probe. Chemiluminescence increased in spermatozoa that were actively undergoing cAMP-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation events associated with capacitation and was inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by addition of catalase or diphenylene iodonium, both of which also inhibited tyrosine phosphorylation within the cell at points downstream of cAMP. Excluding bicarbonate from the incubation medium reduced the redox activity of sperm by 80-90% and dramatically reduced tyrosine phosphorylation. This study provides the first evidence that tyrosine phosphorylation associated with capacitation in mouse spermatozoa is redox regulated by a flavinoid-containing enzyme involving mediation by hydrogen peroxide. Bicarbonate regulated the redox activity of mouse spermatozoa, and this regulation may contribute to the impact of this anion on tyrosine phosphorylation during capacitation of mouse spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Capacitation is the unique process by which mammalian sperm become capable of undergoing the acrosome reaction (AR). An approach to studying sperm capacitation is to identify mutations altering this process. Male mice carrying two t haplotypes are sterile, with poor sperm motility, reduced zona pellucida binding, and an inability to penetrate zona-free oocytes. The objective of this study was to examine sperm capacitation and its potential relationship to zona pellucida binding in mice of the same genetic strain carrying none, one, or two t haplotypes. Sperm capacitation was assessed by the B pattern of staining by chlortetracycline (CTC) and by the ability of sperm to undergo the lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC)-induced AR. The CTC assay demonstrated that sperm capacitation from t/+ mice was similar to that from +/+ mice, but sperm from t/t mice were deficient. LPC induced the AR of capacitated sperm, but not noncapacitated sperm, in a concentration-dependent manner. Sperm from t/t mice were also deficient in the LPC-induced AR. Thus, by two independent assays, sperm from t/t mice were shown to be deficient in capacitation. To determine whether a deficiency in capacitation could influence zona binding, the ability of capacitated versus noncapacitated sperm to bind to the zona pellucida was tested. The mean numbers of sperm bound per oocyte were significantly greater for capacitated sperm than for noncapacitated sperm. These results suggest that the deficient capacitation of sperm from t/t mice could be responsible for, or at least contribute to, their reduced ability to bind to the zona pellucida.  相似文献   

We have used the technique of fluorescence recovery after photobleaching to measure the diffusibility of the fluorescent lipid analogue, 1,1'-dihexadecyl 3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate on the morphologically distinct regions of the plasma membranes of mouse spermatozoa, and the changes in lipid diffusibility that result from in vitro hyperactivation and capacitation with bovine serum albumin. We found that, as previously observed on ram spermatozoa, lipid analogue diffusibility is regionalized on mouse spermatozoa, being fastest on the flagellum. The bovine serum albumin induced changes in diffusibility that occur with hyperactivation are also regionalized. Specifically, if we compare serum incubated in control medium, which maintains normal motility, with those hyperactivated in capacitating medium, we observe with hyperactivation an increase in lipid analogue diffusion rate in the anterior region of the head, the midpiece, and tail, and a decrease in diffusing fraction in the anterior region of the head.  相似文献   

To analyse the effect of the state of the sperm plasma membrane on oocyte activation rate following intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), three types of human and mouse spermatozoa (intact, immobilised and Triton X-100 treated) were individually injected into mouse oocytes. At 30, 60 and 120 min after injection, maternal chromosomes and sperm nuclei within oocytes were examined. Following human sperm injection, the fastest and the most efficient oocyte activation and sperm head decondensation occurred when the spermatozoa were treated with Triton X-100. Intact spermatozoa were the least effective in activating oocytes. Thus, the rate of mouse oocyte activation following human sperm injection is greatly influenced by the state of the sperm plasma membrane during injection. When mouse spermatozoa were injected into mouse oocytes, the rates of oocyte activation and sperm head decondensation within activated oocytes were the same irrespective of the type of sperm treatment prior to injection. We witnessed that live human spermatozoa injected into moue oocytes often kept moving very actively within the ooplasm for more than 60 min, whereas motile mouse spermatozoa usually became immotile within 20 min after injection into the ooplasm. In 0.002% Triton X-100 solution, mouse spermatozoa are immobilised faster than human spermatozoa. These facts seem to suggest that human sperm plasma membranes are physically and biochemically more stable than those of mouse spermatozoa. Perhaps the physical and chemical properties of the sperm plasma membrane vary from species to species. For those species whose spermatozoa have 'stable' plasma membranes, prior removal or 'damage' of sperm plasma membranes would increase the success rate of ICSI.  相似文献   

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