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The crystal structure of HI0074 from Haemophilus influenzae, a protein of unknown function, has been determined at a resolution of 2.4 A. The molecules form an up-down, four-helix bundle, and associate into homodimers. The fold is most closely related to the substrate-binding domain of KNTase, yet the amino acid sequences of the two proteins exhibit no significant homology. Sequence analyses of completely and incompletely sequenced genomes reveal that the two adjacent genes, HI0074 and HI0073, and their close relatives comprise a new family of nucleotidyltransferases, with 15 members at the time of writing. The analyses also indicate that this is one of eight families of a large nucleotidyltransferase superfamily, whose members were identified based on the proximity of the nucleotide- and substrate-binding domains on the respective genomes. Both HI0073 and HI0074 were annotated "hypothetical" in the original genome sequencing publication. HI0073 was cloned, expressed, and purified, and was shown to form a complex with HI0074 by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions, analytic size exclusion chromatography, and dynamic light scattering. Double- and single-stranded DNA binding assays showed no evidence of DNA binding to HI0074 or to HI0073/HI0074 complex despite the suggestive shape of the putative binding cleft formed by the HI0074 dimer.  相似文献   

HI1506 is a 128-residue hypothetical protein of unknown function from Haemophilus influenzae. It was originally annotated as a shorter 85-residue protein, but a more detailed sequence analysis conducted in our laboratory revealed that the full-length protein has an additional 43 residues on the C terminus, corresponding with a region initially ascribed to HI1507. As part of a larger effort to understand the functions of hypothetical proteins from Gram-negative bacteria, and H. influenzae in particular, we report here the three-dimensional solution NMR structure for the corrected full-length HI1506 protein. The structure consists of two well-defined domains, an alpha/beta 50-residue N-domain and a 3-alpha 32-residue C-domain, separated by an unstructured 30-residue linker. Both domains have positively charged surface patches and weak structural homology with folds that are associated with RNA binding, suggesting a possible functional role in binding distal nucleic acid sites.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of HI0827 from Haemophilus influenzae Rd KW20, initially annotated "hypothetical protein" in sequence databases, exhibits an acyl-coenzyme A (acyl-CoA) thioesterase "hot dog" fold with a trimer of dimers oligomeric association, a novel assembly for this enzyme family. In studies described in the preceding paper [Zhuang, Z., Song, F., Zhao, H., Li, L., Cao, J., Eisenstein, E., Herzberg, O., and Dunaway-Mariano, D. (2008) Biochemistry 47, 2789-2796], HI0827 is shown to be an acyl-CoA thioesterase that acts on a wide range of acyl-CoA compounds. Two substrate binding sites are located across the dimer interface. The binding sites are occupied by two CoA molecules, one with full occupancy and the second only partially occupied. The CoA molecules, acquired from HI0827-expressing Escherichia coli cells, remained tightly bound to the enzyme through the protein purification steps. The difference in CoA occupancies indicates a different substrate affinity for each of the binding sites, which in turn implies that the enzyme might be subject to allosteric regulation. Mutagenesis studies have shown that the replacement of the putative catalytic carboxylate Asp44 with an alanine residue abolishes activity. The impact of this mutation is seen in the crystal structure of D44A HI0827. Whereas the overall fold and assembly of the mutant protein are the same as those of the wild-type enzyme, the CoA ligands are absent. The dimer interface is perturbed, and the channel that accommodates the thioester acyl chain is more open and wider than that observed in the wild-type enzyme. A model of intact substrate bound to wild-type HI0827 provides a structural rationale for the broad substrate range.  相似文献   

Parsons LM  Yeh DC  Orban J 《Proteins》2004,54(3):375-383
The solution structure of the acidic protein HI1450 from Haemophilus influenzae has been determined by NMR spectroscopy. HI1450 has homologues in ten other bacterial species including Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, and Yersinia pestis but there are no functional assignments for any members of the family. Thirty-one of the amino acids in this 107-residue protein are aspartates or glutamates, contributing to an unusually low pI of 3.72. The secondary structure elements are arranged in an alpha-alpha-beta-beta-beta-beta order with the two alpha helices packed against the same side of an anti-parallel four-stranded beta meander. Two large loops, one between beta1 and beta2 and the other between beta2 and beta3 bend almost perpendicularly across the beta-strands in opposite directions on the non-helical side of the beta-sheet to form a conserved hydrophobic cavity. The HI1450 structure has some similarities to the structure of the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) mimic uracil DNA glycosylase inhibitor (Ugi) including the distribution of surface charges and the position of the hydrophobic cavity. Based on these similarities, as well as having a comparable molecular surface to dsDNA, we propose that HI1450 may function as a dsDNA mimic in order to inhibit or regulate an as yet unidentified dsDNA binding protein.  相似文献   

Recently, the solution structure of the hypothetical protein HI1450 from Haemophilus influenzae was solved as part of a structure-based effort to understand function. The distribution of its many negatively charged residues and weak structure and sequence homology to uracil DNA glycosylase inhibitor (Ugi) suggested that HI1450 may act as a double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) mimic. We present supporting evidence here and show that HI1450 interacts with the dsDNA-binding protein HU-alpha. The interaction between HI1450 and HU-alpha from H. influenzae is characterized using calorimetry and NMR spectroscopy. HU-alpha binds to HI1450 with a K(d) of 3.0 +/- 0.2 microM, which is similar in affinity to its interaction with dsDNA. Chemical shift perturbation data indicate that the beta1-strand of HI1450 and neighboring regions are most directly involved in interactions with HU-alpha. These results show that HI1450 and its structural homolog, Ugi, use similar parts of their structures to recognize DNA-binding proteins.  相似文献   

Despite the suitability of various lattice geometries for coarse-grained modeling of proteins, the actual packing geometry of residues in folded structures has remained largely unexplored. A strong tendency to assume a regular packing geometry is shown here by optimally reorienting and superimposing clusters of neighboring residues from databank structures examined on a coarse-grained (single-site-per-residue) scale. The orientation function (or order parameter) of the examined coordination clusters with respect to fcc lattice directions is found to be 0.82. The observed geometry, which may be termed an incomplete distorted face-centered cubic (fcc) packing, is apparently favored by the drive to maximize packing density, in a fashion analogous to the way identical spheres pack densely and follow fcc geometry. About 2/3 of all residues obey this packing geometry, while the remainder occupy other context-dependent positions. The preferred coordination directions show relatively small variations over the various amino acid types, consistent with uniform residue viewpoint. Both the extremes of solvent-exposed and completely buried residue neighborhoods approximate the same generic packing, the only difference being in the numbers (and not the orientations) of coordination sites that are occupied (or left void for solvent occupancy). We observe the prevalence of a rather uniform (tight) residue packing density throughout the structure, including even the residues packed near solvent-exposed regions. The observed orientation distribution reveals an underlying, intrinsic orientation lattice for proteins.  相似文献   

HI0381 of Haemophilus influenzae was investigated by circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. HI0381 is a 153-residue peptidoglycan-associated outer membrane lipoprotein, and a part of the larger Tol/Pal network. Here, we report its backbone (1)H, (15)N, and (13)C resonance assignments, and secondary structure predictions. About 97% of all of the (1)HN, (15)N, (13)CO, (13)C alpha, and (13)C beta resonances covering 131 non-proline residues of the 134 residue, mature protein, were clarified by sequential and specific assignments. CSI and TALOS analyses revealed that HI0381 contains five alpha-helices and five beta-strands. To characterize the structure of HI0381, the effects of pH and salt concentration were investigated by CD. In addition, the structural changes occurring when HI0381 was in a membranous environment were investigated by comparing its HSQC spectra and CD data in buffer and in DPC micelles; the results showed that helix alpha 4 and strand beta 4 became aligned with the membrane. We conclude that the conformation of HI0381 is affected by the membrane environment, implying that its folded state is directly related to its function.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the YrbI protein from Haemophilus influenzae (HI1679) was determined at a 1.67-A resolution. The function of the protein had not been assigned previously, and it is annotated as hypothetical in sequence databases. The protein exhibits the alpha/beta-hydrolase fold (also termed the Rossmann fold) and resembles most closely the fold of the L-2-haloacid dehalogenase (HAD) superfamily. Following this observation, a detailed sequence analysis revealed remote homology to two members of the HAD superfamily, the P-domain of Ca(2+) ATPase and phosphoserine phosphatase. The 19-kDa chains of HI1679 form a tetramer both in solution and in the crystalline form. The four monomers are arranged in a ring such that four beta-hairpin loops, each inserted after the first beta-strand of the core alpha/beta-fold, form an eight-stranded barrel at the center of the assembly. Four active sites are located at the subunit interfaces. Each active site is occupied by a cobalt ion, a metal used for crystallization. The cobalt is octahedrally coordinated to two aspartate side-chains, a backbone oxygen, and three solvent molecules, indicating that the physiological metal may be magnesium. HI1679 hydrolyzes a number of phosphates, including 6-phosphogluconate and phosphotyrosine, suggesting that it functions as a phosphatase in vivo. The physiological substrate is yet to be identified; however the location of the gene on the yrb operon suggests involvement in sugar metabolism.  相似文献   

Autotransporter proteins are defined by the ability to drive their own secretion across the bacterial outer membrane. The Hia autotransporter of Haemophilus influenzae belongs to the trimeric autotransporter subfamily and mediates bacterial adhesion to the respiratory epithelium. In this report, we present the crystal structure of the C-terminal end of Hia, corresponding to the entire Hia translocator domain and part of the passenger domain (residues 992-1098). This domain forms a beta-barrel with 12 transmembrane beta-strands, including four strands from each subunit. The beta-barrel has a central channel of 1.8 nm in diameter that is traversed by three N-terminal alpha-helices, one from each subunit. Mutagenesis studies demonstrate that the transmembrane portion of the three alpha-helices and the loop region between the alpha-helices and the neighboring beta-strands are essential for stability of the trimeric structure of the translocator domain, and that trimerization of the translocator domain is a prerequisite for translocator activity. Overall, this study provides important insights into the mechanism of translocation in trimeric autotransporters.  相似文献   

A Haemophilus influenzae gene encoding a protein with high homology to ArcB receptor protein from Escherichia coli has been cloned. An error in the previously reported sequence of this gene has been found, thus increasing its open reading frame. The cloned gene comprising the entire open reading frame restores oxygen-dependent regulation of succinate dehydrogenase in an ArcB-deficient E. coli strain. Thus, this gene is a functional analog of ArcB from E. coli. By screening partially sequenced bacterial genomes using the BLAST program, proteins with high homology to ArcB protein from E. coli were found in Salmonella typhi, Yersinia pestis, Vibrio cholerae, and Pasteurella multocida. Comparison of these proteins with ArcB protein from E. coli and H. influenzae revealed conserved amino acid regions. Transmembrane helix II was shown to be highly homologous in all the ArcB-type proteins. The involvement of this region in ArcB-mediated oxygen-dependent regulation is suggested.  相似文献   

Cytosolic glutathione transferase (GSTs) are a family of multi-functional proteins which catalyse the conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to a large variety of endogenous and exogenous electrophilic compounds. Much is known about cytosolic mammalian GSTs, however, the presence of GSTs in several aerobic and anaerobic micro-organisms has also been demonstrated. Several findings seem to suggest that bacterial GSTs are involved in processes of biodegradation of xenobiotics, including antibiotics. However, the function played by these enzymes in the bacterial cell still remains to be clarified. At present, it is ill-defined whether bacterial GST can be classified, as in the case of mammalian enzymes, into several distinct classes.Here we report the purification of a GST isoform from Haemophilus influenzae using GSH-affinity chromatography. The purified protein was characterised by immunological and kinetic properties different from other known GSTs. The dissociation constants of chloramphenicol, ampicillin, rifampicin and tetracycline to the purified enzyme were 0.62, 9.06, 4.08 and 1.77 microM, respectively, as determined by following the quenching of the protein intrinsic fluorescence. These values were much lower than those previously determined for the same drugs with other mammalian or bacterial GSTs.The present results indicate that the enzyme purified from H. influenzae is a novel GST isoform well distinguished from other known mammalian or bacterial GSTs.  相似文献   

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae is an obligate human parasite that often causes middle ear infections in children and exacerbates chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States. There are no effective vaccines available for this strain. The lipoprotein YraM (gene HI1655) was identified as essential for the growth and viability of H. influenzae but its function is unknown. Sequence comparisons showed that YraM is a fusion of two protein modules. We grew crystals of the carboxyl-terminal module of YraM comprising residues 257-573 (YraM-C), phased the diffraction data by the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction technique, and refined the model to a crystallographic R-factor of 0.16 (R(free) = 0.19) with data to 1.35 A resolution. The two-domain structure of YraM-C adopts a fold similar to that observed for the open, unliganded forms of several periplasmic binding proteins (PBPs) involved in bacterial active transport. Sequence alignments of YraM homologues from other Gram-negative species showed that the most conserved residues of YraM-C cluster between the two domains in the location where other PBPs bind their cognate ligand. Modeling of YraM-C into a closed conformation similar to the leucine-bound form of the Leu/Ile/Val-binding protein (LIVBP) shows a putative binding pocket larger than the leucine-binding site in LIVBP. The pocket has both polar and nonpolar surfaces, with the latter located in the same area where a leucine side chain binds to LIVBP. We discuss possible biological functions of YraM considering its predicted location in the outer membrane, a novel place for such a binding protein.  相似文献   

A chimeric plasmid, pJPuvr4, consists of a 16.7 kbp Haemophilus influenzae Rd chromosomal DNA insert at the EcoRI site of vector pJ1-8. This plasmid complements the UV and gamma ray sensitivity of the mutant strain MBH4. This plasmid carries the wild type allele of gene uvr4 which was localised to a 3.8 kbp DraI fragment, with an internal EcoRI site. Partial sequencing of the gene and its alignment with the published genome sequence of H. influenzae Rd revealed uvr4 to be HI1472. HI1472 is a putatively identified open reading frame (ORF), which has been assigned no function so far. The partial sequence did show nt database match with 3D exon of N cadherin gene of homosepians and moaA gene of H. influenzae. Cadherins are involved in cell adhesion, cell to cell contact and morphogenesis in homosepians and moaA gene codes for molybdenum biosynthesis subunitA. This report implicates HI1472 of Haemophilus influenzae Rd in DNA repair. Nucleotide sequence obtained for the gene uvr4 was compared with the published sequence of gene HI1472. A wild type strain variation was observed at the 592nd nucleotide position corresponding to a change from aspartic acid to threonine.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of YecO from Haemophilus influenzae (HI0319), a protein annotated in the sequence databases as hypothetical, and that has not been assigned a function, has been determined at 2.2-A resolution. The structure reveals a fold typical of S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent (AdoMet) methyltransferase enzymes. Moreover, a processed cofactor, S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine (AdoHcy), is bound to the enzyme, further confirming the biochemical function of HI0319 and its sequence family members. An active site arginine, shielded from bulk solvent, interacts with an anion, possibly a chloride ion, which in turn interacts with the sulfur atom of AdoHcy. The AdoHcy and nearby protein residues delineate a small solvent-excluded substrate binding cavity of 162 A(3) in volume. The environment surrounding the cavity indicates that the substrate molecule contains a hydrophobic moiety and an anionic group. Many of the residues that define the cavity are invariant in the HI0319 sequence family but are not conserved in other methyltransferases. Therefore, the substrate specificity of YecO enzymes is unique and differs from the substrate specificity of all other methyltransferases sequenced to date. Examination of the Enzyme Commission list of methyltransferases prompted a manual inspection of 10 possible substrates using computer graphics and suggested that the ortho-substituted benzoic acids fit best in the active site.  相似文献   

Pathogenic bacteria are specifically adapted to bind to their customary host. Disease is then caused by subsequent colonization and/or invasion of the local environmental niche. Initial binding of Haemophilus influenzae type b to the human nasopharynx is facilitated by Hib pili, filaments expressed on the bacterial surface. With three-dimensional reconstruction of electron micrograph images, we show that Hib pili comprise a helix 70 A in diameter with threefold symmetry. The Hib pilus filament has 3.0 subunits per turn, with each set of three subunits translated 26.9 A along and rotated 53 degrees about the helical axis. Amino acid sequence analysis of pilins from Hib pili and from P-pili expressed on uropathogenic Escherichia coli were used to predict the physical location of the highly variable and immunogenic region of the HifA pilin in the Hib pilus structure. Structural differences between Hib pili and P-pili suggest a difference in the strategies by which bacteria remain bound to their host cells: P-pili were shown to be capable of unwinding to five times their original length (E. Bullitt and L. Makowski, Nature 373:164-167, 1995), while damage to Hib pili occurs by slight shearing of subunits with respect to those further along the helical axis. This capacity to resist unwinding may be important for continued adherence of H. influenzae type b to the nasopharynx, where the three-stranded Hib pilus filaments provide a robust tether to withstand coughs and sneezes.  相似文献   

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