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X-Linked methyl methanesulfonate (MMS)-sensitive mutations were induced with hybrid dysgenesis using four P strains: pi 2, Harwich, T-007 and OK-1. Mutations were identified after two generations of backcrosses to M strain females to replace the autosomes. Among 51,471 X-chromosomes examined 10 carried stable MMS-sensitive mutations representing 8 independent events. Males of the mutant strains failed to induce gonadal dysgenesis in crosses to Oregon-R females at 28.5 degrees C. Complementation tests showed that 3 of the induced mutations were mei-9 alleles, 2 were mei-41 alleles, 1 was a mus102 allele, and 2 were alleles at a newly identified MMS-sensitive locus, mus112 (map position: 1-32.8). As assayed by in situ hybridization on polytene chromosomes, each X-chromosome had no more than four P element insertions. 4 of the 8 mutations recovered in this study proved to have P element insertions at or very close to sites to which MMS sensitivity has been mapped. Hybrid dysgenesis-induced reversion of 2 mutants, mei-9RT1 and mei-41RT2, is associated with the loss of the P element from regions 4B and 14C respectively.  相似文献   

Following matings of DEN-treated Xc2/BSYy+ males with repair-deficient mei-9 alpha females and ordinary females, significant increases in complete and partial sex chromosome loss as well as dramatic shifts in sex ratio were found with mei-9 alpha but not ordinary females. Accordingly, the mei-9 alpha female enhances the detection of chromosome lesions leading to chromosome loss induced in the male genome by DEN. To date, the 4 compounds tested in this way (DMN, DEN, MMS and procarbazine) exhibit strong potentiation of chromosome loss with mei-9 alpha females suggesting the possibility that a protocol involving treatment (or not) or Xc2/BSYy+ males mated with mei-9 alpha females may hold promise as an alternative to traditional tests for chromosome loss using repair-proficient females. Comparison with published translocation data on the 4 compounds indicated above suggests an overall greater sensitivity of the described mei-9 alpha chromosome-loss test compared with the traditional translocation test in the detection of chemically induced chromosome lesions.  相似文献   

Yildiz O  Kearney H  Kramer BC  Sekelsky JJ 《Genetics》2004,167(1):263-273
Drosophila mei-9 is essential for several DNA repair and recombination pathways, including nucleotide excision repair (NER), interstrand crosslink repair, and meiotic recombination. To better understand the role of MEI-9 in these processes, we characterized 10 unique mutant alleles of mei-9. These include a P-element insertion that disrupts repair functions but not the meiotic function; three nonsense mutations, one of which has nearly wild-type levels of protein; three missense mutations, one of which disrupts the meiotic function but not repair functions; two small in-frame deletions; and one frameshift.  相似文献   

The effect of Drosophila mutation rad201G1 together with mutations mei-41D5 and mei-9a on the sensitivity of oocytes to induction of dominant lethals (DLs) was studied. To this end, the frequencies of spontaneous and gamma-radiation-induced DLs in consecutive egg batches of females carrying double or single mutations were estimated. Since the effects of the mutations examined are expressed only at the previtellogenetic stages of oogenesis, only newly hatched (0-5-hour-old) females, whose oocytes did not develop farther than stage 7, were irradiated. The results obtained indicated that in intact and irradiated oocytes of double mutants mei-9a rad201G1 and mei-41D5 rad201G1, mutation rad201G1 epistatically suppresses the mutations of the both mei genes.  相似文献   

The claret (ca) locus in Drosophila encodes a kinesin-related motor molecule that is required for proper distribution of chromosomes in meiosis in females and in the early mitotic divisions of the embryo. Here we demonstrate that a mutant allele of claret non-disjunctional (ca(nd)), non-claret disjunctional Dominant (ncdD), causes abnormalities in meiotic chromosome segregation, but is near wild-type with respect to early mitotic chromosome segregation. DNA sequence analysis of this mutant allele reveals two missense mutations compared with the predicted wild-type protein. One mutation lies in a proposed microtubule binding region of the motor domain and affects an amino acid residue that is conserved in all kinesin-related proteins reported to date. This region of the motor domain can be used to distinguish meiotic and mitotic motor function, defining an amino acid sequence criterion for classifying motors according to function. ncdD's mutant meiotic effect, but near wild-type mitotic effect, suggests that interactions of the ca motor protein with spindle microtubules differ in meiosis and mitosis.  相似文献   

The repair-deficient mutants mei-9a, mei-41D5, mus101D1, mus104D1 and mus302D1 in Drosophila melanogaster were investigated regarding their effects on spontaneous and X-ray-induced chromosome loss in postmeiotic cells. Each mutant was incorporated singly into XC2, and the ring-X male provided with BSYy+. From matings of males carrying mus101D1, mus302D1 or mei-41D5, mutants identifying a caffeine-sensitive (CAS) postreplication-repair pathway, with corresponding mutant females, and non-mutant males to non-mutant females, overall frequencies of spontaneous partial loss and spontaneous complete loss were significantly increased in each mutant cross except for spontaneous complete loss with mus302 where an increase was noted only in brood 2. Similar findings were noted when males carrying the excision-repair mutant mei-9a were mated with mei-9a females. Males carrying the mutant mus104D1, identifying a caffeine-insensitive (CIS) postreplication-repair pathway, tested with mus104D1 females, produced results that were not significantly different from non-mutant controls. When males were given 3000 rad X-irradiation, frequencies of induced partial loss were significantly higher with mus101D1, mus302D1, mei-41D5 and mei91, and not significantly higher with mus101D1, mus302D1, mei41D5 and mei-9a, and not significantly different from controls with mus104D1. It was suggested that the functional CAS postreplication-repair pathway primarily promotes repair of breaks while an alternative pathway(s) not defined by mus104 promotes misrepair. Therefore, the significant increases in both spontaneous and induced partial loss with the excision-repair-deficient mutant mei-9a suggests the possibility that (a) the excision-repair-pathway may not function in misrepair and (b) the undefined misrepair pathway may be dominant pathway for postreplication repair in Drosophila since mei-9a females presumably have functional postreplication repair and misrepair capacity. The suggestion that the CAS postreplication-repair pathway and the excision-repair pathway function primarily in repair, and an undefined pathway in misrepair is in line with the finding that with mus104D1, no significant increase was found in spontaneous complete loss, but with mus101D1, mus302D1, mei-41D5 and mei-9a significant increases were observed. Results on induced complete loss, with the exception of those with mei-41D5, show a poor correlation with other classes of loss of each of the mutants. Possible explanations for this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Thirty genetic alterations, which involve the 4BC region of the Drosophila X chromosome, have been induced by ionizing radiation or by an endogenous mutator element. These mutations were recovered by screening for reversion of the dominant mutants Oce and Qd or for induction of the recessive mutants bi and rb. Among the 23 mutants generated by ionizing radiation, 20 have proven to be cytologically detectable chromosomal aberrations. Seven additional unique aberrations were generated in the Uc mutator strain. In total, 22 cytologically detectable deficiencies, 3 translocations, 1 inversion, 1 transposition, and 3 cytologically normal mutants have been recovered. Complementation analysis has permitted the cytogenetic localization of eight genes in the 4BC region. The mei-9 locus has been assigned to region 4B4-6, because this function is carried by Df (1)rb 41 but not by Df(1)bi D1. The norpA locus has been placed in the 4B6-C1 region based on its location between the distal breakpoints of Df(1)bi D2 and Df(1)rb 41. The genes lac, Qd, bi, and omb are localized to bands 4C5,6, rb to 4C6 and amb to 4C7,8. With one exception the complementation analysis has also permitted a determination of the linear sequence of these genes. This cytogenetic localization of these loci will facilitate the cloning and molecular analysis of genes controlling a key function in DNA repair and recombination (mei-9), and two fundamental neural functions (norpA and omb).  相似文献   

The recessive X-linked mutation erect wing (ewg), in Drosophila melanogaster, was characterized as a flightless behavioral mutant which specifically lacked the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles [1]. This mutation was mapped distal to the X chromosomal locus yellow, and further to the cytological segment 1 A 1 to 1 B2-3 [2]. Several lethal complementation groups have been mapped to this interval [3]. Our complementation tests show that ewg is allelic to one lethal complementation group in the region 1 A 1 to 1 B2-3. A further analysis of ewg and several lethal alleles isolated at this locus was undertaken in the present investigation. Most of the lethal alleles at this locus lead to a late embryonic or early larval lethal phase, indicating that the ewg+ gene product is necessary for the development of more than just the dorsal longitudinal flight muscles. Intragenic complementation was observed for some of the ewg lethal alleles. Genetic mosaics with ewg lethal alleles showed that mutant cell clones in cuticular structures are viable. Mosaic analysis is consistent with a mesodermal defect associated with the locus.  相似文献   

We have examined the chromosomal X-ray hypersensitivity in relation to the cell cycle in larval neuroblasts of the mutagen-sensitive and excision repair-defective mutant mei-9 and of the mutagen-sensitive and post-replication repair-defective mutant mei-41 of Drosophila melanogaster. When compared to wild-type cells, cells bearing the mei-9L1 allele produced unusually high levels in particular of chromatid deletions and to a lesser extent also of isochromatid deletions, but virtually no exchange aberrations. The chromosomal hypersensitivity is apparent at M1 when cells are irradiated in S or G2 but not when irradiated in G1. On the other hand, following irradiation cells bearing the mei-41D5 allele predominantly produce chromosome deletions. Also dicentric and chromatid exchange formation is enhanced with a moderate increase in chromatid deletions. The phases of major sensitivity are the S and G1. Mei-9 and mei-41 mutants have been classified to date as proficient in DNA double-strand break repair. The data presented in this paper revealed an S-independent clastogenic hypersensitivity of mei-9 and mei-41 cells. They are interpreted as indicative evidence for the presence of impaired DNA double-strand break repair. The cell-cycle-related difference in the ratio of chromatid- versus chromosome-type deletions in both mutants suggests repair defects at partially different phases of the cell cycle in mei-9 and mei-41 mutant cells.  相似文献   

Summary The origin and phenotypes of a number of zeste mutant stocks with mutable white loci are described. Each newly arising form was lighter in eye color than the mutant it originated from. In each case the lighter pigmentation is believed to be due to an increase in genetic material in the proximal region of the white locus, the increase supposedly being the result of unequal crossing over. Some of the mutations which arose in the mutable stocks are reversions. They occurred in males as well as in homo- and heterozygous females. The reversions are believed to be due to a decrease in genetic material in the proximal region of the white locus. The decrease is assumed to be the result of intrachromosomal recombination. At least some of these events took place premeiotically. New mutants which originate frequently from mutable stocks are stable. In addition to the structure of the mutable white locus there is probably at least one still unknown factor which affects its mutability since the frequency of mutations arising in the mutable stocks decreases over the years.  相似文献   

The increase of spontaneous and induced frequencies in mature sperm by N-nitroso-N-ethylurea visible mutation in the stock mei-9(11) of Drosophila melanogaster blocking the excision reparation has been shown. It is suggested that the mutation mei-9(11) blocks the correct way of reparation that is shown in mutator effect of this mutation.  相似文献   

The mei-41 gene of Drosophila melanogaster plays an essential role in meiosis, in the maintenance of somatic chromosome stability, in postreplication repair and in DNA double-strand break repair. This gene has been cytogenetically localized to polytene chromosome bands 14C4-6 using available chromosomal aberrations. About 60 kb of DNA sequence has been isolated following a bidirectional chromosomal walk that extends over the cytogenetic interval 14C1-6. The breakpoints of chromosomal aberrations identified within that walk establish that the entire mei-41 gene has been cloned. Two independently derived mei-41 mutants have been shown to carry P insertions within a single 2.2 kb fragment of the walk. Since revertants of those mutants have lost the P element sequences, an essential region of the mei-41 gene is present in that fragment. A 10.5 kb genomic fragment that spans the P insertion sites has been found to restore methyl methanesulfonate resistance and female fertility of the mei-41 D3 mutants. The results demonstrate that all the sequences required for the proper expression of the mei-41 gene are present on this genomic fragment. This study provides the foundation for molecular analysis of a function that is essential for chromosome stability in both the germline and somatic cells.  相似文献   

A comparative cytological study was made of oogenesis in flies carrying various mutant alleles of the female sterile gene otu. It resides at 22.7 on the genetic map and within subdivision 7F of the cytological map of the X-chromosome. Each of the five ethyl methane sulfonate-induced mutations observed falls into one of three classes. In class 1, most mutant ovarioles lack germ cells; in class 2, most mutant ovarioles contain tumorous chambers; and in class 3 mutants, chambers occur that possess defective oocytes. The otu2 allele belongs to class 1; otu1 to class 2; and otu3, otu4, and otu5 to class 3. The mutations have no effects upon female viability or upon the viability and fertility of hemizygous males. Heterozygous females are fertile and have cytologically normal ovaries. In otu5 homozygotes, all ovarioles contain egg chambers, but oogenesis is prematurely terminated to produce a pseudo-stage 12 oocyte. Ovarioles from otu3 and from otu4 homozygotes contain both ovarian tumors and oocytes. Pseudonurse cells (PNC), which are cystocytes that have stopped dividing and have entered the nurse cell mode of development, are also abundant. PNCs contain polytene chromosomes. Since the homologs are paired, each nucleus has the haploid number of chromosomes. In chambers lacking an oocyte, the number of PNCs is less than the normal number of nurse cells. In chambers containing an oocyte, the number of accompanying nurse cells may be 15, or above or below normal. In vitellogenic chambers, the chromosomes in the nurse cells connected directly to the oocyte are more expanded than those in more distant nurse cells. The KA14 deficiency lacks the plus allele of otu. KA14 heterozygotes are fertile and have cytologically normal ovaries. When females carry KA14 and otu1, otu3, otu4, or otu5, 80% of their ovarioles are agametic. When females carry otu2 and one of the other mutant alleles, the ovarioles proceed further in development. So otu2 produces a product that has a beneficial effect on the test allele. When two different otu alleles are combined in a single fly, the phenotype of the hybrid ovary usually most resembles that of the ovary homozygous for the “stronger” allele (the otu mutant that allows oogenesis to proceed farthest). The results indicate that the product of the otu+ locus functions at least three different times during oogenesis; first to permit oogonia to proliferate, second to control the division and differentiation of germarial cystocytes, and third to facilitate the normal growth of the ooplasm. The gene product appears to be required in higher concentrations at each developmental period. The lesions produced by the mutations are thought to interfere with the stability or functioning of the gene product, and the ovarian phenotype produced by a given genotype depends upon the concentration of functional gene product available to the germ cells.  相似文献   

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