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Wnt signaling pathways are involved in embryonic development and adult tissue maintenance and have been implicated in tumorigenesis. Dishevelled (Dvl/Dsh) protein is one of key components in Wnt signaling and plays essential roles in regulating these pathways through protein-protein interactions. Identifying and characterizing Dvl-binding proteins are key steps toward understanding biological functions. Given that the tripeptide VWV (Val-Trp-Val) binds to the PDZ domain of Dvl, we searched publically available databases to identify proteins containing the VWV motif at the C terminus that could be novel Dvl-binding partners. On the basis of the cellular localization and expression patterns of the candidates, we selected for further study the TMEM88 (target protein transmembrane 88), a two-transmembrane-type protein. The interaction between the PDZ domain of Dvl and the C-terminal tail of TMEM88 was confirmed by using NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy. Furthermore, in HEK293 cells, TMEM88 attenuated the Wnt/β-catenin signaling induced by Wnt-1 ligand in a dose-dependent manner, and TMEM88 knockdown by RNAi increased Wnt activity. In Xenopus, TMEM88 protein is sublocalized at the cell membrane and inhibits Wnt signaling induced by Xdsh but not β-catenin. In addition, TMEM88 protein inhibits the formation of a secondary axis normally induced by Xdsh. The findings suggest that TMEM88 plays a role in regulating Wnt signaling. Indeed, analysis of microarray data revealed that the expression of the Tmem88 gene was strongly correlated with that of Wnt signaling-related genes in embryonic mouse intestines. Together, we propose that TMEM88 associates with Dvl proteins and regulates Wnt signaling in a context-dependent manner.  相似文献   

Cell movement requires the coordinated reception, integration, and processing of intracellular signals. We have discovered that the protein kinase A anchoring protein AKAP220 interacts with the cytoskeletal scaffolding protein IQGAP1 to influence cell motility. AKAP220/IQGAP1 networks receive and integrate calcium and cAMP second messenger signals and position signaling enzymes near their intended substrates at leading edges of migrating cells. IQGAP1 supports calcium/calmodulin-dependent association of factors that modulate microtubule dynamics. AKAP220 suppresses GSK-3β and positions this kinase to allow recruitment of the plus-end microtubule tracking protein CLASP2. Gene silencing of AKAP220 alters the rate of microtubule polymerization and the lateral tracking of growing microtubules and retards cell migration in metastatic human cancer cells. This reveals an unappreciated role for this anchored kinase/microtubule effector protein network in the propagation of cell motility.  相似文献   

The Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling pathway controls a variety of developmental processes and is implicated in tissue homeostasis maintenance and neurogenesis in adults. Recently, we identified Ulk3 as an active kinase able to positively regulate Gli proteins, mediators of the Shh signaling in mammals. Here, we provide several lines of evidence that Ulk3 participates in the transduction of the Shh signal also independently of its kinase activity. We demonstrate that Ulk3 through its kinase domain interacts with Suppressor of Fused (Sufu), a protein required for negative regulation of Gli proteins. Sufu blocks Ulk3 autophosphorylation and abolishes its ability to phosphorylate and positively regulate Gli proteins. We show that Shh signaling destabilizes the Sufu-Ulk3 complex and induces the release of Ulk3. We demonstrate that the Sufu-Ulk3 complex, when co-expressed with Gli2, promotes generation of the Gli2 repressor form, and that reduction of the Ulk3 mRNA level in Shh-responsive cells results in higher potency of the cells to transmit the Shh signal. Our data suggests a dual function of Ulk3 in the Shh signal transduction pathway and propose an additional way of regulating Gli proteins by Sufu, through binding to and suppression of Ulk3.  相似文献   

Fibroblast growth factor homologous factors (FHFs, FGF11-14) bind to the C termini (CTs) of specific voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSC) and thereby regulate their function. The effect of an individual FHF on a specific VGSC varies greatly depending upon the individual FHF isoform. How individual FHFs impart distinctive effects on specific VGSCs is not known and the specificity of these pairwise interactions is not understood. Using several biochemical approaches combined with functional analysis, we mapped the interaction site for FGF12B on the Na(V)1.5 C terminus and discovered previously unknown determinants necessary for FGF12 interaction. Also, we demonstrated that FGF12B binds to some, but not all Na(V)1 CTs, suggesting specificity of interaction. Exploiting a human single nucleotide polymorphism in the core domain of FGF12 (P149Q), we identified a surface proline that contributes a part of this pairwise specificity. This proline is conserved among all FHFs, and mutation of the homologous residue in FGF13 also leads to loss of interaction with a specific VGSC CT (Na(V)1.1) and loss of modulation of the resultant Na(+) channel function. We hypothesized that some of the specificity mediated by this proline may result from differences in the affinity of the binding partners. Consistent with this hypothesis, surface plasmon resonance data showed that the P149Q mutation decreased the binding affinity between FHFs and VGSC CTs. Moreover, immunocytochemistry revealed that the mutation prevented proper subcellular targeting of FGF12 to the axon initial segment in neurons. Together, these results give new insights into details of the interactions between FHFs and Na(V)1.x CTs, and the consequent regulation of Na(+) channels.  相似文献   

Cerebral cavernous malformations (CCMs) affect 0.1–0.5% of the population resulting in leaky vasculature and severe neurological defects. KRIT1 (Krev interaction trapped-1) mutations associate with ∼40% of familial CCMs. KRIT1 is an effector of Ras-related protein 1 (Rap1) GTPase. Rap1 relocalizes KRIT1 from microtubules to cell membranes to impact integrin activation, potentially important for CCM pathology. We report the 1.95 Å co-crystal structure of KRIT1 FERM domain in complex with Rap1. Rap1-KRIT1 interaction encompasses an extended surface, including Rap1 Switch I and II and KRIT1 FERM F1 and F2 lobes. Rap1 binds KRIT1-F1 lobe using a GTPase-ubiquitin-like fold interaction but binds KRIT1-F2 lobe by a novel interaction. Point mutagenesis confirms the interaction. High similarity between KRIT1-F2/F3 and talin is revealed. Additionally, the mechanism for FERM domains acting as GTPase effectors is suggested. Finally, structure-based alignment of each lobe suggests classification of FERM domains as ERM-like and TMFK-like (talin-myosin-FAK-KRIT-like) and that FERM lobes resemble domain “modules.”  相似文献   

Upon virus infection, the innate immune response provides the first line of protection and rapidly induces type I interferons (IFNα/β), which mediate potent antiviral effects. To maintain homeostasis and prevent autoimmunity, IFN production is tightly regulated; however, the mechanisms of negative regulation are poorly understood. Herein, we demonstrate that the A20 binding inhibitor of NF-κB 1 (ABIN1) is a novel negative regulator of antiviral signaling. Overexpression of ABIN1 inhibited IFN-β promoter activation in response to virus infection or poly(I:C) transfection, whereas siRNA-mediated knockdown of ABIN1 enhanced IFN-β production upon virus infection. ABIN1 interacted with the A20 regulatory molecule TAX1BP1 and was essential for the recruitment of TAX1BP1 and A20 to the noncanonical IκB kinases TBK1 and IKKi in response to poly(I:C) transfection. ABIN1 and TAX1BP1 together disrupted the interactions between the E3 ubiquitin ligase TRAF3 and TBK1/IKKi to attenuate lysine 63-linked polyubiquitination of TBK1/IKKi. Finally, an intact ubiquitin binding domain of ABIN1 was essential for ABIN1 to interact with TBK1/IKKi and inhibit IFN-β production upon poly(I:C) transfection or virus infection. Together, these results suggest that ABIN1 requires its ubiquitin binding domain and cooperates with TAX1BP1 and A20 to restrict antiviral signaling.  相似文献   

Mutations in the p21-activated kinase 3 gene (pak3) are responsible for nonsyndromic forms of mental retardation. Expression of mutated PAK3 proteins in hippocampal neurons induces abnormal dendritic spine morphology and long term potentiation anomalies, whereas pak3 gene invalidation leads to cognitive impairments. How PAK3 regulates synaptic plasticity is still largely unknown. To better understand how PAK3 affects neuronal synaptic plasticity, we focused on its interaction with the Nck adaptors that play a crucial role in PAK signaling. We report here that PAK3 interacts preferentially with Nck2/Grb4 in brain extracts and in transfected cells. This interaction is independent of PAK3 kinase activity. Selective uncoupling of the Nck2 interactions in acute cortical slices using an interfering peptide leads to a rapid increase in evoked transmission to pyramidal neurons. The P12A mutation in the PAK3 protein strongly decreases the interaction with Nck2 but only slightly with Nck1. In transfected hippocampal cultures, expression of the P12A-mutated protein has no effect on spine morphogenesis or synaptic density. The PAK3-P12A mutant does not affect synaptic transmission, whereas the expression of the wild-type PAK3 protein decreases the amplitude of spontaneous miniature excitatory currents. Altogether, these data show that PAK3 down-regulates synaptic transmission through its interaction with Nck2.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic elongation factor 1A (eEF1A) delivers aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosomal A-site during protein synthesis. To ensure a continuous supply of amino acids, cells harbor the kinase Gcn2 and its effector protein Gcn1. The ultimate signal for amino acid shortage is uncharged tRNAs. We have proposed a model for sensing starvation, in which Gcn1 and Gcn2 are tethered to the ribosome, and Gcn1 is directly involved in delivering uncharged tRNAs from the A-site to Gcn2 for its subsequent activation. Gcn1 and Gcn2 are large proteins, and these proteins as well as eEF1A access the A-site, leading us to investigate whether there is a functional or physical link between these proteins. Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells expressing His(6)-eEF1A and affinity purification, we found that eEF1A co-eluted with Gcn2. Furthermore, Gcn2 co-immunoprecipitated with eEF1A, suggesting that they reside in the same complex. The purified GST-tagged Gcn2 C-terminal domain (CTD) was sufficient for precipitating eEF1A from whole cell extracts generated from gcn2Δ cells, independently of ribosomes. Purified GST-Gcn2-CTD and purified His(6)-eEF1A interacted with each other, and this was largely independent of the Lys residues in Gcn2-CTD known to be required for tRNA binding and ribosome association. Interestingly, Gcn2-eEF1A interaction was diminished in amino acid-starved cells and by uncharged tRNAs in vitro, suggesting that eEF1A functions as a Gcn2 inhibitor. Consistent with this possibility, purified eEF1A reduced the ability of Gcn2 to phosphorylate its substrate, eIF2α, but did not diminish Gcn2 autophosphorylation. These findings implicate eEF1A in the intricate regulation of Gcn2 and amino acid homeostasis.  相似文献   

The NIMA family protein kinases Nek9/Nercc1 and the highly similar Nek6 and Nek7 form a signaling module activated in mitosis, when they are involved in the control of spindle organization and function. Here we report that Nek9, the module upstream kinase, binds to DYNLL/LC8, a highly conserved protein originally described as a component of the dynein complex. LC8 is a dimer that interacts with different proteins and has been suggested to act as a dimerization hub promoting the organization and oligomerization of partially disorganized partners. We find that the interaction of LC8 with Nek9 depends on a (K/R)XTQT motif adjacent to the Nek9 C-terminal coiled coil motif, results in Nek9 multimerization, and increases the rate of Nek9 autoactivation. LC8 binding to Nek9 is regulated by Nek9 activity through the autophosphorylation of Ser(944), a residue immediately N-terminal to the (K/R)XTQT motif. Remarkably, LC8 binding interferes with the interaction of Nek9 with its downstream partner Nek6 as well as with Nek6 activation, thus controlling both processes. Our work sheds light into the control of signal transduction through the module formed by Nek9 and Nek6/7 and uncovers a novel manner in which LC8 can regulate partner physiology by interfering with protein complex formation. We suggest that this and other LC8 functions can be specifically regulated by partner phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Although the signal transduction mechanisms of the receptor tyrosine kinase MET are well defined, less is known about its close relative RON. MET initiates intracellular signaling by autophosphorylation on specific cytoplasmic tyrosines that form docking sites for the adaptor proteins Grb2 and Gab1. Grb2 binds directly and is essential for all of the biological activities of MET. Gab1 docks either directly or indirectly via Grb2 and controls only a subset of MET functions. Because MET and RON possess similar adaptor binding sites, it was anticipated that their adaptor interactions would be conserved. Here we show that in contrast to MET, RON relies primarily on Gab1 for signal transmission. Surprisingly, disruption of the Grb2 docking site of RON or Grb2 depletion augments activity, whereas enhancement of Grb2 binding attenuates Gab1 recruitment and signaling. Hence, RON and MET differ in their adaptor interactions; furthermore, Grb2 performs a novel antagonistic role in the context of RON signaling.  相似文献   

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