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甘薯近缘野生种资源的杂交亲和性评价及利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
甘薯近缘野生种与甘薯栽培品种的杂交结实率研究表明,甘薯栽培品种与不同倍性I.trifida的平均杂交结实率为9.33%,其中与六倍体I.trifuta杂交结实率最高,与二倍体I.trifida杂交结实率最低;与四倍体I.1ittoralis杂交的平均结实率为4.22%;与I.leucantha杂交的平均结实率为0.75%。甘薯与近缘野生种杂交,其后代的结薯性出现广泛的分离,甘薯与六倍体I.frifida的杂交后代结薯率高于与其它低倍体的野生种。在甘薯栽培品种与近缘野生种的杂交后代中选出了一些优良的杂种后代。利用六倍体I.trifida与甘薯栽培品种杂交和回交,从其后代中选育出了苏渝303和渝苏297等甘薯品种。  相似文献   

甘薯栽培种及其近缘野生种的DAPI核型及rDNA FISH分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用DAPI显带和rDNA-FISH技术对栽培种甘薯(‘徐薯18’)(Ipomoea batatas cv.Xushu No.18)及2种不同产地近缘野生种(Ipomoea hederacea Jacq.)进行了细胞遗传学研究。DAPI核型分析表明,‘徐薯18’核型公式为2n=6x=90=72m+18sm(18SAT),随体位于第1、3、6染色体上;美国近缘野生种核型公式为2n=2x=30=30m(4SAT),香港近缘野生种核型公式为2n=2x=30=20m+10sm(4SAT),随体均位于第6、12染色体上。rD-NA-FISH结果显示,栽培种甘薯基因组中含有3对5SrDNA位点,分别位于着丝粒区、亚着丝粒区和染色体端部;美国近缘野生种基因组中含有2对5SrDNA位点,香港近缘野生种基因组中含有1对5SrDNA位点,均位于随体部位;两种不同地域来源的近缘野生种基因组中均含有2对45SrDNA位点,分别位于第6和第12染色体上。  相似文献   

以不同类型的大白菜与紫甘蓝为材料,运用蕾期授粉结合胚挽救技术获得大白菜与紫甘蓝的种间杂种,并对其进行细胞学鉴定.结果表明,大白菜与紫甘蓝杂交,获得了57株F1代幼苗;对根尖染色体数量进行观察和杂种花粉特性调查发现,其中47株具有预期的染色体数目,2n =19,鉴定为真杂种,其花粉败育;另有6株具有38条染色体,鉴定为种间异源双二倍体,应该是发生了染色体自然加倍,其花粉可育.可育的杂种F1代与大白菜回交,获得了大白菜-紫甘蓝BC1代材料.田间观测结果显示,杂种F1代植株综合性状均介于双亲之间,BC1代植株包球明显,综合性状偏向母本大白菜.  相似文献   

樱桃种间杂种成熟胚培养及RAPD鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用胚培养技术对不同组合欧洲甜樱桃×'中国矮樱桃'的杂种胚进行了离体培养,建立了杂种胚萌发、伸长、增殖及生根培养等技术体系.研究结果表明,樱桃杂种胚萌发的最适培养基为MS+3 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.3 mg·L-1 IBA,伸长和增殖培养基为MS+1.5 mg·L-1 6-BA+0.3 mg·L-1 IBA,最佳生根培养基为1/2 MS+0.8 mg·L-1 IBA.利用RAPD技术对获得的杂种进行鉴定分析,结果表明子代与亲代电泳图谱之间存在差异.本实验获得一批杂种为进一步的遗传育种提供了新种质.  相似文献   

种间杂交是拓宽遗传种质资源,创制新物种、新材料的重要手段。利用芥菜型油菜和芥蓝种间杂交人工创制其种间杂种,并对其形态学、细胞学特点进行分析。结果表明:不同的杂交组合30 d后的子房残留数和获得幼胚数差异明显,杂交组合是影响种间杂交结子(幼胚)的重要因素;通过形态学鉴定出真杂种36份,均表现为较强的营养体杂种优势。真杂种减数分裂均为异常,在减数分裂后期具有不同程度的染色体丢失现象;无性系染色体数目部分为27条,部分为27~34条。真杂种花粉育性可染率在0~47.87%,自交结实率介于0~3.65%之间。  相似文献   

采用核糖体DNA内转录间隔区(nrDNA ITS)序列比较分析了甘薯及其近缘野生种的遗传多样性及系统进化关系,首次报道了栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(Ipomoea batatas‘Xushu18’)及其近缘野生种I.triloba(DOM),I.cordatotriloba(MEX),I.nil(PER),I.nil(JPN),I.hederacea Jacq.(USA),I.hederacea Jacq.(HK)和种间杂交种67-1(I.batatas‘Xushu18’×I.hederacea Jacq.)及回交种(67-1×I.batatas‘Xushu18’)的nrDNA ITS序列。序列分析表明,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种nrDNA ITS序列长度为570~600bp。其中,ITS1序列为185~209 bp,GC含量为53.11%~61.83%;ITS2序列为214~226 bp,GC含量为61.21%~72.89%;5.8S序列均为165 bp,GC含量为54.55%~55.76%。此外,栽培种甘薯及其近缘野生种ITS序列信息位点均集中在ITS1和ITS2区;与其他甘薯属植物相比,I.wrightii ITS2的末端缺失了6~8个碱基。系统进化分析表明,栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)和野生种I.triloba、I.cordatotriloba、I.lacunosa、I.trifida的亲缘关系较近,与I.wrightii、I.pes-tigridis、I.grandifolia、I.nil、I.hederacea Jacq.、I.purpurea的亲缘关系较远;杂交后代与栽培种甘薯‘徐薯18’(I.batatas‘Xushu18’)亲缘关系较近,与野生种父本I.hederacea Jacq.的亲缘关系较远。  相似文献   

棉属栽培种与野生种杂交的不亲和性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
何鉴星  梁正兰 《遗传学报》1991,18(2):140-148
本文研究了棉属栽培种与野生种杂交的不亲和性,试验材料涉及5个染色体组,包括2个栽培种(陆地棉和中棉)和5个野生种(戴维逊氏棉、瑟伯氏棉、三裂棉、阿拉伯棉和比克氏棉)。以陆地棉作母本,异己花粉管在花柱中生长缓慢,有花粉管胚珠低于10%,陆地棉×戴维逊氏棉杂种胚在子叶期坏死。以中棉作母本,不亲和性主要表现在受精后的胚胎发育过程中。  相似文献   

运用有性杂交方法,以强辣灌木辣椒Capsicum frutescens H101为母本(P1)、强辣C.chinense PI439487为父本(P2)进行种间杂交,获得了C.frutescens×C.chinense种间杂种。对种间杂种F125个表型性状进行了观察比较,结果表明:F1在生长势方面具有明显的杂种优势,其他表型性状则多介于P1与P2之间。SRAP分析显示,F1与P1、P2共有带220条,占总位点数的53.92%,与P1或P2共有带143条,占35.05%,F1特异带和特异缺失带12条,点2.95%。F1与P1遗传相似系数为0.749,大于其与P2的遗传相似系数(0.740),说明杂种在DNA水平上更趋向于母本。C.frutescens×C.chinense种间杂种的获得,为C.chinense香味和多花基因的转移及新材料创制奠定了基础。  相似文献   

花生属栽培种与野生种的蛋白质亚基构成分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

羊蹄甲种间杂交不亲和初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过花粉活力测定和荧光显微技术对南非羊蹄甲与湖北羊蹄甲种间杂交不亲和原因进行了探讨.结果发现,花粉活力不是限制杂交不亲和的主要因子;通过荧光观察发现,南非羊蹄甲的花粉可以在湖北羊蹄甲的柱头上萌发生长,但伴有大量异常现象出现,表现为授粉后柱头的乳突细胞立即出现胼胝质反应,花粉管在柱头上盘绕,生长弯曲折叠,顶端膨大,异常变细,或先端沉积胼胝塞而中途停止生长,初步推断杂交后花粉管生长的异常行为是种间杂交不亲和的主要原因;从杂交后胚囊处的胼胝质反应看,杂交不亲和原因也有可能是雌雄配子体未能结合,或能正常受精,但受精后胚和胚乳发育不协调导致雌蕊脱落而不能得到种子.  相似文献   

Peanut, Arachis hypogaea L., is a protein-rich species consumed worldwide. A key improvement to peanut culture involves the development of cultivars that resist fungal diseases such as rust, leaf spot and scab. Over three years, we evaluated fungal resistance under field conditions of 43 wild accessions and three interspecific hybrids of the genus Arachis, as well as six A. hypogaea genotypes. In the first year, we evaluated resistance to early and late leaf spot, rust and scab. In the second and third years, we evaluated the 18 wild species with the best resistance scores and control cultivar IAC Caiapó for resistance to leaf spot and rust. All wild accessions displayed greater resistance than A. hypogaea but differed in their degree of resistance, even within the same species. We found accessions with as good as or better resistance than A. cardenasii, including: A. stenosperma (V15076 and Sv 3712), A. kuhlmannii (V 6413), A. kempff-mercadoi (V 13250), A. hoehnei (KG 30006), and A. helodes (V 6325). Amphidiploids and hybrids of A. hypogaea behaved similarly to wild species. An additional four accessions deserve further evaluation: A. magna (V 13751 and KG 30097) and A. gregoryi (V 14767 and V 14957). Although they did not display as strong resistance as the accessions cited above, they belong to the B genome type that is crucial to resistance gene introgression and pyramidization in A. hypogaea.  相似文献   

Integration of a conjugative plasmid into a bacterial chromosome can promote the transfer of chromosomal DNA to other bacteria. Intraspecies chromosomal conjugation is believed responsible for creating the global pathogens Klebsiella pneumoniae ST258 and Escherichia coli ST1193. Interspecies conjugation is also possible but little is known about the genetic architecture or fitness of such hybrids. To study this, we generated by conjugation 14 hybrids of E. coli and Salmonella enterica. These species belong to different genera, diverged from a common ancestor >100 Ma, and share a conserved order of orthologous genes with ∼15% nucleotide divergence. Genomic analysis revealed that all but one hybrid had acquired a contiguous segment of donor E. coli DNA, replacing a homologous region of recipient Salmonella chromosome, and ranging in size from ∼100 to >4,000 kb. Recombination joints occurred in sequences with higher-than-average nucleotide identity. Most hybrid strains suffered a large reduction in growth rate, but the magnitude of this cost did not correlate with the length of foreign DNA. Compensatory evolution to ameliorate the cost of low-fitness hybrids pointed towards disruption of complex genetic networks as a cause. Most interestingly, 4 of the 14 hybrids, in which from 45% to 90% of the Salmonella chromosome was replaced with E. coli DNA, showed no significant reduction in growth fitness. These data suggest that the barriers to creating high-fitness interspecies hybrids may be significantly lower than generally appreciated with implications for the creation of novel species.  相似文献   

RAPD鉴定栽培稻与野生稻体细胞杂种   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用随机引物扩增DNA(RAPD)技术,对栽培稻和野生稻原生质体融合获得的体 细胞杂种进行了鉴定。证实了它们包含有双亲的基因组成分。但来自双亲的基因组成分并不是对等的。一些体细胞杂种含有一个亲本更多的基因组成分,而另一些相反。利用RAPD数据和聚类图讨论了体细胞杂种和双亲的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

剑尾鱼杂交种黑色素瘤的形成和病理观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的通过剑尾鱼属内鱼类的杂交,观察黑色素瘤在其杂交后代的形成情况。方法白体剑尾鱼(♀)与黑体剑尾鱼(♂)杂交,子一代(F1)和子二代(F2)分别自交,观察其后代外部特征变化和黑色素瘤形成的情况;对黑色素瘤进行组织病理观察。结果剑尾鱼杂交种的F2代开始出现性状分离,F3中有较高的黑色素瘤发生率,为20.5%。HE染色和Lillie黑色素染色证实增生组织为黑色素瘤。结论通过不同剑尾鱼的杂交和自交,后代有黑色素瘤形成,可望进行黑色素瘤模型的构建。  相似文献   

辣椒种间杂种的表型鉴定及SRAP分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用有性杂交方法,以微辣一年生辣椒自交系B9431为母本(P1)、强辣野生灌木辣椒H108为父本(P2)进行种间杂交,获得了其种间杂种.对种间杂种F125个表型性状进行了观察比较,以期从形态学及分子生物学方面验证种间杂种的真实性.结果表明,F1兼具双亲的形态特征,大多数表型性状介于P1与P2之间.SRAP分析显示,F1与P1、P2共有带550条,占总位点数的68.4%,与P1或P2共有带159条,占19.8%;F1与P1遗传相似系数为0.856,与P2的遗传相似系数为0.786,表明杂种在DNA水平上更趋向于母本.  相似文献   

Baig  M.J.  Swain  P.  Murty  K.S. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(2):241-246
At the vegetative growth stage (40 d), the mean photosynthetic rate (PN) and canopy photosynthesis (PN × LAI) in F1 hybrids and their parents were similar, whereas the maintenance respiration rate (RM) was considerably higher and PN/RM lower in the F1 hybrids than in the parents. Yet at the flowering stage, the hybrids showed higher PN and PN × LAI values, while RM and PN/RM were similar in both. A specific F1 hybrid like IR 62829A×Vajram showed high readings in PN, PN/RM, and PN × LAI at the flowering stage, while IR 62829A×Swarna followed by IR 62829A×Vajram had high values 40 d after planting. The parents Swarna and Vajram, although moderate in PN, had the highest PN × LAI at the flowering stage due to a greater LAI.  相似文献   

Two novel polyomaviruses (PyVs) were identified in kidney and chest-cavity fluid samples of wild bank voles (Myodes glareolus) and common voles (Microtus arvalis) collected in Germany. All cloned and sequenced genomes had the typical PyV genome organization, including putative open reading frames for early regulatory proteins large T antigen and small T antigen on one strand and for structural late proteins (VP1, VP2 and VP3) on the other strand. Virus-like particles (VLPs) were generated by yeast expression of the VP1 protein of both PyVs. VLP-based ELISA and large T-antigen sequence-targeted polymerase-chain reaction investigations demonstrated signs of infection of these novel PyVs in about 42% of bank voles and 18% of common voles. In most cases only viral DNA, but not VP1-specific antibodies were detected. In additional animals exclusively VP1-specific antibodies, but no viral DNA was detected, indicative for virus clearance. Phylogenetic and clustering analysis including all known PyV genomes placed novel bank vole and common vole PyVs amongst members of the tentative Wukipolymavirus genus. The other known four rodent PyVs, Murine PyV and Hamster PyV, and Murine pneumotropic virus and Mastomys PyV belong to different phylogenetic clades, tentatively named Orthopolyomavirus I and Orthopolyomavirus II, respectively. In conclusion, the finding of novel vole-borne PyVs may suggest an evolutionary origin of ancient wukipolyomaviruses in rodents and may offer the possibility to develop a vole-based animal model for human wukipolyomaviruses.  相似文献   

Most traits of biological importance, including traits for human complex diseases (e.g., obesity and diabetes), are continuously distributed. These complex or quantitative traits are controlled by multiple genetic loci called QTLs (quantitative trait loci), environments and their interactions. The laboratory mouse has long been used as a pilot animal model for understanding the genetic architecture of quantitative traits. Next-generation sequencing analyses and genome-wide SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) analyses of mouse genomes have revealed that classical inbred strains commonly used throughout the world are derived from a few fancy mice with limited and non-randomly distributed genetic diversity that occurs in nature and also indicated that their genomes are predominantly Mus musculus domesticus in origin. Many QTLs for a huge variety of traits have so far been discovered from a very limited gene pool of classical inbred strains. However, wild M. musculus mice consisting of five subspecies widely inhabit areas all over the world, and hence a number of novel QTLs may still lie undiscovered in gene pools of the wild mice. Some of the QTLs are expected to improve our understanding of human complex diseases. Using wild M. musculus subspecies in Asia as examples, this review illustrates that wild mice are untapped natural resources for valuable QTL discovery.  相似文献   

Apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) is a typical Rosaceae species that exhibits gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) controlled by polymorphic S-alleles. In this study, the S-alleles of wild Malus species were amplified, sequenced and compared using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technology. 21 S-alleles were identified in 27 wild Malus species. The results indicated that the overwhelming majority of S-alleles between wild Malus species and cultivars shared identical sequences. Simultaneously, five new S alleles (designated S 48 S 52 ) were identified in wild Malus species. There are the S 48 -RNase in M. angustifolia (Ation) Michaux, S 49 -RNase in M. orientalis Uglitzk. Ex Juz. and M. sylvestris (L.) Mill., S 50 -RNase in M. tschonoskii (Maxim.) C.K. Schneid. and M. sieversii (Ldb.) Roem., S 51 -RNase in M. komarovii (Sarg.) Rehd. and M. kansuensis (Batal.) C. K. Schneid., S 52 -RNase in M. manshurica (Maxim.) V. Komorov wild Malus species. Additionally, an S 1 -RNase was cloned in wild Malus prunifolia var. ringo, which have the same open reading frame as Malus × domestica cv. Fuji, but lacked whole intron.  相似文献   

Sterility in Wild Roses and in Some Species Hybrids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Erlanson EW 《Genetics》1931,16(1):75-96

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