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Farinocystis tribolii multiplied only in the fatbody of Tribolium castaneum larvae. In the advanced stages of infection, the fatbody was destroyed and the albuminoid granules were completely depleted. Larvae in late stages of infection were “C” shaped. Diseased pupae were flat and straight with the head and mouth parts not completely flexed with the pupal body. Infected pupae failed to develop into adults. Heavily infected adults were distended. Larvae of third, fourth, and fifth instars, although succumbing to the infection ultimately, continued to live even after the healthy larvae of the same age had entered pupation, indicating a prolongation of larval period. Molting was either affected or delayed in infected insects. F. tribolii infection induced a juvenile hormonal effect producing larval-pupal and pupal-adult intermediate forms. Ether extract of spores of F. tribolii when applied on pupae of T. castaneum and final instar nymphs of Dysdercus cingulatus produced adultoids.  相似文献   

The effects of eight diets (atta flour, wheat flour, self-rising flour, rice flour, custard powder, corn flour, tapioca starch, and potato starch) on the development of the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst), reared at 29-31 degrees C and 66-70% RH were assessed. Five pairs of male and female T. castaneum were reared on the respective diets for 28 d before the experimental setup was dismantled and adult counts were recorded. In another experiment, the insects were allowed to mate and oviposit in each flour or starch type over a period of 7 d before being removed. The counting of pupae and adult emergence began on the day of emergence and was continued on a daily basis until day 140. Proximate analysis was performed for chemical composition of each diet, and the numbers of new adults that developed were found to be positively correlated (r2 = 0.97; P < 0.05) with the protein content and negatively correlated (r2 = 0.93; P < 0.05) with the carbohydrate content. For T. castaneum, the suitable diets were ranked as follows: atta flour > wheat flour > self-rising flour > rice flour > custard powder > corn flour > tapioca starch > potato starch. T. castaneum larval development to the pupal and adult stages developed significantly faster in atta flour (P < 0.05) than in the other diets, and the greatest number of progeny was produced from beetles reared on atta flour. Fewer adults emerged from wheat flour, self-rising flour, and rice flour, and no new emergences were recorded for the remaining diets. Developmental rate was much slower in beetles reared on diets in which a low number in progeny was produced. These data illustrate that different diets can influence the sustainability of these insects and affect their development and growth.  相似文献   

Life tables were constructed to assess the relative importance of some factors causing mortality of Tribolium confusum and to gauge their response to increasing population density. Observations focussed on three population densities (100, 400 and 800 individual/8 g medium) from the egg to the adult stage. The medium was not renewed in order to maximize predatory interactions. Generation mortality at densities 100, 400 and 800 was 42%, 50% and 74% respectively, i. e. density-dependent. Mortality in the first 10 days was also density-dependent reaching a maximum of 27% at density 800: predation by small larvae on eggs seemed the principal causative factor. The overall pattern of larval mortality was density-independent. Data on the mortality of pupae and callows were ultimately consistent with an inversely density-dependent pattern. Apparently, only mortality occurring within the first 10 days was capable of population regulation.  相似文献   

Dispersal rates were measured in lines selected for high and low response of egg production to conditioned media, and responsivness of egg production was measured in lines selected for high and low dispersal. A positive correlation was found between these two traits, each of which had previously been found to have a simple genetic basis. It is suggested that in Tribolium castaneum the sensitivity to environmental conditions is mediated through a Sensor gene, which can activate either response, according to circumstances.  相似文献   

 Early pattern formation in the Drosophila embryo occurs in a syncytial blastoderm where communication between nuclei is unimpeded by cell walls. During the development of other insects, similar gene expression patterns are generated in a cellular environment. In Tribolium, for instance, pair-rule stripes are transiently expressed near the posterior end of the growing germ band. To elucidate how pattern formation in such a situation deviates from that of Drosophila, functional data about the genes involved are essential. In a genetic screen for Tribolium mutants affecting the larval cuticle pattern, we isolated 4 mutants (from a total of 30) which disrupt segmentation in the thorax and abdomen. Two of these mutants display clear pair-rule phenotypes. This demonstrates that not only the expression, but also the function of pair-rule genes in this short-germ insect is in principle similar to Drosophila. The other two mutants appear to identify gap genes. They provide the first evidence for the involvement of gap genes in abdominal segmentation of short-germ embryos. However, significant differences between the phenotypes of these mutants and those of known Drosophila gap mutants exist which indicates that evolutionary changes occurred in either the regulation or action of these genes. Received: 8 May 1998 / Accepted: 17 June 1998  相似文献   

A highly abundant satellite DNA comprising 17% of the Tribolium castaneum (Insecta, Coleoptera) genome was cloned and sequenced. The satellite monomer is 360 bp long, has a high A+T content of 73%, and lacks significant internal substructures. The sequence variability is 3.6%, essentially due to random distribution of single-point mutations. The satellite is evenly distributed in the regions of centromeric heterochromatin of all 20 chromosomes, as shown by fluorescent in situ hybridization. Comparison of T. castaneum satellite with those from three different but congeneric species reveals the highest sequence similarity of 47.1% with the satellite from the sibling species Tribolium freemani. The phylogenetic relationships among Tribolium species deduced from satellite sequence agree with those based on karyological, chemotaxonomic, and hybridization data. This indicates a parallel in the divergence of satellites and some genetic and cytogenetic characters. Despite low mutual sequence similarity, which makes them species-specific, Tribolium satellites have a common structural characteristic: a block of about 95% A+T content, 20 to 42 bp long, flanked at one side by an inverted repeat which can potentially form a thermodynamically stable dyad structure. Since similar structural features are found in centromeric DNA of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Chironomus pallidivittatus, their possible importance in centromere function may be inferred.   相似文献   

The mutation eu in the flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, causes an easily detectable morphological change in the larva and the pupa. The character shows incomplete penetrance at 30°C and almost full penetrance at 25°C. Penetrance at 30°C appears to be partly under genetic control.  相似文献   

Oxygen consumption is circadian (about 24 hr) rhythmic in sterilized Tribolium confusum adults kept on a 12 hr light-12 hr dark regimen. High values for oxygen consumption occur shortly after ‘light-on’ and low ones at the beginning of the dark span. When the light-dark cycle is advanced by 6 hr, the oxygen consumption rhythm is phase-shifted within about 6 days; with a delay of the light-dark schedule (a return to the initial regimen) the oxygen consumption rhythm re-adjusts in 3 days. This directedness or polarity of the phase-shift adjustment constitutes a quantitative circadian system characteristic shared by organisms studied thus far.  相似文献   

  • 1 In Tribolium castaneum Herbst, in which dispersal is genetically determined, it is possible to select for strains that are characterized by high and low dispersal, High dispersal (HD) beetles are better adapted than low dispersal (LD) beetles for colonization, as can be seen from differences that exist between the two groups with regard to several life-history parameters.
  • 2 Comparisons were made between the dynamics of seventy-two HD and seventy-two LD populations. Generation length in HD populations was significantly shorter than in LD populations. After 91/2 weeks, in open treatments (from which dispersal away from the set was allowed), HD populations had more beetles than LD populations, whereas in closed treatments (from which dispersal away from the set was not allowed) the opposite was true.
  • 3 These findings may explain the maintenance of the genetic variability of dispersal behaviour in natural populations of T.castmeurn.

The spectra of Tribolium castaneum and T. confusum larval digestive peptidases were characterized with respect to the spatial organization of protein digestion in the midgut. The pH of midgut contents in both species increased from 5.6–6.0 in the anterior to 7.0–7.5 in the posterior midgut. However, the pH optimum of the total proteolytic activity of the gut extract from either insect was pH 4.1. Approximately 80% of the total proteolytic activity was in the anterior and 20% in the posterior midgut of either insect when evaluated in buffers simulating the pH and reducing conditions characteristic for each midgut section. The general peptidase activity of gut extracts from either insect in pH 5.6 buffer was mostly due to cysteine peptidases. In the weakly alkaline conditions of the posterior midgut, the serine peptidase contribution was 31 and 41% in T. castaneum and T. confusum, respectively. A postelectrophoretic peptidase activity assay with gelatin also revealed the important contribution of cysteine peptidases in protein digestion in both Tribolium species. The use of a postelectrophoretic activity assay with p‐nitroanilide substrates and specific inhibitors revealed a set of cysteine and serine endopeptidases, 8 and 10 for T. castaneum, and 7 and 9 for T. confusum, respectively. Serine peptidases included trypsin‐, chymotrypsin‐, and elastase‐like enzymes, the latter being for the first time reported in Tenebrionid insects. These data support a complex system of protein digestion in the Tribolium midgut with the fundamental role of cysteine peptidases. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We are characterizing the cuticular proteins of Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) to determine their role in the function of the exoskeleton. Based on qualitative analyses of cuticles, we focused on the sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-extractable proteins. A small-scale cuticle "mini-prep" procedure was devised that yields preparations virtually free of contaminating cellular material compared to hand-dissected preparations, as assessed by fluorescent microscopy using DAPI to stain nuclei. Proteins extracted in 1% SDS from various developmental stages (last larval instar, pupal, adult) were analyzed by one-dimensional denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. The cuticular protein profiles show both similarities and differences among the stages examined. The amino acid composition, glycosylation, and partial amino acid sequence of several abundant cuticular proteins indicate similarity to cuticular proteins of other insects.  相似文献   

We isolated and characterized microsatellite markers for the red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum, an important model species for studies in various areas of evolutionary biology and ecology. A microsatellite‐enriched genomic library was constructed and screened with single stranded oligonucleotide probes [(CCT)17, (AAT)17 and (CAG)17]. Forty‐five primer pairs were designed of which 19 pairs produced successful amplification. Polymorphism screening involved beetles from five beetle strains and revealed 15 polymorphic and four monomorphic markers. The development of polymorphic microsatellite markers will facilitate future ecological and genetic studies involving T. castaneum beetles.  相似文献   

The synthesis of chitin, the beta-1,4-linked polymer of N-acetylglucosamine, is catalyzed by chitin synthase (CHS). Chitin is essential for the structural integrity of the exoskeletal cuticle and midgut peritrophic membrane (PM) of insects. To study the functions of the two chitin synthase genes, TcCHS-A and TcCHS-B, during embryonic and adult development in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, RNA interference (RNAi) experiments were carried out. When dsRNA for TcCHS-A was injected into male or female pharate adults, all insects died 5-7 d after the adult molt, and the females failed to oviposit prior to death. When dsTcCHS-A was injected into young adults 1-2 d post-eclosion, a similar lethal phenotype was obtained after 5 d and no oviposition occurred. When dsTcCHS-A injections were delayed until after adult maturation (7-10 d post-eclosion), the treated females did oviposit and the resulting embryos appeared to develop normally. However, the chitin content of the eggs was dramatically reduced, the embryos became twisted and enlarged, and the eggs did not hatch. Adults treated with dsRNA for TcCHS-B exhibited little or no chitin in their PM and died about 2 wk after injection. None of the TcCHS-B-treated females oviposited, which was probably a secondary effect caused by starvation. These results extend our previous findings that CHS genes are required for all types of molt. The present study also demonstrates that these genes have additional roles in embryonic and adult development.  相似文献   

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