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A monoclonal antibody (46-12-C12) for use in a solid-phase enzyme-linkedimmunosorbent assay (ELISA) specific for an anionic peroxidase(APRX) from peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) suspension cell mediumwas developed. The McAb (IgG1) had a high affinity (2.77 ? 1011)and specificity for APRX, and showed only weak interaction witha-amylase and virtually no reactivity with other enzymes, suchas MCPRX (peanut), minor CPRX (peanut), peroxidase (horseradish),RuBP case (spinach), -glucosidase (rice), ß-glucosidase(almonds), acid phosphatase (potato), catalase (bovine liver)and glucose-6-phosphatase (yeast). Sample dilution curves werefound to parallel the standard curve. The detection limit was0.002 ? 10–12 mol APRX. The absorbance was linear at concentrationsbetween 0.004–24 ? 10–12 mol APRX. Three hundredsamples could be analysed per day by one person, with a semi-automaticperformance. Using this assay, levels of APRX have been determinedin a number of biological extracts of different origin. Key words: Peanut, anionic peroxidase, monoclonal antibody, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)  相似文献   

Ten monoclonal antibodies (McAbs) have been produced against the cationic peroxidase from peanut suspension cell culture. Eight of these antibodies were found to be of the immunoglobulin (Ig)G1 subclass and two were of IgA subclass. A combination of competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, Western blotting analysis, and direct antigen-binding assay revealed that the antibodies are directed against four different epitopes on the cationic peroxidase and the McAbs can be subdivided into four groups. Only group A inhibits peroxidase activity. Group B and D bind equally well to the native and the denatured form of cationic peroxidase, whereas the remaining McAbs react with more or less reduced affinity to the denatured antigen. Group C probably recognizes a conformation-dependent epitope. All the McAbs cross react weakly with the anionic peanut peroxidase, suggesting a structural nonidentity as well as some similarity between these two peroxidase isozymes. Cross reactivities of these McAbs with peroxidases of various plant species were also demonstrated.  相似文献   

SARS-CoV单克隆抗体的制备及抗原表位的初步鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
参照已发表的SARS冠状病毒BJ01株基因序列 ,利用计算机软件预测并选取该病毒S、M、N三种主要结构蛋白部分抗原性优势区域 ,以编码Gly-Pro-Gly序列相连接合成两段嵌合基因A和B。并分别克隆于pGEX -6p- 1载体上用IPTG进行诱导表达 ,以纯化的嵌合蛋白A和B为抗原 ,分别免疫BALB c小鼠制备单克隆抗体。利用单克隆抗体亚型检测试剂盒和SARS CoV商品化ELISA检测试剂盒对其进行亚型和特异性鉴定。结果表明融合表达两段嵌合基因产物 ,其大小分别为 34kD和35kD ,Westernblot分析证实两种表达产物都能被SARS病人康复期血清所识别。获得了 6株能稳定分泌特异性抗体的阳性细胞克隆株。亚型鉴定结果除D3C5为IgG2a外其他单抗均为IgG1,而且所有单抗的轻链均为κ链。特异性鉴定发现除D3D1外 ,其余的 5株单抗均能与SARS CoV商品化ELISA检测试剂盒发生特异性反应。将D3D1与灭活后经超声波裂解的SARS CoV进行Westernblot分析 ,发现它能特异性识别 180kD的蛋白带。分别融合表达了 6个S蛋白的寡肽 (S1- S6 ) ,并对筛选出的单克隆…  相似文献   

A battery of monoclonal antibodies was raised against a preparation of lentil lectin-binding membrane glycoproteins from human brain. Out of 26 established hybridomas, nine produced antibodies against the human Thy-1 antigen. For the remaining 17 lines, reactivity with at least six other antigens could be identified after immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. Several of the antigens were di- or trimeric, mainly in the molecular weight range of 60-120 kDa. Two of the antibodies were reactive with high-molecular-weight aggregates and four targets for the antibody reactivity were not identifiable by immunoprecipitation of iodinated antigens. Three of the identified antigens were shown by quantitative enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay tests on various human tissues to be specifically expressed in the brain.  相似文献   

猪流行性腹泻(Porcine epidemic diarrhea,PED)是由猪流行性腹泻病毒(PED virus,PEDV)引起的一种严重危害养猪生产的常见疫病。近年来,由于新的PEDV变异毒株的出现,许多国家的养猪业遭受了巨大的经济损失。PEDV也因此受到更多关注,关于PEDV的研究报道也日渐增多。基于国内外有关PEDV的最新研究进展,本文系统归纳和分析了PEDV结构蛋白和非结构蛋白单克隆抗体以及单克隆抗体识别的特异性抗原表位,以期为开发鉴别诊断方法和表位疫苗等提供信息。  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay that revealed an antigenic difference between the red-absorbing and far-red-absorbing forms of phytochrome (Pr and Pfr, respectively) near its amino terminus (Cordonnier M-M, H Greppin, LH Pratt 1985 Biochemistry 24: 3246-3253) was used to screen eight additional monoclonal antibodies directed to phytochrome from etiolated oats. While six of these antibodies detected Pr and Pfr with equal affinity, two of them, designated Oat-9 and Oat-16, bound to Pfr 1.6 to 2.3 times better than to Pr. Competitive enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays indicate (a) that Oat-9 and Oat-16 probably bind to the same domain on phytochrome and (b) that this domain is at least 3.5 nanometers away from the epitope near its amino terminus that was shown earlier to change upon phototransformation. Neither the absorbance spectra of Pr and Pfr, nor the rate of dark reversion of Pfr to Pr, was influenced by the presence of Oat-9. Immunoblotting of sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gels after electrophoretic separation of phytochrome fragments obtained by endogenous proteolytic digestion indicates that Oat-16 binds to an epitope located on the chromophore half of this chromoprotein. The observation that the epitope recognized by Oat-9 and Oat-16 is also present on at least some of the immunochemically distinct phytochrome that is obtained from green oat shoots (Shimazaki Y, LH Pratt 1985 Planta 164: 333-344), together with the evidence that this epitope undergoes a change upon photoransformation, indicates that it may play an important role in phytochrome function.  相似文献   

目前制备单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的传统方法是用纯度很高的天然蛋白作为抗原来免疫动物。此方法虽然成功率很高,但提取和纯化作为抗原用的高纯蛋白确非常困难,在某些情况下甚至是不可能的。为了克服以上不足,近年来发展起用合成多肽作为抗原制备单克隆抗体[1,2]。这个技术的难点是用合成多肽作为抗原来免疫动物不易获得与天然蛋白呈特异反应的抗体[3-5]。近年来国外科学家发明了一种称为“多抗原肽”(Multiple antigenic peptide, MAP)物质用作抗原[6,7]。它是一个由赖氨酸核和多个由同一多肽分子构成的具有免疫原性的大分子。这个大分子的多肽部分组成丁造成动物免疫应答的多个相同抗原决定簇.而赖氨酸核部分只起连接多肽的作用,它本身没有免疫原性。实验证明多抗原肽和佐剂配合使用会引起动物强烈的免疫应答。本文介绍的是从Calpain [EC] 28kDa 小亚基上选取的一段氪基酸序列 AAQYNPEPPP-PRTH(氨基酸从73到86)与赖氨酸核偶联形成多抗原肽来制备单克隆抗体。Calpain的水解蛋白活性依附于钙离子浓度。它有两种异构酶:在μmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为“μ-calpain.而在mmol/L钙离子浓度下被激活的称为m-calpain。这两种异构酶都由两个亚基组成。其大亚基的分子量为80kDa,它包括酶的活性区和与钙离子结合区。两种酶的大亚基氨基酸序列各不相同。其小亚基的分子量为28 kDa,这两种酶具有完全相同的小亚基氨基酸序列。有关Calpain的详细资料可参阅文献[8]。  相似文献   

In order to count Clostridium tyrobutyricum spores in milk after membrane filtration, murine 21E7-B12 monoclonal antibody was produced. Elution of the monoclonal antibody from this antigen, the flagellar filament protein, by carbohydrate ligands was used to study the epitope structure. A competitive elution of an anti-dextran monoclonal antibody by carbohydrate ligands served as a control in order to validate the immunological tool applied to flagellin epitope study. The carbohydrate moiety of flagellin contained D -glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine in a molar ratio of 11:1 as determined by gas-liquid chromatography and 2 low-abundancy unidentified compounds. In ELISA, D -glucose and N-acetyl-glucosamine did not dissociate the antibody-flagellin complex contrary to maltose, maltotriose, maltotetraose and maltopentaose. The efficiency of elution increased from the dimer to the pentamer and became nil for maltohexaose and maltoheptaose. The fact that the hexamer and heptamer could not react with the 21E7-B12 monoclonal antibody could be explained by a drastic conformational change. The overall stretched maltopentaose switch to a helical-shaped maltoheptaose which could not fit the 21E7-B12 monoclonal antibody antigen-combining site. Thus, flagellin epitope may contain α(1→4) linked glucose residues plus either N-actyl-glucosamine or an unidentified compound that maintain it in an extended shape.  相似文献   

Thirty-five monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) against glycoprotein (G protein) of the RC-HL strain of the rabies virus have been established. Using these MAbs, two antigenic sites (I and II) were delineated on the G protein of the RC-HL strain in a competitive binding assay. Of these, 34 MAbs recognized the epitopes on site IL Site II was further categorized into 10 subsites according to their patterns in a competitive binding assay. Each site II-specific MAb showed 5 to 23 nonreciprocal competitions. The reactivities of 35 MAbs to rabies and rabies-related viruses in an indirect immunofluorescent antibody test showed that six MAbs in group A binded to rabies and rabies-related viruses and eight MAbs in group E reacted only with rabies viruses, considering that the former represent the genus-specific of Lyssavirus and the latter are rabies virus-specific. From biological assays, 28 of the 35 MAbs showed neutralization activity, 31 showed hemagglutination inhibition (HI) activity, and 18 showed immunolysis (IL) activity. The MAbs recognizing neutralization epitopes fell into at least three groups: those exhibiting both HI and IL activity, those showing only HI activity, and those showing neither HI nor IL activity. All IL epitopes overlap with HA epitopes. Five of the nine MAbs which reacted with the antigen treated by sodium dodecyl sulfate in ELISA were not reduced, or reduced only slightly, in the titer. None of the MAbs reacted with 2-mercaptoethanol-treated antigen. Only one MAb that recognized site I reacted with the denatured G protein in a Western blotting assay, indicating that its epitope is linear. These results suggest that almost all of the epitopes on the G protein of the rabies virus are conformation-dependent and the G protein forms a complicated antigenic structure.  相似文献   

Spore morphology is currently used to identify species of vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. We report the first use of a highly specific immunological method for identification of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus. Two monoclonal antibodies were produced against Glomus occultum. Monoclonal antibodies reacted strongly with both spores and hyphae in an indirect enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. All other mycorrhizal (29 species) and nonmycorrhizal (5 species) fungi tested were nonreactive with the monoclonal antibodies. A single spore of G. occultum was detectable in the presence of high numbers of spores of other vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Variation in the reaction of G. occultum isolates from West Virginia, Florida, and Colombia suggests that monoclonal antibodies may differentiate strains.  相似文献   

1986年,在海南岛发生登革热爆发流行期间,应用型特异性单克隆抗体以间接免疫荧光法快速鉴定所分离的35株登革热毒。接种标本的第一代C_6/36细胞于感染病毒后96小时内登革病毒抗原检出率可达97%  相似文献   

BALB/c mice were hyperimmunized with non-infectious extracts of either Leishmania braziliensis promastigotes or Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes. When spleen cells from these mice were fused with P3X63Ag8 plasmacytoma cells, the resultant hybridomas synthesized monoclonal antibodies which displayed specific reactivity by indirect immunofluorescence with distinct subcellular components of the parasites. These studies revealed that antigens associated with the flagellum and with a nongranular component of the cytoplasm would account for much of the serologic cross-reactivity observed between the two species. Conversely, antigens associated with surface and/or cytoplasmic granules and with an intracellular organelle believed to be the kinetoplast appeared to be species-specific.  相似文献   

戊型肝炎病毒中和性单克隆抗体的鉴定   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
阻断实验发现。用戊型肝炎病毒(HEV)衣壳蛋白重组抗原制备的8株抗HEV单克隆抗体(mAb),分别识别3个构象表位和2个线性表位。用抗体捕获反转录PCR方法证实,其中识别2个构象表位的3个mAb可以直接捕获HEV颗粒,表明这2个表位位于HEV颗粒的外表面。识别这两个表位的mAbSCll和8H3均可中和HEV对恒河猴的致病性和感染性。rnAb8C11缩短排毒时间的效应较明显,而mAb8H3延迟机体抗HEV抗体阳转时间的效应较明显。二者的中和效应具有较明显的协同作用。中和单抗8C11、8H3对戊肝不同感染时期的血清均有显著阻断作用,Fab片段的阻断作用与完整抗体类似,表明这两个mAb对应的中和表位是HEV体液免疫应答的优势表位。  相似文献   

用19株抗鸡新城疫病毒(NDV)单克隆抗体(简称单抗)测定与14个NDV国际参考株和16个NDV国内分离株的反应性,将毒株分为a~h 8个群。该组单抗能较精细地测出流行病学上不同的毒株间的抗原变异,毒株分群显示了抗原变异与流行病学特征的相关性。  相似文献   

Highly pathogenic porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (HP-PRRSV) is a member of the genus Arterivirus within the family Arteriviridae. N and GP3 proteins are the immunodominance regions of the PRRSV viral proteins. To identify the B-cell linear antigenic epitopes within HP-PRRSV N and GP3 proteins, two monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) against N and GP3 proteins were generated and characterized, designated as 3D7 and 1F10 respectively. The mAb 3D7 recognized only HuN4-F112 not the corresponding virulent strain (HuN4-F5). It also recognized two other commercial vaccines (JXA1-R and TJM-F92), but not two other HP-PRRSV strains (HNZJJ-F1 and HLJMZ-F2). The B-cell epitope recognized by the mAb 3D7 was localized to N protein amino acids 7–33. Western blot showed that the only difference amino acid between HuN4-F112-N and HuN4-F5-N did not change the mAb 3D7 recognization to N protein. The epitope targeted by the mAb 1F10 was mapped by truncated proteins. We found a new epitope (68-76aa) can be recognized by the mAb. However, the epitope could not be recognized by the positive sera, suggesting the epitope could not induce antibody in pigs. These results should extend our understanding of the antigenic structure of the N protein and antigen-antibody reactions of the GP3 protein in different species.  相似文献   

《Cell host & microbe》2020,27(5):710-724.e7
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以马IgM、luG作为免疫抗原,以此免疫BALB/c小鼠,并取其脾细胞与骨髓瘤细胞(SP2.0)融合,通过酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)方法筛选,结果获得了4株分泌抗马IgM和2株分泌抗IgG的单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞,特异性试验证明,4株IgM单抗有很好的特异性,仅与马的IgM特异反应,而不与IgG反应;这4株单抗分别命名为IgM4H、IgM6B、IgM8A和IgM12F.经鉴定,IgM4H、IgM6B、IgM12F株为IgG1亚类,IgM8A株为IgG2a亚类,杂交瘤细胞的平均染色体数目为99条.杂交瘤细胞培养上清液及小鼠腹水McAb的ELISA都具有较高的效价,该杂交瘤细胞连续培养20代后仍能稳定分泌抗体.2株IgG的单克隆抗体有很好的特异性,只与IgG反应,而不与IgM发生交叉反应.  相似文献   

Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) non-structural protein 1 (NS1) contributes to virus replication and elicits protective immune responses during infection. JEV NS1-specific antibody responses could be a target in the differential diagnosis of different flavivirus infections. However, the epitopes on JEV NS1 are poorly characterized. The present study describes the full mapping of linear B-cell epitopes in JEV NS1. We generated eleven NS1-specific monoclonal antibodies from mice immunized with recombinant NS1. For epitope mapping of monoclonal antibodies, a set of 51 partially-overlapping peptides covering the entire NS1 protein were expressed with a GST-tag and then screened using monoclonal antibodies. Through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), five linear epitope-containing peptides were identified. By sequentially removing amino acid residues from the carboxy and amino terminal of peptides, the minimal units of the five linear epitopes were identified and confirmed using monoclonal antibodies. Five linear epitopes are located in amino acids residues 5AIDITRK11, 72RDELNVL78, 251KSKHNRREGY260, 269DENGIVLD276, and 341DETTLVRS348. Furthermore, it was found that the epitopes are highly conserved among JEV strains through sequence alignment. Notably, none of the homologous regions on NS1 proteins from other flaviviruses reacted with the MAbs when they were tested for cross-reactivity, and all five epitope peptides were not recognized by sera against West Nile virus or Dengue virus. These novel virus-specific linear B-cell epitopes of JEV NS1 would benefit the development of new vaccines and diagnostic assays.  相似文献   

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