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李华  孙虎山 《动物学杂志》2012,47(6):128-135
贝类等许多无脊椎动物体内含有脑啡肽等阿片肽系统,并且在其生长、繁殖等生理生化过程中发挥着重要的作用。本文从脑啡肽在贝类等无脊椎动物体内的定位、分离提取、测序鉴定及其相关酶的研究等方面,对贝类等无脊椎动物脑啡肽的研究进展进行了概述。目前来看,脑啡肽物质在无脊椎动物中有关各种功能和机理研究仍然处于初步阶段,对于其深层次的分子作用机理还需要作进一步的研究。  相似文献   

贝类生物矿化中的生物大分子与分子识别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了贝类生物矿化相关的生物大分子性质及其分子识别过程的最新研究进展.生物矿化原理为仿生材料科学和分子构造学提供了崭新的思路.贝类生物矿化过程是生物大分子指导无机晶体的晶核形成、定向及生长的过程,是有机相-无机相、无机相-无机相界面分子识别的过程.  相似文献   

根据国内外相关文献,分析了环节动物和软体动物之间的进化关系的不同观点及其立论依据,提出就现有证据而言,软体动物起源于环节动物更具说服力,并对软体动物和环节动物进化关系的进一步研究提出设想.  相似文献   

The level of mollusk foot development and swelling primarily depends on the mode of life and functional load of the tissues. It is highest for the polyfunctional foot, which is mediated by its specific structural features.  相似文献   

The distribution of nitroxidergic (NO-ergic) cells in the direct and recurrent loops of the midgut and in the hindgut of the bivalve mollusk Modiolus kurilensis was studied using a NADPH-diaphorase (NADPH-d) histochemistry [13]. Intraepithelial NO-ergic cells were found in the intestinal groove, in the major typhlosole of the direct loop, in the recurrent loop of the midgut, as well as in the hindgut. The apical processes of these cells are directed to the intestinal lumen, whereas the basal processes connect to the basiepithelial NO-ergic plexus. The latter, in turn, have separate fibers that are in contactswith the subepithelial NO-ergic plexus. Both plexuses are well developed in the intestinal groove of the direct loop and in the recurrent loop of the midgut, as well as in the hindgut. In the major typhlosole and crystalline style sac of the direct loop, both basi- and subepithelial NO-ergic plexuses are less developed. In the minor typhlosole, the basiepithelial NO-ergic plexus is absent and only single fibers of the subepithelial plexus occur. In the connective tissue and muscular layers of the recurrent loop of the midgut, subepithelial NO-ergic nerve cells were found.  相似文献   

海水经济贝类在海水养殖中占有重要的地位,开展贝类育种、育苗对提高重要经济贝类的产量和质量意义重大。多倍体育种作为贝类育种的方法之一,研究者希望通过这种方法,诱导出个体大、生长快、肉质好的三倍体贝类,以提高群体生长速度,改善经济性状,增强养殖生物的抗逆性。对多倍体贝类的亲贝培育、育种原理、诱导方法、检测技术,以及生物学性状作了综述,最后探讨了多倍体研究中存在的主要问题。  相似文献   

The pteropod mollusk Clione limacina swims by dorsal-ventralflapping movements of its wing-like parapodia. Two basic swimspeeds are observed—slow and fast. Serotonin enhancesswimming speed by increasing the frequency of wing movements.It does this by modulating intrinsic properties of swim interneuronscomprising the swim central pattern generator (CPG). Here weexamine some of the ionic currents that mediate changes in theintrinsic properties of swim interneurons to increase swimmingspeed in Clione. Serotonin influences three intrinsic propertiesof swim interneurons during the transition from slow to fastswimming: baseline depolarization, postinhibitory rebound (PIR),and spike narrowing. Current clamp experiments suggest thatneither Ih nor IA exclusively accounts for the serotonin-inducedbaseline depolarization. However, Ih and IA both have a stronginfluence on the timing of PIR—blocking Ih increases thelatency to PIR while blocking IA decreases the latency to PIR.Finally, apamin a blocker of IK(Ca) reverses serotonin-inducedspike narrowing. These results suggest that serotonin may simultaneouslyenhance Ih and IK(Ca) and suppress IA to contribute to increasesin locomotor speed.  相似文献   

By means of intracellular recording of the mollusc neuronal activity a study was made of the influence of ACTH4-7--a fragment of the stress hormone,--on elaboration of habituation to tactile stimuli. ACTH was administered immediately after the elaboration of the series I of habituation (25 to 30 stimuli) by means of either perfusion or extra- or intracellular microionophoresis. This was followed by the II-V habituation series (with 15 min intervals between them). Perfusion and extracellular (not intracellular) ACTH4-7 administration produced an acceleration of habituation in the series II, increase of action potentials (AP) thresholds in the response to the first tactile stimulus of series II and cessation of further increase of the AP thresholds in the course of elaboration. Without ACTH, these phenomena were observed beginning with habituation series IV. The ACTH action while influencing the memory is apparently directed to the external side of the excitable neuronal membrane; ACTH seems to accelerate the consolidation process. Any of the methods of ACTH administration produced also an enhancement of EPSPs and an increase in the number of APs in the responses to stimuli, without lowering the thresholds of APs generation. This testifies toi enhanced chemosensitivity of the membrane and may underlie the influence of ACTH on the level of wakefulness.  相似文献   

Archaeological research in the Mariana Islands has revealed changes in mollusk collecting during the Prehistoric Period (approximately 1500 BC to AD 1521). The earliest people at Tumon Bay, Guam and Chalan Piao, Saipan collected mostly bivalves, especially the arc clam Anadara antiquata. After several hundred years, they no longer collected A. antiquata, but collected smaller bivalves instead. By AD 1000, they collected mostly gastropods, primarily the coral reef species Strombus gibberulus gibbosus. One possible explanation is that the people preferred the large arc clam but overharvested it until they were forced to eat the smaller bivalves and then the snails. However, recent evidence in the form of mangrove wood and mangrove pollen supports another explanation, one of non-anthropogenic environmental change. In this case, the relative sea-level decline, which took place in the Marianas within the last 4,000 years, caused the demise of mangrove habitats and of the arc clam at Tumon Bay, Guam and Chalan Piao, Saipan. As mangrove habitats were diminished by sea-level decline, collecting effort shifted to coral reefs, and S. gibberulus gibbosus was harvested throughout the remainder of the Prehistoric Period and into the Historic Period. Southern Guam is the only area in the Marianas in which A. antiquata increased in abundance during the Prehistoric Period. The same types of evidence, mangrove wood and mangrove pollen, indicate that, in contrast to the situation at Tumon Bay and Chalan Piao, mangroves increased in abundance in southern Guam.  相似文献   

The effect of synthetic anionic surface active substance (SAS) sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS, 4 mg/l) on the kinetics of water filtration by mussel Mytilus edulis was studied. A suspension of algae Isochrysis galbana was added to the vessel with the mussels, and their filtration activity was measured by counting the concentration of the algae cells in the experimental vessels. Algae concentration was measured every 30 min for an hour and a half. The inhibiting effect on the mollusk filtration rate (FR) was qualitatively described. After the first 30 min filtration at 4 mg/l initial SDS concentration, the cell density was 322% of the control. The inhibiting effect was observed later as well. Due to FR inhibition in the vessels with the above specified initial SDS concentration, the algae cell density was 6.4 and 14.7 times that of the control after 1 and 1.5 h, respectively. Thus, SAS SDS can decrease the natural capacity of aquatic ecosystems for self-purification and disturb other aspects of ecosystem functioning through inhibiting the filtration activity of mussels. The obtained data are discussed in the context of environment and hydrosphere protection from pollution.  相似文献   

The goal of the present work was to explore the influence of commercially available cell phone irradiation on the single neuron excitability and memory processes. A Transverse Electromagnetic Cell (TEM Cell) was used to expose single neurons of mollusk to the electromagnetic field.

Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method was used for modeling the TEM Cell and the electromagnetic field interactions with living nerve ganglion and neurons. Neuron electrophysiology was investigated using standard microelectrode technique.

The specific absorption rate (SAR) deposited into the single neuron was calculated to be 0.63 W/kg with a temperature increment of 0.1°C. After acute exposure, average firing threshold of the action potentials was not changed. However, the average latent period was significantly decreased. This indicates that together with latent period the threshold and the time of habituation might be altered during exposure. However, these alterations are transient and only latent period remains on the changed level.  相似文献   

Metallothioneins (MTs) are proteins devoted to the control of metal homeostasis and detoxification, and therefore, MTs have been crucial for the adaptation of the living beings to variable situations of metal bioavailability. The evolution of MTs is, however, not yet fully understood, and to provide new insights into it, we have investigated the MTs in the diverse classes of Mollusks. We have shown that most molluskan MTs are bimodular proteins that combine six domains—α, β1, β2, β3, γ, and δ—in a lineage-specific manner. We have functionally characterized the Neritimorpha β3β1 and the Patellogastropoda γβ1 MTs, demonstrating the metal-binding capacity of the new γ domain. Our results have revealed a modular organization of mollusk MT, whose evolution has been impacted by duplication, loss, and de novo emergence of domains. MTs represent a paradigmatic example of modular evolution probably driven by the structural and functional requirements of metal binding.  相似文献   

A preparation of lysozyme from a freshwater bivalve, Unio pictorum, has been isolated by sorption to chitin, and its physicochemical properties have been studied. An assessment of the sensitivity of 48 strains of rhodococci, belonging to the species Rhodococcus rubber, R. luteus, and R. erythropolis (Specialized Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms of the Institute of Ecology and Genetics of Microorganisms, Ural Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences), which were isolated from diverse natural waters, to lysozyme of the mollusk Unio pictorum demonstrated that the three species differ in their sensitivity to its effects. The high resistance of rhodococci to lysozyme is indicative of their considerable permanence in hydrobiocenoses (and, therefore, ability to maintain self-purification of microbiocenoses from hydrocarbons).  相似文献   

The intake of food has physiological consequences via physical (e.g. distension) and chemical (e.g. glucose) stimulation of receptors in the viscera and, in the longer term, by changes in signals from adipose tissue (e.g. leptin), integrated by the CNS. These consequences are associated with the sensory properties of the food such that repeated exposure to a food generates a conditioned acceptance or rejection reflex with the physiological consequences of eating as the unconditioned stimulus (US) and the sensory characteristics of the food as the conditioned stimulus (CS). Such learnt preferences and aversions occur throughout the animal kingdom, from nematodes to human beings, with much of the research being carried out with insects, laboratory animals and farm animals. Preferences for and aversions to particular foods are manifested in non-random choices between two or more foods on offer but also influence the quantity eaten when only one food is available. These considerations have been developed into a theory of Minimal Total Discomfort which proposes that an animal experiments with the amount eaten per day, and its selection between different foods, until the total of the signals generated from excesses or deficiencies of food components is minimised. Changes in food composition and/or nutrient requirements can therefore be matched by appropriate changes in intake and selection.  相似文献   

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