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The period when the snowpack melts in late spring is a dynamic time for alpine ecosystems. The large winter microbial community begins to turn over rapidly, releasing nutrients to plants. Past studies have shown that the soil microbial community in alpine dry meadows of the Colorado Rocky Mountains changes in biomass, function, broad-level structure, and fungal diversity between winter and early summer. However, little specific information exists on the diversity of the alpine bacterial community or how it changes during this ecologically important period. We constructed clone libraries of 16S ribosomal DNA from alpine soil collected in winter, spring, and summer. We also cultivated bacteria from the alpine soil and measured the seasonal abundance of selected cultured isolates in hybridization experiments. The uncultured bacterial communities changed between seasons in diversity and abundance within taxa. The Acidobacterium division was most abundant in the spring. The winter community had the highest proportion of Actinobacteria and members of the Cytophaga/Flexibacter/Bacteroides (CFB) division. The summer community had the highest proportion of the Verrucomicrobium division and of beta-PROTEOBACTERIA: As a whole, alpha-Proteobacteria were equally abundant in all seasons, although seasonal changes may have occurred within this group. A number of sequences from currently uncultivated divisions were found, including two novel candidate divisions. The cultured isolates belonged to the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-Proteobacteria, the Actinobacteria, and the CFB groups. The only uncultured sequences that were closely related to the isolates were from winter and spring libraries. Hybridization experiments showed that actinobacterial and beta-proteobacterial isolates were most abundant during winter, while the alpha- and gamma-proteobacterial isolates tested did not vary significantly. While the cultures and clone libraries produced generally distinct groups of organisms, the two approaches gave consistent accounts of seasonal changes in microbial diversity.  相似文献   

Thirty-seven soil isolates and mutants ofAzotobacter chroococcum tested for poly-3-hydroxybutyrate (PHB) production using Sudan black B staining method were found to be positive. One mutant showed a higher number of PHB-producing cells and maximum number of granules per cell. Using 2% glucose and 15 mmol/L ammonium acetate, PHB production was found to be maximum at 36 and 48 h of growth under submerged cultivation and under stationary cultivation, respectively. PHB production was found to be higher on sucrose and commercial sugar (as carbon sources) as compared to glucose and mannitol. As commercial sugar is cheaper than sucrose it was selected as carbon source for PHB production, that being found to be maximum at 1% concentration. Inorganic nitrogen sources seemed to have no stimulatory effect on the production of PHB. However, ammonium acetate (15 mmol/L) was found to be best for PHB production. Peptone (0.2 %) gave a better yield of PHB under both growth conditions. Using all optimized conditions, PHB production was studied in ten selected strains. Two of them were found to be best PHB producers under both growth conditions, one producing 621 and 740 μg/g dry mass under submerged cultivation and under stationary cultivation, respectively, while the second one produced 589 and 733 μg/g.  相似文献   

赵树兰  侯旭姣  吴晓  丁梦嘉  多立安 《生态学报》2023,43(12):5072-5083
为了探究植被调控对土壤细菌群落结构和功能的影响,对天津滨海国际机场草地植被进行单一草坪植物建植和高强度刈割,在调控后第3年的春、夏、秋季节取调控区土壤样本,利用16S rRNA基因高通量测序和PICRUSt软件,分析了不同植被调控方式下土壤细菌组成、多样性及季节性变化,预测细菌功能特征。结果表明,各样地共有的优势菌门(相对丰度>5%)有变形菌门(Proteobacteria)、放线菌门(Actinobacteria)、酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)、芽单胞菌门(Gemmatimonadetes)和绿弯菌门(Chloroflexi)。与对照区相比,刈割调控区土壤放线菌门相对丰度显著增加;单一草坪建植调控区,夏季土壤芽单胞菌门相对丰度显著增加(P<0.05)。刈割调控、高羊茅及黑麦草调控区,土壤细菌门之间相关性较对照分别减弱21.4%、46.4%和67.9%,使细菌网络结构更为简单。夏季和秋季3个调控区土壤细菌群落的Shannon指数和Chao1指数显著高于对照区,而秋季Simpson指数显著低于对照区(P<0.05)。KEGG代谢途径差异分析可知,刈割调控、高羊茅和黑麦草调控区,土壤细菌分别有25、24和23个代谢通路的功能基因丰度显著低于对照区,主要体现在聚糖的生物合成与代谢、细胞运动、细胞生长与死亡、核苷酸代谢等通路上。可见,机场植被调控改变了土壤细菌群落的组成,简化了细菌网络结构,代谢功能也明显下降。  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) provide nutrients to their hosts by means of hyphae that extend beyond nutrient-depleted rhizosphere soil. Soil bacteria may compete with EMF for nutrients or may act synergistically to enhance nutrient supply to hosts. To assess the interactions between hyphae and bacteria, two types of small, sand-filled mesh bags were incubated in a Pseudotsuga menziesii/Betula papyrifera forest. The bags allowed ingrowth by EMF (35-μm mesh) or excluded hyphae (0.5-μm mesh), while allowing migration of soil bacteria. After incubation, bacteria were isolated from bags using a method to enrich for Gram-positive bacteria. Isolates were assayed for phosphatase and N-acetyl glucosaminidase (NAGase) activities to assess the potential to access organic phosphorus and nitrogen. The average phosphatase activities were higher in exclusion than ingrowth bags, while NAGase activities did not differ. Streptomyces isolates, which are expected to be strong competitors and antagonists of EMF, were more prevalent in ingrowth bags and yet had lower phosphatase activities. Furthermore, there were no indications of antagonism between fungi and Streptomyces, as there were no increases in NAGase activities in ingrowth bags. We conclude that fungal hyphae can structure components of the soil bacterial community for decreased extracellular enzyme production.  相似文献   

Both ‘species fitness difference’‐based deterministic processes, such as competitive exclusion and environmental filtering, and ‘species fitness difference’‐independent stochastic processes, such as birth/death and dispersal/colonization, can influence the assembly of soil microbial communities. However, how both types of processes are mediated by anthropogenic environmental changes has rarely been explored. Here we report a novel and general pattern that almost all anthropogenic environmental changes that took place in a grassland ecosystem affected soil bacterial community assembly primarily through promoting or restraining stochastic processes. We performed four experiments mimicking 16 types of environmental changes and separated the compositional variation of soil bacterial communities caused by each environmental change into deterministic and stochastic components, with a recently developed method. Briefly, because the difference between control and treatment communities is primarily caused by deterministic processes, the deterministic change was quantified as (mean compositional variation between treatment and control) – (mean compositional variation within control). The difference among replicate treatment communities is primarily caused by stochastic processes, so the stochastic change was estimated as (mean compositional variation within treatment) – (mean compositional variation within control). The absolute of the stochastic change was greater than that of the deterministic change across almost all environmental changes, which was robust for both taxonomic and functional‐based criterion. Although the deterministic change may become more important as environmental changes last longer, our findings showed that changes usually occurred through mediating stochastic processes over 5 years, challenging the traditional determinism‐dominated view.  相似文献   

Bioremediation as a method for removing polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) from contaminated environments has been criticized for poor removal of potentially carcinogenic but less bioavailable high molecular weight (HMW) compounds. As a partial remedy to this constraint, we studied surfactant addition at sub-micellar concentrations to contaminated soil to enhance the biodegradation of PAHs remaining after conventional aerobic bioremediation. We demonstrated increased removal of four- and five-ring PAHs using two nonionic surfactants, polyoxyethylene(4)lauryl ether (Brij 30) and polyoxyethylene sorbitol hexaoleate (POESH), and analyzed bacterial community shifts associated with those conditions. Eight groups of abundant bacteria were implicated as potentially being involved in increased HMW PAH removal. A group of unclassified Alphaproteobacteria and members of the Phenylobacterium genus in particular showed significantly increased relative abundance in the two conditions exhibiting increased PAH removal. Other implicated groups included members of the Sediminibacterium, Terrimonas, Acidovorax, and Luteimonas genera, as well as uncharacterized organisms within the families Chitinophagaceae and Bradyrhizobiaceae. Targeted isolation identified a subset of the community likely using the surfactants as a growth substrate, but few of the isolates exhibited PAH-degradation capability. Isolates recovered from the Acidovorax and uncharacterized Bradyrhizobiaceae groups suggest the abundance of those groups may have been attributable to growth on surfactants. Understanding the specific bacteria responsible for HMW PAH removal in natural and engineered systems and their response to stimuli such as surfactant amendment may improve bioremediation efficacy during treatment of contaminated environmental media.  相似文献   

Zooplankton-mediated changes of bacterial community structure   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Enclosure experiments in the mesotrophic Schöhsee in northern Germany were designed to study the impact of metazooplankton on components of the microbial food web (bacteria, flagellates, ciliates). Zooplankton was manipulated in 500-liter epilimnetic mesocosms so that either Daphnia or copepods were dominating, or metazooplankton was virtually absent. The bacterial community responded immediately to changes in zooplankton composition. Biomass, productivity, and especially the morphology of the bacteria changed drastically in the different treatments. Cascading predation effects on the bacterioplankton were transmitted mainly by phagotrophic protozoans which had changed in species composition and biomass. When Daphnia dominated, protozoans were largely suppressed and the original morphological structure of the bacteria (mainly small rods and cocci) remained throughout the experiment. Dominance of copepods or the absence of metazoan predators resulted in a mass appearance of bacterivorous protists (flagellates and ciliates). They promoted a fast decline of bacterial abundance and a shift to the predominance of morphologically inedible forms, mainly long filaments. After 3 days they formed 80–90% of the bacterial biomass. The results indicate that metazooplankton predation on phagotrophic protozoans is a key mechanism for the regulation of bacterioplankton density and community structure.Correspondence to: K. Jürgens.  相似文献   

Enrichment of soil with chitin (0.6%) significantly stimulated growth of chitinolytic microorganisms (the relative proportion was increased from 1.7 to 26.5%) and the formation of chitinase in soil. In a soil enriched with chitin and glucose (0.6%), the proportion of chitinolytic microorganisms remained similar to that in the nonenriched soil (1.4%), the enzyme formation was negatively affected.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification is known to alter the assembly of soil microbial communities, which regulate several critical ecosystem processes. However, the underlying ecological processes driving changes in microbial community assembly, particularly at the regional scale, remain poorly understood. Using 16S rDNA sequencing, we characterized soil bacterial community assembly in three land-use types with increasing land-use intensity: open fields cultivated with main crops (CF) or vegetables (VF), and greenhouses cultivated with vegetables (VG). Compared with CF, VF and VG altered bacterial community composition and decreased spatial turnover rates of edaphic variables and bacterial communities. Bacterial community assembly was primarily governed by deterministic processes; however, bacterial communities in VF and VG were phylogenetically less clustered and more influenced by variable selection and less by dispersal limitation. Soil pH was the most important edaphic variable mediating the changes in bacterial community assembly processes induced by agricultural intensification. Specifically, decreasing soil pH led to stochastic assembly of bacterial community. Soil pH was lower in more intensively managed lands, especially in case of VG (pH range: 5.86–7.42). Overall, agricultural intensification altered soil bacterial community assembly processes, which was associated with soil acidification. These findings may have implications for improving soil quality and agroecosystem sustainability.  相似文献   

土壤微生物是湿地生态系统中土壤-植物系统生源要素迁移转化的引擎.探究湿地生态系统地上植物群落、土壤理化性质和空间结构与土壤细菌间的相互关系是维护湿地生态系统健康和稳定的关键.本研究运用双向指示种分析法(TWINSPAN)对碧塔海湿地采集的35个样方中的植物群落进行分类,并采用高通量测序技术对样方的表层土壤细菌进行测序,...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to understand how drought‐induced tree mortality and subsequent secondary succession would affect soil bacterial taxonomic composition as well as soil organic matter (SOM) quantity and quality in a mixed Mediterranean forest where the Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris) population, affected by climatic drought‐induced die‐off, is being replaced by Holm‐oaks (HO; Quercus ilex). We apply a high throughput DNA pyrosequencing technique and 13C solid‐state Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (CP‐MAS 13C NMR) to soils within areas of influence (defined as an surface with 2‐m radius around the trunk) of different trees: healthy and affected (defoliated) pines, pines that died a decade ago and healthy HOs. Soil respiration was also measured in the same spots during a spring campaign using a static close‐chamber method (soda lime). A decade after death, and before aerial colonization by the more competitive HOs have even taken place, we could not find changes in soil C pools (quantity and/or quality) associated with tree mortality and secondary succession. Unlike C pools, bacterial diversity and community structure were strongly determined by tree mortality. Convergence between the most abundant taxa of soil bacterial communities under dead pines and colonizer trees (HOs) further suggests that physical gap colonization was occurring below‐ground before above‐ground colonization was taken place. Significantly higher soil respiration rates under dead trees, together with higher bacterial diversity and anomalously high representation of bacteria commonly associated with copiotrophic environments (r‐strategic bacteria) further gives indications of how drought‐induced tree mortality and secondary succession were influencing the structure of microbial communities and the metabolic activity of soils.  相似文献   

Xiang  Xingjia  Gibbons  Sean M.  Li  He  Shen  Haihua  Fang  Jingyun  Chu  Haiyan 《Plant and Soil》2018,424(1-2):539-554
Plant and Soil - The growth and root morphology responses to soil phosphorus (P) fertility by five cultivars of Trifolium subterraneum (a temperate annual pasture legume) were examined to assess...  相似文献   

Sheep-urine-induced changes in soil microbial community structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil microbial communities play an important role in nutrient cycling and nutrient availability, especially in unimproved soils. In grazed pastures, sheep urine causes local changes in nutrient concentration which may be a source of heterogeneity in microbial community structure. In the present study, we investigated the effects of synthetic urine on soil microbial community structure, using physiological (community level physiological profiling, CLPP), biochemical (phospholipid fatty acid analysis, PLFA) and molecular (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis, DGGE) fingerprinting methods. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine treatment had no significant effect on total microbial (total PLFA), total bacterial or fungal biomass; however, significant changes in microbial community structure were observed with both PLFA and DGGE data. PLFA data suggested that synthetic urine induced a shift towards communities with higher concentrations of branched fatty acids. DGGE banding patterns derived from control and treated soils differed, due to a higher proportion of DNA sequences migrating only to the upper regions of the gel in synthetic urine-treated samples. The shifts in community structure measured by PLFA and DGGE were significantly correlated with one another, suggesting that both datasets reflected the same changes in microbial communities. Synthetic urine treatment preferentially stimulated the use of rhizosphere-C in sole-carbon-source utilisation profiles. The changes caused by synthetic urine addition accounted for only 10-15% of the total variability in community structure, suggesting that overall microbial community structure was reasonably stable and that changes were confined to a small proportion of the communities.  相似文献   

Characterization of the bacterial community of a zinc-polluted soil.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The bacterial community of a zinc-contaminated soil (Maatheide soil in Lommel, Belgium) was studied using cultivation as well as cultivation-independent techniques. Colony-forming units (CFU) were determined by plating on media with or without metals. Dominant isolates were characterized by fatty acid methyl ester analysis (FAME analysis) and PCR fingerprinting using repetitive extragenic palindromic sequences as primers. DNA was directly extracted from soil samples and used as a template for the PCR amplification of the 16S rDNA (8-1511) or a 16S rDNA fragment (968-1401). Clones resulting from cloning the 16S rDNA from soil DNA were sequenced. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE analysis) was performed for 16S rDNA fragments (968-1401) amplified from the dominant isolates, the clones, and the total soil DNA extracted according to two protocols differing in strength of lysis. Total CFU ranged from 10(4) to 10(5)/g soil. The majority of the isolates were identified by FAME analysis as Arthrobacter spp. (18 out of 23). None of the isolates were identified as a Ralstonia eutropha like strain (formerly Alcaligenes eutrophus). Metalloresistant Rastomia eutropha like strains were previously shown to be dominant in the analyzed biotope. Most of the isolates were zinc tolerant but only seven could be considered zinc resistant. Sequences of the 16S rDNA clones obtained from total soil DNA were affiliated with genes of different bacteria such as alpha-proteobacteria, beta-proteobacteria, and the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides group. None of the sequenced clones aligned with the Ralstonia eutropha 16S rRNA gene. TGGE analysis of the 16S rDNA fragments (968-1401) amplified from the dominant strains, the clones, and the total soil DNA showed that isolates and clones represented only a part of the bands present in the TGGE pattern from total DNA. The 968-1401 fragment amplified from all Arthrobacter strains had a similar electrophoretic mobility. This band was seen as a major band in the pattern of DNA extracted from soil using a harsh cell lysis, whereas it did not appear, or appeared only as a weak band, in patterns obtained from soil DNA extracted using gentle lysis. The previously reported predominance of a Ralstonia eutropha like strain in this soil was no longer observed. This may suggest a population replacement by less resistant bacteria, concomitant with a progressive decrease of the zinc toxicity in the Maatheide soil.  相似文献   

紫茎泽兰入侵对土壤细菌的群落组成和多样性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
外来生物入侵可能对生物群落结构和生态系统功能产生多种影响, 但入侵植物与土壤微生物群落组成和多样性的关系尚不清楚。为了揭示外来植物紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)入侵对土壤化学性质和细菌群落组成及多样性的影响, 本研究利用第二代高通量测序技术, 比较了紫茎泽兰不同入侵程度的生境(本地植物群落、紫茎泽兰与本地植物混生群落、紫茎泽兰单优群落)土壤中细菌群落的差异。土壤化学性质分析表明, 土壤pH值、有机质、全N和全K随着紫茎泽兰的入侵而逐渐降低, 而土壤全P则在入侵程度最高的生境土壤中最高。通过测序共获得7,755个细菌OUT (operational taxonomic unit)。结果表明, 紫茎泽兰入侵对土壤的细菌多样性影响较小, ACE和Chao指数在3种不同生境间的差异不显著。细菌在紫茎泽兰与本地植物混生群落中的Shannon指数最低, 即细菌的多样性在中等入侵程度的生境最低。此外, 紫茎泽兰入侵改变了土壤细菌组成和结构, 酸杆菌门(Acidobacteria)和疣微菌门(Verrucomicrobia)的相对丰度, 从本地植物群落、混合群落到紫茎泽兰单优群落, 呈现出先增加后减少的趋势。可见, 紫茎泽兰入侵一定程度上改变了土壤微生物的多样性和群落结构, 并改变了土壤的化学性质。  相似文献   

Abstract The temporal and spatial distribution of the nitrite-oxidizing community of a non-fertilized, semi-natural grassland soil was studied to obtain more insight into the possible variation in nitrate production in this soil throughout the year. Data describing the size, potential nitrite-oxidizing activity and serotype composition of the nitrite-oxidizing community are reported. In addition, several abiotic soil parameters potentially related to the activity of this community were measured. Whereas numbers and potential activities largely varied with time and place, the specific affinity for nitrite oxidation, defined as the ratio V max/ K m, was relatively constant. The serotypes Nitrobacter agilis, N. winogradskyi and N. hamburgensis were all present in the top 5-cm soil in every 500-g sample examined, showing that these species co-exist in this soil.  相似文献   

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