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The large neutral amino acid transporter type 1, LAT1, is the principal neutral amino acid transporter expressed at the blood-brain barrier (BBB). Owing to the high affinity (low Km) of the LAT1 isoform, BBB amino acid transport in vivo is very sensitive to transport competition effects induced by hyperaminoacidemias, such as phenylketonuria. The low Km of LAT1 is a function of specific amino acid residues, and the transporter is comprised of 12 phylogenetically conserved cysteine (Cys) residues. LAT1 is highly sensitive to inhibition by inorganic mercury, but the specific cysteine residue(s) of LAT1 that account for the mercury sensitivity is not known. LAT1 forms a heterodimer with the 4F2hc heavy chain, which are joined by a disulfide bond between Cys160 of LAT1 and Cys110 of 4F2hc. The present studies use site-directed mutagenesis to convert each of the 12 cysteines of LAT1 and each of the 2 cysteines of 4F2hc into serine residues. Mutation of the cysteine residues of the 4F2hc heavy chain of the hetero-dimeric transporter did not affect transporter activity. The wild type LAT1 was inhibited by HgCl2 with a Ki of 0.56 ± 0.11 μM. The inhibitory effect of HgCl2 for all 12 LAT1 Cys mutants was examined. However, except for the C439S mutant, the inhibition by HgCl2 for 11 of the 12 Cys mutants was comparable to the wild type transporter. Mutation of only 2 of the 12 cysteine residues of the LAT1 light chain, Cys88 and Cys439, altered amino acid transport. The Vmax was decreased 50% for the C88S mutant. A kinetic analysis of the C439S mutant could not be performed because transporter activity was not significantly above background. Confocal microscopy showed the C439S LAT1 mutant was not effectively transferred to the oocyte plasma membrane. These studies show that the Cys439 residue of LAT1 plays a significant role in either folding or insertion of the transporter protein in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

为了建立聚乙二醇 (PEG) 巯基定点修饰溶葡球菌酶的方法,并检验假定连接区的突变与修饰对酶活的影响,对溶葡球菌酶的假定连接区进行了巯基聚乙二醇定点修饰研究。通过分析溶葡球菌酶的结构特征,选择两个结构域之间的氨基酸 (133-154aa) 进行定点突变引入半胱氨酸残基。使用单甲氧基聚乙二醇马来酰亚胺 (mPEG-MAL) 进行定点修饰,对修饰后的酶进行纯化并测定酶活性。结果表明定点突变的半胱氨酸残基PEG修饰效率高、产物单一,运用简便的Ni2+-NTA柱亲和层析法实现了一步分离,获得了高纯度的目标蛋白,但在连接区进行定点突变及PEG定点修饰后的酶活有不同程度的降低,表明假定连接区部分位点的PEG修饰会对溶葡球菌酶的催化活性产生一定影响。  相似文献   

L‐type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1; SLC7A5), which preferentially transports large neutral amino acids, is highly upregulated in various cancers. LAT1 supplies cancer cells with amino acids as substrates for enhanced biosynthetic and bioenergetic reactions and stimulates signalling networks involved in the regulation of survival, growth and proliferation. LAT1 inhibitors show anti‐cancer effects and a representative compound, JPH203, is under clinical evaluation. However, pharmacological impacts of LAT1 inhibition on the cellular amino acid transport and the translational activity in cancer cells that are conceptually pivotal for its anti‐proliferative effect have not been elucidated yet. Here, we demonstrated that JPH203 drastically inhibits the transport of all the large neutral amino acids in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma cells. The inhibitory effects of JPH203 were observed even in competition with high concentrations of amino acids in a cell culture medium. The analyses of the nutrient‐sensing mTORC1 and GAAC pathways and the protein synthesis activity revealed that JPH203 downregulates the global translation. This study demonstrates a predominant contribution of LAT1 to the transport of large neutral amino acids in cancer cells and the suppression of protein synthesis by JPH203 supposed to underly its broad anti‐proliferative effects across various types of cancer cells.  相似文献   

In the presence of somatostatin-14 or some of its receptorial agonists, the uptake of large neutral amino acids by isolated brain microvessels was found to be inhibited up to 50%, no other transport system being affected. Although the luminal and abluminal sides of brain endothelial cells are both capable of taking up large neutral amino acids, only uptake from the abluminal side appears to be inhibited by somatostatin. The involvement of a type-2 somatostatin receptor was suggested by assays with a series of receptor-specific somatostatin agonists, and was confirmed by the release of inhibition caused by a specific type-2 receptor antagonist. A type-2-specific mRNA was indeed shown to be present in both bovine brain microvessels ex vivo and primary cultures of endothelial cells from rat brain microvessels.  相似文献   

M P Ready  Y Kim  J D Robertus 《Proteins》1991,10(3):270-278
Ricin A-chain is an N-glycosidase that attacks ribosomal RNA at a highly conserved adenine residue. The enzyme is representative of a large family of medically significant proteins used in the design of anticancer agents and in the treatment of HIV infection. The x-ray structure has been used as a guide to create several active site mutations by directed mutagenesis of the cloned gene. Glu177 is a key catalytic residue, and conversion to Gln reduces activity 180-fold. Asn209 is shown to participate in substrate binding by kinetic analysis. Conversion to Ser increases Km sixfold but has no effect on kcat. Conversion of Tyr80 and Tyr123 to Phe decreases activity by 15- and 7-fold respectively. A mechanism of action is proposed that involves binding of the substrate adenine in a syn configuration that resembles the transition state; the putative oxycarbonium ion is probably stabilized by interaction with Glu177.  相似文献   

We test, using site-directed mutagenesis, predictions based on the X-ray structure of N-acetyl-L-glutamate kinase (NAGK), the paradigm of the amino acid kinase protein family, about the roles of specific residues on substrate binding and catalysis. The mutations K8R and D162E decreased V([sustrate]= infinity ) 100-fold and 1000-fold, respectively, in agreement with the predictions that K8 catalyzes phosphoryl transfer and D162 organizes the catalytic groups. R66K and N158Q increased selectively K(m)(Asp) three to four orders of magnitude, in agreement with the binding of R66 and N158 to the C(alpha) substituents of NAG. Mutagenesis in parallel of aspartokinase III (AKIII phosphorylates aspartate instead of acetylglutamate), another important amino acid kinase family member of unknown 3-D structure, identified in AKIII two residues, K8 and D202, that appear to play roles similar to those of K8 and D162 of NAGK, and supports the involvement of E119 and R198, similarly to R66 and N158 of NAGK, in the binding of the amino acid substrate, apparently interacting, respectively, with the alpha-NH(3)(+) and alpha-COO(-) of aspartate. These results and an improved alignment of the NAGK and AKIII sequences have guided us into 3-D modelling of the amino acid kinase domain of AKIII using NAGK as template. The model has good stereochemistry and validation parameters. It provides insight into substrate binding and catalysis, agreeing with mutagenesis results with another aspartokinase that were not considered when building the model.AKIII is homodimeric and is inhibited by lysine. Lysine may bind to a regulatory region that is C-terminal to the amino acid kinase domain. We make a C-terminally truncated AKIII (AKIIIt) and show that the C-region is involved in intersubunit interactions, since AKIIIt is found to be monomeric. Further, it is inactive, as demanded if dimer formation is essential for activity. Models for AKIII architecture are proposed that account for these findings.  相似文献   

为了提高青霉素G酰化酶(PGA)在酸性及有机溶剂中的稳定性,以大肠杆菌的晶体结构为模板,用软件PMODELING同源模建巨大芽孢杆菌青霉素G酰化酶的三维结构结构并且选择PGA分子表面的合适碱性氨基酸突变为丙氨酸,通过三种不同的快速PCR介导定位突变的方法,将位于PGA的α亚基21位、128位和β亚基492位、512位的赖氨酸残基分别突变为丙氨酸,获得四个突变酶Kα021A、Kα128A、Kβ492A和Kβ512A。其中Kα128A和Kβ512A保持与野生型相近的酶活力,其动力学性质如最适温度、最适pH,Km及Kcat没有明显变化;突变酶Kα021A和Kβ492A则丧失 了酶活力。上述结果表明,PGA分子表面非活性中心的赖氨酸→丙氨酸点突变使突变子的性状发生了分化,突变效应呈现出丰富的多样性。该有理设计不但可以提高酶的稳定性,而且为揭示PGA结构和功能的关系提供了一个新的研究模型。  相似文献   

LAT1 (SLC7A5) and CD98 (SLC3A2) constitute a heterodimeric transmembrane protein complex that catalyzes amino acid transport. Whether one or both subunits are competent for transport is still unclear. The present work aims to solve this question using different experimental strategies. Firstly, LAT1 and CD98 were immuno-detected in protein extracts from SiHa cells. Under oxidizing conditions, i.e., without addition of SH (thiol) reducing agent DTE, both proteins were revealed as a 120 kDa major band. Upon DTE treatment separated bands, corresponding to LAT1(35 kDa) or CD98(80 kDa), were detected. LAT1 function was evaluated in intact cells as BCH sensitive [3H]His transport inhibited by hydrophobic amino acids. Antiport of [3H]His was measured in proteoliposomes reconstituted with SiHa cell extract in presence of internal His. Transport was increased by DTE. Hydrophobic amino acids were best inhibitors in addition to hydrophilic Tyr, Gln, Asn and Lys. Cys, Tyr and Gln, included in the intraliposomal space, were transported in antiport with external [3H]His. Similar experiments were performed in proteoliposomes reconstituted with the recombinant purified hLAT1. Results overlapping those obtained with native protein were achieved. Lower transport of [3H]Leu and [3H]Gln with respect to [3H]His was detected. Kinetic asymmetry was found with external Km for His lower than internal one. No transport was detected in proteoliposomes reconstituted with recombinant hCD98. The experimental data demonstrate that LAT1 is the sole transport competent subunit of the heterodimer. This conclusion has important outcome for following studies on functional characterization and identification of specific inhibitors with potential application in human therapy.  相似文献   

Exposure to the herbicide paraquat causes selective nigrostriatal degeneration and aggregation of alpha-synuclein in the mouse brain. The purpose of this study was to assess mechanisms of paraquat entry into the CNS and, in particular, the effects of substrates of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) neutral amino acid transporter (System L carrier) on paraquat accumulation and neurotoxicity. Using a paraquat antibody, robust immunoreactivity was observed in the midbrain of mice injected with the herbicide. This immunoreactivity was abolished by administration of l-valine or l-phenylalanine, two System L substrates, immediately before paraquat exposure. Pre-treatment with these amino acids completely protected against paraquat-induced loss of nigrostriatal dopaminergic cells and formation of thioflavine S-positive intracellular deposits. Interestingly, the anti-parkinsonian drug l-dopa, which is transported across the BBB through the same neutral amino acid carrier, was also neuroprotective when administered 30 min prior to paraquat. In contrast, paraquat-induced toxicity was unaffected if animals (i) were pre-treated with d-valine, the biologically inactive d-isomer of l-valine, or with l-lysine, a substrate of the basic rather than the neutral amino acid carrier, or (ii) were injected with l-dopa 24 h after paraquat exposure. Data are consistent with a critical role of uptake across the BBB in paraquat neurotoxicity, and suggest that dietary elements (e.g. amino acids) or therapeutic agents (e.g. l-dopa) may modify the effects of toxicants targeting the nigrostriatal system.  相似文献   

Summary The functionality of isolated brain microvessels — used as anin vitro model of the blood-brain barrier — can be influenced by interaction with cationic proteins. The various polylysines (Mr ranging from 0.9 to 180 kDa) tested affected the activity of both the Na+-dependent (A) and the Na+-independent (L) systems for neutral amino acid transport. Exposure to the 180 kDa polylysine caused a conspicuous inhibition of both transport systems, associated to an increased passive permeability. There was a constant, Mr-dependent, inhibition of the the L-system-mediated uptake of hydrophobic neutral amino acids. The activity of the A-system was enhanced, upon exposure to polymers larger than 22 kDa reaching its peak at 68 kDa and and declining at higher Mr values. The effect which was Na+-ions dependent and abolished by phloretine, could be essentially ascribed to an increased affinity of the MeAIB for its carrier (Km value decreasing from 265 to 169µM in presence of 68 kDa polylysine).  相似文献   

L-type amino acid transporter 1 (LAT1), an isoform of amino acid transport system L, transports branched or aromatic amino acids essential for fundamental cellular activities such as cellular growth, proliferation and maintenance. This amino acid transporter recently has received attention because of its preferential and up-regulated expression in a variety of human tumors in contrast to its limited distribution and low-level expression in normal tissues. In this study, we explored the feasibility of using LAT1 inhibitor as a new therapeutic agent for human malignant melanomas (MM) using canine spontaneous MM as a model for human MM. A comparative study of LAT expression was performed in 48 normal tissues, 25 MM tissues and five cell lines established from MM. The study observed LAT1 mRNA levels from MM tissues and cell lines that were significantly (< 0.01) higher than in normal tissues. Additionally, MM with distant metastasis showed a higher expression than those without distant metastasis. Functional analysis of LAT1 was performed on one of the five cell lines, CMeC-1. [3H]l-Leucine uptake and cellular growth activities in CMeC-1 were inhibited in a dose-dependent manner by selective LAT1 inhibitors (2-amino-2-norbornane-carboxylic acid, BCH and melphalan, LPM). Inhibitory growth activities of various conventional anti-cancer drugs, including carboplatin, cyclophosphamide, dacarbazine, doxorubicin, mitoxantrone, nimustine, vinblastine and vincristine, were significantly (< 0.05) enhanced by combination use with BCH or LPM. These findings suggest that LAT1 could be a new therapeutic target for MM.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of seven amino acids thought to have inhibitory neurotransmitter or neurotransmitter precursor function—GABA, glycine, taurine, serine, threonine, phenylalanine, and tyrosine—was determined in 52 discrete areas from brain of adult and old humans. Significant heterogeneity was found, with 3- to 16-fold differences in levels in the various regions analyzed. The patterns of distribution were somewhat different from those in the adult or old rat brain. Relatively few changes were seen in old brain. Heterogeneity in distribution has to be taken into account in assessing physiological changes in amino acid levels and metabolism.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Claude Baxter.  相似文献   

Plant sucrose transporters (SUTs) are functional as sucrose-proton-cotransporters with an optimal transport activity in the acidic pH range. Recently, the pH optimum of the Solanum tuberosum sucrose transporter StSUT1 was experimentally determined to range at an unexpectedly low pH of 3 or even below. Various research groups have confirmed these surprising findings independently and in different organisms. Here we provide further experimental evidence for a pH optimum at physiological extrema. Site directed mutagenesis provides information about functional amino acids, which are highly conserved and responsible for this extraordinary increase in transport capacity under extreme pH conditions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to identify the transporter mediating l -arginine transport at the inner blood–retinal barrier (BRB). The apparent uptake clearance of [3H] l -arginine into the rat retina was found to be 118 μL/(min·g retina), supporting a carrier-mediated influx transport of l -arginine at the BRB. [3H] l -Arginine uptake by a conditionally immortalized rat retinal capillary endothelial cell line (TR-iBRB2 cells), used as an in vitro model of the inner BRB, was primarily an Na+-independent and saturable process with Michaelis-Menten constants of 11.2 μM and 530 μM. This process was inhibited by rat cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) 1-specific small interfering RNA as well as substrates of CATs, l -arginine, l -lysine, and l -ornithine. The expression of cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) 1 mRNA was 25.9- and 796-fold greater than that of CAT3 in TR-iBRB2 and magnetically isolated rat retinal vascular endothelial cells, respectively. The expression of CAT1 protein was detected in TR-iBRB2 cells and immunostaining of CAT1 was observed along the rat retinal capillaries. In conclusion, CAT1 is localized in retinal capillary endothelial cells and at least in part mediates l -arginine transport at the inner BRB. This process seems to be closely involved in visual functions by supplying precursors of biologically important molecules like nitric oxide in the neural retina.  相似文献   

为探讨人白细胞介素-29(h IL-29)变异体的抗肿瘤活性,根据h IL-29成熟肽的生物信息学分析数据,采用大引物PCR方法对其肽链第33位赖氨酸、35位精氨酸的编码基因进行定点突变,获得的h IL-29变异体基因构建重组真核表达质粒转化毕赤酵母(Pichia pastoris)GS115进行发酵表达,经纯化得到重组人白细胞介素-29变异体蛋白(rh IL-29mut33,35)。经CCK-8法检测抗肿瘤细胞增殖的数据显示,rh IL-29mut33,35对肝癌细胞BEL7402、结肠癌细胞HCT8和胃癌细胞SGC7901的增殖均具有抑制作用,高剂量组对这3种肿瘤细胞的增殖抑制率分别为(30.99±1.58)%、(22.47±1.37)%和(32.05±2.02)%,而且抗增殖作用比野生型rh IL-29的更强(P0.01),表明变异体rh IL-29mut33,35具有潜在的医药开发价值。  相似文献   

We previously discovered that the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Sigma1278b has the MPR1 gene that confers resistance to the proline analogue azetidine-2-carboxylate (AZC). The MPR1-encoded protein (Mpr1) is an N-acetyltransferase that detoxifies AZC and is a novel member of the GCN5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) superfamily. Mpr1 can reduce intracellular oxidation levels and protect yeast cells from oxidative stress, heat shock, freezing, or ethanol treatment. Here, we analyzed the amino acid residues in Mpr1 involved in substrate binding and catalysis by site-directed mutagenesis. The mutated genes were expressed in Escherichia coli, and the recombinant Strep-tagged fusion proteins were analyzed in terms of AZC resistance and acetyltransferase activity. The replacement of Arg145, which is conserved in the GNAT superfamily, by Ala, Asp, Glu, Gly, or Trp led to a growth defect of transformants grown in the presence of AZC. Kinetic studies demonstrated that these mutations caused a large reduction in the affinity for AZC and acetyl-CoA, suggesting that Arg145 interacts with both substrates. Among seven conserved Tyr residues, one of which may be a catalytic residue in the GNAT superfamily, Tyr166Ala- showed no detectable activity and Tyr166Phe-Mpr1, a remarkable decrease of the k(cat)/K(m) value. This result suggests that Tyr166 is critical for the catalysis.  相似文献   

动植物系统研究表明,钙调素不仅在结合钙离子时调节多种靶酶或靶蛋白的活性,而且没有钙离子结合时,还可以通过结合钙不依赖的钙调素结合蛋白,发挥多种生物学作用.然而,目前却没有体内分析钙调素与钙不依赖钙调素结合蛋白相互作用的方法.首先,采用定点突变的方式,得到了拟南芥钙调素亚型2的多个突变基因mCaM2,随后,大肠杆菌重组表达突变蛋白的电泳迁移率及45Ca2+覆盖分析表明,得到了编码失去钙结合能力的钙调素的突变基因mCaM21234, mCaM21234突变钙调素中所有4个钙结合EF-hand结构域中的关键氨基酸谷氨酸均突变为谷氨酰胺.在酵母双杂交体系中,作为诱饵蛋白的突变钙调素mCaM21234与我们前期体外方法报道的钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白AtIQD26存在相互作用.这将为钙不依赖性钙调素结合蛋白提供有用的体内研究工具,有利于我们全面认识钙-钙调素-钙调素结合蛋白信号途径.  相似文献   

To evaluate their role in the active site of the MurG enzyme from Escherichia coli, 13 residues conserved in the sequences of 73 MurG orthologues were submitted to site-directed mutagenesis. All these residues lay within, or close to, the active site of MurG as defined by its tridimensional structure [Ha et al., Prot. Sci. 9 (2000) 1045-1052, and Hu et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 100 (2003) 845-849]. Thirteen mutants proteins, in which residues T15, H18, Y105, H124, E125, N127, N134, S191, N198, R260, E268, Q288 or N291 have been replaced by alanine, were obtained as the C-terminal His-tagged forms. The effects of the mutations on the activity were checked: (i) by functional complementation of an E. coli murG mutant strain by the mutated genes; and (ii) by the determination of the steady-state kinetic parameters of the purified proteins. Most mutations resulted in an important loss of activity and, in the case of N134A, in the production of a highly unstable protein. The results correlated with the assigned or putative functions of the residues based on the tridimensional structure.  相似文献   

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