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半干旱地中海地区人工林和天然林的林牧业系统管理经常使用季节性的夜间畜栏来保护动物。这种管理制度改变了动物排泄物的空间分布,导致土壤矿产资源的净转移和在畜栏内的积累。畜栏被遗弃后,荒地植物代替了畜栏,成为它们在森林中传播的集中来源。我们的目 的是在更好地了解废弃畜栏后植被生长过程的基础上,对季节性畜栏进行合理管理,以减轻其对森林的负面影响。本论文研究了以色列内盖夫(Negev)西北半干旱地区的人工桉树林(Eucalyptus)在废弃畜栏后的时间序列上,植被、土壤种子库和土壤养分水平的时间变化关系,并与附近的对照样地进行比较。该地区为双季节地中海型气候,放牧区内一年生物种占据优势。研究结果表明,废弃的羊畜栏被原产于旧的废弃畜栏的荒草种子定殖。在废弃畜栏土壤资源耗竭的驱动下,随后的演变速度缓慢,在畜栏废弃后20年仍在继续。荒草首先是被较高的草,然后是矮草所取代,但大多数为非禾草的杂类草植物,特别是在这一时期没有恢复的地下芽植物。畜栏内原有草本植被的恢复是通过种子从周围 植被中扩散,而不是从废弃后留在畜栏内的原始土壤种子库中恢复。在人工林放牧区中的荒草物种可视为具有斑块性的集合种群。它们的持久性依赖于不断创造新的畜栏来补偿旧的废弃畜栏中逐渐减少的种群,以及依赖于传播路径的有效性。  相似文献   

We assessed diel animal habitat use in three shallow ponds, using unbaited funnel traps, a large column sampler, and sweep net collections in the upper stratum (0–0.3 m) of littoral and open habitats. In all three ponds, more animals were caught at night than during the day, indicating that use of near-surface waters was greatest at night, particularly in the fishless ponds. All methods yielded similar patterns. Our results demonstrate that nocturnal observations of pond animals are necessary to describe their ecology, even in fishless ponds where diel differences in habitat use or behavior might not be anticipated.  相似文献   

Caridina nilotica (Decapoda: Atyidae) in offshore waters of Lake Victoria were investigated with both day and night sampling over a period of two years. Offshore populations are mainly planktonic rather than benthic, and the animals exhibit diel vertical migrations into near-surface waters at night. These changes in diel abundance as well as the size-frequency distribution of the migrating shrimp suggest that the migratory behavior is in response to visual planktivory, because only the very smallest individuals (2–4 mm) remain in surface waters during the day. During October 1992, abundances were estimated both by vertical net sampling and by underwater video transect methods. Concordance was established between abundances estimated by the two methods. Only about 9% (night) to 14% (day) of the Caridina population appeared to be epibenthic. We suggest that the behavior of the animal is consistent with the hypothesis that it is not a strict detritivore as previously reported; rather it may engage in facultative planktivory, especially at night.  相似文献   

Previous studies about the effects of experimental warming on tree species have focused primarily on response of morphology and physiology in leaf and biomass allocation in the growing season, and a few studies considered the importance of roots. Based on the available evidence, it is unclear whether photosynthesis rate is enhanced by night warming in late autumn an issue that deserves further investigation. Thus, we exposed two coniferous species, Picea asperata and Abies faxoniana, to night warming continued throughout the year to investigate morphological and physiological responses of roots and leaves in the autumn. The results showed that night warming caused significant increases in net influxes of NH4+ and NO3 in P. asperata seedlings corresponding well with net H+ efflux and net influx of O2. Meanwhile, night warming had a positive effect on foliar gas exchange such as net photosynthesis rate, apparent quantum efficiency, dark respiration rate and maximum quantum efficiency of PS II, and nitrate reductase activity of roots. Additionally, root morphology such as total roots length, surface area, specific root area and specific root length was also stimulated by night warming. In contrast, night warming decreased concentrations of non-structural carbohydrate in leaves and roots of both species in autumn. The present study demonstrates that night warming would enhance late autumn leaf photosynthetic rate, and increase N uptake capacity of roots.  相似文献   

Summary The effectiveness of the Rectangular Midwater Trawl (RMT) for sampling krill swarms was studied by observing the behaviour of swarms in the vicinity of the net using echosounders. Large scale avoidance was observed by day but not at night. By day krill layers dispersed to such an extent that few krill were present less than 10 m below the net. Limited avoidance by night indicates that the krill are acting on visual clues of the net's presence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Several techniques have been used to capture Common Loons (Gavia immer), but effectiveness is limited during periods of the breeding season when loons do not have chicks. From 2005 to 2008, we studied loons in northern Wisconsin and used night lighting to capture loons on nests and also designed a lift net for capturing loons prior to nesting. At night, incubating loons were approached by boat and, when within about 30–60 m, we focused a spotlight on the loon and, once at the nest, captured loons using a landing net. Using this technique, we captured 23 loons in 29 attempts (79%). In addition, taped calls and loon decoys were used to entice prenesting, territorial loons into a shoreline‐based, lift‐net trap at a capture efficiency of 67% (10 captures in 15 attempts) during the second year of use. Our diurnal lift‐net trap and night‐light nest‐capture techniques allowed us to capture adult Common Loons during periods of the breeding season when previous investigators have found loons difficult to catch. These techniques may also be useful for capturing other species of territorial waterbirds, especially other species of loons.  相似文献   

Eleotrid larvae (2.1–16 mm) were collected from surface waters of a billabong in south-eastern Australia. Estimates of larval density in plankton net samples at night averaged 148.3 larvae per m3 and 16.6 larvae per m3 during the day. In contrast, pump samples provided density estimates of 8.3 larvae per m3 at night and 0.9 larvae per m3 during the day. Larval densities did not differ between open water, snag (fallen tree) and Typha habitats, but Typha habitats yielded larger larvae than other habitats. 32.9% of larvae in pump samples were damaged and unmeasurable, creating a bias favouring larger larvae. The modal length of larvae in net samples at night was 5–6 mm, compared with 3–4 mm during the day, reflecting both greater net avoidance by larger larvae during the daytime and dispersal of smaller larvae from the surface at night. Dispersion patterns of larvae suggest that classes of larvae smaller than, and larger than 5.0 mm exhibit reciprocal diel vertical migration behaviour linked to ontogenetic changes in diet. Larvae less than 5 mm fed only during the day and preyed exclusively on rotifers, whereas larger larvae continued to feed at night and consumed mostly planktonic crustaceans.  相似文献   

Human infrastructure and disturbance play an important role when animals select resources in human-modified landscapes. Theory predicts that animals trade food intake against costs of movement or disturbance to optimize net energy gain and fitness, but other necessary resources may also constrain the decisions, e.g. when animals repeatedly need to return to a central location, such as a nest, waterhole or night roost. Central place foraging theory states that the probability of occurrence of an animal decreases with the distance to the central location while selectivity for food items or foraging sites providing high net energy gain should increase with distance. We studied foraging patterns of common cranes Grus grus feeding in an agricultural landscape adjacent to a wetland to which they return for night roost. We used availability of spilled grains on harvested fields and distance to human settlement as proxy for site quality (i.e. increased likelihood of increased net energy gain with increased food availability and less disturbance). As predicted by theory, our results clearly show that cranes were more likely (more than twice as high resource selection function scores) to select foraging sites close to roosts. However, contrary to predictions, the selection of high quality sites in terms of high food availability decreased with distance to roost sites. Nevertheless, our results indicate that cranes were more likely to select sites with low risk of human disturbance far from roost sites, and were more tolerant to disturbance close to roost sites. How different species respond to the local and environmental conditions will increase the understanding of the species’ resource requirement, and also where in the landscape to prioritize conservation or management actions (e.g. mitigation of human disturbance and crop damage prevention to sustain agricultural production).  相似文献   

Permethrin impregnated netting was tested against Tanzanian populations of Anopheles arabiensis Patton, An.gambiae Giles and An.funestus Giles in experimental huts fitted with traps to catch samples of the mosquitoes existing during the night. Treated bednets killed some mosquitoes and increased the tendency of survivors to exit during the night. Treated cotton did not perform so well as treated nylon bednets. An impregnated bednet in which holes had been cut, to simulate a torn net, reduced the number of mosquitoes which fed and survived approximately as well as an intact untreated net. Treated curtains around the eaves of experimental huts did not perform so well as bednets but caused considerable reductions in the number of mosquitoes which fed and survived. However, there was no such effect when treated netting was placed around the eaves of a dwelling house. When one child slept under a treated net and another slept outside the net in the same hut, the number of bites on the latter child was less than if neither child had been under a net. Various aspects of the applicability of permethrin impregnated nets on a community basis are discussed.  相似文献   

小麦残茬落叶的分解与土壤因子间动态关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
东北高寒地区的黑钙土土质优良肥沃 ,适合小麦、大豆和玉米等种植。近年来 ,由于人们只重视无机化肥的使用 ,忽视了地力培育 ,大量秸秆被移出田外 ,造成土壤有机质含量降低 ,土壤板结 ,使原本高产的农田逐渐变成中低产田 ,甚至有的已成为撂荒地。因此 ,研究当前农田土壤对枯枝落叶的分解现状 ,对于认识现有耕种条件下 ,农田土壤亚系统的物质转化和能量流动具有实际意义。1 研究地区和研究方法1 .1 自然概况该研究是在黑龙江省克山师专农场进行的。地理位置位于东经 1 2 5°8′~ 1 2 6°8′,北纬 47°50′~ 48°33′。年均气温 1 .3℃ ,1…  相似文献   

Methane emissions from ruminant livestock are responsible for 45 % of New Zealand’s combined CO2-equivalent greenhouse gas inventory, and arise principally from sheep. Using a flock of 6-month old sheep (20 ha–1) grazing abundant pasture, we compare micrometeorological measurements of net methane emission rates with measurements from individual sheep based on a sulphur-hexafluoride tracer technique. Individual sheep emission rates were highly variable and averaged 19.5 ± 4.8 (SD) g CH4 sheep–1 d–1, or 39 ± 9.6 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 on an areal basis. Emission rates were poorly correlated with animal live weight or dry matter intake but represented an average dietary energy loss of 3.6%. Methane fluxes from the surface were determined as half hourly averages by a flux-gradient technique using temperature and methane gradients. Soil methane consumption was measured using chambers and found to be negligible (< 0.09 mg CH4 m–2 d–1) in comparison with the animal contribution. Daily net emission rates averaged 46 mg m–2 d–1 and exhibited a broad peak in the early afternoon which corresponded with animal activity patterns. On average, net emisssion rates were 40% higher during the day than at night. Stable nocturnal conditions led to a separation of the micrometeorological measurements from the methane source and hence highly variable results. Based on two corroborating techniques, the average net methane emission rate was c. 43 mg CH4 m–2 d–1 or 155 kg CH4 ha–1 y–1.  相似文献   

From the determination of the net and gross weight performed in the morning and at night the AA deduces that the normal growth of the chickens at night is inferior to that of the day time or directly negative. After fast the ingestion of food increases, therefore even night bodily growth is positive.--The fundamental factor of this recovery is due to hunger which is regulates by the hypothalamic centers.  相似文献   

以河套蜜瓜为试材,在果实迅速膨大期通过去果处理改变库源关系,研究源叶净光合速率,蔗糖、还原糖和淀粉含量及其代谢相关酶活性的昼夜变化规律。结果表明:(1)源叶的净光合速率为单峰曲线,无明显的"光合午休"现象,去果处理对其无影响。(2)源叶中蔗糖和还原糖含量的昼夜变化为单峰曲线,蔗糖磷酸合成酶和蔗糖合成酶合成方向活性的昼夜变化为双峰曲线,蔗糖合成酶分解方向、酸性转化酶和中性转化酶活性的昼夜变化无明显规律,改变库源关系对这些指标均无显著影响;蔗糖含量升高受蔗糖磷酸合成酶和蔗糖合成酶合成方向正调控,而蔗糖含量降低则受多种酶的共同调节。(3)源叶中淀粉含量和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性的昼夜变化为单峰曲线,去果处理可以显著提高淀粉含量和腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶活性,淀粉含量升高受腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶正调控。  相似文献   

Differences in ammonium net uptake by the roots of beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) and spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst) trees between day and night were examined during the growing seasons in 1995 and 1996 using the depletion technique. In addition, diurnal courses of ammonium net uptake of both species were analysed in five sets of uptake experiments in May and September 1997 and were related (1) to the content of carbohydrates, organic acids and total soluble non protein N (TSNN) in the fine roots, and (2) to xylem flow densities and soil temperature. During the growing seasons 1995 and 1996, ammonium net uptake of beech was significantly lower during the night than during the day at 5 of 8 dates of measurement. On average, uptake rates during the night amounted to 50% of the uptake rates during the day. In spruce, the mean values of ammonium net uptake rates determined were similar between day and night during both growing seasons. In beech, the assessment of diurnal courses showed highest ammonium uptake rates during noon and in the afternoon and minima at midnight. In May 1997, comparable, but less pronounced diurnal patterns of ammonium uptake were observed in spruce, whereas in September 1997, ammonium uptake by spruce was constant during the day. Since no distinct differences in carbohydrate and organic acid contents in fine roots were observed during the diurnal courses and since the addition of sucrose into the artificial soil solutions root tips were exposed to did not alter ammonium uptake, depression of uptake by C- and/or energy limitation during night could be excluded. The TSNN contents in the fine roots of beech (May and September 1997) and spruce (May 1997) showed a diurnal pattern inverse to ammonium uptake. It is concluded that the enrichment of TSNN compounds during night that is apparently caused by a reduction of xylem transport is responsible for the down-regulation of ammonium net-uptake.  相似文献   

Nowadays, a quest for efficient greenhouse heating strategies, and their related effects on the plant’s performance, exists. In this study, the effects of a combination of warm days and cool nights in autumn and spring on the photosynthetic activity and efficiency of Phalaenopsis were evaluated; the latter, being poorly characterised in plants with crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) and, to our knowledge, not reported before in Phalaenopsis. 24-h CO2 flux measurements and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence analyses were performed in both seasons on Phalaenopsis ‘Hercules’ exposed to relatively constant temperature regimes, 25.5/24.0°C (autumn) and 30/27°C (spring) respectively, and distinctive warm day/cool night temperature regimes, 27/20°C (autumn) and 36/24°C (spring), respectively. Cumulated leaf net CO2 uptake of the distinctive warm day/cool night temperature regimes declined with 10–16% as compared to the more constant temperature regimes, while the efficiency of carbon fixation revealed no substantial differences in both seasons. Nevertheless, a distinctive warm day/cool night temperature regime seemed to induce photorespiration. Although photorespiration is expected not to occur in CAM, the suppression of the leaf net CO2 exchange during Phase II and Phase IV as well as the slightly lower efficiency of carbon fixation for the distinctive warm day/cool night temperature regimes confirms the involvement of photorespiration in CAM. A seasonal effect was reflected in the leaf net CO2 exchange rate with considerably higher rates in spring. In addition, sufficiently high levels of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in spring led to an efficiency of carbon fixation of 1.06–1.27% which is about twice as high than in autumn. As a result, only in the case where a net energy reduction between the temperature regimes compensates for the reduction in net CO2 uptake, warm day/cool night temperature regimes may be recommended as a practical sustainable alternative.  相似文献   

For cacti with persistent, relatively large leaves, most shoot CO2 uptake under well-watered conditions occurs by the leaves using the C3 pathway. For three species in the primitive subfamily Pereskioideae, droughts of 7 or 14 days decreased leaf daytime net CO2 uptake by an average of 49 and 88%, respectively; these species always had a net CO2 release at night by the leaves and both at night and during the day by the stems. For three leafy species in subfamily Opuntioideae, 7 and 14 days of drought reduced leaf daytime net CO2 uptake by 90 and 100%, respectively. Although drought reduced the total CO2 uptake over 24 h, the average percentage occurring at night by the leaves of these species increased from 5% under wet conditions to 71% after 7 days of drought to 99% after 14 days of drought. For two of the three species of Opuntioideae, 7 days of drought caused the small net CO2 uptake by the sterns to shift from the daytime to the nighttime, while for the third species drought caused a reduction of its stem nocturnal net CO2 uptake. Thus, shifts from predominantly daytime to predominantly nighttime net CO2 uptake can be induced by drought for the leaves and the stems of leafy cacti in subfamily Opuntioideae, indicating a high degree of biochemical versatility.  相似文献   

Air temperature and humidity, moss surface temperature, moss water content, and photosynthetically active radiation were measured through a clear dry night and early morning in July 1998; CO2 gas exchange of the moss was measured by infra-red gas analysis. The measurements showed progressive absorption of water by the moss through much of the night. The moss reached sufficient water content for about 1.5 h of positive net CO2 uptake immediately after dawn. The cumulative net carbon balance on this occasion was negative, but mornings with heavier dew could give a positive daily carbon balance, and short, early morning periods of photosynthesis during prolonged dry weather may mitigate long-term desiccation damage and allow for regular molecular repair.  相似文献   

Performance of two larval fish samplers, a hand–towed net and a dropbox enclosure, was similar when tested in shallow (x water depth, 20 cm) upper littoral–zone habitats. There was no significant difference between means of larval fish density (by total catch and by species) estimated from the catch in each gear, during the day and at night. Mean length of larvae (total catch) from the tow net was significantly longer than that from the dropbox during the day, but mean length did not differ between gear at night. Mean lengths of larvae of each species between gear were not significantly different within each period. Both gears collected significantly longer larvae (total catch and by species) during the day than at night probably because of diel movements of larvae of different sizes and species.  相似文献   

Under poor light conditions, as normally used during winter production of greenhouse vegetables, the nitrate concentration in the shoot of spinach ( Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Vroeg Reuzenblad) showed a diurnal rhythm. This rhythm was mainly caused by a decrease during the day, followed by an increase during the night in the leaf blade nitrate concentration. Nitrate was mainly located in the vacuoles of the leaf blades. A strong correlation was found between net uptake of nitrate by the roots and the nitrate concentration in the leaf blade vacuoles. The nitrate concentration in the leaf blades increased during the initial hours of the night. This increase was caused by a marked increase in the net uptake rate of nitrate by the roots during the first hours of the dark period. During the second part of the night both net uptake rate of nitrate by the roots and the vacuolar nitrate concentration in the leaf blades remained constant.
We conclude that nitrate is taken up for osmotic purposes when light conditions are poor because of a lack of organic solutes. During the night, nitrate influx into the vacuole is needed for replacement of organic solutes, which are metabolized during the night, and possibly also for leaf elongation growth. During the day, vacuolar nitrate may be exchanged for newly synthesized organic solutes and be metabolized in the cytoplasm. A strong diurnal rhythm in nitrate reductase (NR; EC activity was absent, due to the poor light conditions, and in vitro NR activity was not correlated with nitrate flux from the roots. In vivo NR activity also lacked a strong diurnal rhythm, but it was calculated that in situ nitrate reduction was much lower during the night, so that the major nitrate assimilation took place during the day.  相似文献   

Summary Diurnal variations in the vertical distribution and swarming behaviour of Euphausia crystallorophias at Deception Island (61 degrees South, 66 degrees West) are described. Swarms were present at all times of the day and night. By day swarms were compact and deep, they were dispersed and neared to the surface by night. Significant net avoidance was noted by day. A twenty-fold discrepancy was found between abundance estimated from net hauls and acoustics. This difference is almost certainly because currently used Target Strength (TS) to size relationships overestimate TS and consequently undersetimate euphausiid biomass.  相似文献   

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