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Summary The ectodermal germ layer of Drosophila melanogaster gives rise to two major cell lineages, the neural and the epidermal. Progenitor cells for each of these lineages arise from groups of cells, whose elements must decide between taking on either fate. Commitment of the progenitor cells to one of the developmental fates implies two factors. One is intrinsic to the ectodermal cells and determines a propensity to take on neural fate; this factor is probably represented by the products of the so-called proneural genes, which are differentially distributed throughout the ectoderm. The other factor in the cells' decision to adopt one of the two alternative fates is intercellular communication, which is mediated by the products of the so-called neurogenic genes. Two types of interactions, one inhibiting and the other stimulating neural development, have been inferred. We discuss here the assumed role of various neurogenic genes, in particular Notch and Delta, in these processes. Offprint requests to: J.A. Campos-Ortega  相似文献   

The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster has been a grateful object for circadian rhythm researchers over several decades. Behavioral, genetic, and molecular studies in the little fly have aided in understanding the bases of circadian time keeping and rhythmic behaviors not only in Drosophila, but also in other organisms, including mammals. This review summarizes our present knowledge about the fruit fly's circadian system at the molecular and neurobiological level, with special emphasis on its entrainment by environmental light-dark cycles. The results obtained for Drosophila are discussed with respect to parallel findings in mammals.  相似文献   

The AP-3 adaptor protein complex has been implicated in the biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles, such as pigment granules/melanosomes, and synaptic vesicles. Here we compare the relative importance of AP-3 in the biogenesis of these organelles in Drosophila melanogaster. We report that the Drosophila pigmentation mutants orange and ruby carry genetic lesions in the σ3 and β3-adaptin subunits of the AP-3 complex, respectively. Electron microscopy reveals dramatic reductions in the numbers of electron-dense pigment granules in the eyes of these AP-3 mutants. Mutant flies also display greatly reduced levels of pigments housed in these granules. In contrast, electron microscopy of retinula cells reveals numerous synaptic vesicles in both AP-3 mutant and wild-type flies, while behavioral assays show apparently normal locomotor ability of AP-3 mutant larvae. Together, these results demonstrate that Drosophila AP-3 is critical for the biogenesis of pigment granules, but is apparently not essential for formation of a major population of synaptic vesicles in vivo. Received: 1 February 2000 / Accepted: 10 April 2000  相似文献   

Riley RM  Jin W  Gibson G 《Molecular ecology》2003,12(5):1315-1323
The molecular genetics of several signal transduction pathways is well characterized, providing an opportunity to address the nature of the population genetic forces acting on functionally related suites of pleiotropic regulatory genes. Signal transduction is the process by which signals are transmitted from the cell surface to the nucleus or other cellular structures. It plays a fundamental role in regulating a wide range of developmental and physiological processes, many of which are likely to be subject to buffering mechanisms. Here we infer that contrasting selection pressures act on six components of the Ras signal transduction pathway by comparing sequences obtained from 25 alleles of Drosophila melanogaster with one allele of the sibling species D. simulans. The three most upstream components of the cascade, Ras, Drk and polehole, experience strong purifying selection, as they show no fixed amino acid differences between the species and just a handful of rare replacement polymorphisms within D. melanogaster. This portion of the pathway is likely to act as a control point in signal transduction, because the more downstream components Dsor1, corkscrew and Ksr, each show several amino acid replacements between the species. Furthermore, Ksr is nearly monomorphic within D. melanogaster, and application of the HKA and McDonald and Kreitman tests indicate that this gene may have experienced a recent selective sweep, suggesting that modifiers of Ras kinase signalling are the most likely source of quantitative variation associated with this core regulatory pathway.  相似文献   

Drosophila melanogaster are found in sympatry with Drosophila simulans, and matings between the species produce nonfertile hybrid offspring at low frequency. Evolutionary theory predicts that females choose mates, so males should alter their behaviour in response to female cues. We show that D. melanogaster males quickly decrease courtship towards D. simulans females. Courtship levels are reduced within 5 min of exposure to a heterospecific female, and overall courtship is significantly lower than courtship towards conspecific females. To understand changes at the molecular level during mate choice, we performed microarray analysis on D. melanogaster males that courted heterospecific D. simulans females and found nine genes have altered expression compared with controls. In contrast, males that court conspecific females alter expression of at least 35 loci. The changes elicited by conspecific courtship likely modulate nervous system function to reinforce positive conspecific signals and dampen the response to heterospecific signals.  相似文献   

1. Cultured cerebellar granule neurons maintained in medium containing 26 mM potassium (high K+ or HK+) undergo cell death when switched to medium with 5 mM potassium (low K+ or LK+). This low K(+)-induced cell death has typical features of apoptosis. The intracellular signaling pathway of low K(+)-induced apoptosis has been investigated. 2. Cerebellar granule neurons become committed to undergo apoptosis between 2 and 5 h after K+ deprivation, judging from the inability of high K+ to rescue them after this time. Although the levels of most mRNAs decrease markedly concomitant with commitment, expression of c-jun mRNA increases 2-3 h after K+ deprivation. Among the family of caspases, a caspase-3-like protease is activated within 4 h of lowering the K+ concentration. A caspase-1-like protease is also activated within 2 h of K+ deprivation. 3. Inhibition of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-K) activity by LY294002 or wortmannin also induces apoptosis in cerebellar granule neurons. The intracellular signaling pathway of LY294002-induced apoptosis has been investigated. The activity of c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK) increases 8 h after addition of LY294002 to high K+ medium or low K+ medium containing BDNF. Expression of c-Jun protein also increases almost simultaneously. 4. The low K(+)-induced apoptosis of cerebellar granule neurons is prevented by high K+ (membrane depolarization by high K+), BDNF, IGF-1, bFGF or cAMP. The intracellular signaling pathways by which these agents prevent low K(+)-induced apoptosis have been investigated. Agents other than cAMP prevent apoptosis through PI3-K and a Ser/Thr kinase, Akt/PKB. The survival-promoting effect of cAMP does not depend on the PI3-K-Akt pathway.  相似文献   

We tested whether directional selection on an index-based wing character in Drosophila melanogaster affected developmental stability and patterns of directional asymmetry. We selected for both an increase (up selection) and a decrease (down selection) of the index value on the left wing and compared patterns of fluctuating and directional asymmetry in the selection index and other wing traits across selection lines. Changes in fluctuating asymmetry across selection lines were predominantly small, but we observed a tendency for fluctuating asymmetry to decrease in the up-selected lines in both replicates. Because changes in fluctuating asymmetry depended on the direction of selection, and were not related to changes in trait size, these results fail to support existing hypotheses linking directional selection and developmental stability. Selection also produced a pattern of directional asymmetry that was similar in all selected lines whatever the direction of selection. This result may be interpreted as a release of genetic variance in directional asymmetry under selection.  相似文献   

Cellular responses to the vasoconstrictor peptide, endothelin, have been investigated in quiescent cultured human vascular smooth muscle cells (hVSMC). Endothelin caused intracellular alkalinization and activation of the protein synthetic enzyme S6-kinase, but such responses were not associated with any mitogenic effects of endothelin on hVSMC. In myo-[3H]inositol-prelabelled hVSMC endothelin elicited a rapid increase in inositol bis- and tris-phosphates and concomitant hydrolysis of polyphosphoinositol lipids. In [3H]arachidonate-prelabelled hVSMC endothelin promoted production of diacylglycerol, the early kinetics of which parallelled polyphosphoinositol lipid hydrolysis. Such phospholipase C activation by endothelin was sustained in hVSMC with accumulation of inositol polyphosphates being markedly protracted and the decay of diacylglycerol slow. Endothelin promoted extracellular release of [3H]arachidonate-labelled material from hVSMC which derived via deacylation of both phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylcholine. This process was inhibited by phospholipase A2 and lipoxygenase inhibitors, but insensitive to phospholipase C and cyclooxygenase inhibitors. Endothelin-induced activation of phospholipase C and phospholipase A2 signal transduction pathways (EC50 approximately 5-8 nM for both) in hVSMC apparently proceed in an independent parallel manner rather than a sequential one.  相似文献   

Identification of mucin-type O-glycosylated proteins with known functions in model organisms like Drosophila could provide keys to elucidate functions of the O-glycan moiety and proteomic analyses of O-glycoproteins in higher eukaryotes remain a challenge due to structural heterogeneity and a lack of efficient tools for their specific isolation. Here we report a strategy to evaluate the O-glycosylation potential of the embryonal hemocyte-like Drosophila Schneider 2 (S2) cell line by expression of recombinant glycosylation probes derived from tandem repeats of the human mucin MUC1 or of the Drosophila salivary gland protein Sgs1. We obtained evidence that mucin-type O-glycosylation in S2 cells grown under serum-free conditions is restricted to the Tn-antigen (GalNAcalpha-Ser/Thr) and the T-antigen (Galbeta1-3GalNAcalpha-Ser/Thr) and this structural homogeneity enables unique glycoproteomic strategies. We present a label-free strategy for the isolation, profiling and analysis of O-glycosylated proteins consisting of serial lectin affinity capture, 2-DE-based glycoprotein analysis by O-glycan specific mAbs and protein identification by MALDI-MS. Protein identity and O-glycosylation was confirmed by ESI-MS/MS with detection of diagnostic sugar oxonium-ion fragments. Using this strategy, we established 2-D reference maps and identified 21 secreted and intracellular mucin-type O-glycoproteins. Our results show that Drosophila S2 cells express O-glycoproteins involved in a wide range of biological functions including proteins of the extracellular matrix (Laminin gamma-chain, Peroxidasin and Glutactin), pathogen recognition proteins (Gnbp1), stress response proteins (Glycoprotein 93), secreted proteases (Matrix-metalloprotease 1 and various trypsin-like serine proteases), protease inhibitors (Serpin 27 A) and proteins of unknown function.  相似文献   

The naturally occurring polyamine spermidine (Spd) has recently been shown to promote longevity across species in an autophagy-dependent manner. Here, we demonstrate that Spd improves both survival and locomotor activity of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster upon exposure to the superoxide generator and neurotoxic agent paraquat. Although survival to a high paraquat concentration (20 mM) was specifically increased in female flies only, locomotor activity and survival could be rescued in both male and female animals when exposed to lower paraquat levels (5 mM). These effects are dependent on the autophagic machinery, as Spd failed to confer resistance to paraquat-induced toxicity and locomotor impairment in flies deleted for the essential autophagic regulator ATG7 (autophagy-related gene 7). Spd treatment did also protect against mild doses of another oxidative stressor, hydrogen peroxide, but in this case in an autophagy-independent manner. Altogether, this study establishes that the protective effects of Spd can be exerted through different pathways that depending on the oxidative stress scenario do or do not involve autophagy.  相似文献   

Two stocks of Drosophila melanogaster, one sensitive (6.5% survival) and one resistant (76.24%) to heat shock (40°C/25 min) were derived through indirect selection [1]. Genetic analysis of heat-sensitive and heat-resistant lines we had selected revealed that the survival rate is chiefly determined by cytoplasmic inheritance but also depends to some extent on the nucleus [1]. The ability of the fly to survive thermal stress was found to have an excellent correlation with the kinetics of protein synthesis in ovaries or glands subjected to heat treatment. The incorporation rate of 35S-methionine into proteins was found to be higher for strains exhibiting higher survival (R1, R1S1) than for strains with a lesser ability (S1, S1 R1) to survive heat shock. Moreover, the intensity of labeling of the proteins synthesized and especially of the hsps (heat-shock proteins) after the heat shock is higher in the R1 and R1S1 stocks than in the S1 and S1R1 stocks. This convergence between survival and the cellular level of hsps (both manipulated by selection) bears on the physiological significance of these proteins which seems to participate in the control of the survival as an additive component.  相似文献   

吕淑敏  奚耕思 《昆虫知识》2005,42(2):113-118
Jun氨基末端激酶 (JunN terminalkinase ,JNK)是一种重要的细胞信号传递者。它参与了细胞生长、分化、程序性死亡等生理过程 ,而且在调节上皮细胞运动和形态发生等方面也起着重要作用。大量研究证实 ,在果蝇Drosophila的背闭合行为 (dorsalclosure,DC)中 ,DJNK(DrosophilaJNK)的调节是关键。文章就果蝇DC的发生过程以及DJNK信号途径的研究进展作一简要的综述。  相似文献   

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