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Previously described and alternative methods of the induction of sexual maturation in the European eel were investigated. Weekly administrations of a gonadoliberin agonist (nnRH-A=D-Phe6-GnRH-Ea) did not induce statistically significant effect on the gonads of treated eels in none of the dosages used (0.1 microg and 10 microg/fish). Carp pituitary extract and carp pituitary extract together with a dopamine antagonist caused considerable external changes (increase in eye size) and significant gonadal development in two treatment groups: wild and cultivated stocks. The induction of the ovulation by double amount of CP and gonadoliberin agonist with dopamine antagonist mixture was not successful in a wild stock. Fertilisation of stripped eggs of farm eel was attempted unsuccessfully in, due to low egg quality. An advanced phase of the sexual maturation process could be induced in specimen infected by Anguillicola crassus indicating, that nematode infection is not a limiting factor in the artificial propagation of the European eel.  相似文献   

Magnetic material in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.) was investigated by a combination of magnetic susceptibility measurements, energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence analysis and transmission electron microscopy. It was shown that the magnetic material is associated with iron. The main part of the iron is present in the form of iron-rich particles with irregular shapes about 100-3000 A large. The structures of magnetite (Fe3O4), hematite (alpha-Fe2O3) and alpha-iron (bcc structure) were identified. The particles are composed of more than one of these phases with magnetite being a minority phase when present. The iron-rich particles found in the eel are different from the materials reported for bacteria or bees.  相似文献   

Retinal structure was examined in sexually immature and artificially matured female Anguilla anguilla . Inner nuclear layer cell numbers decreased from 600 mm−1 retinal cross-section to 300 mm−I and ganglion cells from 60 to 30 mm−1 cross-section, during sexual maturation. Most of the decrease occurred prior to the stage of maturation at which migration begins. Electroretinograms were recorded from the intact eyes of immature and maturing eels. There was no change in scotopic sensitivities to light of wavelengths 480 and 520 nm, with increasing sexual maturity. Olfactory organs were examined in female eels of a similar range of maturity states and were found to atrophy in artificially matured eels of advanced development. The density of mucous cells in olfactory lamellae decreased from a maximum of 443 mm−2 in sexually immature eels to as low as 19 mm−2 in sexually maturing eels. The changes in vision and olfaction were thought to indicate a change in the relative importance of the two sensory modalities with sexual maturation.  相似文献   

The structure and distribution of red and white muscles have been investigated in female Anguilla anguilla of varying sexual maturity. Red muscle volumes increased with sexual maturation from approximately 5% of total muscle volume in sexually immature eels to a maximum of 13.3% in sexually maturing animals. Volume increase was due to increasing fibre diameter rather than recruitment of new fibres. Intracellular volume fractions of lipid and mitochondria increased markedly in maturing fish. Artificially matured cels showed the largest increases in muscle lipid. The possible functional roles of red and white muscle during migration are discussed.  相似文献   

Structural features of the epidermis, dermis and scales were examined in adult female Anguilla anguilla of varying sexual maturity. Advanced sexual stages were obtained by hormone injection. The dermis increased in thickness with both size and sexual development. Epidermal thickness was unrelated to size or maturity but mucous cell densities decreased in more mature animals. Hormone treated eels showed a loss of mucous cells accompanied by degeneration of the epidermis. Scale areas increased from 50% in sexually immature adults to 145% in sexually maturing eels. Skin calcium values ranged from 0.27 to 0.83 mg cm−2 and did not show any relation to either scale or sexual maturity. The possible relevance of structural changes to migration is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The auditory sensitivity in the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) was measured using an acoustic tube producing sound stimuli with different ratios between sound pressure and particle motion. The upper audible frequency limit in the eel was about 300 Hz. At low frequencies the relevant stimulus parameter was particle motion, excluding involvement of the swimbladder. At the higher frequencies within the audible range the swimbladder conveyed an auditory advantage for stimuli with a high ratio between pressure and particle motion. The eel has an extremely long distance between the swimbladder and the ear. An auditory function of the swimbladder in this species therefore indicates an efficient transmission channel for the reradiated swimbladder pulsations between the bladder and the ear, although specialized anatomical adaptations for this purpose are lacking.  相似文献   

Eye size was correlated with body length and gonad development in 112 untreated and 33 hormone injected female Anguilla anguilla . A length-related measure of eye size was developed as an index of sexual maturity. Eels of eye index of 6.5 or less were classed as sexually immature adults , those of < 6.5 as sexually Maturing adults . Structural changes in the eye during maturation were examined. Total numbers of rods increased markedly while density of photoreceptors remained approximately constant. Cone density decreased with degenerative changes occurring. Changes in the eye were found to be essentially complete early in the maturation process.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract is a system that is very sensitive to stress-like conditions in mammals. Fish display physiological reactions to stress that are fundamentally similar to those of the'General Adaptation Syndrome' in higher vertebrates. An investigation was therefore undertaken to determine if morphological changes equivalent to those affecting the stomachs of mammals also occur in fish under stress.
Conflict for social dominance served as the stressor. The unavoidable confrontation with a dominant fish in a tank proved to produce great stress for the subordinate eel. This was demonstrated by a number of physiological and haematological parameters.
Stressed eels have shrunken stomachs, the consistency of which is translucent and soft. The mucous membrane folds flatten or disappear. The mucous epithelium atrophies and during this process numerous residual bodies appear. The cell-to-cell contact loosens. The gastric glands degenerate developing large intracellular cavities, vacuolated ER and swollen mitochondria. The connective tissue proliferates replacing the necrotic glands. The submucosal vessels contract, thereby disturbing the circulation.
The consequences of the gastric atrophy (increased self-digestion, reduction of the immunological barrier, interference with protein digestion, endocrine function, etc.) are discussed.  相似文献   

The eels of the Lower Elbe (15–35 cm total length, freshwater age groups III–V) show a high incidence of epidermal papillomas. These neoplasms, situated mainly in the snout region, show a marked seasonal fluctuation. The incidence is low in spring and autumn (min. 2–3 %) and rises sharply in summer (max. 28 %). The size of the papillomas is also smaller during the colder seasons of the year (up to 300 mm3) reaching a maximum in August/ September (up to 900 mm3). The increase in growth of the tumours follows the rise in frequency with a delay of 3–4 weeks. These seasonal fluctuations of tumour growth are possibly related to the alteration of the water temperature and oxygen content.  相似文献   

The present study aimed in vivo tracking of maturation of male eel by computed tomography (CT). Additionally, individually monitored testes sizes were correlated with the conventionally used external maturity indicators (i.e. eye and nose indexes) in order to test and improve their usefulness at individual level. Testes could be clearly identified with the CT from the end of the third week of hCG administration routinely used to induce maturation in fish. The volume of testes increased exponentially during hormone treatment, and by the end of the sixth week of maturation procedure all males produced motilable spermatozoa. Present results prove that testes size can noninvasively be monitored with CT from maturity level where testes size rich 3000 mm3 volume. Eye and nose indexes are in close correlation with testes volume and thus can also be effectively used to monitor maturity level of male eel, but preferably only at stock level. However, due to their high individual variability, these indexes can be applied only with caution at individual level and should be supplemented with other noninvasive techniques such as CT.  相似文献   

Experiments to determine the growth rate of eels ( Anguilla anguilla L.) at different temperatures are described and show the optimum temperature for growth to be 22–23° C. The ultimate upper lethal temperature was found to be 38° C and the critical thermal maximum varied from 33 to 39° C for fish acclimated at 14 to 29° C. An attempt was also made to determine lower lethal temperatures. Eels enter a state of torpor at temperatures varying from 3° C for fish acclimated at 29° C to less than 1° C for fish acclimated at 23° C or below. The results have been used to estimate the growth rates expected from eels cultured in power station cooling water using different types of temperature control.  相似文献   

Heterozygosity-fitness correlations (HFCs) have been reported in populations of many species. We provide evidence for a positive correlation between genetic variability and growth rate at 12 allozyme loci in a catadromous marine fish species, the European eel (Anguilla anguilla L.). More heterozygous individuals show a significantly higher length and weight increase and an above average condition index in comparison with more homozygous individuals. To a lesser extent, six microsatellite loci show a similar pattern, with positive but not significant correlations between heterozygosity and growth rate. The HFCs observed could be explained by an effect of either direct allozyme over-dominance or associative overdominance. Selection affecting some of the allozyme loci would explain the greater strength of the HFCs found at allozymes in comparison with microsatellites and the lack of correlation between MLH at allozymes and MLH at microsatellites. Associative overdominance (where allozyme loci are merely acting as neutral markers of closely linked fitness loci) might provide an explanation for the HFCs if we consider that allozyme loci have a higher chance than microsatellites to be in linkage disequilibrium with fitness loci.  相似文献   

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