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In addition to two major alpha- and beta-subunits, the soluble oligomycin-insensitive F1ATPase purified from sweet potato root mitochondria contains four different minor subunits of gamma (Mr = 35,500), delta (Mr = 27,000), delta' (Mr = 23,000), and epsilon (Mr = 12,000) (Iwasaki, Y., and Asashi, T. (1983) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 227, 164-173). Among these minor subunits, the delta-subunit specifically cross-reacted with an antibody against the delta-subunit of maize mitochondrial F1 which contains only three minor gamma-, delta- and epsilon-subunits like F1ATPases from other organisms, indicating that the delta'-subunit is an extra subunit of sweet potato F1 which is absent in the maize F1. All of the four minor subunits of sweet potato F1 were purified and their N-terminal amino acid sequences of 30-36 residues were determined. The N-terminal sequence of gamma-subunit was homologous to those of the gamma-subunits of bacterial F1 and mammalian mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta-subunit was homologous to those of the delta-subunits of bacterial F1, chloroplast CF1, and oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein of bovine mitochondrial F1F0. A sequence homology was also observed between the sweet potato epsilon-subunit and the epsilon-subunit of bovine mitochondrial F1. The N-terminal sequence of the delta'-subunit did not show any significant sequence homology to known protein sequences. These subunit correspondences place plant mitochondrial F1 at an unique position in the evolution of F1ATPase.  相似文献   

In order to identify the subunits constituting the rat liver F0F1-ATP synthase, the complex prepared by selective extraction from the mitochondrial membranes with a detergent followed by purification on a sucrose gradient has been compared to that obtained by immunoprecipitation with an anti-F1 serum. The subunits present in both preparations that are assumed to be authentic components of the complex have been identified. The results show that the total rat liver F0F1-ATP synthase contains at least 13 different proteins, seven of which can be attributed to F0. The following F0 subunits have been identified: the subunit b (migrating as a 24 kDa band in SDS-PAGE), the oligomycin-sensitivity-conferring protein (20 kDa), and F6 (9 kDa) that have N-terminal sequences homologous to the beef-heart ones; the mtDNA encoded subunits 6 (20 kDa) and 8 (less than 7 kDa) that can be synthesized in isolated mitochondria; an additional 20 kDa protein that could be equivalent to the beef heart subunit d.  相似文献   

Bz‐423 is an inhibitor of the mitochondrial F1F0‐ATPase, with therapeutic properties in murine models of immune diseases. Here, we study the binding of a water‐soluble Bz‐423 analog (5‐(3‐(aminomethyl)phenyl)‐7‐chloro‐ 1‐methyl‐3‐(naphthalen‐2‐ylmethyl)‐1H‐benzo][e][1,4]diazepin‐2(3H)‐one); (1) to its target subunit on the enzyme, the oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein (OSCP), by NMR spectroscopy using chemical shift perturbation and cross‐relaxation experiments. Titration experiments with constructs representing residues 1–120 or 1–145 of the OSCP reveals that (a) 1 binds to a region of the protein, at the minimum, comprising residues M51, L56, K65, V66, K75, K77, and N92, and (b) binding of 1 induces conformational changes in the OSCP. Control experiments employing a variant of 1 in which a key binding element on the small molecule was deleted; it had no perturbational effect on the spectra of the OSCP, which indicates that the observed changes with 1 represent specific binding interactions. Collectively, these data suggest that 1 might inhibit the enzyme through an allosteric mechanism where binding results in conformational changes that perturb the OSCP‐F1 interface resulting in disrupted communication between the peripheral stalk and the F1‐domain of the enzyme. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 29: 85–92, 2010. This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The “Published Online” date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com  相似文献   

We show that urea inhibits the ATPase activity of MgATP submitochondrial particles (MgATP-SMP) with Ki = 0.7 M, probably as a result of direct interaction with the structure of F0F1-ATPase. Counteracting compounds (sorbitol, mannitol or inositol), despite slightly (10-20%) inhibiting the ATPase activity, also protect the F0F1-ATPase against denaturation by urea. However, this protection was only observed at low urea concentrations (less than 1.5 M), and in the presence of three polyols, the Ki for urea shift from 0.7 M to 1.2 M. Urea also increases the initial activation rate of latent MgATP-SMP in a dose-dependent-manner. However, when the particles (0.5 mg/ml) were preincubated in the presence of 1 M, 2 M or 3 M urea, a decrease in the activation level occurred after 1 h, 30 and 10 min, respectively. At high MgATP-SMP concentration (3 mg/ml) a decrease in activation was observed after 2 h, 1 h and 20 min, respectively. These data indicate that the effect of urea on the activation of MgATP-SMP depends on time, urea and protein concentrations. It was also observed that polyols suppress the activation of latent MgATP-SMP in a dose-dependent manner, and protect the particles against urea denaturation during activation. We suppose that a decrease in membrane mobility promoted by interactions of polyols with phospholipids around the F0F1-ATPase may also increase the compactation of protein structure, explaining the inhibition of natural inhibitor protein of ATPase (IF1) release and the activation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Liver mitochondria from rats fed ethanol chronically demonstrated a 35% decrease in mitochondrial ATPase activity. Moreover, the ATPase activity was inhibited only 61% by addition of oligomycin. Treatment of mitochondria from ethanol-fed rats with the detergent, Lubrol-WX, caused the release of 36% of the F1 from the resulting inner membrane particles. In comparison, only 5% of the F1 was dissociated when control mitochondria were subjected to the Lubrol treatment. However, when the units of ATPase activity from the supernatant and particles obtained after Lubrol treatment were added together, their sums were equivalent in preparations from control and ethanol-fed animals. Moreover, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analyses indicated equal amounts of the alpha + beta subunits of F1 in mitochondria from control and ethanol-fed rats. Reconstitution experiments with urea particles and F1 prepared from both control and ethanol mitochondria revealed a decrease in oligomycin sensitivity which could be attributed to an alteration in the functioning of either the oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein or a membrane sector subunit that interacts with oligomycin. Analysis by reconstitution also demonstrated that there were no ethanol-elicited alterations in the properties of the F1 portion of the ATP synthase complex. These observations indicate that the activity of the ATP synthase complex is altered significantly by ethanol-elicited changes in the functioning of those polypeptides involved in modulating both oligomycin sensitivity and the association of F1 with membrane sector subunits.  相似文献   

The hydrophobic nature of the active site of two energy-transducing ATPases was explored by comparing interactions between Pi and each of three hydrophobic drugs in the absence and presence of organic solvents. The drugs tested were the Fe . bathophenanthroline complex and the anticalmodulin drugs, calmidazolium and trifluoperazine. All inhibit the Pi in equilibrium with ATP exchange reaction catalyzed by submitochondrial particles and the ATPase activity of both submitochondrial particles and soluble F1 ATPase. The inhibition by the three drugs is reversed by either raising the Pi concentration or by adding organic solvent (dimethylsulfoxide, ethyleneglycol or methanol) to the medium. The inhibition of the Pi in equilibrium with ATP exchange by trifluoperazine becomes more pronounced when the electrochemical proton gradient formed across the membrane of the submitochondrial particles is decreased by the addition to the medium of the proton ionophore carbonylcyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone. The ATPase activity and the Ca2+ uptake by sarcoplasmic reticulum vesicles are inhibited by the Fe . bathophenanthroline complex, calmidazolium and trifluoperazine. Phosphorylation of the ATPases by Pi, synthesis of ATP from ADP and Pi and the fast efflux of Ca2+ observed during reversal of the Ca2+ pump are inhibited by the three drugs. The inhibition is reversed by raising the concentration of Pi or dimethylsulfoxide. The three drugs tested appear to compete with Pi for a common binding site on the Ca2+-ATPase. The data presented are interpreted according to the proposal that the catalytic site of an enzyme involved in energy transduction undergoes a hydrophobic-hydrophilic transition during the catalytic cycle.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial F(1)F(0)-ATPase normally synthesizes ATP in the heart, but under ischemic conditions this enzyme paradoxically causes ATP hydrolysis. Nonselective inhibitors of this enzyme (aurovertin, oligomycin) inhibit ATP synthesis in normal tissue but also inhibit ATP hydrolysis in ischemic myocardium. We characterized the profile of aurovertin and oligomycin in ischemic and nonischemic rat myocardium and compared this with the profile of BMS-199264, which only inhibits F(1)F(0)-ATP hydrolase activity. In isolated rat hearts, aurovertin (1-10 microM) and oligomycin (10 microM), at concentrations inhibiting ATPase activity, reduced ATP concentration and contractile function in the nonischemic heart but significantly reduced the rate of ATP depletion during ischemia. They also inhibited recovery of reperfusion ATP and contractile function, consistent with nonselective F(1)F(0)-ATPase inhibitory activity, which suggests that upon reperfusion, the hydrolase activity switches back to ATP synthesis. BMS-199264 inhibits F(1)F(0) hydrolase activity in submitochondrial particles with no effect on ATP synthase activity. BMS-199264 (1-10 microM) conserved ATP in rat hearts during ischemia while having no effect on preischemic contractile function or ATP concentration. Reperfusion ATP levels were replenished faster and necrosis was reduced by BMS-199264. ATP hydrolase activity ex vivo was selectively inhibited by BMS-199264. Therefore, excessive ATP hydrolysis by F(1)F(0)-ATPase contributes to the decline in cardiac energy reserve during ischemia and selective inhibition of ATP hydrolase activity can protect ischemic myocardium.  相似文献   

E Muneyuki  H Hirata 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):455-458
Kinetic analysis of both proton translocating and steady-state ATP hydrolytic activities catalyzed by F0F1 ATPase in submitochondrial particles were carried out over an ATP concentration range of 1-2000 microM. The results were examined in relation to the prediction based on the alternate binding change model proposed by Gresser et al. [(1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 12030-12038] in which energy transduction occurs only at the tri-site catalytic cycle. The present results essentially contrast with the model and rather indicate that if the alternate binding mechanism holds for the ATP hydrolytic reaction, the proton translocation should be coupled to at least both bi-site and tri-site cycles.  相似文献   

The interaction of Mg2+ with native F0F1 ATPase was studied. The hydrolytic activity of F0F1 ATPase could be competitively activated by Mg2+, but the preincubation of F0F1 ATPase with cholate eliminated the Mg2+ effect. The result from the comparison of the effect of Mg2+ on F0F1 ATPase with that on soluble F1 ATPase, and the fact that the activation of Mg2+ on cholate-treated F0F1 ATPase could be reconstituted only by divalent acidic phospholipid cardiolipin, indicate that there exists a specificity between the acidic phospholipids of the mitochondrial inner membrane and Mg2+ enhancement of ATP-hydrolyzing activity of F0F1 ATPase.  相似文献   

The F0I protein of apparent Mr 27,000, previously characterized [(1988) Eur. J. Biochem. 173, 1-8] as a genuine component of bovine heart F0, has been sequenced and shown to be identical with the nucleus encoded 24,668 Da protein characterized earlier [(1987) J. Mol. Biol. 197, 89-100]. It is directly shown by proteolytic cleavage and reconstitution experiments that this protein, denoted here as PVP from the single-letter codes of the last three residues of the N-terminus, is involved in proton conduction by F0 and in its sensitivity to oligomycin.  相似文献   

A polypeptide migrating in the area of the isotubulin in 2 D-gel electrophoresis of extracts from neuronal cells was characterized as the beta-subunit of the F1 ATPase matrix component. The synthesis of this subunit is enhanced during neurogenesis and the presence of an isoform was detected in adult mouse brain.  相似文献   

Cassette site-directed mutagenesis was employed to generate mutations in the a subunit (uncB (a) gene) of F1F0ATP synthase. Using sequence homology with similar subunits of other F1F0ATP synthases as a guide, 20 mutations were targeted to a region of the a subunit thought to constitute part of the proton translocation mechanism. ATP-driven proton pumping activity is lost with the substitution of lys, ile, val, or glu for arginine 210. Substitution of val, leu, gln, or glu for asparagine 214 does not completely block proton conduction, however, replacement of asparagine 214 with histidine does reduce enzyme activity below that necessary for significant function. Two or three mutations were constructed in each of four nonpolar amino acids, leucine 207, leucine 211, alanine 217, and glycine 218. Certain specific mutations in these positions result in partial loss of F1F0ATP synthase activity, but only the substitution of arginine for alanine 217 reduces ATP-driven proton pumping activity to undetectable levels. It is concluded that of the six amino acids studied, only arginine 210 is an essential component of the proton translocation mechanism. Fractionation of cell-free extracts of a subunit mutation strains generally reveals normal amounts of F1 specifically bound to the particulate fraction. One possible exception is the arginine 210 to isoleucine mutation which results in somewhat elevated levels of free F1 detectable in the soluble fraction. For nearly all a subunit mutations, F1F0-mediated ATP hydrolysis activity remains sensitive to inhibition by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide in spite of the fact that the mutations block proton translocation.  相似文献   

At low concentrations, diethylstilbestrol (DES) is shown to be a potent F0-directed inhibitor of the F0F1-ATPase of rat liver mitochondria. In analogy to other F0-directed inhibitors, DES inhibits both the ATPase and ATP-dependent proton-translocation activities of the purified and membrane bound enzyme. When added at low concentrations with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), a covalent inhibitor, DES acts synergistically to inhibit ATPase activity of the complex. At higher concentrations, DES restores DCCD-inhibited ATPase activity. However, there is no restoration of ATP-dependent proton translocation. Under these conditions DCCD remains covalently bound to the F0F1-ATPase complex and F1 remains bound to Fo. Significantly, when the F0F1-ATPase is inhibited by the Fo-directed inhibitor venturicidin rather than DCCD, DES is also able to restore ATPase activity. In contrast, DES is unable to restore ATPase activity to F0F1 preparations inhibited by the Fo-directed inhibitors oligomycin or tricyclohexyltin. However, combinations of [DES + DCCD] or [DES + venturicidin] can restore ATPase activity to F0F1 preparations inhibited by either oligomycin or tricyclohexyltin. Results presented here indicate that the F0 moiety of the rat liver mitochondrial proton ATPase contains a distinct binding site for DES. In addition, they suggest that at saturating concentrations simultaneous occupancy of the DES binding site and sites for either DCCD or venturicidin promote "uncoupled" ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

It is known that the negatively stained preparations of inner mitochondrial membrane display characteristic ∼9 nmF 1 (ATPase) knobs projecting from the matrix surface. Freeze-etch studies have reported the absence of such knobs from the “etched” surface of the inner mitochondrial membranes. We have demonstrated their presence on the surface of SMP (submitochondrial particles) prepared by freeze-drying for transmission electron microscopy. This identification has been substantiated by comparison with the freeze-dried TU particles (trypsin-urea treated SMP) that are devoid ofF 1 (ATPase). It has been suggested that a layer of water molecules is strongly adsorbed to the surface of SMP and does not sublime during normal freeze-“etching.”  相似文献   

Fluorescent 5-coordinate organotin-flavone complexes of 3-hydroxy-flavone (Hof) and 3,5,7,2',4',-pentahydroxyflavone (morin) are good inhibitors of mitochondrial F1F0ATPase but do not inhibit F1-ATPase and they have been examined as possible fluorescent probes of F1F0ATPase. R2SnX (morin) complexes exhibit low fluorescence enhancement on binding to mitochondrial membranes with no displacement by equimolar tributyltin. In contrast R2SnX (of) complexes exhibit high fluorescence enhancement whose extent is variable and is displacable by equimolar tributyltin. Fluorescence enhancement by R2SnX (of) complexes correlates with the ATPase I50 values. Dialkyltin-3-hydroxy flavone, R2SnX(of), complexes act as a new class of fluorescent probes which titrate the F0 segment of F1F0ATPase.  相似文献   

The F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein complex synthesized tightly bound ATP from ADP and Pi when the organic solvents dimethylsulfoxide (20-50% v/v), ethylene glycol (20-60% v/v) or poly(ethylene glycol) 4000 and 8000 (30-50% w/v) were included in the assay media. There was no synthesis of tightly bound ATP in the absence of organic solvents. In the presence of 50% dimethylsulfoxide, maximal synthesis of ATP was obtained at pH values between 6.5 and 7.7. In both F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein there was no synthesis of ATP in the absence of MgCl2. The rate of ATP synthesis became faster as the MgCl2 concentration in the medium was raised from 0.1-10 mM. The Km for Pi of F1 was in the range of 0.8-1.5 mM. The Km for Pi of the F1-inhibitor-protein was much higher than that of F1 and could not be measured. In the presence of 10 mM MgCl2 and 2 mM Pi, the rate constants of ATP synthesis by F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein were 5.2-10.4 h-1 and 3.5-5.9 h-1 respectively. For both enzymes the rate constant of ATP hydrolysis was 0.69 h-1. The tightly bound ATP of F1 and F1-inhibitor-protein were hydrolyzed at a much slower rate when either the Pi concentration or the MgCl2 concentration was suddenly decreased. Both in presence and absence of Mg2+, 40-60% of the radioactive tightly bound ATP synthesized by F1 was hydrolyzed when non-radioactive ATP was added to the assay medium. This was not observed when F1-inhibitor-protein was used.  相似文献   

The interaction of Mg2+ with nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase from pig heart was studied. Mg2+ had no effect on nucleotide-washed F0.F1 ATPase, but it competitively inhibited the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ADP and slightly activated the hydrolytic activity of washed F0.F1 ATPase preincubated with ATP. In the last two cases, it revealed negative cooperativity. The effect of Mg2+ on F0.F1 ATPase is therefore closely related to the characteristics of the nucleotide binding sites on mitochondrial F0.F1 ATPase.  相似文献   

Highly purified peroxisomal fractions from rat liver contain ATPase activity (18.8 +/- 0.1 nmol/min per mg, n = 6). This activity is about 2% of that found in purified mitochondrial fractions. Measurement of marker enzyme activities and immunoblotting of the peroxisomal fraction with an antiserum raised against the beta-subunit of mitochondrial ATPase indicates that the ATPase activity in the peroxisomal fractions can not be ascribed to contamination with mitochondria or other subcellular organelles. From the sensitivity of the ATPase present in the peroxisomal fraction towards a variety of ATPase inhibitors, we conclude that it displays both V-type and F-type features and is distinguishable from both the mitochondrial F1F0-ATPase and the lysosomal V-type ATPase.  相似文献   

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