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We do not know the mode of action of the ketogenic diet in controlling epilepsy. One possibility is that the diet alters brain handling of glutamate, the major excitatory neurotransmitter and a probable factor in evoking and perpetuating a convulsion. We have found that brain metabolism of ketone bodies can furnish as much as 30% of glutamate and glutamine carbon. Ketone body metabolism also provides acetyl-CoA to the citrate synthetase reaction, in the process consuming oxaloacetate and thereby diminishing the transamination of glutamate to aspartate, a pathway in which oxaloacetate is a reactant. Relatively more glutamate then is available to the glutamate decarboxylase reaction, which increases brain [GABA]. Ketosis also increases brain [GABA] by increasing brain metabolism of acetate, which glia convert to glutamine. GABA-ergic neurons readily take up the latter amino acid and use it as a precursor to GABA. Ketosis also may be associated with altered amino acid transport at the blood-brain barrier. Specifically, ketosis may favor the release from brain of glutamine, which transporters at the blood-brain barrier exchange for blood leucine. Since brain glutamine is formed in astrocytes from glutamate, the overall effect will be to favor the release of glutamate from the nervous system.  相似文献   

Our objective was to study brain amino acid metabolism in response to ketosis. The underlying hypothesis is that ketosis is associated with a fundamental change of brain amino acid handling and that this alteration is a factor in the anti-epileptic effect of the ketogenic diet. Specifically, we hypothesize that brain converts ketone bodies to acetyl-CoA and that this results in increased flux through the citrate synthetase reaction. As a result, oxaloacetate is consumed and is less available to the aspartate aminotransferase reaction; therefore, less glutamate is converted to aspartate and relatively more glutamate becomes available to the glutamine synthetase and glutamate decarboxylase reactions. We found in a mouse model of ketosis that the concentration of forebrain aspartate was diminished but the concentration of acetyl-CoA was increased. Studies of the incorporation of 13C into glutamate and glutamine with either [1-(13)C]glucose or [2-(13)C]acetate as precursor showed that ketotic brain metabolized relatively less glucose and relatively more acetate. When the ketotic mice were administered both acetate and a nitrogen donor, such as alanine or leucine, they manifested an increased forebrain concentration of glutamine and GABA. These findings supported the hypothesis that in ketosis there is greater production of acetyl-CoA and a consequent alteration in the equilibrium of the aspartate aminotransferase reaction that results in diminished aspartate production and potentially enhanced synthesis of glutamine and GABA.  相似文献   

The changes in both the levels of some free amino acids and their metabolism in the rat brain during the first 24 hr of postnatal life were studied. The content of glutamic acid decreased for the first 2 hr; it remained at the lowest level for the next 4 hr, when it began to increase. The content of alanine decreased for the first 6 hr and approached the adult level. Oxygen consumption, glucose oxidation, and pyruvate formation in the cerebral slices of the 24-hr-old rats were as much as 150% of that of the 19-day-old fetus. The distribution profile of radioactivity incorporated into the cerebral amino acids from the subarachnoid-injected [U14C]glucose was also changed. In the 2- and 6-hr-old rats, 50% of the total radio-activity recovered in the free amino acids was in alanine. Its rate decreased to 30% in the 24-hr-old and was 2% in the adult, while the radioactivity incorporated into glutamic acid increased. Alanine aminotransferase activity started to increase at birth and had the highest level at 24 hr after birth. It then decreased and finally reached the same level as shown at birth. However, aspartate aminotransferase increased during the first 6 hr after birth and did not change until the end of the first day of life.  相似文献   

The potential importance of carbohydrates and amino acids as fuels during periods of fasting and aestivation in the African lungfish, Protopterus dolloi, were examined. No significant decreases in tissue glycogen levels were observed following 60 days of fasting or aestivation, suggesting lungfish may undergo 'glycogen sparing'. Yet glycogenolysis may be important during aestivation based on the differing responses of two flux-generating enzymes of the glycolytic pathway, hexokinase (HK) and pyruvate kinase (PK). PK is required for glycogen breakdown whereas HK is not. HK activity is significantly down-regulated in the heart and gill tissues during aestivation, while PK activity is sustained. The significant negative correlation between the activity of HK and glucose levels in the heart of aestivating lungfish suggests HK may be regulated by glucose concentrations. There was no indication of anaerobic glycolytic flux during aestivation as lactate did not accumulate in any of the tissues examined, and no significant induction of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH)activity was observed. The increase in glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and aspartate aminotransferase (Asp-AT) activities in the liver of aestivating P. dolloi suggests some energy may be obtained via increased aminoacid catabolism, leading to the generation of tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle intermediates. These findings indicate the importance of both carbohydrate and amino acid fuel stores during aestivation in aphylogenetically ancient, air-breathing fish.  相似文献   

The metabolism of glucose in brains during sustained hypoglycemia was studied. [U-14C]Glucose (20 microCi) was injected into control rats, and into rats at 2.5 hr after a bolus injection of 2 units of insulin followed by a continuous infusion of 0.2 units/100 g rat/hr. This regimen of insulin injection was found to result in steady-state plasma glucose levels between 2.5 and 3.5 mumol per ml. In the brains of control rats carbon was transferred rapidly from glucose to glutamate, glutamine, gamma-aminobutyric acid and aspartate and this carbon was retained in the amino acids for at least 60 min. In the brains of hypoglycemic rats, the conversion of carbon from glucose to amino acids was increased in the first 15 min after injection. After 15 min, the specific activity of the amino acids decreased in insulin-treated rats but not in the controls. The concentrations of alanine, glutamate, and gamma-amino-butyric acid decreased, and the concentration of aspartate increased, in the brains of the hypoglycemic rats. The concentration of pyridoxal-5'-phosphate, a cofactor in many of the reactions whereby these amino acids are formed from tricarboxylic acid cycle intermediates, was less in the insulin-treated rats than in the controls. These data provide evidence that glutamate, glutamine, aspartate, and GABA can serve as energy sources in brain during insulin-induced hypoglycemia.  相似文献   

The relationship between acidosis and the metabolism of glutamine and glutamate was studied in cultured astrocytes. Acidification of the incubation medium was associated with an increased formation of aspartate from glutamate and glutamine. The rise of the intracellular content of aspartate was accompanied by a significant decline in the extracellular concentration of both lactate and citrate. Studies with either [2-(15)N]glutamine or [15N]glutamate indicated that there occurred in acidosis an increased transamination of glutamate to aspartate. Studies with L-[2,3,3,4,4-(2)H5]glutamine indicated that in acidosis glutamate carbon was more rapidly converted to aspartate via the tricarboxylic acid cycle. Acidosis appears to result in increased availability of oxaloacetate to the aspartate aminotransferase reaction and, consequently, increased transamination of glutamate. The expansion of the available pool of oxaloacetate probably reflects a combination of: (a) Restricted flux through glycolysis and less production from pyruvate of acetyl-CoA, which condenses with oxaloacetate in the citrate synthetase reaction; and (b) Increased oxidation of glutamate and glutamine through a portion of the tricarboxylic acid cycle and enhanced production of oxaloacetate from glutamate and glutamine carbon. The data point to the interplay of the metabolism of glucose and that of glutamate in these cells.  相似文献   

In rat brain slices the synthesis of [3H]phosphoinositides and the production of [3H]inositol monophosphate (IP1) induced by norepinephrine (NE) were inhibited by glutamate. Calcium concentrations were varied to test if these inhibitory effects of glutamate were mediated by a calcium-dependent process. Although reducing calcium or addition of the calcium antagonist verpamil reduced the inhibitory effects of glutamate, these results were equivocal because reduced calcium directly decreased agonist-induced [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis. The inhibitory effects of glutamate were mimicked by quisqualate in a dose-dependent manner, but none of a variety of excitatory amino acid receptor antagonists modified the inhibition caused by quisqualate. It is suggested that glutamate activates a quisqualate-sensitive receptor (for which an antagonist is not available) and causes inhibition of phosphoinositide hydrolysis mediated in part by a direct or indirect inhibitory effect of calcium on phosphoinositide synthesis. Modulatory effects of arachidonic acid were examined because glutamate and calcium can activate phospholipase A2. Arachidonic acid caused a rapid and dose-dependent inhibition of [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis and of NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. A similar inhibition of the response to carbachol also occurred. The inhibition caused by arachidonic acid was unchanged by addition of inhibitors of cyclooxygenase or lipoxygenase. Activation of phospholipase A2 with melittin caused inhibitory effects similar to those of arachidonic acid. Inhibitors of phospholipase A2 were found to impair phosphoinositide metabolism, likely due to their lack of specificity for phospholipase A2. Further studies were carried out in slices that were prelabelled with [3H]inositol in an attempt to separate modulatory effects on [3H]phosphoinositide synthesis and agonist-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. Several excitatory amino acid agonists inhibited NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production. This inhibitory inter-action could be due to impaired synthesis of [3H]phosphoinositides because, even though the slices were prelabeled, addition of unlabelled inositol reduced NE-stimulated [3H]IP1 production, indicating that continuous regeneration of [3H]phosphoinositides is required. In contrast to the inhibitory effects of the excitatory amino acids, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) enhanced the response to NE in cortical and hippocampal slices. GABA also enhanced the response to carbachol in hippocampal and striatal slices and to ibotenic acid in hippocampal slices. Baclofen potentiated the response to NE similarly to the effect of GABA and baclofen partially blocked the inhibitory effect of arachidonic acid but did not alter that of quisqualate.Abbreviations AMPA -amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic - acid AP4 dl-2-amino-4-phosphonobutyric acid - BPB bromphenacyl bromide - BSA bovine serum albumin - CNQX 6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2,3-dione - DFMO -difluoromethylornithine - DIDS diisothiocyanotostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-N - N, N N-tetraacetic acid - GABA -aminobutyric acid - GDEE glutamate diethyl ether - -GG -glutamylglycine - IP1 inositol monophosphate - IP2 inositol bisphosphate - IP3 inositol trisphosphate - NDGA nordihydroguaiaretic acid - NE norepinephrine - NMDA N-methyl-d-aspartate  相似文献   

MEISTER A 《Federation proceedings》1955,14(3):683-9; discussion, 689-90

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