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3-(1-Carboxypropyl) ether derivatives of 15alpha-hydroxyestradiol 15-N-acetylglucosaminide (15alpha-OHE2 15NAG) and 15alpha-hydroxyestriol (E4) 15NAG were synthesized and conjugated with bovine serum albumin. Antisera elicited in rabbits possessed high affinity and specificity for the 15alpha-hydroxyestrogen (15alpha-OHEs) 15NAG, exhibiting no significant cross-reactivity with 15alpha-OHEs and their positional isomers such as 16NAG and 17NAG. Enzyme immunoassay methods developed by using the purified antisera and horseradish peroxidase-labeled antigens were applied to the measurement of 15alpha-OHEs 15NAG and E4 15NAG in normal pregnancy urine. We demonstrated for the first time that the conjugation of N-acetylglucosamine to E4 occurs at the C-15alpha position.  相似文献   

Extracts from an acid phosphatase CRM null mutant of Drosophila melanogaster were used to eliminate contaminating antibodies in a nonspecific preparation of anti-acid phosphatase serum. This method of producing specific antisera makes unnecessary the rigorous purification of an antigen prior to immunization attempts in those cases where CRM null mutants of the antigen are available. Antisera so prepared could be used for a wide variety of purposes.Supported by NSF Grant BMS 72-02398 A02 (to N. A.).  相似文献   

The preparation and antigenic properties of estrone-3-glucuronide- and estriol-3-glucuronide-bovine serum albumin conjugates in which the hapten is linked to the carrier protein through an (O-carboxymethyl)oxime bridge at the C-6 position on the steroid nucleus, have been described. Antibodies raised against the two immunogens in the rabbit possessed high specificity to estrone-3-glucuronide and estriol-3-glucuronide, respectively, exhibiting little cross-reactivities with other estrogen conjugates and no cross-reactions with related steroids except for free estrogens, their 3-methyl ethers and 3-sulfates. The cross-reactive antibodies were eliminated by partial immunoadsorption on affinity chromatographic media using the estrone-3-methyl ether 17-(O-carboxymethyl)oxime- and estriol-3-methyl ether 16 (or 17)-hemisuccinate-aminohexyl Sepharose conjugates, respectively. The purified antisera exhibited no cross-reactivities with free estrogens and ring A conjugates of estrone and estriol.  相似文献   

Antisera were raised to acetyl-CoA carboxylase and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase from mammary glands of lactating rabbits, and cytochrome oxidase from rat liver. The enzymes were all highly purified but gave rise to multispecific antisera when tested against tissue extracts. Absorption procedures were devised to free the antisera of contaminating antibodies. Antisera to acetyl-CoA carboxylase and cytochrome oxidase were absorbed with fractions discarded during enzyme purification. The antiserum to 6-phospho-gluconate dehydrogenase was absorbed with a tissue extract from an early stage in mammary-gland differentiation. Monospecific antisera are essential for enzyme turnover studies and therefore antisera should be extensively tested and absorbed before use. A general procedure for the absorption of antisera to purified enzymes has been devised on the basis of accepted principles of antisera absorption.  相似文献   

The major glycoprotein complex (VP123) of herpes simplex virus type 1 resolved by sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was purified and further fractionated into two major and two minor components by chromatography of the isolated VP123 region on SDS-hydroxylapatite columns. The two major components (gC and gA/gB) were purified free of other polypeptides and used to prepare specific antisera to these glycoproteins. Radioimmune precipitation demonstrated that these antisera were specific for the antigens used in their production. These two antisera as well as an anti-VP123 serum were further characterized by immunoprecipitation, neutralization, and membrane immunofluorescence techniques. Results indicate that both of the major glycoprotein antigens are expressed on the surface of virions as well as on the surface of infected cells.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with the myelin-associated glycoprotein (MAG) that had been purified from isolated rat brain myelin by selective extraction with lithium diiodosacicylate (LIS) and phenol followed by preparative SDS gel electrophoresis. Antibodies to MAG were detected qualitatively by immunodiffusion and quantitatively by a double antibody assay utilizing [3H]fucose-labeled MAG as antigen. The antisera were capable of precipitating between 300 and 500 g of MAG/ml of serum under the conditions of the assay. Preincubation of the anti-MAG serum with other glycoproteins or glycolipids did not inhibit the precipitation of labeled MAG. Similarly, preincubation of the antiserum with LIS-phenol extracts of non-neural tissues did not inhibit the immune precipitation of MAG. The specificity of the antiserum was also indicated by the selective double antibody precipitation of MAG from solubilized whole myelin that contained a heterogeneous mixture of [3H]fucose-labeled glycoproteins. The antibodies to MAG were not effectively absorbed by whole brain homogenate or purified myelin, indicating that the antigenic site(s) is not accessible in the intact membranes, but can be exposed by treatment with detergent or partial purification. Low levels of antibodies reacting with MAG were detected in three rabbits with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis induced by injection of purified myelin in complete Freund's adjuvant.  相似文献   

Each subunit of calpain (EC is proteolytically modified when the enzymes are exposed to calcium. These cleavages appear to be important for regulating the proteolytic activity and calcium-sensitivity of the proteinases. We have synthesized peptides that correspond to the sites of autoproteolytic modification within the catalytic subunit of each calpain. Polyclonal antisera raised against these peptides are highly specific for the unmodified catalytic subunit of each calpain. The antiserum specific for the N-terminal epitope of milli-calpain was used to demonstrate an inverse relationship between the presence of this N-terminal peptide and casein hydrolysis. The antiserum specific for the N-terminal epitope of micro-calpain was used to demonstrate proteolytic modification of the catalytic subunit of mu-calpain in rat erythrocytes treated with ionomycin and calcium.  相似文献   

Male-specific antigenicity (H-Y antigen) of rat embryos has been examined, and the feasibility of sexing rat embryos by use of H-Y antibodies has been studied. Rat H-Y antisera were produced by immunization of female Wistar rats with a homogenate of testes from male Wistar neonates. Male specificity of the antiserum (H-Y antibody) was determined by retention of cytotoxicity to male epidermal cells after absorption with female cells. After cultivation of rat embryos for 5 to 6 hr in the presence of antibody, half of the embryos were arrested at the morula stage. However, these embryos developed into blastocysts after removal of the antiserum, and then they grew into male young in recipient foster mothers. Eighty percent of the embryos that developed to blastocysts in the presence of the antiserum grew into female young.  相似文献   

Immunization of rats with syngeneic cells infected with spleen focus-forming virus (SFFV) but not with its helper, Friend murine leukemia virus (FMuLV), produces antisera which specifically neutralize SFFV, and not FMuLV, in the Friend virus complex. To determine which SFFV-encoded protein molecule bears the antigen recognized by these neutralizing antibodies, we studied different lots of rat anti-SFFV antiserum by immunoprecipitation and virus neutralization assays. The ability of these sera to neutralize SFFV correlated with the titer of antibodies to p45gag and not with the titer of those to gp52, suggesting that the neutralizing antibodies recognize the p45gag molecule. To verify this specificity for p45gag, we tested antisera to various MuLV gag gene-encoded proteins for neutralization of SFFV. Goat anti-Rauscher murine leukemia virus (RMuLV) p30 and goat anti-RMuLV p10 sera neither precipitated p45gag from SFFV-infected nonproducer cells nor neutralized SFFV. In contrast, goat anti-RMuLV Pr65gag and goat anti-RMuLV p12 sera precipitated p45gag from SFFV-infected cells and also specifically neutralized SFFV in the Friend virus complex. These findings suggest that, unlike the gag proteins coded for by FMuLV, the proteins coded for by defective SFFV are incorporated into the envelope of virions carrying the SFFV genome, but not into the envelope of those carrying the helper FMuLV genome.  相似文献   

Abstract IgG fractions of antisera against Streptococcus mutans cell-surface protein antigens A and B were used to examine the role of these molecules in adherence to saliva-coated hydroxylapatite. Anti-B antibody inhibited S. mutans adherence by 20–50% depending upon the strain used, while anti-A antibody was without effect. Some IgG-mediated agglutination of cells occurred in the course of these experiments which was overcome by using Fab fragments prepared from the anti-A and anti-B IgG's. Anti-B Fab inhibited S. mutans adherence by 50% but anti-A Fab had no effect. These observations suggest that antigen B is an important factor in the adherence of S. mutans to saliva-coated hydroxylapatite.  相似文献   

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