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H Torigoe  R Shimizume  A Sarai  H Shindo 《Biochemistry》1999,38(44):14653-14659
We have investigated effects of chemical modifications of a third strand on the thermodynamic and kinetic properties of the triplex formation between a 23-bp duplex and each of four kinds of 15-mer chemically modified third strands using isothermal titration calorimetry and interaction analysis system. The chemical modifications of the third strand included one base modification, with replacement of thymine by uracil; two sugar moiety modifications, RNA and 2'-O-methyl-RNA; and one phosphate backbone modification, with replacement of phosphodiester by phosphorothioate backbone. The thermodynamic and kinetic parameters obtained were similar in magnitude at room temperature for the triplex formation with the base-modified and the sugar-modified third strands. By contrast, binding constant for the triplex formation with the third strand containing phosphorothioate backbone was much smaller by a factor of 10 than that for the other triplex formations. Kinetic analyses have also demonstrated that the third strand containing phosphorothioate backbone was much slower in the association step and much faster in the dissociation step than the other third strands, which resulted in the much smaller binding constant. The reason for the instability of the triplex with the third strand containing phosphorothioate backbone will be discussed. We conclude that, at least in the triplex formation with the chemically modified third strands studied in the present work, the modification of phosphate backbone of the third strand produces more significant effect on the triplex formation than the modifications of base and sugar moiety.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxyribonucleotides containing thymidine and 8-oxo-2'-deoxyadenosine can form pyr.pur.pyr type triplexes with double-stranded DNA. Unlike triplexes whose third strands contain thymidine and deoxycytidine, the stability of these triplexes is independent of pH. We have prepared d-ps-TAAATAAATTTTTAT-L [I(A)], where A is 8-oxo-2'-deoxyadenosine, ps is 4'-hydroxymethyl-4,5',8- trimethylpsoralen and L is a 6-amino-2-(hydroxymethyl)hexyl linker. The oligomer is designed to interact with a homopurine sequence in the promoter region of the human gene coding for the 92 kDa form of collagenase type IV. Oligomer I(A) and oligomer I(C), which contains 2'-deoxycytidine in place of 8-oxo-2'-deoxycytidine, both form stable triplexes at pH 6.2, but only I(A) forms a stable triplex with a model duplex DNA target at pH 7.5, as determined by UV melting experiments. Triplex formation is stabilized by the presence of the psoralen group. Upon irradiation both I(A) and I(C) form photoadducts with the DNA target at pH 6.2, but only I(A) forms a photoadduct at pH 7.5. In these photoreactions oligomer I(A) appears to selectively form a photoadduct with a C in the purine-rich strand of the duplex target. Although a T residue is present in the pyrimidine-rich strand of the target at the duplex/triplex junction, essentially no adduct formation takes place with this strand, nor is interstrand cross-linking observed. The extent of photoadduct formation decreases with increasing temperature, behavior which is consistent with the UV melting curve of the triplex. A tetramethylrhodamine derivative of I(A) was prepared and found to cross-link less extensively than I(A) itself. Oligomer I(A) is completely resistant to hydrolysis when incubated for 24h in the presence of 10% fetal bovine serum at 37 degree C, although it is hydrolyzed by S1 nuclease. The properties of oligomer I(A) suggest that 8-oxo- containing oligomers may find utility as antigene oligonucleotide reagents.  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides with an internal intercalating agent have been targeted to single-stranded sequences containing hairpin structures. The oligonucleotide binds to nonadjacent single-stranded sequences on both sides of the hairpin structure in such a way as to form a three-way junction. The acridine derivative is inserted at a position that allows it to interact with the three-way junction. The melting temperature (Tm) of complexes formed between the hairpin-containing target and oligonucleotides containing one internal acridine derivative was higher than that obtained with the same target and an unmodified oligonucleotide (DeltaTm = +13 degrees C). The internal acridine provided the oligonucleotide with a higher affinity than covalent attachment to the 5' end. Oligonucleotides could also be designed to recognize a hairpin-containing single-stranded nucleic acid by formation of Watson-Crick hydrogen bonds with a single-stranded part and Hoogsteen hydrogen bonds with the stem of the hairpin. An internal acridine derivative was introduced at the junction between the two domains, the double helix domain with Watson-Crick base pairs and the triple helix domain involving Hoogsteen base triplets in the major groove of the hairpin stem. Oligonucleotides with an internal acridine or an acridine at their 5' end have similar binding affinities for the stem-loop-containing target. The bis-modified oligonucleotide containing two acridines, one at the 5' end and one at an internal site, did not exhibit a higher affinity than the oligonucleotides with only one intercalating agent. The design of oligonucleotides with an internal intercalating agent might be of interest to control gene expression through recognition of secondary structures in single-stranded targets.  相似文献   

U Pieles  B S Sproat    G M Lamm 《Nucleic acids research》1990,18(15):4355-4360
The synthesis of a modified 2'-deoxycytidine-3'-O-phosphoramidite carrying an N-t-butylbenzoyl protected biotin on a long polar spacer arm attached to the 4-N position is described. The presence of the bulky lipophilic t-butylbenzoyl protecting group enables the direct solid phase synthesis of biotinylated oligoribonucleotides and a variety of analogues in high yield without modification of the biotin moiety. Biotinylated antisense oligonucleotides incorporating this new derivative allow convenient isolation and purification of ribonucleic acid-protein complexes. The kinetics of biotin binding to streptavidin agarose is facilitated by the long polar spacer arm.  相似文献   

The triplex forming ability of oligonucleotides containing 2'-O-methyl-2-thiouridine (s2Um) and 2-thiothymidine (s2T) was studied. The UV melting experiments revealed that triplex forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) containing both s2Um or s2T stabilized significantly parallel triplexes. The main reason for stabilization of triplexes was due to the stacking effect of the 2-thiocarbonyl group. Moreover, it turned out that these modified TFOs had a high selectivity in recognition of a matched Hoogsteen base from a mismatched one.  相似文献   

Homopyrimidine-homopurine sequences are targeted by homopyrimidine oligodeoxynucleotides to form triple helix structure. Xanthine was introduced to the third strand of pyrimidine-rich 15-mer oligodeoxy-nucleotides to recognize a cytosine in the purine strand in a homopyrimidine-homopurine duplex target.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotides capable of sequence-specific triple helix formation have been proposed as DNA binding ligands useful for modulation of gene expression and for directed genome modification. However, the effectiveness of such triplex-forming oligonucleotides (TFOs) depends on their ability to bind to their target sites within cells, and this can be limited under physiologic conditions. In particular, triplex formation in the pyrimidine motif is favored by unphysiologically low pH and high magnesium concentrations. To address these limitations, a series of pyrimidine TFOs were tested for third-strand binding under a variety of conditions. Those containing 5-(1-propynyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (pdU) and 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine (5meC) showed superior binding characteristics at neutral pH and at low magnesium concentrations, as determined by gel mobility shift assays and thermal dissociation profiles. Over a range of Mg2+ concentrations, pdU-modified TFOs formed more stable triplexes than did TFOs containing 2'-deoxythymidine. At 1 mM Mg2+, a DeltaTm of 30 degreesC was observed for pdU- versus T-containing 15-mers (of generic sequence 5' TTTTCTTTTTTCTTTTCT 3') binding to the cognate A:T bp rich site, indicating that pdU-containing TFOs are capable of substantial binding even at physiologically low Mg2+ concentrations. In addition, the pdU-containing TFOs were superior in gene targeting experiments in mammalian cells, yielding 4-fold higher mutation frequencies in a shuttle vector-based mutagenesis assay designed to detect mutations induced by third-strand-directed psoralen adducts. These results suggest the utility of the pdU substitution in the pyrimidine motif for triplex-based gene targeting experiments.  相似文献   

Cassidy RA  Kondo NS  Miller PS 《Biochemistry》2000,39(29):8683-8691
Interactions between nuclease-resistant, 5'-psoralen-conjugated, chimeric methylphosphonate oligodeoxyribo- or oligo-2'-O-methylribo-triplex-forming oligomers (TFOs) and a purine tract found in the envelope gene of HIV proviral DNA (env-DNA) were investigated by gel mobility shift assays or by photo-cross-linking experiments. These chimeric TFOs contain mixtures of methylphosphonate and phosphodiester internucleotide bonds. A pyrimidine chimeric TFO composed of thymidine and 5-methyl-2'-deoxycytidine (C), d-PS-TpCpTpCpTpCpTpTpTpTpTpTpCpTpC (1mp) where PS is trimethylpsoralen and p is methylphosphonate, forms a stable triplex with env-DNA whose dissociation constant is 1. 3 microM at 22 degrees C and pH 7.0. The dissociation constant of chimeric TFO 2mp, d-PS-UpCpTpCpTpCpTpUpTpUpTpUpCpTpC, decreased to 400 nM when four of the thymidines in 1mp were replaced by 5-propynyl-2'-deoxyuridines (U), a result consistent with the increased stacking interactions and hydrophobic nature of 5-propynyl-U. An even greater decrease, 470 -50 nM, was observed for the all-phosphodiester versions of 1mp and 2mp. The differences in behavior of the chimeric versus the all-phosphodiester oligomers may be related to differences in the conformations between the propynyl-U-substituted versus the nonsubstituted TFOs. Thus, in the chimeric oligomer, the stabilizing effect of the propynyl-U's may be offset by the reduced ability of the methylphosphonate backbone to assume an A-type conformation, a conformation that appears to be preferred by propynyl-U-containing TFOs. A chimeric oligo-2'-O-methylribopyrimidine with the same sequence as 1mp also formed a stable triplex, K(d) = 1.4 microM, with env-DNA. In contrast to the behavior of the pyrimidine TFOs, antiparallel A/G oligomers and parallel or antiparallel T/G oligomers did not form triplexes with env-DNA, even at oligomer concentrations of 10 microM. This lack of binding may be a consequence of the low G content (33%) of the triplex binding site. Irradiation of triplexes formed between the pyrimidine TFOs and env-DNA resulted in formation of photoadducts with either the upper-strand C or the lower-strand T at the 5'-CpA-3' duplex/triplex junction. No interstrand cross-links were observed. The presence of a 5-propynyl-U at the 5'-end of the oligomer caused a reduction in the amount of upper-strand photoadduct but had no effect on photoadduct formation with the lower strand, suggesting that increased stacking interactions caused by the presence of the 5-propynyl-U change the orientation of psoralen with respect to the upper-strand C. The ability of chimeric methylphosphonate TFOs to bind to DNA, combined with their resistance to degradation by serum 3'-exonucleases, suggests that they may have utility in biological experiments.  相似文献   

H Gao  M Yang  R Patel    A F Cook 《Nucleic acids research》1995,23(11):2025-2029
An effective, convenient method for the circularization of oligonucleotides has been developed. This procedure involved preparation of an oligonucleotide with backbone-linked 5'- and 3'-terminal hexamethylenethiol groups, followed by oxidation of the thiol groups with air of oxygen to produce the corresponding circular sequence bridged via a bis(hexamethylene)-disulfide moiety. The method has been applied to the circularization of oligodeoxynucleotide sequences of varying lengths (5, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 bases), and the circularization process was highly efficient as shown by HPLC or gel electrophoresis of the crude reaction mixtures. Competing reactions such as dimerization were not significant except for the longer sequences (30 and 40 bases). The circularization of an eight base RNA sequence was also accomplished, as well as hexa-ethylene glycol bridged poly-T sequences capable of triplex formation.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Rusling DA  Powers VE  Lack O  Osborne SD  Fox KR  Brown T 《Biochemistry》2005,44(15):5884-5892
We have prepared the 2'-aminoethoxy derivative of the S nucleoside ((2AE)S) and incorporated it into triplex-forming oligonucleotides for recognition of TA interruptions within a target oligopurine tract. Fluorescence melting, UV melting, and DNase I footprinting experiments show that (2AE)S has greater affinity than G or S for a single TA interruption. Stable triplexes are formed at pH 6.0 at an 18-mer target site containing two TA interruptions, even though this contains eight C(+).GC triplets. Although (2AE)S and S produce stable triplexes at TA interruptions, they also interact with other base pairs, in particular, CG, although the selectivity for TA improves with increased pH.( 2AE)S is the best nucleoside described so far for recognition of TA within a triple-helix target.  相似文献   

A nonnatural nucleoside, 7-(2-deoxy-beta-D-erythro-pento-furanosyl)-guanine (d7G), mimics protonated cytosine and specifically binds GC base pairs within a pyrimidine - purine - pyrimidine triple helix. The differences in association constants (KT) determined by quantitative footprint titration experiments at neutral pH reveal dramatic sequence composition effects on the energetics of triple helix formation by oligonucleotides containing d7G. Purine tracts of sequence composition 5'-d(AAAAAGAGAGAGAGA)-3' are bound by oligonucleotide 5'-d(TTTTT7GT7GT7GT7GT7GT)-3' three orders of magnitude less strongly than by 5'-d(TTTTTmCTmCTmCTmCTmCT)-3' (KT = 1.5 x 10(6) M(-1) and KT > or = 3 x 10(9) M(-1) respectively). Conversely, purine tracts of sequence composition 5'-d(AAAAGAAAAGGGGGGA)-3' are bound by oligonucleotide 5'-d(TTTTmCTTTT7G7G7G7G7G7GT)-3' five orders of magnitude more strongly than by 5'-d(TTTTmCTTTTmCmCmCmCmCT)-3' (KT > or = 3 x 10(9) M(-1) and KT < 5 x 10(4) M(-1) respectively). The complementary nature of d7G and mC expands the repertoire of G-rich sequences which may be targeted by triple helix formation.  相似文献   

Oligonucleotide analogues containing one or a few glycine, L-, and D-alanine residues instead of phosphodiester internucleotide linkages were synthesized (C3′-NH-C(O)-CH(X)-NH-C(O)-C4′, where X = H, (S)-CH3, and (R)-CH3. The stability of the duplexes of modified oligonucleotides with their wild-type complements was studied. The incorporation of glycine and L-alanine residues into internucleotide linkages was shown to noticeably decrease the stability of modified duplexes as compared to that of native ones (ΔT m∼−2°C per modification), whereas analogues containing D-alanine linkers form duplexes with increased stability (ΔT m∼+2°C per modification).  相似文献   

Oligodeoxynucleotides containing G and T can bind to homopurine.homopyrimidine sequences on double-stranded DNA by forming C.G x G and T.A x T base triplets. The orientation of the third strand in such triple helices depends on the number of GpT and TpG steps. Therefore a single oligonucleotide can be designed to bind to two consecutive homopurine.homopyrimidine sequences where the two homopurine stretches alternate on the two strands of DNA. The oligonucleotide switches from one homopurine strand to the other at the junction between the two sequences. This result shows that it is possible to extend the range of DNA sequences that can be recognized by a single oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

Structural properties of DNA oligonucleotides corresponding to the single-stranded molecular terminus of telomeres from several organisms were analyzed. Based on physical studies including nondenaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, absorbance thermal denaturation analysis, and 1H and 31P nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, we conclude that these molecules can self-associate by forming non-Watson-Crick, guanine.guanine based-paired, intramolecular structures. These structures form below 40 degrees C at moderate ionic strength and neutral pH and behave like hairpin duplexes in nondenaturing polyacrylamide gels. Detailed analysis of the hairpin structure formed by the telomeric sequence from Tetrahymena, (T2G4)4, shows that it is a unique structure stabilized by hydrogen bonds and contains G residues in the syn conformation. We propose that this novel form of DNA is important for telomere function and sets a precedent for the biological relevance of non-Watson-Crick base-paired DNA structures.  相似文献   

The thiazolo-indole compound 1 bearing the complementary donor-acceptor-donor sites (dad) was designed for specific recognition of an AT inverted base pair in pyrimidine triple helix motif. It was successfully incorporated into 14-mer oligonucleotide using a serinol unit as sugar derivative. The triple helix hybridization studies were examined by means of thermal denaturation experiments with a 26-mer DNA duplex containing the AT inverted base pair.  相似文献   

Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of chromosomes that are required for long term chromosome stability and replication of the chromosomal terminus. Telomeric DNA consists of simple repetitive sequences with one strand G-rich relative to the other, C-rich, strand. Evolutionary conservation of this feature of telomeric repeat sequences suggests that they have specific structural characteristics involved in telomere function. Absorbance thermal denaturation, chemical modification and non-denaturing gel electrophoretic analyses showed that telomeric C-strand oligonucleotides form stable non-Watson-Crick hairpin structures containing C.C+ base pairs. Formation of such hairpins may facilitate previously reported G-strand exclusive interactions.  相似文献   

Polycation comb-type copolymer that is composed of polylysine backbone and dextran side chains (PLL-g-Dex) has previously been shown to stabilize duplex and triplex DNAs quite effectively. In this study, we have conjugated PLL-g-Dex with oligonucleotides (ODN) aiming to increase the triplex stabilizing efficiency of the copolymer. Here we have demonstrated that the copolymer-TFO conjugates selectively stabilize triplex DNA. Also its potential to form triplex DNA was found to be greater than PLL-g-Dex/ODN mixture.  相似文献   

The synthesis of several analogues of galardin, a MMP inhibitor, are presented with their in vitro inhibitory activity against MMP-1 and MMP-2. These compounds contain a distinct Zinc Binding Group (ZBG). Those having a 2-acylated-heterocycle as well as a 2-arylamide function do not exhibit a good inhibition/selectivity against the enzymes tested. On the contrary, those that are based on a hydrazide scaffold present potent selectivity for MMP-2 versus MMP-1.  相似文献   

Nuclease-resistant alpha anomers of pyrimidine-rich CT- and purine-rich GA- and GT-containing oligonucleotides were investigated for their triplex-forming potential and compared with their corresponding nuclease-sensitive beta anomers. Both 23mer CT-alpha and 23mer CT-beta had quite similar triplex binding affinities. Synthetic 23mer GT-alpha oligonucleotides were capable of triplex formation with binding affinities slightly lower than corresponding 23mer GT-beta oligonucleotides. The orientation of third strand GT-alpha binding was parallel to the purine strand of the duplex DNA target, whereas the orientation of third strand GT-beta binding was found to be antiparallel. Triplex formation with both GT oligonucleotides showed the typical dependence on magnesium and temperature. In contrast, 23mer GA-alpha oligonucleotides did not support triplex formation in either orientation under a variety of experimental conditions, whereas the corresponding 23mer GA-beta oligonucleotides demonstrated strong triplex formation in the antiparallel orientation. GA-alpha oligonucleotides covalently conjugated to acridine were similarly unable to demonstrate triplex formation. GA-alpha oligonucleotides, in contrast to GT-alpha oligonucleotides, were capable of self-association, detectable by gel retardation and UV spectroscopy, but competing self-association could not fully account for the lack of triplex formation. Thus for in vivo triplex gene regulation strategies using GT oligonucleotides the non-natural alpha anomer may be a feasible alternative to the natural beta anomer, allowing for a comparable degree of triplex formation without rapid cellular degradation. However, alpha anomeric inversion does not appear to be a feasible alternative in applications involving GA oligonucleotides.  相似文献   

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