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Summary Population changes in the levels of mesophilic and thermophilic bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes during composting of spruce-bark were studied. The composting rate was determined as a function of the amount of CO2 developed per unit of time. Composting was performed under controlled conditions of the various environmental parameters in a bench scale composter. Temperature was controlled at 45°C during the process. Inoculation with bark compost and determination of the content of carbo-hydrates during spruce-bark composting were studied.  相似文献   

【目的】从沼渣和硫铁矿场土壤中分离可以去除氨氮和硫化物的微生物,并筛选复配后应用于堆肥中,以减少畜牧业粪便处理时臭气的释放量,改善工作环境。【方法】利用选择培养基分别筛选除氨和除硫的微生物,并进行16SrRNA基因序列分析鉴定,挑选效果较好的菌株进行组合,复配出微生物除臭剂将其应用于粪便堆肥中,通过检测现场氨气和硫化氢浓度初步评估其除臭效果。【结果】分离出了12株除氨微生物和5株除硫微生物,挑选出5株效果较好的菌株分别标记为N-2、N-5、N-6、N-11和S-3。复配实验表明菌株N-5+N-6+N-11+S-3组成的微生物除臭剂效果最佳,对NH4+-N和S2–去除率最高,分别为82.46%和84.84%。同时,堆肥应用实验证明微生物除臭剂具有除臭功效,尤其是在堆肥前期,在第7天翻堆的过程中氨气和硫化氢释放量相对于对照组减少了62.84%和53.12%。堆肥结束,与对照组相比,微生物除臭剂组氨氮含量低于对照组33.62%。【结论】本研究获得的微生物除臭剂有效降低了畜禽粪便堆肥过程中恶臭气体的释放,在改善畜牧业粪便堆肥处理环境方面具有较大的应用潜力。  相似文献   

Structural changes in humic acids (HAs), extracted after lipid removal from sewage sludge during composting, were investigated using various chemical methods (elemental analysis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy). Compared to non-purified HAs, lipid-free HAs (LFHAs) exhibit higher C and N contents and high absorbance around 1652, 1540 and 1230 cm−1, which indicates the intensity of the etherified aromatic structures and nitrogen-containing components. Less absorbance around 2920, 1600, 1414 and 1100 cm−1 could be assigned to their low level of aliphatic compounds, mainly those with a carboxyl group. According to 13C-NMR spectroscopy, almost 45% of aliphatic structures are removed by lipid extraction and these correspond mainly to long-chain fatty acids. During composting, significant decomposition of non-substituted alkyl structures and N-containing components occurred, increasing the relative intensity of etherified aromatic structures.  相似文献   

This review concentrates on the history of the subfield of microbiology referred to as the population organization- and communication-related research direction (POCRRD). The focal points of POCRRD include intercellular interactions, information exchange between cells, and multicellular structures (colonies, biofilms, flocs, etc.). Special attention in this review is given to the contribution of Russian scientists to the development of POCRRD. In terms of POCRRD, microorganisms are viewed as social creatures that constantly communicate and form supraorganismic, intrinsically heterogeneous systems.  相似文献   

Microbiological and biotechnological characteristics of intensification of aerobic processing of organic waste have been reviewed, with a view for revealing two types of correlations: (1) between the quality of the composts obtained and the microorganisms involved in composting and (2) between physicochemical parameters and consumer properties of the composts.  相似文献   

Microbiological and biotechnological characteristics of intensification of aerobic processing of organic waste have been reviewed, with a view for revealing two types of correlations: (1) between the quality of the composts obtained and the microorganisms involved in composting and (2) between physicochemical parameters and consumer properties of the composts.  相似文献   

Bao Y  Zhou Q  Guan L 《Bioresource technology》2008,99(18):8759-8764
Allantoin is one of important nitrogenous compounds in manure. In this study, the simulation experiment of aerobic composting was adopted to explore concentration changes, degradation and relevant influencing factors of allantoin-N during six manure composting. The result showed that the allantoin-N concentration was markedly different among different manures. The various livestock and poultry excreted 1.92-11.14gkg(-1) allantoin-N which accounted for 9.98-32.27% of the total excreted nitrogen. The changing trend of the allantoin-N concentration firstly increased (for 0-14 days), then decreased (for 14-70 days) during different manure composting, and the allantoin-N concentration after composting was lower than the initial allantoin-N concentration in all manure composting. During allantoin degradation for 14-70 days of composting, the half-life of allantoin-N was 57.76 days in broiler manure, 46.21 days in layer-hen manure, 27.73 days in hog manure, 25.67 days in sow manure, 38.51 days in young pig manure and 15.75 days in dairy manure, and the sequence in the half-life was chicken manure>pig manure>dairy manure. Allantoin degradation conformed to first-order kinetics. Through the correlation analysis, hippuric acid, hydrolyzable nitrogen, amino acid-nitrogen, HUN fraction, NO(3)(-)-N and total hydrolyzable nitrogen could be closely related to allantoin-N transforming during composting. Humification could be the main influencing factor for reducing allantoin-N concentration during composting.  相似文献   

邱并生 《微生物学通报》2011,38(10):1602-1602
堆肥化是有机固体废物无害化、减量化、资源化的根本途径。有机固体废弃物的堆肥化研究一直是环境科学领域研究的热点之一。产品中含有有机质、P、K等多种植物所需的养分,可以提高农林等产品的产量,改善土壤结构,提高土壤肥力。微生物是堆肥过程的工作主体,早期对堆肥中微生物的研究主要采用分  相似文献   

An all-age die-off of Rocky Mountain bighorn sheep (Ovis c. canadensis Shaw) occurred from late October 1980 through March 1981 in Waterton Canyon, Colorado, with a loss of 75 to 85% of the sheep. The cause of death was a subacute to chronic bronchopneumonia and the primary etiologic agents isolated from the respiratory system were a Pasteurella sp., P. multocida, Corynebacterium pyogenes, and Protostrongylus stilesi Dikmans, 1931. The underlying predisposing factors that initiated this die-off were believed to be related to multiple chronic environmental stressors associated with the building of a dam which included human contact, vehicular traffic, atmospheric dust, noise and harassment. The die-off was succeeded by a 100% lamb mortality the following summer and a 67% lamb mortality the next two summers. The pneumonia found in these lambs was similar to that found in adult sheep during the previous die-off, except that mature lungworms were absent.  相似文献   

The number of airborne microorganisms in the area of large-scale composting facilities with different composting techniques (A: open facility using the intensive decomposition process [4000 t/year]. B: closed facility with compost containers [7000 t/year], C: closed facility with table-pile compositing and automatic turning equipment [22 000 t/year]) was investigated using impactor sampling systems (Andersen samplers). All counts carried out inside the closed facilities, especially during the turning process, showed values of >5.0 × 105 CFU/m3 for viable bacteria and moulds with a proportion ofAspergillus fumigatus of up to 64%. Depending on the type of facility, different median values were determined inside the plant area. Counts were highest in the immediate area around the biofilter outside of Facility C (1.7 × 104 CFU/m3 for bacteria and 9.5 × 103 CFU/m3 for moulds). In view of the high load of ambient airborne microorganisms inside the composting facilities, adequate occupational health measures are urgently required. Counts determining the hazard to neighbourhood residents at distances of between 150 and 2000 m showed, depending on the facility, annual median values of 170–330 CFU/m3 for bacteria, 75–340 CFU/m3 for moulds, and 15–52 CFU/m3 forA. fumigatus. Higher individual counts — up to 3 × 103 CFU/m3 for moulds and up to 350 CFU/m3 forA. fumigatus — were found as a result of specific climatic influences, (e.g. winds) and activities as well poor operation. Given the high proportion ofA. fumigatus in the exhaust air, this mould can serve as an indicator for the evaluation of the health risk. However, the maximum values found in the present study, may also be caused by other events in rural areas, (e.g. agricultural activities). With regard to neighbourhood residents, odour complaints are more important than pollution by microorganisms.  相似文献   

Summary Biochemical changes during composting of kallar grass (Leptochloa fusca L. Kunth) were studied for twelve weeks. Some criteria based on cation-exchange capacity, acid-hydrolysable carbon, lignin-humus complex, humic acid and cumulative CO2-C evolution were established for assessing the stability of kallar grass compost. Sequence of changes in different chemical and biological parameters indicated that the compost was stabilized in six weeks.
Resumen Se han estudiado los cambios bioquímicos que tienen lugar durante y el compostaje del kallar (Leptochloa fusca L. Kunth) durante un periodo de 12 semanas. Se establecen criterios para valorar la estabilidad del compuesto, basados en: la capacidad de intercambio catiónico, el carbono ácido hidrolizable, el complejo ligno-húmico, los ácidos húmicos, y la evolución acumulativo C-CO2. La secuencia de cambios en los distintos parámetros químicos y biológicos indican que el compuesto se estabilizó en 6 semanas.

Résumé Les modifications biochimiques au cours du compostage du kallar-grass (Leptochloa fusca, L. Kunth) ont été étudiées pendant douze semaines. Plusieurs caractéristiques, comprenant la capacité d'échange de cations, l'hydrolyse acide du carbone, le complexe lignine-humus, les acides humiques et le dégagement de CO2 on été établies pour évaluer la stabilité du compost de kallar-grass. La séquence de ces différents paramètres chimiques et biologiques montre que le compost est stable au bout de six semaines.

A direct most-probable-number polymerase chain reaction method (MPN-PCR) was used to monitor populations of Thiobacillus thioparus in compost biofilters used to treat air contaminated with dymethyl disulphide and ammonia. The PCR method quantified this bacterium at numbers ranging from log 2 to log 8 cells per gram of biofilter media.  相似文献   

Nitrogen transformation of sewage sludge composting without or with rice husks as a bulking agent was investigated. When rice husks were added, nitrogen loss was reduced. Garbage and fish residue were also composted to compare the ammonia volatilization with sewage sludge. Conversion of carbon and that of nitrogen were correlated with the change of the C/N ratio of initial composting materials. Sawdust and bark were found to be efficient bulking agents to reduce the loss of nitrogen due to volatilization of ammonia during composting.  相似文献   

Changes in organic C, total N, C:N ratio, activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease, and microbial population were determined during composting of different organic wastes such as mixture of sugarcane trash and cattle dung, press mud, poultry waste and water hyacinth biomass. There were losses of N in poultry waste and water hyacinth with the effect an initial increase in C:N ratio was observed which decreased later on due to decomposition. The activities of cellulase, xylanase and protease were maximum between 30 and 60 days of composting in various wastes. Similar trend was observed with respect to mesophilic bacterial and fungal population. Various quality parameters like C:N ratio, water soluble C (WSC), CO(2) evolution and level of humic substances were compared after 90 day composting. There was statistically significant correlation between C:N ratio and CO(2) evolution, WSC and humic substances. Significant correlation between CO(2) evolved and level of humic substances was also observed. The study shows that no single parameter can be taken as an index of compost maturity. However, C:N ratio and CO(2) evolved from finished compost can be taken as the most reliable indices of compost maturity.  相似文献   

对不同畜禽粪便在堆肥过程中各种含氮化合物的动态变化进行了研究,结合综合性腐熟度评价指标——种子发芽指数(GI),探讨了畜禽粪便堆肥过程中与氮有关的腐熟度评价指标.结果表明:随着堆肥的进行,除奶牛粪外,其它畜禽粪便的全氮(TN)含量均呈先下降而后平稳变化趋势,奶牛粪则呈先增加而后平稳变化趋势;各种畜禽粪便中,碱解性氮(HN)含量先增后降;NH4+-N含量先下降而后保持平稳;NO3- -N含量则持续增加;NH4+ -N/NO3- -N迅速降低.堆肥腐熟度指标中,除综合性评价指标GI值外,HN/TN和NH4+ -N/TN也可作为评价畜禽粪便腐熟程度的优选指标,而NO3- -N/TN只能作为一般性评价指标.根据综合性评价指标GI值达到腐熟要求的标准(GI>0.50),除仔猪粪外,其它畜禽粪便在HN/TN<20.77%、NH4+ -N/TN<10.06%及NO3- -N/TN>0.38%时基本达到腐熟要求.  相似文献   

There are few reports on the material transformation and dominant microorganisms in the process of greening waste (GW) composting. In this study, the target microbial community succession and material transformation were studied in GW composting by using MiSeq sequencing and PICRUSt tools. The results showed that the composting process could be divided into four phases. Each phase of the composting appeared in turn and was unable to jump. In the calefactive phase, microorganisms decompose small molecular organics such as FA to accelerate the arrival of the thermophilic phase. In the thermophilic phase, thermophilic microorganisms decompose HA and lignocellulose to produce FA. While in the cooling phase, microorganisms degrade HA and FA for growth and reproduction. In the maturation phase, microorganisms synthesize humus using FA, amino acid and lignin nuclei as precursors. In the four phases of the composting, different representative genera of bacteria and fungi were detected. Streptomyces, Myceliophthora and Aspergillus, maintained high abundance in all phases of the compost. Correlation analysis indicated that bacteria, actinomycetes and fungi had synergistic effect on the degradation of lignocellulose. Therefore, it can accelerate the compost process by maintaining the thermophilic phase and adding a certain amount of FA in the maturation phase.  相似文献   

The microbial community structure changes of an aged-coal-tar soil contaminated with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were investigated during simulated bioremediation at the laboratory-scale using an in-vessel composting approach. The composting reactors were operated using a logistic three-factor factorial design with three temperatures (T=38, 55 or 70 °C), four soil to green-waste amendment ratios (S:GW=0.6:1, 0.7:1, 0.8:1 or 0.9:1 on a dry weight basis) and three moisture contents (MC=40%, 60% or 80%). Relative changes in microbial populations were investigated by following the dynamics of phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) signatures using a 13C-labeled palmitic acid internal standard and sensitive GC/MS analysis during in-vessel composting over 98 days. The results of this investigation indicated that fungal to bacterial PLFA ratios were significantly influenced by temperature (p<0.05), and Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial ratios were significantly influenced by temperature (p<0.001) and S:GW ratio (p<0.01) during in-vessel composting. Additionally, the Gram-positive to Gram-negative bacterial ratios were correlated to the extent of PAH losses (p<0.005) at 70 °C.  相似文献   

Microbial assemblages were composed for composting hydrolysed lignin. Data on bioconversion of aromatic compounds with various types of substitution in the ring were used for this purpose. Composting of hydrolysed lignin reduced the contents of lignin, low-hydrolyzable polysaccharides, resins, and low-molecular-weight phenols and resulted in accumulation of humic acids. The resulting compost showed no phytotoxicity.  相似文献   

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