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An EPR spectrum of the semiquinone radical of daunorubicin (D) was recorded upon illumination (480 nm) of the drug and NAD(P)H in deaerated aqueous and DMF/aqueous solutions. In the latter solvent system, an EPR spectrum with hyperfine structure was recorded. The kinetics of the photoinduced generation and decrease of the EPR signal intensity in the dark were measured. Second order rate constants for the radical recombination were derived for the two solvent systems. Photosensitized production of the superoxide radical, upon illumination of daunorubicin and NAD(P)H, in aerated aqueous or DMF/aqueous solutions, is evidenced by employing a spin trap DMPO (5,5-dimethyl-1-pyrroline-N-oxide) and an SOD assay. 5-Iminodaunorubicin (5-ID), in contrast to the parent compound (D), does not possess photosensitizing properties.  相似文献   

A kinetic analysis is described of the periodate oxidation of a dextran in which all the 93% of oxidisable D-glucose residues contained a 2,3,4-triol system. Measurements were made of the periodate consumed and the formic acid liberated by the dextran, the periodate consumed and the formaldehyde liberated by samples that had been partially oxidised and then reduced with sodium borohydride, and the glycerol and erythritol released from these samples by acid hydrolysis. Initially, the oxidisable D-glucose residues decayed according to second-order kinetics. After the first oxidative attack, ~ 40% of the singly oxidised residues very rapidly consumed a second mole of periodate, while the remainder consumed further periodate at about one-seventh of the rate of an intact D-glucose residue. Residues cleaved between positions 3 and 4 were generated 7.5 times faster than residues cleaved between positions 2 and 3, but the two kinds of singly oxidised residue subsequently decayed at similar rates. Towards the end of their reaction, the rate of decay of intact, oxidisable D-glucose residues declined in a way that was simply correlated with the proportion of doubly oxidised residues in the chains. A simple scheme is presented that explains these facts in terms of intra-residual hemiacetal formation by singly oxidised residues, and inter-residual hemiacetal formation between doubly oxidised residues and intact D-glucose residues adjacent to them in the chains.  相似文献   

A study of the kinetics of periodate oxidation on a series of dextran oligomers and polymers is carried out by isothermal microcalorimetry. In addition to these substrates, some dimeric carbohydrates and hyaluronan were studied. Rate constants were calculated from the calorimetric decay curves, which, properly corrected for calorimetric response, are proportional to the rate of periodate conversion. The dependence of the kinetic rates on the molecular weight of dextran samples and on the substrate concentration, is described in terms of the much higher rates of terminal reducing units. The presence of two sites with comparable reaction rates makes the analysis of the calorimetric curves difficult, even in the simple overall pseudo-first-order condition. The suitability of a phenomenological treatment of kinetic data is explored.  相似文献   

Treatment of sucrose 2,3,3′,4′,6-penta-acetate (1) with methanesulphonyl chloride-N,N-dimethylformamide (reagent A) gave the 1′,4,6′-trichloride 2, the 1′-O-formyl-4,6′-dichloride 3, the 4,6′-dichloride 4, and the 1′,4-di-O-formyl-6′-chloride 5. De-esterification of 3 afforded the unsubstituted 4,6′-dichloride 6 which, on acetylation, gave the corresponding hexa-acetate 7, also prepared by acetylation of 4. In compounds 2, 3, and 4, substitution at C-4 by chloride ion occurred with inversion of configuration. The structure of 5 was confirmed by conversion into the known 6′chloro-6′-deoxysucrose hepta-acetate by de-esterification followed by acetylation. Treatment of sucrose 1′,2,3,3′,4′,6′-hexa-acetate (10) with the reagent gave the 4,6-dichloride 11 and 4-O-formyl-6-chloride 12. The formyl group in 12 was selectively removed by using an anion-exchange resin to give 16. De-esterification of 12 with methanolic sodium methoxide gave 6-chloro-6-deoxysucrose (13) which, on acetylation and benzoylation, afforded the hepta-acetate 14 and the hepta-benzoate 15, respectively. Alternatively, 15 was prepared by the reaction of 1′,2,3,3′,4,4′,6′-hepta-O-benzoylsucrose with reagent A. Treatment of 14 with sodium methoxide in methanol followed by acetylation gave 3,6-anhydrosucrose hexa-acetate (24). Reaction of sucrose 2,3,3′,4,4′-pentabenzoate (17) with reagent A gave the known 1′,6,6′-trichloro-1′,6,6′-trideoxysucrose pentabenzoate (18) and 1′-O-formyl-6,6′-dichloride 19. Treatment of 19 with anion-exchange resins selectively removed the formyl group to give 20. The structure of 20 was confirmed by conversion into the 1′-chlorosulphate-6,6′-dichloride (21). Treatment of sucrose 1′,2,3,3′,4,4′-hexabenzoate (22) with reagent A gave the expected 6,6′-dichloride (23).  相似文献   

N,N-dimethylformamide, a nucleophilic aprotic dipolar solvent, has multipurpose uses, especially in the manufacture of plastics. Its acute toxicity for mammals is low; it is hepatotoxic. Vapors are absorbed by the lungs, in the liquid form it causes cutaneous maceration and is rapidly absorbed through the skin. In the organism it is primarily metabolized to N-monomethylformamide, to a lesser extent to formamide. Urine of individuals exposed to N,N-dimethylformamide was newly found to have higher levels of thioethers, most likely mercapturates, as yet of unknown chemical structure. The correlation between the urinary concentrations of mercapturates (y) and N-monomethylformamide (x) can be expressed by equation y = 4.93 + 0.58 x, with the coefficient of correlation r = 0.90. Part of N,N-dimethylformamide metabolites is likely to react with biopolymers, part of it is excreted as metabolic end products, i.e. carbon dioxide, water and urea. Breakdown to mercapturates may implicate N,N-dimethylformamide as being a potential carcinogen.  相似文献   

The basal electron transport of pea chloroplasts was inhibited by 78% by 7% (v/v) N,N-dimethylformamide; the inhibition was partially reversed by NH4Cl. N,N-Dimethylformamide also inhibited the Pi-ATP exchange, ATP synthesis and to a smaller extent Mg2+-ATPase activity. Light induced proton uptake was not affected by up to 30% (v/v) N,N-dimethylformamide. Uncoupled electron transport in photosystem II was inhibited to a larger extent by N,N-dimethylformamide than in photosystem I. These results indicate that N,N-dimethylformamide acts as an inhibitor of energy transfer and electron transport.  相似文献   

Human erythrocytes were exposed to oxidative stress by iodate and periodate. Oxidation causes a time- and concentration-dependent increase in membrane permeability for hydrophilic molecules and ions. The induced leak discriminates nonelectrolytes on the basis of molecular size and exhibits a very low activation energy (Ea = 1-4 kcal.mol-1). These results are reconcilable with the formation of aqueous pores. The pore size was approximated to be between 0.45 and 0.6 nm. This increase in permeability is reversible upon treatment with dithioerythritol. Blocking of membrane thiol groups with N-ethylmaleimide protects the membranes against leak formation. The oxidation causes dithioerythritol-reversible modification of membrane proteins as indicated by the gel electrophoretic behavior. These modifications can also be suppressed by blocking the membrane thiol groups with N-ethylmaleimide. About half of the membrane methionine is oxidized to acid hydrolysis-stable derivatives. A fast saturating increase in diene conjugation was observed in whole cells but not in isolated membranes, with only minor degradation of fatty acid chains. The oxidation of cell membrane lipids as well as oxidation of cell surface carbohydrates are not involved in leak formation. Taken together with earlier data (Deuticke, B., Poser, B., Lütkemeier, P. and Haest, C.W.M. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 731, 196-210), these findings indicate that formation of disulfide bonds by different oxidative mechanisms results in leaks with similar properties.  相似文献   

High-mannose oligosaccharides were treated with a mixture of trifluoroacetic acid and trifluoroacetic anhydride under conditions where reducing terminal N-acetylglucosamine residues are specifically degraded. The resulting mannose-containing products were, after further chemical modifications, analyzed by mass spectrometry in fast atom bombardment and electron ionization modes. Binding positions between monosaccharide residues were deduced from mass spectra of peracetylated compounds, which, prior to the derivatization, had been subjected to periodate oxidation and borodeuteride reduction.  相似文献   

1. Bovine bone sialoprotein (mol.wt. 23000) contains N-acetylneuraminic acid and N-glycollylneuraminic acid, fucose, galactose, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine and N-acetylglucosamine residues in the form of a very small number, perhaps one, of highly branched oligosaccharide structures linked covalently to peptide. 2. Periodate oxidation of the sialoprotein results in quantitative destruction only of the sialic acid and fucose residue consistent with the earlier findings of their positions as terminal groups. 3. Terminal sialic acid residues are attached to galactopyranose residues by 2,3-linkages, and to some N-acetylgalactosamine residues (at C-6). 4. Sequential Smith degradation indicates that N-acetylgalactosamine residues may be present as points of branching (linked in C-1, C-3 and C-6) and N-acetylglucosamine residues are located in the inner part of the structure, adjacent to the carbohydrate–peptide bond(s). 5. Mannose residues appear to be linked in the 1,3-positions.  相似文献   

The location of inter-residue, cyclic hemiacetals formed following the periodate oxidation of four representative heteroglycans has been determined by methylation analysis of the periodate-oxidized glycans. The cyclic hemiacetals led to the protection of hydroxyl groups during methylation in methyl sulfoxide, and their positions were located by analysis of the resulting di- and mono-methyl ethers. Such derivatives were not observed upon methylation analysis of the native and the periodate-oxidized-borohydride-reduced glycans. Inter-residue hemiacetals were thus identified in all oxidized glycans, between aldehydic groups at C-2 or C-3 of oxidized residues and hydroxyl groups at C-3 or C-2 of adjacent, unoxidized residues. Selective removal of 6-O-substituents from oxidized residues resulted in a decreased ability of the latter to form the inter-residue hemiacetals. Analysis of the types and proportions of the methyl ethers resulting from inter-residue hemiacetal formation may also yield structural information on the glycan.  相似文献   

A calorimetric approach is described for analysing the kinetics of periodate oxidation on a series of monosaccharidic substrates. Rate constants at several temperatures were calculated from the calorimetric decay curves that are proportional to the rate of conversion. Arrhenius plots provided the activation parameters for the various carbohydrates and a linear correlation was found between the values of enthalpy and entropy of activation. The dependence of the values of kinetic rates on stereochemistry is interpreted in terms of conformational probability of the reactive state. The suitability of the calorimetric method to track the kinetic process of slow reactions is emphasised, in particular its ability to monitor, directly and continuously, the course of the reaction.  相似文献   

The subject of the present research is the investigation of the influence of sodium periodate on the properties of immunoglobulin G molecules. It is shown that 100 and 300 M of periodate cause a slight enhancement of the sedimentation coefficient which is a result of the higher protein density. However high concentrations (2000 M) of periodate decrease sedimentation coefficient considerably and disturb the protein structure homogeneity. Studies of the immunologic activity in the periodate-treated antibodies by the reaction of passive hemagglutination showed that in low concentrations it did not decrease significantly the activity but with an increase in the concentration up to 2000 M the activity lowered. The conjugation of antibodies with the enzyme markers was fulfilled due to periodate oxidation. The conjugates obtained were successfully used for improving sensitivity of the precipitation line in immunologic tests.  相似文献   

The present study demonstrates that formate, periodate, and iodate, in a reaction mixture for periodate oxidation of carbohydrates, are simultaneously and conveniently determined by isotachophoretic analysis. The operating condition of the electrophoretic method involves the addition of 0.3 vol of dioxane and 0.2% Triton X-100 to a deoxygenated leading electrolyte of 10 mm HCl buffered with 20 mm imidazole, pH 7.0. These additives are essential for complete resolution of formate and periodate in respective zones. It has been shown that the analyzable amounts of these products in the oxidation reaction are less than 5 nmol which corresponds to less than μg of carbohydrates. This value is about one-thousandth of that required for the conventional methods of periodate oxidation analysis.  相似文献   

The structure of an antigenic, sulfated glycoprotein from chick chorioallantoic fluid has been investigated by exogalactosidase digestion, methylation and mass spectral analyses, periodate oxidation, and Smith degradation. The main carbohydrate chains are composed of D-galactosyl residues linked at C-3 and 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose residues linked at C-4. Fucose and N-acetylneuraminic acid residues are nonreducing terminal groups, and the N-acetylneuraminic acid groups are linked to the D-galactose residues at C-3. Most of the sulfate groups (91% of the sulfate) are located on C-6 of the 2-acetamido-2-deoxyglucose residues, and the rest on C-6 of the D-galactose residues. A large number of the D-galactose residues (36.9% of the total) are present as nonreducing terminal groups and another 21.7% of the D-galactose residues are in penultimate position to the nonreducing terminal N-acetylneuraminic acid residues. Although mild periodate oxidation indicates the presence of D-galactose in furanoside form (5.5% of total D-galactose), no 5-O-methyl derivative of D-galactose was observed on methylation.  相似文献   

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