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Quantification of N2 fixation by pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.)Millsp.) in the field has proved difficult using techniquessuch as 15N isotope dilution, acetylene reduction and N difference.We report experiments to develop the ureide assay of N2 fixationbased on extraction and analysis of xylem exudate. Plants ofpigeonpea cv. Quantum, inoculated with effective Rhizobium spp.CB756, were grown in a temperature-controlled glasshouse inlarge pots filled with a sand: vermiculite mixture, in waterculture and in a slightly acidic, red-brown earth in replicatedfield plots. Xylem exudate was collected as bleeding sap fromboth nodulated and unnodulated roots, and from detached nodules.Exudate was extracted also from detached shoots and stems ofpigeonpea using a mild vacuum (60–70 kN m–2). Largedifferences in the composition of N solutes exported from rootsof N2-dependent and nitrate-dependent plants suggested thatshifts in plant dependence on N2 fixation may be reflected byconcomitant changes in N solutes. Thus, nodulated plants weresupplied throughout growth with either N-free nutrients or nutrientssupplemented with 1, 2, 5, 5, 10, or 20 mol m–3 15. Plants were harvested at regular intervals fordry matter and vacuum-extracted exudate. The relative abundanceof ureides ([ureide-N/ureide-N + nitrate-N + -amino-N] ? 100)in the exudate was highly correlated with the proportion ofplant N (calculated using a 15N isotope dilution technique)derived from N2 fixation. Two distinct phases of plant growthwere recognized and standard curves were prepared for each.The relationship between proportional dependence of plants onN2 and xylem relative ureides was unaffected by mineral-N source,i.e. nitrate or ammonium. This result is discussed in relationto interpretation of material from field-grown plants. The effectsof plant genotype, strain of rhizobia, section of stem extracted,removal of leaves, time delay between shoot detachment and extraction,and diurnal characteristics were examined in order to identifypotential sources of error and to optimize sampling procedures. Key words: Ureides, allantoin, allantoic acid, N2 fixation, pigeonpea, Cajanus cajan  相似文献   

Herridge, D. F., O'Connell, P. and Donnelly, K. 1988. The xylemureide assay of nitrogen fixation: sampling procedures and sourcesof error.—J. exp. BoL 39: 12–22. The relative abundance of ureides [(ureide-N/ureide-N + NO3–N+ amino-N)x 100] in vacuum-extracted xylem exudate of soyabean(Glycine max [L.] Merr.) can be used to quantify N2 fixationactivity. We report experiments designed to (1) develop appropriateprocedures for sampling and storage of xylem exudate extractedfrom plants in the field and (2) develop a single plant, non-destructivesampling procedure, useful for evaluation of segregating breedingmaterial. Soyabean cultivars Bragg, Essex, Davis, Hardee andDodds were grown at three sites at Brecza, New South Wales,on a deep, alkaline vertisol. All plots were inoculated witheffective Bradyrhizobium japonicum CB 1809. Vacuum strengthsof between 50•5 and 80•8 kN m–2 did not affectthe relative abundance of ureides of xylem exudate. Delays betweenplant sampling and extraction of exudate, however, resultedin time-dependent increases in the relative ureide contents.Extraction should immediately follow shoot detachment to allowvalid comparison of treatments and accurate interpretation ofdata. The relative ureide contents of exudate showed only minordiurnal fluctuations. Exudate, once collected, could be stabilizedby dilution (1:1) in absolute ethanoL Both diluted and undilutedsamples were stable for at least 7 d at 4°C. Differencesduring early flowering, but not subsequently, in the compositionsof N solutes of exudate extracted from either the whole shoot,the top half or the lower half indicated the possibility ofnon-destructive sampling where seed, as well as xylem exudate,could be harvested. Best results in terms of volume of exudateextracted, treatment separation and seed production were obtainedwhen single plants were sampled during late flowering by detachmentof shoots at internode 5. Key words: Ureides, nitrogen fixation, soyabean  相似文献   

Kouchi, H. and Higuchi, T. 1988. Carbon flow from nodulatedroots to the shoots of soybean {Glycine max L. Merr.) plants:An estimation of the contribution of current photosynthate toureides in the xylem stream.–J. exp. Bot. 39: 1015–1023. Well-nodulated, water-cultured soybean plants were allowed toassimilate 13CO2 at a constant specific activity for 10 h andthe 13C-labelling of total carbon and ureides in xylem sap wasinvestigated. Labelled carbon appeared very rapidly in the xylem stream. Percentageof labelled carbon (relative specific activity, RSA) in xylemsap was 18% at 2 h after the start of 13CO2 assimilation andreached 53% at the end of the 10 h assimilation. The amountof labelled carbon exported from nodulated roots to the shootsvia the xylem during the 10 h labelling period accounted for33% of total labelled carbon imported into the nodulated roots.Ureides (allantoin and allantoic acid) in xylem sap were stronglydependent on currently assimilated carbon. The RSA of ureidesin xylem sap had reached 83% at the end of the assimilationperiod. Labelled carbon in ureides accounted for 51% of totallabelled carbon returned from nodulated roots to the shootsvia the xylem during the 10 h assimilation period. A treatmentwith 20 mol m–3 nitrate in the culture medium for 2 ddecreased the ureide concentration in the xylem sap slightly,but greatly decreased the RSA of ureides. By comparing the data with the results of analysis of the xylemsap of nodule-detached plants, it was concluded that the majorityof labelled carbon exported to the xylem stream from noduleswas in ureide form. A considerable amount of carbon was alsoreturned from roots to shoots via the xylem stream but it wasmore dependent on (non-labelled) carbon reserved in the roottissues. Key words: Soybean(Glycine max L.), root nodule, carbon partitoning, 13CO2 assimilation, xylem  相似文献   

We report measurements of evaporation rate, leaf resistanceto evaporation and water conduction in the stems of young olivetrees (Olea europea L.) growing in Messina, Italy, during thewinter and early spring. We have measured what Zimmermann calls‘leaf specific conductivity’ (LSC) of stem segmentsexcised from olive trees. The LSC is a measure of the specifichydraulic conductivity of stem segments normalized per unitarea of leaves supplied by the stem segment rather than perunit area of sapwood cross-sectional area. We find that theLSC's of primary stems were the largest followed in magnitudeby the LSC's of secondary stems and tertiary stems. Under winterand early spring conditions the maximum evaporative flux fromCoratina and Nocellara varieties of olive trees is about 2.6x 10–5 kg 8–1 m–2. From this and the LSC measurementswe calculate that the pressure gradients needed to maintainthis rate of evaporation in the steady state is 65 kPa m–1in primary stems, 170 kPa m–1 in secondary stems and 560kPa m–1 in tertiary stems. Olive, Olea europea L, evaporation, leaf specific conductivity, hydraulic conductivity, leaf resistance  相似文献   

Estimation of the Annual Cost of Kiwifruit Vine Growth and Maintenance   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Elemental analysis (for carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur)and ash data for kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa (A. Chev.) C.F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var. deliciosa cv. Hayward] stems,leaves and fine roots were used to calculate the specific costs(kg carbohydrate kg-1 dry matter) of organ synthesis with ammoniacalnitrogen supply. Those costs ranged between 1·19 and1·35 for stems and 1·19 and 1·27 for leaves.The mean annual specific cost for fine roots was 1·17.Seasonal vine growth costs were calculated by multiplying thespecific costs by biomass data for a typical vine. Total costof synthesis was 57·2 kg carbohydrate per vine year-1,taking fine root turnover as three times per season. Nitratenitrogen supply increased that cost by 6·6% to 61·0kg carbohydrate per vine year-1. Fruit growth accounted forthe largest proportion of synthetic costs. Vine growth respiration(expressed in terms of carbohydrate equivalents) accounted forapproximately 11·5% of the total cost of synthesis. Maintenancerespiration was estimated to be 5·28, 8·44, 1·90,8·62 and 13·3 kg carbohydrate per organ year-1for stems, leaves, fruit, above-ground perennial componentsand roots, respectively. Total annual cost of growth and maintenancefor a mature vine was 94·7 and 98·5 kg carbohydrateper vine year-1 with ammoniacal and nitrate nitrogen supply,respectively. Both values are similar to an estimate of vinephotosynthesis. Maintenance respiration accounted for approximately40% of the total annual cost of vine growth, regardless of theform of nitrogen supplied. Peak carbohydrate demand was duringthe period from 60 to 160 d after budbreak.Copyright 1995, 1999Academic Press Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, carbon economy, growth respiration, maintenance respiration  相似文献   

This research examined the hypothesis that as cacti evolve tothe leafless condition, the stem epidermis and cortex becomemore leaflike and more compatible with a photosynthetic role.All cacti in the relict genus Pereskia have non-succulent stemsand broad, thin leaves. All members of the derived subfamilyCactoideae are ‘leafless’, having an expanded cortexthat is the plant's only photosynthetic tissue. In Pereskia,leaves have a high stomatal density (mean: 50.7 stomata mm–2in the lower epidermis, 38.1 mm–2 in the upper epidermis),but stems have low stomatal densities (mean: 11.3 mm 2, threeof the species have none). Stems of Cactoideae have a high stomataldensity (mean: 31.1 mm–2, all species have stomata). Theouter cortex cells of stems of Cactoideae occur in columns,forming a palisade cortex similar to a leaf palisade parenchyma.In this palisade cortex, the fraction of tissue volume availablefor gas diffusion has a mean volume of 12.9%, which is identicalto that of Pereskia leaf palisade parenchyma. Pereskia stemcortex is much less aerenchymatous (mean: 5.3% of cortex volume).Cactoideae palisade cortex has a high internal surface density(0.0207 cm2 cm–2 which is higher than in Pereskia stemcortex (0.0150 cm2 cm–3) but not as high as Pereskia leafpalisade parenchyma (0.0396 cm2 cm–3). Pereskia stem cortexhas no cortical bundles, but Cactoideae cortexes have extensivenetworks of collateral vascular bundles that resemble leaf veins. Cactaceae, cactus, intercellular space, stomatal density, internal surface/volume, evolution  相似文献   

We report experiments to quantify the relationships between the relative abundance of ureide-N in root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap, and hot water extracts of stems and petioles of nodulated soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill cv Bragg) and the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation. Additional experiments examined the effects of plant genotype and strain of rhizobia on these relationships. In each of the five experiments reported, plants of cv Bragg (experiment 1), cv Lincoln (experiments 3, 4, 5), or six cultivars/genotypes (experiment 2) were grown in a sand:vermiculite mixture in large pots in a naturally lit, temperature-controlled glasshouse during summer. Pots were inoculated at sowing with effective Bradyrhizobium japonicum CB1809 (USDA 136) or with one of 21 different strains of rhizobia. The proportions of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation were determined using 15N dilution. In one experiment with CB1809, plants were supplied throughout growth with either N-free nutrients or with nutrients supplemented with 1, 2, 4, or 8 millimolar 15N-nitrate and harvested on eight occasions between V6 and R7 for root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap, stems (including petioles), and whole plant dry matter. Analyses of the saps and stem extracts for ureides (allantoin plus allantoic acid), α-amino-N, and nitrate, and of dry matter for N and 15N, indicated a positive effect of nitrate supply on concentrations of nitrate in saps and extracts and a negative effect on ureides and on the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation. The relative abundance of ureide-N in root-bleeding sap, vacuum-extracted sap (100 [ureide-N]/[ureide-N+ α-amino-N + nitrate-N]) and stem extracts (100 [ureide-N]/[ureide-N + nitrate-N]) and the proportion of plant N, derived from nitrogen fixation between successive samplings were highly correlated (r = 0.97-1.00). For each variable, two standard curves were prepared to account for the shifts in the compositions of N solutes of xylem saps and extracts after flowering which were not related to a change in nitrogen fixation. Relationships between relative ureide-N and the proportion of plant N derived from nitrogen fixation were not affected by plant genotype or by strain of rhizobia. Therefore, assessment of nitrogen fixation by soybean using the ureide technique should now be possible with the standard curves presented, irrespective of genotype or strain of rhizobia occupying the nodules.  相似文献   

The relationship between the relative abundance of ureides ([ureide-N/ureide-N plus nitrate-N] × 100) in the shoot axis (stems plus petioles), nodulated roots and leaflets of “Bragg” soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merrill) and the symbiotic dependence of these plants was examined under glass-house conditions. Plants, inoculated with effective Rhizobium japonicum CB1809, were grown with their roots exposed continuously to a nutrient solution containing either 0, 1.5, 3.0, 6.0 or 12.0 millimolar NO3-N per liter. Nodulation and N2-acetylene fixation were correlated inversely with the level of nitrate. Seasonal acetylene reduction profiles for each of the nitrate treatments were integrated and the symbiotic dependence ([N2 fixed per total plant N] × 100) determined using a conversion ratio of 1.5:1 (acetylene reduced:N2 fixed), calculated from the zero NO3 treatment. Examination of the nitrogenous solutes of the shoot axis and nodulated roots showed linear relationships between the relative abundance of ureides and the symbiotic dependence of the plants. Two standard curves, depicting these relationships during vegetative and reproductive growth, were drawn for each plant part. The overriding effect of plant age invalidated any attempt to develop a standard relationship for leaflets. Data from two diurnal studies suggested that relative ureides were insensitive to diurnal fluctuations, thus simplifying sampling procedures. Plant material could be stored at ambient temperatures (20-30°C) for up to 24 h without affecting the relative concentration of ureides and nitrate. It is suggested that the shoot axis provides the most suitable target organ when using this technique as a quantitative assay for N2 fixation because of ease of sampling of these tissues, especially with field-grown plants.  相似文献   

Three perennial C4 rhizomatous species, Cyperus longus L., Spartinacynosuroides and Spartina pectinata Link, were examined as potentialrenewable energy crops. These species are unusual among C4 plantsin showing natural distributions which extend into cool temperateregions. This study examined whether these species could beestablished in the cool temperate climate of eastern Englandand whether they could consistently attain the relatively highdry matter yields associated with C4 plants of warmer regions.Clonally produced material was planted in 1986, on two siteswith contrasting soil types in Essex, eastern England. Plantingwas within a randomized-block design incorporating replicatedplots of each species, both with and without fertilizer. Survivorshipand stem demography were monitored at monthly intervals from1986 to Jun. 1989 for stem recruitment and to Dec. 1991 forstem density. Yields were determined from 1987 (the year followingestablishment) to 1993. Survivorship of the planted propagules over the first 12 monthswas 92% for S. pectinata , 96% for S. cynosuroides and 100%for C. longus. Recruitment of new stems peaked in Apr. of mostyears, although a significant number of new stems appeared asearly as Feb. Stem death peaked in Sep. or early Oct. and allabove-ground stems had died by mid-Nov. Stem density trendsindicated that 2-4 years were required to reach a steady-statedensity, depending upon species. The stem density of the twoSpartina species had reached more than 1000 m-2 in 1989 althoughthat of S. pectinata fluctuated considerably in the subsequentyears. C. longus stem density rose to approx. 600 m-2 by 1988and did not change significantly in the subsequent years. In the 6 years following establishment, annual yields averagedacross all fertilizer treatments and both sites were 1·0,1·1 and 1·3 kg m-2 for C. longus, S. cynosuroidesand S. pectinata, respectively. The average annual yield ofall three species at the site with the heavier soil was 1·3kg m-2. This was significantly greater than the 1·0 kgm-2 on the lighter soil. Nitrogen addition did not significantlyincrease yield. Even in the absence of any nitrogen addition,the annual yield of S. pectinata averaged 1·2 kg m-2over the 6 years, with no evidence of any decline with the increasingage of the stands.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Cyperus longus, Spartina cynosuroides, Spartina pectinata, energy crop, dry matter yield  相似文献   

In this paper we report measurements concerning the conductivityof water and ions and the interaction between the two in excisedpieces of xylem of red maple stems under various conditions.We have also demonstrated that it is possible to detect theflow of solutions through the stems of maple by measuring thedegree of interaction between the flow of water and ions. Inthis technique we apply voltage pulses of ±V volts acrossa length of stem and detect the unequal current pulses resultingfrom the greater frictional drag when current (which is carriedprimarily by cations) is flowing against the water stream thanwhen flowing with the water stream. The hydraulic conductivityof recent maple sapwood ranges from 30 to 90 cm3 s–1 cm–2(J cm–3)–1 cm; in 2 mM KCl the electrical conductivityis roughly 3 x 10–4 mho cm–1 and the electro-kineticcross coefficient is roughly 4x10–5 A cm–2 (J cm–3)–1cm.  相似文献   

Radioactive Zn solns were drawn through 10 cm stem sectionsexcised from seedlings of P. radiata to determine the locationand quantity of 65Zn remaining in the stems and the concn of65Zn in the exudate. Zinc was removed from solns passing through the excised stemsby processes which appeared to be non-metabolic because coolingthe inflow solns did not decrease the proportion of Zn removedand non-specific because Ca competed with Zn for ‘exchangesites’. The formation of anionic or uncharged complexes between Zn andEDTA, or citrate resulted in more Zn passing through the excisedstems. Consistent with the greater stability of Zn-EDTA complexesmore Zn passed through stems treated with EDTA than with citrate.Decreasing the pH of solns containing Zn, Ca and potassium citrateincreased the amount of Zn deposited in the basal (inflow) endof the stems, probably by decreasing the amount of Zn boundto citrate. Increasing the conen of Zn in test solns containingZn, Ca and potassium citrate did not change the distributionof 65Zn in the stems as the capacity of the stems to removeZn from soln was large enough to remove all the free Zn in allthe solns Pinus radiata D. Don, pine, zinc, movement, stems  相似文献   

The developmental profile of ‘constitutive’ nitratereductase activity (cNRA) in leaves of soybean (Glycine max(L.) cv. Bragg) plants at different ages is described. The youngestleaves had most cNRA and the activity dropped off as a newerleaf developed above it. Each leaf had its distinct active periodof in vivo cNRA. This pattern was different in urea-grown andsymbiotically-grown plants (inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicumstrain USDA 110), where the latter had no detectable in vivocNRA in older leaves. Urea-grown plants maintained considerablein vivo NRA in such older leaves. When symbiotically-grown plantshad their nodules removed, in vivo cNRA reappeared in olderleaves within 1 d of removal, nearly reaching levels of youngleaves at 3 d after nodule excision. Allantoic acid (ALL), oneof the known transport ureides of soybeans, was implicated asa possible signal molecule from nodules to leaves. Allantoicacid (100 µM) inhibited in vitro c1 NRA significantly,with 400 µM ALL resulting in complete inhibition. In contrast,allantoin (ALN) had no inhibitive effect on NRA. Inhibitionof c1NRA by ALL was by a competitive process, judging from Lineweaver-Burkeplots against nitrate. Kinetics showed a constant Vmax of around105 nmol NO2 mg–1 protein h–1 and a Km for nitrateof 15 mM, which increased to 60 mM in the presence of 200 µMallantoic acid. Non-specific (ionic and pH-related) influenceswere eliminated. Allantoic acid also had a slight stimulatingeffect of in vitro NRA (up about 25% at 400 µM). Thesefindings suggest that c1NRA may be involved in ureide metabolism,rather than in vivo nitrate metabolism. Key words: Root-shoot interaction, nitrogen metabolism, nodulation, symbiosis  相似文献   

We previously showed that plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) activity accounted for 25–30% of relaxation in bladder smooth muscle (8). Among the four PMCA isoforms only PMCA1 and PMCA4 are expressed in smooth muscle. To address the role of these isoforms, we measured cytosolic Ca2+ ([Ca2+]i) using fura-PE3 and simultaneously measured contractility in bladder smooth muscle from wild-type (WT), Pmca1+/–, Pmca4+/–, Pmca4–/–, and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– mice. There were no differences in basal [Ca2+]i values between bladder preparations. KCl (80 mM) elicited both larger forces (150–190%) and increases in [Ca2+]i (130–180%) in smooth muscle from Pmca1+/– and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– bladders than those in WT or Pmca4–/–. The responses to carbachol (CCh: 10 µM) were also greater in Pmca1+/– (120–150%) than in WT bladders. In contrast, the responses in Pmca4–/– and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– bladders to CCh were significantly smaller (40–50%) than WT. The rise in half-times of force and [Ca2+]i increases in response to KCl and CCh, and the concomitant half-times of their decrease upon washout of agonist were prolonged in Pmca4–/– (130–190%) and Pmca1+/–Pmca4–/– (120–250%) bladders, but not in Pmca1+/– bladders with respect to WT. Our evidence indicates distinct isoform functions with the PMCA1 isoform involved in overall Ca2+ clearance, while PMCA4 is essential for the [Ca2+]i increase and contractile response to the CCh receptor-mediated signal transduction pathway. PMCA; bladder smooth muscle; gene-altered mice  相似文献   

Growth and dark respiration were measured in dense, miniatureswards of kikuyu grass grown at constant temperatures of 15,20, 25 and 30 °C. Total respiration over the first 12 hof darkness was very high and CO2 efflux per unit surface areavaried from 2.4 to 3.9 g CO2 m–2 h–1 at 15 and 30°C respectively. Such rates were consistent with the correspondinglyhigh net growth rates of 24 and 63 g d. wt m–2 d–1and the heavy yields of herbage. When plants were kept in thedark, CO2 efflux subsequently declined rapidly to a lower, constantrate which was taken to be the maintenance respiration rate.The half-life of the declining phase of respiration averaged10.9 and 6.0 h at 15 and 30 °C respectively, and was curvilinearlyrelated to the specific maintenance respiration rate (m). Therapid decline in respiration was consistent with the low concentrationsof total soluble carbohydrate and starch in the herbage. Valuesof m for lamina and top growth increased with temperature witha Q10 of 2.6 and 1.42 respectively, but m of stems alone wasnot affected by temperature. Using results from this study forkikuyu and from McCree (1974) for sorghum and white clover,it was noted that all three species have similar m when grownat temperatures which are near their respective optimums forgrowth. Kikuyu, Pennisetum clandestinum, growth, respiration, temperature  相似文献   

HOCKING  P. J. 《Annals of botany》1980,45(6):633-643
The composition of xylem sap and exudate from stem incisionsof Nicotiana glauca Grah. was compared in detail. Exudationfrom stem incisions occurred over a 5 min period in certainplants, enabling collection of 5–30 µl of sap. Therate of exudation showed an exponential decline. Exudate hada high dry matter content (170–196 mg ml–1) andhigh sugar (sucrose) levels. Xylem sap had a low pH (5.8) andexudate a pH of 7.9. Glutamine dominated the amino compoundsin xylem sap and exudate, and K+ was the major cation. Totalamino compounds in stem exudate reached 10.8 mg ml–1 whereasxylem sap contained much lower levels (0.28 mg ml–1).All mineral elements and amino compounds with the exceptionof calcium were more concentrated in stem exudate than in xylemsap. Sucrose was labelled heavily in stem exudate following pulsingof an adjacent leaf with 14CO2. A concentration gradient ofsugar (2.1 bar m–1) was recorded for stems. Levels ofsucrose, amino compounds and K+ ions in stem exudate showeda diurnal periodicity. Each commodity reached maximum concentrationat or near noon and minimum concentration about dawn. The evidencesuggests that exudate from stem incisions of N. glauca is arepresentative sample of solutes translocated in the phloem. Nicotiana glauca Grah., phloem sap, xylem sap, sucrose, amino compounds, mineral ions  相似文献   

Honeylocust (Gleditsia triacanthos L.) seedlings were grownin solution culture at pH 4.0) with 50, 150, 600 and 1500 mmolm–3 aluminium. All levels of aiuminium reduced the sizeand weight of roots, shoots and leaves with the exception ofroot elongation at 50 mmol m–3 Al. Aluminium content ofroots was 50 to 100 times that of shoots. With increasing concentrationof aluminium, aluminium content of leaves and roots increasedexponentially while a linear increase was observed for stems.The nutrient content of seedlings was improved in 50 mmol m–3where increases in shoot calcium, magnesium, and phosphorusconcentrations were observed. Aluminium concentrations greaterthan 50 mmol m–3 reduced shoot nutrient content. Presenceof aluminium increased the root phosphorus and calcium levelsbut had no effect on potassium and magnesium concentrations.Results show that honeylocust is an aluminium sensitive treespecies whose growth may be reduced by high soil Al levels. Key words: Aluminium toxicity, Gleditsia triacanthos, nutrient solution  相似文献   

[14C]Sucrose was found to be the predominant component of the14C-photosynthates that accumulated in the free space of decapitatedstems of P. vulgaris plants. The 14C-photosynthates appearedto occupy the entire free-space volume of the stems at totalsugar concentrations in the range of 3–12 mM. The free-spacesugar levels were found to rapidly decline once photosynthatetransfer to the stems was halted. Moreover, it was found thatestimates of the rate of in vitro sucrose uptake by the stemscould account fully for the decline in free-space sugar levels.Overall, the evidence indicated that at least part of the radialpathway of photosynthate transfer in bean stems involved thestem apoplast. It is tentatively proposed that, based on celland tissue distribution of 14C-photosynthates, the apoplasticpathway extends from the membrane boundary of the sieve element/companion-cellcomplex to all other cells of the stem. Apoplast, Phaseolus vulgaris L., bean, phloem unloading, photosynthates, symplast  相似文献   

O'Connell, A. M. and Grove, T. S. 1985. Acid phosphatase activityin karri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) in relation tosoil phosphate and nitrogen supply.—J. exp. Bot. 36: 1359–1372 Soluble acid phosphatase activity was measured in tissues ofkarri (Eucalyptus diversicolor F. Muell.) seedlings and fiveyear old karri trees to which P and N fertilizer had been applied.Addition of P from 0 to 1250 mg P kg–1 soil with a basaltreatment of other nutrients produced significant increasesin growth, P content and P concentration of karri seedlings.In each of five plant components (shoot tips, partly expandedleaves, mature leaves, young stems and old stems) soluble acidphosphatase activity was greatest at low levels of added P anddecreased with increasing soil P supply. The range of acid phosphataseactivity (0·5-6·5 µmol NPP g–1 f.wt.min–1) was similar to that reported for a number of agriculturaland horticultural plants. Enzyme activity was highest for shoottips and lowest for old stems. However, the relative changein activity with decreasing soil P supply was greatest for stems(4·3 fold) and least for shoot tips (2·7 fold) Mature leaves of seedlings grown in ‘high P’ and‘low P’ soil at four levels of added N showed, inaddition to the effect of P, a significant N-P interaction onsoluble acid phosphatase activity. In leaf samples from fiveyear old karri trees there was a significant decrease in solubleacid phosphatase with increasing P fertilization. Addition ofN fertilizer had no significant effect on enzyme activity, probablybecause added N had little effect on foliar N concentrations Exponential models relating (1) plant growth to enzyme activityand (2) plant growth to P concentration in stems and matureleaves of plants grown in soil with a range of added P accountedfor 78–92% and 63–87%, respectively, of the variationin top dry weight. The results suggest that for the diagnosisof plant P status, (1) stem components may be the most appropriatetissue to sample, and (2) nutrient and enzyme assays may complementeach other, P concentration being most useful where P supplyis adequate and phosphatase activity where P supply limits growth Key words: Phosphatase activity, Eucalyptus diversicolor, nutrients, phosphorus, nitrogen, forests  相似文献   

The relationships between photosynthesis and photosyntheticphoton flux densities (PPFD, P-l) were studied during a red-tideof Dinophysis norvegica (July-August 1990) in Bedford Basin.Dinophysis norvegica, together with other dinoflagellates suchas Gonyaulax digitate, Ceratium tripos, contributed {small tilde}50%of the phytoplankton biomass that attained a maximum of 16.7µg Chla 1 and 11.93 106 total cells I–1.The atomic ratios of carbon to nitrogen for D.norvegica rangedfrom 8.7 to 10.0. The photosynthetic characteristics of fractionatedphytoplankton (>30 µm) dominated by D.norvegica weresimilar to natural bloom assemblages: o (the initial slope ofthe P-l curves) ranged between 0.013 and 0.047 µg C [µgChla]–1 h–1 [µmol m s–1]–1the maximum photosynthetic rate, pBm, between 0.66 and 1.85µg C [µghla]–1 h–1; lk (the photoadaptationindex) from 14 to 69 µ,mol m–2 s–1. Carbonuptake rates of the isolated cells of D.norvegica (at 780 µmolm–2 s–1) ranged from 16 to 25 pg C cell–1h and were lower than those for C.tripos, G.digitaleand some other dinoflagellates. The variation in carbon uptakerates of isolated cells of D.norvegica corresponded with PBmof the red-tide phytoplankton assemblages in the P-l experiments.Our study showed that D.norvegica, a toxigenic dinoflagellate,was the main contributor to the primary production in the bloom.  相似文献   

In spite of the importance of respiration in forest carbon budgets,the mechanisms by which physiological factors control stem respirationare unclear. An experiment was set up in a Eucalyptus globulusplantation in central Portugal with monoculture stands of 5-year-oldand 10-year-old trees. CO2 efflux from stems under shaded andunshaded conditions, as well as the concentration of CO2 dissolvedin sap [CO2*], stem temperature, and sap flow were measuredwith the objective of improving our understanding of the factorscontrolling CO2 release from stems of E. globulus. CO2 effluxwas consistently higher in 5-year-old, compared with 10-year-old,stems, averaging 3.4 versus 1.3 µmol m–2 s–1,respectively. Temperature and [CO2*] both had important, andsimilar, influences on the rate of CO2 efflux from the stems,but neither explained the difference in the magnitude of CO2efflux between trees of different age and size. No relationshipwas found between efflux and sap flow, and efflux was independentof tree volume, suggesting the presence of substantial barriersto the diffusion of CO2 from the xylem to the atmosphere inthis species. The rate of corticular photosynthesis was thesame in trees of both ages and only reduced CO2 efflux by 7%,probably due to the low irradiance at the stem surface belowthe canopy. The younger trees were growing at a much fasterrate than the older trees. The difference between CO2 effluxfrom the younger and older stems appears to have resulted froma difference in growth respiration rather than a differencein the rate of diffusion of xylem-transported CO2. Key words: Eucalyptus globulus, refixation, stem respiration Received 19 May 2008; Revised 14 September 2008 Accepted 8 October 2008  相似文献   

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