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Results are presented from experimental studies of the implosion of wire (tungsten, aluminum, and molybdenum) and fiber (kapron) arrays at the Angara 5-1 facility at currents of up to 4 MA. The radial distributions of the azimuthal magnetic field in the stage of plasma production in such arrays are measured in detail for the first time, and the radial profiles of the current density are evaluated. The data obtained using an optical streak camera are compared with the results of measurements of the current and voltage. Using the obtained experimental results, the rate of plasma production in the arrays made of different materials is estimated.  相似文献   

It is shown that, at a sufficiently high current growth rate, the initial stage of implosion of a wire array is significantly affected by the radial electric fields. Due to the specific electrode configuration of wire arrays, the magnitude of the oppositely directed radial electric fields in different wire segments can reach 5 MV/cm. It is found that the process of plasma formation proceeds in different ways in segments with oppositely directed initial radial electric fields. The influence of this effect (the so-called “polarity effect”) on the implosion of cylindrical tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility becomes significant when the load voltage grows at a sufficiently high rate.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the distributions of the azimuthal magnetic field in aluminum, copper, molybdenum, tungsten and other wire arrays electrically imploded at currents of up to 3 MA in the Angara-5-1 facility. It is shown that the time during which the magnetic field of the current pulse reaches the array axis depends on the material of the wires or wire coating. The current of the precursor formed on the array axis before the implosion of the main load mass is measured. It is shown that the penetration of the load material with the frozen-in magnetic field into a polymer (agar-agar) foam liner is drastically different from that in the case of a wire array. It is found that the rate of current transfer to the array axis is maximum for tungsten wire arrays. The rates of plasma production during implosion of loads made of different materials are compared.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the axial magnetic field during the implosion of tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 2.5–4.5 MA. The azimuthal structure of the plasma produced from the wires is examined using the effect of the compression of the axial magnetic flux by this plasma. It is shown that the plasma starts to penetrate into the axial region of the wire array at the very beginning of implosion. A mechanism other than the formation of a closed current-carrying shell is proposed for describing the transfer of the external axial magnetic field to the central region of the array.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the azimuthal magnetic fields within imploding multiwire tungsten arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 2.5–4 MA. It is shown that the penetration of the magnetic field into the axial region of the wire array lags behind the discharge current pulse. The current of a precursor produced at the array axis prior to the implosion of the bulk array mass is measured. It is found that the magnetic field in the initial stage of implosion is azimuthally nonuniform. The mass distribution inside the array is calculated from the measured magnetic field.  相似文献   

Backlighting diagnostics for studying the peripheral region of an imploding liner in the Angara-5-1 facility by using X-ray emission from an X-pinch is described. The spatial resolution of the diagnostics was no worse than 4 µm. The X-pinch emission passed through the plasma was recorded with a photofilm. The plasma density was reconstructed from the photofilm blackening density with the help of a step attenuator made of the same material as the liner. Results are presented from experiments on X-ray backlighting of the peripheral region of a multiwire liner at the 70th ns after the beginning of the discharge. It was found that, by this time, the wire cores were depleted to different extent, their masses totalled 70% of the original wire mass, and their diameters had increased approximately threefold. The plasma ejected from the wire cores was found to be axially stratified with a spatial period of 200 µm. Sometimes the axial nonuniformity of the core material with a characteristic scale length of 20 µm was observed.  相似文献   

The implosion dynamics of a condensed Z-pinch at load currents of up to 3.5 MA and a current rise time of 100 ns was studied experimentally at the Angara-5-1 facility. To increase the energy density, 1- to 3-mm-diameter cylinders made of a deuterated polyethylene?agar-agar mixture or microporous deuterated polyethylene with a mass density of 0.03–0.5 g/cm3 were installed in the central region of the loads. The plasma spatiotemporal characteristics were studied using the diagnostic complex of the Angara-5-1 facility, including electron-optical streak and frame imaging, time-integrated X-ray imaging, soft X-ray (SXR) measurements, and vacuum UV spectroscopy. Most information on the plasma dynamics was obtained using a ten-frame X-ray camera (Е > 100 eV) with an exposure of 4 ns. SXR pulses were recorded using photoemissive vacuum X-ray detectors. The energy characteristics of neutron emission were measured using the time-offlight method with the help of scintillation detectors arranged along and across the pinch axis. The neutron yield was measured by activation detectors. The experimental results indicate that the plasma dynamics depends weakly on the load density. As a rule, two stages of plasma implosion were observed. The formation of hot plasma spots in the initial stage of plasma expansion from the pinch axis was accompanied by short pulses of SXR and neutron emission. The neutron yield reached (0.4–3) × 1010 neutrons/shot and was almost independent of the load density due to specific features of Z-pinch dynamics.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the implosion of cylindrical kapron fiber arrays with addition of high- and medium-Z metal wires (tungsten, aluminum). The experiments were carried out on the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of 3–4 MA. The ablation rate in kapron fiber arrays is estimated and compared with that in tungsten wire arrays.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experiments on studying the compactness of compression of imploding nested foam-wire loads at currents of up to 4 MA at the Angara-5-1 facility. The degree of pinch compression was estimated from the dynamics of the spatial distribution of the current (magnetic field) and the shape of the soft X-ray pulse. The load consisted of nested cascades, one of which being a wire array and the other being a hollow or solid low-density cylinder made of agar-agar foam with a wall thickness of 100?C200 ??m. In some experiments, one of the cascades was made of C20H17O6 solid-state organic acid foam. The radial distribution of the magnetic field inside the nested cascades of the imploding foam-wire load (both between the cascades and inside the inner cascade) was measured using tiny magnetic probes. The measured radial distributions of the magnetic field are compared with the magnetic field configuration calculated using a one-dimensional MHD code simulating the implosion of a nested foam-wire load. It is shown that the spatial structure of the current and magnetic field during the implosion of such a load is determined by the development of supersonic and subsonic magnetized plasma flows in its cascades. The specific features of pinch formation and methods for the compensation of the nonsimultaneous pinch compression between the anode and the cathode (the zipper effect) during the implosion of a nested foam-wire load are analyzed.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the spatial distribution of the density of matter in the central part of the discharge gap and the formation of the temporal profile of the X-ray power in the course of implosion of quasi-spherical wire arrays at discharge currents of up to 4 MA. The spatial distribution of the X-ray intensity in the central part of the discharge gap and the temporal profile of the X-ray power are used as implosion characteristics of quasi-spherical wire arrays. The quasi-spherical arrays were formed by the radial stretching of unstrained wires of initially cylindrical and conical wire arrays under the action of the electrostatic field. The temporal profile of the output X-ray pulse in the photon energy range of 0.1–1 keV is shown to depend on both the geometrical parameters of the quasi-spherical array and the longitudinal distribution of its mass. It is found that a 40% increase in the wire mass due to deposition of an additional mass in the equatorial region of a quasi-spherical array leads to a 15% increase in the average current radius of the pinch and a 30% decrease in the X-ray yield. Experiments with quasi-spherical arrays made of kapron fibers with deposited Al and Bi conducting layers were also carried out. It is demonstrated that application of such arrays makes it possible to control the profile and duration of the generated X-ray pulse by varying the mass, material, and location of the deposited layer. It is found that deposition of an additional mass in the form of a thin Bi stripe on tungsten wires near the cathode end of the array allows one to mitigate the influence of the cathode zipper effect on the pinch compression and formation of the X-ray pulse in tungsten arrays.  相似文献   

Results are presented from measurements of the radiation spectra of the Z-pinch tungsten plasma produced during the implosion of cylindrical wire arrays with a linear mass of 200?C400 ??g/cm and an initial diameter of 12?C20 mm at a current of ??3 MA in the experiments performed at the Angara-5-1 facility. The radiation spectra in the photon energy range of 50?C900 eV were recorded on a UF-4 X-ray film by using a spectrograph with a transmission grating. The radiation spectrum in the photon energy range of 1?C3 keV was recorded using a crystalline panoramic spectrograph. A curtain shutter was used to protect the transmission grating from fast microparticles produced due to the erosion of high-voltage electrodes. The total radiation yield was measured with a thermocouple calorimeter. It is shown that most of the tungsten plasma radiation energy is emitted in the photon energy range of 80?C300 eV. Measurements of the spectral intensity of pinch radiation with a spatial resolution along the pinch radius showed that the effective transverse diameter of the pinch did not exceed 2 mm, which agrees with independent current measurements of the pinch size. The results of measurements of the spectral intensity of pinch radiation were compared with calculations per-formed under the assumption of a stationary homogeneous plasma.  相似文献   

One of the main problems in Z-pinch experiments is to transport power and energy from the generator to the load. As the pulse produced in a double forming line propagates to the load along a water-vacuum insulator, its power and energy decrease due to current leakage in the plasma shortening the gap and during the establishment of magnetic self-insulation in regions with a zero magnetic field. Only a fraction of the delivered energy is spent on the load implosion, whereas the rest of the energy goes on creating the magnetic field around the load. In this work, an analysis is made of what is the fraction of the generator energy that reaches the liner, what fraction is radiated, and what are losses of energy and current in different stages of transporting the electromagnetic pulse to the load of the Angara-5-1 facility.  相似文献   

A method is developed for measurements of laser radiation scattering by wires and fibers in different types of imploding arrays in the initial stage of plasma production at discharge currents per wire of up to 2 kA for aluminum arrays and up to 8 kA for tungsten arrays. The experiments were carried out on the Angara-5-1 facility at a current density in the wires of 108 A/cm2 and current growth rate of ~1013 A/s. It is found that the indicatrix of laser radiation reflected from the wires (fibers) in cylindrical and conical arrays is modified at currents of 0.1–10 kA per wire (fiber). The experimental data on the reflection and scattering of laser radiation from wires and fibers are compared with the results of numerical simulations of their electric explosion in vacuum. It is proposed that the change in the reflection indicatrix of laser radiation is caused by the onset of thermal instabilities. The typical size of density and temperature inhomogeneities on the wire surface is in a range of 10–20 μm, which probably results in a transition from specular to diffuse reflection of laser radiation. A simultaneous abrupt (over 2–3 ns) reduction in the reflection intensity from several wires of an array indicates a homogeneous distribution of the discharge current over the irradiated wires. This closes the issue of the quality of the contact between the wires and the electrodes. The obtained experimental information is of considerable importance for the development of numerical codes for simulations of the implosion of wire arrays and the refinement of the wire parameters in the initial stage of plasma production.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the anode plasma dynamics and measurements of the ion flux ejected along the axis of a high-current Z-pinch. Pinch discharges were formed by the implosion of tungsten wire arrays in the Angara-5-1 facility. It is shown that the ion energy spectrum depends on the mass and configuration of wire arrays, as well as on the diameter of the anode aperture. The shape of the ion spectrum indicates that the plasma propagates in the form of a compact plasmoid. Shadow and X-ray images of the plasma show that the axial velocity of the plasma outflowing through the anode aperture is comparable with the velocity of radial plasma compression and, for tungsten ions, can reach a value corresponding to an energy of 100 keV. The experimental data indicate that the ion energy spectrum mainly forms due to the electrodynamical acceleration of the plasma and cumulative jets. A possible mechanism for the production of compact plasma formations in the course of electrodynamic plasma acceleration is discussed.  相似文献   

The implosion dynamics of a pinch with a highly inhomogeneous initial axial distribution of the load mass was studied experimentally. A cascade array consisting of a double nested tungsten wire array and a coaxial inner cylindrical shell located symmetrically with respect to the high-voltage electrodes was used as a load of the Angara-5-1 high-current generator. The cylindrical foam shell was half as long as the cathode? anode gap, and its diameter was equal to the diameter of the inner wire array. It is shown experimentally that two stages are typical of the implosion dynamics of such a load: the formation of two separate pinches formed as a result of implosion of the wire array near the cathode and anode and the subsequent implosion of the central part of the load containing the cylindrical foam shell. The conditions are determined at which the implosion of the central part of the pinch with the foam cylinder is preceded by intense irradiation of the foam with the soft X-ray (SXR) emission generated by the near-electrode pinches and converting it into the plasma state. Using such a load, which models the main elements of the scheme of a dynamic hohlraum for inertial confinement fusion, it is possible to increase the efficiency of interaction between the outer accelerated plasma sheath and the inner foam shell by preionizing the foam with the SXR emission of the near-electrode pinches.  相似文献   

Current leakages in the magnetically insulated transmission lines (MITL) impose restrictions on the transmission of electromagnetic pulses to the load in high-power electrophysical facilities. The multimodule Angara-5-1 facility with an output electric power of up to 6 TW is considered. In this work, the experimental and calculated profiles of leakage currents in two sections of the line are compared when the eight-module facility is loaded by a wire array. The azimuthal distribution of the current in the cylindrical section of the MITL is also considered.  相似文献   

Results are presented from experimental studies of the implosion of twisted nested arrays in which the wires of the outer and inner arrays are twisted about the array axis in opposite directions (clockwise and counterclockwise). Experiments with twisted arrays were carried out at the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of up to 4 MA. The currents through the arrays were switched either simultaneously or the current pulse through the outer array was delayed by 10–15 ns with the help of an anode spark gap. It is shown that, in such arrays, the currents flow along the inclined wires and, accordingly, there are both the azimuthal and axial components of the discharge current. The process of plasma implosion in twisted arrays depends substantially on the value of the axial (longitudinal) magnetic field generated inside the array by the azimuthal currents. Two-dimensional simulations of the magnetic field in twisted nested arrays were performed in the (r, z) geometry with allowance for the skin effect in the discharge electrodes. It is shown that, depending on the geometry of the discharge electrodes, different configurations of the magnetic field can be implemented inside twisted nested arrays. The calculated magnetic configurations are compared with the results of measurements of the magnetic field inside such arrays. It is shown that the configuration of the axial magnetic field inside a twisted nested array depends substantially on the distribution of the azimuthal currents between the inner and outer arrays.  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - Experiments on the acceleration of a flyer by a magnetic field make it possible to study the dynamic characteristics of matter on submicrosecond time scales. Megabar...  相似文献   

Results from experimental studies on the implosion of arrays made of kapron fibers coated with different metals (Al, In, Sn, and Bi) are presented. It is shown that the power, total energy, and spectrum of radiation emitted by the imploding array depend on the number of metallized fibers and the mass of the metal layer deposited on them but are independent of the metal characteristics (density, atomic number, etc.). Analysis of frame X-ray images shows that the Z-pinches formed in the implosion of metallized kapron fiber arrays are more stable than those formed in wire arrays and that MHD perturbations in them develop at a slower growth rate. Due to the lower rate of plasma production from kapron fibers, the plasma formed at the periphery of the array forms a layer that plays the role of a hohlraum wall partially trapping soft X-ray emission of the Z-pinch formed in the implosion of the material of the deposited metal layer. The closure of the anode aperture doubles the energy of radiation emitted in the radial direction.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the gradient of the magnetic field in the plasma of an imploding wire array is described. Results from measurements of the magnitude and gradient of the magnetic field in a tungsten wire array on the Angara-5-1 facility at currents of ∼3 MA are presented. A novel method for calculating the velocity of the current-carrying plasma in the framework of MHD equations from data on the magnitude and gradient of the magnetic field at a certain point inside the array is proposed. It is demonstrated that a gradient magnetic probe can be used to investigate the plasma current sheath in plasma focus facilities.  相似文献   

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