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Evolutionary theory predicts that senescence, a decline in survival rates with age, is the consequence of stronger selection on alleles that affect fertility or mortality earlier rather than later in life. Hamilton quantified this argument by showing that a rare mutation reducing survival is opposed by a selective force that declines with age over reproductive life. He used a female-only demographic model, predicting that female menopause at age ca. 50 yrs should be followed by a sharp increase in mortality, a "wall of death." Human lives obviously do not display such a wall. Explanations of the evolution of lifespan beyond the age of female menopause have proven difficult to describe as explicit genetic models. Here we argue that the inclusion of males and mating patterns extends Hamilton's theory and predicts the pattern of human senescence. We analyze a general two-sex model to show that selection favors survival for as long as men reproduce. Male fertility can only result from matings with fertile females, and we present a range of data showing that males much older than 50 yrs have substantial realized fertility through matings with younger females, a pattern that was likely typical among early humans. Thus old-age male fertility provides a selective force against autosomal deleterious mutations at ages far past female menopause with no sharp upper age limit, eliminating the wall of death. Our findings illustrate the evolutionary importance of males and mating preferences, and show that one-sex demographic models are insufficient to describe the forces that shape human senescence.  相似文献   

Female and male animals often choose mates based upon the complementarity of their courtship behaviours and preferences. The importance of this fact on the evolutionary dynamics of populations has long been appreciated. What has not been appreciated is the role that social learning might play in the transmission of systems of courtship behaviour across generations. This paper addresses the social transmission of courtship behavioural traditions in vertebrates. It discusses views of culture in the context of behavioural signals and preferences in courtship. It then reviews empirical evidence for culture-like processes affecting courtship behaviour, focusing on studies of song learning in passerine birds and work on social learning of mating preferences. The paper concludes with potential future directions for research on social traditions in systems of courtship behaviour, including determining mechanisms of transmission, genetic and non-social environmental effects, and selective factors influencing the stability of behavioural traditions over time. By integrating proximate and ultimate questions for the transmission of courtship systems, this work would increase our understanding of the ways individual development, cultural processes, and population evolution influence, and are in turn influenced by, one another.  相似文献   

By mimicking tropical rainy season conditions in aquaria, we stimulated two species of gymnotoid electric fish, Eigenmannia virescens and Apteronotus leptorhynchus, to spawn in captivity. Their courtship activity, breeding behaviour and electric social communication were monitored in several groups over 2 years. Groups of both species established dominance hierarchies correlated with electric organ discharge frequency, aggressiveness and size. Spawning was preceded by several nights of courtship during which the male modulated its electric organ discharge to produce ‘chirps’. Continual bouts of chirping lasted for hours on evenings prior to spawning. These electrical signals play a significant role in courtship and spawning, as gravid E. virescens females could be stimulated to spawn by playing back into the tank a tape recording of male courtship chirps. In both species the chirp invovves a slight increase in frequency followed by a cessation of the dominant frequency. This suggests a common mode of signal production in these two different genera of fish. Chirps are short and abrupt during aggressive encounters, but assume a softer and more raspy quality during courtship.  相似文献   

陈瑶瑶  古枫  钟国华  易欣 《昆虫学报》1950,63(8):924-931
【目的】fruitless (fru)是昆虫求偶和交配行为中的关键基因,但是其在桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis中的具体功能尚不清楚。本研究旨在明确fru在桔小实蝇求偶交配行为中的作用,进一步明确fru的生物学意义。【方法】根据NCBI上桔小实蝇fru的预测序列设计两端引物,以桔小实蝇羽化10 d已交配的成虫头部cDNA为模板克隆fru基因的全长cDNA,并对其编码蛋白的结构域进行预测。通过实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)技术检测该基因在桔小实蝇交配前后表达量的变化。待合成fru基因的dsRNA后,注射到羽化9 d后的桔小实蝇雄成虫腹部进行RNAi,分别于注射后48 h和72 h取样,检测fru基因的相对表达量;并于RNAi后72 h进行求偶交配行为观察,测定桔小实蝇的交配频率和交配持续时间。【结果】克隆获得桔小实蝇fru的全长cDNA,长2 865 bp,编码954个氨基酸,预测蛋白分子量104.1 kD,等点为6.01。该基因所编码的蛋白具有特殊结构域,分别为一个BTB (Broad-complex, Tramtrack and Bric-a-bric)结构域和两个锌指(zinc finger)结构域。RT-qPCR结果表明,相比未交配的桔小实蝇成虫,fru基因在雄成虫头部中的表达量在与雌成虫交配后显著上升。相对于空白对照组(注射DEPC水)和阴性对照组(注射dsGFP),注射dsfru的RNAi处理组的雄性求偶时间延长(延长了25~35 min),且交配频率下降(降低了17%~22%),说明fru基因在雄性桔小实蝇的求偶交配行为中发挥着重要作用。【结论】本研究结果为明确fru在非模式昆虫桔小实蝇求偶交配行为中的功能提供参考,并为深入研究桔小实蝇的求偶交配行为和绿色防控提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

Male courtship behavior and displays influence female mating decisions, and therefore affect mating success in a diverse range of organisms. While there is substantial evidence confirming that females prefer males who invest more in courtship, less attention has been paid to the relative importance of individual behaviors, and the discrete sequences of courtship that result in mating success. The small hairy maggot blow fly, Chrysomya varipes, performs stereotyped courtship behaviors, involving orienting, tapping, waving, arching, wing vibration and mounting. This study aimed to quantify male investment in specific courtship behaviors, and compare courtship investment and behavioral transitions between males who gained mating success (successful males) and those that did not (unsuccessful males). Our results show that mating success was influenced by the behaviors orienting, tapping, arching and mounting. Behavioral transitions revealed a distinct pattern of behaviors leading to a mating attempt, and some differences were observed between successful and unsuccessful males. Overall, our findings suggest that female mating decisions were based on differences in specific male courtship behaviors. This detailed observational study has quantified multiple courtship behaviors for the first time in C. varipes, and highlights the importance of considering multiple behavioral traits when exploring the influence of male courtship on mating success.  相似文献   

Major depressive disorders (MDD) and cardiovascular disease are mutually associated. They share signs and symptoms of the "metabolic syndrome". Two observations that may be causally related with the metabolic syndrome and therefore with both MDD and cardiovascular disease are a decrease in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) and a rise in plasma homocysteine (tHcy) levels. Both the rise in tHcy and the decrease in omega-3 PUFAs may be associated with enhanced lipid peroxidation. We exploratively studied 44 randomly chosen patients out of a cohort of 134 patients with the recurrent form of MDD (MDD-R). We measured tHcy levels together with saturated FAs, monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) and PUFAs of the omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 series in plasma and erythrocytes. Levels were compared with laboratory reference values. The main findings were a decrease in the erythrocytes of C22:5omega-3, C22:6omega-3, C24:1omega-9 and C20:3omega-9 and in the plasma a decrease in C24:1omega-9 and C20:3omega-9. The only significant association we found was between the total of omega-6 fatty acids and plasma tHcy. The FA alterations were found in patients although most of them were clinically recovered, suggesting that the alterations may represent a biological" trait" marker for recurrent depression.  相似文献   

Contaminants, like pesticides, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), dioxins, and metals, are persistent and ubiquitous and are known to threaten the environment. Traditionally, scientists have considered the direct physiological risks that these contaminants pose. However, scientists have just begun to integrate ethology and toxicology to investigate the effects that contaminants have on behavior. This review considers the potential for contaminant effects on mating behavior. Here, we assess the growing body of research concerning disruptions in sexual differentiation, courtship, sexual receptivity, arousal, and mating. We discuss the implications of these disruptions on conservation efforts and highlight the importance of recognizing the potential for environmental stressors to affect behavioral experimentation. More specifically, we consider the negative implications for anthropogenic contaminants to affect the immediate behavior of animals and their potential to have cascading and/or long-term effects on the behavioral ecology and evolution of populations. Overall, we aim to raise awareness of the confounding influence that contaminants can have and promote caution when interpreting results where the potential for cryptic effects are possible.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Since 2003, the United States National Institutes of Health (NIH) has sought to restructure the clinical research enterprise in the United States by promoting collaborative research partnerships between academically-based investigators and community-based physicians. By increasing community-based provider participation in research (CBPPR), the NIH seeks to advance the science of discovery by conducting research in clinical settings where most people get their care, and accelerate the translation of research results into everyday clinical practice. Although CBPPR is seen as a promising strategy for promoting the use of evidencebased clinical services in community practice settings, few empirical studies have examined the organizational factors that facilitate or hinder the implementation of CBPPR. The purpose of this study is to explore the organizational start-up and early implementation of CBPPR in community-based practice. METHODS: We used longitudinal, case study research methods and an organizational model of innovation implementation to theoretically guide our study. Our sample consisted of three community practice settings that recently joined the National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Community Clinical Oncology Program (CCOP) in the United States. Data were gathered through site visits, telephone interviews, and archival documents from January 2008 to May 2011. RESULTS: The organizational model for innovation implementation was useful in identifying and investigating the organizational factors influencing start-up and early implementation of CBPPR in CCOP organizations. In general, the three CCOP organizations varied in the extent to which they achieved consistency in CBPPR over time and across physicians. All three CCOP organizations demonstrated mixed levels of organizational readiness for change. Hospital management support and resource availability were limited across CCOP organizations early on, although they improved in one CCOP organization. As a result of weak IPPs, all three CCOPs created a weak implementation climate. Patient accrual became concentrated over time among those groups of physicians for whom CBPPR exhibited a strong innovation-values fit. Several external factors influenced innovation use, complicating and enriching our intra-organizational model of innovation implementation. CONCLUSION: Our results contribute to the limited body of research on the implementation of CBPPR. They inform policy discussions about increasing and sustaining community clinician involvement in clinical research and expand on theory about organizational determinants of implementation effectiveness.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between ecological constraints and life-history properties constitutes a central problem in evolutionary ecology. Directionality theory, a model of the evolutionary process based on demographic entropy, a measure of the uncertainty in the age of the mother of a randomly chosen newborn, provides an analytical framework for addressing this problem. The theory predicts that in populations that spend the greater part of their evolutionary history in the stationary growth phase (equilibrium species), entropy will increase. Equilibrium species will be characterized by high iteroparity and strong demographic stability. In populations that spend the greater part of their evolutionary history in the exponential growth phase (opportunistic species), entropy will decrease when population size is large, and will undergo random variation when population size is small. Opportunistic species will be characterized by weak iteroparity and weak demographic stability when population size is large, and random variations in these attributes when population size is small. This paper assesses the validity of these predictions by employing a demographic dataset of 66 species of perennial plants. This empirical analysis is consistent with directionality theory and provides support for its significance as an explanatory and predictive model of life-history evolution.  相似文献   

Synopsis Green razorfish are Caribbean wrasses that live in harems on shallow sand or seagrass beds, which offer little cover for predator avoidance (PA). Field observations showed that non-conspecific fishes that intruded were either attacked, ignored, or actively avoided. Food competitors and small piscivores were attacked by male razorfish. Razorfish PA behaviors varied among three habitats with different substratum compositions, suggesting that these fish possess phenotypic plasticity for PA behavior. In a rocky-rubble habitat, razorfish dove into the coarse sand for PA, but most sand dives observed there were to soften a small site for future PA. In a sandbed habitat, they hid among coral branches and dove into the sand when attacked; few maintenance dives were observed as soft sand was widespread. In a seagrass habitat, they hid among blades of grass for PA, and dove into the sand less frequently than at the other sites. Some female razorfish that were transferred among habitats adopted PA behaviors similar to those of females in the new site, while others did not, suggesting that behavioral plasticity is not universal in this species. Razorfish spawned lower in the water column in the presence of natural predators and a predator model, than when these were absent. When the predator model was introduced into a male's territory during spawning periods, there was a reduction in his courtship rate, but not in the number of spawns he achieved. Predation pressure may reduce males' long-term fitness by causing decreased courtship rates which can facilitate sex change in harem females.  相似文献   



Non-syndromic clefts of the orofacial region occur in approximately 1 per 500 to 2,500 live births, depending on geographical area and ethnicity. It can be supposed that the disruption of the normal facial structure and the long-standing pressure of treatment from birth to adulthood bring about a range of life stressors which may lead to a long-lasting impact on affected subjects throughout their lives. Therefore, the present study aimed to assess different aspects of psychosocial stress in affected individuals.


The study was divided into two parts: first, the Trier Social Stress Test which involves uncontrollability and high levels of social-evaluative stress under real conditions and second, the query of various aspects of coping with psychosocial stress. The test group consisted of 30 affected adult subjects, and an equally sized control group of unaffected volunteers. Cortisol dysregulation was determined by saliva samples before and after stress induction. Meanwhile, participants were asked to complete the SVF 120 stress-coping questionnaire.


The analysis of saliva samples showed a similar baseline concentration as well as a similar increase in cortisol levels after stress induction for both groups. Subsequently, the decline in cortisol concentrations was significantly faster in the CLP group (course: p<0.001; groups: p = 0.102; interaction: p = 0.167). The evaluation of the stress-coping questionnaire revealed a significantly shorter rumination about a stressful event in individuals with CLP-related malformations (p = 0.03).


We conclude that adults with CLP have significantly better stress-coping strategies than their healthy peers.

Trial Registration

German Clinical Trials Organization DRKS00003466  相似文献   



The diagnostic approach to dizzy, older patients is not straightforward as many organ systems can be involved and evidence for diagnostic strategies is lacking. A first differentiation in diagnostic subtypes or profiles may guide the diagnostic process of dizziness and can serve as a classification system in future research. In the literature this has been done, but based on pathophysiological reasoning only.


To establish a classification of diagnostic profiles of dizziness based on empirical data.


Cross-sectional study.

Participants and Setting

417 consecutive patients of 65 years and older presenting with dizziness to 45 primary care physicians in the Netherlands from July 2006 to January 2008.


We performed tests, including patient history, and physical and additional examination, previously selected by an international expert panel and based on an earlier systematic review. We used the results of these tests in a principal component analysis for exploration, data-reduction and finally differentiation into diagnostic dizziness profiles.


Demographic data and the results of the tests yielded 221 variables, of which 49 contributed to the classification of dizziness into six diagnostic profiles, that may be named as follows: “frailty”, “psychological”, “cardiovascular”, “presyncope”, “non-specific dizziness” and “ENT”. These explained 32% of the variance.


Empirically identified components classify dizziness into six profiles. This classification takes into account the heterogeneity and multicausality of dizziness and may serve as starting point for research on diagnostic strategies and can be a first step in an evidence based diagnostic approach of dizzy older patients.  相似文献   

Sexual isolation is one of the most important mechanisms that may lead to speciation. Drosophila ananassae and D. pallidosa are useful for the study of sexual isolation, because of their sympatric distribution and no postmating isolation between them. Courtship songs are considered to play a crucial role in sexual isolation between D. ananassae and D. pallidosa. We recorded and analyzed male courtship songs of D. ananassae and D. pallidosa for eight and four geographical strains, respectively. Courtship behaviors of the two species were consistent with those previously described, however, male's middle leg shaking, which had not before been described, was observed in both species. Males sing by wing vibration only during courtship. Their song oscillograms were distinct between species, but those of conspecific strains were very similar, in spite of their different geographical derivation. We found species-specificity in burst length, pulse length, cycle number in a pulse, and frequency spectra of bursts; these results suggest that these song parameters may play a role in mate recognition that enforces their sexual isolation. The specific values of interpulse interval, cycle number in a pulse and intrapulse frequency were involved with the determination of specificity in frequency spectra of bursts. We discussed the possibility that the specific frequency spectra of bursts are recognized by females as the species-specific signal rather than each parameter individually.  相似文献   

Host plants provide food, shelter, and mating habitats for herbivorous and parasitoid insects. Yet each plant species is a microhabitat with distinct chemical and physical attributes that may drive selection and diversification of insects. This study examines differences in courtship vibration signal transmission through leaves of three host plant species that vary in physical characteristics (leaf tissue density, leaf width and percent moisture) and how signal transmission relates to mating success for a parasitoid wasp. The vibration signals transmit with a longer duration and a higher relative amplitude in the host plant leaves of the species with the lowest leaf tissue density, which was also the plant type with the highest mating frequency. Host plants may be a selective force on courtship vibration signals and may contribute to the behavioral or genetic divergence of populations on different host plant species.  相似文献   

Pathogenic Gram-negative bacteria are responsible for nearly half of the serious human infections. Hologram quantitative structure–activity relationships (HQSAR), comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA), and comparative molecular similarity index analysis (CoMSIA) were implemented on a group of 32 of potent Gram-negative LpxC inhibitors. The most effective HQSAR model was obtained using atoms, bonds, donor, and acceptor as fragment distinction. The cross-validated correlation coefficient (q2), non-cross-validated correlation coefficient (r2), and predictive correlation coefficient (r2Pred) for test set of HQSAR model were 0.937, 0.993, and 0.892, respectively. The generated models were found to be statistically significant as the CoMFA model had (r2?=?0.967, q2?=?0.804, r2Pred?=?0.827); the CoMSIA model had (r2?=?0.963, q2?=?0.752, r2Pred?=?0.857). Molecular docking was employed to validate the results of the HQSAR, CoMFA, and CoMSIA models. Based on the obtained information, six new LpxC inhibitors have been designed.  相似文献   

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