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Yuan Lin Tengfei Liu Jun Liu Xun Liu Yongbin Ou Huiling Zhang Meng Li Uwe Sonnewald Botao Song Conghua Xie 《Plant physiology》2015,168(4):1807-1819
Activity, but not Expression, of Soluble and Cell Wall-Bound Acid Invertases Is Induced by Abscisic Acid in Developing Apple Fruit 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Qiu-Hong Pan Xiang-Chun Yu Na Zhang Xun Zou Chang-Cao Peng Xiu-Ling Wang Ke-Qin Zou Da-Peng Zhang 《植物学报(英文版)》2006,48(5):536-549
The present experiment, involving both the in vivo injection of abscislc acid (ABA) Into apple (Malus domestica Brohk.) fruits and the in vivo Incubation of fruit tissues in ABA-contalnlng medium, revealed that ABA activates both soluble and cell wall-bound acid invertases. Immunoblottlng and enzyme-linked Immunosorbent assays showed that this ABA-induced acid invertase activation is Independent of the amount of enzyme present. The acid Invertase activation induced by ABA is dependent on medium pH, time course, ABA dose, living tissue and developmental stage. Two isomers of cls-(+)-ABA, (-)-ABA and trans- ABA, had no effect on acid invertases, showing that ABA-induced acid invertase activation is specific to physiologically active cis-(+)ABA. Protein kinase inhlbltors K252a and H7 as well as acid phosphatase Increased the ABA-Induced effects. These data indicate that ABA specifically activates both soluble and cell wall-bound acid Invertases by a posttranslational mechanism probably Involving reversible protein phosphorylatlon, and this may be one of the mechanisms by which ABA Is Involved In regulating fruit development. 相似文献
The fungus Cercospora rosicola produces abscisic acid (ABA) as a secondary metabolite. We developed a convenient system using this fungus to determine the effects of compounds on the biosynthesis of ABA. Inasmuch as ABA and the gibberellins (GAs) both arise via the isoprenoid pathway, it was of interest to determine if inhibitors of GA biosynthesis affect ABA biosynthesis. All five putative inhibitors of GA biosynthesis tested inhibited ABA biosynthesis. Several plant growth retardants with poorly understood actions in plants were also tested; of these, six inhibited ABA biosynthesis to varying degrees and two had no effect. Effects of plant growth retardants on various branches of the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway may help to explain some of the diverse and unexpected results reported for these compounds. Knowledge that certain inhibitors of GA biosynthesis also have the ability to inhibit ABA biosynthesis in C. rosicola indicates the need for further studies in plants on the mode of action of these compounds. 相似文献
Restoration of Seed Germination at Supraoptimal Temperatures by Fluridone, an Inhibitor of Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis 总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14
Fluridone, an inhibitor of ABA biosynthesis, restored the seedgermination of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids)and many other plant species at supra-optimal temperatures.ABA content in lettuce seeds after imbibition quickly decreasedat 23°C, but not at 33°C (a supraoptimal temperature).Fluridone caused a decrease in ABA content at 33°C, whichsuggests that the maintenance of high ABA content could be responsiblefor high-temperature inhibition of germination of lettuce seeds.This probably results from an increase in the rate of ABA biosynthesisat the higher temperature. The present study indicates thatABA plays a decisive role in the regulation of seed germinationat supraoptimal temperatures.
1 Corresponding author: fax 81-22-717-8834; e-mail yoshi@bios.tohoku.ac.jp 相似文献
Levels of IAA, Cytokinins, ABA and Ethylene in Rice Plants as Affected by a Gibberellin Biosynthesis Inhibitor, Uniconazole-P. 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Izumi Kazuo; Nakagawa Sachiko; Kobayashi Masatomo; Oshio Hiromichi; Sakurai Akira; Takahashi Nobutaka 《Plant & cell physiology》1988,29(1):97-104
Effects of uniconazole-P, a triazole-type growth retardant,on endogenous levels of IAA, cytokinins, ABA and ethylene inrice seedlings were investigated. Endogenous levels of IAA andABA were similar between control and uniconazole-P-treated riceshoots. Evolution of ethylene was promoted slightly, being 1.8times greater under 0.3 ppm uniconazole-P treatment than thatof control. The most obvious effect was the increase of trans-Zand trans-RZ in shoots. Shoots treated with uniconazole-P (10mg/m2 nursery box) contained 3.4 times and 3 times more trans-Zand trans-RZ than control, respectively. No significant differencesof cytokinin levels were recognized in roots except for cis-RZ.The increase of ethylene and active forms of cytokinins, andthe decrease of gibberellin in the shoots may be the basis forphysiological phenomena caused by uniconazole-P, namely thepromotion of flowering in woody plants and the enhancement offemaleness in cucumber. (Received September 9, 1987; Accepted October 20, 1987) 相似文献
过氧化物酶在植物的损伤愈合中起着重要作用.我们采用生物化学分析和组织定位技术,确定了杜仲(Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.)剥皮再生过程中形成层区域过氧化物酶的分布和活性变化.剥皮后第4天至第21天,剥皮植株过氧化物酶含量大幅度增加(与对照比,增加了30~40倍),在整个剥皮再生过程中(从第0天至第63天),过氧化物酶在细胞分裂活跃的形成层和木栓形成层细胞中分布较少.而在愈伤组织、类皮层、成熟韧皮部和成熟木质部中分布较多.过氧化物酶在形成层及其两侧呈梯度分布,形成层中最少,在两侧的韧皮部和木质部中依次递增.其等电聚焦电泳显示两条酶带:POD Ⅰ和PODⅡ.前者只在木质部中分布,可能与木质部的分化有关;后者只在再生的组织中分布,可能与树皮再生过程有关. 相似文献
A system for induction of synthesis of 相似文献
杜仲剥皮再生过程中可溶性蛋白和过氧化物酶含量及分布的变化(英文) 总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7
HOUHong-Wei Kalima-N'KomaMWANGE WANGYa-Qing CUIKe-Ming 《Acta Botanica Sinica》2004,46(2):216-223
Peroxidases are known to play important roles in plant wound healing. Biochemical analysisand histochemical localization techniques were used to assess changes and distribution of peroxidases inthe recovering bark after girdling in Eucommia ulmoides Oliv. Between 4 and 21 days after girdling (DAG),peroxidases activity in the girdled trees significantly increased by 30-40 times over that in ungirdled trees.During the whole bark recovery process (from 0 to 63 DAG), the peroxidase signal was not found in thetissue regions subjected to intense cell division activity (regenerating cambial zone and phellogen). However,high peroxidase activity was detected in the callus, cortex-like, mature phloem and xylem. Interestingly, itwas shown that, in maturing xylem and phloem cells, there was respectively an inward and outwardperoxidase activity gradient on both sides of the cambium zone. An isoelectric-focusing electrophoresis ofthe extracted protein displayed two isozyme bands of peroxidase: POD Ⅰ and POD Ⅱ. POD Ⅰ was onlydetected in the xylem fraction and could play a role in xylem differentiation. POD Ⅱ was only identified inthe recovering bark portion and could be more engaged in bark regeneration process. A relationshipbetween IAA and peroxidase is also discussed. 相似文献
Invertase Activity, Soluble Carbohydrates and Inflorescence Development in the Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The concentration of reducing sugars in the developing firstinflorescence of the tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.)increased steadily between the macroscopic appearance of theflower buds and the initial stages of fruit expansion. Overthis period sucrose concentrations remained relatively constant.The rise in reducing sugar concentration was accompanied byan increase in the activity of an acid invertase. In individualflower buds invertase activity rose to a maximum shortly beforeanthesis and declined sharply as the anthers dehisced. Increased planting densities and removal of source leaves reducedthe rate of dry matter accumulation by the first inflorescenceand increased the incidence of flower bud abortion. These changeswere correlated with reductions in reducing sugar concentrations,in reducing sugar/sucrose ratios and in acid invertase levels.Removal of young leaves at the shoot apex significantly increasedthe relative growth rate of the inflorescence and led to a substantialincrease in its invertase content. These treatments had relativelylittle effect on sucrose concentration in the inflorescence. The data are consistent with the operation of an invertase-mediatedunloading mechanism for transported sucrose at sinks in theflower buds. It is suggested that the retarded development ofthe first inflorescence and the high incidence of flower budabortion observed under conditions of reduced photoassimilateavailability are causally related to the decline in invertaseproduction in the flower buds. Possible mechanisms for the regulationof invertase synthesis in the flowers are discussed. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, inflorescence development, invertase, sink activity 相似文献
Evidence presented here indicates that there is a complex interaction between kinetin, gibberellin, and sucrose in the regulation of turnover of invertase in vivo. The synthesis of invertase is maintained in the presence of GA3 and sucrose over relatively long periods of time. Kinetin, on the other hand, inhibits the full development of invertase activity seen in the sucrose and gibberellin control treatments. Moreover, the peak in invertase activity occurs earlier with kinetin treatment. During invertase turnover, once the peak is reached, kinetin enhances the rate of decay of enzyme activity relative to synthesis. The regulatory significance of invertase in intercalary growth and possible modes of kinetin action in this process are discussed. 相似文献
A culture system of isolated mesophyll cells of Zinnia eleganswas used to examine the action of gibberellic acid (GA) on celldivision. Isolated Zinnia mesophyll cells cultured in a mediumcontaining auxin and cytokinin reinitiated cell division ina partly synchronized manner. When mesophyll cells isolatedfrom 21-day-old seedlings were used, GA added to the culturemedium at concentrations of 1 x 106 M or higher suppressedthe initial rise in the number of divided cells. Tracer experimentswith [3H]-dThd revealed that GA treatment inhibited the incorporationof [3H]-dThd into DNA in the nucleus without inhibiting theuptake of [3H]-dThd into the cells, indicating that GA inhibitedDNA synthesis. GA applied at 48 h inhibited the incorporationof [3H]-dThd into DNA during the following 24 h, but GA appliedat 72 h did not inhibit the incorporation during the subsequent24 h. This suggests that GA affects the process of reinitiationof DNA synthesis, but does not affect DNA synthesis once cellshave become proliferative. (Received January 14, 1986; Accepted March 31, 1986) 相似文献
The phytochrome-controlled dormancy of celery seeds (Apium graveolens L.) can be broken by exogenously applied growth regulators. Gibberellins, especially the mixture of GA4 and GA7 appeared to be the primary stimuli for germination of darkincubated seeds. However, concentrations less than 1 mM were ineffective in replacing the light requirement in one celery cultivar (cv.Utah), and in another cultivar (cv.Lathom Blanching), concentrations above 1 mM were insufficient. The addition of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) to gibberellins, increased markedly their activity and reduced by several orders of magnitude the gibberellin concentrations needed to stimulate a light treatment. This synergistic activity is similar to the effect of benzyladenine (BA) or Succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide (SADH) when added to gibberellins. In a diverse plant system, the mixture of gibberellin with EDTA increased significantly the amount of reducing sugars released by embryoless barley seeds. 相似文献
Wang T. Wright D. Xu H. Yang Y. Zheng R. Shi J. Chen R. Wang L. 《Russian Journal of Plant Physiology》2019,66(1):29-40
Russian Journal of Plant Physiology - Sugars are crucial factors that contribute to fruit flavor. To uncover the regulatory mechanism of sugar metabolism in developing fruit, we isolated four... 相似文献
Treatment with S-3307, a newly developed growth retardant, causedswelling of leaf sheaths in 2- to 3-leafed young onion seedlings(Allium ccpa L. cv. Senshu-Chuko), which otherwise showed noswelling even under long-day conditions. Before swelling becameevident, changes occurred in the arrangement of cortical microtubulesin leaf sheath cells of S-3307-treated seedlings. Cortical microtubulesin leaf sheath cells, which are normally oriented transverselyto the cell axis in untreated seedlings, were oriented longitudinallyor obliquely in treated seedlings. S-3307 exerted these effectsonly in seedlings grown under long-day conditions, but not undershort-day conditions. Simultaneously applied gibberellin reversed the effect of S-3307on swelling, indicating that S-3307 acts as an inhibitor ofgibberellin biosynthesis in onion seedlings. Endogenous gibberellinseems to play an important role in arranging cortical microtubulestransversely to the cell axis. (Received July 14, 1984; Accepted September 26, 1984) 相似文献
《Journal of Asia》2006,9(1):43-48
Fatty acid synthesis produces long-chain fatty acids that are principal forms of stored energy and essential constituents of cellular membrane lipids. In animals fatty acid synthesis is catalyzed by fatty acid synthase (FAS) from acetyl-coenyzyme A (CoA) and malonyl-CoA. Cerulenin and C75, potent FAS inhibitors, can inhibit feeding in mammals.Using these inhibitors we examined the effect of feeding inhibition during H. zea larval stage. Growth of larvae injected (30 μg/g body weight) with C75 or cerulenin was significantly delayed during the first 8 hrs after injection, but recovered to normal levels within 20 hrs. During the first 8 hr period, the amount of consumed diet in the inhibitor treated larvae was significantly less than the control group. The retardation of larval development could be caused from the reduction of food intake after injection of the inhibitor. The result indicates that C75 or cerulenin inhibits fatty acid synthesis, resulting in feeding suppression in the larval moth as demonstrated in vertebrates.Pheromone production was significantly decreased in the isolated pheromone gland of H. zea females treated with FAS inhibitors. Pheromone production was inhibited by blocking fatty acid synthesis, even though PBAN stimulated pheromone biosynthesis. After topical application of D3-16: Acid to pheromone glands the relative labeled pheromone amount was increased when the gland was incubated with C75. This result indicates that a part of the pheromone amount could be synthesized from 16: Acid directly when fatty acid synthesis was blocked. These results indicate that the inhibitors have a potential possibility to control insect feeding activity and inhibit pheromone biosynthesis in moths. 相似文献
CCC, uniconazol, ancymidol, prohexadione-calcium (BX-112), and CGA 163′935, which represent three groups of gibberellin (GA)
biosynthesis inhibitors, were applied as a soil drench to Sorghum bicolor cultivars 58M (phyB-1, phytochrome B-deficient mutant) and 90M (phyB-2, equivalent phenotypically to wild type, PHYB, except for small differences in flowering dates). The inhibitors that block
steps before GA12 (CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol) lowered the concentrations of all endogenous early-C13α-hydroxylation pathway GAs found
in sorghum: GA12, GA53, GA44, GA19, GA20, GA1, and GA8. In contrast, the inhibitors that block the conversion of GA20→ GA1, (CGA 163′935 and BX-112) drastically reduced GA1 and GA8 levels, but they either did not change or caused accumulation of intermediates from GA12 to GA20. Combinations of pre-GA12 inhibitors and GA3 plus GA1 strongly reduced GAs other than GA1 and GA3. Each of these compounds inhibited shoot growth in both cultivars and delayed floral initiation in 90M. Floral initiation
of 58M was also delayed by CCC, uniconazol, and ancymidol but not by CGA 163`935 and BX-112. This separation of shoot elongation
from floral initiation in sorghum is novel. Both inhibition of shoot growth and delayed floral initiation were almost completely
relieved by a mixture of GA3 and GA1 in both 58M and 90M. This observation, plus the much lower levels of endogenous GA3 than of GA1 observed in these experiments, implies that GA1 is the major endogenous GA active in shoot elongation. CGA 163′935 and BX-112 also failed to promote tillering in 58M, whereas
inhibitors active before GA12 did so. The possibility that the GA20→ GA1 inhibitors fail to block flowering and promote tillering in 58M because biosynthetic intermediates between GA12 and GA20 accumulate and/or because 58M is altered in GA metabolism in this same region of the biosynthetic pathway is discussed.
Received April 7, 1998; accepted July 31, 1998 相似文献
Cloning and molecular characterization of the basic peroxidase isoenzyme from Zinnia elegans, an enzyme involved in lignin biosynthesis 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1 下载免费PDF全文
The major basic peroxidase from Zinnia elegans (ZePrx) suspension cell cultures was purified and cloned, and its properties and organ expression were characterized. The ZePrx was composed of two isoforms with a M(r) (determined by matrix-assisted laser-desorption ionization time of flight) of 34,700 (ZePrx34.70) and a M(r) of 33,440 (ZePrx33.44). Both isoforms showed absorption maxima at 403 (Soret band), 500, and 640 nm, suggesting that both are high-spin ferric secretory class III peroxidases. M(r) differences between them were due to the glycan moieties, and were confirmed from the total similarity of the N-terminal sequences (LSTTFYDTT) and by the 99.9% similarity of the tryptic fragment fingerprints obtained by reverse-phase nano-liquid chromatography. Four full-length cDNAs coding for these peroxidases were cloned. They only differ in the 5'-untranslated region. These differences probably indicate different ways in mRNA transport, stability, and regulation. According to the k(cat) and apparent K(m)(RH) values shown by both peroxidases for the three monolignols, sinapyl alcohol was the best substrate, the endwise polymerization of sinapyl alcohol by both ZePrxs yielding highly polymerized lignins with polymerization degrees > or =87. Western blots using anti-ZePrx34.70 IgGs showed that ZePrx33.44 was expressed in tracheary elements, roots, and hypocotyls, while ZePrx34.70 was only expressed in roots and young hypocotyls. None of the ZePrx isoforms was significantly expressed in either leaves or cotyledons. A neighbor-joining tree constructed for the four full-length cDNAs suggests that the four putative paralogous genes encoding the four cDNAs result from duplication of a previously duplicated ancestral gene, as may be deduced from the conserved nature and conserved position of the introns. 相似文献
Removal of an ear from a tiller of a wheat plant growing inthe field did not result in any marked change in the net photosyntheticrate of the subtending flag leaf, even during the period whenthe ear would normally have received large amounts of assimilatefrom the flag leaf. Following ear removal, there was an increasein the amount of ethanol-soluble and ethanol-insoluble carbohydratesin the remaining organs of the tiller. 14C labelling studiesshowed that a new pattern of translocation was established within23 days of ear removal, and the tiller exported assimilateto other tillers on the plant, and possibly to the roots. 相似文献