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Abstract: The parasitoid spectrum of the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella, was examined for its adaptation to a newly introduced host. A total of 15 parasitic species belonging to the suprafamilies Ichneumonoidea and Chalcidoidea was reared, all of them are polyphagous and common on other leafminers in Europe. The abundance of the moth and its natural enemies were studied during one entire vegetation period. The phenology of some of its major parasitic species was investigated and compared with the occurrence of the leafminer with special regard to its possible use in biological pest control.  相似文献   

Abstract: Qualitative or semi-quantitative visual assessments are most often used for estimating population size of herbivorous insects. The precision of these estimates, however, is often difficult to establish. A 'simulation game' with the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lep., Gracillariidae) shows that visual, semi-quantitative assessments can provide accurate information. Damaged areas of 411 horse chestnut leaves collected in 100 sites were closely related to mine numbers despite some variability in mine and leaf size ( R 2 = 0.915; n  = 411; P < 0.001). On the basis of this relationship, two methods of population assessment are compared: (i) digital image processing of leaf damage and (ii) visual assessment using a damage key reflecting the relative infested area on each leaf (0, 0%; 1, 0–2%; 2, 2–5%; 3, 5–10%; 4, 10–25%; 5, 25–50%; 6, 50–75%; 7, 75–100%). Both methods used to estimate damage presented a similar, close relationship to the 'real' numbers of mines ( R 2 = 0.858; n  = 777; P < 0.001 for image processing and R 2 = 0.905; n  = 777; P < 0.001 for visual assessment). The potential of using visual assessments as an accurate and fast method in situ at the tree scale is discussed.  相似文献   

A fixed precision sequential sampling plan for estimating the density of the horse chestnut, Aesculus hippocastanum L., leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) was developed. Data were collected from 2002 to 2004 in Turin, northwestern Italy, with the aim of developing a sampling strategy for estimating populations of C. ohridella mines. Taylor's power law was used as a regression model. Sampling parameters were estimated from 216 data sets, and an additional 110 independent data sets were used to validate the fixed precision sequential sampling plan with resampling software. Covariance analysis indicated that there were not significant differences in the coefficient of Taylor's power law between heights of the foliage, months, and years. Dispersion patterns of C. ohridella were determined to be aggregated. The parameters of the Taylor's power law were used to calculate minimum sample sizes and sampling stop lines for different precision levels. Considering a mean density value of five mines per leaf, an average sample number of only 49 leaves was necessary to achieve a desired precision level of 0.25. As the precision level was increased to 0.10, the average sample size increased to 303 leaves. The sequential sampling plan should provide an effective management of C. ohridella in the urban areas, minimizing sampling time and cost, and at the same should be an effective tool to reduce insecticide applications and prevent the esthetic damage.  相似文献   

Abstract:  The control of Cameraria ohridella Deschka and Dimic (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae) by natural enemies in Europe is poor. Thus, in the past 15 years epidemic population densities of the moth regularly caused a continuous pre-mature defoliation of horse chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum L.. Whereas several studies investigated the parasitoid complex of the leafminer and revealed its inefficiency, only little is known about the predators of C. ohridella . The aim of this study was to identify the predator complex in European horse chestnut stands by visual observations and exposure experiments and to assess the impact of different predator guilds on C. ohridella populations by an exclusion experiment. Of all potential predators observed, only blue tits, Parus caeruleus L., great tits, Parus major L., marsh tits, Parus palustris L. and the southern oak bushcricket Meconema meridionale (Costa) were found to prey on the pre-imaginal leafminer stages. Bushcrickets have to our knowledge never before been recorded preying on leafminers; moreover M. meridionale showed a measurable negative impact on the C. ohridella population. However, birds seem to be of greater importance as predators of C. ohridella than arthropods. Predation rates of birds ranged from 2 to 4% of leafminer populations, which is of the same order of magnitude as published parasitism rates. We conclude that the augmentation of tit densities, for example via nesting boxes in chestnut trees, should be considered as a component of an integrated control strategy against the horse chestnut leafminer.  相似文献   

Spatial patterns of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic (Lepidoptera: Gracillariidae) population density was analysed in the cities of Bern and Brussels in order to explore its spatial population dynamics. The surveys were carried out in Bern in 1998 and 2000 and in Brussels in 2001 to assess population density in relation to local characteristics. In Brussels, population density was also measured using pheromone traps distributed over the city and collected twice per moth generation. A quantitative relationship was found between local population density (measured by pheromone traps and survey observations) and the amount of leaves left on the ground the previous fall. Several other factors were related to observed infestation levels: the occurrence of the pathogen Guignardia aesculi was inversely related to infestation by C. ohridella in Bern in 1998 and 2000, the number of horse chestnut trees within 800 m distance was positively related to infestation level in Bern in 2000, and the proportion of green areas within 100 m and the number of other horse chestnut trees within 2000 m were positively related to infestation levels in the 2001 Brussels survey. The pattern of infestation levels as a function of distance to potential population reservoirs suggested that C. ohridella re‐invades areas where overwintering leaves have been cleaned from refuge areas such as parks or urban forests. Our results indicate that the removal of leaves is a feasible first aid control measure to reduce moth population densities. However, leaf removal may not reduce moth densities when done improperly. In places where proper leaf removal is not feasible, other control measures are needed.  相似文献   

Dodecyl acetate (12:OAc) ( E )-10-dodecenyl acetate ( E 10-12:OAc) and ( E )-10-dodecenol ( E 10-12:OH) in the ratio 8 : 80 : 12 were collected by solid phase micro-extraction of the volatiles emitted by virgin signalling females of the spotted tentiform leafminer moth, Phyllonorycter blancardella . The same compounds in the ratio 8 : 79 : 13 were extracted from the sex pheromone glands of virgin signalling females of the same species. The chemical structures of the compounds were identified by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. Trapping results obtained from field tests using synthetic components of the sex pheromone demonstrated that only one component, E 10–12:OAc, was essential for the attraction of conspecific males and should be considered as a sex pheromone.  相似文献   

The continuous epidemic infestation of horse chestnuts by C. ohridella is a serious aesthetic and economic problem in urban environments. The aim of the presented studies was therefore to develop control measures which meet the special needs of urban plant protection. Removal of infested leaves in autumn and appropriate disposal of the leaflitter is the only practicable measure to reduce infestation levels so far. Another two methods, which are currently in an experimental stage, had an impact on the leafminer populations. A gelformulated combination of the C. ohridella-pheromone with a contact insecticide as attract-and-kill-system proved to be efficient at low population levels. Easily applicable and safe banks of systemic insecticides turned out to be effective in killing preimaginal stages of the leafminer on young trees. The complex of parasitoids attacking C. ohridella is comparable to that of other leafminers. Nevertheless, parasitism rates are very low at present and far away from having any controlling effect on the pest insect.  相似文献   

In spite of the fact that since the end of the eighties, the horse chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella, has established itself throughout Europe, native predators such as ants and birds are not attuned to this neozoic species. In contrast, several parasitic wasp species already started to exploit the invasive horse chestnut leafminer, but until now parasitation rates are quite low, mainly because of asynchrony in the lifecycles of parasitoids and host. Only the removal of leaf litter, in which pupae hibernate, is at the moment a strategy to reduce the infestation level in the next year. Unfortunately, not only hibernating horse chestnut leafminers but also parasitoids are removed, and important resources for biocontrol are unused. In the current study, we investigated the potential efficiency of the horse chestnut leafminer parasitoid complex extracted from leaf litter in defined environments. Parasitoids were released at different densities to investigate density dependence in parasitation rates.Although seven different species were released in our experiments, only Pnigalio agraules turned out to be responsible for biocontrol of C. ohridella. We recorded parasitation rates of up to 35%. Overall, parasitation rates were independent of the leafminer density but increased fourfold if ten times more parasitoid individuals were released. Unfortunately, none of the parasitoid species could be established in the experimental units in the long run. Results are compared to other parasitoid-leafminer systems, and promotion of horse chestnut leafminer parasitoids to support natural selection and biological control of the horse chestnut leafminer is discussed.  相似文献   

Trees of Aesculus sp. are often present in European landscapes. Common horse chestnut and red horse chestnut are seriously damaged by the fungus Erysiphe flexuosa as well as the pest Cameraria ohridella. Both pathogen and pest have spread throughout Europe. A genetic background of trees resistance still remains unknown. The present study was undertaken to estimate genetic variation of A. hippocastanum and A.×carnea grown in urban greens and their susceptibility to powdery mildew and horse chestnut leafminer. According to obtained results both species were infected by E. flexuosa in a similar degree but there were significant differences in susceptibility of particular trees (ANOVA). C. ohridella damaged only A. hippocastanum. The correlation between age of trees and degree of infestation by pathogen and pest was not observed. The significant genetic variability between two Aesculus species was revealed by the analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) where both the intra- and the inter-species variation were found to be significant. It was shown that 73.0% of the genetic variance was contributed by the differentiation between A. hippocastanum and A.×carnea, whereas 27.0% was partitioned within species. The medium level of genetic diversity of Aesculus spp. was determined using SRAP and RAPD analyses. The mean value of genetic similarity was equal to 0.55 for common horse chestnut and 0.98 for red horse chestnut. Among 40 polymorphic SRAP and RAPD markers 17 were associated with degree of leaf damage caused by C. ohridella.  相似文献   

This article presents the activity of carbohydratases and proteases in the midgut of Cameraria ohridella larvae--an oligophagous pest whose preferred feeding is horse chestnuts leaves. Optimal media pH of the assayed enzymes were similar to those of other Lepidopterans. Relatively high amylase activity, as well as maltase and sucrase activities, indicates that starch and sucrose are the main digested saccharides. Trehalase activity was similar to that described in other Lepidopterans. Activities of glycosidases were significantly lower than those of disaccharidases what suggests that neither cellulose nor glycosides are important for C. ohridella. Trypsin is the main endoprotease of this pest. Like in other leaf-eaters carboxypeptidase activity was higher than that of aminopeptidase. The activity of the majority of examined enzymes increased in the following successive pest generations, which could be explained by the decreased nutritional value of older leaves. Probably this phenomenon in hydrolases activity in Cameraria is a nonspecific mechanism present at this stage of co-evolution of the horse chestnut and its pest.  相似文献   

The horse‐chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella is an invasive lepidoptera (Gracillariidae) which has spread throughout Europe over the last two decades. The species can be detected easily because of its noticeable damage to horse‐chestnut trees leaves, which allows the easy collection of large‐scale monitoring data. It is therefore an interesting model species to study invasion processes, and this review summarizes recent progresses in that regard. The date reported here result from monitoring of C. ohridella population based on pheromone traps and visual observation of damage carried out in Belgium, France, Germany, Switzerland and the UK. The patterns of spread measured using these different monitoring method, and the key factors associated with short‐distance dispersal (within cities), and large‐scale dispersal (across landscapes) are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

This review traces the identification and use of sex pheromone of the horse chestnut leafminer Cameraria ohridella Deschka et Dimi? (Lepidoptera, Gracillariidae, Lithocolletinae) to monitor population density and discuss its potential for direct control. Host volatiles endogenously emitted from Aesculus hippocastanum L. leaves are described in terms of their ability to control conspecific females.  相似文献   

1 The horse‐chestnut leafminer, Cameraria ohridella Deschka & Dimic, was discovered during a mass outbreak on planted horse‐chestnut trees, Aesculus hippocastanum, near Lake Ohrid in Macedonia. However, several peculiarities in the leafminer's biology and ecology, such as its inefficient control through natural enemies, indicate that it may be of exotic origin. 2 In this study, the parasitism of C. ohridella was examined in natural and artificial horse‐chestnut stands in South‐eastern Europe. The size and composition of the parasitoid complex of natural stands was comparable with that known from artificial stands. No specialist parasitoid species were detected in any of the samples. The only parasitoid species found exclusively in natural stands during this investigation were the braconid Colastes braconius and the eulophid Chrysocharis phryne. Both are known to be polyphagous on many leafminers in Europe and C. braconius has been often recorded from C. ohridella in artificial stands in previous studies. Parasitism levels varied within the same range (3.6–21.0%) throughout the entire region, in both types of habitats. 3 These results suggest that the parasitoid complex of C. ohridella in natural and planted horse‐chestnut stands in Europe is typically that of an exotic, recently introduced leafminer. Consequently, C. ohridella is probably not indigenous in the Balkans, but has been introduced to the area of its discovery from another continent.  相似文献   

Cameraria ohridella is an invasive leaf miner, a severe pest of horse chestnut trees. Chemical control needs recognition of intrinsic metabolic capability to cope with external stressing factors. Our tasks were to check annual effects of generation, and host tree age on detoxifying abilities of the last larval stage. Activities of CAT, SOD, GSTPX, GST CarE and AChE were assayed in the midgut of larvae from two localities during 3 years and three generations, annually. Activities of GSTPX and GST were high, but CAT and SOD were low in relation to other lepidopteran larvae. In general, the second generation larvae had the highest activity, indicating an effective defence against allelochemicals produced by the host. Effects of host tree age were significant for SOD, GSTPX and CarE activities. Significant annual differences on enzyme profiles of CAT, SOD, CarE and AChE reflected differences of temperature and precipitation between consecutive years.  相似文献   

The objective of this work was to characterize the sexual behavior of the citrus leafminer, Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton, as the foundation for the isolation, identification, and synthesis of the complete sex pheromone of this species. Mating occurred in a time window of 2h, starting 1h before the onset of photophase. The large majority of tested insects mated in the first two days after emergence, with no significant difference between mating at day 1 and day 2. A stereotypical courtship and copulation behavior were described for this species. When mating was successful, the copulation was recorded in average for 49.6 min. In Y-olfactometer tests conducted at the time of mating activity, males were strongly attracted to caged virgin females as well as to extracts from putative pheromone glands.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Calling behaviour, diel periodicity, and effect of age and mating on female sex pheromone titre in Estigmene acrea (Drury) were studied under laboratory conditions. Forty-five per cent of females started calling during the first scotophase, but the highest number of calling females was observed during the second, third and fourth scotophases. Calling behaviour occurred from the third hour after dark until just before the end of the scotophase. However, females exhibited a bimodal pattern of calling with the first peak occurring between 4 and 6 h and a second peak at 10 h after the onset of scotophase. The mean onset of calling time differed significantly with age. Older females showed a tendency to call longer, but there was no significant difference. The amount of (Z,Z)-3,6-cis-9, 10-epoxyheneicosadiene in females was quantified from the first scotophase following emergence, until the fifth scotophase. Glands of 0-day-old females presented a higher content of pheromone compared with that found in glands of 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-day-old females. Pheromone titre was determined at 2-h intervals throughout the third scotophase and photophase. (Z,Z)-3,6-cis-9,10-epoxyheneicosadiene was found in the gland during the scotophase as well as the photophase. However, there was no consistent pattern of pheromone production throughout the scotophase or photophase. Mated females of E. acrea produced significantly less pheromone than virgin females.  相似文献   

International Journal of Biometeorology - Dwelling intensity of horse-chestnut miner (Cameraria ohridella) larvae in various leaves insolation and temperature was measured to determine whether this...  相似文献   

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