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Postnatal transmission of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) in neonates nursed by acutely infected mothers and infection resulting from oral inoculation of kittens with FIV were evaluated. Ten of 16 kittens nursed by four queens with FIV infection established immediately postpartum developed FIV infection. Five of 11 neonates orally administered cell-free FIV culture supernatant developed FIV infection. Kittens that developed FIV infection had greater proportions of CD4+ and Pan-T+ lymphocytes at birth than negative kittens. Infectious virus was recovered from the milk of acutely infected mothers. We conclude that FIV may be experimentally transmitted via milk from queens with acute infections and that oral administration of FIV to neonatal kittens results in infection.  相似文献   

Gammaretrovirus receptors have been suggested to contain the necessary determinants to mediate virus binding and entry. Here, we show that murine NIH 3T3 and baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells overexpressing receptors for subgroup A, B, and C feline leukemia viruses (FeLVs) are weakly susceptible (10(1) to 10(2) CFU/ml) to FeLV pseudotype viruses containing murine leukemia virus (MLV) core (Gag-Pol) proteins, whereas FeLV receptor-expressing murine Mus dunni tail fibroblast (MDTF) cells are highly susceptible (10(4) to 10(6) CFU/ml). However, NIH 3T3 cells expressing the FeLV subgroup B receptor PiT1 are highly susceptible to gibbon ape leukemia virus pseudotype virus, which differs from the FeLV pseudotype viruses only in the envelope protein. FeLV resistance is not caused by a defect in envelope binding, low receptor expression levels, or N-linked glycosylation. Resistance is not alleviated by substitution of the MLV core in the FeLV pseudotype virus with FeLV core proteins. Interestingly, FeLV resistance is alleviated by fusion of receptor-expressing NIH 3T3 and BHK cells with MDTF or human TE671 cells, suggesting the absence of an additional cellular component in NIH 3T3 and BHK cells that is required for FeLV infection. The putative FeLV-specific cellular component is not a secreted factor, as MDTF conditioned medium does not alleviate the block to FeLV infection. Together, our findings suggest that FeLV infection requires an additional envelope-dependent cellular component that is absent in NIH 3T3 and BHK cells but that is present in MDTF and TE671 cells.  相似文献   

James R. Richards   《Biologicals》2005,33(4):215-217
Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) is a common feline pathogen, with an overall infection prevalence of approximately 11% in cats worldwide. Most infected cats eventually succumb due to direct viral effects or, more commonly, to secondary infections resulting from virus-induced immunosuppression. FIV infection is considered lifelong, and diagnosis most often relies on detection of virus-specific antibodies. A currently available whole virus, adjuvanted, inactivated FIV vaccine induces antibodies in vaccinates that is indistinguishable from those induced by infection. As a result, currently available diagnostic tests cannot reliably distinguish vaccinated cats from infected cats, or from cats that are both vaccinated and infected. From both an epidemiologic and an individual cat perspective, it is impossible to determine whether use of this vaccination is more beneficial than it is harmful.  相似文献   

Background  Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) infection has a high mortality rate in humans. Secondary bacterial pneumonia with HPAIV infection has not been reported in human patients, whereas seasonal influenza viruses sometimes enhance bacterial pneumonia, resulting in substantial morbidity and mortality. Therefore, if HPAIV infection were accompanied by bacterial infection, an increase in mortality would be expected. We examined whether a vaccine against HPAIV prevents severe morbidity caused by mixed infection with HPAIV and bacteria.
Methods  H7N7 subtype of HPAIV and Streptococcus pneumoniae were inoculated into cynomolgus macaques with or without vaccination of inactivated whole virus particles .
Results  Vaccination against H7N7 HPAIV decreased morbidity caused by HPAIV and pneumonia caused by S. pneumoniae . Bacterial replication in lungs was decreased by vaccination against HPAIV, although the reduction in bacterial colonies was not significant.
Conclusions  Vaccination against HPAIV reduces pneumonia caused by bacterial superinfection and may improve prognosis of HPAIV-infected patients.  相似文献   

Preexistent feline leukemia virus (FeLV) infection greatly potentiated the severity of the transient primary and chronic secondary stages of feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) infection. Of 10 FeLV-FIV carrier cats, 5 died of experimentally induced FIV infection, compared with 2 deaths in 10 cats infected only with FeLV and 1 death in 7 cats infected only with FIV. FIV-infected cats with preexistent FeLV infections developed severe depression, anorexia, fever, diarrhea, dehydration, weight loss, and leukopenia 4 to 6 weeks after infection and were moribund within 2 weeks of the onset of signs, whereas cats infected only with FIV developed much milder self-limiting gross and hematologic abnormalities. Pathologic findings in dually infected cats that died were similar to those observed previously in cats dying from uncomplicated primary FIV infection but were much more widespread and severe. Coinfection of asymptomatic FeLV carrier cats with FIV did not increase the levels of FeLV p27 antigen present in their blood over that seen in cats infected with FeLV alone. The amount of proviral FIV DNA was much higher, however, in dually infected cats than in cats infected only with FIV; there was a greater expression of FIV DNA in lymphoid tissues, where the genome was normally detected, and in nonlymphoid tissues, where FIV DNA was not usually found. Dually infedted cats that recovered from the primary stage of FIV infection remained more leukopenic than cats infected with FIV or FeLV alone, and their CD4+/CD8+ T-lymphocyte ratios were inverted. One of these cats developed what was considered to be an opportunistic infection. It was concluded, therefore, that a preexistent FeLV infection in some way enhanced the expression and spread of FIV in the body and increased the severity of both the resulting transient primary and chronic secondary stages of FIV infection. This study also demonstrated the usefulness of the FIV model in studying the role of incidental infectious diseases as cofactors for immunodeficiency-causing lentiviruses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To investigate the possible interference with acute hepatitis B virus infection by co-infection with hepatitis C virus. DESIGN--Analysis of stored sera collected for transfusion transmitted viruses study in 1970s. SETTING--Four major medical centres in the United States. PATIENTS--12 recipients of blood infected with hepatitis B virus. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--In 1970s, presence of antibodies in hepatitis B virus and raised serum alanine aminotransferase concentration; detection of antibodies to hepatitis C virus with new enzyme linked immunoassays. RESULTS--Five of the 12 patients were coinfected with hepatitis C virus. Hepatitis B surface antigen was first detected at day 59 in patients infected with hepatitis B virus alone and at day 97 in those coinfected with hepatitis C virus (p = 0.01); median durations of antigenaemia were 83 and 21 days respectively (p = 0.05), and the antigen concentration was lower in the coinfected patients. Alanine aminotransferase patterns were uniphasic when hepatitis B virus infection occurred alone (range 479-2465 IU/l) and biphasic in patients with combined acute infection (no value > 380 IU/l; p = 0.0025). Four coinfected recipients developed chronic hepatitis C virus infection. The fifth patient was followed for only four months. CONCLUSIONS--Acute coinfection with hepatitis C virus and hepatitis B virus inhibits hepatitis B virus infection in humans, and onset of hepatitis B may reduce the severity of hepatitis C virus infection but not frequency of chronicity. Alanine aminotransferase concentration showed a biphasic pattern in dual infection.  相似文献   

Background aimsDendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen presenting cells of the immune system and have been under intense study with regard to their use in immunotherapy against cancer and infectious disease agents. In the present study, DCs were employed to assess their value in protection against live virus challenge in an experimental model using lethal and latent herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection in Balb/c mice.MethodsDCs obtained ex vivo in the presence of granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and interleukin-4 were loaded with HSV-1 proteins (DC/HSV-1 vaccine). Groups of mice were vaccinated twice, 7 days apart, via subcutaneous, intraperitoneal or intramuscular routes with DC/HSV-1 and with mock (DC without virus protein) and positive (alum adjuvanted HSV-1 proteins [HSV-1/ALH]) control vaccines. After measuring anti-HSV-1 antibody levels in blood samples, mice were given live HSV-1 intraperitoneally or via ear pinna to assess the protection level of the vaccines with respect to lethal or latent infection challenge.ResultsIntramuscular, but not subcutaneous or intraperitoneal, administration of DC/HSV-1 vaccine provided complete protection against lethal challenge and establishment of latent infection as assessed by death and virus recovery from the trigeminal ganglia. It was also shown that the immunity was not associated with antibody production because DC/HSV-1 vaccine, as opposed to HSV-1/ALH vaccine, produced very little, if any, HSV-1-specific antibody.ConclusionsOverall, our results may have some impact on the design of vaccines against genital HSV as well as chronic viral infections such as hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus and human immunodeficiency virus.  相似文献   

Whole inactivated virus (WIV) vaccines derived from the FL4 cell line protect cats against challenge with feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). To investigate the correlates of protective immunity induced by WIV, we established an immunization regimen which protected a proportion of the vaccinates against challenge. A strong correlation was observed between high virus neutralizing antibody titers and protection following challenge. To investigate further the immune mechanisms responsible for immunity, all of the vaccinates were rechallenged 35 weeks following the initial challenge. Results of virus isolation from peripheral blood mononuclear cells indicated that 9 of 10 vaccinates were protected from viremia following the second challenge, suggesting that vaccine-induced immunity to FIV persisted for at least 8 months. However, more stringent analysis for evidence of infection revealed that 5 of 10 vaccinates harbored virus in lymphoid tissues. Unlike the protection observed immediately following vaccination, which correlated positively with virus neutralizing antibody titer, the ability to resist a second challenge with FIV was more closely correlated with the induction of Env-specific cytotoxic T-cell activity. The results indicate that both virus-specific humoral immunity and cellular immunity play a role in the protection induced in cats by WIV immunization but their relative importance may be dependent on the interval between vaccination and exposure to virus.  相似文献   

Nipah virus, a newly emerged zoonotic paramyxovirus, infects a number of species. Human infections were linked to direct contact with pigs, specifically with their body fluids. Clinical signs in human cases indicated primarily involvement of the central nervous system, while in pigs the respiratory system was considered the primary virus target, with only rare involvement of the central nervous system. Eleven 5-week-old piglets were infected intranasally, orally, and ocularly with 2.5 x 10(5) PFU of Nipah virus per animal and euthanized between 3 and 8 days postinoculation. Nipah virus caused neurological signs in two out of eleven inoculated pigs. The rest of the pigs remained clinically healthy. Virus was detected in the respiratory system (turbinates, nasopharynx, trachea, bronchus, and lung in titers up to 10(5.3) PFU/g) and in the lymphoreticular system (endothelial cells of blood and lymphatic vessels, submandibular and bronchiolar lymph nodes, tonsil, and spleen with titers up to 10(6) PFU/g). Virus presence was confirmed in the nervous system of both sick and apparently healthy animals (cranial nerves, trigeminal ganglion, brain, and cerebrospinal fluid, with titers up to 10(7.7) PFU/g of tissue). Nipah virus distribution was confirmed by immunohistochemistry. The study presents novel findings indicating that Nipah virus invaded the central nervous system of the porcine host via cranial nerves as well as by crossing the blood-brain barrier after initial virus replication in the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   

A model is proposed in which a deactivated enzyme protects an active enzyme from deactivation. Enzyme modifiers, when present, may also appear to induce or enhance enzyme protection by providing intra-molecular covalent cross-links to ‘lock-in’ protein conformation and facilitate enzyme protection by the deactivated enzyme. In both cases a first-order deactivation protection model is shown to fit the immobilized and soluble enzyme deactivation data presented reasonably well. Steric hindrances and the immobile nature of the enzyme-support link of immobilized enzymes would appear to lessen the extent of this protection.  相似文献   

Although invertebrates lack a true adaptive immune response, the potential to vaccinate Penaeus monodon shrimp against white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) using the WSSV envelope proteins VP19 and VP28 was evaluated. Both structural WSSV proteins were N-terminally fused to the maltose binding protein (MBP) and purified after expression in bacteria. Shrimp were vaccinated by intramuscular injection of the purified WSSV proteins and challenged 2 and 25 days after vaccination to assess the onset and duration of protection. As controls, purified MBP- and mock-vaccinated shrimp were included. VP19-vaccinated shrimp showed a significantly better survival (p<0.05) as compared to the MBP-vaccinated control shrimp with a relative percent survival (RPS) of 33% and 57% at 2 and 25 days after vaccination, respectively. Also, the groups vaccinated with VP28 and a mixture of VP19 and VP28 showed a significantly better survival when challenged two days after vaccination (RPS of 44% and 33%, respectively), but not after 25 days. These results show that protection can be generated in shrimp against WSSV using its structural proteins as a subunit vaccine. This suggests that the shrimp immune system is able to specifically recognize and react to proteins. This study further shows that vaccination of shrimp may be possible despite the absence of a true adaptive immune system, opening the way to new strategies to control viral diseases in shrimp and other crustaceans.  相似文献   

Therapeutic vaccines for the treatment of cancer are an attractive alternative to some of the conventional therapies that are currently used. More importantly, vaccines could be very useful to prevent recurrences when applied after primary therapy. Unfortunately, most therapeutic vaccines for cancer have performed poorly due to the low level of immune responses that they induce. Previous work done in our laboratory in cancer mouse models demonstrated that vaccines consisting of synthetic peptides representing minimal CD8 T-cell epitopes administered i.v. mixed with poly-IC and anti-CD40 antibodies (TriVax) were capable of inducing massive T cell responses similar to those found during acute infections. We now report that some peptides are capable of inducing similarly large T cell responses after vaccination with poly-IC alone (BiVax). The results show that amphiphilic peptides are more likely to function as strong immunogens in BiVax and that systemic immunizations (i.v. or i.m.) were more effective than local (s.c.) vaccine administration. The immune responses induced by BiVax were found to be effective against established tumors in two mouse cancer models. The roles of various immune-related pathways such as type-I IFN, CD40 costimulation, CD4 T cells, TLRs and the MDA5 RNA helicase were examined. The present findings could facilitate the development of simple and effective subunit vaccines for diseases where CD8 T cells provide a therapeutic benefit.  相似文献   

Vaccine-induced immunity to Ebola virus infection in nonhuman primates (NHPs) is marked by potent antigen-specific cellular and humoral immune responses; however, the immune mechanism of protection remains unknown. Here we define the immune basis of protection conferred by a highly protective recombinant adenovirus virus serotype 5 (rAd5) encoding Ebola virus glycoprotein (GP) in NHPs. Passive transfer of high-titer polyclonal antibodies from vaccinated Ebola virus-immune cynomolgus macaques to naive macaques failed to confer protection against disease, suggesting a limited role of humoral immunity. In contrast, depletion of CD3(+) T cells in vivo after vaccination and immediately before challenge eliminated immunity in two vaccinated macaques, indicating a crucial requirement for T cells in this setting. The protective effect was mediated largely by CD8(+) cells, as depletion of CD8(+) cells in vivo using the cM-T807 monoclonal antibody (mAb), which does not affect CD4(+) T cell or humoral immune responses, abrogated protection in four out of five subjects. These findings indicate that CD8(+) cells have a major role in rAd5-GP-induced immune protection against Ebola virus infection in NHPs. Understanding the immunologic mechanism of Ebola virus protection will facilitate the development of vaccines for Ebola and related hemorrhagic fever viruses in humans.  相似文献   

Infection of pigtail macaques with SIVsmmPBj14, biological clone 3 (SIV-PBj14-bc13), produces an acute and usually fatal shock-like syndrome 7 to 14 days after infection. We used this simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) model as a rapid and rigorous challenge to evaluate the efficacy of two SIV Env vaccine strategies. Groups of four pigtail macaques were immunized four times over a 25-week span with either a recombinant Semliki Forest virus expressing the SIV-PBj14 Env gp160 (SFV-SIVgp160) or purified recombinant SIV-PBj14 gp120 (rgp120) in SBN-1 adjuvant. Antibody titers to SIV Env developed in all immunized animals (mean peak titers prior to challenge, 1:1,700 for SFV-SIV gp 160 and 1:10,500 for rgp120), but neither neutralizing antibodies nor SIV-specific T-cell proliferative responses were detectable in any of the vaccinees. All macaques were challenged with a 100% infectious, 75% fatal dose of SIV-PBj14-bc13 at week 26. Three of four control animals died of acute SIV-PBj14 syndrome on days 12 and 13. By contrast, all four SFV-SIVgp160-immunized animals and three of the four rgp120-immunized animals were protected from lethal disease. While all virus-challenged animals became infected, symptoms of the SIV-PBj14 syndrome were more severe in controls than in vaccinees. Mean virus titers in plasma at 13 days postchallenge were approximately 10-fold lower in vaccinated than control animals. However, there was no apparent correlation between survival and levels of peripheral blood mononuclear cell-associated culturable virus, provirus load, or any antiviral immunologic parameter examined. The results indicate that while immunization with SFV-SIVgp160 and rgp120 did not protect against virus infection, these Env vaccines did lower the virus load in plasma and protect against the lethal SIV-PBj14 challenge.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein D (gD-2) is the entry receptor of herpes simplex virus 2 (HSV-2), and is the immunogen in the pharmaceutical industry''s lead HSV-2 vaccine candidate. Efforts to prevent genital herpes using gD-2 subunit vaccines have been ongoing for 20 years at a cost in excess of $100 million. To date, gD-2 vaccines have yielded equivocal protection in clinical trials. Therefore, using a small animal model, we sought to determine if a live-attenuated HSV-2 ICP0 virus would elicit better protection against genital herpes than a gD-2 subunit vaccine. Mice immunized with gD-2 and a potent adjuvant (alum+monophosphoryl lipid A) produced high titers of gD-2 antibody. While gD-2-immunized mice possessed significant resistance to HSV-2, only 3 of 45 gD-2-immunized mice survived an overwhelming challenge of the vagina or eyes with wild-type HSV-2 (MS strain). In contrast, 114 of 115 mice immunized with a live HSV-2 ICP0 virus, 0ΔNLS, survived the same HSV-2 MS challenges. Likewise, 0ΔNLS-immunized mice shed an average 125-fold less HSV-2 MS challenge virus per vagina relative to gD-2-immunized mice. In vivo imaging demonstrated that a luciferase-expressing HSV-2 challenge virus failed to establish a detectable infection in 0ΔNLS-immunized mice, whereas the same virus readily infected naïve and gD-2-immunized mice. Collectively, these results suggest that a HSV-2 vaccine might be more likely to prevent genital herpes if it contained a live-attenuated HSV-2 virus rather than a single HSV-2 protein.  相似文献   

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