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FLAVIO QUINTANA 《Ibis》2001,143(3):547-553
During 1996 and 1997, foraging Rock Shags Phalacrocorax magellanicus were studied at Punta Loma, Argentina using radio-transmitters deployed on ten adult shags during the chick-rearing period. Rock Shags undertook 2.6 ± 0.6 sd trips per day. The mean duration of a feeding trip was 2.6 ± 0.7 hours. A bird spent 36% of daylight hours away from the colony on feeding trips, diving for 92% of the foraging trip, and made a mean of 106 dives per foraging trip. Foraging trip duration was strongly correlated with the total number of dives made in one foraging trip. Rock Shags fed mainly in water less than 10m deep with a gravelly sand bottom and within 5 km of shore. Mean foraging range was 3.8 ± 2.6 km and 2.6 ± 2.3 km for 1996 and 1997, respectively. These results suggest a high foraging effort (diving time per foraging trip) for Rock Shags, presumably associated with poor food conditions close to the colony. Comparison is made with other Phalacrocorax species.  相似文献   

Radiotelemetry was used to assess the distribution and diving behaviour of Rock Shags Phalacrocorax magellanicus and Red-legged Cormorants Phalacrocorax gaimardi breeding in sympatry, and Rock Shags breeding in isolation. When breeding in sympatry there was little overlap in the foraging locations of the two species, with the highest densities of each species separated by 10 km. Red-legged Cormorants fed significantly closer to the breeding colony than did Rock Shags and undertook shorter foraging trips, making almost twice as many foraging trips per day as Rock Shags. Rock Shags breeding in isolation had a shorter foraging range than the birds breeding in sympatry with Red-legged Cormorants and foraging trip duration was significantly shorter. However, the number of feeding trips per day was similar between areas of sympatry and allopatry. Differences in the foraging ecology of Rock Shags in areas of sympatry and allopatry may be due to interspecific competition, which forces niche differentiation. The distance between foraging sites, the speed of movement of the prey, a species tendency to move into prey-depleted areas and the length of the breeding season (during which the birds are constrained to be in the same area) may play critical roles in determining the extent to which differential area use by competitors is a strategy that benefits both parties.  相似文献   

Information on maximum dive depth and the time spent at various depths was obtained from 49 Shags Phalacrocorax aristotelis. On average, the maximum dive depth was 33–35 m; the overall maximum was 43 m. Shags dived repeatedly to the same depth and spent c. 55% of the time between 25 and 34 m which indicated that they were foraging close to the seabed. About 46% of the time underwater was spent foraging and 54% travelling. Average underwater swimming speed was 1.7-1.9 m per second.  相似文献   

The Cape cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis is unusual among cormorants in using aerial searching to locate patchily distributed pelagic schooling fish. It feeds up to 80 km offshore, often roosts at sea during the day and retains more air in its plumage and is more buoyant than most other cormorants. Despite these adaptations to its pelagic lifestyle, little is known of its foraging ecology. We measured the activity budget and diving ecology of breeding Cape cormorants. All foraging took place during the day, with 3.6 ± 1.3 foraging trips per day, each lasting 85 ± 60 min and comprising 61 ± 53 dives. Dives lasted 21.2 ± 13.9 s (maximum 70 s), attaining an average depth of 10.2 ± 6.7 m (maximum 34 m), but variability in dive depth both within and between foraging trips was considerable. The within-bout variation in dive depth was greater when making shallow dives, suggesting that pelagic prey were targeted mainly when diving to <10 m. Diving ecology and total foraging time were similar to other cormorants, but the time spent flying (122 ± 51 min day−1, 14% of daylight) was greater and more variable than other species. Searching flights lasted up to 1 h, and birds made numerous short flights during foraging bouts, presumably following fast-moving schools of pelagic prey. Compared with the other main seabird predators of pelagic fish in the Benguela region, Cape gannets Morus capensis and African penguins Spheniscus demersus , Cape cormorants made shorter, more frequent foraging trips. Their foraging range while feeding small chicks was 7 ± 6 km (maximum 40 km), similar to penguins (10–20 km), but less than gannets (50–200 km). Successful breeding by large colonies depends on the reliable occurrence of pelagic fish schools within this foraging range.  相似文献   

In this study of thick- billed murres in high- arctic Greenland we used electronic data loggers and satellite transmitters (PTTs) to identify the foraging areas of chick-rearing adults, and to map the routes and staging areas of adults accompanying post-fledging chicks during their swimming migration within the North Water (NOW) polynya. During the pre-fledging period the majority of 19 foraging trips performed by 8 birds went to a shelf area north of the colony where 83% of all dives took place. Individual birds headed in different directions during successive trips, and went up to 47 km from the colony. Upon fledging the four PTT-tagged adult/chick pairs initiated swimming migration by heading south-west from the colony. All pairs moved fast until they arrived at a shallow bank area ca 180 km from the colony, where at least two of the pairs remained for more than a week. Speed during the active migration averaged 2.5 km h-1 with a peak of 6.6 km h-1. In the pre-fledging period the birds utilised a feeding area outside the normal foraging range of murres from other colonies. Similarly, post-fledging adult/chick pairs may have benefitted from reduced food competition when they moved to a staging area situated at the only shallow area in the polynya without any adjacent murre colony. This initial study suggested that the high-arctic murres did not hasten towards the wintering grounds, and that the NOW remained important even to post-fledging murres.  相似文献   

NICOLÁS SUÁREZ  & PABLO YORIO 《Ibis》2005,147(3):544-551
The Dolphin Gull Larus scoresbii is a little-known, rare species endemic to southern South America. Knowledge of its feeding ecology is essential for development of management and conservation strategies. To obtain information on their use of food resources and on the frequency and duration of their foraging trips, we followed seven individuals by radiotelemetry during the breeding season of 2002 at the Punta Tombo Reserve, Argentina. In 99% of mapped locations ( n  = 4069) the Gulls were within 2.4 km of their colony. Dolphin Gulls foraged mostly at the colonies of three other species, feeding on Magellanic Penguin Spheniscus magellanicus and Imperial Cormorant Phalacrocorax atriceps regurgitates and on Southern Sea Lion Otaria flavescens faeces. The sea lion colony was the most frequently visited foraging area, accounting for 64% of the total ( n  = 260 trips). A similar trend was observed during both the incubation (60%, n  = 38 trips) and the chick (64%, n  = 40 trips) stages. The mean number of trips per day was 3.8 (range = 3–5), with a mean duration of 123 min (sd = ±27). Trip duration differed between foraging areas, being significantly longer at the sea lion than at the penguin and cormorant colonies. The small foraging range given by its particular feeding strategy suggests that Dolphin Gulls, in contrast to most other seabirds that range over large expanses of ocean in search of food, may be effectively conserved within protected areas during the breeding season.  相似文献   

The association between the distribution of blue-footed boobies Sula nebouxii (BFB) and marine productivity around their breeding grounds is unclear. In Peru, they breed in a region seasonally influenced by the cold, nutrient rich Humboldt Current, and by warm, nutrient poor oceanic waters. The foraging range of BFB in Peru is unknown, although some evidence suggest that they may feed in warm offshore waters. During the austral winter 2002 and summer 2003, we tracked 26 BFBs breeding on Isla Lobos de Tierra, Peru (located approximately 15 km west of the mainland), during 59 feeding trips using small direction recorders to determine their marine habitat use. BFBs preferentially moved to the east of the island and foraged over the continental shelf in cold water masses where marine productivity and the abundance of the main prey, the Peruvian anchovy Engraulis ringens , are usually higher than in other areas. Overall, the median maximum foraging distance from the colony was 39 km (range 3–109 km), with 90% of all trips located within 30 km from the mainland, and enclosed in an area of 13,113 km2. These results reveal that BFBs exploit the productive waters of the Peruvian Coastal Upwelling System, rather than open oceanic waters as previously suggested. BFBs travelled a greater distance, dispersed in a broader area, and visited more offshore waters during the winter 2002, than during the summer 2003, following the typical seasonal horizontal dispersion of the Peruvian anchovy.  相似文献   

The satellite-acquired locations of 10 blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) tagged off southern California with Argos radio tags were used to identify (1) their movements during the late summer feeding season; (2) the routes and rate of travel for individuals on their southern fall migration; and (3) a possible winter calving/breeding area. Whales were tracked from 5.1 to 78.1 d and from 393 to 8,668 km. While in the Southern California Bight, most of the locations for individual whales were either clumped or zigzagged in pattern, suggesting feeding or foraging (searching for prey). Average speeds ranged from 2.4 to 7.2 km/h. One whale moved north to Cape Mendocino, and four migrated south along the Baja California, Mexico coast, two passing south of Cabo San Lucas on the same day. One of the latter whales traveled an additional 2,959 km south in 30.5 d to within 450 km of the Costa Rican Dome (CRD), an upwelling feature. The timing of this migration suggests the CRD may be a calving/breeding area for North Pacific blue whales. Although blue whales have previously been sighted in the Eastern Tropical Pacific (ETP), this is the first evidence that whales from the feeding aggregation off California range that far south. The productivity of the CRD may allow blue whales to feed during their winter calving/breeding season, unlike gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus) and humpbacks (Megaptera novaeangliae) which fast during that period.  相似文献   

Intrapopulational polymorphism in habitat use is widely reported in many animal species. The phenomenon has recently also been recognized in adult female loggerhead sea turtles Caretta caretta , with small females tending to inhabit oceanic areas (where water depths are >200 m) while presumably feeding pelagically and large females tending to inhabit neritic areas (where depths are <200 m) while presumably feeding benthically. In this study, dive recording satellite telemetry units were used to verify their foraging and diving behaviours in these habitats. Two females that nested on Yakushima Island, Japan, were tracked for 124 and 197 days. The small female wandered in the oceanic Pacific, and spent most of the time at 0–25 m depths regardless of day or night, implying that she foraged pelagically at the surface and shallow depths. Her mean dive durations were significantly longer at night than during the day. The large female moved into the neritic East China Sea, and spent most of the time over the continental shelf at 100–150 m depths during the day and at 0–25 m depths at night, suggesting that she alternated between diurnal benthic foraging and nocturnal resting within the depths where she could attain neutral buoyancy. Her mean dive durations were not significantly different between day and night. The increase in dive duration for both turtles coincided with a seasonal decrease in water temperature. The small female sometimes showed midwater dormancy at 0–25 m depths with a duration of >5 h that was in contrast with bottom dormancy by sea turtles inhabiting other regions. The diving behaviours observed during this study were consistent with their estimated main feeding habits, which demonstrated resource polymorphism in a marine reptile.  相似文献   

Individual consistency in foraging behaviour can generate behavioural variability within populations and may, ultimately, lead to species diversification. However, individual‐based long‐term behavioural studies are particularly scarce in seabird species. Between 2008 and 2011, breeding Imperial Shags Phalacrocorax atriceps at the Punta León colony, Argentina, were tracked with GPS devices to evaluate behavioural consistency during their foraging trips. Within a breeding season, individuals were highly consistent in the maximum distances they reached from the shore and the colony, as well as in the time invested in flight and diving across consecutive days during early chick rearing. In addition, each individual had its specific foraging area distinct from the foraging area of other individuals. Comparing between early and late chick rearing in the same season, individuals were consistent, to a lesser degree, in the maximum distance they reached from the colony and the shore, increasing in consistency later on in the season. Within the season, females were more consistent than males in the maximum distance they moved from the colony and the shore, the sexes segregated in their foraging areas and individual females were segregated from one another. Twenty‐eight individuals tracked in different breeding seasons were marginally consistent in their trip durations and maximum distance reached from shore across seasons. Among seasons, foraging locations differed between sexes and among individual females. Individuals from this colony exhibited consistency over time in several aspects of foraging behaviour, which may be due to a combination of individual characteristics such as learning abilities, breeding experience or health, as well as targeted prey type and stability of the environment at this location.  相似文献   

We present data on diving pattern and performance (dive depth, duration, frequency and organization during the foraging trip) in gentoo penguins Pygoscelis papua , obtained using time-depth recorders ( n = 9 birds, 99 foraging trips). These data are used to estimate various parameters of foraging activity, e.g. foraging range, prey capture rates, and are compared in relation to breeding chronology. Foraging trip duration was 6 h and 10 h, and trip frequency 1.0/day and 0.96/day, during the brooding and creche periods, respectively. Birds spent on average 52%of each foraging trip diving. Dive depth and duration were highly bimodal: shallow dives (< 21 m) averaged 4 m and 0.23 min, and deep dives (> 30 m) 80 m and 2.5 min, respectively. Birds spent on average 71%and 25%of total diving time in deep and shallow dives, respectively. For deep dives, dive duration exceeded the subsequent surface interval, but shallow dives were followed by surface intervals 2–3 times dive duration. We suggest that most shallow dives are searching/exploratory dives and most deep dives are feeding dives. Deep dives showed clear diel patterns averaging 40 m at dawn and dusk and 80–90 m at midday. Estimated foraging ranges were 2.3 km and 4.1 km during the brood and creche period, respectively. Foraging trip duration increased by 4 h between the brood and creche periods but total time spent in deep dives (i.e. time spent feeding) was the same (3 h). Of 99 foraging trips, 56%consisted of only one dive bout and 44%of 2–4 bouts delimited by extended surface intervals > 10 min. We suggest that this pattern of diving activity reflects variation in spatial distribution of prey rather than the effect of physiological constraints on diving ability.  相似文献   

The diet, diving behaviour, swimming velocity and foraging range of Gentoo Penguins Pygoscelis papua were studied at Macquarie Island during the breeding season in the 1993–1994 austral summer. Gentoo Penguins are considered to be inshore feeders, and at Macquarie Island the diet and estimated foraging ranges supported this. The diet consisted of 91.6% fish and 8.3% squid, by mass. The dominant prey taxa were the fish Gymnoscopelus sp. and Paranotothenia magellanica. A mixture of pelagic and benthic prey was consumed, with a greater proportion of benthic species occurring later in the season. The penguins exhibited a strong diurnal pattern in their diving behaviour. Deep diving (≥30 m) began near sunrise (03.00 h) and finished close to sunset (21.00 h). Diving at night was less common and very shallow (<10 m). Early in the breeding season, dive profiles indicated that birds were probably following vertically migrating pelagic prey through the water column and were foraging in waters over 100 m deep. Later in the season, more uniform, shallower depths were used, suggesting an increase in benthic foraging activity. These changes in dive pattern and depth were consistent with the habitat preferences of prey species found in the diet. Gentoo Penguins swam at 1.04 m per s and had a maximum potential foraging range of about 26 km for single-day trips. They tended to forage within 14 km of the colony, with a mean range of 5.4 km. This range encompassed the deep ocean habitat to the west and east of the island and a shallow area to the north.  相似文献   

African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini are sedentary as adults. However, colour-ringing of more than 700 juveniles has revealed complex post-fledging movements that vary geographically. Young from the western part of the breeding range either remain within 150 km of their natal site or migrate 1500–2000 km to one of five discrete nursery areas on the Namib Desert coast of central and northern Namibia, and southern Angola. These nurseries all lie north of the species' breeding range. We calculate that 36–46% of all juveniles born in South Africa migrate to nurseries. Birds return to their natal sites from nurseries at 2–3 years old, but never migrate again. Juveniles from the eastern part of the range undertake 'diffusion dispersal', regularly up to 1000 km, but these journeys mostly end within the breeding range, where there are no nurseries. Very few eastern birds reach nurseries. There is no evidence that movements of western birds are density-dependent responses to hatching date, but long-distance migrants are significantly heavier as chicks than are short-distance dispersers. We hypothesize that a genetic basis exists to these movements, possibly triggered by body condition, that could account not only for the highly dichotomous behaviour of western birds, but also for the intermediate behaviour of eastern birds.  相似文献   

African Black Oystercatchers Haematopus moquini are sedentary as adults. However, colour-ringing of more than 700 juveniles has revealed complex post-fledging movements that vary geographically. Young from the western part of the breeding range either remain within 150 km of their natal site or migrate 1500–2000 km to one of five discrete nursery areas on the Namib Desert coast of central and northern Namibia, and southern Angola. These nurseries all lie north of the species' breeding range. We calculate that 36–46% of all juveniles born in South Africa migrate to nurseries. Birds return to their natal sites from nurseries at 2–3 years old, but never migrate again. Juveniles from the eastern part of the range undertake 'diffusion dispersal', regularly up to 1000 km, but these journeys mostly end within the breeding range, where there are no nurseries. Very few eastern birds reach nurseries. There is no evidence that movements of western birds are density-dependent responses to hatching date, but long-distance migrants are significantly heavier as chicks than are short-distance dispersers. We hypothesize that a genetic basis exists to these movements, possibly triggered by body condition, that could account not only for the highly dichotomous behaviour of western birds, but also for the intermediate behaviour of eastern birds.  相似文献   

The Black-legged Kittiwake Rissa tridactyla is the most abundant gull species in the world, but some populations have declined in recent years, apparently due to food shortage. Kittiwakes are surface feeders and thus can compensate for low food availability only by increasing their foraging range and/or devoting more time to foraging. The species is widely studied in many respects, but long-distance foraging and the limitations of conventional radio telemetry have kept its foraging behavior largely out of view. The development of Global Positioning System (GPS) loggers is advancing rapidly. With devices as small as 8 g now available, it is possible to use this technology for tracking relatively small species of oceanic birds like kittiwakes. Here we present the first results of GPS telemetry applied to Black-legged Kittiwakes in 2007 in the North Pacific. All but one individual foraged in the neritic zone north of the island. Three birds performed foraging trips only close to the colony (within 13 km), while six birds had foraging ranges averaging about 40 km. The maximum foraging range was 59 km, and the maximum distance traveled was 165 km. Maximum trip duration was 17 h (mean 8 h). An apparently bimodal distribution of foraging ranges affords new insight on the variable foraging behaviour of Black-legged Kittiwakes. Our successful deployment of GPS loggers on kittiwakes holds much promise for telemetry studies on many other bird species of similar size and provides an incentive for applying this new approach in future studies.  相似文献   

 Several patterns of feeding behaviors have been documented in benthophagous fishes. The foraging behavior of the maiden goby, Pterogobius virgo, was studied at Kurahashi Island in the Seto Inland Sea, Japan. Pterogobius virgo foraged mostly on polychaetes by volume from among several available prey items by digging in the sandy bottom. The digging behavior comprised swing of only pectoral fins or of both pectoral fins and body. Pectoral fin swing exposed the cryptic prey within the bottom, and fins and body swing exposed the prey and washed the sediment away. The swings were repeatedly and continuously conducted at a site during the daytime, making a pit several centimeters deep in which the fish was located. After the prey was exposed, the fish immediately and rapidly picked up the prey. Polychaetes were abundant prey in the sediment, occurring in the layer 3–5 cm deep from the bottom surface in the study area. In this goby, spot-fixed fin digging, the first documentation of feeding habits in gobies, may be effective for feeding on the most valuable prey, i.e., polychaetes, which may be otherwise unavailable for this fish. Received: April 24, 2001 / Revised: April 26, 2002 / Accepted: May 7, 2002  相似文献   

Since 1968, Turtle Doves Streptopelia turtur in Britain have declined in number by 70% and in breeding range by at least 25%. This study was undertaken during the 1998–2000 breeding seasons at two sites in East Anglia to examine habitat use and foraging ecology. Home ranges of radiotagged Turtle Doves were 0.3–1130 ha in size and contained more woodland than expected from availability. Radiotagged birds undertook foraging trips of up to 10 km. Turtle Doves were recorded feeding primarily at 'man-made' sites (i.e. spilt grain, animal feed and grain stores) and were only infrequently recorded feeding at 'natural' sites. Diet analysis showed that wheat and rape seed averaged 61% of the seeds eaten by Turtle Doves. This contrasts with a study undertaken in Britain in the 1960s, when the seeds of wild plants (weeds) constituted over 90% of those eaten, with wheat and rape seeds making up only 5%. The current arrangements for set-aside and agri-environmental schemes provide a framework for the establishment and maintenance of weed-rich areas on farmland as a source of wild food.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellate cysts have been recovered from six long-term (1–2 yr) sediment trap moorings deployed in the Bellingshausen, Weddell and Scotia seas, Antarctica. These traps, mostly moored near the sea bed to sample the nepheloid layer, were located both within and to the north of the maximum sea-ice limit. The numbers of cysts, together with the composition of the assemblages, reinforce the importance of the maximum sea-ice limit as a modern biogeographic boundary for the distribution of dinoflagellate cysts. Cysts derived from heterotrophic dinoflagellates make up the highest proportions within the assemblages recovered from the traps. One trap sampled the export production, revealing little difference in cyst flux over those sampling the nepheloid layer. Cyst flux appears to be highest in areas closest to the Antarctic Convergence, north of the maximum sea-ice limit, and to high nutrient availability. There are, however, differences between the sediment trap assemblages and those recovered from core-top samples at the same or nearby sites. These differences, in the greater number of cysts, and in the higher numbers of round, brown Protoperidinium cysts in the traps, may reflect annual differences in the primary productivity and/or cyst production in the area. In some areas the sediment record may preserve little information about local surface water productivity because of the activity of bottom water currents, for example those arising from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current.  相似文献   

We radio-tracked Myotis emarginatus in Upper Bavaria, Germany to identify the key-foraging habitats and to enable an adequate habitat management for this endangered species. The studied females foraged at a distance of up to 8.1 km around their colony roost. The average distance of the foraging area was 3.7 km, where 70% of foraging areas were located within a distance of 5 km and 90% within 6 km of the nurseries. Moreover, these bats spent about 75% of their foraging time within 5 km and 85% within a 6-km radius. To reach the foraging areas, the bats usually used riparian woodlands, hedges and tree lines as flight paths. Specifically, 46.9% of the foraging areas were located in forests, 24.5% in cow sheds, 18.4% in riparian woodlands along streams and 10.2% in fields, villages, orchards, hedges and groves on open land. On average, the bats foraged in forests for 56.2% of the time, during which habitat allocation was possible. In cow sheds the percentage was 29.2%, in riparian deciduous woodland 11.5% and in the other habitats 3.1%. Within forests M. emarginatus avoided foraging in spruce monocultures. Pure stands of spruce covered 45% of the total forest area, but only 10% of the foraging areas were located in this forest type. Deciduous forests on the other hand were much more common as foraging sites (40% versus 11%). Therefore, the availability of native deciduous forest and of fly-infested stables within a radius of 6 km around the colony roosts should be the focus of conservation concepts for M. emarginatus.  相似文献   

Fauchald P  Tveraa T 《Oecologia》2006,149(3):383-395
In hierarchical patch systems, small-scale patches of high density are nested within large-scale patches of low density. The organization of multiple-scale hierarchical systems makes non-random strategies for dispersal and movement particularly important. Here, we apply a new method based on first-passage time on the pathway of a foraging seabird, the Antarctic petrel (Thalassoica antarctica), to quantify its foraging pattern and the spatial dynamics of its foraging areas. Our results suggest that Antarctic petrels used a nested search strategy to track a highly dynamic hierarchical patch system where small-scale patches were congregated within patches at larger scales. The birds searched for large-scale patches by traveling fast and over long distances. Once within a large-scale patch, the birds concentrated their search to find smaller scale patches. By comparing the pathway of different birds we were able to quantify the spatial scale and turnover of their foraging areas. On the largest scale we found foraging areas with a characteristic scale of about 400 km. Nested within these areas we found foraging areas with a characteristic scale of about 100 km. The large-scale areas disappeared or moved within a time frame of weeks while the nested small-scale areas disappeared or moved within days. Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) is the dominant food item of Antarctic petrels and we suggest that our findings reflect the spatial dynamics of krill in the area.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available to authorised users in the online version of this article at .  相似文献   

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