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Riassunto L'A. ha isolato un ceppo di Mycocandida pseudotropicalis da un caso di broncopneumomicosi pura e primitiva in una giovane donna. Vengono illustrate le caratteristiche colturali, morfologiche e biochimiche del ceppo e sono riferite le ricerche immunologiche, cliniche e sperimentali anatomo-patologiche. Una indagine particolare è rivolta allo studio delle assimilazioni, in special modo dei carboidrati (glicogene, amido, glucosio). Dopo aver illustrato la storia della specie, l'A. ne discute la validità nomenclatoriale, la posizione sistematica in seno alle classificazioni dei lieviti anascosporei.
Zusammenfassung Der Autor hat einen Stamm der Mycocandida pseudotropicalis aus einem Fall reiner und primitiver Bronchopneumomykose bei einer jungen Frau isoliert. Es werden nun die kultivatorischen, morphologischen und biochemischen Charakteristica des Stammes erläutert und es wird über die immunologischen, klinischen und anatomisch-pathologisch experimentellen Forschungen berichtet. Ein besonderes Augenmerk ist auf das Studium der Assimilationen, vor allem der Carbohydrate (Glykogen, Stärke, Glykose) gerichtet. Nach einer Erläuterung der Artgeschichte diskutiert der Autor über die Gültigkeit der Nomenklatur und über die systematische Stellung zwischen den Klassifikationen der anascosporogenen Hefen.

Summary The micromorphology displayed by one north american strain (Illinois) of Manilia albicans is identical to the classical morphology of Endomyces albicans Vuill. or E. Vuillemini. From the study of the strain, the conclusion is that the very abundant and early production of acrogenous spherical, double-walled chlamidospores were considered as asci, only for the superficial analogy with true species of the Genus Endomyces. The original Vuilleminian strain, conserved up to-now appeared as one asporogenous, while no exhaustive proof of the original sporogenicity were presented by Vuillemin. In conclusion, our strain, with the Vuillemin's strain and E. Cruzi (and probably E. fulmonalis and E. bonaerensis) has been considered as a variety [var. Vuillemini (Landrieu ex Cast, et Chalm.) nobis] of Mycotorula albicans (Rob.) Lang. et Tal.  相似文献   

Summary In a systematic study of about 300 supposedly anascosporogenous yeast cultures it was found that nine strains actually did form ascospores. A further investigation of these strains, together with a comparative study of evidently closely related asporogenous strains, led to the following results. Mycocandida pinoyisimilis (A. Cast.) Red. et Cif. var. Citelliana Red. et Gif. proved to be identical with Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia pseudotropicalis A. Cast. = Candida pseudotropicalis (A. Cast.) Basgal has to be considered as the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces fragilis Jörgensen. Monilia macedoniensis A. Cast. = Blastodendrion macedoniense (A. Cast.) Lang, et Guerra, as well as the variety macedoniensoides [= Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. var. macedoniensoides (A. Cast.) Westerdijk], should in future be designated as: Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder.The yeast incorrectly named by Beijerinck: Saccharomyces fragrans proved to be the imperfect stage of Saccharomyces macedoniensis Diddens et Lodder. Hence the correct designation of the species in question appears to be: Candida macedoniensis (A. Cast.) Berkh. Monilia javanica Went et Prinsen Geerligs proved to be identical with Hansenula anomala (Hansen) Sydow.A Monilia species isolated by Molle from intertrigo blastomicetico proved to be identical with Hansenula javanica (Groenewege) Dekker. Candida pelliculosa Red. is the imperfect stage of the last mentioned species.A strain received from Ota, and labeled: Myceloblastanon gifuense Taniguchi — which, however, did not answer the diagnosis of this species — proved to be identical with Debaryomyces Matruchoti Grigoraki et Péju.  相似文献   

Riassunto L'A., da un ceppo di Mycotorula albicans (ceppo Silvano) ha isolato, in mezzo alle numerose colonie normali liscie, una colonia d'aspetto abnorme, rugoso, verrucoso, che si avvicina alla fase R di Arkwright, in contrapposizione alle S normali. Dallo studio dei caratteri micro-macromorfologici e biochimici, conclude che si tratta di un modico grado di polimorfismo con polimetricismo, la cui conoscenza deve essere ulteriormente approfondita e tenuta in considerazione ai fini di una più esatta collocazione dei miceti lievitiformi anascosporogeni nella classificazione sistematica.
Summary From a strain of Mycotorula albicans, with colonies of the normal S type, a colony verrucose, rough (allied to the E phase of Artwright) has been obtained. From the comparative study of micro- and macromorphologic characteristics as well of the biochimism of both strains, the main conclusion is that the so called dissociation (on this species) is related to a moderate polymorphism and polymetry of the yeast cells.

Sommario L, A. ha ripreso il tentativo di isolate dalle cellule del corpo adiposo delle blatte (Periplaneta orientalis e Blattella germanica) i simbionti con lo scopo di determinarue la natura. I1 tentativo è fallito; lo studio è stato condotto su 40 ovoteche di Periplaneta orientalis; le colture hanno dato in una percentuale altissima l'isolamento di uno schizomicete che entra nel gruppo del B. subtilis e l'isolamento di due funghi lievitiformi. Da sei ovoteche sono state isolate cinque volte unaTorulopsis sp. e una volta laCandida Zeylanoides (Cast.) Lang. et Guerra.L'A. ritiene che questi funghi lievitiformi derivino dalla flora della cavità s matica della Blatta, frequentemente inquinata e che passino facilmente nelle ovoteche.
Summary Yeast-like fungi isolated from the oothecas of Periplaneta orientalis The A. retook the attempt of isolating from the cells of the fatty body of beetles (Periplaneta orientalis and Blattella germanica) their simbionts, in order to enlight their nature. The attempt failed; the study has been performed on 40 oothecas of Periplaneta orientalis; the cultures allowed in a highest rate the isolation of a schyzomycetes belonging to the B. subtilis group, and the isolation of two yeast-like fungi. From 6 oothecas have been isolated five times aTorulopsis sp. and once theCandida Zeylanoides (Cast.) Lang. et Guerra.The A. thinks these yeast-like fungi to come from the flora of the often polluted celomatic cavity of beetles from which they might pass, easily, in the oothecas.

Riassunto L'A. che in note precedenti e con la collaborazione di Ciferri e Redaelli ha già portato un contributo personale alla posizione sistematica, alla nomenclatura ed alla sinonimia di Debaryomyces neoformans Red. Cif. et Gior., attraverso uno studio culturale, micromorfologico biochimico e biologico di 28 ceppi di origine diversa e con binomi di Cryptococcus hominis, C. neoformans, Torula histolytica, C. hondurianus, C. psichorophylicus ecc. precisa le caratteristiche della specie che differenzia col nome di Debaryomyces neoformans (Sanfelice) Red. Cif. et Gior.. Nello studio micologico sono in particolare indagate le modalità della riproduzione ascogena, confermando i dati precedentemente esposti per alcuni degli stessi ceppi da Todd e Hermann.L'A. fa una breve sintesi dei quadri clinici ed anatomici delle malattie umane determinate da D. n. Quindi espone i risultati di ricerche sperimentali eseguite con gli stessi ceppi in ratto, cavia, cane e coniglio. Tutti i ceppi hanno determinato lesioni morfologicamente identiche; il granuloma tipico da Debaryomyces neoformans con peculiarità morfologiche tali da essere considerate specifiche, si è ottenuto nel tessuto meningeo e cerebrale del ratto, dove ha acquistato la stessa morfologia delle lesioni spontanee dell'uomo.Richiamandosi alle precedenti ricerche del Sanfelice sulla presunta natura blastomicetica dei tumori, l'A. ha ripetuti con il ceppo originale del Sanfelice, gli esperimenti di questo autore. Nei numerosi esperimenti eseguiti non si è riusciti nè con il fungo nè con le sue tossine ad ottenere vere e proprie forme blastomatose; ad eccezione di un caso di epitelioma spinocellulare comparso sull' epidermide di un ratto nel punto di inoculazione del micete.
Summary The present contribution is based on the results of the study of 28 strains of Debaryomyces neoformans (Sanf.) Red., Cif. et Giord. in culture under several binomials, as, e.g., Cryptococcus hominis, C. neoformans, C. hondurianus, C. psichrophilicus, Torula histolytica, and so on. The study has been made from cultural, micromorphological, biochemical and biological points of view; in particular the generation of an ascogenous form has been reconfirmed.Very many inoculations on mice, guinea pigs, dogs and rabbits were made, and the results throughly discussed. All the strains are pathogenic, generating the same kind of lesions, but specific granulomatic lesions were produced only in meningeal and cerebral tissues on mouse, with an evident analogy with the lesions observed in man.In relation to the old researches made by Sanfelice on the blastomycetic genesis of cancer, very many tests were performed using the original strain, without favorable results either with the fungus or with the toxins. Only once a spinocellular epithelioma appeared on the skin of a mouse, around the point of inoculation.

Zusammenfassung Der Verfasser, der in vorgehenden Mitteilungen unter Mitarbeit von Ciferri und Redaelli einen Beitrag zur systematischen Stellung, zur Nomenklatur und über die Synonima von Debaryomyces neoformans (Sanfelice) Red. Cif. et Gior. gebracht hat, stellt durch eine kulturelle, mikromorphologische, biochemische und biologische Studie von 28 Stämmen von verschiedener Herkunft und mit Bezeichnung von Cryptococcus hominis, C. neoformans, Torula histolytica, C. hondurianus, C. psichrophylicus, usw. die karakteristischen Eigenschaften der Spezies fest, die er mit dem Namen Debaryomyces neoformans (Sanfelice) Red. Cif. et Gior. umfasst.In der mykologischen Studie werden insbesondere die Art und Weise der askogenen Vermehrung untersucht in Bestätigung der früher für einigeder betreffenden Stämmen gemachten Angaben von Todd und Hermann.Der Verfasser gibt eine Synthese der klinischen und anatomischen Bilder der menschlichen durch Debaryomyces neoformans verursachten Krankheiten. Dann schildert er die Ergebnisse von experimentellen Versuchen, ausgeführt mit denselben Stämmen bei Ratten, Meerschweinchen, Hunden und Kaninchen. Alle Stämme haben morphologisch identische Läsionen hervorgerufen; das typische Granulom durch Debaryomyces neoformans zeigt solche morphologische Besonderheiten, dass es als spezifisch betrachtet werden muss, und es wurde im meningealen und zerebralen Gewebe der Ratte gewonnen, wo es dasselbe morphologische Aussehen zeigte wie in den spontanen menschlichen Läsionen.In Rücksicht auf die frühere von Sanfelice behauptete blastomykotische Natur der Geschwülste hat Verfasser die Versuchen von Sanfelice mit dessen Originalstamm wiederholt. In den zahlreichen ausgeführten Experimenten ist es nie gelungen weder mit der Hefe noch mit ihren Toxinen echte blastomatöse Bilder zu gewinnen; mit Ausnahme eines Falles von einem spinozellulären Epithelion, das in der Epidermis einer Ratte aufgetreten ist, gerade an der Stelle der Inokulation der Hefe.

Summary The authors after an accurate review of the literature try to establish the morphological, biochemical and biological properties of the yeast strain which has been observed first by Robin, afterwards examined by many other researchers and finally indicated besides the name of Oidium albiccans with several other names. They establish that the yeast which has been isolated most usually since 1853 up to the present day from the trush and the superficial and profound diseases of men and animals, shows the morphological properties of the genus Mycotorula, that it ferments always glucose, levulose and maltose, but inconstantly and only very little the other carbohydrates (never saccharose), that it liquefies sometimes but not regularly gelatine and that it behaves in the same inconstant way by the milkcoagulation and finally that it can be pathogenic for the animals.On these conclusions taken from the literature they examine 15 different strains procured from all parts of the world and indicated as Oidium albicans or by the synonyms, 12 of which belong to the Robin strain and one has been identified as Torulopsis colliculosa (Hartmann) Saccardo, while two others are still studied.The revision of the medical and mycological literature about the asporogenous yeasts provided with mycelium allowed the authors to establish that many strains, although retained by the reason of properties insufficient to identify specific or subspecific taxinomical unities, to belong to distinct species, are to be attributed to the Robin strain.They discuss the nomenclature and the synonyms and point out the utility to use for the Robin species the genus name of Mycotorula Will, emend. Cif. et Red. instead of other terms as Syringospora Quinquaud. As to the species name to give to the Robin strain they discuss these species which although they are to be attributed to the Robin strain, are described as distinct species as the Monilia Pinoyi Cast, and the Monilia psilosis Ashford. For several reasons they consider it as opportune to conserve the species term albicans. At last the authors conclude that it would be better to name the Robin species which represents the fungus most usually isolated from the thrush and the clinical-anatomical lesions of men and animals, Mycotorula albïcans (Robin) Langeron and Talice, 1932.Under that name there are collected 45 synonymous certain and 9 uncertain species. Finally there is the complete diagnosis which gives most accurately the culture and micromorphological properties of the Mycotorula (including the oscillations of altered and in different phases fixed strains) and the biochemical properties (fermentation of glucose, levulose and maltose, more rarely and less constantly of mannose and galactose, the slow and not always existing liquefaction of gelatine and the same inconstant beha viour of the milkcoagulation) and at last the inconstant pathogenicity for the animals A short note deals with the question of the variability of the Mycotorula albicans and the eventual existence and remaining in the R and S phases.
Zusammenfassung Die Verfasser bei einer Nachpruefung an Hand einer genauen Uebersicht der Literatur versuchen, die morphologischen, biochemischen und biologischen Eigenschaften des Pilzstammes festzustellen, der zuerst von Robin beim Soor beobachtet, spaeter von vielen anderen Forschern untersucht und schliesslich auch mit verschiedenen anderen Binomia ausser dem von Oidium albicans bezeichnet wurde. Es wird festgestellt, dass der Pilz, der seit 1853 bis heute am haeufigsten bei Soor und aus den oberflaechlichen und tiefen Krankheitsveraenderungen des Menschen und der Tiere isoliert wurde, die morphologischen Eigenschaften der Gattung Mycotorula aufweist, und dass er immer und regelmaessig Glykose, Laevulose und Maltose fermentiert, unregelmaessig jedoch und nur wenig die anderen Kohlehydrate (niemals Saccharose); er verfluessigt manchmal, aber nicht immer Gelatine und zeigt das gleiche inkonstante Verhalten gegenueber der Milchgerinnung; fuer die Versuchstiere kann er pathogen sein.Auf Grund dieser aus der Literatur gewonnen Folgerungen werden 15 aus den verschiedensten Teilen der Welt bezogene und als Oidium albicans oder mit Synonyma bezeichnete Staemme untersucht. Von diesen werden 12 als dem Robinschen Stamm angehoerig und einer als Torulopsis colliculosa (Hartmann) Saccardo identifiziert,waehrend zwei sich noch in Untersuchung befinden.Die Revision der medizinischen und mycologischen Literatur ueber die asporogenen Hefen, die einen filamentoesen Apparat besitzen, hat es ausserdem den Verff. erlaubt festzustellen, dass viele Staemme, die auf Grund von zur Feststellung von spezifischen oder subspezifischen taxonomischen Einheiten unzureichender Eigenschaften als gesonderte Arten angesehen wurden, dem Robinschen Stamm zuzurechnen sind.Ferner werden die Nomenklatur und die Synonyma diskutiert, wobei darauf hingewiesen wird, dass es geeigneter waere, den Gattungsnamen Mycotorula Will, emend. Cif. und Red. fuer die Robinsche Art anzuwenden als andere Namen wie Syringospora Quinquaud. Was den dem Robinschen Stamm zu gebenden Artnamen anbetrifft, so werden jene Arten eroertert, die, obschon sie der Robinschen Art zuzurechnen sind, als selbstaendige Arten beschrieben wurden wie die Monilia Pinoyi Cast, und die Monilia psilosis Ashford. Verschiedener Gruende wegen wird es als angezeigt erachtet, den Artnamen albicans beizubehalten. Dann kommen die Verff. zu dem Schluss, dass es besser sei, die Robinsche Art. die den am haeufigsten aus dem Soor und aus den klinisch-anatomischen Laesionen des Menschen und der Tiere isolierten Pilz darstellt, mit dem Binomion Mycotorula albicans (Robin) Langeron und Talice, 1932 zu bezeichnen.Unter diesem Binomion sind 45 synonyme sichere und 9 ungewisse Arten aufgefuehrt. Zum Schluss wird die vollstaendige Diagnose gegeben, die die kulturellen und mikromorphologischen Eigenschaften der Mycotorula unter Einschluss der Schwankungen der veraenderten und in verschiedenen Phasen fixierten Stämme genaustens angibt wie auch die biochemischen Eigenschaften (Vergaerung der Glykose, Laevulose und Maltose, seltener und weniger konstant der Mannose und Galaktose, die langsame und nicht immer vorhandene Verfluessigung der Gelatine und die sich ebenso inkonstant verhaltende Milchgerinnung) und schliesslich die inkonstante Pathogenitaet fuer die Versuchstiere. Eine kurze Note beschaeftigt sich mit der Frage der Variabilitaet der Mycotorula albicans und des etwaigen Vorhandensein und Stehenbleiben in den Phasen R und S.

Resumen Los Autores, atraverso un diligente estudio critico de la literatura, buscan de reidentificar y de fijar las caracteristicas morfologicas, bioquimicas y biologicas de la cepa micosica de Robin observada por la primera vez en el muguet y sucesivamente restudiada por muchisimos autores e indicada con binomios diversos del Oidium albicans. Los Autores constatan que la cepa mas frequentemente ashislada desde 1853 hasta hoy del muguet y de formas morbosas superficiales y profundas en el hombre y en los animales presenta caracteres morfologicos del genero Mycotorula, fermenta sempre el glucosio, el levulosio y el maltosio, irregular y scarsamente otros hidratos de carbonio (nunca la sacarosa); puede fluidificar o no la gelatina, puede coagular o no la leche; y en los animales de experimento puede tambien explicar acciones patogenas.Los Autores, sobre la base de estas conclusiones traidas del estudio critico de la literatura, examinan 15 cepas obtenidas de deferentes partes del mundo y etiquetadas como Oidium albicans o como uno de sus sinonimos; identifican a 12 de ellos con la cepa robiniana, a uno con la Torulopsis colliculosa (Hartmann) Saccardo, y dos estan todavia bajo estudio.La revision de la literatura medica y micologica a proposito de levaduras asporigenas provistas de aparato filamentoso, a permitido a los Autores de establecer ademas que muchas cepas retenidas especies distintas (en base a caracteristicas no suficientes a la individualización de entidades especificas o subespecificas) tienen que ser reportadas a la cepa de Robin.Discuten entoces la nomenclatura y la sinonimia afirmando la oportunidad de usar para endicar la especie de Robin el nombre generico Mycotorula en lugar de otros nombres entre los cuales Syringospora Quinquaud. A cerca al nombre especifico da asignar a la especie de Robin, se pone en discusión el nombre de especies que si bien se pueden reportar a la especie misma, vinieron descritas y consideradas especies a parte, como la Monilia Pinoyi Cast, y la Monilia psilosis Ashford. Convienen, sobre la base de varies argumentos, por la oportunidad de conservar el nombre especifico albicans. En tal modo los Autores concluyen aconsejando de indicar la especie de Robin, que es tambien el hongo mas frequentemente ahislado del muguet y de formas anatoso-clinicas similes, superficiales y profundas del hombre y de los animales, con el binomio Mycotorula albicans (Robin) Langeron et Talice, 1932.Bajo este binomio estan indicadas 45 especies sinonimas ciertas y 9 especies sinonimas inciertas. En fin viene dado el diagnostico completo que precisa las caracteristicas culturales, aquellas micromorfologicas de Mycotorula, inclusas las oscilaciones proprias de las cepas degradadas y fijadas en fases diversas; las caracteristicas bioquimicas de la fermentación del glucosio, levulosio y maltosio, mas rara e incostante la del mannosio y galactosio, lenta e inconstante la fluidificación de la gelatina y la coagulación de la leche; incostante la actividad patogena hacia animales de experimento.Una nota nos habla de la cuestión de la variabilidad de la Mycotorula albicans con su possible presentación y fijación en fases R y S.

The authors attempted to classify a group of five strains excluded in typing of the speciesCandida albicans (Robin) Berkhout because they displayed a relationship toCandida tropicalis (Cast.) Berkhout. They were found to include transitional forms showing progressive development to a higher type. Strain 29-3-32 formed a lower stage of transition fromCandida albicans toCandida tropicalis and was more similar toCandida albicans. Strain 29-3-58 formed a higher transitional stage and was more similar toCandida tropicalis. Strain 29-3-5 was similar toCandida albicans and formed the transition from the latter to strain 29-3-100, which was closely related toCandida intermedia andCandida tropicalis. Strain 29-3-68 formed the transition fromCandida guilliermondii toCandida intermedia and was similar toCandida guilliermondii and the related speciesCandida melibiosi.  相似文献   

Mildred Feo 《Mycopathologia》1969,39(3-4):299-303
Resumen Se estudian 262 muestras provenientes de uña, ingle, pie, vulvo-vagina, mano, boca, prepucio, oído externo y misceláneos. Se aislan 33 especies diferentes de levaduras, siendoCandida albicans la más común entre ellas con un 41.2 %, seguida deCandida tropicalis, con 16 % yTrichosporon cutaneum con 12.5 %. Dentro de las especies aisladas se encuentran 4 cepas de algasPrototheca sp. (1.5 %).
From mycological examinations of: nails, groins, feet, vulvo-vagina, hands, mouth, prepuce, external ear, miscelaneous, 262 yeasts strains have been studied. 33 different yeasts species are isolated.Candida albicans was the most frequent with 41.2 %, followed byCandida tropicalis with 16 %, andTrichosporon cutaneum with 12.5 %. The author report 4 strains of algaePrototheca sp. (1.5 %).

Zusammenfassung 262 Hefestämme sind untersucht worden: von Nägeln, Leistenbeugen, Füssen, Vulvo-vagina, Händen, Munden, Prepucium, Ohren, etc. 33 verschiedene Hefearten sind isoliert worden.Candida albicans war die häufigste mit 41.2 %,C. tropicalis mit 16 %, undTrichosporon cutaneum mit 12.5 %. Vier Stämme von AlgenPrototheca sp. (1.5 %) sind auch gefunden worden.

Résumé L'Auteur a étudié le cycle de la bactérie symbiote deBlattella germanica (L.) au cours de sa transmission éréditaire. Dans la fase de migration ovarienne, les bactéries font issue des bactériocytes de la femelle et franchissent, en un point encore mal connu, la paroi des tubes ovariens pour constituer une couche superficielle autour de l'oeuf.Au cours de la phase embryonnaire les bactéries convergent tout d'abord au centre du vitellus; puis lorsque à partir du mésoderme prennent naissance les lobes adipeux, les bactéries émigrent vers l'embryon, traversent l'entoderme et le sinus épineural et pénétrant dans le cytoplasme de diverses cellules mésodermiques transforment celles-ci en bactériocytes.

L'argomento di questa ricerca mi è stato suggerito dal Prof. Raffaele Ciferri, ordinario di Botanica in questa Università, come parte a me assegnata di un complesso di ricerche, in collaborazione, sui simbionti del blattidi.  相似文献   

103 pregnant women, at the onset of labor, and their newborn infants, up to the forth neonatal day, were investigated for the presence of Candida albicans in their vaginal discharge stool and oral exudate. Direct microscopic examination showed the presence of pseudomycelium and budding cells in only 7 of the respective mothers (2 in vagina, 4 in the mouth and one in the stool). Culture of the vaginal discharge yielded a significant number of C. albicans colonies in 2 women, a noticeable growth in 3 and a less significant in 9. Only 17% of the mouth specimens showed a considerable quantity of the same fungus and in 7 C. albicans was detected in significant amounts in stool specimens.In the newborns C. albicans, found only by culture, was present in a small numbers (14), starting from the first neonatal day. It was foundly primarily in the mouth. The data obtained showed a lower incidence, than expected, of C. albicans in the vagina of pregnant women, a few hours before delivery. This suggests transmission of the organism to the newborn earlier than generally accepted.
Résumé 103 femmes enceintes, dans les dernières heures de la gravidité ainsi que leur nouveaux-nés, jusqu'au quatrième jour après leurnaissance, ont été examinés pour la presence du C. albicans dans le vagin, les selles et la bouche. L'examen microscopique des produits collectés a montré la présence d'un mycélium bourgeonnant chez 7 mères seulement (chez 2 sur la muqueuse vaginale chez 4 dans la cavité buccale et chez une dans les selles). La culture de la sécrétion vaginale a décelé un grand nombre des colonies de C. albicans chez 2 femmes, une quantité notable chez 3 et un développement moins important chez 9. Une quantité apréciable des colonies a été trouvée dans 17 % des echantillons de la bouche et dans les selles des 7 femmes.La présence du C. albicans, décélée seulement par culture, chez les nouveauz-nés a été remarquée dans un petit nombre des cas, 14 en total, en débutant dès le premier jour après la naissance et surtout dans la bouche. D'après les résultats obtenus, il paraît que l'incidence du C. albicans dans le vagin des femmes enceintes, quelques heures avant l'accouchement, n'est pas tellement élevée, comme admis. Il est possible aussi que la transmission de l'organisme chez le nouveau-né se réalise plutôt qu'on le croît.

Experimental pathogenicity of the Y form and the M form ofC. albicans separated with a high degree of purity has been evaluated. Experiments are described in which the two morphological forms ofC. albicans were separately inoculated intradermally, intraperitoneally and intravenously in mice and rabbits. In suitable conditions, higher pathogenicity was significantly provoked by the Y form ofC. albicans.
Riassunto E' stato effettuato uno studio sperimentale sulla patogenicità esercitata nei topini e nei conigli dalle forme morfologiche Y e M dellaC. albicans, separate tra di loro con un alto grado di purezza. Le due forme Y e M sono state inoculate, separatamente, nei conigli per via endovenosa oppure intradermica, nei topini per via intraperitoneale.Nelle condizioni sperimentali seguite, laC. albicans presenta una piú alta patogenicità della forma Y rispetto la forma M.

Summary Nodulated soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) plants cv. Williams were grown on a N-free medium and sprayed daily, after flowering, with a solution of 0,0.5 or 1.0 mg/l gibberellic acid (GA3). Relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and mean N2-fixation rate decreased in control plants from flowering to mid-pod filling. The decline of growth and N2-fixation was attenuated by GA3. Lesser decline of growth and N2-fixation in GA3-treated plants was linked to enhancement of vegetative growth, to delay of fruit development and to arrest of root decay.
Resumen Plantas de soja (Glycine max L. Merr.) cv. Williams, noduladas, crecieron en un medio libre de N; se rociaron diariamente, después de la floración, con una solución de 0, 0.5 ó de l mg l–1 de àcido gibberélico (GA3). Las tasas de crecimiento relativo, de asimilación neta y de fijación de nitrógeno disminuyeron en las plantas control desde la floración hasta la mitad del periodo de crecimiento de las vainas. La declination del crecimiento y fijación, de N2 fue atenuada por el ácido gibberélico. Esta menor disminución del crecimiento y de la fijación de N2 en las plantas tratadas con GA3, esta asociada a un mayor crecimiento vegetativo, a un retraso en el desarrollo del fruto y a una menor descomposición radicular.

Résumé Des plants nodulés de soja (Glycine max L. Merr.) ont été cultivés en milieu dépourvu d'azote et aspergés quotidiennement, après la floraison, avec une solution d'acide gibbérellique (GA3) à des concentrations de 0,0,5 et 1,0 mg/l. Dans le cas des plants témoins, les taux de croissance, d'assimilation nette et de fixation moyenne de l'azote diminuent entre la floraison et la moitié du remplissage des gousses. Chez les plants traités par GA3, la croissance et la fixation de N2 diminuent moins, et on constate un accroissement de la croissance végétative, un ralentissement du développement des fruits et un arrêt de la dégénérescence racinaire.

Résumé La localisation ultrastructurale des polysaccharides paritétaux de Candida albicans a été réalisée par utilisation de Concanavaline A sur sections ultrafines de résine hydrosoluble (glycol méthacrylate). Les sites récepteurs de la lectine sont révélés en incubant successivement les coupes avec de la péroxydase, puis un mélange 3-3 diaminobenzidine-H2O2. Cette méthode a permis de localiser les mannanes, qui sont les seuls polysaccharides pariétaux de C. albicans susceptibles de réagir avec la Concanavaline A. Deux couches continues réactives ont été ainsi mises en évidence à la périphérie de la paroi des blastospores. Les résultats sont discutés en fonction de ceux obtenus par une méthode différente de mise en évidence des polysaccharides (PATAg).
Abréviations PATAg Acide périodique-thiocarbohydrazide-protéinate d'argent - Con A Concanavaline A - GMA glycol méthacrylate - HRP péroxydase de Raifort (Horseradish peroxydase) - DAB 3-3 diaminobenzidine-4 HCl  相似文献   

The properties of 53 fermentation type II strains of the genusCandida Berkhout were studied. The strains in question were originally identified asCandida tropicalis (Castellani) Berkhout,Candida pelliculosa Redaelli,Candida robusta Diddens et Lodder,Candida intermedia (Cif. et Ashf.) Langeron et Guerra,Candida langeroni Dietrichson,Candida obtusa (Dietrichson) v. Uden et Carmo Sousa and as various intermediate forms between these and other similar species. The classification criteria were extended by a number of very important characteristics, such as the degree of utilization of raffinose, the assimilation of lysine, xylose, cellobiose, maltotriose, maltotetraose and arabinose, virulence for mice, nutrient requirements, serological properties, etc. Actual classification was based on the numerical method of a similarity count. On the basis of this extension of the classification criteria, the characteristics of the speciesCandida tropicalis (Castellani) Berkhout andCandida pelliculosa Redaelli were defined in greater detail.Candida intermedia, evaluated on the basis of previously employed characteristics (lactose utilization, non-assimilation of KNO3) does not appear to be a separate species, but a collection of different border-line forms of other species of this group.Candida robusta Diddens et Lodder is regarded as a member of the genusSaccharomyces, notCandida. The varietiesCandida tropicalis var.lambica andCandida pelliculosa var.cylindrica likewise do not seem to belong to the species concerned and will have to be studied in greater detail from the genetic aspect, in relation to other membrane-forming types ofCandida. The authors' extension of the classification criteria considerably reduced intraspecific variability, particularly in the speciesCandida tropicalis (Castellani) Berkhout, and led to greater accuracy in the practical diagnosis of this species, which is frequent in clinical material.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy was performed on Candida albicans yeast after application of ribonuclease to clear the cytoplasmic background. In conjunction with Thiery's method of highlighting polysaccharide components, this clearing technique, which has not been used since 1959, enabled visualization of the nucleus, the mitochondria, the vacuolar system and another structure which seemed to be the Golgi apparatus.The invaginations of the plasmalemma membrane (or lomasomes) are highly developed and may be partially responsible for transporting material required for development of the cell wall, especially during budding.
Résumé L'aspect ultrastructural des levures Candida albicans est observé grace à l'action d'une ribonuclease dans le but d'éclaircir le fond cytoplasmique. Cette méthode non utilisée depuis 1959, associée au test de Thiery pour la mise en évidence des polysaccharides nous permet de déceler le noyau, les mitochondries, l'appareil vacuolaire et semble-t-il l'appareil de Golgi.Les invaginations du plasmalemme (ou lomasomes) particulièrement développées dans ces cellules pourraient jouer un rôle dans l'apport du matériel nécessaire à l'élaboration des parois notamment lors du bourgeonnement des levures.

Abbreviations (L) Lipid - (M) Mitochondria - (N) Nucleus - (P) Membrane Wall - (RE) Endoplasmic Reticulum - (V) Vacuole  相似文献   

Resumen Se estudiaron 200 mujeres de primera consulta, sin tratamiento, que asistieron a la consulta externa de Ginecología del Hospital Universitario de Caracas, con el objeto de investigar la presencia de levaduras en vulva y vagina.Se tomaron 4 muestras de cada paciente: 2 de vulva y 2 del fondo de saco vaginal. Una muestra de vulva y una de vagina se destinaron al exámen directo (en fresco y con NaoH + tinta Parker Super Quink) y las otras muestras de vulva y vagina se utilizaron para cultivo en bilis-agar y lactritmel.Se encontraron 71 casos positivos especificados así:Trichomonas vaginalis, 38 (19 %);Candida albicans, 21 (10.5 %);Candida parapsilosis, 6 (3 %);Candida tropicalis, 5 (2.5 %);Torulopsis (holmii 2,candida 1) = 3 (1.5 %);Saccharomyces delbrueckii, 2 (1 %);Debaryomyces hansenii, 1 (0.5 %);Candida tenuis, 1 (0.5 %).Para el diagnóstico de la candidiasis y/o tricomoniasis vulvovaginal las manifestaciones clínicas no tienen ningún valor. El exámen directo, cuando es positivo, con presencia de filamentos y blastosporos, confirma el diagnóstico de candidiasis; pero su negatividad no excluye la presencia deCandida albicans como habitante de la vulvovagina en mujeres aparentemente normales.Los autores recomiendan la toma de la muestra des de la vulva para la investigación deCandida albicans, lo que facilita el exámen por no hacerse necesario el uso delspeculum; en cambio, paraTrichomonas vaginalis recomiendan la toma de la muestra desde el fondo de saco vaginal.El medio bilis-agar es el más apropiado para la rápida identificación deCandida albicans en el cultivo naciente, ya que en él se forman las clamidosporas en 24–48 horas.
The cases of 200 women, without treatment, who attended the first gynecological external consultation at the Hospital Universitario, Caracas, Venezuela, were studied for the purpose of investigating the presence of yeast — like fungi in the vulva and in the vagina.Four samples were taken from each patient: two from the vulva and two from the posterior fornix. One sample each from the vulva and from the vagina were used, in direct examination, under microscope with NaOH + Parker/Super Quink ink; the remaining vulva and vagina samples were utilized in bilis-agar and lactritmel cultivation.71 positives cases were found, specified as follows:Trichomonas vaginalis, 38 (19 %);Candida albicans, 21 (10.5 %);Candida parapsilosis, 6 (3 %);Candida tropicalis, 5 (2.5 %);Torulopsis (holmii 2,candida 1) = 3 (1.5 %);Saccharomyces delbrueckii, 2 (1 %);Debaryomyces hansenii, 1 (0.5 %);Candida tenuis, 1 (0.5 %).In the diagnosis of vulvo-vaginal candidiasis and/or trichomoniasis the clinical signs have no significance. The direct examination, when positive, with presence of mycelium and blastospores confirms the diagnosis of candidiasis. However, if negative, it does not exclude the presence ofCandida albicans as habitant of the vulvo-vagina among apparently normal women.The authors recommended the taking of samples from the vulva for the purpose of investigation ofCandida albicans, which would facilitate the examination, inasmuch as it would be unnecessary to use the speculum. On the other hand, in the examination ofTrichomonas vaginalis the taking of samples from the posterior fornix is recommended.The bilis-agar medium is the most appropriate for the rapid identification ofCandida albicans from original cultures, as clamydospores are becoming present in 24 to 48 hours.

Sommario Gli AA. descriono in uno stipite diC. pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch degli aspetti ameboidi delle blastospore. Ritengono che questi aspetti più che preludere a processi sporologici, precedano forse la formazione di pseudomicelio; per questo essi aspetti ameboidi non hanno alcun particolare valore sistematico in quanto da ditenersi una fase che occuperebbe un posto intermedio tra quella non filamentosa tipoTorulopsis e quella filamentosa tipoCandida.
About some morphological appearances ofCandida pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch
Summary The AA. describe in a strain ofC. pulcherrima (Lindner) Windisch, some amoeboid appearances of blastospores. They think these figures to be, more than the introduction to sporologic processes, the preamble to the formation of pseudomycelium; for this reason these amoeboid figures have no peculiar systematic value, as they are to be considered as a stage likely placed between the non-filamentous one of theTorulopsis type, and the filamentous one of theCandida type.

T. Kamaya 《Mycopathologia》1969,37(4):320-330
Young colonies of Sabouraud's glucose agar room temperature culture ofCandida species from human isolation were suspended in distilled water. The suspension was mixed with a solution of lysozyme and incubated in a 37° C water bath. Within 3–5 hours, various species ofCandida cells showed flocculation to varying degrees which occurred at varying periods of onset. Among sevenCandida species,Candida albicans andCandida stellatoidea showed the strongest flocculation, earliest onset and most solution clarity than did any other species.Candida stellatoidea was indistinguishable fromCandida albicans in its degree of flocculation, and in the clarity of solution.Candida species may be arranged in the following order according to their decreasing positivity in flocculation:
  1. Candida albicans
  2. Candida stellatoidea
  3. Candida tropicalis
  4. Candida krusei
  5. Candida pseudotropicalis
  6. Candida parapsilosis
  7. Candida guilliermondii
  8. Saccharomyces species may be placed afterCandida guilliermondii.
It seems possible to separate theCandida species into 3 groups by the rate of flocculation, and clarity of solution. Group I.Candida albicans andCandida stellatoidea. Group II.Candida tropicalis, C. krusei andCandida pseudotropicalis. Group III.Candida parapsilosis andCandida guilliermondii. Saccharomyces specimens (S. cerevisiae and others) were placed after group III.  相似文献   

Résumé Les organes sensoriels du scape et du pédicelle sont essentiellement propriocepteurs. Le fouet est très riche en chimiorécepteurs (plus de 100000) mais chez Periplaneta et Blatta, on observe un net dimorphisme sexuel qui n'existe pas chez Blaberus. La relation entre un tel dimorphisme et la perception des phéromones sexuelles est discutée. L'ultrastructure des trois principaux types de sensilles est décrite: Ce sont des grandes soies gustatives et mécanoréceptrices, des petites soies olfactives à paroi mince et percée de pores et de tubules qui sont innervées par un ou deux neurones, des petites soies olfactives à paroi épaisse et striée qui contiennent toujours quatre neurones. L'étude électrophysiologique préliminaire confirme les résultats ci dessus en ce qui concerne le rôle des sensilles: La phéromone grégaire peut être perçue au niveau de certaines petites soies olfactives striées.
The antennal sensilla of some cockroaches with special reference to Blaberus craniifer (Burm.)
Summary The antennae of cockroaches were studied with both scanning and transmission electron microscope. The sense organs of the scape and pedicel are essentially proprioceptors. The chemoreceptors are very numerous on the flagellum (more than 100000) but in the case of Periplaneta and Blatta, a significant sexuel dimorphism is noticed. Such a dimorphism does not exist in Blaberus and its relation with the perception of the sexual attractants is discussed. Three principal sense organs of Blaberus are described: big thick walled hairs with gustatory and mechanoreceptive function; thin walled olfactory hairs with pore-tubules innervated by one or two neurons; thick walled grooved hairs with four neurons and olfactory function. Special attention was given to the secretory aspect of the accessory cells in the olfactory sensilla. A preliminary electrophysiological investigation confirms the above mentioned functional interpretations. The gregarious pheromone seems to be perceived by some little thick walled grooved hairs.

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