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The morphological changes associated with Adriamycin resistance in a human leukemic cell line have been investigated by image analysis. An Adriamycin-resistant subline of the human erythroleukemic K562 cell line has been established. Three sets of cells have been analysed: sensitive cells, resistant cells cultured in the continuous presence of Adriamycin, and resistant cells cultured without the drug. Image analysis shows that Adriamycin-resistant K562 cells display significant morphological changes as compared with sensitive cells, at both the nuclear and cytoplasmic levels. These changes make it possible to separate sensitive and resistant cells automatically and with a classification accuracy of 76% and only four cytological parameters. Image analysis may therefore offer an interesting tool for studying drug resistance in leukemic cells, from both an experimental and a clinical point of view.  相似文献   

GRAHAM, S. A., CRISCI, J. V. & HOCH, P. C, 1993. Cladistic analysis of the Lythraceae sensu lato based on morphological characters. The Lythraceae s. I. comprise 31 mostly highly distinctive genera distributed worldwide. Cladistic analyses of the family were undertaken using 26 characters from anatomy, floral morphology, pollen, and seed morphology. Of four outgroup hypotheses, the Onagraceae offered the best heuristic assessment, generating 3746 trees with a tree length of 83 and consistency index and (C.I.) of 0.41. A strict consensus tree from the 3746 trees produced a basal monophyletic group of five genera (Sonneratia, Duabanga, Punka, Lagerstroemia, Lawsonia) characterized by anthotelic (determinate) inflorescences and wet stigmas, and a second clade with blastotelic (indeterminate) inflorescences, dry stigmas, and reduced carpel number. Successive weighting with Onagraceae as outgroup generated five most parsimonious trees with a tree length of 164 and C.I. of 0.75. Internal branches are weakly supported by only seven non-homoplasious characters. Significant results of the analysis include: (1) recognition of the two major clades and a total of seven monophyletic groups within the family; (2) the paraphyly of subfamily Lythroideae (Lythraceae s. s .); and (3) indication that genera endemic to the New World have been derived from more than one ancient Old World evolutionary line. The current taxonomic classification of the family is not closely correlated with results of the cladistic analysis.  相似文献   

Morphological evidence for resolving relationships among arachnid orders was surveyed and assembled in a matrix comprising 59 euchelicerate genera (41 extant, 18 fossil) and 202 binary and unordered multistate characters. Parsimony analysis of extant genera recovered a monophyletic Arachnida with the topology (Palpigradi (Acaromorpha (Tetrapulmonata (Haplocnemata, Stomothecata nom. nov. )))), with Acaromorpha containing Ricinulei and Acari, Tetrapulmonata containing Araneae and Pedipalpi (Amblypygi, Uropygi), Haplocnemata (Pseudoscorpiones, Solifugae) and Stomothecata (Scorpiones, Opiliones). However, nodal support and results from exploratory implied weights analysis indicated that relationships among the five clades were effectively unresolved. Analysis of extant and fossil genera recovered a clade, Pantetrapulmonata nom nov. , with the topology (Trigonotarbida (Araneae (Haptopoda (Pedipalpi)))). Arachnida was recovered as monophyletic with the internal relationships (Stomothecata (Palpigradi, Acaromorpha (Haplocnemata, Pantetrapulmonata))). Nodal support and exploratory implied weights indicated that relationships among these five clades were effectively unresolved. Thus, some interordinal relationships were strongly and/or consistently supported by morphology, but arachnid phylogeny is unresolved at its deepest levels. Alternative hypotheses proposed in the recent literature were evaluated by constraining analyses to recover hypothesized clades, an exercise that often resulted in the collapse of otherwise well-supported clades. These results suggest that attempts to resolve specific nodes based on individual characters, lists of similarities, evolutionary scenarios, etc., are problematic, as they ignore broader impacts on homoplasy and analytical effects on non-target nodes.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 150 , 221–265.  相似文献   

Morphological integration and modularity are important points of intersection between evolution and the development of organismal form. Identification and quantification of integration are also of increasing paleoanthropological interest. In this study, the "posterior face," i.e., the mandibular ramus and its integration with the associated midline and lateral basicranium, is analyzed in lateral radiographs of 144 adult humans from three different geographic regions. The null hypothesis of homogenously pervasive morphological integration among "posterior-face" components is tested with Procrustes geometric morphometrics, partial least squares, and singular warps analysis. The results reveal statistically significant differences in integration. Only loose integrative relationships are found between midline and lateral components of the basicranium, which may indicate the presence of at least two different basicranial modules. This modularity can be interpreted in terms of spatiotemporal dissociation in the development of those basicranial structures, and gives support to hypotheses of independent phylogenetic modifications at the lateral and midline basicranium in humans. In addition, morphological integration was statistically significantly stronger between the middle cranial fossa and the mandibular ramus than between the ramus and the midline cranial base. This finding confirms previous hypotheses of a "petroso-mandibular unit," which could be a developmental consequence of well-known phylogenetic modifications in coronal topology of the posterior face and base in hominoid evolution, related to middle cranial fossa expansion. This unit could be involved in later evolutionary tendencies in the hominid craniofacial system.  相似文献   

硃砂根(Ardisia crenata)居群的形态特征变异及聚类分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以分布于福建(漳平永福、漳平官田和武平东留)、江西(会昌永隆和大余庾岭)和广西(南宁宾阳)的6个野生硃砂根(Ardisia crenata Sims)居群的144个单株为研究对象,对植株形态特征(株高、干高、干径、分枝数、枝下高和冠径)、叶部性状(叶色、叶数、叶长、叶宽和叶柄长)和整体观赏性(果穗数、果穗长、每穗果数、果径、果穗柄长、果柄长、果实百粒重、果色和观赏性)3个方面的20个形态性状及其变异幅度进行了比较分析,在此基础上采用欧氏距离进行UPGMA聚类分析.结果表明:不同居群间硃砂根的分枝数、枝下高、叶数、叶色、果穗数和果色等性状的变异幅度较大,总变异系数分别为38.66%、37.19%、42.48%、42.57%、50.36%和52.34%;叶长、叶宽、果实百粒重和果径的变异幅度较小,总变异系数均小于15%.在不同居群间,分枝数、枝下高、叶色、果穗数和果色等性状有极显著差异(P<0.01),冠径和每穗果数差异显著(P<0.05),其余性状均无显著差异.在欧氏距离30处可将所有单株划分为A、B、C、D、E和F共6个表征群,同一居群的大部分单株基本被聚在同一个表征群中,其中,武平东留和漳平官田居群的所有单株分别被聚在C和D中,E和F则分别由会昌永隆居群的3个单株和南宁宾阳居群的8个单株组成.在欧氏距离26处可将表征群A、C、D和F进一步划分为14个亚表征群,其中,A、C和F均可划分出4个亚表征群,D可划分出2个亚表征群;亚表征群C1所包含的单株分别归属于4个居群,另外13个亚表征群所包含的单株则分别归属于1~3个居群.研究结果显示,不同居群硃砂根植株的形态特征表现出较明显的地理分化特性,不同居群间的形态分化程度较高,且其形态分化不仅存在于居群间,也存在于居群内.  相似文献   

Many questions in evolutionary biology are best addressed by comparing traits in different species. Often such studies involve mapping characters on phylogenetic trees. Mapping characters on trees allows the nature, number, and timing of the transformations to be identified. The parsimony method is the only method available for mapping morphological characters on phylogenies. Although the parsimony method often makes reasonable reconstructions of the history of a character, it has a number of limitations. These limitations include the inability to consider more than a single change along a branch on a tree and the uncoupling of evolutionary time from amount of character change. We extended a method described by Nielsen (2002, Syst. Biol. 51:729-739) to the mapping of morphological characters under continuous-time Markov models and demonstrate here the utility of the method for mapping characters on trees and for identifying character correlation.  相似文献   

In biological classification, a character is a property of a taxon that can distinguish it from other taxa. Characters are not independent, and the relations between characters can arise from structural constraints, developmental pathways or functional constraints. That has lead to famous controversies in the history of biology. In addition, a character as a tool of data analysis has some subjective aspects. In this contribution, I develop algebraic and geometric schemes to address these issues in a mathematical framework.  相似文献   

Although the mathematical principles underpinning population-level evolution are now well studied, the origin and evolution of morphological novelties has received far less attention. Here, a broad but general theory for how this sort of change takes place is outlined, relying on functional continuity, least-constrained components of morphology, redundancy and preadaptation. At least four distinct sorts of redundancy are identified: (i) redundancy arising through duplication (amplification); (ii) redundancy arising through regionalisation (parcellation); (iii) redundancy arising through functional convergence; and (iv) redundancy arising from shared function (functional degeneracy). Although organisms are here recognised to be functionally constrained ("burdened", in Riedl's terminology), these constraints can be overcome through the combination of the four principles given above. Contrary to its common treatment, functional constraint is neither an ever-increasing restriction on the scope of evolution, nor does it require drastic events to overcome or "break" it. Rather, it is an evolutionary quantity, subject to selection at some level. The rules that govern morphological evolution are the primary controls on what is allowed to happen in the evolution of the overall genotype-phenotype system, suggesting strong controls on the sorts of developmental changes that might be associated with macroevolution. This model, then, sees organism functionality as the primary control on evolvability, with exact genetic make-up being of secondary importance. It should prove possible to recast traditional notions of body-plan evolution into the formulations of complex system analysis, which in the future may prove a unifying discipline for fields as disparate as palaeontology and gene regulatory networks. In particular, understanding how morphology can evolve may provide the critical link between the ecological and morphological networks that are currently the intense focus of evolutionary investigations.  相似文献   

Family interrelationships among Anisoptera (dragonflies) are unresolved. Molecular markers applied thus far have not been particularly useful for resolving relationships at the family level. Previous morphological studies have depended heavily on characters of wing venation and articulation which are believed to display considerable degrees of homoplasy due to adaptations to different flight modes. Here, we present a comprehensive anatomical dataset of the head morphology of Anisoptera focusing on muscle organization and endoskeletal features covering nearly all families. The characters are illustrated in detail and incorporated into an updated morphological character matrix covering all parts of the dragonfly body. Phylogenetic analysis recovers all families as monophyletic clades except Corduliidae, Gomphidae as sister group to all remaining Anisoptera, and Austropetaliidae as sister group to Aeshnidae (=Aeshnoidea). The position of Petaluridae and Aeshnoidea to each other could not be resolved. Libelluloidea is monophyletic with Neopetalia and Cordulegastridae as first splits. Chlorogomphidae is sister to monophyletic [Synthemistidae + (‘Corduliidae’ + Libellulidae)]. In addition, we applied a recently published formal approach to detect concerted convergence in morphological data matrices and uncover possible homoplasies. Analyses show that especially head and thorax characters may harbour homoplasies. After exclusion of possible homoplastic characters, Gomphidae is corroborated as sister group to all remaining Anisoptera.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to understand the genetic basis of morphological variation observed in the genus Citrus and its relatives and to identify genomic regions associated with certain morphological traits using genetic linkage mapping and quantitative trait loci (QTLs) analysis with random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. First, a genetic linkage map was constructed with RAPD markers obtained by screening 98 progeny plants from a {Citrus grandis × [C. paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata]} × {[(C. paradisi × P. trifoliata) × C. reticulata] × [(C. paradisi × Poncirus trifoliata) × C. sinensis]} intergeneric cross. The map contains 69 RAPD markers distributed into nine linkage groups. Then, 17 different morphological traits, including six tree and two leaf characters of 98 progeny plants and six floral and three fruit characters of about half of the same progeny plants were evaluated for 2 years and statistically analyzed for variation. Statistical analysis of individual traits indicated that trunk diameter and growth, tree height, canopy width, tree vigor and growth, leaf length and width, petal and anther numbers, petal length and width, length of pistil and style, fruit length and diameter, and fruit segment number showed normal or close to normal distribution, suggesting that these traits may be inherited quantitatively. Quantitative data from the morphological traits were analyzed to detect markers and putative QTLs associated with these traits using interval mapping method. QTL analysis revealed 18 putative QTLs of LOD > 3.0 associated with 13 of the morphological traits analyzed. The putative QTLs were distributed in several different linkage groups, and QTLs associated with similar traits were mostly mapped to the same LG or similar locations in the linkage group, indicating that the same genomic region is involved in the inheritance of some of the morphological traits.  相似文献   

Phylogeny of the Acanthocephala based on morphological characters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Only four previous studies of relationships among acanthocephalans have included cladistic analyses, and knowledge of the phylogeny of the group has not kept pace with that of other taxa. The purpose of this study is to provide a more comprehensive analysis of the phylogenetic relationships among members of the phylum Acanthocephala using morphological characters. The most appropriate outgroups are those that share a common early cell-cleavage pattern (polar placement of centrioles), such as the Rotifera, rather than the Priapulida (meridional placement of centrioles) to provide character polarity based on common ancestry rather than a general similarity likely due to convergence of body shapes. The phylogeny of 22 species of the Acanthocephala was evaluated based on 138 binary and multistate characters derived from comparative morphological and ontogenetic studies. Three assumptions of cement gland structure were tested: (i) the plesiomorphic type of cement glands in the Rotifera, as the sister group, is undetermined; (ii) non-syncytial cement glands are plesiomorphic; and (iii) syncytial cement glands are plesiomorphic. The results were used to test an early move of Tegorhynchus pectinarius to Koronacantha and to evaluate the relationship between Tegorhynchus and Illiosentis. Analysis of the data-set for each of these assumptions of cement gland structure produced the same single most parsimonious tree topology. Using Assumptions i and ii for the cement glands, the trees were the same length (length = 404 steps, CI = 0.545, CIX = 0.517, HI = 0.455, HIX = 0.483, RI = 0.670, RC = 0.365). Using Assumption iii, the tree was three steps longer (length = 408 steps, CI = 0.539, CIX = 0.512, HI = 0.461, HIX = 0.488, RI = 0.665, RC = 0.359). The tree indicates that the Palaeacanthocephala and Eoacanthocephala both are monophyletic and are sister taxa. The members of the Archiacanthocephala are basal to the other two clades, but do not themselves form a clade. The results provide strong support for the Palaeacanthocephala and the Eoacanthocephala and the hypothesis that the Eoacanthocephala is the most primitive group is not supported. Little support for the Archiacanthocephala as a monophyletic group was provided by the analysis. Support is provided for the recognition of Tegorhynchus and Illiosentis as distinct taxa, as well as the transfer of T. pectinarius to Koronacantha.  相似文献   

Morphological (including ultrastructural) and developmental characters utilized in recent literature are critically reviewed as the basis to reassess the phylogenetic relationships of gastropods. The purpose of this paper is to provide a framework of characters for future studies and a testable phylogenetic hypothesis. This is one of the first attempts to use such characters to assess the relationships of all major clades using parsimony methods. The analysis uses 117 characters and includes 40 taxa, predominantly ‘prosobranchs’. Five outgroup taxa are included, representing four conchiferan groups and Poly-placophora. Of the 117 characters reviewed and included in the analyses, nine are shell characters (four of these are shell structure), two opercular, two muscular, four ctenidial, 12 renopericardial and 24 reproductive (including 17 based on sperm and spermatogenesis), 27 of the digestive system, 32 of the nervous system and sense organs; the remainder are developmental (3) and of the foot and hypobranchial gland. In the initial analysis the data set included a mixture of binary and multistate characters with all characters unordered. These data were also analysed after scaling so that each character had equal weight. A third data set was constructed in which all characters were coded as binary characters. These analyses resulted in some implausible character transformations, mainly-involving the regaining of lost pallial structures. Additional analyses were run on all three sets of data after removing five characters showing the most unlikely transformations. These analyses resulted in generally similar topologies. The robustness of the clades was tested using clade decay. The adaptive radiation of gastropods and their life history traits are briefly described and discussed and the terminology for simultaneous hermaphroditism refined. A scenario for the evolution of torsion equated with the fossil record is proposed and the effects of torsion and coiling on gastropods are discussed along with asymmetry imposed by limpet-shaped body forms. It is suggested that the first gastropods were ultradextral. The idea that heterochrony has played a major part in gastropod evolution is developed and discussed, particularly the paedomorphic stamp imposed on the apogastropods. The veliger larvae of caenogastropods and heterobranchs are contrasted and found to differ in many respects. The evolution of planktotrophy within gastropods is discussed. Recent phylogenetic hypotheses for gastropods based on molecular data are generally in broad agreement with the present results. On the basis of our analyses we discuss the major monophyletic groups within gastropods. Gastropods appear to be a monophyletic clade, and divide into two primary groups, the Eogastropoda (incorporating the patellogastropods and their (probably sinistrally coiled) ancestors and the Orthogastropoda – the remainder of the gastropods. Orthogastropoda comprises several well defined clades. The vetigastropod clade encompasses most of the groups previously included in the paraphyletic Archaeogastropoda (fissurellids, trochoideans, scissurelloideans, halioroideans pleurotomarioideans) as well as lepeto-driloidean and lepetelloidean limpets and seguenzids. The location of the hot vent taxa Peltospiridae and Neomphalidae varies with each analysis, probably because there is a lack of ultrastructural data for these taxa and parallelism in many characters. They either form a paraphyletic or monophyletic group at or near the base of the vetigastropods or a clade with the neritopsines and cocculinoideans. The neritopsines (Neritoidea etc.) consistently form a clade with the cocculinoidean limpets, but their position on the tree also differs depending on the data set used and (in the case of the scaled data) whether or not the full suite of characters is used. They are either the sister to the rest of the orthogastropods or to the apogastropods. Caenogastropods [Mesogastropoda (+ architaenioglossan groups) + Neogastropoda] are consistently monophyletic as are the heterobranchs (‘Heterostropha’+ Opisthobranchia + Pulmo-nata). The caenogastropods and heterobranchs also form a clade in all the analyses and the name Apogastropoda is redefined to encompass this group. New taxa are proposed, Sorbeoconcha for the caenogastropods exclusive of the architaenioglossan taxa, and Hypsogastropoda for the ‘higher caenogastropods“– the Sorbeoconcha exclusive of the Cerithioidea and Campaniloidea.  相似文献   

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