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对云南泸西栽培灯盏花群体进行调查,发现了灯盏花雄性不育种质个体,其出现频率约为1.06×10-4.对所发现的灯盏花不育株形态特征及其花药发育过程进行了观察,并对花粉活力进行鉴定.结果显示:(1)灯盏花不育株根、茎、叶形态与正常可育植株基本相似,管状花小,花丝短,花药瘦小,无花粉粒散出或花粉无活力.(2)灯盏花在其花药发育的小孢子母细胞时期、四分体时期、小孢子时期和单核早期,由于绒毡层细胞液泡化、提前解体,不能为小孢子或花粉发育提供所需物质,导致小孢子母细胞和四分体解体,产生无花粉的花药;或小孢子和单核花粉胞内降解,形成不同形状和外壁纹饰的败育花粉.研究认为,灯盏花花药绒毡层异常是其花粉败育的主要原因.  相似文献   

芝麻(Sesamum indicum)核雄性不育系ms86-1姊妹交后代表现为可育、部分不育(即微粉)及完全不育(简称不育)3种类型。不同育性类型的花药及花粉粒形态差异明显。Alexander染色实验显示微粉植株花粉粒外壁为蓝绿色, 内部为不均一洋红色, 与可育株及不育株花粉粒的染色特征均不相同。为探明芝麻微粉发生机理, 在电子显微镜下比较观察了可育、微粉、不育类型的小孢子发育过程。结果表明, 可育株小孢子母细胞减数分裂时期代谢旺盛, 胞质中出现大量脂质小球; 四分体时期绒毡层细胞开始降解, 单核小孢子时期开始出现乌氏体, 成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔内及花粉粒周围分布着大量乌氏体, 花粉粒外壁有11–13个棱状凸起, 表面存在大量基粒棒, 形成紧密的覆盖层。不育株小孢子发育异常显现于减数分裂时期, 此时胞质中无脂质小球出现, 细胞壁开始积累胼胝质; 四分体时期绒毡层细胞未见降解; 单核小孢子时期无乌氏体出现; 成熟花粉时期花粉囊腔中未发现正常的乌氏体, 存在大量空瘪的败育小孢子, 外壁积累胼胝质, 缺乏基粒棒。微粉株小孢子在减数分裂时期可见胞质内有大量脂质小球, 四分体时期部分绒毡层发生变形, 单核小孢子时期有部分绒毡层开始降解; 绒毡层细胞降解滞后为少量发育进程迟缓的小孢子提供了营养物质, 部分小孢子发育为正常花粉粒; 这些花粉粒比较饱满, 表面有少量颗粒状突起, 但未能形成覆盖层, 花粉囊腔中及小孢子周围存在少量的乌氏体。小孢子形成的育性类型与绒毡层降解是否正常有关。  相似文献   

栽培种籽料苋(lmaranthus hypochondriacus L。)是一种很有潜力的新型作物。它营养价值高、蛋白质含量丰富、氨基酸平衡好、耐旱、耐盐碱和酸、抗逆性强、适应性广,被认为易极有潜力的、为全球提供粮食的替代作物之一。但是籽粒苋于粒重仅0.7-1.2g,种子易散落。于是,和许多其它植物一样,籽粒苋中也找到了雄性不育株。但是它的小孢子发育过程及其败育时期和不育特征尚不清楚,为它的杂交育种研究带来不便。本文通过电镜对雄性可育和不育的两种籽粒苋小孢子进行观察。发现不育小孢子败育起始于四分体释放以后的单核花粉期。在此之前小孢子的发育是一样的。花粉分化早期,孢原组织分化出初级造孢组织、绒毡层、中间层、药壁内层和表皮层(图1);造孢组织继续分裂,细胞不断扩大,形成小孢子母细胞(图2);小孢子母细胞不断增大,周围积累胼胝质并逐渐与绒毡层分离,出现大液泡(图3);小孢子母细胞减数分裂,四分体形成,包埋于胼胝质中;绒毡层有丝分裂,有双核细胞;大液泡消失;细胞壁开始降解(图4)。胼胝质逐渐消失,小孢子从四分体中释放以后(单核花粉期),在雄性可育籽粒苋里,小孢子有丝分裂、迅速膨大变圆,可见两个深色雄仁,花粉壁加厚(图5);进入收缩期,绒毡层降解,突入花药腔,环绕小孢子周围(图6);花粉壁不断加厚,小孢子更趋成熟(图7),直直形成内含大量淀粉的完全成熟花粉粒(图8)。而在雄性不育籽粒苋里,出现如下不育特征:小孢子粉壁未能进一步加厚,小孢子形状变得怪异(图13);花粉内含物溶解,空泡化,成为不育花粉(图14)。小孢子在花药中的发育完全依赖绒毡层细胞提供所需的营养物质和信息,绒毡层异常必然导致花粉败育,胼胝质降解不影响小孢子母细胞减数分裂,而是影响小孢子初生外壁的发育,从而导致小孢子发育退化。籽粒苋花粉败育过程中未见胼胝质降解,其原因有待进一步研究。有报道,正常花粉发育过程中常含有大量液泡,籽粒苋可育花粉的发育过程也证实液泡的发育与花粉粒的充实、花粉的形状有密切关系,而不育花粉中小液泡逐渐膨大,形成空泡后破裂。  相似文献   

在长春蒲公英(Taraxacum junpeianum Kitam.)株群中发现雄性不育现象,为研究其败育机理及特点,探寻其不育基因,采用形态观察法、石蜡切片技术和染色体压片法,对长春蒲公英野生型及其雄性不育株的花药发育过程和花粉母细胞减数分裂过程进行了观察。结果表明:(1)长春蒲公英雄性不育株花药中部发红、干瘪、无花粉散出。与野生型比较,雄性不育株雄蕊更短,子房更窄,种子形态更加狭长;(2)长春蒲公英雄性不育株败育时期为四分体到单核小孢子前期,败育方式为小孢子自身异常发育,绒毡层异常分解,互相粘连败育;(3)长春蒲公英雄性不育株花粉母细胞减数分裂二分体时期出现落后微核,随后产生极少四分体,并且四分体产生大量染色体桥,小孢子营养物质流失,彻底败育。因此,长春蒲公英雄性不育株败育彻底、稳定,并且有种的特点。小孢子自身异常发育和绒毡层异常分解是导致败育的主要原因。  相似文献   

胼胝质是以β-1,3键结合的葡聚糖,其形成的壁结构只发生在特定组织。当其提前或延迟降解时,会导致花粉败育,明确胼胝质的沉积动态规律对探究雄性不育机理及利用枸杞雄性不育具有重要意义。本研究以宁夏枸杞(Lycium barbarum L.)可育系‘宁杞1号’与不育系‘宁杞5号’为实验材料,采用半薄切片技术,并利用苯胺蓝和标记胼胝质的方法和高碘酸-希夫反应(Periodic Acid-Schiff stain, PAS),在光学显微镜下对比观察了不同发育时期的宁夏枸杞可育和不育花药中胼胝质的动态变化特征,分析了胼胝质对不育系花药败育的影响。结果显示,小孢子母细胞时期,可育和不育花药小孢子母细胞外沉积形成厚薄不均的胼胝质壁,荧光反应显示减数分裂形成四分体后,胼胝质壁逐渐增厚。随着花药的进一步发育,可育花药中四分体外胼胝质壁逐渐解体、消失,释放出四个小孢子。而不育花药中四分体外的胼胝质壁不断增厚,并没有出现降解迹象,直至开花,药室中小孢子仍以四分体状态存在,已经变形、解体的四分体外仍包裹着胼胝质壁。胼胝质降解异常是导致宁夏枸杞花粉败育的结构原因。本文进一步对不育系四分体胼胝质壁未发生降解的原因进行了分析,为解析宁夏枸杞雄性不育机理提供理论基础。  相似文献   

新型光温敏小麦不育系337S的组织结构研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
普通小麦(Triticum aestivum)不育系337S是一种对短日低温、长日高温均敏感不育的新型光温敏雄性不育系。对经过短日低温、长日高温处理的不育系花药及其小孢子的形态和发育过程进行了观察,观察结果表明,不育系337S的花药异常短小,开花后花丝短,花药难外露。花药发育过程中中层组织发育紊乱,绒毡层提前解体,影响了花粉母细胞发育所需的营养供应,导致短日低温处理下的花粉母细胞减数分裂中期Ⅰ和长日高温处理下的花粉母细胞发育时期花粉母细胞发育异常,形成异常小孢子,造成败育。  相似文献   

运用常规石蜡切片技术,以‘马哈利’樱桃雄性不育株和可育株的花芽为试验材料,对其小孢子和雄配子体的发育过程进行观察研究,运用扫描电镜对其花药和花粉进行观察,并分析‘马哈利’樱桃雄性不育的花粉发育过程及其发生原因。结果显示:(1)不育株与可育株的花粉发育形态在花粉母细胞时期没有差别,均可形成正常四分体。(2)四分体时期之后,不育株的绒毡层细胞膨大并向药室中央挤压,接着与小孢子粘连在一起,小孢子因得不到发育所需要的物质和空间而和绒毡层一起降解消失。(3)扫描电镜观察表明:不育株花药和花粉均呈现干瘪萎缩的形状,可育株花药四腔形状明显,花粉清晰可见萌发沟。研究表明,马哈利樱桃种内存在雄性不育系类型,‘马哈利’樱桃雄性不育与绒毡层细胞异常膨大和提前程序性死亡有关,进而造成了小孢子的异常发育并发生败育现象,研究结果对于樱桃杂交育种亲本选择以及樱桃苗木繁育生产具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片方法,对甘蓝型油菜隐性上位互作核不育材料1665的可育株与不育株花药进行细胞学观察.结果显示:(1)不育株花药在花粉母细胞减数分裂时期出现异常,部分花粉母细胞细胞分裂相不均等分裂或分裂异常.导致部分四分体形状异常.(2)不育株绒毡层细胞在四分体时期开始生长膨大,单核花粉时期出现液泡化和巨型化,侵占药室,使得小孢子不能正常释放或无法继续发育;部分释放出的小孢子未及时形成花粉壁,阻碍花粉继续发育.不能发育形成二核期和三核期花粉,导致花药败育.  相似文献   

大白菜雄性不育系88—3花药和花粉发育的细胞形态学观察   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:6  
王福青  王翠兰等 《西北植物学报》2001,21(3):570-574,T001
大白菜雄怀不育两用系88-3的不育株,其开花时花药内无花粉粒,败育从小孢子母细胞至二核花粉粒皆有发生,高峰期在末期Ⅱ前后,小孢子母细胞不能进入减数分裂和小孢子母细胞不能完成减数分裂及孢子不能正常发育是雄性败育的主要形式;败育一旦发生便是急剧而彻底地解体或凝聚成一团是败育的共同点,中层组织、绒毡层组织及药隔维管束异常均是雄性败育的因素。  相似文献   

彭苗苗  陈发菊  张德春 《植物研究》2012,(3):266-269,274
TP-2是由水稻品种台北309自然突变的雄性半不育突变体。解剖小花后观察发现,突变体花药细长,干瘪,白色透明状,雌蕊正常。花粉活力检测结果表明:突变体水稻平均花粉粒活力率为57.599%,1个花粉囊里的花粉粒平均有436粒;正常材料台北309水稻平均花粉活力率为94.177%,1个花粉囊里的花粉粒有798粒。组织切片观察发现:突变体水稻从小孢子母细胞发育到减数分裂结束,和正常株相比较在形态上无显著差异,小孢子形成初期出现异常,绒毡层快速消融,小孢子在其发育过程中因得不到营养不能正常发育,产生的小孢子干瘪,呈不规则状,同时部分小孢子产生破裂消融现象,绒毡层不能正常降解可能是导致TP-2水稻小孢子异常发育的主要原因。通过以上观察,对进一步揭示TP-2突变体的不育机制提供了基本资料,对该材料的组配奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Background and AimsCold stress in rice (Oryza sativa) plants at the reproductive stage prevents normal anther development and causes pollen sterility. Tapetum hypertrophy in anthers has been associated with pollen sterility in response to cold at the booting stage. Here, we re-examined whether the relationships between anther abnormality and pollen sterility caused by cold stress at the booting stage in rice can be explained by a monovalent factor such as tapetum hypertrophy.MethodsAfter exposing plants to a 4-d cold treatment at the booting stage, we collected and processed anthers for transverse sectioning immediately and at the flowering stage. We anatomically evaluated the effect of cold treatment on anther internal morphologies, pollen fertilities and pollen numbers in the 13 cultivars with various cold sensitivities.Key ResultsWe observed four types of morphological anther abnormalities at each stage. Pollen sterility was positively correlated with the frequency of undeveloped locules, but not with tapetum hypertrophy as commonly believed. In cold-sensitive cultivars grown at low temperatures, pollen sterility was more frequent than anther morphological abnormalities, and some lines showed remarkably high pollen sterility without any anther morphological alterations. Most morphological anomalies occurred only in specific areas within large and small locules. Anther length tended to shorten in response to cold treatment and was positively correlated with pollen number. One cultivar showed a considerably reduced pollen number, but fertile pollen grains under cold stress. We propose three possible relationships to explain anther structure and pollen sterility and reduction due to cold stress.ConclusionsThe pollen sterility caused by cold stress at the booting stage was correlated with the frequency of entire locule-related abnormalities, which might represent a phenotypic consequence, but not a direct cause of pollen abortion. Multivalent factors might underlie the complicated relationships between anther abnormality and pollen sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Male sterility mutations are an important tool in the investigation of anther and pollen development and for obtaining hybrid seeds in plant breeding. Cytological analysis of microsporo- and microgameto-genesis in sorghum plants with dominant mutation of male sterility (Mstc) derived from tissue culture has been carried out. Using substitution backcrosses, this mutation was introduced first into the nuclear background of the fertile sorghum line SK-723 and from this line into Volzhskoe-4w (V-4w). The mechanism of Mstc action on anther and pollen development differed in different nuclear backgrounds. In SK-723, phenotypic expression of Mstc began before the beginning of meiosis, which resulted in degeneration of sporogenous tissue in some anthers and in significant disturbances of anther morphology. In microsporocytes that did not degenerate, the frequency of non-specific meiotic abnormalities characteristic of the fertile line SK-723 significantly increased. In addition, in the mutant plants, a number of specific meiotic abnormalities--almost complete desynapsis, and formation of syncytial structures--were observed, apparently the consequence of Mstc action. In mono- or bi-nucleate microspores, degenerative processes resulting in formation of empty or anomalously coloured pollen grains led to almost complete male sterility. In the V-4w nuclear background, changes in anther structure and meiotic disturbances were infrequent. The degenerative processes began at the uni- or binucleate microspore stage and resulted in formation of empty or abnormally coloured pollen grains, and in partial pollen sterility. Thus, the same nuclear male sterility-inducing mutation in different nuclear backgrounds affects different stages of pollen development.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmicmalesterility(CMS)inhighplantsisamaternallyinheritedtraitthatsuppressesviablepollenproductionandisextremelyvaluablefortheproductionofhybridseeds.ApplicationofCMSricetodevelopmentofhybridricevarietieshasalreadybeenavailableinChinasince1976.Inre…  相似文献   

The anther development of the S male-sterile cytoplasm and the fertile maintainer (N) cytoplasm versions of corn inbred W182BN and the restored S cytoplasm version of inbred NY821LERf was studied by light and electron microscopy and compared to pollen abortion in the C and T types of male-sterile cytoplasms. The S anthers did not deviate from the non-male sterile (N) anthers until a very late stage of pollen development. Tapetal cells developed and disappeared normally in the S version which differentiates this cytoplasm from the C and T types. Although some modified membranous structures were seen in a higher frequency in the large vacuole of the sterile S pollen than in the N and restored S counterparts, the mitochondria and other organelles in the S pollen appeared normal up to the time of pollen abortion. Pollen abortion in the S cytoplasm did not occur until the developing pollen was nearly mature. At this time the pollen grains disintegrated abruptly but other anther tissues appeared unaltered. The male sterility of S plants appeared to be determined by the pollen itself without external influence from the tapetum.  相似文献   

采用石蜡切片技术,研究了大白菜(Brassica campestris L.ssp.pekinensis)细胞质雄性不育系6w-9605A及其保持系6w-9605B的花药发育过程的细胞形态学特征,确定不育系花药败育时期及方式,并对不育系6w-9605A进行花器官观察和育性鉴定.结果表明:保持系6w-9605B花药发育正常;不育系6w-9605A花药发育受阻于孢原分化时期,占总败育花药的66.7%,不形成花粉囊和花粉粒,属于无花粉囊型败育;另外33.3%的败育花药可形成花粉囊,小孢子均受阻于单核靠边期或者二胞期,败育特点为绒毡层细胞异常肥大,挤压小孢子,导致小孢子和绒毡层解体;6w-9605A的不育性稳定、彻底,不育株率和不育度均为100%.  相似文献   

刺五加花的形态学及雄蕊异长现象的观察   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
刺五加Eleuthercoccocus senticosus (Rupr.et Maxim.)Maxim.具有花丝长度不同的三种植株类型,本文报道了其花序和花的形态结构,开花式样,异长雄蕊现象及相应的花柱长度。结果表明:长花丝长3.96~4. 44mm ,短花丝长0.45~0.93mm,中花丝长2.16~3.08mm。伴随异长雄蕊特征的其它表现在于花药大小、花药形状和颜色、花粉大小、花粉数量、柱头宽度和雌雄蕊育性。其中,长花丝对应的花药饱满、白色、花粉量大、花柱较短、雌性败育;短花丝对应的花药小、黄褐色、无花粉、花柱较长、雌性可育;中花丝对应的花药中等、花粉粒较大、雄性半不育、雌性可育。据此,刺五加被认为是单全异株的,其长花丝类型是雄性、短花丝类型是雌性、中花丝类型是两性的。另外,对三种性别形态类型的关系进行了讨论,并认为将雌株作为变种“短蕊刺五加”var.brevistaminea 显然是不恰当的。  相似文献   

In wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), water deficit during meiosis in the microspore mother cells (MMCs) induces pollen abortion, resulting in the failure of fertilization and a reduction in grain set. In stressed plants, meiosis in MMCs proceeds normally but subsequent pollen development is arrested. Unlike normal pollen grains, which accumulate starch during the late maturation phase, stress-affected anthers contain pollen grains with little or no starch. Stress also alters the normal distribution of starch in the anther wall and connective tissue. To determine how starch biosynthesis is regulated within the developing anthers of stressed plants, we studied the expression of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGP), which catalyzes the rate limiting step of starch biosynthesis. Two partial-length cDNAs corresponding to the large subunit of AGP were amplified by RT-PCR from anther RNA, and used as probes to monitor AGP expression in developing anthers of normal and water-stressed plants. These clones, WAL1 and WAL2, had identical deduced amino acid sequences and shared 96% sequence identity at the nucleic acid level. In normal anthers, AGP expression was biphasic, indicating that AGP expression is required for starch biosynthesis both during meiosis and later during pollen maturation. AGP expression in stressed anthers was not affected during the first phase of starch accumulation, but was strongly inhibited during the second phase. We conclude from these results that the reduced starch deposition later in the development of stressed pollen could be the result of a lower expression of AGP. However, this inhibition of AGP expression is unlikely to be the primary cause of male sterility because anatomical symptoms of pollen abortion are observed prior to the time when AGP expression is inhibited.  相似文献   

To clarify the time and cause of pollen abortion, differences on the microsporogenesis and tapetum development in the anthers of male fertile maintainer line and cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) line pepper were studied using transmission electron microscopy. The results showed that CMS line anthers appeared to have much greater variability in developmental pattern than male fertile maintainer line ones. The earliest deviation from normal anther development occurred in CMS line anthers at prophase I was cytomixis in some microspore mother cells (MMCs), and vacuolisation in tapetal cells. Then, MMCs in CMS line anthers developed asynchronously and a small part of ones at the different stage degenerated in advance appearing to have typical morphological features of programmed cell death (PCD). Most MMCs could complete the meiosis, but formed non-tetrahedral tetrad microspores with irregular shape and different size and uncertain number of nuclei, and some degenerated ahead of time as well. Tapetal cells in CMS line anther degenerated during meiosis, and were crushed at the tetrad stage, which paralleled the collapse of pollens. Pollen abortion in CMS line anthers happened by PCD themselves, and the premature PCD of tapetal cells were closely associated with male sterility.  相似文献   

TA29-barnase基因转化菜心   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用根癌农杆菌导入法, 以菜心带柄子叶为外植体, 对TA29-barnase基因转化菜心进行研究。获得转化植株,进行PCR、Southern blotting杂交和半定量RT-PCR检测, 表明目的基因已经整合到转化植株中, 并且目的基因在转基因植株花蕾中得到表达, 但是表达水平在不同转基因植株间存在差别; 转基因植株开花后, 均表现雄性不育, 不能产生花粉或产生没有活力的少量花粉, 自交不能结实; 用未转化植株正常花粉对雄性不育植株进行授粉, 能够正常结实; 保持系(未转化植株)与不育株杂交后代中雄性不育株与可育株的比例为1:1, 在杂交后代植株子叶期, 喷洒10 mg/L的PPT可以完全杀死可育株; 利用其他菜心品种为父本与不育株进行杂交, 获得的F1植株在生长势和产量方面表现优势, 表明开展菜心优势育种具有一定的潜力。  相似文献   

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