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Wedell  Nina 《Behavioral ecology》1994,5(4):418-425
Males of many insect species provide the female, during courtshipand copulation, with a nuptial gift consisting of a prey itemor synthesized material (e.g., spermatophores). The studiesperformed so far have mainly focused on effects of nuptial giftsize on male and female reproductive success. However, the qualityof the nuptial gift can differ substantially between taxa andmay potentially have a large impact on male and female reproductiveperformance. In this study the effects of. variation in dieton nuptial gift quality is investigated in several bush cricketspecies with different diets. The effect of diet on nuptialgift quality (e.g., protein in the spermatophylax) and femalereproductive output and, in turn, die effect of variation inspermatophylax quality on female reproductive output are investigated.Female reproductive output and male spermatophore size weremainly found to be influenced by differences in diet betweenspecies. Spermatophylax quality (i.e., protein concentration)was also correlated with differences in diet. There was a largevariation in protein content of the spermatophylax widiin aswell as between species. Moreover, larger spermatophylaxes hada lower protein concentration, indicating a possible trade-offbetween spermatophylax size and quality. Consequendy, productionof larger spermatophylaxes, required for protection of the male'ssperm carrying ampulla during insemination, can lead to a reducedprotein concentration, because the total amount of protein maybe limited. This pattern is also consistent with die idea diatthe spermatophylax functions primarily to ensure sperm transfer.Finally, there was no correlation between the amount of proteinin the spermatophylax and female reproductive output eitheracross diets or within each diet category, further supportingthe finding that female reproductive output is mainly affectedby differences in diet.  相似文献   

Regeneration and reestablishment of synaptic connections is an important topic in neurobiological research. In the present study, the regeneration of auditory afferents and the accompanying effects in the central nervous system are investigated in nymphs and adults of the bush cricket Tettigonia viridissima L. (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae). In all animals in which the tympanal nerve is crushed, neuronal tracing shows a regrowth of the afferents into the prothoracic ganglion. This regeneration is seen in both adult and nymphal stages and starts 10–15 days after nerve crushing. Physiological recordings from the leg nerve indicate a recovery of tympanal fibres and a formation of functional connections to interneurones in the same time range. Electrophysiological recordings from the neck connective suggest additional contralateral sprouting of interneurones and the formation of aberrant connections. The regeneration processes of the tympanal nerve in nymphal stages and adults appear to be similar.  相似文献   

Female choice can drive the evolution of extravagant male traits. In invertebrates, the influence of prior social experience on female choice has only recently been considered. To better understand the evolutionary implications of experience-mediated plasticity in female choice, we investigated the effect of acoustic experience during rearing on female responsiveness to male song in the field cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus. Acoustic experience has unique biological relevance in this species: a morphological mutation has rendered over 90 per cent of males on the Hawaiian island of Kauai silent in fewer than 20 generations, impeding females' abilities to locate potential mates. Females reared in silent conditions mimicking Kauai were less discriminating of male calling song and more responsive to playbacks, compared with females that experienced song during rearing. Our results to our knowledge, are the first demonstration of long-term effects of acoustic experience in an arthropod, and suggest that female T. oceanicus may be able to compensate for the reduced availability of long-range male sexual signals by increasing their responsiveness to the few remaining signallers. Understanding the adaptive significance of experience-mediated plasticity in female choice provides insight into processes that facilitate rapid evolutionary change and shape sexual selection pressure in natural populations.  相似文献   

Biodiversity and Conservation - Ecotones occur naturally throughout complex landscapes. Each ecotone has particular ecological conditions resulting in species-specific responses. Across...  相似文献   

Biodiversity is threatened by the loss and fragmentation of habitats. The role of hedgerows in maintaining biodiversity is well established, but few studies have addressed the importance for biodiversity of the intrinsic characteristics of hedgerows and the quality of hedgerow networks along a spatial scale. We examined three quality indices providing information at different territorial levels: density in the landscape, structural diversity and wood production. We performed an acoustic survey in a grassland to estimate the species abundance and community composition of bats (9 taxa) and bush crickets (11 species). Using an approach based on species and traits, we assessed how hedgerow quality influenced the activity of these taxa at different spatial scales (from 50 to 1000 m) and focused on three types of traits: bush cricket mobility ability, bat foraging strategy and habitat specialization. In general, our results showed the importance of hedgerow quality for bats and bush crickets, but the strength of the association between taxa and hedgerows varied substantially among the species and the spatial scales. Although it depends on the taxa, the production, density and structural diversity of hedgerows each had an overall positive effect. Our results suggested that these effects were generally more important at large scales. The scale effect of the production index is the best predictor of activity for bat and bush cricket taxa and traits. Our results showed the importance of hedgerow quality for the ecology of bat and bush cricket communities and could be used to improve conservation management.  相似文献   

Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the mechanisms of calling signal recognition in orthopterans: the filtration and resonance ones. To test these hypotheses, conspecific male calling songs and their models with modified temporal parameters were presented to females of bush crickets in ethological experiments. The models with a double pulse rate evoked positive phonotaxis of females while phase shift significantly complicated the recognition process. These data fit the resonance hypothesis.  相似文献   

Effects of habitat fragmentation on genetic diversity vary among species. This may be attributed to the interacting effects of species traits and landscape structure. While widely distributed and abundant species are often considered less susceptible to fragmentation, this may be different if they are small sized and show limited dispersal. Under intensive land use, habitat fragmentation may reach thresholds at which gene flow among populations of small-sized and dispersal-limited species becomes disrupted. Here, we studied the genetic diversity of two abundant and widespread bush crickets along a gradient of habitat fragmentation in an agricultural landscape. We applied traditional (G(ST), θ) and recently developed (G'ST', D) estimators of genetic differentiation on microsatellite data from each of twelve populations of the grassland species Metrioptera roeselii and the forest-edge species Pholidoptera griseoaptera to identify thresholds of habitat fragmentation below which genetic population structure is affected. Whereas the grassland species exhibited a uniform genetic structuring (G(ST) = 0.020-0.033; D = 0.085-0.149) along the whole fragmentation gradient, the forest-edge species' genetic differentiation increased significantly from D < 0.063 (G(ST) < 0.018) to D = 0.166 (G(ST) = 0.074), once the amount of suitable habitat dropped below a threshold of 20% and its proximity decreased substantially at the landscape scale. The influence of fragmentation on genetic differentiation was qualitatively unaffected by the choice of estimators of genetic differentiation but quantitatively underestimated by the traditional estimators. These results indicate that even for widespread species in modern agricultural landscapes fragmentation thresholds exist at which gene flow among suitable habitat patches becomes restricted.  相似文献   

Male bushcrickets transfer a spermatophore at mating that consists of a sperm-containing ampulla and a sperm-free mass, the spermatophylax, that is consumed by the female during insemination. The costs of spermatophore production for males and benefits of consumption for females result in reversals in courtship roles in nutrient limited populations that increase both the risk and intensity of sperm competition. Here we show that under conditions characteristic of courtship role reversal, male expenditure on the spermatophore is dependent on female size. When mating with small females, males increase the amount of spermatophylax material and sperm, as expected from the increased sperm competition risk associated with courtship role reversal. However, males reduce the amount of spermatophylax material and sperm transferred to larger females. Since larger females have a higher mating success when competing for nurturant males, the intensity of sperm competition covaries with female size. Reduced ejaculate expenditure under increased sperm competition intensity is in accord with theoretical expectation.  相似文献   

Female sexual promiscuity can have significant effects on male mating decisions because it increases the intensity of competition between ejaculates for fertilization. Because sperm production is costly, males that can detect multiple matings by females and allocate sperm strategically will have an obvious fitness advantage. The presence of rival males is widely recognized as a cue used by males to assess sperm competition. However, for species in which males neither congregate around nor guard females, other more cryptic cues might be involved. Here, we demonstrate unprecedented levels of sperm competition assessment by males, which is mediated via the use of chemical cues. Using the cricket Teleogryllus oceanicus, we manipulated male perception of sperm competition by experimentally coating live unmated females with cuticular compounds extracted from males. We found that males adjusted their ejaculate allocation in response to these compounds: the viability of sperm contained within a male's ejaculate decreased as the number of male extracts applied to his virgin female partner was increased. We further show that males do not respond to the relative concentration of male compounds present on females, but rather to the number of distinct signature odours of individual males. Our results conform to sperm competition theory, and show for the first time, to our knowledge, that males can detect different intensities of sperm competition by using distinct chemical cues of individual males present on females.  相似文献   

Sperm numbers can be important determinants of fertilization success in sperm competition. However, the importance of variation in sperm size is less well understood. Sperm size varies significantly both between and within species and comparative studies have suggested that some of this variance can be explained by sperm competition. In this study we examine whether variation in sperm length has consequences for fertilization precedence using controlled sperm competition experiments in the field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. This species is an ideal model for such investigations because the mechanism of sperm competition generates complete mixing of different males' spermatozoa in the female (thereby allowing individual sperm to express their own competitive abilities). We successfully bred lines of crickets, the males of which produced short, medium and long sperm types with narrow and non-overlapping distributions. Males of different lines were then sequentially mated with control females in order to create two-male sperm competitions. The paternity outcomes of these competitions were measured after matings using an irradiated male technique (with a full reciprocal design that controls for natural fertility and any irradiation effects on gamete competitiveness) over a 12 day oviposition period. However, having successfully bred diverging sperm length lines and competing males that differed in sperm length, we found no evidence that a male's sperm size explained any of the variation in their relative fertilization success. Males from lines producing longer sperm showed no fertilization advantage over males producing shorter sperm across 97 double matings. There was also no advantage for males producing a sperm length close to the population mean over those competitors whose sperm length had been selectively diverged across 63 matings.  相似文献   

As in other phaneropterine bush-crickets, both male and female Leptophyes punctatissima can stridulate. Stridulation in the female, which had previously been overlooked, occurs in response to the male call. The main frequency of the very brief chirps is around 40 kHz. The male is stimulated to chirp more frequently by receiving response chirps from the female. Unlike most Tettigoniidae the male moves toward the female and is thus dependant on her response signal. Communication can occur over distances of at least 5 m. Some structures involved in stridulation in the female differ from that described in other phaneropterines. The insects used in these experiments were all reared in the laboratory from wild-caught parents. Between forty and fifty different insects were used at various times for laboratory studies on the song, and four different males and three females were used on the field communication experiments. The sexes were kept separate from the moult to adult or for at least 10 days before experiments.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Both sexes of the speckled bush cricket, Leptophyes punctatissima (Bosc) (Tettigoniidae) produce sound by stridulation. The sound is used in courtship. The male sings for periods throughout the day and night, and there is a peak of activity in the early afternoon. The female sings only in response to a male chirp. The male increases his rate of singing if he receives replies from a female. After 3 days isolation from male song, the female replies most readily to male song mimics of short duration (10 ms) whose carrier frequency is 30 or 45 kHz. Females that have been isolated from male song for 10 days respond less readily than those isolated for 3 days. The short duration of the songs of both sexes reduces their value as locating signals. This disadvantage may be outweighed by the fact that a short signal reduces the chance of a predator detecting the singer by acoustic or visual cues.  相似文献   

John L. Maron 《Oikos》2001,92(1):178-186
High mortality of plants growing in dense monospecific stands (i.e. self-thinning) usually results from intense intraspecific competition. However, inconspicuous below-ground insect herbivory might be a potent but overlooked source of mortality within dense stands of plants, particularly if crowding limits a plant's ability to compensate for herbivore damage. Here I ask how high conspecific density influences a plant's ability to cope with heavy below-ground insect herbivory.
I manipulated conspecific density and exposure to an abundant root-borer, the ghost moth ( Hepialus californicus ), and examined the impacts on the fecundity, growth, and survival of bush lupine ( Lupinus arboreus ), a fast-growing shrub that grows in dense monospecific stands in coastal grasslands. Both herbivory and intraspecific competition affected seed production, size, and mortality of bush lupine over the two years of the experiment. Plants consistently produced fewer seeds when growing at high versus low density and ghost moth herbivory also significantly reduced seed production. The negative effects of herbivory on plant fecundity were similar, regardless of plant density. In contrast, plant survival was affected by both competition, herbivory, and the interaction of these factors. In high density plots, plant survival was uniformly low (averaging 0.45–0.50); plants exposed to herbivores died from heavy herbivory, and plants protected from herbivores died due to intense intraspecific competition that compensated for losses due to herbivory. In low density plots, ghost moth herbivory similarly reduced lupine survival, from an average survival probability of 0.94 in plots protected from these herbivores to 0.55 in plots exposed to herbivory. Thus, results show that regardless of plant density, below-ground herbivory can be a potent source of mortality.  相似文献   

Sperm competition theory predicts that males should increase their expenditure on the ejaculate with increasing risk of sperm competition, but decrease their expenditure with increasing intensity. There is accumulating evidence for sperm competition theory, based on examinations of testes size and/or the numbers of sperm ejaculated. However, recent studies suggest that ejaculate quality can also be subject to selection by sperm competition. We used experimental manipulations of the risk and intensity of sperm competition in the cricket, Teleogryllus oceanicus. We found that males produced ejaculates with a greater percentage of live sperm when they had encountered a rival male prior to mating. However, when mating with a female that presented a high intensity of sperm competition, males did not respond to risk, but produced ejaculates with a reduced percentage of live sperm. Our data suggest that males exhibit a fine-tuned hierarchy of responses to these cues of sperm competition.  相似文献   

The genus Eupholidoptera includes 46 Mediterranean species distributed from Turkey to Greece, Italy and southern France. In the eastern part of its range, Eupholidoptera has been considered to consist of several distinct species, while in the Balkans and Italian peninsula only E. chabrieri has been recognized. However, the status of some Italian populations, confined to particular geographic areas, remains uncertain. To investigate the delimitation of the Italian taxa of Eupholidoptera, we performed both morphological and molecular analyses. Morphological analysis was carried out by considering diagnostic characters usually used to distinguish different taxa, such as the shape of titillators in males and the subgenital plate in females. Molecular analysis was performed by sequencing three mitochondrial genes: 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA, partially sequenced and the entire gene of cox1. Molecular markers were used to infer phylogenetic relationships among the Italian Eupholidoptera species and to reconstruct the historical processes that shaped their current geographic distribution. Results from both morphological and molecular analyses were used to revise the taxonomic arrangement of species. On the whole we were able to distinguish nine lineages of Italian Eupholidoptera, of which E. tyrrhenica sp.n. from Corsica is described as a new species. This published work has been registered in ZooBank, http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:EBD181A0-5263-4880-AC80-66F624506E3A .  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made in the brain of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus from an ascending auditory interneuron (AN1). Acoustic stimuli with calling song temporal pattern were delivered via earphones in a preparation with the acoustic trachea cut (attenuation of crossing sound > 30 dB). The input-output function of this cell was then determined by recording its responses to stimulation of the ipsilateral ear alone, of the contralateral ear alone and to stimulation of both ears simultaneously with the same or different carrier frequencies and intensities.This interneuron was excited by the ear ipsilateral to its axon and dendritic field and unresponsive to stimuli presented to the axon-contralateral ear alone. However, in binaural stimulation experiments, the response to a constant ipsilateral stimulus was progressively reduced as the intensity of a simultaneous contralateral stimulus was increased, above a threshold intensity.Tuning curves for threshold of this inhibition, determined in binaural stimulation experiments, indicated significant inhibition in the range 3–20 kHz with lowest threshold at 4–5 kHz. The inhibition was unaffected by sectioning of the contralateral circumoesophageal or neck connective, indicating that the inhibitory influence crosses the midline at the level of the prothoracic ganglion. Intracellular recordings from AN1 in the prothoracic ganglion confirmed that it was indeed neurally inhibited by inputs from the contralateral ear.Tuning curves for excitation of an omega neuron (ON1) by the ear ipsilateral to its soma and also the tuning of inhibition of ON1 by its contralateral ON1 partner, closely match the tuning of inhibition of AN1 and to a lesser extent, of AN2. This was taken as evidence that each AN1 is inhibited by the contralateral ON1. The significance of this interaction for directional hearing and phonotaxis is discussed.Abbreviations AP/CHP action potentials per chirp - AN1, AN2 ascending auditory interneurons 1, 2 - ON1 omega neuron 1 - ipsi ipsilateral contra contralateral - PTG prothoracic ganglion loc lateral ocellar nerve - On optic nerve an antennal nerve - coc circum-oesophageal connective so sound off  相似文献   

Certain insect species are known to relocate nest or food sites using landmarks, but the generality of this capability among insects, and whether insect place memory can be used in novel task settings, is not known. We tested the ability of crickets to use surrounding visual cues to relocate an invisible target in an analogue of the Morris water maze, a standard paradigm for spatial memory tests on rodents. Adult female Gryllus bimaculatus were released into an arena with a floor heated to an aversive temperature, with one hidden cool spot. Over 10 trials, the time taken to find the cool spot decreased significantly. The best performance was obtained when a natural scene was provided on the arena walls. Animals can relocate the position from novel starting points. When the scene is rotated, they preferentially approach the fictive target position corresponding to the rotation. We note that this navigational capability does not necessarily imply the animal has an internal spatial representation.  相似文献   

The steering responses of three species of field crickets, Teleogryllus oceanicus, T. commodus, and Gryllus bimaculatus, were characterized during tethered flight using single tone-pulses (rather than model calling song) presented at carrier frequencies from 3-100 kHz. This range of frequencies encompasses the natural songs of crickets (4-20 kHz, Fig. 1) as well as the echolocation cries of insectivorous bats (12-100 kHz). The single-pulse stimulus paradigm was necessary to assess the aversive nature of high carrier frequencies without introducing complications due to the attractive properties of repeated pulse stimuli such as model calling songs. Unlike the natural calling song, single tone-pulses were not attractive and did not elicit positive phonotactic steering even when presented at the calling song carrier frequency (Figs. 2, 3, and 9). In addition to temporal pattern, phonotactic steering was sensitive to carrier frequency as well as sound intensity. Three discrete flight steering behaviors positive phonotaxis, negative phonotaxis and evasion, were elicited by appropriate combinations of frequency, temporal pattern and sound intensity (Fig. 12). Positive phonotactic steering required a model calling song temporal pattern, was tuned to 5 kHz and was restricted to frequencies below 9 kHz. Negative phonotactic steering, similar to the 'early warning' bat-avoidance behavior of moths, was produced by low intensity (55 dB SPL) tone-pulses at frequencies between 12 and 100 kHz (Figs. 2, 3, and 9). In contrast to model calling song, single tone-pulses of high intensity 5-10 kHz elicited negative phonotactic steering; low intensity ultrasound (20-100 kHz) produced only negative phonotactic steering, regardless of pulse repetition pattern. 'Evasive', side-to-side steering, similar to the 'last-chance' bat-evasion behavior of moths was produced in response to high intensity (greater than 90 dB) ultrasound (20-100 kHz). Since the demonstration of negative phonotactic steering did not require the use of a calling song temporal pattern, avoidance of ultrasound cannot be the result of systematic errors in localizing an inherently attractive stimulus when presented at high carrier frequencies. Unlike attraction to model calling song, the ultrasound-mediated steering responses were of short latency (25-35 ms) and were produced in an open loop manner (Fig. 4), both properties of escape behaviors.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of two-tone stimuli on the high frequency bat-avoidance steering behavior of flying crickets (Teleogryllus oceanicus) were studied during tethered flight. Similarly, the effects of two-tone stimuli on the ultrasound sensitive auditory interneuron, Int-1, which elicits this behavior, were studied using intracellular staining and recording techniques. When a low frequency tone (3-8 kHz) was presented simultaneously with an aversive high frequency tone (in a two-tone stimulus paradigm), the high frequency avoidance steering behavior was suppressed. Suppression was optimal when the low frequency tone was between 4 and 5 kHz and about 10-15 dB louder than the high frequency tone (Figs. 2, 3). Best suppression occurred when the low frequency tone-pulse just preceded or overlapped the high frequency tone-pulse, indicating that the suppressive effects of 5 kHz could last for up to 70 ms (Fig. 4). The threshold for avoidance of the bat-like stimulus was elevated when model bat biosonar (30 kHz) was presented while the animal was performing positive phonotaxis toward 5 kHz model calling song, but only if the calling song intensity was relatively high (greater than 70-80 dB SPL) (Fig. 1). However, avoidance steering could always be elicited as long as the calling song was not more than 10 dB louder than the ultrasound (Fig. 1). This suppressive effect did not require performance of positive phonotaxis to the calling song (Fig. 2) and was probably due to the persistence of the suppressive effects of the 5 kHz model calling song (Fig. 4). The requirement for relatively high intensities of calling song suggest that the suppression of bat-avoidance by the calling song is not likely to be of great significance in nature. The high frequency harmonics of the male cricket's natural calling song overlap the lower frequency range used by insectivorous bats (10-20 kHz) and are loud enough to elicit avoidance behavior in a flying female as she closely approaches a singing male (Fig. 5). The high frequency 'harmonics' of a model calling song were aversive even if presented with a normally attractive temporal pattern (pulse repetition rate of 16 pps) (Fig. 6A). When the 5 kHz 'fundamental' was added to one of the high frequency 'harmonics', in a two-tone stimulus paradigm, this complex model calling song was attractive; the high frequency 'harmonic' no longer elicited the avoidance behavior (Fig. 6) and the animals steered toward the model CS. Thus, addition of 5 kHz to a high frequency harmonic of the calling song 'masked' the aversive nature of this stimulus.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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