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The repair of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in germinating spores was studied in comparison with that in vegetative cells. Radiation-induced single-strand breaks in the DNA of spores and of vegetative cells of Bacillus subtilis were rejoined during postirradiation incubation. The molecular weight of single-stranded DNA was restored to the level of nonirradiated cells. The rate of the rejoining of DNA strand breaks in irradiated spores was essentially equal to that in irradiated vegetative cells. The rejoining in spores germinating in nutrient medium occurred in the absence of detectable DNA synthesis. In this state, normal DNA synthesis was not initiated. Very little DNA degradation occurred during the rejoining process. On the other hand, in vegetative cells the rejoining process was accompanied by a relatively large amount of DNA synthesis and DNA degradation in nutrient medium. The rejoining occurred in phosphate buffer in vegetative cells but not in spores in which germination was not induced. Chloramphenicol did not interfere with the rejoining process in either germinating spores or vegetative cells, indicating that the rejoining takes place in the absence of de novo synthesis of repair enzyme. In the radiation-sensitive strain uvs-80, the capacity for rejoining radiation-induced strand breaks was reduced both in spores and in vegetative cells, suggesting that the rejoining mechanism of germinating spores is not specific to the germination process.  相似文献   

The incorporation of (3)H-labeled thymidine triphosphate ((3)H-dTTP) into deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) of germinated and then Brij 58-treated Bacillus subtilis spores was measured to study DNA replication activity of cells. The dTTP incorporation rate was very low in dormant spores, gradually increased as germination proceeded, and reached a level of the vegetative cell activity approximately 4 hr after the start of germination. This is in contrast to the DNA polymerase activity in the cell extract which remained at the same level throughout the germination period. The increase of the dTTP incorporation activity was inhibited by chloramphenicol or phenethyl alcohol. When these inhibitors were added after germination had proceeded, the elevated dTTP incorporation activity gradually decreased. Permeability to dTTP of spores germinated in the presence of chloramphenicol and then treated with Brij 58 was confirmed by (i) (3)H-dTTP incorporation into the treated spores following either electron or ultraviolet irradiation and (ii) release of radioactivity from the treated spores containing radioactively labeled DNA after deoxyribonuclease I treatment.  相似文献   

Susceptibility of germinating spores of Bacillus subtilis to a rapid chilling was examined by viable countings. Dormant spores were quite resistant to the cold shock but the spores, immediately upon germination, lose viability almost completely by the same treatment. The presence of divalent cation, magnesium, calcium or manganese, in a buffer to which the germinating spores were suspended, markedly protected the cells from the death by the cold shock effect. When the shocked cells were incubated in the buffer containing casein acid hydrolyzate, glucose and magnesium ion for short period of time, a remarkable increase in viable counts was observed. The existence of two critical temperature zones, which were determined by the initial temperature of cell suspension, was confirmed in the cold shock of germinating spores.  相似文献   

We used a Bacillus subtilis mutant described previously, which is temperature sensitive for initiation of replication. The inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis occurring at 45 C was shown to be reversed when the temperature is lowered even in the absence of protein synthesis. If the bacteria are returned to 30 C, after a prior period at 45 C, they are able to initiate the first round of replication in the presence of chloramphenicol, but the initiation of the second round still requires protein synthesis. This paper shows that the proteins necessary to initiate the second round of replication can be present in bacteria long before this round is initiated. In addition, the appearance of these proteins seems to be influenced by the length of the previous 45 C period. Although similar reinitiation kinetics are observed at 30 C after prior 45 C periods of 30 or 65 min, the ability to initiate the second round without further protein synthesis appears much earlier after a longer exposure at 45 C. To explain these results, a hypothesis is presented which assumes that two different proteins are both necessary for initiation. Only one of these proteins could be accumulated at 45 C during the inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis. A peculiarity of initiation material in mutant Ts 37 is that it may be active at 45 C if it has been exposed previously at 30 C.  相似文献   

Evidence for premature initiation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication after thymine starvation of Bacillus subtilis W23T(-) is presented, based on (i) increase in the number of ade(+) relative to met(+) transformants yielded by the DNA isolated from cultures after starvation (the ade(-) marker being near the origin of replication, whereas met(-) is close to the terminus), and (ii) increase in both the initial rate and final level of tritiated thymine incorporation in the presence of chloramphenicol after release from starvation. The marker ratio data agree quantitatively with the hypothesis that the initiation is induced only on one arm of each chromosome which was replicating prior to starvation.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis 168 thyA, thyB cells degrade and lose from 20 to 30% of their deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in 3.5 hr of exposure to 20 mug of nalidixic acid per ml. Degradation appears to be initiated at the replication point and to proceed sequentially along the chromosome from the most recently synthesized DNA to "older" DNA. Both DNA strands appear to be degraded equally, and essentially all of the products of degradation are soluble in cold acid.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a preliminary characterization of a temperature-sensitive mutant of Bacillus subtilis which appears to be defective in deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication at high temperature. When log-phase cells of the mutant were transferred from 30 to 45 C, protein synthesis and ribonucleic acid synthesis continued more or less normally for several hours, whereas DNA synthesis continued at a normal rate for only 20 to 30 min and then was drastically reduced. The amount of DNA synthesized prior to this reduction corresponded approximately to the amount of DNA synthesized under conditions of protein synthesis inhibition by the parent or mutant strain. After 1 hr of growth at high temperature, cells of the mutant showed a pronounced drop in viable count. After 30 or 60 min of growth at high temperature, DNA synthesis could be restored by lowering the temperature. A longer period of growth at 45 C led to a loss of reversibility of DNA synthesis. Spores of the mutant synthesized no DNA when germinated at high temperature, although an outgrowing cell appeared. When spores were germinated at low temperature until DNA synthesis began, and then were transferred to high temperature, macromolecular synthesis continued as the log-phase transfer experiments described above.  相似文献   

Membrane vesicles isolated from competent cultures of Bacillus subtilis 168 bound up to 20 mug of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) per mg of membrane protein in the presence of ethylenediaminetetraacetate. The formation of the DNA-membrane complex was time, temperature, and pH dependent. Eighty per cent of the DNA could be removed from the complex by treatment with deoxyribonuclease I. Nevertheless, the DNA that remained attached to the vesicles appeared to have been attacked by the enzyme, suggesting that all the complexed DNA is located at the outer surface of the vesicles. Pretreatment of DNA with deoxyribonuclease I destroyed its affinity for the vesicles. The extent of binding decreased by the addition of Mg(2+) ions, especially at high DNA concentrations (more than 2 mug/ml). This effect was partially due to membrane-associated Mg(2+)-dependent endonucleolytic activity, which caused double-strand breaks in addition to single-strand nicks, and to exonuclease activity. The endonucleolytic activity was enhanced by heating the membranes at 80 C. DNA-membrane association was not markedly affected by sulfhydryl reagents, but was largely inhibited by formaldehyde. Endogenous competence-stimulating activity did not alter the DNA-binding capacity of the vesicles.  相似文献   

In a Bacillus subtilis deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) preparation, extracted and purified by the Marmur procedure, the DNA molecules carrying a particular marker are heterogeneous with respect to molecular weight, buoyant density, and thermal stability. This finding constitutes evidence against unique points of breakage during DNA isolation. The variation in buoyant density suggests a local compositional heterogeneity in the chromosomal region of certain markers. The variation in molecular weight provides an explanation for the results of certain transformation experiments that are otherwise poorly understood. An example of such a result is the observation that acridine orange increases the efficiency of differential thermal inactivation of markers. An explanation of this phenomenon is suggested by the demonstration that acridine orange can decrease the natural intramarker heterogeneity in melting behavior.  相似文献   

The role of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication in the control of the synthesis of deoxycytidylate (dCMP) deaminase and lysozyme in Bacillus subtilis infected with bacteriophage 2C has been studied. These phage-induced enzymes are synthesized at different times during the latent period. It was shown by actinomycin inhibition that the formation of the late enzyme (lysozyme) required messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) synthesized de novo after the initiation of translation of mRNA which specifies the early function (dCMP deaminase). The inhibition of phage DNA synthesis by mitomycin C prevented the synthesis of lysozyme only when added before the onset of phage DNA replication, but it did not affect the synthesis or action of dCMP deaminase when added at any time during the latent period. Treatment of infected cells with mitomycin C after phage DNA synthesis had reached 8 to 10% of its maximal rate resulted in the production of normal amounts of lysozyme. These observations suggest that mRNA specifying early enzymes can be transcribed from parental (and probably also from progeny) DNA, whereas late functional messengers can be transcribed only after the formation of progeny DNA.  相似文献   

Studies on transformation of Bacillus subtilis using the inhibitor 6-(p-hydroxyphenylazo)-uracil show that deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) replication is not required for the uptake and integration of donor DNA and genetic markers.  相似文献   

Competence and Deoxyribonucleic Acid Uptake in Bacillus subtilis   总被引:11,自引:7,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The distribution of uninucleate and multinucleate cells of Bacillus subtilis, fractionated by zonal centrifugation, shows that the uninucleate cells are most likely to be competent. Only the competent fraction of the population incorporates deoxyribonucleic acid.  相似文献   

R64-11(+) donor cells that are thermosensitive for vegetative DNA replication will synthesize DNA at the restrictive temperature when recipient minicells are present. This is conjugal DNA replication because it is R64-11 DNA that is being synthesized and there is no DNA synthesis if minicells that cannot be recipients of R64-11 DNA are used. The plasmid DNA present in the donor cells before mating is transferred to recipient minicells within the first 20 min of mating, but additional copies of plasmid DNA synthesized during the mating continue to be transferred for at least 90 min. However, the transfer of R64-11 DNA to minicells is not continuous because the plasmid DNA in minicells is the size of one R64-11 molecule or smaller, and there are delays between the rounds of plasmid transfer. DNA is synthesized in minicells during conjugation, but this DNA has a molecular weight much smaller than that of R64-11. Thus, recipient minicells are defective and are not able to complete the synthesis of a DNA strand complementary to the single-stranded R64-11 DNA received from the donor cell.  相似文献   

Gimlin, Dixie M. (Oklahoma State University, Stillwater), Sue D. Hardman, Betty N. Kelley, Grace C. Butler, and Franklin R. Leach. Effect of bromouracil-containing deoxyribonucleic acid on Bacillus subtilis. J. Bacteriol. 92:366-374. 1966.-Replacement of one-half of the thymine with bromouracil in Bacillus subtilis transforming deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) resulted in a slight decrease in transforming activity, but, when used at high concentrations, this DNA preparation inhibited cell growth. Acid-hydrolyzed DNA, or addition of equivalent concentrations of the free base bromouracil in a transforming mixture, was without effect on cell growth. Treatment of the DNA preparation with deoxyribonuclease completely destroyed transforming activity and killing effect, whereas treatments with ribonuclease and trypsin were without effect on either transformation or killing activity. Growth of competent B. subtilis cells in test tubes was inhibited by high concentrations of both normal and bromouracil-containing DNA, with the bromouracil-containing DNA being significantly more inhibitory. This type of inhibition was also reflected in the time of division of the cells. The inhibitory effect was not due to viscosity, or to mutagenicity. The time course of killing paralleled transformation, and competency was required. These results can be interpreted as being due to uptake of homologous but imperfect DNA (containing bromouracil instead of thymine) by means of the systems involved in transformation, followed by either integration (resulting in lethal transformation, activation of a defective, nonlytic but lethal prophage) or interference with the recombination mechanism.  相似文献   

Regulation of chromosome replication in Bacillus subtilis strain 168, in response to starvation for an essential amino acid, was found to differ from that reported for Escherichia coli. Not all replication points stop at the terminus during amino acid starvation. There is some evidence, however, to indicate that preferred stopping sites might exist. Initiation at the origin can occur in the absence of total protein synthesis as well as when the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)- mass ratio is unbalanced. DNA synthesis appears to be controlled independently of the initiation event by a second regulatory circuit, that may utilize the DNA-mass ratio. Once initiated, chromosome replication does not always go to completion in an uninterrupted sequence.  相似文献   

Bacterial endospores exhibit extreme resistance to most conditions that rapidly kill other life forms, remaining viable in this dormant state for centuries or longer. While the majority of Bacillus subtilis dormant spores germinate rapidly in response to nutrient germinants, a small subpopulation termed superdormant spores are resistant to germination, potentially evading antibiotic and/or decontamination strategies. In an effort to better understand the underlying mechanisms of superdormancy, membrane-associated proteins were isolated from populations of B. subtilis dormant, superdormant, and germinated spores, and the relative abundance of 11 germination-related proteins was determined using multiple-reaction-monitoring liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry assays. GerAC, GerKC, and GerD were significantly less abundant in the membrane fractions obtained from superdormant spores than those derived from dormant spores. The amounts of YpeB, GerD, PrkC, GerAC, and GerKC recovered in membrane fractions decreased significantly during germination. Lipoproteins, as a protein class, decreased during spore germination, while YpeB appeared to be specifically degraded. Some protein abundance differences between membrane fractions of dormant and superdormant spores resemble protein changes that take place during germination, suggesting that the superdormant spore isolation procedure may have resulted in early, non-committal germination-associated changes. In addition to low levels of germinant receptor proteins, a deficiency in the GerD lipoprotein may contribute to heterogeneity of spore germination rates. Understanding the reasons for superdormancy may allow for better spore decontamination procedures.  相似文献   

Messenger Ribonucleic Acid of Dormant Spores of Bacillus subtilis   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Evidence of the presence of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA) in dormant spores of Bacillus subtilis has been obtained. The bulk RNA from spores was isolated and labeled in vitro with tritiated dimethyl sulfate. The spore RNA hybridized to 2.4 to 3.2% of the B. subtilis genome. The RNA hybridized to both the complementary heavy and light fractions of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). Bulk RNA from log-phase cells competed with virtually all the spore RNA for the heavy DNA fraction and with part of the spore RNA for the light DNA fraction. Bulk RNA from stage IV cells in sporulation also competed with all of the spore RNA for the heavy DNA fraction and with essentially all the spore RNA for the light DNA fraction. These results indicate that dormant spores contain mRNA species present in both log-phase cells and stage IV cells of sporulation. The RNA polymerase in the developing forespore must be able to recognize promotor sites for both log-phase and sporulation genes.  相似文献   

A mutant of Bacillus subtilis Ts37 has been isolated in which deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis is inhibited at high temperature. The results presented here indicate that the process of initiation of DNA replication is temperature sensitive in this mutant. After shifting to 45 C, DNA increases 40 to 50% before synthesis ceases; an inhibition of protein synthesis permits an equivalent amount of DNA to be synthesized. A density shift experiment coupled with a marker frequency analysis shows that DNA synthesized at 45 C is highly enriched in the markers situated at the end of the chromosome. Transforming DNA extracted from a culture which has been incubated at 45 C exhibits the relative transforming efficiency for origin and terminus markers characteristic of completed chromosomes. After a shift back from 45 C to 30 C, reinitiation appears to occur always in the same region of the bacterial chromosome; in addition, replication as well as cell division is synchronized.  相似文献   

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