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Because Candida albicans is a diploid organism, two consecutive steps of gene disruption are required to generate a gene knock-out. The same marker (URA3) is often used for disruption of both copies of the gene. This is possible because, after the first round of disruption, homologous recombination between direct repeats flanking the URA3 marker and the subsequent counterselection allow for the efficient recovery of Ura- revertants. Unfortunately, the URA-blaster disruption cassette cannot be used in a PCR-based disruption approach. The hisG repeats flanking the URA3 gene in the disruption cassette anneal to one another during PCR and thereby prevent amplification of the complete cassette. We explored the use of transformation based on split-marker recombination to circumvent this problem. To avoid any cloning steps and to retain the advantage of long flanking regions for disruption, we combined this with a PCR- and ligation-mediated approach for generating marker cassettes. We used this approach to disrupt the C. albicans FAL1 (ATP-dependent RNA helicase) gene. Long 5' and 3' FAL1-specific regions were amplified by PCR and individually ligated to a URA-blaster cassette. The resulting ligation reactions were used separately as templates to generate two FAL1 disruption cassettes with overlapping URA3 marker regions. Simultaneous transformation with both overlapping disruption cassettes yielded efficient disruption of one FAL1 allele.  相似文献   

Here we report an improved method for targeted gene disruption with high efficiency in S. cerevisiae, where the selection markers with long homologous arms are defined by the choice of the primer binding sites at the target locus and the disruption cassettes are constructed by restriction-free (RF) cloning strategy. Three genes, SAM1, IDH1 and IDH2, were disrupted with this method and the disruption efficiencies of SAM1 was improved several folds with much lower false-positive rates compared to the conventional one-step PCR-based gene disruption method. This approach for gene disruption cassettes construction with long flanking homologous arms may be readily applicable to facilitate targeted gene disruption in other non-conventional yeasts and fungi.  相似文献   

Yarrowia lipolytica is one of the most extensively studied nonconventional yeasts. Unfortunately, few methods for gene disruption have been reported for this yeast, and all of them are time-consuming and laborious. The functional analysis of unknown genes requires powerful disruption methods. Here, we describe such a new method for rapid gene disruption in Y. lipolytica. This knockout system combines SEP method and the Cre-lox recombination system, facilitating efficient marker rescue. Versatility was increased by using both auxotrophic markers like ylURA3 and ylLEU2, as well as the antibiotic resistance marker hph. The hph marker, which confers resistance to hygromycin-B, allows gene disruption in a strain lacking any conventional auxothrophic marker. The disruption cassette was shown to integrate at the correct locus at an average frequency of 45%. Upon expression of Cre recombinase, the marker was excised at a frequency of 98%, by recombination between the two lox sites. This new method for gene disruption is an ideal tool for the functional analysis of gene families, or for creating large-scale mutant collections in general.  相似文献   

A method to obtain disruption cassettes based on the homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae is described. The disruption marker is amplified by PCR using oligonucleotides containing 50 bp homologous to the disruptable gene and 20 bp from the marker. The PCR product is cotransformed into yeast with a plasmid containing the gene. After recombination, a plasmid that carries the disruption cassette for the gene is produced.  相似文献   

For functional analysis, the presence of gene families and isoenzymes often makes it necessary to delete more than one gene, while the number of marker genes is limited in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Here we describe a loxP-flanked ura4(+) cassette and Cre recombinase vector for a Cre-loxP-mediated marker removal procedure in S. pombe. This loxP-ura4-loxP cassette can be used for disruption of hmt1(+) as a model target gene. We have constructed two vectors which express Cre recombinase under the control of the nmt1 or nmt41 promoter. Excisive recombination at loxP sites in the chromosome was promoted efficiently and accurately when the Cre recombinase was expressed under the control of the nmt41 promoter. In addition, ura4(+) could be excised from the genome by Cre recombinase, when a single loxP site was adjacent to ura4. The use of the Cre-loxP system proved to be a practical strategy to excise a marker gene for repeated use in S. pombe.  相似文献   

The PCR-based gene disruption strategy originally devised by Baudin et al. is widely used for gene targeting in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. An advantage of this strategy is its simplicity in making targeting constructs. The efficiencies of the targeted disruption are highly variable from locus to locus, however, and often very low. In this report, a method for improving the gene deletion efficiency is described.  相似文献   

The dominant selectable Kanr marker, which confers geneticin resistance in yeast, is extensively used for PCR based disruption of genes in functional analysis studies in laboratory strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have developed a gene disruption cassette, which incorporates the Kanr marker, and direct repeat sequences designed from the target gene to enable the deletion of the gene without the introduction of added DNA sequences. We report on the disruption of the HO gene as a test case, using the hodr-Kanr-hodr cassette. The cassette was shown to integrate at the HO locus and the Kanr marker excised by recombination between the two direct repeat sequences. The disruption/excision event resulted in the removal of one direct repeat and the coding sequence of the gene, and hence in this case loss of HO function, with the introduction of no foreign or additional sequences, including the Kanr marker. Having been derived from the target site, the remaining direct repeat sequence is native sequence in its native location. This design template has the potential to be adapted to other genes, and as such will be of advantage in instances such as the optimization of strains by recombinant DNA technology where the retention of minimal or no foreign sequences is desired.  相似文献   

Disruption of newly identified genes in the pathogen Candida albicans is a vital step in determination of gene function. Several gene disruption methods described previously employ long regions of homology flanking a selectable marker. Here, we describe disruption of C. albicans genes with PCR products that have 50 to 60 bp of homology to a genomic sequence on each end of a selectable marker. We used the method to disrupt two known genes, ARG5 and ADE2, and two sequences newly identified through the Candida genome project, HRM101 and ENX3. HRM101 and ENX3 are homologous to genes in the conserved RIM101 (previously called RIM1) and PacC pathways of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Aspergillus nidulans. We show that three independent hrm101/hrm101 mutants and two independent enx3/enx3 mutants are defective in filamentation on Spider medium. These observations argue that HRM101 and ENX3 sequences are indeed portions of genes and that the respective gene products have related functions.  相似文献   

The wild-type yeast nuclear gene, PIS, encodes phosphatidylinositol synthase (CDPdiacylglycerol-inositol 3-phosphatidyltransferase, EC (Nikawa, J., and Yamashita, S. (1984) Eur. J. Biochem. 143, 251-256). We now report the sequence of the cloned 2, 129-base pair DNA and the location of the PIS coding region within the sequence. The PIS coding frame is capable of encoding 220 amino acid residues with a calculated molecular weight of 24,823. On Northern blot analysis, an RNA species that hybridized with the coding region was detected in the total poly(A)+ RNA of the wild-type yeast. The primary translation product contains a region showing local sequence homology with yeast phosphatidylserine synthase (EC and Escherichia coli 3-phosphatidyl-1'-glycerol-3'-phosphate synthase (EC, suggesting that these three enzymes are evolutionarily related. The PIS gene was disrupted in vitro through insertion of the yeast HIS3 gene into the coding region. A heterozygous diploid, PIS/pis::HIS3, constructed from a PIS/PIS his3/his3 diploid by replacing one of the wild-type PIS genes with the disrupted PIS gene, showed no segregation of viable His+ spores on tetrad analysis, indicating that disruption of the PIS gene is lethal. The nonviable spores were in an arrested state with a characteristic terminal phenotype, suggesting that the function of the PIS gene is essential for progression of the yeast cell cycle.  相似文献   

Plasmids containing heteroallelic copies of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae HIS3 gene undergo intramolecular gene conversion in mitotically dividing S. cerevisiae cells. We have used this plasmid system to determine the minimum amount of homology required for gene conversion, to examine how conversion tract lengths are affected by limited homology, and to analyze the role of flanking DNA sequences on the pattern of exchange. Plasmids with homologous sequences greater than 2 kilobases have mitotic exchange rates as high as 2 x 10(-3) events per cell per generation. As the homology is reduced, the exchange rate decreases dramatically. A plasmid with 26 base pairs (bp) of homology undergoes gene conversion at a rate of approximately 1 x 10(-10) events per cell per generation. These studies have also shown that an 8-bp insertion mutation 13 bp from a border between homologous and nonhomologous sequences undergoes conversion, but that a similar 8-bp insertion 5 bp from a border does not. Examination of independent conversion events which occurred in plasmids with heteroallelic copies of the HIS3 gene shows that markers within 280 bp of a border between homologous and nonhomologous sequences undergo conversion less frequently than the same markers within a more extensive homologous sequence. Thus, proximity to a border between homologous and nonhomologous sequences shortens the conversion tract length.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae S-II was purified to near homogeneity as a protein stimulating RNA polymerase II. Four of seven lysyl endopeptidase-digested fragments of S-II were located in the PPR2 sequence reported previously. Analysis of a genomic clone of S-II revealed that S-II and PPR2 are the same protein consisting of 309 amino acid residues, and frame shifts were found in the sequence of PPR2 gene reported previously. Yeast S-II and mouse S-II showed high similarity in their amino acid sequences, especially in their amino-terminal and carboxyl-terminal regions. A gene disruption experiment showed that an S-II null mutant was not lethal under usual growth conditions, indicating that S-II is not essential for the growth of yeast.  相似文献   

Cassettes based on a hisG-URA3-hisG insert have been modified by the addition of a KmR-encoding gene and flanking polylinker sites, greatly simplifying construction of gene disruption vectors in Escherichia coli. After gene disruption in yeast, URA3 can then be excised by recombination between the hisG repeats flanking the gene, permitting reuse of the URA3 marker  相似文献   

Recently it was demonstrated that beta-actin can be produced in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by using the expression plasmid pY beta actin (R. Karlsson, Gene 68:249-258, 1988), and several site-specific mutants are now being produced in a protein engineering study. To establish a system with which recombinant actin mutants can be tested in vivo and thus enable a correlation to be made with functional effects observed in vitro, a yeast strain lacking endogenous yeast actin and expressing exclusively beta-actin was constructed. This strain is viable but has an altered morphology and a slow-growth phenotype and is temperature sensitive to the point of lethality at 37 degrees C.  相似文献   

目的 LuxS基因是变形链球菌生物膜早期形成过程中的关键基因,构建该基因的缺陷菌。方法采用长臂同源多聚酶链反应(LFH-PCR)方法构建含红霉素耐药基因片段的LuxS基因上、下游同源序列的连接片段,转化到变形链球菌中,在红霉素的平板上筛选缺陷菌株,并采用PCR鉴定。结果对变形链球菌LuxS基因缺陷菌株进行PCR和DNA序列测定分析证实构建成功。结论成功构建出变形链球菌LuxS基因的缺陷菌株,为后期针对变形链球菌LuxS基因的相关研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

Initiation of protein synthesis in bacteria, mitochondria, and chloroplasts involves a formylated methionyl-tRNA species. Formylation of this tRNA is catalyzed by a methionyl-tRNA(f)(Met) formyltransferase (formylase). Upon inactivation of the gene encoding formylase, the growth rate of Escherichia coli is severely decreased. This behavior underlines the importance of formylation to give tRNA(Met) an initiator identity. Surprisingly, however, recent data [Li, Y., Holmes, W. B., Appling, D. R., and RajBhandary, U. L. (2000) J. Bacteriol. 182, 2886-2892] showed that the respiratory growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiaewas not sensitive to deprivation of the mitochondrial formylase. In the present study, we report conditions of temperature or of growth medium composition in which inactivation of the formylase gene indeed impairs the growth of a S. cerevisiae haploid strain. Therefore, some selective advantage can eventually be associated to the existence of a formylating activity in the fungal mitochondrion under severe growth conditions. Finally, the specificity toward tRNA of S. cerevisiae mitochondrial formylase was studied using E. coli initiator tRNA and mutants derived from it. Like its bacterial counterpart, this formylase recognizes nucleotidic features in the acceptor stem of mitochondrial initiator tRNA. This behavior markedly distinguishes the mitochondrial formylase of yeast from that of animals. Indeed, it was shown that bovine mitochondrial formylase mainly recognizes the side chain of the esterified methionine plus a purine-pyrimidine base pair in the D-stem of tRNA [Takeuchi, N., Vial, L., Panvert, M., Schmitt, E., Watanabe, K., Mechulam, Y., and Blanquet, S. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 20064-20068]. Distinct tRNA recognition mechanisms adopted by the formylases of prokaryotic, fungal, or mammalian origins are likely to reflect coevolution of these enzymes with their tRNA substrate. Each mechanism appears well suited to an efficient selection of the substrate within the pool of all tRNAs.  相似文献   

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