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Body size, and, by extension, growth has impacts on physiology, survival, attainment of sexual maturity, fecundity, generation time, and population dynamics, especially in ectotherm animals that often exhibit extensive growth following attainment of sexual maturity. Frequently, growth is analyzed at the population level, providing useful population mean growth parameters but ignoring individual variation that is also of ecological and evolutionary significance. Our long-term study of Lake Erie Watersnakes, Nerodia sipedon insularum, provides data sufficient for a detailed analysis of population and individual growth. We describe population mean growth separately for males and females based on size of known age individuals (847 captures of 769 males, 748 captures of 684 females) and annual growth increments of individuals of unknown age (1,152 males, 730 females). We characterize individual variation in asymptotic size based on repeated measurements of 69 males and 71 females that were each captured in five to nine different years. The most striking result of our analyses is that asymptotic size varies dramatically among individuals, ranging from 631–820 mm snout-vent length in males and from 835–1125 mm in females. Because female fecundity increases with increasing body size, we explore the impact of individual variation in asymptotic size on lifetime reproductive success using a range of realistic estimates of annual survival. When all females commence reproduction at the same age, lifetime reproductive success is greatest for females with greater asymptotic size regardless of annual survival. But when reproduction is delayed in females with greater asymptotic size, lifetime reproductive success is greatest for females with lower asymptotic size when annual survival is low. Possible causes of individual variation in asymptotic size, including individual- and cohort-specific variation in size at birth and early growth, warrant further investigation.  相似文献   

Matrix models are widely used in biology to predict the temporal evolution of stage-structured populations. One issue related to matrix models that is often disregarded is the sampling variability. As the sample used to estimate the vital rates of the models are of finite size, a sampling error is attached to parameter estimation, which has in turn repercussions on all the predictions of the model. In this study, we address the question of building confidence bounds around the predictions of matrix models due to sampling variability. We focus on a density-dependent Usher model, the maximum likelihood estimator of parameters, and the predicted stationary stage vector. The asymptotic distribution of the stationary stage vector is specified, assuming that the parameters of the model remain in a set of the parameter space where the model admits one unique equilibrium point. Tests for density-dependence are also incidentally provided. The model is applied to a tropical rain forest in French Guiana.  相似文献   

It is becoming routine to obtain data sets on DNA sequence variation across several thousands of chromosomes, providing unprecedented opportunity to infer the underlying biological and demographic forces. Such data make it vital to study summary statistics that offer enough compression to be tractable, while preserving a great deal of information. One well-studied summary is the site frequency spectrum—the empirical distribution, across segregating sites, of the sample frequency of the derived allele. However, most previous theoretical work has assumed that each site has experienced at most one mutation event in its genealogical history, which becomes less tenable for very large sample sizes. In this work we obtain, in closed form, the predicted frequency spectrum of a site that has experienced at most two mutation events, under very general assumptions about the distribution of branch lengths in the underlying coalescent tree. Among other applications, we obtain the frequency spectrum of a triallelic site in a model of historically varying population size. We demonstrate the utility of our formulas in two settings: First, we show that triallelic sites are more sensitive to the parameters of a population that has experienced historical growth, suggesting that they will have use if they can be incorporated into demographic inference. Second, we investigate a recently proposed alternative mechanism of mutation in which the two derived alleles of a triallelic site are created simultaneously within a single individual, and we develop a test to determine whether it is responsible for the excess of triallelic sites in the human genome.  相似文献   

The estimation of population allele frequencies using sample data forms a central component of studies in population genetics. These estimates can be used to test hypotheses on the evolutionary processes governing changes in genetic variation among populations. However, existing studies frequently do not account for sampling uncertainty in these estimates, thus compromising their utility. Incorporation of this uncertainty has been hindered by the lack of a method for constructing confidence intervals containing the population allele frequencies, for the general case of sampling from a finite diploid population of any size. In this study, we address this important knowledge gap by presenting a rigorous mathematical method to construct such confidence intervals. For a range of scenarios, the method is used to demonstrate that for a particular allele, in order to obtain accurate estimates within 0.05 of the population allele frequency with high probability (%), a sample size of is often required. This analysis is augmented by an application of the method to empirical sample allele frequency data for two populations of the checkerspot butterfly (Melitaea cinxia L.), occupying meadows in Finland. For each population, the method is used to derive % confidence intervals for the population frequencies of three alleles. These intervals are then used to construct two joint % confidence regions, one for the set of three frequencies for each population. These regions are then used to derive a % confidence interval for Jost''s D, a measure of genetic differentiation between the two populations. Overall, the results demonstrate the practical utility of the method with respect to informing sampling design and accounting for sampling uncertainty in studies of population genetics, important for scientific hypothesis-testing and also for risk-based natural resource management.  相似文献   

An exact Markov chain model is formulated and computed for random mating in a haploid gamete pool. There are two versions of the gamete, and there is a finite number of diploid monoecious organisms. The founder population is given, and the subsequent generations allow a prescribed statistical distribution over different population sizes. The non-homogeneous Markov chain works on the haploid gamete level provided the probability of self-fertilization is 1/n, where n is the number of diploid individuals. Standard deviations of gamete frequencies and fixation probabilities are calculated. Effective population sizes for different population size distributions are estimated, including periodic bottlenecks.  相似文献   

乌兰布和沙漠沙冬青种群结构和空间分布   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对乌兰布和沙漠不同区域分布的沙冬青(Ammopiptanthus mongolicus)种群结构和空间分布格局进行了研究,根据大小结构图分析沙冬青种群动态,用平均拥挤度(m·)、丛生指数(I)、聚块性指标(m·/m)、Cassie指标(CA)、扩散系数C、负二项分布中的K指标判断格局类型,并根据双项轨迹方差法分析格局规模.结果表明:沙漠中部分布的沙冬青种群年龄结构完整,而其他区域分布种群结构均不完整;各区域分布种群均以中龄级个体居多,种群目前处于相对稳定的状态,但是由于幼龄级个体少,种群更新困难,且部分区域种群有"老龄化"的趋势.在西北边缘和沙漠北部分布的种群为聚集分布类型,而其他区域均为均匀分布;对各样地种群格局规模的分析也表明格局规模存在差异.  相似文献   

RAND, COLLEEN S. W., JAQUELYN LISS RESNIK, AND ALEX M. C. MACGREGOR. A comparison of body size evaluations of obesity surgery patients and general population adults. Obes Res. Objective: To compare post-operative obesity surgery patients and general population adults in their assessments of a wide range of body sizes. Research Methods and Procedures: Obesity surgery patients (n = 274) and general population adults (n = 326) rated ideal and socially acceptable body sizes in separate arrays of babies, children, young adults, and middle-aged and older adults. Nine line figure drawings ranging from very thin to very obese were rated for each array. Results: Both groups selected the same ideal body size for all arrays except for babies. Both groups rejected obese and very thin body sizes as socially acceptable. However, the obesity surgery patients were more restrictive than general population adults in their ratings of socially acceptable body sizes. Current obesity status did not impact ratings for the patient or general population subjects. In the patient sample, time since surgery did not influence body size evaluations. Discussion: The study of body size ratings limited only to the “ideal” size may be misleading because it may mask subtle but meaningful differences between groups. The consistent difference in more restrictive ratings of obesity surgery patients compared to general population adults may be due to patients' greater psychological investment in endorsing the societal ideal body size. It may also be due to patients' status as peripheral group members of the normal weight community. The inability of some patients to maintain their post-operative weight loss may be particularly problematic for those who have defined “socially acceptable” body size most narrowly.  相似文献   

Abstract The flux of individuals within populations is dependent upon six controlling processes: the intrinsic rate of increase of the plant, intraspecific competition for resources, interspecific competition, natural enemies, mutualisms and refuge effects such as the immigration of seeds from other populations. Although population interactions are generally believed to play a major role in determining the flux of individuals within populations, little attempt has been made to quantify the strength of these interactions and their role in the dynamics of populations. In this paper we examine the role of competition, herbivory and mutualistic interactions in determining the dynamics of a range of annual plant species. Firstly, it is shown that the dynamics of three weed species ( Bromus sterilis, Galium aparine, Papaver rhoeas ) in an experimental community in an arable cropping system of winter wheat are determined primarily by the rapid population growth of B. sterilis . Interactions between the species play a minor part in the dynamics of the system. Secondly, it is shown that current levels of grazing by overwintering populations of brent geese have a minor impact on the abundance of Salicornia europaea , but that increased grazing has the potential to reduce abundance and increase the instability of S. europaea populations. This is a consequence of the aggregative response of the geese, which results in an increasing proportion of the seeds of S. europaea being eaten as plant density increases. Thirdly, it is shown that there is a complex interaction between root pathogenic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in natural field populations of Vulpia ciliata and that the benefit of mycorrhizal fungi to the plant is in providing protection against pathogens.  相似文献   

Cell volume distributions were determined electronically for steady-state cultures of Escherichia coli, Bacillus megaterium, Bacillus subtilis, and Salmonella typhimurium by use of a Coulter transducer-multichannel analyzer system of good resolution. All of the cell volume distributions had the same general shape, even though cultures were grown at widely different rates. Some results were independent of any particular growth model. Both the variability in the volumes of dividing cells and the fraction of constricted and unseparated doublet cells increased with growth rate. The greater separation to single cells at slow growth rates is in agreement with the general finding that filamentous and hyphal forms are greatly reduced in slowly growing chemostat cultures. The distributions were fitted equally well by simple models which assumed that cell growth was either linear or exponential throughout the entire cell cycle. It is concluded that methods of determining growth rate by analysis of distributions of bacterial volumes do not yet have sufficient resolution to distinguish between a variety of alternative models for growth of bacteria.  相似文献   

结合通用引物快速简便鉴定阳性克隆的PCR方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通用引物与载体多克隆住点两端序列互补,将目的片段构建入栽体pGEM-T Easy中,利用载体通用引物M13F和M13R结合片段特异引物进行菌液PCR反应.用PCR产物电泳结果来筛选阳性克隆并鉴定目的片段插入方向,同时能有效对短插入片段重组子进行筛选与鉴定.最终以DNA测序结果来验证,与测序结果一致,显示通用引物PCR方法对阳性克隆的筛选和鉴定优于传统酶切和普通PCR鉴定方法,能够弥补传统方法的不足,且简便快速,可作为筛选和鉴定阳性克隆的有效手段.  相似文献   

种群既是生物繁殖的基本单位,也是生物进化的基本单位.它是生态学中一个核心概念,现已成为每年高考必考内容之一.其中有关种群增长的问题是多年高考命题热点,种群增长率与种群增长速率虽然只有一字之差.  相似文献   

2016年5—10月,采用"V"形样线调查和红外相机监测相结合的方法,对陕西省楼观台实验林场川金丝猴Rhinopithecus roxellana的种群分布、数量进行调查,初步探讨林场内猴群的社会结构。通过持续跟踪观察,发现猴群共2处,证实一雄多雌单元(OMU)15个,全雄单元(AMU)1个,能区分不同个体137只。AMU有8只个体,OMU平均大小为8.6只,其中,成年占40%、青少年占48%、婴幼猴占12%。成年雌雄的比例为2.40∶1,成年与青少年的比例为1∶1.22,且主要分布于林场南部的东碾道-秦岭村-光头山区域。与秦岭其他种群相比,虽OMU大小基本一致,但成年雌雄的比例却低于其他种群,造成的原因尚不清楚。本次调查不仅摸清了陕西省楼观台实验林场川金丝猴的种群数量、分布与社会结构,且为陕西省珍稀野生动物抢救饲养研究中心圈养川金丝猴的饲养管理提供基础资料。  相似文献   

样本区间长度的渐近分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
设(X1,X2,…,Xn)为服从I=[0,1]上的均匀分布的简单随机样本,它们将 [0,1]分成(n 1)个样本区间,以Y0,Y1,…,Yn分别表示这些样本区间的长度.本文利用顺序统计量的性质讨论了Yi(0≤i≤n)的渐近分布以及Yi,Yj(i≠j)的渐近独立性.  相似文献   

We consider the stochastic model of an asexual population in which the number of couples formed in some generation is random variable depending on the number of individuals in that generation only. The conditions of convergence were obtained almost everywhere and in mean square of the normalized number of individuals in the n-th generation. These results may be considered as the generalization of some known statements about the models constructed on the basis of the branching processses theory.  相似文献   

2015年5—12月,基于宽阔水国家级自然保护区的黑叶猴历史资料设定重点调查区域,采用定点观察与痕迹观察资料收集以及非诱导式访问调查等方法对保护区黑叶猴种群数量和分布进行调查,并结合保护区巡护记录,重新确定黑叶猴在保护区的种群数量和分布区域。结果显示:保护区黑叶猴种群数量约为29群195只,比1995年增长了143.75%,比2003年增长了39.29%;主要分布区域位于保护区西南部的马蹄溪、白石溪、猪钻子沟、苏家沟、油筒溪、观音岩、底水、枇杷岩、让水坝等9个沟段中。全保护区内黑叶猴群体密度为0.11群/km~2,种群密度为0.74只/km~2,其中主要活动范围约32.50 km~2,主要活动范围内群体密度为0.89群/km~2,种群密度为6.00只/km~2。种群数量的稳定增长得益于保护区采取的一系列保护管理措施,有效制止了盗猎行为的发生,减少了附近居民活动对黑叶猴的干扰和影响。为进一步保护黑叶猴种群及其栖息地,建议保护区通过划定重点管护区域、加强科学管理、开展生境管理和调节、加强环境保护教育和社区共管等措施建立、健全保护管理机制。  相似文献   

于2010年7月~2012年1月,采用在不同海拔梯度设置样带和样方的方法,对海南鹦哥岭省级自然保护区内鹦哥岭树蛙(Rhacophorus yinggelingensis)的分布和种群数量进行了调查。调查表明,鹦哥岭树蛙分布范围非常狭窄,栖息的生境类型较为单一,仅分布于海拔1 200 m以上的临时性水潭内,种群数量为(2 972±831)只。由于该物种的数量极其稀少,建议提高鹦哥岭树蛙保护等级以加强保护。  相似文献   

An estimation procedure using the idea of sample coverage is proposed to estimate population size for capture-recapture experiments in continuous time. The capture rates (intensity) are allowed to vary by time and individuals (heterogeneity). Only capture frequency history are sufficient for estimating population size while capture times and sequential orders of animals caught are irrelevant for the analysis. An example is given for illustration. The performance of the proposed estimation procedure is also investigated by simulation.  相似文献   

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