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Polyoma virus particles were purified by equilibrium centrifugation in CsCl. Particles from three regions of the density gradient were examined for infectivity, for their ability to induce expanded pools of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) precursors, and for their ability to stimulate the synthesis of DNA. The most infectious population of particles, the virions, having a buoyant density of 1.33 g/ml, gave the greatest stimulation of the DNA-synthesizing apparatus of mouse embryo cells. Empty particles at density 1.29 g/ml had no DNA stimulatory activity. A population of particles of intermediate density, referred to as pseudovirions, was also much less active than virions in stimulating DNA synthesis, and the limited stimulatory activity of the latter fraction may be accounted for by its measured contamination with infective particles.  相似文献   

The uptake of (32)P-labeled polyoma virus deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) (I and II + III) by mouse embryo cells was increased from two- to fivefold in the presence of 500 mug of diethylaminoethyl-dextran (DEAE-D) per ml. This concentration of DEAE-D gives maximal enhancement of infectivity; however, the increase is many thousand-fold. As the DEAE-D concentration was increased from 0 mug/ml, uptake and infectivity increased to flat maxima and then decreased in a similar manner, except that at low DEAE-D concentrations uptake was relatively much greater than infectivity. Several other polycations also increased DNA uptake but did not enhance infectivity, and uptake of viral DNA was unaffected by the presence of mouse DNA, although infectivity was reduced. Thus, increased uptake is not the sole basis for the enhancement of infectivity produced by DEAE-D. The possibilities that DNA complexed with DEAE-D penetrates more rapidly or is stabilized against degradation do not completely account for enhancement since complexes formed in mixtures of DNA and DEAE-D, which sedimented heterogeneously from 40 to 60S, were infectious only for monolayers treated with DEAE-D. A more likely factor in enhancement is inhibition of the cellular nuclease activity detected, since virus DNA exposed to cells was much more degraded in the absence than in the presence of DEAE-D. The nuclease activity produced single-strand breaks in double-stranded DNA. Treatment of monolayers with deoxyribonuclease after adsorption of DNA in the presence of DEAE-D reduced cell-associated radioactivity by about 70%, although the number of plaques formed was not affected. In the absence of DEAE-D, 90 to 100% was removed by deoxyribonuclease. Thus, in both cases most of the DNA was adsorbed extracellularly. The greater deoxyribonuclease-resistant fraction in the presence of DEAE-D would be consistent with another possibility: that enhancement results from an increase in DNA penetration rate due to some action of DEAE-D on the cell.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet irradiation and actinomycin D impair the capacity of mouse embryo (ME) cells to support the replication of polyoma virus, but not of encephalomyocarditis (EMC) virus. The loss in capacity for polyoma virus synthesis was an “all-or-none” effect and followed closely upon the loss in cellular capacity for clone formation. Cells treated with either agent produced polyoma “T” antigen, but did not synthesize polyoma structural protein. Infection of untreated ME cells with polyoma virus produced marked stimulation of both deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis and ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis. ME cell cultures irradiated with ultraviolet for 30 sec at 60 μw/cm2 or treated with actinomycin D at 0.1 μg/ml for 6 hr prior to infection were incapable of synthesizing DNA or RNA, even after infection with polyoma virus. Irradiation of cells during infection produced cessation of synthesis of both RNA and DNA. Addition of actinomycin D during infection did not inhibit DNA synthesis but abolished RNA synthesis and reduced the yield of polyoma virus to 10% of that in untreated infected cultures. Both agents lost the ability to prevent replication of a full yield of polyoma virus when administered 30 hr after infection or later. The period after which neither agent inhibited polyoma replication corresponded with the period at which maximal RNA synthesis in untreated infected cultures had subsided. It can be concluded on the basis of the data presented that the functional integrity of the mouse embryo cell genome is required for the replication of polyoma virus, but not for EMC virus. Whereas the requirement for cellular DNA-dependent RNA synthesis for polyoma virus replication has been demonstrated, the exact nature of the host-cell function remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

5-Iododeoxyuridine (IUDR) inhibited production of infectious polyoma virus in mouse embryo cells and mouse kidney cells in culture. Deoxythymidine reversed its effect. IUDR did not inactivate infectivity of free virus particles. IUDR did not prevent adsorption and penetration of polyoma virus to cells. The events sensitive to IUDR treatment occurred at around 20 hours after infection. The cytopathic effects of polyoma virus, including emergence of DNA containing-inclusions in the nucleus, were observable in infected cells in which viral replication was completely arrested by IUDR. It was shown by fluorescent antibody technique in infected mouse embryo cells and by complement fixation test in infected mouse kidney cells that IUDR inhibited completely the synthesis of viral antigen. No virus-like particles were demonstrated in the IUDR-treated infected-mouse kidney cells by electron microscope examinations.  相似文献   

On CsCl isopycnic centrifugation of the DNA extracted from secondary mouse embryo (ME) cultures grown in the presence of 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR) and 5-fluorodeoxyuridine (FUdR) for 40 h, 10 to 25% of the DNA was found to be unsubstituted, 70 to 80% was bromouracil-hybrid DNA, and 5 to 10% was heavy DNA. These results together with cell number determinations, autoradiography, and Feulgen microspectrophotometry revealed three types of cells in these cultures: (i) 60 to 80% of the cells replicated their DNA once, divided, and then stopped mitotic activity, (ii) 5 to 10% were going through a second round of DNA replication; whereas (iii) 10 to 30% did not replicate DNA during the BUdR-FUdR exposure. After the transfer of these cultures to normal medium (without BUdR-FUdR), up to 20% of the cells resumed DNA synthesis asynchronously within 60 h, but no increase in cell number was observed. BUdR-FUdR-treated cultures, which were infected with polyoma virus in the absence of the thymidine analogues, supported a lytic infection to the same extent as did untreated ME cultures. This was concluded from the similar number of cells, which were induced to synthesize DNA, from the similar replication rate of the viral DNA, from the similar number of cells containing polyoma capsid proteins, and from the similar yields of progeny virus determined by hemagglutination and plaque formation. Thus, BUdR-prelabeled ME cultures are suitable for the investigation of interactions of the polyoma and mouse genomes during the lytic infection.  相似文献   

The relationship of the intracellular events leading to the production of polyoma pseudovirions in primary mouse embryo cells has been investigated. Replication of polyoma deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) began 18 hr after infection. Assembly of viral capsid protein occurred 12 hr later. Intracellular fragments of host cell DNA, of the size found in pseudovirions, were first detected 36 hr after infection. The amount of intracellular 14S host DNA that was produced during infection was seven times greater than the amount of polyoma DNA synthesized. The relative pool sizes of polyoma DNA and 14S DNA at the time of virus assembly may dictate the amounts of polyoma virus and pseudovirus produced.  相似文献   

Plaque Assay for Polyoma Virus on Primary Mouse Kidney Cell Cultures   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文
A plaque assay for polyoma virus using primary baby mouse kidney cells is reported.  相似文献   

Analysis of the requirement for serum in the activation of the endogenous leukemia virus expression in AKR mouse embryo cells by 5-iododeoxyuridine shows that activation can be dissociated into two discrete serum-dependent events. The first involves incorporation of 5-iododeoxyuridine into DNA and results in the formation of a stable “activation intermediate” resembling the provirus formed during infection of stationary mouse embryo cells with exogenous leukemia virus. The second event, resulting in expression of the activation intermediate as synthesis of virus proteins, requires DNA replication but not 5-iododeoxyuridine.  相似文献   

The mouse teratocarcinoma stem cell line, F9, becomes permissive for productive polyoma infection upon treatment with retinoic acid. Through the use of M13-polyoma recombinant single-stranded DNA probes, spliced and unspliced early viral RNA were detected after polyoma infection of retinoic acid-treated and untreated F9 cultures.  相似文献   

Puromycin was used to study the effect of the inhibition of protein synthesis on transformation of hamster cells (BHK21) by polyoma virus. The drug was used at a concentration (10(-4)m) which caused in these cells a drastic but fully reversible inhibition of protein synthesis. A two- to threefold enhancement of transformation rate was obtained when the cells were exposed to puromycin for a period of 5 hr that started at the end of the virus adsorption period. No further enhancement was produced by prolonging puromycin treatment up to 13 hr after infection. The possibility that the observed effect on transformation rate could be mainly attributed to cell selection by puromycin was excluded. In addition, the relevance of a number of possible secondary effects of puromycin (inhibition of cell division, inhibition of deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis, etc.) was also ruled out. The effect of puromycin on transformation appeared to be dependent on the time (relative to infection) of addition of the drug. In fact, no transformation enhancement was observed when the cells were exposed to puromycin prior to infection or beyond the 10th hr after infection. Since another drug known to affect protein synthesis (p-fluorophenylalanine) was also shown to produce similar effects, it is suggested that transformation enhancement results from the inhibition of protein synthesis during a sensitive period closely following adsorption of the virus.  相似文献   

Mutant of Polyoma Virus with Impaired Adsorption to BHK Cells   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A mutant of polyoma virus PY235 has an impaired adsorption to guinea pig red blood cells and BHK-21 hamster cells. Adsorption to 3T3 mouse cells is much less inhibited. These altered adsorption properties are responsible for the apparent inability of PY235 to cause cell transformation or hemagglutination.  相似文献   

The effects of Kilham rat virus multiplication were studied in cultured rat embryo cells to examine the mechanisms by which virus infection might be related to developmental defects in rats and hamsters. The virus was found to inhibit motosis and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) synthesis within 2 to 10 hr after infection. However, total ribonucleic acid synthesis was relatively unaffected until about 20 hr after infection, and total protein synthesis did not decline significantly until loss of viable cells was apparent in the cultures. No effect on chromosomes was detected. The effect of Kilham rat virus on DNA synthesis appears to be due to inhibition of macromolecular synthesis rather than to an inhibition of uptake of precursors into cells. The effect of the virus on mitosis may be an addition to the effect on DNA synthesis, since mitosis is inhibited even in cultures in which cells are able to divide at the time of infection and which have presumably completed DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

The tumor promoter 12–0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) dramatically modifies the differentiative program of myotubes, developed in culture from chick embryo skeletal myogenic cells. In fact TPA selectively decreases the expression of differentiative parameters with a lag of 8–10 h from its administration to the cultures. We have tested whether the reported effect of TPA depends on the synthesis of specific products during the lag phase of TPA action. The data presented indicate that inhibition of protein synthesis by the use of cycloheximide prevents the appearance of TPA induced inhibition of the expression of differentiative products, such as creatine phosphokinase (CPK) activity and acetylcholine receptors (AChR). Following removal of cycloheximide and reinitiation of normal protein synthesis, the TPA induced inhibitory effect on CPK and AChR appears after a delay of about the same length as the time lag of TPA action. Our results indicate that inhibition of protein synthesis during the lag phase of TPA action prevents the effect of this tumor promoter on myotube differentiative parameters, and suggest that the expression of differentiative traits in cultured myotubes is affected by TPA via a regulatory step implying protein synthesis.  相似文献   

The conversion of simian virus 40 (SV40) component II deoxyribonucleic acid to component I has been used to assay polynucleotide ligase in extracts of tissue culture cells. All cell types examined, including chicken, hamster, mouse, monkey, and human cells, contained adenosine triphosphate-dependent ligase. After infection of mouse embryo, monkey kidney, and HeLa cells with polyoma virus, SV40, and vaccinia virus, respectively, the enzyme activity increased, but its cofactor requirement was unchanged. In vaccinia virus-infected cells, the increased activity was localized in the cytoplasm. Ligase induction occurred in the presence of cytosine arabinoside but was prevented by puromycin. Rifampicin blocked the production of infectious vaccinia particles but had little effect on the induction of ligase.  相似文献   

Mouse 3T6 cells were infected with polyoma virus at high multiplicity, and survivors were isolated. Clones from single cells were then established and were found to be resistant to a second infection. However, in some clones viral functions could at least be partially expressed during reinfection, as judged from a stimulation of nuclear tumor antigen expression. One such clone was studied in detail. These cells were transformed and produced low amounts of virus (less than 1 PFU per cell per generation). The persistent infection did not seem to be a carrier-state phenomenon, since infectious-center assays showed that most cells produced virus. The resistance of the cells to reinfection can be explained by interference from viral DNA present in the cells, averaging about 1,500 "free" copies per cell. This DNA had the normal physical characteristics of polyoma DNA. However, it had a slightly larger size than authentic polyoma DNA. Mapping with restriction endonucleases showed that the addition to the DNA was about 5% of the wild-type genome and was located close to the origin of DNA replication. This DNA was infectious, although it had a 10-fold lower infectivity than wild-type polyoma DNA. Both virus and DNA from the polyoma-resistant cells had a small-plaque morphology, as opposed to the large-plaque morphology of the virus used for the initial selection of cells.  相似文献   

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