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Summary A series of yeast mutants has been isolated with the inability to grow on fermentable carbon sources whilst growing normally on ethanol media. One of the mutants, namely MC16/206 lacks pyruvate decarboxylase activity and does not grow on glucose at 37°C but grows on both ethanol and glucose at 27°C. In this strain rho - petites are non-viable.  相似文献   

We are developing budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, as a genetic system for the study of tolerance to the trivalent aluminum cation (Al3+). We have isolated eight mutants that are more sensitive to Al3+ than the wild type. Each mutant represented a different complementation group. A number of the mutants were pleiotropic, and showed defects in other stress responses, changes in tolerance to other metal cations, or abnormal morphology. Two mutants also showed increased dependence on supplemental Mg2+ and Ca2+. One mutant with a relatively specific sensitivity to Al3+ was chosen for molecular complementation. Normal Al3+ tolerance was restored by expression of the MAP kinase gene SLT2. Strains carrying deletions of the SLT2 gene, or of the gene for the corresponding MAP kinase–kinase SLK1, showed sensitivity to Al3+. These results indicate that the SLT2 MAP kinase signal transduction pathway is required for yeast to sense and respond to Al3+ stress. Received: 17 April 1996 / Accepted: 21 October 1996  相似文献   

We have studied the recombinational repair of a double-strand break (DSB) in a plasmid-borneade2::HO-site by an intactade2 allele following the induction of a galactose-inducibleGAL-HO gene. IfGAL-HO expression is not attenuated by the presence of a low level of glucose in the galactose medium, deleterious effects are observed. Our comparison of the effects of severalrad mutations on the relative efficiencies of DSB repair at both theade2::HO-site and at the chromosomalMAT locus indicate that the two processes share common functions. Not surprisingly, most of the recombination-defective mutants found using our assay are alleles of genes in theRAD52 epistasis group. The recombination and repair deficiencies vary among the different mutant groups and also among mutants within a group. In general, there is a correlation between the extents of the recombination and repair defects. Our screen also turned up a novelrfa1 allele with a pronounced deficiency in DSB repair and recombination and asrs2 mutation which causes only a mild defect.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has two HSP90-related genes per haploid genome, HSP82 and HSC82. Random mutations were induced in vitro in the HSP82 gene by treatment of the plasmid with hydroxylamine. Four temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants and one simultaneously is and cold-sensitivie (cs) mutant were then selected in a yeast strain in which HSC82 had previously been disrupted. The mutants were found to have single base changes in the coding region, which caused single amino acid substitutions in the HSP82 protein. All of these mutations occurred in amino acid residues that are well conserved among HSP90-related proteins of various species from Escherichia coli to human. Various properties including cell morphology, macromolecular syntheses and thermosensitivity were examined in each mutant at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. The mutations in HSP82 caused pleiotropic effects on these properties although the phenotypes exhibited at the nonpermissive temperature varied among the mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Glycolytic parameters were determined in recessive yeast mutants with partial defects in carbon catabolite repression. Specific activities of pyruvate kinase and pyruvate decarboxylase in glucose grown cells of all mutant and wild type stains were 4–5 times higher than in ethanol grown cells. Mutants of gene HEX1 had a reduced hexose phosphorylating activity on allmedia wheras those of gene HEX2 had elevated levels but only in glucose grown cells. Mutants of gene CAT80 were normal in this respect. All other glycolytic enzymes were normal in all mutants. This was also true for glycolytic intermediates. Only hexlmutants showed a reduced fermentation of repressing sugars. The three genes appear to be involved in catabolite repression of several but not of all repressible enzymes. Even though all three types of mutants show a limited overlap in their effects on certain enzymes, they still are distinctly different in their action spectra. Carbon catabolite repression apparently does not depend on the sole accumulation of glycolytic intermediales. The activity of the products of the three genes HEX1, HEX2 and CAT80 are required directly or indirectly for triggering carbon catabolite repression. Even a small segment of carbon catabolite repression is controlled by several genes with regulatory functions indicating that the entire regulatory circuit is highly complex.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, some studies have shown that trehalose and its hydrolysis may play an important physiological role during the life cycle of the cell. Recently, other studies demonstrated a close correlation between trehalose levels and tolerance to heat stress, suggesting that trehalose may be a protectant which contributes to thermotolerance. We had reported lack of correlation between trehalose accumulation and increase in thermotolerance under certain conditions, suggesting that trehalose may not mediate thermotolerance [Nwaka, S., et al. (1994) FEBS Lett. 344, 225–228]. Using mutants of the trehalase genes, NTH1 and YBR0106, we have demonstrated the necessity of these genes in recovery of yeast cells after heat shock, suggesting a role of these genes in thermotolerance (Nwaka, S., Kopp, M., and Holzer, H., submitted for publication). In the present paper, we have analysed the expression of the trehalase genes under heat stress conditions and present genetic evidence for the ‘poor-heat-shock-recovery’ phenotype associated with NTH1 and YBR0106 mutants. Furthermore, we show a growth defect of neutral and acid trehalase-deficient mutants during transition from glucose to glycerol, which is probably related to the ‘poor-heat-shock-recovery’ phenomenon.  相似文献   

Summary Yeast mutants lacking activity of the enzyme hypoxanthine: guanine phosphoribosyltransferase (H:GPRT) have been isolated by selecting for resistance to 8-azaguanine in a strain carrying the wild type allele, ade4 + of the gene coding for amidophosphoribosyltransferase (PRPPAT), the first enzyme of de novo purine synthesis. The mutants excrete purines and are cross-resistant to 8-azaadenine. They are recessive and represent a single complementation group, designated hpt1. Ade4-su, a prototrophic allele of ade4 with reduced activity of PRPPAT, is epistatic to hpt1, suppressing purine excretion and resistance to azaadenine but not resistance to azaguanine. The genotype ade2 hpt1 does not respond to hypoxanthine. Hpt1 complements and is not closely linked to the purine excreting mutants pur1 to pur5. Hpt1 and pur6, a regulatory mutant of PRPPAT, are also unlinked but do not complement, suggesting a protein-protein interaction between H:G-PRT and PRPPAT. Mycophenolic acid (MPA), an inhibitor of de novo guanine nucleotide synthesis, inhibits the growth of hpt1 and hpt1 +. Xanthine allows both genotypes to grow in the presence of MPA whereas guanine only allows growth of hpt1 +. Activity of A-PRT, X-PRT and H:G-PRT is present in hpt +. Hpt1 lacks activity of H:G-PRT but has normal A-PRT and X-PRT.  相似文献   

Summary We have isolated new mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that are defective in mitotic DNA synthesis. This was accomplished by directly screening 1100 newly isolated temperature-sensitive yeast clones for DNA synthesis defects. Ninety-seven different mutant strains were identified. Approximately half had the fast-stop DNA synthesis phenotype; synthesis ceased quickly after shifting an asynchronous population of cells to the restrictive temperature. The other half had an intermediate-rate phenotype; synthesis continued at a reduced rate for at least 3 h at the restrictive temperature. All of the DNA synthesis mutants continued protein synthesis at the restrictivetemperature. Genetic complementation analysis of temperature-sensitive segregants of these strains defined 60 apparently new complementation groups. Thirty-five of these were associated with the fast-stop phenotype, 25 with the intermediate-rate phenotype. The fast-stop groups are likely to include many genes whose products play direct roles in mitotic S phase DNA synthesis. Some of the intermediate-rate groups may be associated with S phase as well. This mutant collection should be very useful in the identification and isolation of gene products necessary for yeast DNA synthesis, in the isolation of the genes themselves, and in further analysis of the DNA replication process in vivo.  相似文献   

Summary cyrl-2 is a temperature-sensitive mutation of the yeast adenylate cyclase structural gene, CYR1. The cyrl-2 mutation has been suggested to be a UGA mutation since a UGA suppressor SUP201 has been isolated as a suppressor of the cyrl-2 mutation. Construction of chimeric genes restricted the region containing the cyrl-2 mutation, and the cyrl-2 UGA mutation was identified at codon 1282, which lies upstream of the region coding for the catalytic domain of adenylate cyclase. Alterations in the region upstream of the cyrl-2 mutation site result in null mutations. The complete open reading frame of the cyrl-2 gene expressed under the control of the GAL1 promoter complemented cyrl-dl in a galactose-dependent manner. These results suggest that at the permissive temperature weak readthrough occurs at the cyrl-2 mutation site to produce low levels of active adenylate cyclase. An endogenous suppressor in yeast cells is assumed to be responsible for this readthrough.  相似文献   

Summary Two rad mutants of yeast, rad10 and rad16, are shown to be defective in the removal of UV-induced pyrimidine dimers since DNAs obtained from irradiated cells following a post-irradiation incubation in the dark still retain UV-endonuclease-sensitive sites. Both rad10 and rad16 mutants are in the same pathway of excision-repair as the rad1, rad2, rad3 and rad4 mutants.  相似文献   

Summary Various gene fusions between the arginine permease and invertase have been constructed in order to obtain information about whether part of the CAN1 gene product can induce secretion of biologically active invertase missing its own signal sequence. A construction containing 30 N-terminal amino acid residues of the CAN1 gene product fused to invertase was not secreted. When the CAN1 portion was elongated to 477 or 560 amino acid residues, secretion of the fusion proteins was observed. A fusion lacking 59 amino acids at the amino-terminal end of the arginine permease was also secreted. These results indicate that the amino-terminal end of the arginine permease is neither sufficient nor essential for membrane insertion; instead this enzyme should contain an internal targeting sequence facilitating secretion. Some general implications on the biosynthesis and topology of membrane proteins are also discussed as well as the homology with histidine permease.  相似文献   

This paper reports the first isolation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae mutants lacking aromatic aminotransferase I activity (aro8), and of aro8 aro9 double mutants which are auxotrophic for both phenylalanine and tyrosine, because the second mutation, aro9, affects aromatic aminotransferase II. Neither of the single mutants displays any nutritional requirement on minimal ammonia medium. In vitro, aromatic aminotransferase I is active not only with the aromatic amino acids, but also with methionine, α-aminoadipate, and leucine when phenylpyruvate is the amino acceptor, and in the reverse reactions with their oxo-acid analogues and phenylalanine as the amino donor. Its contribution amounts to half of the glutamate:2-oxoadipate activity detected in cell-free extracts and the enzyme might be identical to one of the two known α-aminoadipate aminotransferases. Aromatic aminotransferase I has properties of a general aminotransferase which, like several aminotransferases of Escherichia coli, may be able to play a role in several otherwise unrelated metabolic pathways. Aromatic aminotransferase II also has a broader substrate specificity than initially described. In particular, it is responsible for all the measured kynurenine aminotransferase activity. Mutants lacking this activity grow very slowly on kynurenine medium. Received: 21 October 1996 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

Summary Some characteristic details of mutagenesis by Berenil, a non-intercalating trypanocidal dye, that govern the change from wild type (+) to vegetative petite () in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are presented and contrasted with the intercalating mutagens ethidium bromide and euflavine.The extent and rate of mutagenesis by Berenil is affected by a variety of parameters controlling the cellular and mitochondrial phenotype: among them are exposure to 45°; competition with EB but not euflavine; a requirement for an energy source during and subsequent to exposure to the mutagen; exposure to caffeine; and the presence of genetic blocks in various steps of the mitochondrial repair system for uv-induced lesions. It is, however, insensitive to exposure to Antimycin A. Except for the first of these observations, qualitative differences have emerged between the responses induced by Berenil and the other mutagens, especially ethidium bromide.Using these observations we have postulated a stepwise sequence of events that can account for the mutagenic action of Berenil.Publication No. 2122.  相似文献   

The claim that Ca may be a dispensable element for yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reexamined. The cells of S. cerevisiae could grow in media which contained no added Ca and were deprived of contaminating Ca2+ by filtration through a Chelex 100 column. Also, the cells were able to grow in the presence of fairly high concentrations of EGTA. The apparent intracellular concentrations of Ca, assessed from the content of radioactive 45Ca in cells preloaded with 45CaCl2, could vary within the range of approx. 2 nM to 2.8 mM, without adversively affecting growth or morphology of the cells. An extremely low affinity for Ca2+ of the system taking up Ca into the cells was corroborated. However, even the Chelex 100-treated media were found in contain 1–5 μM Ca when maintained in glass culture vessels. Also, the ability of the cells to take up Ca from a medium containing surplus of EGTA or EDTA was demonstrated. su14CEDTA, alone or in the presence of Ca, could also be transported into the cells. It has been inferred that Ca must be as essential for yeast as it is for other eucaryotic organisms. The omnipresence of contaminating Ca and peculiarities of the Ca transporting system, combined with an intricate intracellular compartmentation of Ca, would account for the impossibility to prove the importance of Ca for yeast by direct growth studies.  相似文献   

Summary Slow-growing mutants were isolated after mutagenesis of the osmotic-sensitive strain Saccharomyces cerevisiae VY1160. The isolated mutants in rich media have generation times from 300 to 400 min at 30°C. Studies on the biosynthesis of rRNAx have shown, that the processing of 37S pre-rRNA in 6 of the slow-growing mutants occurs 3 to 4 times slower than in the parental strain. These mutants with decreased rate of rRNA maturation are of two different types. In some of them the processing of both 37S and 27S pre-rRNA is slowed down, while the mutants from the second group are acharacterized by a specific inhibition of the step 27S pre-rRNA25S rRNA. Experiments in which the synthesis of macromolecules was studied, have shown that in the mutants and in the parental strain, RNA and proteins are synthesized at comparable rates. Preliminary results suggest that the decreased rate of rRNA processing in three of the isolated mutants might be due to an insufficient function of the enzymes involved in the maturation of rRNA.Abbreviations rRNA ribosomal RNA - pre-rRNA precursor to ribosomal RNA  相似文献   

Summary The frequency of intra- and interchromosomal recombination was determined in RAD18 and rad18 deletion and rad18-3 mutant strains. It was found that spontaneous interchromosomal recombination at trp5, his1, ade2, and MAT was elevated 10- to 70-fold in the rad18-3 and rad18 mutants as compared to the RAD + strains. On the other hand the frequencies of spontaneous intrachromosomal recombination for the his33, his35 and the his4C , his4A duplications and for heterothallic mating type switching were only marginally elevated in the rad18 deletion mutant, and recombination between ribosomal DNA repeats was only 2-fold elevated in the rad18-3 mutant. These differences may be due to a haploid versus diploid specific difference. However interchromosomal recombination was elevated 40-fold and intrachromosomal recombination was only marginally (1.5-fold) elevated in a diploid homozygous for rad18, arguing against a haploid versus diploid specific difference. Possible explanations for the difference in the elevated levels of intra- versus interchromosomal spontaneous recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Total histones and histone fractions isolated from Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromatin were analysed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The presence of the four histone fractions H2a, H2b, H3 and H4 was demonstrated. In addition, yeast chromatin contained a protein similar to histone H1 from mammals in molecular weight, charge and association properties with Triton X-100. However, it had a much lower lysine to arginine ratio, equal to about 3, as compared with H1 histones from higher eukaryotes. The order of electrophoretic mobilities of yeast histone fractions in acidic urea-polyacrylamide gels was similar to that observed for histones from plant sources, i.e. H4>H3>H2a>H2b>H1. Previously undetected protein (protein X) was extracted from yeast chromatin with 5 % HClO4. The properties of this protein are under investigation.  相似文献   

Control of the initiation of meiosis in yeast was examined in diploids homozygous for one of four different temperature-sensitive mutations that affect “start” of the mitotic cell cycle. Two of the mutations, cdc28 and tra3, bring about deficiencies in the initiation of meiosis, while cdc25 and cdc35 do not prevent initiation of normal meiosis at both permissive and restrictive temperatures. Moreover, diploids homozygous for the latter two mutations are capable of initiating meiosis in rich growth media upon transfer to the high, non-permissive temperature. This unique feature contrasts with the behavior of other yeast strains which require a starvation sporulation medium for initiation of meiosis. It is suggested that the initiation of meiosis includes functions that are shared with “start” of the mitotic cell cycle, as well as functions related to the choice between the two processes. Meiosis in vegetative media at the restrictive temperature (in cdc25 or cdc35 homozygotes) may be important for the study of chemical and physiological phenomena resulting from the meiotic process and not from adaptation to the sporulation medium.  相似文献   

Summary Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae with reduced glucose phosphorylation were investigated. They were all recessive and belonged to one gene HEX1, mutant designation hex1. Carbon catabolite repression of alpha-glucosidases, invertase and part of the total malate dehydrogenase was reduced. Repression of the glyoxylate cycle enzymes, isocitrate lyase and malate synthetase, as well as that of gluconeogenetic fructose-1, 6-bisphosphatase was normal. A slight effect on repression of succinate: cytochrome c oxidoreductase and respiration was to be detected. The effect on repression by fructose was much less pronounced but still clear. However, there was a paradoxical effect of hexose concentration with higher concentrations repressing less. Maltose was also less repressing in the mutant. Growth on all sugars degraded via the hexose phosphorylation reaction was reduced and more strongly so at higher concentrations. Intracellular concentrations of glucose-6-phosphate, fructose-6-phosphate and fructose-1,6-bisphosphate were largely the same in mutant and wild type. The only striking difference between mutant and wild type was a fourfold higher intracellular glucose concentration in maltose grown mutants cells. The data obtained do not support the contention that carbon catabolite repression of the enzymes studied is triggered by intracellular hexoses or their metabolites alone. They rather suggest that it is some component of the hexose phosphorylating system that contributes to carbon catabolite repression.  相似文献   

The guanylyltransferase activity of mRNA capping enzyme catalyzes the transfer of GMP from GTP to the 5 terminus of mRNA. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the activity is carried on the subunit of capping enzyme, the product of the CEG1 gene. We have isolated 10 recessive, temperature-sensitive mutations of CEG1; nine (cegl-1 to cegl-9) were isolated on a single-copy plasmid and the remaining one (cegl-10) on a multicopy plasmid. The presence of cegl-10 in multiple copies is essential for the viability of cells carrying the mutation, and a shift to the restrictive temperature resulted in rapid growth arrest of cegl-10 cells, while growth rates of other mutants decreased gradually upon temperature upshift. Intragenic complementation was not observed for pairwise combinations of the mutations. Although the majority of the mutations occurred at the amino acid residues conserved between Cegl and the Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue, none were located in the regions that are also conserved among viral capping enzymes and polynucleotide ligases. Guanylyltransferase activity of the mutant proteins as measured by covalent Ceg1-GMP complex formation was heat-labile. The availability of these mutants should facilitate studies of the structure-function relationships of capping enzyme, as well as the roles and regulation of mRNA capping.  相似文献   

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