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We compared 18 salmonid alphaviruses (SAV) including the reference F93-125 salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV) and S49p sleeping disease virus (SDV) isolates by nucleotide sequence analyses of regions within the E1, nsP4 and nsP3 genes, and found these to comprise 3 distinct groups, which we have designated Subtypes 1, 2 and 3: Subtype 1, which comprised SAVs with sequences closely similar to the reference SPDV isolate, included SAVs from pancreas disease (PD) outbreaks in farmed salmon in Ireland and Scotland over a 10 yr period; viruses from recent outbreaks of sleeping disease (SD) in freshwater-reared trout farmed in England, Scotland and France were closely similar to and were grouped with the reference SDV isolate in Subtype 2; 3 viruses isolated from PD-affected salmon in Norway were genetically different from viruses belonging to Subtypes 1 and 2 and have been assigned to Subtype 3; 1 virus isolated from PD-affected salmon in the Western Isles, Scotland, in 2003 showed consistent nucleotide sequence differences from SAV Subtypes 1, 2 and 3, but was more closely related to the Subtype 1 SAVs. The occurrence of the different subtype SAVs appeared to have a geographical basis, which may prove useful in future molecular epidemiology studies of SAV-induced disease outbreaks.  相似文献   

Six mouse monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) specific to salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV) were produced following immunisation with purified virus preparations. These mAbs and 2 mAbs resulting from an earlier investigation were characterised. None of the mAbs possessed virus neutralising activity but all reacted with 4 geographically different SPDV isolates as determined by indirect immunofluorescence. Three mAbs produced positive immunostaining with Western blots of SPDV proteins. The 4H1 mAb reacted with the 53 kDa structural E1 glycoprotein present in virus-infected cells and in gradient-purified virus. Two mAbs, 5A5 and 7B2, which exhibited unusual immunofluorescence staining of the nuclear margin, reacted with a 35 kDa protein, which is present in gradient-purified virus and which is considered to be the capsid protein. A sandwich ELISA, based on the use of mAb 2D9 for capture and a biotinylated conjugate of mAb 7A2 for detection, detected SPDV antigen in virus-infected Chinook salmon embryo-214 cells and gradient-purified virus. These mAbs may be of use in pathogenesis studies and in diagnostic test development.  相似文献   

S Forss  K Strebel  E Beck    H Schaller 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(16):6587-6601
A continuous 7802 nucleotide sequence spanning the 94% of foot and mouth disease virus RNA between the 5'-proximal poly(C) tract and the 3'-terminal poly(A) was obtained from cloned cDNA, and the total size of the RNA genome was corrected to 8450 nucleotides. A long open reading frame was identified within this sequence starting about 1300 bases from the 5' end of the RNA genome and extending to a termination codon 92 bases from its polyadenylated 3' end. The protein sequence of 2332 amino acids deduced from this coding sequence was correlated with the 260 K FMDV polyprotein. Its processing sites and twelve mature viral proteins were inferred from protein data, available for some proteins, a predicted cleavage specificity of an FMDV encoded protease for Glu/Gly(Thr, Ser) linkages, and homologies to related proteins from poliovirus. In addition, a short unlinked reading frame of 92 codons has been identified by sequence homology to the polyprotein initiation signal and by in vitro translation studies.  相似文献   

Psittacid herpesvirus 1 (PsHV-1) is the causative agent of Pacheco's disease, an acute, highly contagious, and potentially lethal respiratory herpesvirus infection in psittacine birds, while infectious laryngotracheitis virus (ILTV) is a highly contagious and economically significant avian herpesvirus which is responsible for an acute respiratory disease limited to galliform birds. The complete genome sequence of PsHV-1 has been determined and compared to the ILTV sequence, assembled from published data. The PsHV-1 and ILTV genomes exhibit similar structural characteristics and are 163,025 bp and 148,665 bp in length, respectively. The PsHV-1 genome contains 73 predicted open reading frames (ORFs), while the ILTV genome contains 77 predicted ORFs. Both genomes contain an inversion in the unique long region similar to that observed in pseudorabies virus. PsHV-1 is closely related to ILTV, and it is proposed that it be assigned to the Iltovirus genus. These two avian herpesviruses represent a phylogenetically unique clade of alphaherpesviruses that are distinct from the Marek's disease-like viruses (Mardivirus). The determination of the complete genomic nucleotide sequences of PsHV-1 and ILTV provides a tool for further comparative and functional analysis of this unique class of avian alphaherpesviruses.  相似文献   

【目的】测定一株A型口蹄疫流行毒株的全基因组序列,并构建其全长感染性克隆。【方法】参照已公布的A型口蹄疫病毒序列设计引物,将分离的口蹄疫病毒株A/Sea-97/CHA/2014全基因组分为4个重叠的片段进行RT-PCR扩增,并对其进行序列测定与分析。利用酶切连接法将4个基因片段依次克隆至p Blue Script SKhdv载体中,构建该流行毒株的全长c DNA克隆p QAHN。pQAHN经NotⅠ线性化后转染表达T7 RNA聚合酶的BSR/T7细胞,拯救病毒。【结果】口蹄疫病毒全基因组序列测定结果表明该毒株基因组全长8 171 bp[不包括poly(C)区段和poly(A)尾巴],开放阅读框为6 996 bp,编码2 332个氨基酸,5′和3′非编码区分别为1 091 bp和95 bp。VP1系统发生树分析表明该毒株与A/GDMM/CHA/2013毒株亲缘关系最近,相似性为99.1%。线化全长质粒转染BSR/T7细胞68 h后可观察到典型的细胞病变。拯救病毒的间接免疫荧光、RT-PCR和序列测定结果表明成功拯救出了具有感染性的FMDV。拯救病毒与亲本病毒的噬斑表型及生长曲线试验表明二者具有相似的生长表型和增殖能力。【结论】该研究为我国口蹄疫病原生态分布、分子流行病学调查以及A型FMD新型疫苗的研究提供了有益的材料。  相似文献   

Zhou Z  Li X  Liu Q  Hu D  Yue X  Ni J  Yu X  Zhai X  Galliher-Beckley A  Chen N  Shi J  Tian K 《Journal of virology》2012,86(11):6373-6374
A highly pathogenic strain of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV), characterized by a discontinuous 30-amino-acid deletion in its Nsp2-coding region, has been emerging in China since 2006. Here, we report the complete genomic sequence of two novel Chinese virulent PRRSV variants with additional NSP2-gene deletions, which will help us understand the molecular and evolutionary characteristics of PRRSV in Asia.  相似文献   

R Contreras  C Cole  P Berg    W Fiers 《Journal of virology》1979,29(2):789-793
Two mutants of simian virus 40, dl-1261 and dl-1262, have deletions that map between coordinated 0.90 and 0.95 (Cole et al., J. Virol 24:277--294, 1977). Both affect the structure of the two minor proteins VP2 and VP3. The precise location and size of the deletions have now been determined by nucleotide sequence analysis. Mutant dl-1261 is deleted of 54 base pairs, is temperature sensitive for the protein defined by the D complementation group, and promotes the synthesis of shorter VP2 and VP3 polypeptides. Mutant dl-1262 is viable irrespective of temperature and has a deletion of 36 base pairs, 23 of which overlap the deletion in dl-1261. Since these mutants produce normal VP1, the deleted regions probably have no function in the splicing of precursor RNA to the VP1 mRNA.  相似文献   

An affinity column containing an anti-blood group A monoclonal antibody coupled to Sepharose beads specifically retards oligosaccharides with the nonreducing trisaccharide sequence GalNAc alpha 1-3(Fuc alpha 1-2)Gal beta 1-R. Three A-active oligosaccharides, A-tetra, A-penta, and A-hepta, elute as retarded peaks, well-separated from unbound sugars. A-hepta, which contains a difucosylated type 1 (Leb) core structure, elutes much later than A-tetra or A-penta and can be completely separated from the latter oligosaccharides by affinity chromatography. The order of elution of the oligosaccharides agrees with their previously determined specific molar activities as inhibitors of quantitative immune precipitation [H.-T. Chen, and E. A. Kabat, (1985) J. Biol. Chem. 260, 13208-13217]. Treatment of A-hepta with Charonia lampas alpha-galactosaminidase abolishes its binding by the anti-A affinity column and converts it to a Leb-active oligosaccharide (lacto-N-difucohexaose I) that is specifically retarded on a second affinity column containing an anti-Leb monoclonal antibody.  相似文献   

HBNU/LSRC/F3, a Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain stored in our lab, exhibited an anti-tumor ability in our previous studies. Nonetheless, very little is known about its genome sequence, which is vital for further study. Here, the complete HBNU/LSRC/F3 genome was fully sequenced and compared with other NDV sequences. Its genome contained 15,192 nucleotides (nt) consisting of two termini and six genes in the following order: 3′-Le-NP-P-M-F-HN-L-Tr-5′. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that this NDV strain belonged to the Class II genotype IX group. A multibasic amino acid (aa) sequence was found at the cleavage site (112RRQRR↓F117) within the fusion (F) protein, and a 6 nt insertion was present in the 5′ non-coding region of the NP gene. The whole genome sequence was highly similar to other genotype IX NDV genomes reported in China. Overall, this study provides insight into the sequence characteristics of genotype IX NDVs, which will be useful for subsequent investigations.  相似文献   

A Scottish salmon pancreas disease virus (SPDV) has been isolated and its optimum growth conditions determined. Although several fish cell lines have been tested, successful culture was achieved only with CHSE-214 cells. Cytopathic effects were observed after 5 days. The highest virus titres, calculated by microtitration assay, were reached at 15 degrees C. After 7-9 days post-inoculation, CHSE-214 cell supernatants contained between 10(7)-10(5) TCID50 ml(-1) The cultured isolate is chloroform- and pH 3.0-sensitive, and virions are 50-60 nm in diameter. These characteristics are similar to the Irish SPDV isolates. The culture isolate induced typical pancreas disease (PD) lesions in experimentally infected Atlantic salmon and convalescent fish were resistant to experimental infection with PD-infective kidney homogenates obtained by serial in vivo passages from a PD-infected farmed salmon (termed wild-type SPDV). Furthermore, fish immunised with the inactivated cultured virus were protected against a cohabitation challenge with the wild-type virus. Immunised fish sera showed virus-neutralising activity before challenge (7 weeks post-immunisation) and from 3-6 weeks post-challenge, when sera from non-immunised fish did not neutralise the virus. At 6 weeks post-cohabitation challenge, previously immunised fish had neutralising titres of up to 1:65. Following intraperitoneal (i.p.) challenge, immunised fish showed neutralising titres as high as 1:226 at 8 weeks post-challenge. Non-immunised fish injected i.p. with the wild-type virus developed serum-neutralising activity against the cultured isolate when sampled 8 weeks after infection, confirming an antigenic relationship between the wild-type and cultured virus. The results demonstrate that the tissue culture-adapted isolate of SPDV could be successfully used to protect against challenge by the wild-type virus and could therefore have potential use as an inactivated vaccine against PD.  相似文献   

2009~2011年从北方发病鸡群和鸭群中分离出3株新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)。通过致病性指数测定及交叉血凝抑制试验初步分析了3个毒株的毒力和相互之间的同源性。选取鸡源分离株SDLY01与新城疫疫苗株(LaSota)进行了交叉保护试验,选取鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭进行攻毒实验,同时设计引物对3个毒株进行了全基因组测序,并与36株NDV参考株进行了分子进化分析。结果表明3个分离株F蛋白裂解位点的氨基酸序列均为112R-R-Q-K-R-F117符合强毒株的序列特征,并与致病性指数测定结果相符。交叉血凝抑制试验发现3个分离株与疫苗株LaSota 的抗原同源性较低为82.5%~89.4%,两个鸡源分离株间的抗原同源性为90%,而鸭源毒株SD03与鸡源毒株SDSG01同源性为100%。交叉保护试验和攻毒实验结果显示传统的LaSota疫苗能对SDLY01流行株提供100%免疫保护,但第5天仍检测到排毒;鸭源毒株SD03对樱桃谷鸭不致病,但能检出排毒,排毒期最长为5d。全基因组测序与分析表明3个毒株基因组长度均为15192bp,属于基因Ⅶd型毒株,与同期流行的鹅源及鸭源NDV毒株之间全基因组核苷酸序列具有高度的同源性,揭示鸭源、鹅源NDV与鸡源NDV在遗传学和流行病学上密切相关。  相似文献   

Benthic macroinvertebrates are the most commonly suggested group of organisms for freshwater biomonitoring and have been extensively studied in temperate areas. On the other hand, the methodology and theoretical background of biomonitoring have not yet been sufficiently adapted to tropical aquatic environments. The main focus of this study was the testing and comparison of two different collection methods in order to determine water quality and possible anthropogenic influences on the river Dos Novillos, Limón, Costa Rica. For the first method, aquatic invertebrates were collected for 120 min with a strainer, from different microhabitats, picked from the substrate and preserved directly in the field with 70% alcohol. For the second method, organic and inorganic materials, including benthic organisms, were gathered from different microhabitats with a D-shaped net for 10 min, with separation and sorting done in the laboratory. Results from five sampling campaigns showed that each sampling method differed in the composition of the fauna collected (Sørensen similarity index = 80%), although water quality categories obtained from the BMWP-CR index showed no differences between the two methods. The advantages and disadvantages of each method are discussed, and according to the results obtained from this study, further testing for an adequate methodology in tropical rivers is still necessary.  相似文献   

We report here the complete genomic sequence of the Chilean human isolate of Andes virus CHI-7913. The S, M, and L genome segment sequences of this isolate are 1,802, 3,641 and 6,466 bases in length, with an overall GC content of 38.7%. These genome segments code for a nucleocapsid protein of 428 amino acids, a glycoprotein precursor protein of 1,138 amino acids and a RNA-dependent RNA polymerase of 2,152 amino acids. In addition, the genome also has other ORFs coding for putative proteins of 34 to 103 amino acids. The encoded proteins have greater than 98% overall similarity with the proteins of Andes virus isolates AH-1 and Chile R123. Among other sequenced Hantavirus, CHI-7913 is more closely related to Sin Nombre virus, with an overall protein similarity of 92%. The characteristics of the encoded proteins of this isolate, such as hydrophobic domains, glycosylation sites, and conserved amino acid motifs shared with other Hantavirus and other members of the Bunyaviridae family, are identified and discussed.  相似文献   

We have used limited proteolysis of affinity-labeled estrogen receptors (ER), coupled with antireceptor antibody immunoreactivity, to assess structural features of ER and the relatedness of ER from MCF-7 human breast cancer and rat uterine cells. MCF-7 ER preparations covalently labeled with [3H]tamoxifen aziridine [( 3H]TAZ) were treated with trypsin (T), alpha-chymotrypsin (C), or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease prior to electrophoresis on sodium dodecyl sulfate gels. Fluorography revealed a distinctive ladder of ER fragments containing TAZ for each protease generated from the Mr 66,000 ER: for T, fragments of 50K, 38K, 36K, 31K, 29K, and 28K that with longer exposure generated a 6K fragment; for C, fragments of 50K, 38K, 35K, 33K, 31K, 19K, and 18K that with longer exposure generated 14K and 6K fragments; and for V8, ca. 10 fragments between 62K and 28K. Two-dimensional gels revealed charge heterogeneity (two to three spots between pI 5.5 and 6.2) of the 66K ER and the T-generated 28K meroreceptor form. Immunoblot detection with the primate-specific antibody D75P3 gamma revealed that all immunoreactive fragments corresponded to TAZ-labeled fragments but that some small TAZ-labeled fragments (V8-generated forms less than 47K and T-generated forms less than 31K) were no longer immunoreactive. In contrast, use of the antibody H222Sp gamma revealed a correspondence between TAZ-labeled and immunoreactive fragments down to the smallest fragments generated, ca. 6K for T and C and 28K for V8. MCF-7 nuclear and cytosol ER showed very similar digest patterns, and there was a remarkable similarity in the TAZ-labeled and H222-immunoreactive fragments generated by proteolysis of both MCF-7 and rat uterine ER. These findings reveal great structural similarities between the human (breast cancer) and rat (uterine) ER and between nuclear and cytosol ER, indicate charge heterogeneity of ER, and allow a comparison of the immunoreactive and hormone attachment site domains of the ER. The observation that T and C generate a ca. 6K TAZ-labeled fragment that is also detectable with the H222 antibody should be of interest in studies determining the hormone binding domain of the ER and in amino acid sequencing of this region.  相似文献   

Eighteen IgGl monoclonal antibodies (blabs) have been produced against gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) from rat kidney. They were specific to the light subunit of the enzyme with affinity constants ranging from 0.3 to 7.5 108 M–1, while they did not react with GGT from other sources i.e. human and pig kidney, rat and guinea pig liver, suggesting species and organ specificity. Two of the blabs (N° 11 and 21) lost their immunoreactivities towards rat kidney GGT in the presence of N-acetyl-neuraminic acid, while immunoreactivities of the other blabs were unchanged. Furthermore, Mabs No 11 and 21 did not react with desialylated rat kidney GGT. These findings suggest that N-acetyl-neuraminic acid is involved in the epitopes recognized by these two Mabs.Abbreviations ELISA enzyme linked immunosorbent assay - GGT gamma-glutamyltransferase - Mab monoclonal antibody - SDS-PAGE sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis  相似文献   

The diverse sequences of viral populations within individual hosts are the starting material for selection and subsequent evolution of RNA viruses such as foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV). Using next-generation sequencing (NGS) performed on a Genome Analyzer platform (Illumina), this study compared the viral populations within two bovine epithelial samples (foot lesions) from a single animal with the inoculum used to initiate experimental infection. Genomic sequences were determined in duplicate sequencing runs, and the consensus sequence of the inoculum determined by NGS was identical to that previously determined using the Sanger method. However, NGS revealed the fine polymorphic substructure of the viral population, from nucleotide variants present at just below 50% frequency to those present at fractions of 1%. Some of the higher-frequency polymorphisms identified encoded changes within codons associated with heparan sulfate binding and were present in both foot lesions, revealing intermediate stages in the evolution of a tissue culture-adapted virus replicating within a mammalian host. We identified 2,622, 1,434, and 1,703 polymorphisms in the inoculum and in the two foot lesions, respectively: most of the substitutions occurred in only a small fraction of the population and represented the progeny from recent cellular replication prior to onset of any selective pressures. We estimated the upper limit for the genome-wide mutation rate of the virus within a cell to be 7.8 × 10(-4) per nucleotide. The greater depth of detection achieved by NGS demonstrates that this method is a powerful and valuable tool for the dissection of FMDV populations within hosts.  相似文献   

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