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An oligodeoxynucleotide probe (GSB-532) specific for green sulfur bacteria was developed. Highly stringent hybridization conditions were established using whole cells of Chlorobium limicola DSM249 immobilized on glass slides. At a formamide concentration of 10%, the optimum specificity was reached at 47 °C. When a conventional fixation procedure was used, a conspicuous autofluorescence developed within the cells. This autofluorescence was due to the liberation of bacteriochlorophyll by the detergent Triton X-100 and a subsequent conversion to bacteriopheophytin and related compounds. The signal-to-noise ratio could be increased by a final dehydration of the samples with methanol. Finally, the method was adapted to the hybridization of natural samples collected on polycarbonate membrane filters. In situ hybridization of pure cultures, various enrichments, and natural samples from the chemocline of a freshwater lake confirmed that probe GSB-532 hybridized exclusively to cells of green sulfur bacteria. Our protocol allows the highly specific detection of green sulfur bacteria in water samples and a rapid screening of natural bacterial communities. Employing probe GSB-532, the phylogenetic affiliation of the epibionts in “Chlorochromatium aggregatum” and “Pelochromatium roseum” could be demonstrated for the first time. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 7 January 1999  相似文献   

The expression of tyrosine-hydroxylase (TH) gene was analysed in tissue sections of bovine adrenal glands, by in situ hybridization using a single-stranded cDNA probe. Tissue fixation and hybridization conditions were found that led to a specific and sensitive detection of TH.  相似文献   

Summary In situ hybridization has been used to locate mRNA, for the storage protein legumin, in cotyledon storage parenchyma tissue of developing pea (Pisum sativum L.) seeds. The mRNA was hybridized with a biotinylated probe of cDNA in pBR 322 and subsequently located by avidin conjugates. Avidin-rhodamine was used for fluorescence microscopy localization at a tissue/cellular level and avidin-peroxidase (with DAB) and avidin-ferritin compared for localization at an ultrastructural level. Specific fluorescence associated with avidin-rhodamine was distributed unevenly throughout the cytosol but the cell walls, starch grains, vacuoles and protein deposits were unstained. The sizes and distribution of the regions of higher labeling within the cytosol suggest an association with elements of the endomembrane system. Following DAB reaction of the specifically localized avidin-peroxidase most, although not all, stain product was associated with the endoplasmic reticulum. The ER-associated reaction product was also accumulated within the ER lumen.Avidin-ferritin was also localized both in the cytosol and in association with the endoplasmic reticulum, although was less readily visualized in cells with a conventional ultrastructural appearance.Localization of avidin-ferritin was more readily visualized in cells which had undergone some limited structural damage during specimen preparation. In such cases ferritin was also shown to be specifically associated with the transition vesicles and trans-face peripheral vesicles of some dictyosomes.  相似文献   

Chen G  Zhang C  Zhang B  Wang G  Lu D  Xu Z  Yan P 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25527
Prorocentrum donghaiense is a common but dominant harmful algal bloom (HAB) species, which is widely distributed along the China Sea coast. Development of methods for rapid and precise identification and quantification is prerequisite for early-stage warning and monitoring of blooms due to P. donghaiense. In this study, sequences representing the partial large subunit rDNA (D1-D2), small subunit rDNA and internal transcribed spacer region (ITS-1, 5.8S rDNA and ITS-2) of P. donghaiense were firstly obtained, and then seven candidate DNA probes were designed for performing fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) tests on P. donghaiense. Based on the fluorescent intensity of P. donghaiense cells labeled by the DNA probes, the probe DP0443A displayed the best hybridization performance. Therefore, a PNA probe (PP0443A) analogous to DP0443A was used in the further study. The cells labeled with the PNA probe displayed more intensive green fluorescence than that labeled with its DNA analog. The PNA probe was used to hybridize with thirteen microalgae belonging to five families, i.e., Dinophyceae, Prymnesiophyceae, Raphidophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Bacillariophyceae, and showed no visible cross-reaction. Finally, FISH with the probes PP0443A and DP0443A and light microscopy (LM) analysis aiming at enumerating P. donghaiense cells were performed on the field samples. Statistical comparisons of the cell densities (cells/L) of P. donghaiense in the natural samples determined by FISH and LM were performed using one-way ANOVA and Duncan's multiple comparisons of the means. The P. donghaiense cell densities determined by LM and the PNA probe are remarkably higher than (p<0.05) that determined by the DNA probe, while no significant difference is observed between LM and the PNA probe. All results suggest that the PNA probe is more sensitive that its DNA analog, and therefore is promising for the monitoring of harmful algal blooms of P. donghaiense in the future.  相似文献   

Chromogranin A is a highly acidic protein that is found in the secretory granules of many endocrine and neuronal cells. To localize bovine cell populations involved in chromogranin A biosynthesis, the distribution of the mRNA encoding this protein was determined with in situ hybridization histochemistry. In the adrenal gland, the mRNA was found in the chromaffin cells of the medulla but was absent from the cortex. The distribution of the mRNA in the medulla was uneven; cells located at the periphery were more heavily labeled than those in the center of the gland. Because the adrenal medulla is composed of several cell types, the chromogranin A-containing cells were further characterized for the presence of neuropeptide and adrenergic markers. Adjacent sections were examined for the mRNAs encoding enkephalin and phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT), the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of epinephrine from norepinephrine. Both mRNAs were present in a narrow band of cells at the periphery of the medulla. However, in contrast to the distribution of chromogranin A mRNA, the enkephalin and PNMT mRNAs were detected in only a small number of cells in the inner medullary region. The difference in the distribution of the enkephalin and PNMT mRNAs from that of chromogranin A suggests that the expression of these genes is differentially regulated. In addition to the adrenal gland, chromogranin A mRNA is expressed by many other tissues. In the parathyroid gland, which is rich in the mRNA but exhibits little chromogranin A-like immunoreactivity, the message was present in most cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A lambda gt11 expression library was screened with a polyclonal antiserum directed against Wla Wolfgram protein which corresponds to the 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase. This antiserum also recognizes epitopes of the high protein subunit of neurofilaments (NF-H). An NF-H cDNA clone (pNF-H1: 1.7 kb) was isolated and characterized. Using pNF-H1 as a probe, a second cDNA clone (pNF-H2: 3 kb) was isolated from the lambda gt11 library. The two clones were sequenced and pNF-H2 was found to encode 80% of rat NF-H protein (coil-2 and C-terminal region). The C-terminal region contains an unusual sequence with stretches of repeats of Lys-Ser-Pro which represent possible phosphorylation sites. Specific localization in neurons of the corresponding mRNA was demonstrated by in situ hybridization using the pNF-H1 as a probe.  相似文献   

The genes coding for the myosin heavy chain isoforms (unc-54, myo-1, myo-2 and myo-3) and the actins (act-1,2,3 and act-4) have been mapped on the embryonic metaphase chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans by in situ hybridization. The genes were cloned in a cosmid vector and the entire cosmid was nick translated to incorporate biotin-labeled dUTP. This produced a probe DNA complementary to a 35-45 kb length of chromosomal DNA. The hybridization signal from the cosmid probe, detected by immunofluorescence, could be easily seen by eye. The clear signals and the specific hybridization of the cosmid probes provided a faster means of mapping these single copy genes than small probes cloned in plasmid or lambda vectors. The myosin heavy chain genes are not clustered. Only unc-54 and myo-1 mapped to the same chromosome; the unc-54 locus is at the extreme right end of linkage group I and myo-1 mapped 40-50% from the left end of linkage group I. Myo-2 mapped to the X, 52-75% from the left end. The myo-3 gene mapped to the middle of linkage group V near the cluster of three actin genes (act-1,2,3). The fourth actin gene, act-4 mapped to 20-35% from the left end of X.  相似文献   

We describe two different techniques with plastic embedding in in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH). Their applicability was demonstrated by use of human placenta of the tenth gestational week and a tritium-labeled cDNA probe for the beta-subunit of hCG. In the first method, ISHH was performed on whole pieces of tissue (en bloc ISHH) pretreated with a weak acid solution, embedded in methacrylate, and sectioned at 3 microns for autoradiography. In the second technique, en bloc ISHH was carried out on tissue pre-treated with the weak acid and thereafter with detergent to further facilitate probe penetration. An acrylic resin was used for embedding, and section thickness was reduced to 1 microns. With both techniques, beta hCG cDNA/mRNA hybrids were localized exclusively to the syncytiotrophoblast (ST), in agreement with a previous study using sections of frozen placentas for hybridization to the same probe. However, owing to the higher resolution of the plastic sections the reliability of this localization was greatly increased. The number of autoradiographic grains over the acrylic resin 1-microns sections was found to be considerably higher than that over the methacrylate 3-microns sections. This study showed that treatment of tissue with detergent before en bloc ISHH, with subsequent embedding in acrylic resin and sectioning at 1 microns, gives high resolution in combination with a high signal-to-noise ratio after autoradiography. As the acrylic resin permits cutting of ultrathin sections, the results suggest that the technique may become useful for ISHH studies at the subcellular level.  相似文献   

The antisense therapeutic strategy makes the assumption that sequence-specific hybridization of an oligonucleotide to its target can take place in living cells. The present work provides a new method for the detection of intracellular RNA molecules using in situ hybridization on living cells. The first step consisted in designing nonperturbant conditions for cell permeabilization using streptolysin O. In a second step, intracellular hybridization specificity was evaluated by incorporating various types of fluorescently labeled nucleic acid probes (plasmids, oligonucleotides). Due to its high expression level, the 28S ribosomal RNA was retained as a model. Results showed that: (1) no significant cell death was observed after permeabilization; (2) on living cells, 28S RNA specific probes provided bright nucleoli and low cytoplasmic signal; (3) control probes did not lead to significant fluorescent staining; and (4) comparison of signals obtained on living and fixed cells showed a colocalization of observed fluorescence. These results indicate the feasibility of specific hybridization of labeled nucleic acid probes under living conditions, after a simple and efficient permeabilization step. This new detection method is of interest for investigating the dynamics of distribution of various gene products in living cells, under normal or pathological conditions.Abbreviations PI propidium iodide - SLO streptolysin O  相似文献   

Fluorescent in situ hybridization provides a fast method for detection of specific nucleic acid sequences. We have used high-resolution, single-color fluorescent in situ hybridization with a combination centromeric-telomeric DNA probe, specific for chromosome 1, to investigate the feasibility of simultaneous assessment of numerical and structural chromosome aberrations. The K562 leukemia cell line served as a model.  相似文献   

Dehalococcoides ethenogenes is the only known cultivated organism capable of complete dehalogenation of tetrachloroethene (PCE) to ethene. The prevalence of Dehalococcoides species in the environment and their association with complete dehalogenation of chloroethenes suggest that they play an important role in natural attenuation of chloroethenes and are promising candidates for engineered bioremediation of these contaminants. Both natural attenuation and bioremediation require reliable and sensitive methods to monitor the presence, distribution, and fate of the organisms of interest. Here we report the development of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes for Dehalococcoides species. The two designed probes together encompass 28 sequences of 16S rRNA genes retrieved from the public database. Except D. ethenogenes and CBDB1, all the others are environmental clones obtained from sites contaminated with chlorinated ethenes. They are all closely related and form a unique cluster of Dehalococcoides species. In situ hybridization of probe Dhe1259t with D. ethenogenes strain 195 and two enrichment cultures demonstrated the applicability of the probe to monitoring the abundance of active Dehalococcoides species in these enrichment samples.  相似文献   

To monitor anaerobic environmental engineering system, new method of quantification for methanogens was tested. It is based on the measurement of specific binding (hybridization) of 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probe Arc915, performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and quantified by fluorescence spectrometry. Average specific binding of Arc915 probe was 13.4±0.5 amol/cell of autofluorescent methanogens. It was 14.3, 13.3, and 12.9 amol/cell at the log phase, at stationary phase and at the period of cell lysis of batch culture, respectively. Specific binding of Arc915 probe per 1 ml of microbial sludge suspension from anaerobic digester linearly correlated with concentration of autofluorescent cells of methanogens. Coefficient of correlation was 0.95. Specific binding of oligonucleotide probe Arc915 can be used for the comparative estimation of methanogens during anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Specific binding of Arc915 probe was linear function of anaerobic sludge concentration when it was between 1.4 and 14.0 mg/ml. Accuracy of the measurements in this region was from 5 to 12%.  相似文献   

A microwave-stimulated in situ hybridization technique using biotin-labeled DNA probe is described. Both hybridization reaction and the detection of the biotin label (with a alkaline phosphatase or immunofluorescence method) has been performed in the microwave oven. All procedures are completed within one hour. The described method was applied for identification of nucleic acid sequences of human immunodeficiency virus in human cell lines. The resolution and the intensity of the signal are as good as from a standard technique with overnight incubation of the probe. Because of the simplicity and speed of the technique, this procedure can be used in a number of other applications.  相似文献   

The site of the ribosomal gene cluster on embryonic metaphase chromosomes of Caenorhabditis elegans has been mapped by in situ hybridization using probe DNAs that have been nick-translated to incorporate biotin-labeled UTP. The hybridized probe DNA was detected by a double-layer fluorescent antibody technique. Since chromosomes from wild-type C. elegans embryos are indistinguishable, in situ hybridization was carried out with chromosomes from C. elegans strains carrying cytologically distinct translocation or duplication chromosomes in order to identify the right end of linkage group I as the site of the ribosomal genes. Chromosomes carrying a lethal mutation, let-209 I displayed smaller hybridization signals than wild-type, suggesting that these chromosomes carried a partial deficiency of the ribosomal gene cluster. A duplication of the ribosomal genes, eDp20(I;II) rescued let-209 homozygotes. Chromosomes carrying the alterations in the ribosomal genes were combined with mnT12(IV;X) to facilitate the mapping of genes in C. elegans by in situ hybridization. Linkage groups I and II are then labeled by the distinctive hybridization signals from the ribosomal probes, linkage groups IV and X are together distinguishable morphologically and linkage group V is labeled by hybridization to a 5S gene probe.  相似文献   

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