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Modeling of protein binding site flexibility in molecular docking is still a challenging problem due to the large conformational space that needs sampling. Here, we propose a flexible receptor docking scheme: A dihedral restrained replica exchange molecular dynamics (REMD), where we incorporate the normal modes obtained by the Elastic Network Model (ENM) as dihedral restraints to speed up the search towards correct binding site conformations. To our knowledge, this is the first approach that uses ENM modes to bias REMD simulations towards binding induced fluctuations in docking studies. In our docking scheme, we first obtain the deformed structures of the unbound protein as initial conformations by moving along the binding fluctuation mode, and perform REMD using the ENM modes as dihedral restraints. Then, we generate an ensemble of multiple receptor conformations (MRCs) by clustering the lowest replica trajectory. Using ROSETTA LIGAND , we dock ligands to the clustered conformations to predict the binding pose and affinity. We apply this method to postsynaptic density‐95/Dlg/ZO‐1 (PDZ) domains; whose dynamics govern their binding specificity. Our approach produces the lowest energy bound complexes with an average ligand root mean square deviation of 0.36 Å. We further test our method on (i) homologs and (ii) mutant structures of PDZ where mutations alter the binding selectivity. In both cases, our approach succeeds to predict the correct pose and the affinity of binding peptides. Overall, with this approach, we generate an ensemble of MRCs that leads to predict the binding poses and specificities of a protein complex accurately.  相似文献   

Fradera X  Knegtel RM  Mestres J 《Proteins》2000,40(4):623-636
A similarity-driven approach to flexible ligand docking is presented. Given a reference ligand or a pharmacophore positioned in the protein active site, the method allows inclusion of a similarity term during docking. Two different algorithms have been implemented, namely, a similarity-penalized docking (SP-DOCK) and a similarity-guided docking (SG-DOCK). The basic idea is to maximally exploit the structural information about the ligand binding mode present in cases where ligand-bound protein structures are available, information that is usually ignored in standard docking procedures. SP-DOCK and SG-DOCK have been derived as modified versions of the program DOCK 4.0, where the similarity program MIMIC acts as a module for the calculation of similarity indices that correct docking energy scores at certain steps of the calculation. SP-DOCK applies similarity corrections to the set of ligand orientations at the end of the ligand incremental construction process, penalizing the docking energy and, thus, having only an effect on the relative ordering of the final solutions. SG-DOCK applies similarity corrections throughout the entire ligand incremental construction process, thus affecting not only the relative ordering of solutions but also actively guiding the ligand docking. The performance of SP-DOCK and SG-DOCK for binding mode assessment and molecular database screening is discussed. When applied to a set of 32 thrombin ligands for which crystal structures are available, SG-DOCK improves the average RMSD by ca. 1 A when compared with DOCK. When those 32 thrombin ligands are included into a set of 1,000 diverse molecules from the ACD, DIV, and WDI databases, SP-DOCK significantly improves the retrieval of thrombin ligands within the first 10% of each of the three databases with respect to DOCK, with minimal additional computational cost. In all cases, comparison of SP-DOCK and SG-DOCK results with those obtained by DOCK and MIMIC is performed.  相似文献   

We present a set of geometric docking algorithms for rigid, flexible, and cyclic symmetry docking. The algorithms are highly efficient and have demonstrated very good performance in CAPRI Rounds 3-5. The flexible docking algorithm, FlexDock, is unique in its ability to handle any number of hinges in the flexible molecule, without degradation in run-time performance, as compared to rigid docking. The algorithm for reconstruction of cyclically symmetric complexes successfully assembles multimolecular complexes satisfying C(n) symmetry for any n in a matter of minutes on a desktop PC. Most of the algorithms presented here are available at the Tel Aviv University Structural Bioinformatics Web server (http://bioinfo3d.cs.tau.ac.il/).  相似文献   

Zhao Y  Sanner MF 《Proteins》2007,68(3):726-737
Conformational changes of biological macromolecules when binding with ligands have long been observed and remain a challenge for automated docking methods. Here we present a novel protein-ligand docking software called FLIPDock (Flexible LIgand-Protein Docking) allowing the automated docking of flexible ligand molecules into active sites of flexible receptor molecules. In FLIPDock, conformational spaces of molecules are encoded using a data structure that we have developed recently called the Flexibility Tree (FT). While the FT can represent fully flexible ligands, it was initially designed as a hierarchical and multiresolution data structure for the selective encoding of conformational subspaces of large biological macromolecules. These conformational subspaces can be built to span a range of conformations important for the biological activity of a protein. A variety of motions can be combined, ranging from domains moving as rigid bodies or backbone atoms undergoing normal mode-based deformations, to side chains assuming rotameric conformations. In addition, these conformational subspaces are parameterized by a small number of variables which can be searched during the docking process, thus effectively modeling the conformational changes in a flexible receptor. FLIPDock searches the variables using genetic algorithm-based search techniques and evaluates putative docking complexes with a scoring function based on the AutoDock3.05 force-field. In this paper, we describe the concepts behind FLIPDock and the overall architecture of the program. We demonstrate FLIPDock's ability to solve docking problems in which the assumption of a rigid receptor previously prevented the successful docking of known ligands. In particular, we repeat an earlier cross docking experiment and demonstrate an increased success rate of 93.5%, compared to original 72% success rate achieved by AutoDock over the 400 cross-docking calculations. We also demonstrate FLIPDock's ability to handle conformational changes involving backbone motion by docking balanol to an adenosine-binding pocket of protein kinase A.  相似文献   

Treating flexibility in molecular docking is a major challenge in cell biology research. Here we describe the background and the principles of existing flexible protein-protein docking methods, focusing on the algorithms and their rational. We describe how protein flexibility is treated in different stages of the docking process: in the preprocessing stage, rigid and flexible parts are identified and their possible conformations are modeled. This preprocessing provides information for the subsequent docking and refinement stages. In the docking stage, an ensemble of pre-generated conformations or the identified rigid domains may be docked separately. In the refinement stage, small-scale movements of the backbone and side-chains are modeled and the binding orientation is improved by rigid-body adjustments. For clarity of presentation, we divide the different methods into categories. This should allow the reader to focus on the most suitable method for a particular docking problem.  相似文献   

For structure-based drug design, where various ligand structures need to be docked to a target protein structure, a docking method that can handle conformational flexibility of not only the ligand, but also the protein, is indispensable. We have developed a simple and effective approach for dealing with the local induced-fit motion of the target protein, and implemented it in our docking tool, ADAM. Our approach efficiently combines the following two strategies: a vdW-offset grid in which the protein cavity is enlarged uniformly, and structure optimization allowing the motion of ligand and protein atoms. To examine the effectiveness of our approach, we performed docking validation studies, including redocking in 18 test cases and foreign-docking, in which various ligands from foreign crystal structures of complexes are docked into a target protein structure, in 22 cases (on five target proteins). With the original ADAM, the correct docking modes (RMSD < 2.0 A) were not present among the top 20 models in one case of redocking and four cases of foreign-docking. When the handling of induced-fit motion was implemented, the correct solutions were acquired in all 40 test cases. In foreign-docking on thymidine kinase, the correct docking modes were obtained as the top-ranked solutions for all 10 test ligands by our combinatorial approach, and this appears to be the best result ever reported with any docking tool. The results of docking validation have thus confirmed the effectiveness of our approach, which can provide reliable docking models even in the case of foreign-docking, where conformational change of the target protein cannot be ignored. We expect that this approach will contribute substantially to actual drug design, including virtual screening.  相似文献   



Although structural domains in proteins (SDs) are important, half of the regions in the human proteome are currently left with no SD assignments. These unassigned regions consist not only of novel SDs, but also of intrinsically disordered (ID) regions since proteins, especially those in eukaryotes, generally contain a significant fraction of ID regions. As ID regions can be inferred from amino acid sequences, a method that combines SD and ID region assignments can determine the fractions of SDs and ID regions in any proteome.


In contrast to other available ID prediction programs that merely identify likely ID regions, the DICHOT system we previously developed classifies the entire protein sequence into SDs and ID regions. Application of DICHOT to the human proteome revealed that residue-wise ID regions constitute 35%, SDs with similarity to PDB structures comprise 52%, while SDs with no similarity to PDB structures account for the remaining 13%. The last group consists of novel structural domains, termed cryptic domains, which serve as good targets of structural genomics. The DICHOT method applied to the proteomes of other model organisms indicated that eukaryotes generally have high ID contents, while prokaryotes do not. In human proteins, ID contents differ among subcellular localizations: nuclear proteins had the highest residue-wise ID fraction (47%), while mitochondrial proteins exhibited the lowest (13%). Phosphorylation and O-linked glycosylation sites were found to be located preferentially in ID regions. As O-linked glycans are attached to residues in the extracellular regions of proteins, the modification is likely to protect the ID regions from proteolytic cleavage in the extracellular environment. Alternative splicing events tend to occur more frequently in ID regions. We interpret this as evidence that natural selection is operating at the protein level in alternative splicing.


We classified entire regions of proteins into the two categories, SDs and ID regions and thereby obtained various kinds of complete genome-wide statistics. The results of the present study are important basic information for understanding protein structural architectures and have been made publicly available at http://spock.genes.nig.ac.jp/~genome/DICHOT.  相似文献   

A new computational approach for the efficient docking of flexible ligands in a rigid protein is presented. It exploits the binding modes of functional groups determined by an exhaustive search with solvation. The search in ligand conformational space is performed by a genetic algorithm whose scoring function approximates steric effects and intermolecular hydrogen bonds. Ligand conformations generated by the genetic algorithm are docked in the protein binding site by optimizing the fit of their fragments to optimal positions of chemically related functional groups. We show that the use of optimal binding modes of molecular fragments allows to dock known inhibitors with about ten rotatable bonds in the active site of the uncomplexed and complexed conformations of thrombin and HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

DARWIN: a program for docking flexible molecules   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Taylor JS  Burnett RM 《Proteins》2000,41(2):173-191
A new program named "DARWIN" has been developed to perform docking calculations with proteins and other biological molecules. The program uses the Genetic Algorithm to optimize the molecule's conformation and orientation under the selective pressure of minimizing the potential energy of the complex. A unique feature of DARWIN is that it communicates with the molecular mechanics program CHARMM to make the energy calculations. A second important feature is its parallel interface, which allows simultaneous use of multiple stand-alone copies of CHARMM to rapidly evaluate large numbers of potential solutions. This permits an "accuracy first" approach to docking, which avoids many of the common assumptions and shortcuts often made to reduce computation time. The method was applied to three protein-carbohydrate complexes: the crystallographically determined structures of Concanavalin A and Fab Se155-4; and a model structure for Fab ME36.1. Conformations close to the crystal structures were obtained with this approach, but some "false positive" solutions were also selected. Many of these could be eliminated by introducing different methods for simulating solvent effects. An effective screening method for docking a database of compounds to a single target enzyme using DARWIN is also presented.  相似文献   

P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is an ATP-dependent transport protein that is selectively expressed at entry points of xenobiotics where, acting as an efflux pump, it prevents their entering sensitive organs. The protein also plays a key role in the absorption and blood-brain barrier penetration of many drugs, while its overexpression in cancer cells has been linked to multidrug resistance in tumors. The recent publication of the mouse P-gp crystal structure revealed a large and hydrophobic binding cavity with no clearly defined sub-sites that supports an "induced-fit" ligand binding model. We employed flexible receptor docking to develop a new prediction algorithm for P-gp binding specificity. We tested the ability of this method to differentiate between binders and nonbinders of P-gp using consistently measured experimental data from P-gp efflux and calcein-inhibition assays. We also subjected the model to a blind test on a series of peptidic cysteine protease inhibitors, confirming the ability to predict compounds more likely to be P-gp substrates. Finally, we used the method to predict cellular metabolites that may be P-gp substrates. Overall, our results suggest that many P-gp substrates bind deeper in the cavity than the cyclic peptide in the crystal structure and that specificity in P-gp is better understood in terms of physicochemical properties of the ligands (and the binding site), rather than being defined by specific sub-sites.  相似文献   

Pei J  Wang Q  Liu Z  Li Q  Yang K  Lai L 《Proteins》2006,62(4):934-946
We have developed a new docking method, Pose-Sensitive Inclined (PSI)-DOCK, for flexible ligand docking. An improved SCORE function has been developed and used in PSI-DOCK for binding free energy evaluation. The improved SCORE function was able to reproduce the absolute binding free energies of a training set of 200 protein-ligand complexes with a correlation coefficient of 0.788 and a standard error of 8.13 kJ/mol. For ligand binding pose exploration, a unique searching strategy was designed in PSI-DOCK. In the first step, a tabu-enhanced genetic algorithm with a rapid shape-complementary scoring function is used to roughly explore and store potential binding poses of the ligand. Then, these predicted binding poses are optimized and compete against each other by using a genetic algorithm with the accurate SCORE function to determine the binding pose with the lowest docking energy. The PSI-DOCK 1.0 program is highly efficient in identifying the experimental binding pose. For a test dataset of 194 complexes, PSI-DOCK 1.0 achieved a 67% success rate (RMSD < 2.0 A) for only one run and a 74% success rate for 10 runs. PSI-DOCK can also predict the docking binding free energy with high accuracy. For a test set of 64 complexes, the correlation between the experimentally observed binding free energies and the docking binding free energies for 64 complexes is r = 0.777 with a standard deviation of 7.96 kJ/mol. Moreover, compared with other docking methods, PSI-DOCK 1.0 is extremely easy to use and requires minimum docking preparations. There is no requirement for the users to add hydrogen atoms to proteins because all protein hydrogen atoms and the flexibility of the terminal protein atoms are intrinsically taken into account in PSI-DOCK. There is also no requirement for the users to calculate partial atomic charges because PSI-DOCK does not calculate an electrostatic energy term. These features are not only convenient for the users but also help to avoid the influence of different preparation methods.  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of protein-DNA complexes could provide an important stepping stone towards a thorough comprehension of vital intracellular processes. Few attempts were made to tackle this issue, focusing on binding patch prediction, protein function classification and distance constraints-based docking. We introduce ParaDock: a novel ab initio protein-DNA docking algorithm. ParaDock combines short DNA fragments, which have been rigidly docked to the protein based on geometric complementarity, to create bent planar DNA molecules of arbitrary sequence. Our algorithm was tested on the bound and unbound targets of a protein-DNA benchmark comprised of 47 complexes. With neither addressing protein flexibility, nor applying any refinement procedure, CAPRI acceptable solutions were obtained among the 10 top ranked hypotheses in 83% of the bound complexes, and 70% of the unbound. Without requiring prior knowledge of DNA length and sequence, and within <2?h per target on a standard 2.0?GHz single processor CPU, ParaDock offers a fast ab initio docking solution.  相似文献   

AutoDock is a suite of C programs used to predict the bound conformations of a small, flexible ligand to a macromolecular target of known structure. The technique combines simulated annealing for conformation searching with a rapid grid-based method of energy evaluation. This paper reviews recent applications of the technique and describes the enhancements included in the current release.  相似文献   

The ICM-DISCO (Docking and Interface Side-Chain Optimization) protein-protein-docking method is a direct stochastic global energy optimization from multiple starting positions of the ligand. The first step is performed by docking of a rigid all-atom ligand molecule to a set of soft receptor potentials precalculated on a 0.5 A grid from realistic solvent-corrected force-field energies. This step finds the correct solution as the lowest energy conformation in almost 100% of the cases in which interfaces do not change on binding. The second step is needed to deal with the induced changes and includes the global optimization of the interface side-chains of up to 400 best solutions. The CAPRI predictions were performed fully automatically with this method. Available experimental information was included as a filtering step to favor expected docking surfaces. In three of the seven proposed targets, the ICM-DISCO method found a good solution (>50% of correct contacts) within the five submitted models. The procedure is global and fully automated. We demonstrate that the algorithm handles the induced changes of surface side-chains but is less successful if the backbone undergoes large-scale rearrangements.  相似文献   

Accommodating backbone flexibility continues to be the most difficult challenge in computational docking of protein-protein complexes. Towards that end, we simulate four distinct biophysical models of protein binding in RosettaDock, a multiscale Monte-Carlo-based algorithm that uses a quasi-kinetic search process to emulate the diffusional encounter of two proteins and to identify low-energy complexes. The four binding models are as follows: (1) key-lock (KL) model, using rigid-backbone docking; (2) conformer selection (CS) model, using a novel ensemble docking algorithm; (3) induced fit (IF) model, using energy-gradient-based backbone minimization; and (4) combined conformer selection/induced fit (CS/IF) model. Backbone flexibility was limited to the smaller partner of the complex, structural ensembles were generated using Rosetta refinement methods, and docking consisted of local perturbations around the complexed conformation using unbound component crystal structures for a set of 21 target complexes. The lowest-energy structure contained > 30% of the native residue-residue contacts for 9, 13, 13, and 14 targets for KL, CS, IF, and CS/IF docking, respectively. When applied to 15 targets using nuclear magnetic resonance ensembles of the smaller protein, the lowest-energy structure recovered at least 30% native residue contacts in 3, 8, 4, and 8 targets for KL, CS, IF, and CS/IF docking, respectively. CS/IF docking of the nuclear magnetic resonance ensemble performed equally well or better than KL docking with the unbound crystal structure in 10 of 15 cases. The marked success of CS and CS/IF docking shows that ensemble docking can be a versatile and effective method for accommodating conformational plasticity in docking and serves as a demonstration for the CS theory—that binding-competent conformers exist in the unbound ensemble and can be selected based on their favorable binding energies.  相似文献   

Human L-xylulose reductase (XR) is an enzyme of the glucuronic acid/uronate cycle of glucose metabolism and is a possible target for treatment of the long-term complications of diabetes. In this study we utilised the molecular modelling program DOCK to analyse the 249,071 compounds of the National Cancer Institute Database and retrieved those compounds with high predicted affinity for XR. Several carboxylic acid-based compounds were tested and shown to inhibit XR. These included nicotinic acid (IC50=100 microM), benzoic acid (IC50=29 microM) and their derivatives. These results extend and improve upon the activities of known, commercially available inhibitors of XR such as the aliphatic fatty acid n-butyric acid (IC50=64 microM). To optimise the interaction between the inhibitor and the holoenzyme, the program GRID was used to design de novo compounds based on the inhibitor benzoic acid. The inclusion of a hydroxy-phenyl group and a phosphate to the benzoic acid molecule increased the net binding energy by 1.3- and 2.4-fold, respectively. The resultant compounds may produce inhibitors with improved specificity for XR.  相似文献   



The problem of determining the physical conformation of a protein dimer, given the structures of the two interacting proteins in their unbound state, is a difficult one. The location of the docking interface is determined largely by geometric complementarity, but finding complementary geometry is complicated by the flexibility of the backbone and side-chains of both proteins. We seek to generate candidates for docking that approximate the bound state well, even in cases where there is backbone and/or side-chain difference from unbound to bound states.  相似文献   

Wang T  Wade RC 《Proteins》2003,50(1):158-169
The suitability of three implicit solvent models for flexible protein-protein docking by procedures using molecular dynamics simulation is investigated. The three models are (i) the generalized Born (GB) model implemented in the program AMBER6.0; (ii) a distance-dependent dielectric (DDD) model; and (iii) a surface area-dependent model that we have parameterized and call the NPSA model. This is a distance-dependent dielectric model modified by neutralizing the ionizable side-chains and adding a surface area-dependent solvation term. These solvent models were first tested in molecular dynamics simulations at 300 K of the native structures of barnase, barstar, segment B1 of protein G, and three WW domains. These protein structures display a range of secondary structure contents and stabilities. Then, to investigate the performance of the implicit solvent models in protein docking, molecular dynamics simulations of barnase/barstar complexation, as well as PIN1 WW domain/peptide complexation, were conducted, starting from separated unbound structures. The simulations show that the NPSA model has significant advantages over the DDD and GB models in maintaining the native structures of the proteins and providing more accurate docked complexes.  相似文献   

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