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To control the antibiotic resistance epidemic, it is necessary to understand the distribution of genetic material encoding antibiotic resistance in the environment and how anthropogenic inputs, such as wastewater, affect this distribution. Approximately two-thirds of antibiotics administered to humans are β-lactams, for which the predominant bacterial resistance mechanism is hydrolysis by β-lactamases. Of the β-lactamases, the TEM family is of overriding significance with regard to diversity, prevalence, and distribution. This paper describes the design of DNA probes universal for all known TEM β-lactamase genes and the application of a quantitative PCR assay (also known as Taqman) to quantify these genes in environmental samples. The primer set was used to study whether sewage, both treated and untreated, contributes to the spread of these genes in receiving waters. It was found that while modern sewage treatment technologies reduce the concentrations of these antibiotic resistance genes, the ratio of blaTEM genes to 16S rRNA genes increases with treatment, suggesting that bacteria harboring blaTEM are more likely to survive the treatment process. Thus, β-lactamase genes are being introduced into the environment in significantly higher concentrations than occur naturally, creating reservoirs of increased resistance potential.  相似文献   

Developing antimicrobials that are less likely to engender resistance has become an important design criterion as more and more drugs fall victim to resistance mutations. One hypothesis is that the more closely an inhibitor resembles a substrate, the more difficult it will be to develop resistant mutations that can at once disfavor the inhibitor and still recognize the substrate. To investigate this hypothesis, 10 transition-state analogues, of greater or lesser similarity to substrates, were tested for inhibition of TEM-1 beta-lactamase, the most widespread resistance enzyme to penicillin antibiotics. The inhibitors were also tested against four characteristic mutant enzymes: TEM-30, TEM-32, TEM-52, and TEM-64. The inhibitor most similar to the substrate, compound 10, was the most potent inhibitor of the WT enzyme, with a K(i) value of 64 nM. Conversely, compound 10 was the most susceptible to the TEM-30 (R244S) mutant, for which inhibition dropped by over 100-fold. The other inhibitors were relatively impervious to the TEM-30 mutant enzyme. To understand recognition and resistance to these transition-state analogues, the structures of four of these inhibitors in complex with TEM-1 were determined by X-ray crystallography. These structures suggest a structural basis for distinguishing inhibitors that mimic the acylation transition state and those that mimic the deacylation transition state; they also suggest how TEM-30 reduces the affinity of compound 10. In cell culture, this inhibitor reversed the resistance of bacteria to ampicillin, reducing minimum inhibitory concentrations of this penicillin by between 4- and 64-fold, depending on the strain of bacteria. Notwithstanding this activity, the resistance of TEM-30, which is already extant in the clinic, suggests that there can be resistance liabilities with substrate-based design.  相似文献   

Third-generation cephalosporin resistance is often mediated by TEM- and SHV-type beta-lactamases in Enterobacteriaceae. TEM-type and OXA-1 enzymes are the major plasmid-borne beta-lactamases implicated in amoxicillin-clavulanic acid resistance in Escherichia coli isolates. We have developed a rapid and simple multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) which discriminates bla(TEM), bla(SHV) and bla(OXA-1) genes by generating fragments of 516, 392 and 619 bp respectively. Multiplex PCR analysis of 51 amoxicillin-clavulanate resistant E. coli isolates detected bla(TEM) and bla(SHV) genes in 45 and two strains, respectively, and only one strain harboured a bla(OXA-1) gene. Twenty-three of the 40 cefotaxime-resistant Enterobacteriaceae isolates produced amplicons with a size compatible with the presence of bla(TEM) (13 strains), bla(SHV) (six strains) genes or the association of both genes (four strains). These results were verified by colony hybridisation. Therefore, multiplex PCR is a suitable tool for initial rapid screening of bla genes in Enterobacteriaceae.  相似文献   

目的了解本地区临床分离的产超广谱β-内酰胺酶(ESBLs)株携带TEM基因的情况.方法应用表型确证试验筛选产ESBLs大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌.碱裂解法提取产酶株的质粒,应用PCR方法分析TEM基因.结果215株产ESBLs菌株中TEM基因阳性87株,阳性率为40.5%,其中产酶大肠埃希菌TEM阳性率为49.7%,肺炎克雷伯菌阳性率为18.8%.TEM型产酶株主要来源于痰和尿标本(37.9%和22.0%),在肝胆外科、重症监护室和老年病科分布较多.结论TEM型为本地区产ESBLs大肠埃希菌和肺炎克雷伯菌常见的基因型,广泛分布于各临床科室,需引起重视.  相似文献   

Beta-lactamase confers resistance to penicillin-like antibiotics by hydrolyzing their beta-lactam bond. To combat these enzymes, inhibitors covalently cross-linking the hydrolytic Ser70 to Ser130 were introduced. In turn, mutant beta-lactamases have emerged with decreased susceptibility to these mechanism-based inhibitors. Substituting Ser130 with glycine in the inhibitor-resistant TEM (IRT) mutant TEM-76 (S130G) prevents the irreversible cross-linking step. Since the completely conserved Ser130 is thought to transfer a proton important for catalysis, its substitution might be hypothesized to result in a nonfunctional enzyme; this is clearly not the case. To investigate how TEM-76 remains active, its structure was determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.40 A resolution. A new water molecule (Wat1023) is observed in the active site, with two configurations located 1.1 and 1.3 A from the missing Ser130 Ogamma; this water molecule likely replaces the Ser130 side-chain hydroxyl in substrate hydrolysis. Intriguingly, this same water molecule is seen in the IRT TEM-32 (M69I/M182T), where Ser130 has moved significantly. TEM-76 shares other structural similarities with various IRTs; like TEM-30 (R244S) and TEM-84 (N276D), the water molecule activating clavulanate for cross-linking (Wat1614) is disordered (in TEM-30 it is actually absent). As expected, TEM-76 has decreased kinetic activity, likely due to the replacement of the Ser130 side-chain hydroxyl with a water molecule. In contrast to the recently determined structure of the S130G mutant in the related SHV-1 beta-lactamase, in TEM-76 the key hydrolytic water (Wat1561) is still present. The conservation of similar accommodations among IRT mutants suggests that resistance arises from common mechanisms, despite the disparate locations of the various substitutions.  相似文献   

目的了解临床分离的耐甲氧西林葡萄球菌(MRS)和肠球菌中blaTEM及tetM基因存在状况。方法分离50株耐甲氧西林金黄色葡萄球菌(MRSA),7株耐甲氧西林表皮葡萄球菌(MRSE)、5株耐甲氧西林溶血葡萄球菌(MRSH)、15株粪肠球菌和9株屎肠球菌,采用PCR技术检测耐药基因。结果MRSA、MRSE、MRSH、粪肠球菌和屎肠球菌中blaTEM基因阳性率分别为40.0%、57.1%、60.0%、6.7%和88.9%,tetM基因阳性率分别为100%、0%、0%、66.7%、0%。结论blaTEM基因阳性率在MRS中较高,在屎肠球菌中则很高;携带tetM基因是MRSA和粪肠球菌对四环素耐药的主要原因。  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial mats along a small stream receiving thermal wastewater from an artificial hot spring in the mid-upper part of the Mankyeong River system, Korea, were studied during the winter of 1995-1996. In the cyanobacterium, Oscillatoria terebriformiscomprised >95% of total biomass. Ash-free dry-weight (AFDW) and chlorophyll a in the cyanobacterial mats decreased significantly (r2= 0.78 and 0.83, respectively) with distance downstream from the thermal water outlet, while primary productivity increased slightly. The concentrations of the majority of ions sharply decreased with distance downstream, although they were not markedly related with spatial changes in AFDW, Chl a and primary productivity. O. terebriformis appeared to have a tremendous potential in wastewater treatment because of its marked ability to glean ions.  相似文献   

The most common mechanism of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics is the production of beta-lactamases. These enzymes are encoded by genes that evolve rapidly, thus constituting a group characterized by high levels of molecular diversity. Most of the genetic determinants of resistance to beta-lactam antibiotics characterized until now were obtained from clinical isolates. This study was designed in order to exploit the presence of beta-lactamase gene sequences in an aquatic environment, and to get information on the distinctive features of those sequences when compared to others available on databases. DNA sequences potentially encoding proteins of three different families of clinically relevant beta-lactamases were assessed: TEM, IMP and OXA-2 derivatives. The presence of bla sequences in DNA extracted from water samples from the lagoon Ria de Aveiro was checked by PCR and hybridization. Sequences representing the three families of beta-lactamases studied were detected. The molecular diversity of the amplicons was assessed by cloning and sequence analysis, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) separation. Most of the retrieved sequences (particularly sequences representing bla(TEM)and bla(OXA-2)) were identical or very similar to beta-lactamase gene sequences previously characterized from clinical isolates. Phylogenetic analysis suggests that this aquatic ecosystem is a reservoir of molecular diverse putative bla sequences. The patterns of molecular diversity found within the beta-lactamase gene families studied do not correspond to those reported in studies focussing on clinical isolates.  相似文献   

A 32P-labeled fragment of DNA, encoding the major part of the chromosomal ampC beta-lactamase gene of Escherichia coli K-12, was used as a hybridization probe for homologous DNA sequences in colonies of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and different enterobacterial species. The ampC probe detected the presence of homologous DNA sequences in clinical isolates of E. coli, Shigella flexneri, Shigella sonnei, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Salmonella typhimurium, Serratia marcescens, and P. aeruginosa. No hybridization was found with N. gonorrhoeae colonies. In Southern blotting experiments the ampC probe hybridized to chromosomal DNA fragments of the same size in all enterobacterial species tested. However, the degree of hybridization differed with DNA from different species. DNA from the Shigella species strongly hybridized to the ampC probe. Furthermore, antibodies raised against purified E. coli K-12 ampC beta-lactamase precipitated beta-lactamases from the Shigella species, suggesting extensive sequence similarities between the ampC genes of these genera. The production of chromosomal beta-lactamase in S. sonnei increased with increasing growth rate similar to E. coli K-12. This growth rate response was abolished in two beta-lactamase-hyperproducing S. sonnei mutants, which thus seem similar to E. coli K-12 attenuator mutants. We propose that both the structure and regulation of the chromosomal beta-lactamase genes are very similar in E. coli and in S. sonnei.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR assays were developed for the quantifiable detection of the antibiotic-resistance genes vanA of enterococci, ampC of Enterobacteriaceae, and mecA of staphylococci in different municipal wastewater samples. Primer and probe designs for these resistance genes were constructed and optimised for application in standardised TaqMan PCR assays. Using reference strains, the linear measurement ranges of the assays were defined and covered concentration ranges of five to seven exponential values. Wastewater isolates of vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE) and beta-lactam-resistant Enterobacteriaceae were cultivated from municipal wastewaters in order to verify the specificity and sensitivity of the primer-probe systems. Additionally, clinical strains of staphylococci resistant to methicillin (MRSA) confirmed the applicability of the mecA-specific detection system. Total DNAs were extracted from five different wastewater treatment plants and used for direct TaqMan PCR detection of the resistance genes without prior cultivation. In municipal wastewater, the resistance gene vanA was detected in 21% of the samples, and ampC in 78%. The gene mecA was not found in municipal wastewater, but in two clinical wastewater samples.  相似文献   

The conidia of aquatic Hyphomycetes in a mountain stream in Italy were studied. Thirteen species previously unknown from Italy were recorded. The concentration of conidia in the waters of the stream reached a maximum from October to December, and a minimum in August.  相似文献   

Chryseobacterium (Flavobacterium) indologenes 001 clinical strain was resistant to several beta-lactam classes including carbapenems. Shotgun cloning experiments of Sau3AI restricted genomic DNA of C. indologenes 001 into pBKCMV cloning vector followed by transformation into Escherichia coli DH10B gave one recombinant plasmid possessing a 4.2-kb DNA insert. It encoded a pI 7.2 beta-lactamase of 239 amino acids (IND-1) which is a metallo-enzyme with a broad spectrum beta-lactam hydrolysis profile. This class B carbapenem-hydrolyzing beta-lactamase shares the highest identity (43%) with BlaB from C. meningosepticum, thus showing heterogeneity of carbapenem-hydrolyzing beta-lactamases in Chryseobacterium spp.  相似文献   

We sampled chlorophyll a, benthic organic matter, and benthic macroinvertebrates in June 2001 in La Tordera stream (Catalonia, NE Spain), receiving a wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) input. Samples were collected in six equidistant transects in three reaches located upstream (UP), few m below (DW1), and 500 m below the WWTP input (DW2). Our first objective was to assess the effects of the point source on the structure and functional organization of the benthic macroinvertebrate community. Our second objective was to determine if the self-purifying capacity of the stream implied differences between the communities of the DW1 and the DW2 reaches. The WWTP input highly increased discharge, nutrient concentrations, and conductivity and decreased dissolved oxygen. At the DW1 and the DW2 reaches, taxa richness, EPT taxa (Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera), and Shannon diversity decreased and gatherer relative density increased relative to the UP reach. At the UP reach, CPOM and FPOM standing crops were similar, whereas at the DW1 and the DW2 reaches CPOM was two times higher than FPOM. Detailed analysis showed that major changes in the benthic community occurred abruptly between 80 and 90 m downstream of the point source (middle of the DW1 reach). At this location, chlorophyll a concentration, density of macroinvertebrates, taxa richness, and scraper relative density increased, whereas gatherer relative percentage decreased. The macroinvertebrate community at the DW2 reach was comparable to that at the second middle of the DW1 reach (DW1B). The macroinvertebrate community at the DW1B and the DW2 reaches were quite similar to that at the UP reach, indicating that the recovery capacity of the stream from nutrient enrichment was high.  相似文献   

The ecology of Potamanthus myops (Potamanthidae) was examined for a one year period in a central Michigan fourth order stream. Lowest nymphal densities (4.7 m-2) occurred in mid-summer after adult emergence, while highest densities were found during late summer and fall (68.0 m-2 and 66.2 m-2) after the new cohort had hatched. Biomass was the inverse of density with highest values, 67.7 mg m-2, just prior to peak adult emergence in June and lowest in late summer (16 mg m-2). Nymphs maintained a contagious spatial distribution with k values ranging between 0.19 and 1.40. P. myops nymphs fed mostly on detritus (96.8%), placing them in the collector-gatherer functional group. Nymphs were always found in erosional zones associated with rock substrate. Nymphs used their mandibular tusks for positioning themselves beneath rocks, while also appearing to use them for defensive purposes.  相似文献   

The generation time ofP. branickii was studied using larval samples in conjunction with rearing experiments and continuous collection of egg masses across one year. This species produced three generations per year in a central German stream (280 m a.s.l., 50° 40 N). Its generation time was variable and obviously influenced by the photoperiod to which eggs and larvulae were subjected. It is thus concluded that two strains ofP. branickii were present in a single population, one bivoltine and the other trivoltine.  相似文献   

Secondary production of Chironomidae (Diptera) in a north temperate stream   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
SUMMARY 1. Secondary production of chironomids (Diptera: Chironomidae) in a third-order northern Indiana stream was estimated using species-specific, and in most cases cohort-specific, life-history data from the field.
2. Chironomid life-history patterns were diverse, ranging from one to four generations per year in addition to asynchronous development. Cohort production intervals (CPI) for all taxa ranged from 56 to 266 days. CPI for cohorts of conspecifics differed up to 3-fold.
3. Annual secondary production was estimated using the instantaneous growth method or the size—frequency method depending on whether cohorts were distinguishable or not. Total annual chironomid production was 29 700 mg dry mass m−2, which is the highest value reported for chironomids from a north temperate stream.
4. Eighty per cent of the total chironomid production was attributed to five species: Diamesa nivoriunda (33.9%), Cricotopus bicinctus (16.6%), Pagastia sp. (10.2%), C. trifascia (9.7%) and Orthodadius obumbratus (9.6%).
5. The annual P:B ratio ranged from 4.7 to 21.9. Thus, high secondary production was due to high mean annual standing stocks and not to rapid biomass turnover.  相似文献   

The epilithic algal community of a glacial stream of Hope Bay (Antarctica) was studied during the summer period of 1995. Major hydrological changes, which affected the main physical and chemical features, were observed in the stream according to the meltwater pulses. The enrichment of the stream by seabird inputs was evident from the high nutrient concentrations and their increase downstream. The presence of a snowbank in the middle reach produced a major discontinuity, influencing the main variables analyzed. The stream showed a similar algal composition to other water courses of Hope Bay, with Prasiola crispa, Hydrurus foetidus, Phaeogloea mucosa and Phormidium fragile as the dominant species. Chlorophyll a concentrations taken from natural substrata (stones) ranged from undetectable to 48.4 mg m−2, with the maximum concentrations associated with algal mats dominated by Prasiola crispa. Received: 20 December 1996 / Accepted: 14 July 1997  相似文献   

Urban streams often contain elevated concentrations of nitrogen (N) which can be amplified in systems receiving effluent from wastewater treatment plants (WWTP). In this study, we evaluated the importance of denitrification in a stream draining urban Greensboro, NC, USA, using two approaches: (1) natural abundance of 15N–NO3 in conjunction with background NO3–N concentrations along a 7 km transect downstream of a WWTP; and (2) C2H2 block experiments at three sites and at three habitat types within each site. Overall lack of a longitudinal pattern of δ15N–NO3 and NO3–N, combined with high concentrations of NO3–N suggested that other factors were controlling NO3–N flux in the study transect. However, denitrification did appear to be significant along one portion of the transect. C2H2 block experiments showed that denitrification rates were much higher downstream of the WWTP compared to upstream, and showed that denitrification rates were highest in erosional and depositional areas downstream of the WWTP and in erosional areas upstream of the plant. Thus, the combination of the two methods for evaluating denitrification provided more insight into the spatial dynamics of denitrification activity than either approach alone. Denitrification appeared to be a significant sink for NO3–N upstream of the WWTP, but not downstream. Approximately 46% of the total NO3–N load was removed via denitrification in the upstream, urban section of the stream, while only 2.3% of NO3–N was lost downstream of the plant. This result suggests that controlling NO3–N loading from the plant could result in considerable improvement of downstream water quality.  相似文献   

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