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Genes encoding the vacuolar Na+/H+ exchanger and flower coloration   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Vacuolar pH plays an important role in flower coloration: an increase in the vacuolar pH causes blueing of flower color. In the Japanese morning glory (Ipomoea nil or Pharbitis nil), a shift from reddish-purple buds to blue open flowers correlates with an increase in the vacuolar pH. We describe details of the characterization of a mutant that carries a recessive mutation in the Purple (Pr) gene encoding a vacuolar Na+/H+ exchanger termed InNHX1. The genome of I. nil carries one copy of the Pr (or InNHX1) gene and its pseudogene, and it showed functional complementation to the yeast nhx1 mutation. The mutant of I. nil, called purple (pr), showed a partial increase in the vacuolar pH during flower-opening and its reddish-purple buds change into purple open flowers. The vacuolar pH in the purple open flowers of the mutant was significantly lower than that in the blue open flowers. The InNHX1 gene is most abundantly expressed in the petals at around 12 h before flower-opening, accompanying the increase in the vacuolar pH for the blue flower coloration. No such massive expression was observed in the petunia flowers. Since the NHX1 genes that promote the transport of Na+ into the vacuoles have been regarded to be involved in salt tolerance by accumulating Na+ in the vacuoles, we can add a new biological role for blue flower coloration in the Japanese morning glory by the vacuolar alkalization.  相似文献   

Intracellular Na(+)/H(+) (NHX) antiporters have important roles in cellular pH and Na(+), K(+) homeostasis. The six Arabidopsis thaliana intracellular NHX members are divided into two groups, endosomal (NHX5 and NHX6) and vacuolar (NHX1 to NHX4). Of the vacuolar members, NHX1 has been characterized functionally, but the remaining members have largely unknown roles. Using reverse genetics, we show that, unlike the single knockouts nhx1 or nhx2, the double knockout nhx1 nhx2 had significantly reduced growth, smaller cells, shorter hypocotyls in etiolated seedlings and abnormal stamens in mature flowers. Filaments of nhx1 nhx2 did not elongate and lacked the ability to dehisce and release pollen, resulting in a near lack of silique formation. Pollen viability and germination was not affected. Quantification of vacuolar pH and intravacuolar K(+) concentrations indicated that nhx1 nhx2 vacuoles were more acidic and accumulated only 30% of the wild-type K(+) concentration, highlighting the roles of NHX1 and NHX2 in mediating vacuolar K(+)/H(+) exchange. Growth under added Na(+), but not K(+), partly rescued the flower and growth phenotypes. Our results demonstrate the roles of NHX1 and NHX2 in regulating intravacuolar K(+) and pH, which are essential to cell expansion and flower development.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking the tonoplastic malate transporter AttDT (A. thaliana tonoplast dicarboxylate transporter) and wild-type plants showed no phenotypic differences when grown under standard conditions. To identify putative metabolic changes in AttDT knock-out plants, we provoked a metabolic scenario connected to an increased consumption of dicarboxylates. Acidification of leaf discs stimulated dicarboxylate consumption and led to extremely low levels of dicarboxylates in mutants. To investigate whether reduced dicarboxylate concentrations in mutant leaf cells and, hence, reduced capacity to produce OH(-) to overcome acidification might affect metabolism, we measured photosynthetic oxygen evolution under conditions where the cytosol is acidified. AttDT::tDNA protoplasts showed a much stronger inhibition of oxygen evolution at low pH values when compared to wild-type protoplasts. Apparently citrate, which is present in higher amounts in knock-out plants, is not able to replace dicarboxylates to overcome acidification. To raise more information on the cellular level, we performed localization studies of carboxylates. Although the total pool of carboxylates in mutant vacuoles was nearly unaltered, these organelles contained a lower proportion of malate and fumarate and a higher proportion of citrate when compared to wild-type vacuoles. These alterations concur with the observation that radioactively labeled malate and citrate are transported into Arabidopsis vacuoles by different carriers. In addition, wild-type vacuoles and corresponding organelles from AttDT::tDNA mutants exhibited similar malate channel activities. In conclusion, these results show that Arabidopsis vacuoles contain at least two transporters and a channel for dicarboxylates and citrate and that the activity of AttDT is critical for regulation of pH homeostasis.  相似文献   

The electrogenicity of H+/Ca2+ exchange in vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) vesicles from Beta was studied to elucidate the role of this transport system in vacuolar Ca2+ accumulation. To overcome the inherently high proton permeability of tonoplast vesicles, the pH difference established by the primary H(+)-ATPase was titrated to a uniform value by variation of the concentration either of ATP or of a permanent anion (Cl-). This enabled manipulation of membrane potential independently of the transmembrane pH difference, with a higher inside-positive membrane potential produced at lower Cl- concentrations. The rate and the extent of uncoupler-sensitive Ca2+ uptake are both stimulated about 2-fold in conditions of more positive membrane potential, suggesting that the transport system translocates positive charge outward during Ca2+ uptake. A minimum integral H+:Ca2+ stoichiometry of 3 results in a driving force for Ca2+ accumulation in the vacuole amounting to -140 mV in typical physiological conditions. It is concluded that the antiporter is thermodynamically competent to account for Ca2+ accumulation in plant vacuoles and that its reversal in vivo is unlikely.  相似文献   

Osteoclasts resorb bone by pumping of H+ into a compartment between the cell and the bone surface. Intracellular pH (pHi) homeostasis requires that this acid extrusion, mediated by a vacuolar-type H+ ATPase, be complemented by other acid-base transporters. We investigated acid- extrusion mechanisms of single, freshly isolated, neonatal rat osteoclasts. Cells adherent to glass coverslips were studied in the nominal absence of CO2/HCO3-, using the pH-sensitive dye BCECF and a digital imaging system. Initial pHi averaged 7.31 and was uniform throughout individual cells. Intrinsic buffering power (beta 1) decreased curvilinearly from approximately 25 mM at pHi = 6.4 to approximately 6.0 mM at pHi = 7.4. In all polygonally shaped osteoclasts, and approximately 60% of round osteoclasts (approximately 20% of total), pHi recovery from acid loads was mediated exclusively by Na-H exchange. In these pattern-1 cells, pHi recovery was 95% complete within 200 s, and was blocked by removing Na+, or by applying 1 mM amiloride, 50 microM ethylisopropylamiloride (EIPA), or 50 microM hexamethyleneamiloride (HMA). The apparent K1/2 for HMA ([Na+]o = 150 mM) was 49 nM, and the apparent K1/2 for Na+ was 45 mM. Na-H exchange, corrected for amiloride-insensitive fluxes, was half maximal at pHi 6.73, with an apparent Hill coefficient for intracellular H+ of 2.9. Maximal Na-H exchange averaged 741 microM/s. In the remaining approximately 40% of round osteoclasts (pattern-2 cells), pHi recovery from acid loads was brisk even in the absence of Na+ or presence of amiloride. This Na(+)-independent pHi recovery was blocked by 7-chloro- 4-nitrobenz-2-oxa-1,3-diazol (NBD-Cl), a vacuolar-type H+ pump inhibitor. Corrected for NBD-Cl insensitive fluxes, H+ pump fluxes decreased approximately linearly from 96 at pHi 6.8 to 11 microM/s at pHi 7.45. In approximately 45% of pattern-2 cells, Na+ readdition elicited a further pHi recovery, suggesting that H+ pumps and Na-H exchangers can exist simultaneously. We conclude that, under the conditions of our study, most neonatal rat osteoclasts express Na-H exchangers that are probably of the ubiquitous basolateral subtype. Some cells express vacuolar-type H+ pumps in their plasma membrane, as do active osteoclasts in situ.  相似文献   

We generated fusions between three Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) tonoplast intrinsic proteins (TIPs; alpha-, gamma-, and delta-TIP) and yellow fluorescent protein (YFP). We also produced soluble reporters consisting of the monomeric red fluorescent protein (RFP) and either the C-terminal vacuolar sorting signal of phaseolin or the sequence-specific sorting signal of proricin. In transgenic Arabidopsis leaves, mature roots, and root tips, all TIP fusions localized to the tonoplast of the central vacuole and both of the lumenal RFP reporters were found within TIP-delimited vacuoles. In embryos from developing, mature, and germinating seeds, all three TIPs localized to the tonoplast of protein storage vacuoles. To determine the temporal TIP expression patterns and to rule out mistargeting due to overexpression, we generated plants expressing YFP fused to the complete genomic sequences of the three TIP isoforms. In transgenic Arabidopsis, gamma-TIP expression was limited to vegetative tissues, but specifically excluded from root tips, whereas alpha-TIP was exclusively expressed during seed maturation. delta-TIP was expressed in vegetative tissues, but not root tips, at a later stage than gamma-TIP. Our findings indicate that, in the Arabidopsis tissues analyzed, two different vacuolar sorting signals target soluble proteins to a single vacuolar location. Moreover, TIP isoform distribution is tissue and development specific, rather than organelle specific.  相似文献   

Peripheral and integral subunits of the tonoplast H+-ATPase from oat roots   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The subunit organization of the tonoplast H+-pumping ATPase from oat roots (Avena sativa L. var. Lang) was investigated. Tonoplast vesicles were treated with low ionic strength solutions (0.1 mM 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid buffer or 0.1 mM Na EDTA), carbonate, or a chaotropic reagent (KI), and then centrifuged to give a soluble fraction and a pellet. Treatments with low ionic strength solutions or KI resulted in 70-80% reduction in the membrane-associated ATPase activity, but did not affect the K+-stimulated pyrophosphatase activity. Polypeptides of 72, 60, and 41 kDa were solubilized from tonoplast vesicles by these wash treatments. These polypeptides reacted with polyclonal antibodies against the holoenzyme of tonoplast ATPase (anti-ATPase) and copurified with the tonoplast ATPase activity during gel filtration chromatography (Sepharose CL-6B). Mono-specific antibody against the 72- or 60-kDa polypeptide reacted with the solubilized 72- or 60-kDa polypeptide, respectively. However, the N,N-[14C]dicyclohexylcarbodiimide-binding 16-kDa polypeptide and a 13-kDa polypeptide that also reacted with anti-ATPase and copurified with the tonoplast ATPase activity during gel filtration remained in the pellets after the wash treatments. We conclude that the 72- and 60-kDa polypeptides appear to be peripheral subunits of the tonoplast ATPase and that the 16-kDa polypeptide is probably embedded in the membrane bilayer. Additional subunits of the ATPase complex may include a 41-kDa (peripheral) and a 13-kDa (integral) polypeptide. Based on these results, a working model of the tonoplast ATPase analogous to the F1F0-ATPase is proposed.  相似文献   

The yeast vacuolar proton-translocating ATPase is a member of the third class of H+-pumping ATPase. A family of this type of H+-ATPase is now known to be ubiquitously distributed in eukaryotic vacuo-lysosomal organelles and archaebacteria. NineVMA genes that are indispensable for expression of the enzyme activity have been cloned and characterized in the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae. This review summarizes currently available information on theVMA genes and cell biological functions of theVMA gene products.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters cation exchanger (CAX) 1 and 2 utilise an electrochemical gradient to transport Ca(2+) into the vacuole to help mediate Ca(2+) homeostasis. Previous whole plant studies indicate that activity of Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters is regulated by pH. However, the pH regulation of individual Ca(2+)/H(+) antiporters has not been examined. To determine whether CAX1 and CAX2 activity is affected by pH, Ca(2+)/H(+) antiport activity was measured in vacuolar membrane vesicles isolated from yeast heterologously expressing either transporter. Ca(2+) transport by CAX1 and CAX2 was regulated by cytosolic pH and each transporter had a distinct cytosolic pH profile. Screening of CAX1/CAX2 chimeras identified an amino acid domain within CAX2 that altered the pH-dependent Ca(2+) transport profile so that it was almost identical to the pH profile of CAX1. Results from mutagenesis of a specific His residue within this domain suggests a role for this residue in pH regulation.  相似文献   

《Plant science》1988,56(2):149-154
Membranes were isolated from protoplasts of Rubus hispidus cells cultured in vitro and then separated with sucrose and Dextran T-70 gradients. Two peaks of ATPase activity were obtained. The first peak and proton pumping activity (density 1.085) was inhibited by both vanadate and nitrate. The second peak (density 1.150), was also inhibited by vanadate but not by nitrate; it closely coincided with UDP glucose-sterol-β-D-glucosyltransferase activity, a marker for plasma membrane. Tonoplast fractions isolated from vacuoles were characterized by the same nitrate- and vanadate-sensitive H+ translocating ATPase as described for the gradients.  相似文献   

Higher plant cells have one or more vacuoles important for maintaining cell turgor and for the transport and storage of ions and metabolites. One driving force for solute transport across the vacuolar membrane (tonoplast) is provided by an ATP-dependent electrogenic H+ pump. The tonoplast H+-pumping ATPase from oat roots has been solubilized with Triton X-100 and purified 16-fold by Sepharose 4B chromatography. The partially purified enzyme was sensitive to the same inhibitors (N-ethylmaleimide, N,N'-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole, 4,4'-diisothiocyano-2,2'-stilbene disulfonic acid, and NO-3) as the native membrane-bound enzyme. The partially purified enzyme was stimulated by Cl- (Km(app) = 1.0 mM) and hydrolyzed ATP with a Km(app) of 0.25 mM. Thus, the partially purified tonoplast ATPase has retained the properties of the native membrane-bound enzyme. [14C]DCCD labeled a single polypeptide (14-18 kDa) in the purified tonoplast ATPase preparation. Two major polypeptides, 72 and 60 kDa, that copurified with the ATPase activity and the 14-18-kDa DCCD-binding peptide are postulated to be subunits of a holoenzyme of 300-600 kDa (estimated by gel filtration). Despite several catalytic similarities with the mitochondrial H+-ATPase, the major polypeptides of the tonoplast ATPase differed in mass from the alpha and beta subunits (58 and 55 kDa) and the [14C] DCCD-binding proteolipid (8 kDa) of the oat F1F0-ATPase.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of the yeast vacuolar H+-ATPase proton pore   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Saccharomyces cerevisiae vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is composed of at least 13 polypeptides organized into two distinct domains, V(1) and V(0), that are structurally and mechanistically similar to the F(1)-F(0) domains of the F-type ATP synthases. The peripheral V(1) domain is responsible for ATP hydrolysis and is coupled to the mechanism of proton translocation. The integral V(0) domain is responsible for the translocation of protons across the membrane and is composed of five different polypeptides. Unlike the F(0) domain of the F-type ATP synthase, which contains 12 copies of a single 8-kDa proteolipid, the V-ATPase V(0) domain contains three proteolipid species, Vma3p, Vma11p, and Vma16p, with each proteolipid contributing to the mechanism of proton translocation (Hirata, R., Graham, L. A., Takatsuki, A., Stevens, T. H., and Anraku, Y. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 4795-4803). Experiments with hemagglutinin- and c-Myc epitope-tagged copies of the proteolipids revealed that each V(0) complex contains all three species of proteolipid with only one copy each of Vma11p and Vma16p but multiple copies of Vma3p. Since the proteolipids of the V(0) complex are predicted to possess four membrane-spanning alpha-helices, twice as many as a single F-ATPase proteolipid subunit, only six V-ATPase proteolipids would be required to form a hexameric ring-like structure similar to the F(0) domain. Therefore, each V(0) complex will likely be composed of four copies of the Vma3p proteolipid in addition to Vma11p and Vma16p. Structural differences within the membrane-spanning domains of both V(0) and F(0) may account for the unique properties of the ATP-hydrolyzing V-ATPase compared with the ATP-generating F-type ATP synthase.  相似文献   

V-ATPases are structurally conserved and functionally versatile proton pumps found in all eukaryotes. The yeast V-ATPase has emerged as a major model system, in part because yeast mutants lacking V-ATPase subunits (vma mutants) are viable and exhibit a distinctive Vma- phenotype. Yeast vma mutants are present in ordered collections of all non-essential yeast deletion mutants, and a number of additional phenotypes of these mutants have emerged in recent years from genomic screens. This review summarizes the many phenotypes that have been associated with vma mutants through genomic screening. The results suggest that V-ATPase activity is important for an unexpectedly wide range of cellular processes. For example, vma mutants are hypersensitive to multiple forms of oxidative stress, suggesting an antioxidant role for the V-ATPase. Consistent with such a role, vma mutants display oxidative protein damage and elevated levels of reactive oxygen species, even in the absence of an exogenous oxidant. This endogenous oxidative stress does not originate at the electron transport chain, and may be extra-mitochondrial, perhaps linked to defective metal ion homeostasis in the absence of a functional V-ATPase. Taken together, genomic data indicate that the physiological reach of the V-ATPase is much longer than anticipated. Further biochemical and genetic dissection is necessary to distinguish those physiological effects arising directly from the enzyme’s core functions in proton pumping and organelle acidification from those that reflect broader requirements for cellular pH homeostasis or alternative functions of V-ATPase subunits.  相似文献   

胡杨液泡膜H+-ATPase的部分纯化及其耐盐性研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
为了阐明液泡膜H^ -ATPase在盐胁迫下的作用和适应性机制,对悬浮培养的胡杨细胞在50mmol/L盐浓度下处理10d,结果表明液泡膜H^ -ATPase、焦磷酸酶的水解活性、质子泵活性增加。将通过差速离心和不连续蔗糖密度梯度离心富积的液泡膜微囊先由脱氧胆酸钠(DOC)和n-辛基-β-D-葡萄糖(OG)分步破膜抽提,经蔗糖密度梯度离心分离,部分纯化的酶含V型H^ -ATPase的主要亚基。  相似文献   

Ca(2+), Mg(2+), and K(+) activities in red beet (Beta vulgaris L.) vacuoles were evaluated using conventional ion-selective microelectrodes and, in the case of Ca(2+), by non-invasive ion flux measurements (MIFE) as well. The mean vacuolar Ca(2+) activity was approximately 0.2 mM. Modulation of the slow vacuolar (SV) channel voltage dependence by Ca(2+) in the absence and presence of other cations at their physiological concentrations was studied by patch-clamp in excised tonoplast patches. Lowering pH at the vacuolar side from 7.5 to 5.5 (at zero vacuolar Ca(2+)) did not affect the channel voltage dependence, but abolished sensitivity to luminal Ca(2+) within a physiological range of concentrations (0.1-1.0 mM). Aggregation of the physiological vacuolar Na(+) (60 mM) and Mg(2+) (8 mM) concentrations also results in the SV channel becoming almost insensitive to vacuolar Ca(2+) variation in a range from nanomoles to 0.1 mM. At physiological cation concentrations at the vacuolar side, cytosolic Ca(2+) activates the SV channel in a voltage-independent manner with K(d)=0.7-1.5 microM. Comparison of the vacuolar Ca(2+) fluxes measured by both the MIFE technique and from estimating the SV channel activity in attached patches, suggests that, at resting membrane potentials, even at elevated (20 microM) cytosolic Ca(2+), only 0.5% of SV channels are open. This mediates a Ca(2+) release of only a few pA per vacuole (approximately 0.1 pA per single SV channel). Overall, our data suggest that the release of Ca(2+) through SV channels makes little contribution to a global cytosolic Ca(2+) signal.  相似文献   

Inhibition of vacuolar H+-ATPases by fusidic acid and suramin   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Y Moriyama  N Nelson 《FEBS letters》1988,234(2):383-386
The vacuolar system of eukaryotic cells is energized by a few ATP-driven ion pumps. One of these, the H+-ATPase, plays a major role in providing the protonmotive force for several organelles, as well as maintaining the proper pH inside the organelles. Formation of the protonmotive force in organelles isolated from the vacuolar system was inhibited by fusidic acid. The inhibition results from a combination of uncoupling the proton pumping and inhibition of the H+-ATPase activity. Suramin is also a potent inhibitor of the H+-ATPase from chromaffin granules. A possible connection between these activities and inhibition of HIV infection is pointed out.  相似文献   

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