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The complete nucleotide sequence of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome X (745 442 bp) reveals a total of 379 open reading frames (ORFs), the coding region covering approximately 75% of the entire sequence. One hundred and eighteen ORFs (31%) correspond to genes previously identified in S. cerevisiae. All other ORFs represent novel putative yeast genes, whose function will have to be determined experimentally. However, 57 of the latter subset (another 15% of the total) encode proteins that show significant analogy to proteins of known function from yeast or other organisms. The remaining ORFs, exhibiting no significant similarity to any known sequence, amount to 54% of the total. General features of chromosome X are also reported, with emphasis on the nucleotide frequency distribution in the environment of the ATG and stop codons, the possible coding capacity of at least some of the small ORFs (<100 codons) and the significance of 46 non-canonical or unpaired nucleotides in the stems of some of the 24 tRNA genes recognized on this chromosome.  相似文献   

Instability of simple sequence DNA in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:20,自引:5,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
All eukaryotic genomes thus far examined contain simple sequence repeats. A particularly common simple sequence in many organisms (including humans) consists of tracts of alternating GT residues on one strand. Allelic poly(GT) tracts are often of different lengths in different individuals, indicating that they are likely to be unstable. We examined the instability of poly(GT) and poly(G) tracts in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that these tracts were dramatically unstable, altering length at a minimal rate of 10(-4) events per division. Most of the changes involved one or two repeat unit additions or deletions, although one alteration involved an interaction with the yeast telomeres.  相似文献   

The centromeric histone H3 variant (CenH3) is essential for chromosome segregation in eukaryotes. We identify posttranslational modifications of Saccharomyces cerevisiae CenH3, Cse4. Functional characterization of cse4 phosphorylation mutants shows growth and chromosome segregation defects when combined with kinetochore mutants okp1 and ame1. Using a phosphoserine-specific antibody, we show that the association of phosphorylated Cse4 with centromeres increases in response to defective microtubule attachment or reduced cohesion. We determine that evolutionarily conserved Ipl1/Aurora B contributes to phosphorylation of Cse4, as levels of phosphorylated Cse4 are reduced at centromeres in ipl1 strains in vivo, and in vitro assays show phosphorylation of Cse4 by Ipl1. Consistent with these results, we observe that a phosphomimetic cse4-4SD mutant suppresses the temperature-sensitive growth of ipl1-2 and Ipl1 substrate mutants dam1 spc34 and ndc80, which are defective for chromosome biorientation. Furthermore, cell biology approaches using a green fluorescent protein–labeled chromosome show that cse4-4SD suppresses chromosome segregation defects in dam1 spc34 strains. On the basis of these results, we propose that phosphorylation of Cse4 destabilizes defective kinetochores to promote biorientation and ensure faithful chromosome segregation. Taken together, our results provide a detailed analysis, in vivo and in vitro, of Cse4 phosphorylation and its role in promoting faithful chromosome segregation.  相似文献   

A collection of 196 spontaneous mutations in the SUP4-o gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae was analyzed by DNA sequencing. The classes of mutation identified included all possible types of base-pair substitution, deletions of various lengths, complex alterations involving multiple changes, and insertions of transposable elements. Our findings demonstrate that at least several different mechanisms are responsible for spontaneous mutagenesis in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Four fragments of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III DNA which carry ARS elements have been sequenced. Each fragment contains multiple copies of sequences that have at least 10 out of 11 bases of homology to a previously reported 11 bp core consensus sequence. A survey of these new ARS sequences and previously reported sequences revealed the presence of an additional 11 bp conserved element located on the 3' side of the T-rich strand of the core consensus. Subcloning analysis as well as deletion and transposon insertion mutagenesis of ARS fragments support a role for 3' conserved sequence in promoting ARS activity.  相似文献   

We have determined the genome structure of the centromeric region of Arabidopsis thaliana chromosome 4 by sequence analysis of BAC clones obtained by genome walking, followed by construction of a physical map using DNA of a hypomethylated strain. The total size of the centromeric region, corresponding to the recombinant inbred (RI) markers between mi87 and mi167, was approximately 5.3 megabases (Mb). This value is over 3 Mb longer than that previously estimated by the Arabidopsis Genome Initiative (Nature, 408, 796-815, 2000). Although we could not cover the entire centromeric region by BAC clones because of the presence of highly repetitive sequences in the middle (2.7 Mb), the cloned regions spanning approximately 1 Mb at both sides of the gap were newly sequenced. These results together with the reported sequences in the adjacent regions suggest that the centromeric region is principally composed of a central domain of 2.7 Mb, consisting of mainly 180-bp repeats and Athila elements, and upper and lower flanking regions of 1.55 Mb and 1 Mb, respectively. The flanking regions were predominantly composed of various types of transposable elements, except for the upper end moiety in which a large 5S rDNA array (0.65 Mb) and central domain-like sequence are present. Such an organization is essentially identical to the centromeric region of chromosome 5 reported previously.  相似文献   

Centromeric DNA from chromosome VI in Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains   总被引:29,自引:5,他引:29       下载免费PDF全文
The functional sequence from the centromere in chromosome VI ( CEN6 ) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was narrowed down to a stretch of 500 bp by a Bal31 deletion approach. The DNA sequence in this region shows three long stretches, 40 bp, 96 bp, and 63 bp of 85% and more AT pairs and a pyrimidine purine bias in the individual single strands. We assume that the CEN6 functional sequences encompass these AT-rich stretches because this part shows striking similarities to sequence elements common to CEN3 and CEN11 DNA. A strain comparison revealed that CEN6 DNA sequences are confined to the Saccharomyces genus and probably only to the S. cerevisiae species. CEN6 is not highly conserved within S. cerevisiae strains because EcoRI and HindIII restriction site variants are found with high frequency.  相似文献   

C. Lee  X. Li  E. W. Jabs  D. Court  C. C. Lin 《Chromosoma》1995,104(2):103-112
The cosmid clone, CX16-2D12, was previously localized to the centromeric region of the human X chromosome and shown to lack human X-specific satellite DNA. A 1.2 kb EcoRI fragment was subcloned from the CX16-2D12 cosmid and was named 2D12/E2. DNA sequencing revealed that this 1,205 bp fragment consisted of approximately five tandemly repeated DNA monomers of 220 bp. DNA sequence homology between the monomers of 2D12/E2 ranged from 72.8% to 78.6%. Interestingly, DNA sequence analysis of the 2D12/E2 clone displayed a change in monomer unit orientation between nucleotide positions 585–586 from a tail-to-head arrangement to a head-to-tail configuration. This may reflect the existence of at least one inversion within this repetitive DNA array in the centromeric region of the human X chromosome. The DNA consensus sequence derived from a compilation of these 220 bp monomers had approximately 62% DNA sequence similarity to the previously determined 8 satellite DNA consensus sequence. Comparison of the 2D12/E2 and 8 consensus sequences revealed a 20 bp DNA sequence that was well conserved in both DNA consensus sequences. Slot-blot analysis revealed that this repetitive DNA sequence comprises approximately 0.015% of the human genome, similar to that found with 8 satellite DNA. These observations suggest that this satellite DNA clone is derived from a subfamily of satellite DNA and is thus designated X satellite DNA. When genomic DNA from six unrelated males and two unrelated females was cut with SstI or HpaI and separated by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, no restriction fragment length polymorphisms were observed for either X (2D12/E2) or 8 (50E4) probes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization localized the 2D12/E2 clone to the lateral sides of the primary constriction specifically on the human X chromosome.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae centromeres have a characteristic 120-base-pair region consisting of three distinct centromere DNA sequence elements (CDEI, CDEII, and CDEIII). We have generated a series of 26 CEN mutations in vitro (including 22 point mutations, 3 insertions, and 1 deletion) and tested their effects on mitotic chromosome segregation by using a new vector system. The yeast transformation vector pYCF5 was constructed to introduce wild-type and mutant CEN DNAs onto large, linear chromosome fragments which are mitotically stable and nonessential. Six point mutations in CDEI show increased rates of chromosome loss events per cell division of 2- to 10-fold. Twenty mutations in CDEIII exhibit chromosome loss rates that vary from wild type (10(-4)) to nonfunctional (greater than 10(-1)). These results directly identify nucleotides within CDEI and CDEIII that are required for the specification of a functional centromere and show that the degree of conservation of an individual base does not necessarily reflect its importance in mitotic CEN function.  相似文献   

Radiation-induced chromosome aberrations, particularly exchange-type aberrations, are thought to result from misrepair of DNA double-strand breaks. The relationship between individual pathways of break repair and aberration formation is not clear. By electrophoretic karyotyping of single-cell clones derived from irradiated cells, we have analyzed the induction of stable aberrations in haploid yeast cells mutated for the RAD52 gene, the RAD54 gene, the HDF1(= YKU70) gene, or combinations thereof. We found low and comparable frequencies of aberrational events in wildtype and hdf1 mutants, and assume that in these strains most of the survivors descended from cells that were in G2 phase during irradiation and therefore able to repair breaks by homologous recombination between sister chromatids. In the rad52 and the rad54 strains, enhanced formation of aberrations, mostly exchange-type aberrations, was detected, demonstrating the misrepair activity of a rejoining mechanism other than homologous recombination. No aberration was found in the rad52 hdf1 double mutant, and the frequency in the rad54 hdf1 mutant was very low. Hence, misrepair resulting in exchange-type aberrations depends largely on the presence of Hdf1, a component of the nonhomologous end-joining pathway in yeast.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of three subunits, Pol3 (125 kDa), Pol31 (55 kDa), and Pol32 (40 kDa), present at a 1:1:1 stoichiometry in purified preparations. Previously, based on gel filtration studies of Pol delta, we suggested that the enzyme may be a dimer of catalytic cores, with dimerization mediated by the Pol32 subunit (Burgers, P. M., and Gerik, K. J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 19756-19762). We now report on extensive gel filtration, glycerol gradient sedimentation, and analytical equilibrium centrifugation studies of Pol delta and of several subassemblies of Pol delta. The hydrodynamic parameters of these assemblies indicate that (i) Pol32 is a rod-shaped protein with a frictional ratio f/f(0) = 2.22; (ii) any complex containing Pol32 also has an extremely asymmetric shape; (iii) the results of these studies are independent of concentration (varied between 0.1-20 microm); (iv) all complexes are monomeric under the conditions studied (up to 20 microm). Moreover, a two-hybrid analysis of the Pol32 subunit did not detect a Pol32-Pol32 interaction in vivo. Therefore, we conclude that the assembly structure of Pol delta is that of a monomer.  相似文献   

At the core of chromosome segregation is the centromere, which nucleates the assembly of a macromolecular kinetochore (centromere DNA and associated proteins) complex responsible for mediating spindle attachment. Recent advances in centromere research have led to identification of many kinetochore components, such as the centromeric-specific histone H3 variant, CenH3, and its interacting partner, Scm3. Both are essential for chromosome segregation and are evolutionarily conserved from yeast to humans. CenH3 is proposed to be the epigenetic mark that specifies centromeric identity. Molecular mechanisms that regulate the assembly of kinetochores at specific chromosomal sites to mediate chromosome segregation are not fully understood. In this review, we summarize the current literature and discuss results from our laboratory, which show that restricting the localization of budding yeast CenH3, Cse4, to centromeres and balanced stoichiometry between Scm3 and Cse4, contribute to faithful chromosome transmission. We highlight our findings that, similar to other eukaryotic centromeres, budding yeast centromeric histone H4 is hypoacetylated, and we discuss how altered histone acetylation affects chromosome segregation. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Chromatin in time and space.  相似文献   

H L Klein 《Genetics》2001,159(4):1501-1509
Genomic instability is one of the hallmarks of cancer cells and is often the causative factor in revealing recessive gene mutations that progress cells along the pathway to unregulated growth. Genomic instability can take many forms, including aneuploidy and changes in chromosome structure. Chromosome loss, loss and reduplication, and deletions are the majority events that result in loss of heterozygosity (LOH). Defective DNA replication, repair, and recombination can significantly increase the frequency of spontaneous genomic instability. Recently, DNA damage checkpoint functions that operate during the S-phase checkpoint have been shown to suppress spontaneous chromosome rearrangements in haploid yeast strains. To further study the role of DNA damage checkpoint functions in genomic stability, we have determined chromosome loss in DNA damage checkpoint-deficient yeast strains. We have found that the DNA damage checkpoints are essential for preserving the normal chromosome number and act synergistically with homologous recombination functions to ensure that chromosomes are segregated correctly to daughter cells. Failure of either of these processes increases LOH events. However, loss of the G2/M checkpoint does not result in an increase in chromosome loss, suggesting that it is the various S-phase DNA damage checkpoints that suppress chromosome loss. The mec1 checkpoint function mutant, defective in the yeast ATR homolog, results in increased recombination through a process that is distinct from that operative in wild-type cells.  相似文献   

The characterization of a new system to study the induction of plasmid-chromosome recombination is described. Single-stranded and double-stranded centromeric vectors bearing 8-methoxypsoralen photoinduced lesions were used to transform a wild-type yeast strain bearing the leu2-3,112 marker. Using the SSCP methodology and DNA sequencing, it was demonstrated that repair of the lesions in plasmid DNA was mainly due to conversion of the chromosomal allele to the plasmid DNA.  相似文献   

The Trf4p/Pol sigma DNA polymerase (formerly Trf4p/Pol kappa) couples DNA replication to the establishment of sister chromatid cohesion. The polymerase is encoded by two redundant homologs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TRF4 and TRF5, that together define a fourth essential nuclear DNA polymerase in yeast and probably in all eukaryotes. Here we present a thorough genetic analysis of the founding member of this novel family of DNA polymerases, TRF4. Analyses of mutants carrying 1 of 34 "surface-targeted" alanine scanning mutations in TRF4 have identified those regions required for Pol sigma's essential function, for its role in DNA double-strand break repair, and for its association with chromosomes. The data strongly support the importance of the regions of predicted structural similarity with the Pol beta superfamily as critical for Trf4p/Pol sigma's essential and repair functions. Surprisingly, five lethal mutations lie outside all polymerase homology in a C-terminal region. The protein possesses Mg2+-dependent 3' to 5' exonuclease activity. Cell cycle analysis reveals that Trf4p/Pol sigma associates with chromosomes in G1, S, and G2 phases, but that association is abolished coincident with dissolution of cohesion at the metaphase-to-anaphase transition.  相似文献   

Strains monosomic for chromosome I of Saccharomyces cerevisiae contain 25 to 35% fewer rRNA genes than do normal diploid strains. When these strains are repeatedly subcultured, colonies are isolated that have magnified their number of rRNA genes to the diploid amount while remaining monosomic for chromosome I. We have determined the amount of DNA complementary to rRNA in viable haploid spores derived from a magnified monosomic strain. Some of these haploids contained 24 to 48% more rRNA genes than a normal euploid strain. These extra genes may be responsible for the increased number of rRNA genes in the strain monosomic for chromosome I. Genetic analysis of the haploids containing extra rRNA genes suggested that these genes are linked to chromosomal DNA and are heterozygous. They were not closely linked to any centromere and were not located on chromosome I. Furthermore, all the DNA complementary to rRNA in one of these haploid strains with magnified rRNA genes sedimented at a chromosomal molecular weight, consistent with chromosomal linkage. In addition, several new mutations mapping on chromosome I were used to show that ribosomal DNA magnification was not due to a chromosome I duplication.  相似文献   

As a model system for studying the properties of mitotic recombination in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we have examined recombination between a recombinant plasmid (introduced into the S. cerevisiae cell by transformation) and homologous chromosomal loci. The recombinant plasmids used in these experiments contained S. cerevisiae rRNA genes. We found that the frequency of integrative recombination is sensitive to small amounts of sequence heterogeneity. In addition, the frequency and specificity of these recombination events are affected by the lengths of the interacting homologous DNA sequences.  相似文献   

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