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This study was conducted to evaluate the potential adverse effects of styrene on reproductive capability from whole-body inhalation exposure of F0 and F1 parental animals. Assessments included gonadal function, estrous cyclicity, mating behavior, conception rate, gestation, parturition, lactation, and weaning in the F0 and F1 generations, and F1 generation offspring growth and development. Four groups of male and female Crl:CD(SD)IGS BR rats (25/sex/group) were exposed to 0, 50, 150, and 500 ppm styrene for 6 hr daily for at least 70 consecutive days prior to mating for the F0 and F1 generations. Inhalation exposure for the F0 and F1 females continued throughout mating and gestation through gestation day 20. Inhalation exposure of the F0 and F1 females was suspended from gestation day 21 through lactation day 4. On lactation days 1 through 4, the F0 and F1 females received styrene in virgin olive oil via oral gavage at dose levels of 66, 117, and 300 mg/kg/day (divided into three equal doses, approximately 2 hr apart). These oral dosages were calculated to provide similar maternal blood peak concentrations as provided by the inhalation exposures. Inhalation exposure of the F0 and F1 females was re-initiated on lactation day 5. Styrene exposure did not affect survival or clinical observations. Rats in the 150- and 500-ppm groups in both parental generations gained weight more slowly than the controls. There were no indications of adverse effects on reproductive performance in either the F0 or F1 generation. Male and female mating and fertility indices, pre-coital intervals, spermatogenic endpoints, reproductive organ weights, lengths of estrous cycle and gestation, live litter size and postnatal survival were similar in all exposure groups. Additionally, ovarian follicle counts and corpora lutea counts for the F1 females in the high-exposure group were similar to the control values. No adverse exposure-related macroscopic pathology was noted at any exposure level in the F0 and F1 generations. A previously characterized pattern of degeneration of the olfactory epithelium that lines the dorsal septum and dorsal and medial aspects of the nasal turbinates occurred in the F0 and F1 generation animals from the 500-ppm group. In the 500-ppm group, F2 birthweights were reduced compared to the control and F2 offspring from both the 150- and 500-ppm exposure groups gained weight more slowly than the controls. Based on the results of this study, an exposure level of 50 ppm was considered to be the NOAEL for F0 and F1 parental systemic toxicity; the NOAEL for F0 and F1 reproductive toxicity was 500 ppm or greater.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was conducted to evaluate the potential adverse effects of whole-body inhalation exposure of F0 and F1 parental animals from a 2-generation reproduction study of ethylbenzene on nervous system functional and/or morphologic end points in the F2 offspring from four groups of male and female Crl:CD (SD)IGS BR rats. METHODS: Thirty rats/sex/group for F0 and 25/sex/group for F1 were exposed to 0, 25, 100, and 500 ppm ethylbenzene for six hours daily for at least 70 consecutive days prior to mating for the F0 and F1 generations. Inhalation exposure for the F0 and F1 females continued throughout mating and gestation through Gestation Day (GD) 20. On lactation days (LD) 1-4, the F0 and F1 females received no inhalation exposure, but instead were administered ethylbenzene in corn oil via oral gavage at dosages estimated to result in similar internal maternal exposure based upon PBPK modeling estimates (0, 26, 90, and 342 mg/kg/day, respectively, divided into three equal doses, approximately two hours apart). Inhalation exposure of the F0 and F1 females was reinitiated on LD 5 and continued through weaning on postnatal day (PND) 21. Survival, body weights, and physical landmarks were assessed in selected F2 offspring. Neurobehavioral development of one F2-generation treatment derived offspring/sex/litter was assessed in a functional observational battery (FOB; PND 4, 11, 22, 45, and 60), motor activity sessions (PND 13, 17, 21, and 61), acoustic startle testing (PND 20 and 60), a Biel water maze learning and memory task (initiated on PND 26 or 62), and in evaluations of whole-brain measurements and brain morphometric and histologic assessments (PND 21 and 72). RESULTS: There were no adverse effects on reproductive performance in either the F0 or F1 parental generations exposed to up to 500 ppm ethylbenzene [Faber et al. Birth Defects Res Part B 77:10-21, 2006]. In the current developmental neurotoxicity component, parental ethylbenzene exposure did not adversely affect offspring survival, clinical condition, body weight parameters, or acquisition of developmental landmarks of the F2-generation treatment derived offspring. There were no alterations in FOB parameters, motor activity counts, acoustic startle endpoints, or Biel water maze performance in offspring attributed to parental ethylbenzene exposure. A few isolated instances of statistically significant differences obtained in the treatment-derived groups occurred sporadically, and were attributed to unusual patterns of development and/or behavior in the concurrent control group. There were no exposure-related differences in any neuropathology parameters in the F2-generation treatment derived offspring. CONCLUSIONS: The no observed adverse effect level (NOAEL) for maternal reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity, and developmental neurotoxicity in this study was considered to be 500 ppm/342 mg/kg/day ethylbenzene, the highest exposure level tested in the study.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to assess potential adverse functional and/or morphological effects of styrene on the neurological system in the F2 offspring following F0 and F1 generation whole-body inhalation exposures. Four groups of male and female Crl:CD (SD)IGS BR rats (25/sex/group) were exposed to 0, 50, 150, and 500 ppm styrene for 6 hr daily for at least 70 consecutive days prior to mating for the F0 and F1 generations. Inhalation exposure continued for the F0 and F1 females throughout mating and through gestation day 20. On lactation days 1 through 4, the F0 and F1 females received styrene in virgin olive oil via oral gavage at dose levels of 66, 117, and 300 mg/kg/day (divided into three equal doses, approximately 2 hr apart). Inhalation exposure of the F0 and F1 females was re-initiated on lactation day 5 and continued through weaning of the F1 or F2 pups on postnatal day (PND) 21. Developmental landmarks were assessed in F1 and F2 offspring. The neurological development of randomly selected pups from the F2 generation was assessed by functional observational battery, locomotor activity, acoustic startle response, learning and memory evaluations, brain weights and dimension measurements, and brain morphometric and histologic evaluation. Styrene exposure did not affect survival or the clinical condition of the animals. As expected from previous studies, slight body weight and histopathologic effects on the nasal olfactory epithelium were found in F0 and F1 rats exposed to 500 ppm and, to a lesser extent, 150 ppm. There were no indications of adverse effects on reproductive performance in either the F0 or F1 generation. There were exposure-related reductions in mean body weights of the F1 and F2 offspring from the mid and high-exposure groups and an overall pattern of slightly delayed development evident in the F2 offspring only from the 500-ppm group. This developmental delay included reduced body weight (which continued through day 70) and slightly delayed acquisition of some physical landmarks of development. Styrene exposure of the F0 and F1 animals had no effect on survival, the clinical condition or necropsy findings of the F2 animals. Functional observational battery evaluations conducted for all F1 dams during the gestation and lactation periods and for the F2 offspring were unaffected by styrene exposure. Swimming ability as determined by straight channel escape times measured on PND 24 were increased, and reduced grip strength values were evident for both sexes on PND 45 and 60 in the 500-ppm group compared to controls. There were no other parental exposure-related findings in the F2 pre-weaning and post-weaning functional observational battery assessments, the PND 20 and PND 60 auditory startle habituation parameters, in endpoints of learning and memory performance (escape times and errors) in the Biel water maze task at either testing age, or in activity levels measured on PND 61 in the 500-ppm group. Taken together, the exposure-related developmental and neuromotor changes identified in F2 pups from dams exposed to 500 ppm occurred in endpoints known to be both age- and weight-sensitive parameters, and were observed in the absence of any other remarkable indicators of neurobehavioral toxicity. Based on the results of this study, an exposure level of 50 ppm was considered to be the NOAEL for growth of F2 offspring; an exposure level of 500 ppm was considered to be the NOAEL for F2 developmental neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

Abstract Pseudomonas fluorescens EB carries genes for the catabolism of ethylbenzene and 1-phenylethanol on a plasmid. The size of the plasmid as measured by analysis of agarose electrophoresis gels after restriction endonuclease hydrolysis, was 253–267 kb. By treatment with Mitomycin C, mutants of EB strain were obtained bearing a plasmid which had undergone an extensive deletion of about 80 kb. These mutants have lost the ability to grow on ethylbenzene and 1-phenylethanol as well as to synthesize meta-cleavage enzymes.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Parabens are widely used preservatives in cosmetics and pharmaceutical products, and approved as food additives. Parabens have been considered safe for these uses for many years. Recently, adverse effects on male reproductive parameters in rats have been reported when parabens were given orally for 8 weeks starting at three weeks of age. Our studies used two representative parabens, methyl‐ and butylparaben, to try to replicate these studies and thereby evaluate potential reproductive effects in male Wistar rats. METHODS: Diets containing 0, 100, 1000 or 10,000 ppm of either butyl‐ or methylparaben were fed to male rats for eight weeks. Rats were 22 days of age at the start of exposure. Parameters evaluated included organ weights, histopathology of reproductive tissues, sperm production, motility, morphology and reproductive hormone levels (butylparaben only). RESULTS: None of the parameters evaluated for either paraben showed compound‐ or dosage‐dependent adverse effects. Metabolism experiments of butylparaben indicate that it is rapidly metabolized by non‐specific esterases to p‐hydroxybenzoic acid and butanol, neither of which is estrogenic. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to methyl‐ or butylparaben in the diet for eight weeks did not affect any male reproductive organs or parameters at exposures as high as 10,000 ppm, corresponding to a mean daily dose of 1,141.1±58.9 or 1,087.6±67.8 mg/kg/day for methyl‐ and butylparaben, respectively. The rapid metabolism of parabens by esterases probably explains why these weakly estrogenic substances elicit no in vivo effects when administered by relevant exposure routes (i.e., topical and oral). Birth Defects Research (Part B) 2008. 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Spirulina (Spirulina platensis), has numerous health benefits including antioxidant, immunomodulatory, and anti-inflammatory activities, works against heavy metal toxicity, and is often used as a food supplement in human, animals, birds and fishes. This study aimed to evaluate the protective ability of the dietary spirulina against the toxic effects of inorganic arsenic (iAs) on male reproductive parameters in rats. Seventy-two mature Long-Evans male rats, dividing into six groups (T0, T1, T2, T3, T4 and T5) (12 rats/group) were included in this study. The T3, T4 and T5 group rats were treated with three consecutive doses (1.0 g, 1.5 g and 2.0 g/kg feed) of spirulina in feed along with 3.0 mg NaAsO2/kg body weight (BW) in drinking water (DW) daily for 90 days. Each rat of group T1 received NaAsO2 (3.0 mg/kg BW) in DW, and those of T2 group were fed with spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) daily for 90 days. The rats of group T0 served as the control with normal feed and water. Total arsenic (tAs) contents, reproductive parameters (testicular weight, sperm motility and morphology), and histological changes in the testicles were evaluated in these rats. Arsenic dosing significantly (p=0.003, Kruskal-Wallis test) increased the tAs contents in the testicles, decreased testes weight, sperm morphology and motility compared to the controls. The effect of arsenic dosing was also evidenced by the histological changes like decreased germinal layers in the seminiferous tubules of the treated rats. Moreover, dietary spirulina (2.0 g/kg feed) supplementation significantly (p=0.011, Kruskal-Wallis test) lowered tAs contents in testicles and increases testes weights, sperm motility and morphology. Therefore, spirulina can be used as an effective dietary supplement to ameliorate the adverse effects of arsenic induced reproductive toxicities. However, further study is required to elucidate the underlying molecular mechanisms of reduction of arsenic induced reproductive toxicity by spirulina.  相似文献   

The effect of treatment with combined butylparaben and triclosan on male gonadal toxicity in weanling rats was investigated. All treated groups experienced atrophy in the ventral prostate and seminal vesicle, likewise significant depletion in the number and motility of sperm. Given individually or combined butylparaben and triclosan, significantly decreased testosterone, luteinizing hormone, and follicle‐stimulating hormone levels. Individual treatment with tested compounds caused significant elevation in the E2 level, whereas combined treatment did not alter the E2 level. Testicular DNA damage was recorded in all treated groups. Moreover, the testicular malondialdehyde level was significantly elevated, along with a significant decrease in catalase enzyme activity in all treated groups. Superoxide dismutase enzyme activity was significantly decreased in the butylparaben‐treated group, increased in the triclosan‐treated group, and nonsignificantly changed the butylparaben‐triclosan‐treated group. The combined treatment produced an endocrine disturbance with a concomitant induction of testicular oxidative stress, which may represent a common mechanism of endocrine disruptor‐mediated dysfunction.  相似文献   

This study reports the biological half-time of amorphous nickel monosulfide(NiS(A)) aerosol retained in rat lungs. Wistar male rats were exposed to NiS(A) aerosols (mass median aerodynamic diameter: 4.0 μm) for a single 4 h exposure, or for 7 h/d, 5 d/wk for 1 mo. The average exposure concentrations were controlled at 107 mg/m3 for the single exposure and at 8.8 mg/m3 for the repeated exposures by a dust generator consisting of a continuous fluidized bed with an overflow pipe and a screw feeder. After the exposures, the nickel contents in the rat organs, blood, and urine were measured and histopathological examinations were performed. The biological half time of NiS(A) in rat lungs was 20 h, which was extremely shorter than 21 mo of green nickel oxide (NiO(G)). There were no malignant tumors in any of the exposure groups.  相似文献   

吸烟作为一个社会问题受到广泛关注,目前研究认为吸烟可对生殖系统存在有害影响。从吸烟对睾丸功能、精液质量、生殖内分泌功能的影响及吸烟对生殖细胞的遗传毒作用几个方面,总结了近几年国内外有关吸烟对男性生殖与遗传毒性研究进展,为进一步研究吸烟的生殖毒性提供参考。  相似文献   

The relationships between age and size at reproduction and lifetime reproductive output of male Japanese fluvial sculpin Cottus pollux were estimated by a mark-recapture study. Although all males were physiologically capable of breeding at age 2 years, age at first successful reproduction varied amongst individuals. Males with delayed reproduction had lower net reproductive rate than males that bred at age 2 years on average suggesting that age at first reproduction was a conditional strategy. Males that delayed reproduction were significantly smaller at age 1 and 2 years than males that bred at age 2 years. Despite no significant difference in body size of hatched yolk-sac larvae between the early and late phase of the breeding season, by May of the first year of life, progeny from nests in the early phase had hatched earlier and were larger than those from the nests in the late phase. The results suggested an important effect of timing of reproduction of parents on the growth and subsequent age at first reproduction of their progeny.  相似文献   

从铅对睾丸与附睾形态、精子生成和发育以及生殖内分泌功能等三方面的影响综述了铅对雄性生殖毒性的研究进展;并从铅对睾丸的脂质过氧化损伤,对睾丸标志酶活性的影响,对染色体、DNA及基因的影响以及对CaM、Ca2 -ATP酶活性的影响等方面探讨了铅对雄性生殖毒性作用机理。同时,提出了铅对雄性生殖毒性的研究中存在的若干问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

The metabolic cost of reproduction in an oviparous lizard   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

Species following a fast life history are expected to express fitness costs mainly as increased mortality, while slow‐lived species should suffer fertility costs. Because observational studies have limited power to disentangle intrinsic and extrinsic factors influencing senescence, we manipulated reproductive effort experimentally in the cavy (Cavia aperea) which produces extremely precocial young. We created two experimental groups: One was allowed continuous reproduction (CR) and the other intermittent reproduction (IR) by removing males at regular intervals. We predicted that the CR females should senesce (and die) earlier and produce either fewer and/or smaller, slower growing offspring per litter than those of the IR group. CR females had 16% more litters during three years than IR females. CR females increased mass and body condition more steeply and both remained higher until the experiment ended. Female survival showed no group difference. Reproductive senescence in litter size, litter mass, and reproductive effort (litter mass/maternal mass) began after about 600 days and was slightly stronger in CR than IR females. Litter size, litter mass, and offspring survival declined with maternal age and were influenced by seasonality. IR females decreased reproductive effort less during cold seasons and only at higher age than CR females. Nevertheless, offspring winter mortality was higher in IR females. Our results show small costs of reproduction despite high reproductive effort, suggesting that under ad libitum food conditions costs depend largely on internal regulation of allocation decisions.  相似文献   

Understanding the costs and regulation of reproduction in primates requires understanding the separate but linked effects of energy availability and total energy expenditure (TEE). We compared variation in TEE and energy intake (EI) between two periods, early lactation and after the resumption of sexual cycling, for eight females from two groups of normally reproducing colony-living baboons (Papio h. anubis). Total energy expenditure was assessed using the doubly labeled water method. TEE was correlated with maternal mass both during early lactation and after the resumption of cycling. TEE after the resumption of cycling was positively related to infant growth rates; mothers with rapidly growing infants had higher energy expenditure. TEE was however unrelated to maternal rank and only weakly associated with reproductive parameters such as delay to conception. EI in early lactation was related to infant mass and interbirth intervals, but unrelated to infant growth or reproductive parameters once cycling had resumed. Energy availability (EA; the difference between intake and expenditure) differed significantly between subordinate and dominant females during early lactation, was highly variable among individuals as a function of body composition, and is suggested to follow a nonlinear relationship as a complex function of social status, lactation stage, infant growth, and female fertility. Thus, as a consequence of reduced energy availability, subordinate females in this captive context may experience reproductive delays even though the total energy expenditure after the return of cycling was similar between high and low ranking females.  相似文献   

Mercury in the environment that arises from organic and inorganic sources can cause irreversible damage to the nervous system. Toxicity may be direct or may arise from interactions with other metals in the environment. We evaluated the possible effects of mercury vapor on rat cerebellum. Twelve adult female rats were divided into control and experimental groups. The rats in the experimental group were exposed to mercury vapor for 9 h/day for 45 days. Cerebellar tissue samples were evaluated using stereology and for histopathology. The total number of Purkinje cells was estimated using a physical disector method. We found that in the experimental group, overall volume decreased and the number of Purkinje cells was reduced. We also found cellular damage including pycnotic nuclei, eosinophilic cytoplasm and vacuolization; these features were absent in the control group. We found that chronic exposure to inorganic mercury vapor is toxic to the cerebellum.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant and pollinator is considered as the mutualism because plant benefits from the pollinator's transport of male gametes and pollinator benefits from plant's reward.Nectar robbers are frequently described as cheaters in the plant-pollinator mutualism,because it is assumed that they obtain a reward (nectar) without providing a service (pollination).Nectar robbers are birds,insects,or other flower visitors that remove nectar from flowers through a hole pierced or bitten in the corolla.Nectar robbing represents a complex relationship between animals and plants.Whether plants benefit from the relationship is always a controversial issue in earlier studies.This paper is a review of the recent literatures on nectar robbing and attempts to acquire an expanded understanding of the ecological and evolutionary roles that robbers play.Understanding the effects of nectar robbers on the plants that they visited and other flower visitors is especially important when one considers the high rates of robbing that a plant population may experience and the high percentage of all flower visitors that nectar robbers make to some species.There are two standpoints in explaining why animals forage on flowers and steal nectar in an illegitimate behavior.One is that animals can only get food in illegitimate way because of the mismatch of the morphologies of animals'mouthparts and floral structure.The other point of view argues that nectar robbing is a relatively more efficient,thus more energy-saving way for animals to get nectar from flowers.This is probably associated with the difficulty of changing attitudes that have been held for a long time.In the case of positive effect,the bodies of nectar robbers frequently touch the sex organs of plants during their visiting to the flowers and causing pollination.The neutral effect,nectar robbers' behavior may destruct the corollas of flowers,but they neither touch the sex organs nor destroy the ovules.Their behavior does not affect the fruit sets or seed sets of the hosting plant.Besides the direct impacts on plants,nectar robbers may also have an indirect effect on the behavior of the legitimate pollinators.Under some circumstances,the change in pollinator behavior could result in improved reproductive fitness of plants through increased pollen flow and out-crossing.  相似文献   

The relationship between plant and pollinator is considered as the mutualism because plant benefits from the pollinator’s transport of male gametes and pollinator benefits from plant’s reward. Nectar robbers are frequently described as cheaters in the plant-pollinator mutualism, because it is assumed that they obtain a reward (nectar) without providing a service (pollination). Nectar robbers are birds, insects, or other flower visitors that remove nectar from flowers through a hole pierced or bitten in the corolla. Nectar robbing represents a complex relationship between animals and plants. Whether plants benefit from the relationship is always a controversial issue in earlier studies. This paper is a review of the recent literatures on nectar robbing and attempts to acquire an expanded understanding of the ecological and evolutionary roles that robbers play. Understanding the effects of nectar robbers on the plants that they visited and other flower visitors is especially important when one considers the high rates of robbing that a plant population may experience and the high percentage of all flower visitors that nectar robbers make to some species. There are two standpoints in explaining why animals forage on flowers and steal nectar in an illegitimate behavior. One is that animals can only get food in illegitimate way because of the mismatch of the morphologies of animals’ mouthparts and floral structure. The other point of view argues that nectar robbing is a relatively more efficient, thus more energy-saving way for animals to get nectar from flowers. This is probably associated with the difficulty of changing attitudes that have been held for a long time. In the case of positive effect, the bodies of nectar robbers frequently touch the sex organs of plants during their visiting to the flowers and causing pollination. The neutral effect, nectar robbers’ behavior may destruct the corollas of flowers, but they neither touch the sex organs nor destroy the ovules. Their behavior does not affect the fruit sets or seed sets of the hosting plant. Besides the direct impacts on plants, nectar robbers may also have an indirect effect on the behavior of the legitimate pollinators. Under some circumstances, the change in pollinator behavior could result in improved reproductive fitness of plants through increased pollen flow and out-crossing. __________ Translated from Acta phytoecologiaca Sinica, 2006, 30(4): 695–702 [译自: 植物生态学报]  相似文献   

Although studies on laboratory species and natural populations of vertebrates have shown reproduction to impair later performance, little is known of the age-specific associations between reproduction and survival, and how such findings apply to the ageing of large, long-lived species. Herein we develop a framework to examine population-level patterns of reproduction and survival across lifespan in long-lived organisms, and decompose those changes into individual-level effects, and the effects of age-specific trade-offs between fitness components. We apply this to an extensive longitudinal dataset on female semi-captive Asian timber elephants (Elephas maximus) and report the first evidence of age-specific fitness declines that are driven by age-specific associations between fitness components in a long-lived mammal. Associations between reproduction and survival are positive in early life, but negative in later life with up to 71% of later-life survival declines associated with investing in the production of offspring within this population of this critically endangered species.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND : Recently, male reproductive disturbances caused by organic pollutants have aroused particular public concern about the safety of drinking water. The aim of this study was to investigate the toxicity of organic extracts (OE) in tap water from the source of the Jialing River in China on the reproductive system of male mice. METHODS : Kunming male mice were randomly divided into four groups, which included a solvent control (dimethylsulfoxide), a low‐, mid‐, and high‐dose of OE (12.5, 25, and 50 l/kg bw/day, respectively) treated groups. Mice were administered intraperitoneal injections of OE at different doses for five consecutive days. On the 15th day, after treatments, the mice were sacrificed. RESULTS : The results showed that the number of epididymal sperm in the high OE group was decreased significantly (p<0.05); however, the frequency of sperm abnormalities in all treated groups were increased significantly (p<0.05). In addition, serum testosterone and follicle‐stimulating hormone levels in the treated groups were also decreased significantly (p<0.05), and mid‐ and high‐doses of OE resulted in a significant decrease in the activity of acid phosphatase and increased activity of γ‐glutamyl transpeptidase (p<0.05). Histological changes were observed in the mid‐ and high‐dose OE‐treated groups. CONCLUSIONS : The findings of this study suggest that mid and high doses of OE could disturb the male reproductive system in mice. The potential adverse effects of these compounds on the male reproductive system are worthy of further study. Birth Defects Res (Part B) 92:1–9, 2010. © 2011 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In nectar-feeding butterflies, reproductive potential is usually thought to depend on the size of the reproductive reserves in the abdomen, the adult food quality and, for females, the amount of resources received in the spermatophores at mating. Recent findings show that thorax mass and nitrogen content decrease with age in some butterfly species, and that thorax resources may be used for reproduction in the butterfly Pieris napi , just as in some other insects. In order to determine whether this is a general pattern and ascertain how it relates to the investment of resources in reproduction we studied the dynamics of thorax and abdomen mass changes in 11 Swedish butterfly species. By regressing thorax and abdomen mass on age of field-collected specimens, we show that loss of mass from both the thorax and the abdomen is a common phenomenon among nectar-feeding temperate zone butterflies under natural conditions. We argue that our results indicate that resources from flight muscles can be reallocated to reproduction by these butterflies, thus increasing their reproductive potential. Within species, females use proportionately more resources from the thorax than do males, as expected from the difference in investment of resources in reproduction. Among males we expect species with a higher reproductive investment to have a larger decrease in thorax and abdomen mass, and our data indicate that this is the case. Looking at the change in relative thorax mass, our results suggest that the use of resources from the thorax does not affect flight performance negatively, something that could constrain the use of muscle resources.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 363–380.  相似文献   

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