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The Hongguleleng Formation, the highest and most important Devonian marine carbonate horizon in western Junggar, contains an endemic shallow-water IcriodusPolygnathus conodont fauna with rare palmatolepids and other genera. The conodont faunas from the Bulongguoer and the Wulankeshun sections are similar, with high abundance (about 40%) of endemic taxa (13 taxa), indicating isolation of the Junggar Basin during early Famennian. Non-endemic species in the faunas suggest that the Lower Member of the Hongguleleng Formation is assignable to the Pa. rhomboidea Zone to the Pa. marginifera marginifera Zone of early Famennian, not including the Frasnian–Famennian boundary. The Upper Member may be of late Famennian–early Tournaisian in age on the basis of our preliminary faunal analysis.  相似文献   

Summary At the Devonian/Carboniferous boundary, major climatic and oceanographic changes influenced sedimentation on carbonate platforms and in peri-platfrom asreas. Three deep-water carbonate successions in Moravia, which were selected to represent different paleotectonic settings, have been studied with the aim of testing the influence of eustatic, climatic and tectonic controls on sedimentation and conodont paleoecology and taphonomy. On the slopes of the wide carbonate platforms of the Moravian Karst Development (Lesní lom and Grygov sections), an exemplary highstand shedding systems developed in the upper Famennian (expansa Zone), marked by a pronounced thickness of their respective calciturbidite successions and an abundance of shallow-water skeletal grains.Palamatolepis— andBispathodus-dominated conodont assemblages contain an admixture ofPolygnathus representing a transported, near-shore component. The eustatic sea-level fall in the praesulcata Zone and the lowstand conditions at the D/C boundary resulted in a decline of carbonate platform production and condensed deposition or nondeposition. In the Lesní lom section, a condensed sequence of turrbiditic calcarenites and shales (Middle praesulcata—lowermost sulcata Zone) was followed by lime mud calciturbidites (sulcata and duplicata Zones). In the conodont assemblages, the first event in the Lower praesulcata Zone was associated with the reduction of ‘mesopelagic’Palmatopic and a bloom of epipelagicPolygnathus communis. The second event in the Middle praesulcata Zone corresponds to the onset of polygnathidprotogranthodid biofacies, indicating a carbonate slope environment. In the Grygov section, a pronounced thickening and upward-coarsening succession of tubiditic calcilutites through calcarenites and intraclast breccias, with poor palmatolepid-bispathodid connodont assemblages (expansa Zone), indicates a progradation of the calciturbidite system associated with sea-level highstand. After a break in sedimentation, covering the interval from the Lower praseulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, thick-bedded, fine-grained calciturbidites were deposited in the Lower crenulata Zone, and are associated with poor, mixed assemblages where siphonodellids and polygnathids predominate. At the isosticha-Upper crenulata/Lower typicus boundary, coasre grained, turbiditic calcarenites and breccias rich in clastic quartz grains and mixed conodont assemblages with reworked Frasnian and Famennian conodonts indicate a deep erosion of the source area, presumably due totectonic uplift (relative lowstand). In the Jesenec section, on the flanks of the volcanic seamount (the Drahany Development), a deep-water Upper Famennian condensed succession of calciturbidites and presumably winnowed pelagic limestones is marked by conodont assemblages of palmatolepid-bispathodid biofacies. More proximal calciturbidites with mixed deep-water and shallowwater conodonts prograde at the top of the Upper Famennian succession (Middle to Upper expansa Zone). A striking hiatus, covering the interval from the Early preaesulcata to the base of Lower crenulata Zone, resulted from extreme condensation and submarine bottom current erosion due to sea-level lowstand in the late Famennian and early Tournaisian. The renewed middle Tournaisian calciturbidite sedimentation with strong evidence of erosion at the source area indicates global eustatic rise and tectonic uplift of the Drahany Development seamounts (relative lowstand). The earlier occurrence of the uplift in the Jesenec area, relative to the Grygov section, shows the advance of tectonic processes over time in the Moravian-Silesian basin (orogenic polarity) as a consequence of Variscan orogenic movements.  相似文献   

We present the trends of absolute conodont abundance, relative genera abundance, and conodont morphometrics across the Late Devonian Kellwasser horizons at three northern Gondwanan epicontinental seaway locations.

At three contrasting depositional settings, the Kellwasser events are characterized by a decrease in conodont abundance, high percentage of the conodont genus Icriodus and morphological change of the conodont genus Palmatolepis. These changes can be identified in sections where the events are expressed as interbedded anoxic and oxic deposits as well as in settings characterized by continuous anoxic sediment accumulation. Hence, these changes are interpreted as global and synchronous and can be thus used for event correlation.

The paradox of these results is that despite quite similar isotopic signals, faunal change during the Lower Kellwasser event was less than during the Upper Kellwasser event. We interpret that this discrepancy is due to an unconformity (including topmost Frasnian to earliest Famennian) at several F/F sections which removed the record of peak paleoenvironmental change.  相似文献   

Diverse conodont and silicified ostracod assemblages were found in the Spanish Pyrenees (Els Castells section), in the Frasnian/Famennian boundary beds (late rhenana and/or linguiformis to late triangularis zones), in strata below and above the well-known Kellwasser Extinction Event. Many of the ostracods studied here are conspicuous elements of the “Thuringian Mega-Assemblage”, and show maximum affinities with faunas from the southeastern Cantabrian Mountains (Spain), eastern Thuringia and the Harz (Germany). The composition of the faunas, however, is not uniform through the Els Castells section. A rather sharp break exists, roughly coinciding with the Frasnian/Famennian boundary. The break is characterized by the disappearance of many ostracods typical of the “Thuringian Mega-Assemblage”. This correlates with an important change in the conodont faunas related to the Kellwasser Event. The Frasnian (late rhenana and/or linguiformis zones) palmatolepid-polygnathid biofacies is followed in Famennian strata (middle and late triangularis zones) by a palmatolepid-icriodid biofacies. The icriodid maximum in the earliest Famennian rocks of the Pyrenees correlates with the “Icriodid Peak” described elsewhere. These changes depend on the age and palaeoenvironmental conditions.  相似文献   

Summary Compositional variations and grain-size properties of both carbonate constituents and conodonts as an alternative component group were used for interpreting the processes governing the deposition of upper Famennian and middle Tournaisian calciturbidites in Moravia, Czech Republic. Both the composition and grain-size properties of conodont element associations showed to be markedly dependant on facies type of their host sediment. Upper Devonian calciturbidite successions deposited on flanks of wide, Moravian-Silesian carbonate platform are composed mainly of echinoderm-and peloid-rich wacke/packstones and intraclastic float/rudstones (fine-grained calciturbidites, “normal” calciturbidites with Tab Bouma sequences, debris-flow breccias) with abundance of shelf-and shelf margin conodont taxa and epipelagic and “mesopelagic” conodonts. Upper Devonian calciturbidites deposited on slopes of volcanic sea-mounts are composed of echinoderm-and peloid-rich wacke/packstones and float/rudstones with increased proportion of intraclasts and volcanigenic lithoclasts (fine-grained calciturbidites, normal calciturbidites), yeilding abundant conodont associations with higher proportion of “mesopelagic” taxa compared to the platform-flank examples. Middle Tournaisian calciturbidite succession composed of crinoid-, peloid-, intraclast-and lithoclast-rich lime mudstones, wacke/packstones and float/rudstones (normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias) yielded conodont element associations rich in shelt-and shelf-margin taxa, “mesopelagic” conodonts and reworked Middle-and Upper Devonian conodonts. In general, the ratio of shelf-and shelf margin conodont taxa to “mesopelagic” taxa is distinctly lower in finegrained calciturbidites than it is in normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias. Grain-size properties (mean grain size and sorting) and percentage of fragmented conodont elements, too, are markedly dependant on the facies type: in fine-grained calciturbidites the values of mean grain-size and fragmentation are low and the sorting is good to very good whereas in normal calciturbidites and debris-flow breccias the values of mean grain-size and fragmentation are distinctly higher and the sorting is poorer. The interdependence of facies type and composition and grain-size properties of conodont element associations in gravity-flow deposits is explained as resultant from hydrodynamic sorting during turbidity current flow and final deposition of the bed. Compositional variations observed in our sections may thus be attributed to facies variability (coarsening-and thickening-upward trends) rather than to sea-level fluctuations (highstand shedding of carbonate platforms). On the other hand, significant enrichment in reworked conodont taxa in middle Tournaisian normal calciturbidites compared to scarcity and/or absence of such conodonts in essentially identical facies of upper Famennian age indicate sea-level to be the major control governing such compositional variations, with low relative sea-level stand in middle Tournaisian and high relative sea-level stand in upper Famennian. Thorough analysis of conodont evolution, palaeoecology and taphonomy, with emphasis on understanding the processes of deposition of their host rock, are recommended for any biostratigraphic and biofacies study to be done in carbonate sediments deposited under strong hydrodynamic regimes, such as calciturbidites, temperstites, debris-flow deposits, shelf-edge oolitic sands, tidal-channel facies etc.  相似文献   

Long-term morphological changes were investigated in the conodont genus Palmatolepis, using a Fourier analysis of the outline of platform elements. Three time-slices and four Late Frasnian - Early Famennian sections on North Gondwana were studied. No difference existed between locations, but shape variations were recorded associated with the successive Kellwasser events. The Middle Famennian period was analyzed in a section located at the Baltica margin across the annulata event. Some morphological changes may be related to the deposition of the corresponding black shales, but the main feature is a heterogeneity of the populations, which can be split into two morphological types. Latest Famennian conodonts from another North Gondwanan section show only minor shape changes during this time interval, which is environmentally stable prior to the global Hangenberg event. Based on synthetic shape variations across the whole period an morphological trend towards narrower elements is observed. This morphological change happens step-wise in response to global events. The amplitude of the shape shift is proportionally related to the extend of the successive Late Devonian global events.  相似文献   

DAVID BOND 《Geobiology》2006,4(3):167-177
The homoctenids (Tentaculitoidea) are small, conical‐shelled marine animals that are among the most abundant and widespread of all Late Devonian fossils. They were a principal casualty of the Frasnian–Famennian (F‐F, Late Devonian) mass extinction, and thus provide an insight into the extinction dynamics. Despite their abundance during the Late Devonian, they have been largely neglected by extinction studies. A number of Frasnian–Famennian boundary sections have been studied, in Poland, Germany, France, and the USA. These sections have yielded homoctenids, which allow precise recognition of the timing of the mass extinction. It is clear that the homoctenids almost disappear from the fossil record during the latest Frasnian ‘Upper Kellwasser Event’. The coincident extinction of this pelagic group, and the widespread development of intense marine anoxia within the water column, provides a causal link between anoxia and the F‐F extinction. Most notable is the sudden demise of a group, which had been present in rock‐forming densities, during this anoxic event. One new species, belonging to Homoctenus is described, but is not formally named here.  相似文献   

The Frasnian–Famennian extinction witnessed the global devastation of both level‐bottom and reef communities in low latitudes. Marine extinctions in offshore level‐bottom communities are associated with two widespread, transgressive, anoxic ‘Kellwasser Events’ that support an anoxia–extinction link. Typical Kellwasser facies of bituminous limestones and shales are not obviously recorded in shallow‐water settings, and thus, it is unclear whether anoxia played a role in reef losses. We evaluate geochemical, petrographic and facies evidence for oxygen restriction from an extremely shallow‐water carbonate platform in Alberta. Sequence stratigraphy places the Frasnian–Famennian boundary at a sequence boundary that tops a laminated mudstone and interrupts carbonate platform deposition. Two transgressive pulses have been identified, one of which is associated with the second, major transgression of T‐R cycle IId of the Devonian eustatic sea‐level curve. Geochemical proxies indicate that these transgressions were accompanied by influx of dysoxic or anoxic waters. Organic carbon and U enrichment in the Frasnian, particularly just below the Frasnian–Famennian boundary, points to episodic dysoxic conditions that probably persisted into the basal Famennian and were coincidental with the global Upper Kellwasser Event. This study provides the first evidence for the smoking gun of an anoxia‐driven extinction in very shallow waters, implicating this potent killer in the demise of the Devonian reefs.  相似文献   

The Canning Basin of northwestern Australia is a key area for understanding global changes at the “Kellwasser Events” and the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary. Frasnian stromatoporoid‐coral‐cyanobacterial reef platforms stretched out for enormous distances along the palaeoshelf but in the early Famennian they were completely replaced by cyanobacterial reef platforms. An iridium anomaly in the sequence was formerly believed to be at or close to the boundary and was interpreted as possible evidence for an asteroid impact. Recent field work and detailed biostratigraphy in the area east and southeast of Fitzroy Crossing has given dating relevant to the timing and extent of sea level changes, hypoxic incursions and reef backstepping. Goniatites and conodonts provide correlations with the international biostratigraphy.

In the Horse Spring area the stage boundary falls within the Virgin Hills Formation which normally has a rich pelagic goniatite, nautiloid and conodont fauna. In the latest Frasnian (Zone 13 of Klapper 1989; regional Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri Zone) large allochthonous reef blocks moved downslope into the open marine basin. A diverse gastropod fauna is associated with the last atrypid brachiopods. The faunal record at the immediate boundary is obscured by dolomitisation but manticoceratid goniatites range into this level. There is no evidence for the organic‐rich dark Kellwasser limestone facies.

In the McWhae Ridge area two Frasnian goniatite horizons with Beloceras trilobites and the giant Mamicoceras guppyi and Sphaeromanticoceras lindneri transgress over the reef slope. Stromatolitic cyanobacterial beds mark condensations. Again there is no trace of the oxygen‐depleted Kellwasser facies. However, as at Horse Spring, manticoceratids persisted into dolomitic marker beds that have no other preserved macrofauna. The iridium anomaly associated with Frutexites postdates the Frasnian‐Famennian boundary and was formed by cyanobacterial concentration.  相似文献   

Conodont animals were early jawless vertebrates equipped with a feeding apparatus composed of several tooth‐like elements. The P1 elements, at the rear of the apparatus, were characterized by a robust shape and rapid morphological evolution. Occlusion occurred between paired right and left P1 elements, occasioning some bilateral asymmetry, which, together with allometric growth, may partially obliterate the temporal differences. The present study aims to disentangle these different components of morphological variation in Late Devonian Polygnathus P1 conodont elements. An extensive 2D geometric morphometric analysis of the platform shape was performed through the Famennian record of two outcrops. This analysis was completed by a 3D study on a subset of conodont elements. The 2D and 3D morphometric quantifications provided highly congruent results, showing that the 2D shape constitutes a good approximation of the element geometry. The 3D analysis delivered further insights into the relationship between the geometry of the elements and the constraints related to occlusion. The 2D analysis allowed a quantitative assessment of the variation among species and through time. Allometry and bilateral asymmetry were differently expressed depending on the species considered, suggesting that constraints imposed on pairing by the morphology of the elements varied even among related species. The within‐species variation was so important that it largely obliterated temporal trends; a relationship of Polygnathus shape and conodont biofacies variations through the Famennian nevertheless suggested an evolution driven by ecological interactions between conodont genera.  相似文献   

Correlations of Upper Triassic magnetic stratigraphies from Tethyan sections have been hampered by difficulties with conodont biostratigraphy and taxonomy, and discontinuous sedimentation, particularly in the ‘Hallstatt Limestones’ of Turkey and Austria. The magnetic stratigraphy and conodont biostratigraphy from the Upper Carnian to Upper Norian limestones exposed at Silická Brezová (Slovakia) can be correlated to other Tethyan sections and to the continental succession in the Newark Basin. The resulting correlations help to resolve some of the apparent discrepancies in existing conodont zonations, and result in a revised correlation to North American terrestrial vertebrate and palynological zones. The correlations imply that the Norian-Rhaetian boundary lies within Newark polarity zone E17r at ∼207 Ma. The Carnian-Norian boundary lies close to the base of Newark polarity zone E7r at ∼226 Ma. This implies durations for the Norian and Rhaetian stages of 19 Myr and 7 Myr, respectively.  相似文献   

Forty-four ostracod species are recognised from the upper part of the Eifelian to the base of the Famennian of the Djebel Mech Irdane, Bou Tchrafine and El Atrous sections, in the Tafilalt. The majority are in open nomenclature, and one is new: Tubulibairdia tafilaltensis nov. sp. Ostracods belong principally to the Eifelian Mega-Assemblage and they are generally indicative of poorly oxygenated relatively deep marine environments below storm wave base. However, in the base of the Famennian of the Bou Tchrafine section, ostracods belong to the Myodocopid Mega-Assemblage indicative of strong hypoxic water conditions. They confirm that the hypoxic water conditions linked to the “Upper Kellwasser Horizon”, subsisted in North Africa, in the extreme base of the Famennian. Twenty-four ostracod species are recognized in the Djebel Mech Irdane Eifelian/Givetian stratotype, where the most important change in the ostracod fauna is related to the 40 cm-thick level of grey silty-marl located 10 cm below the boundary. However, this change is not indicative of an extinction event at this level. Three zones established on ostracods are recognized in the Frasnian and in the base of the Famennian of the Tafilalt.  相似文献   

Conodont biostratigraphical work was done at four sections recently found with occurrence of the rhynchonellide brachiopod genus, Dzieduszyckia Siemiradzki, in southern Guangxi and in the border area between Dushan County of Guizhou and Nandan County of Guangxi, South China. These sections represent two different types of facies, i.e., carbonate platform and intraplatform basin. The conodont analysis reveals that this genus occurs in the Upper triangularis Zone and the Middle crepida Zone at the Dazhai Section, through the Lower to Upper crepida zones at Dalong, and is restricted within the Upper rhomboidea Zone at the two intraplatform basin sections (Changtang and Duli). This result demonstrates that the occurrence of these peculiar rhynchonellide brachiopods in South China, regardless of the depositional environments, is within the Lower Famennian instead of the previously suggested Upper Famennian. Furthermore, this brachiopod genus in South China began to inhabit on the carbonate platform almost since the beginning of the Famennian and did not extend to the intraplatform basin facies until the late Early Famennian.Available biostratigraphic data indicate that during the Early and Middle Famennian, Dzieduszyckia is widely distributed not only in South China, but also throughout the world, such as Morocco and southern Ural.Observation on the new collections from the four studied sections reveals that the peculiar rhynchonellide brachiopods have a great morphological variation within each section. Significant differences existed among the collections from different sedimentary settings and localities, probably reflecting the environmental and geographic constraint on the morphology of Dzieduszyckia. Samples from different layers in the same section have nearly identical morphological variation, suggesting the temporal inheritance in morphology of the rhynchonellide brachiopod.  相似文献   

Abstract: In the early Late Devonian, terminal Frasnian proetid trilobites have previously only been known from Europe and North Africa. For the first time, a rich fauna of late Frasnian proetids is described from the Virgin Hills Formation, Canning Basin, Western Australia. Seventeen species in six genera are described, of which three are new: Rudybole gen. nov., Palpebralina gen. nov. and Canningbole gen. nov. A new subgenus, Chlupaciparia (Australoparia) subgen. nov. is also described. Fourteen of the species are new: Palpebralia initialis sp. nov., P. pustulata sp. nov., ?P. sp. nov. A, Rudybole depressa sp. nov., Palpebralina pseudopalpebralis sp. nov. (comprising the subspecies P. pseudopalpebralis pseudopalpebralis subsp. nov. and P. pseudopalpebralis ultima subsp. nov.), P. minor sp. nov., P. ocellifer sp. nov., Canningbole latimargo sp. nov., C. henwoodorum sp. nov., C. macromma sp. nov., Pteroparia extrema sp. nov., Chlupaciparia (Chlupaciparia) planiops sp. nov., Chlupaciparia (Australoparia) australis sp. nov. and C. (Australoparia) lata sp. nov. The subspecies Rudybole adorfensis angusta subsp. nov. is also described. The proetids range through conodont Zones 11–13b and terminate at the Upper Kellwasser Event, which marks the terminal Frasnian mass extinction event. Three of the six proetid lineages, Palpebralia, Canningbole and Pteroparia, show evolutionary trends of eye reduction. Two of the remaining lineages, Rudybole and Palpebralina, consist exclusively of blind taxa. The last, Chlupaciparia, also comprises forms with reduced eyes. The proetids show a stepped pattern of extinction during the late Frasnian, which correlate with two Kellwasser biocrises documented in European/North African Frasnian sections. The highest diversity preceded the Lower Kellwasser event that occurred at the end of conodont Zone 12 and saw the extinction of all species present in that zone. However, only one genus, Pteroparia, locally became extinct. A major higher‐level taxonomic mass extinction at the top of Zone 13b initiated the Upper Kellwasser extinction event. This included extinction at the generic level, with all five remaining genera becoming extinct, and at the family level, with the loss of the Tropidocoryphidae.  相似文献   

Two sequences (SFr, SFa), each 1-1.2 Myr in duration, are recognised in the strata across the Frasnian-Famennian (F-F) transition both in carbonate platform and interplatform basinal successions in South China. The sequence boundary between the two sequences is placed a little below the top of the Frasnian. The sequences are basically composed of coarsening-upward/bed-thickness increasing-upward cycles and shallowing-upward cycles (parasequences) in basinal and platform deposits respectively, which stack into cycle-sets (typically six to eight cycles). 10 and 12 cycle-sets are identified in sequences SFr and SFa respectively. These cycle-sets can be further grouped into larger-scale composite cycle-sets (herein termed mesocycle- and megacycle-sets with two and four cycle-sets respectively). This vertical cycle-stacking pattern and the hierarchy of cyclicity suggest a Milankovitch style of forcing such that the cycles and cycle-sets were formed in response to the orbital perturbations of precession (16-18 kyr) and eccentricity (∼100 kyr in duration), respectively. In the basinal cycles, smaller-scale rhythmic stratification beds (typically six to eight beds in a cycle) are extensive, and were likely caused by millennial-scale climatic forcing. In the lower sequence, SFr, the latest highstand deposits consist of calciturbidites and debrites in deep-water strata and fenestral limestones in shallow-water strata, representing a major (third-order) sea-level fall. Within these deposits, four cycle-sets are further identified in both coeval deep-water and platform successions. Succeeding deeper-water organic-rich facies, within which three cycles occur, are the transgressive deposits of the overlying Famennian sequence (SFa). These cycles represent three higher-frequency (16-18 kyr) sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia, superimposed on a major third-order sea-level rise. The F-F boundary is placed at the top of the first cycle, based on conodont data. Thus, a major sea-level fall and then a rise occurred in the F-F transitional period. Faunal and sedimentological data reveal a massive biotic decline in concert with the major sea-level fall, and a further biotic demise coinciding with the major sea-level rise and its three superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia. The F-F biotic crisis was therefore characterised by two episodes of step-down extinction. On the basis of Milankovitch orbital rhythms, the first major biotic extinction took place over ∼400 kyr, and the subsequent event was ∼50 kyr in duration, i.e. ∼450 kyr for the entire event. At the same time as the massive decline of normal-marine fossils during the latest Frasnian sea-level fall, there was widespread cyanobacterial growth and a thriving of planktonic calcispheres, suggesting eutrophic conditions. This situation could have caused a severe biotic loss, as a result of the deterioration of surface water clarity and formation of anoxic bottom waters due to over-consumption of oxygen through respiratory demands and decomposition by the cyanobacteria and phytoplankton. The subsequent rapid sea-level rise with superimposed higher-frequency sea-level fluctuations and accompanying anoxia could have caused rapid elevation of anoxic bottom waters and expansion of eutrophic surface waters over shallow-water platforms due to enhanced upwelling ocean currents and improved ocean circulation. This situation would have exerted further stresses upon the already-weakened biota, leading to a further biotic demise. However, a small number of organisms such as pelagic tentaculitids, small mud-adapted brachiopods and gastropods did survive into the Famennian, although with very low diversity.  相似文献   

新疆准噶尔盆地西北缘洪古勒楞组时代的新认识   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
标准地点的洪古勒楞组长期以来一直被认为是准噶尔盆地西北缘,乃至整个新疆北部以海相为主的层位上最高的晚泥盆世晚期的沉积。然而牙形类和微体脊椎动物的研究证实,该组跨弗拉阶-法门阶(F-F)界线,它至少包括了一小部分弗拉晚期和主体部分为法门早期的沉积。两个牙形类带LaterhenanaZone和MiddlecrepidaZone被识别出,它们在F-F界线附近,并分别在大绝灭事件(在linguiformisZone内)之前后。另一个层位更高的牙形类带LatecrepidaZone也可能存在。同时还证实,长期以来一直被认为“正常层序”的标准地点的洪古勒楞组的层序是倒转的。由此,含植物大化石Leptophloeumrhobicum等的陆相层在下(此层可能归于该组下伏的朱鲁木特组),而产牙形类和其它丰富的无脊椎动物的海相层在上。按牙形类年代带的年代地层时间表(Fordham,1992),该组距今约368-364百万年。至于它和邻近地区和布克河组的关系,由于后者发现了更高层位的牙形类,两者还不能完全对比。  相似文献   

From the early Famennian of the Montagne Noire 19 different morphotypes of probably phyllocarid (Crustacea) affinities are described. Apart from formerly unknown enamel-like structures that veil the uppermost tips of the denticles on most of the gnathal lobe morphs, the stratigraphic implications concerning extinction behaviour across the Kellwasser mass extinction event and during early Famennian diversification are discussed. In addition, phyllocarids in the Famennian seem to form a useful stratigraphic tool for biostratigraphical correlation. Therefore, three basal Famennian phyllocarid assemblage zones are distinguished.   相似文献   

Is the ability to respond to minor perturbations a key to survival to major crisis? This idea was supported by previous studies on Late Devonian conodonts. Genera surviving the Frasnian/Famennian (F/F) crisis, at the end of the Upper Kellwasser anoxic event, had shown a response to a similar but minor event, the Lower Kellwasser (LKW). In contrast, the genus Ancyrodella went extinct at the F/F crisis. This study aims to assess whether this extinction was associated with the absence of response to the minor LKW event. For this purpose, the shape of the P1 platform elements of the conodont Ancyrodella curvata was quantified based on their 2‐D outlines. Conodonts were extracted from two outcrops documenting the Late Devonian Kellwasser events, Coumiac (France) and Mrirt (Morocco). Ancyrodella curvata is characterized by a marked allometric growth that may blur any other source of shape difference, like response to the LKW. Hence, a multivariate method was developed to disentangle size‐free from size‐related shape variations. No coherent temporal size variations emerged from the analysis, but allometry occurring along the growth of the element indeed appeared as the prevailing source of shape variation. By isolating size‐free variations, however, we were able to evidence a morphometric response of A. curvata to the LKW independent from the allometric pattern. Hence, the extinction of A. curvata at the F/F crisis cannot be attributed to an absence of response to minor events. The amount of shape change involved in the LKW shift is, however, of minor importance in comparison with the shape variation due to allometric growth. Alternate hypotheses have been further investigated. Ancyrodella curvata appears as a rare species in the assemblages, and its distribution worldwide suggests a rather specialist taxon. Considering survivorship curves (i.e. frequency distribution of the conodont as a function of its size) A. curvata was characterized by low and constant mortality rate. This may be a clue for a long growth and progressive investment in the reproduction. These arguments support the view that A. curvata was a rather specialist, rare and ‘K‐selected’ taxon. All these factors may not be exclusive and their unfavourable conjunction might have been the key to the extinction of A. curvata.  相似文献   

The Upper Devonian reef complexes of the Canning Basin contain some of the world’s best exposed, continuous stratigraphic sections through the Frasnian-Famennian boundary. The facies distribution and composition of these reef complexes record interactions among sea level changes, sediment supply, ocean chemistry, and paleoecology. Changes in relative sea level produced spatial shifts in reef platform development and regional changes in sediment supply that can be correlated across facies boundaries using a combination of sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, and carbon isotope stratigraphy. During the lowstand interval below the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, the reef margin advanced down the reef slope in shallow-water environments, and siliciclastics locally dominated in the marginal slope environment. Compilation of a broad late Frasnian to early Famennian sequence stratigraphic framework for the Canning Basin demonstrates that transgressive intervals correlate to positive carbon isotopic excursions within the basin. These isotopic shifts also can be correlated to time-equivalent positive carbon isotopic excursions reported from transgressive intervals in Europe. Thus, the late Frasnian transgressions in the Canning Basin were primarily eustatic rather than tectonic in origin, and positive carbon isotopic signatures of the Kellwasser horizons are globally correlative.  相似文献   

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